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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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35277301 No.35277301 [Reply] [Original]

So, a Japanese friend of my told me that in Japan that don't really use "watashi", "anata" and "kimi" in normal every day speech.
Does this mean that anime is a lie and all the years I've spent learning vocabulary from anime was entirely pointless?

>> No.35277302


>> No.35277303

Yes. If you can't tell that your friend is full of shit you definitely haven't used your study time effectively.

>> No.35277304

I have no idea but I thought it was rude if you know their name to use anata or kimi

>> No.35277305

Idk, I mean, in English films characters talk and say phrases that are right but no one actually says. I'm ESL so when I would say unironically say stuff like "look who spilled the beans" or some other retarded phrase, my english friends would ask why I'm talking like I'm from a movie. I bet a lot of other languages have that, arabic and english do, why can't Japanese?

>> No.35277306


>> No.35277307

watashi is polite "I" they use all the time
your friend is trolling you

>> No.35277308

that's not such an uncommon idiom. Your friends are weird to have phrased it like that.

>> No.35277309

I thinks that's a cute drawing

>> No.35277310

Your friend is correct. A large part of general conversation is context and words like that are only used if you want to make it absolutely clear who you are referring to. If there's only two of you having the conversation, it's not necessary to say watashi if it's obvious that you're referring to yourself.

>> No.35277311

I guess, those were some old people I used to talk to, and besides, they would usually talk like twitterfags, so idk. English is really fucking weird and annoying

>> No.35277312

Your friend is correct. "Kisama" is the preferred word, be sure to use it when you talk to Japanese people

>> No.35277313

That and make sure to throw "yarou" in sometimes.

>> No.35277314

are those words more common as theatrical effect? i see watashi and kimi used all the time in music. there is no way that casual japanese doesnt use anata.

>> No.35277315

Yes that is right.

>> No.35277316
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What did ore just hear kisama bakaraou say about ore?

>> No.35277317

kill yourself

>> No.35277318

It's kinda like salutes, presentations and so. Very outdated in books or apps and even worst in anime. You have things like "ohayou gozaimasu" ever present in anime when the more common way is "manko tabetai".

>> No.35277319
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Your friend is both right and wrong. Every word in Japanese has an extremely complex hierarchy of social implications with infinite double meanings that are impossible for a foreigner to grasp. You might as well give up, you won't ever understand Japanese.

>> No.35277320

watashi is just stiff and boring. and all three are clunky because you don't need to keep designating you or I as the subject when in most situations it's obvious

>> No.35277321

just use whatever you want, no japanese would ever correct you because they're gigantic pussies lol

>> No.35277322

a kiss for you too anon

>> No.35277323

You're an asshole.

>> No.35277324

apparently "anata" is kind of a rude word to say because they expect you to remember their name if you've already met them once and it's more polite to call anyone by name there.

>> No.35277325

it's just weird to keep referring to someone directly in general. it feels like you're being spoken at, not having a conversation

>> No.35277326

This. Just become a /fit/ big dick chad before going to Japan and you can say whatever you want and they won't do shit lmao

>> No.35277327
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should I actually learn jap? Other than watching animu, what are some actual benefits

>> No.35277328

Better chance at being hired by Japanese firms abroad

>> No.35277329

Why the fuck would you want that? Western work culture is bad enough.

>> No.35277330

You can just add it to your resume even if it's not needed for the job.

>> No.35277331

quite a lot, the biggest benefits for me is to be able to browse japanese internet blogs and boards, they are wild.

>> No.35277332

Lol? The benefit is that you will know the language. The only person who can know if it's worthwhile for sure is you

>> No.35277333

The entirety of Japanese media will open up to you in its purest form without shitty localizations and having to wait for said shitty localizations holding you back
Since I assume you are a fan of this stuff then knowing Japanese would be a gigantic boon for you

>> No.35277334

If you consume japanese media daily and will for the next half a decade at least, you're literally wasting time your time not learning it.

>> No.35277335

you have the ability to talk to 125 million people, you can read (some) books, understand movies, music and other media, prospect for a cool job in nihon, you'll be bilingual, might get a wife

>> No.35277336

games and lns

>> No.35277337

they're all used commonly though watashi has been falling out of style among men for quite some time

>> No.35277338

Where did this boon meme come from?

>> No.35277339

seems like the best reasons. I barley consume burger media, so I guess learning jap can just help me appreciate/understand the shit I'm watching and reading more

>> No.35277340

>apparently "anata" is kind of a rude word
Don't married couples use it a lot? It can be used as "darling" in English

>> No.35277341

You probably shouldn't use those words when talking to your friends. There are other situations where they are very common though.

>> No.35277342

What are you talking about?

>> No.35277343

true, see >>35277341

>> No.35277344

Work is work, and they don't push their insane Japanese standards to their overseas branches

>> No.35277345

Media consumption alone is not a good enough reason especially with a language as complex as Japanese

>> No.35277346

It's a path to at minimum not being beholden to shitty official subs if one of the few remaining quality fansubbing groups hasn't picked up the series you want. And there's plenty beyond that, a ton of shit from official sources of a franchise never gets translated, and if you enjoy artwork from nip artists that includes short comics then you'd have to get pretty lucky to get an anon willing to specifically translate that. Tbdesu after a certain point of seeing untranslated shit literally daily as well as getting increasingly triggered at such terribly shitty official subs (absolute clowns at funishit have mistranslated elementary level things multiple times now just on Dynazenon) it eventually became a no-brainer to commit to starting for real

>> No.35277347

because they can't throw fbombs around in movies. Can't just say, yeah nah mate, you fucked it big time

>> No.35277348

true, if anything the work environment is actually even more relaxed than local industry
thats my experience at toyota a few years ago btw

>> No.35277349

yes it is

>> No.35277350

No it isn't

>> No.35277351

How complex though? I learned another language other than Japanese and can read hiragana and katakana. Does one need a specific way of thinking to really grasp Japanese, or is it rather like all language learning?

>> No.35277352

yes it is

>> No.35277354


>> No.35277353

VERY awkward to use anata for anyone except your lover and you feel like being ridiculously formal.
Only acceptable if you have no idea what their name is. That's equivalent to "hey you" in english.
The entire japanese language is principled around the first person perspective so fucking of course they use watashi. Obviously guys might give you shit if you're an adult and don't use ore, but seriously, of course they're going to use something there.

>> No.35277355

When all other media seems to be shit outside of nip land, seems like a good enough reason

>> No.35277356

Kill yourself, /v/edditor.

>> No.35277357

It's a time and commitment issue with all languages. The problem with Japanese is the kanji. There is no real way to learn kanji other than repetition and memorization, just like it is with Mandarin, which kanji is based on. Unfortunately, there are consistency problems with kanji, which don't exist in Mandarin. If you learned the Mandarin word for day, as in "ri" you would now know how to say that specific word from then on. Japanese kanji on the other hand takes that kanji and has more than half a dozen ways to say it, many of which are common daily use words. For native English speakers there are other problems like sentence structure being awkward to understand and all that. Knowingly hiragana and katakana is not much at all. It is not like the English alphabet.

>> No.35277358

>guys might give you shit if you're an adult and don't use ore,
What if you want to sound like shota and use "boku" instead? Would that be awkward?

>> No.35277359

Music is generally completely different from normal speak, same here. The lyrical "I" in music for females is often also just boku instead of watashi or whatever.

It is common to just use names instead, even if you're talking with the person you're mentioning. There's also a constant shift for pronouns. Iirc these days jibun becomes kinda popular among youths as first person pronoun.

>> No.35277360
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>> No.35277361

Yes anon, learning Japanese from anime is like learning English from a CW show. You’re going to sound very retarded if you speak to an actual native

>> No.35277362
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anglophone learners of japanese will complain that they have to memorize the meanings and readings of each kanji by rote
but little do they know they had to do the same thing when learning english

>> No.35277363

Have you successfully learned Japanese then, or are you a native speaker? If the former, when did you start learning? Is it useless to start over 20? I feel as if one the most challening things of learning the language would be writing in general. Is that usually a focus point which is skipped when learning? As in, you don't need to be able to master writing to master the language? As you put it, the kanji are very intimidating.

>> No.35277364
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>jibun becomes kinda popular
Jibun wo?

>> No.35277365

Unironically watch nip you tubers if you want to know how they actually talk, applies to all languages really

>> No.35277366


>> No.35277367

There's nothing really wrong with using boku here and there, but if you use it exclusively people might look at you funny.

>> No.35277368

It all depends on the individual. If you really like Japanese media then yeah it's a great reason and that's that.

>> No.35277369

Why the fuck would I want to learn japanese to talk to native speakers? No way I'm going to that country, and typing in japanese is a slog. Understanding anime, manga, LN and VN is good enough.

>> No.35277370

sadly less than 10% of current nu 4chan(nel) will have any idea what this is

>> No.35277371

No, I haven't. I'm still learning it right now, so you should take what I say with a grain of salt. However, you are never too old to learn anything. The question to answer is how long it will take and how much of a headache it will be and is it worth it to you. I'm learning it because I enjoy it and I am definitely older than you. Do you think you will enjoy learning it? And do you see yourself making use of it outside of just media consumption?

>> No.35277372

I heard boku quite a lot while studying in Japan. They definitely use it.

>> No.35277373

>Is it useless to start over 20?
Learning anything is not a race dude
Why would it matter whether you start learning at 20 or at 55?

>> No.35277374

Jap girls are hot anon

>> No.35277375

japanese people? I learn japanese for the purpose of comunicating with other online nazis and assorted white supremacists

>> No.35277376

Movies, tv shows and games are how us ESLcels learn english fluency through

>> No.35277377

>Japanese kanji on the other hand takes that kanji and has more than half a dozen ways to say it
I don't think this is really true. Commonly used kanji mostly use one common on and one common kun reading. Obviously there are some exceptions.

>> No.35277378

So Kanji actually seem kind of fun to learn, I’ve picked up almost 100 already, but the big intimidating part for me is the fact that Japanese is a completely non-Indo-European language.
How bad is Japanese in terms of alien grammar if I already know English and am passable in German?

>> No.35277379

>>35277301 I think >>35277353 is correct. Anata implies some intimacy. Kimi is overly direct and seen as a little lacking in respect. And I suppose the formal and gender neutral watashi might just not de favored by many in day to day speech.

>> No.35277380

Well given that it was made on the other side of the planet, I'd say very.

>> No.35277381

don't answer the question if you don't know dick about the subject you retards

>> No.35277382

all you have to is watch anime with no subs 24/7, then spice things up with some manga and then (visual) novels. oh and don't forget daily flashcard reviews (but if you have entire days to spend on watching stuff then maybe just go with pure immersion). /jp/ has daily japanese thread so you can go there more info 草w

>> No.35277383

Is that the girl from 3gatsu

>> No.35277384

I refuse to believe that grown men refer to themselves with ore. They don't, right.

>> No.35277404 [DELETED] 

Gay mods

>> No.35277409

last time i used boku and got called retarded in japanese
then i used watashi another time and got told to stop using a translator when i wasn't
i hate the language so much
twitter slang is basically it's own language, the idiom you used was fine and you still hear it being used

>> No.35277424

What I mean is how bad difficult is the grammar to learn? The very fact that it’s not an Indo-European SVO languages intimidates me but what is it actually like? Is there a actual good guide to it that breaks down sentences into their literal word for word translations and explains what each particle does?

>> No.35277432
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I kinda hate those fuckers when they do this, but these are one of the few chances to see what happen outside of /a/

>> No.35277450

>but these are one of the few chances
You know other boards constantly exist, right? There's nothing stopping you from sating your curiosity at any point. There's not much to see anyway.

>> No.35277454

Come to /m/ I visit here only about twice a month and got stuck in this thread when this happened. But only if you have non moe-lover taste. No cute girls doing cute things, please.

>> No.35277466

this thread gave me some light keks, thanks OP

>> No.35277484

It's a lot more complicated than that. So much so that a simple guide wouldn't be enough to explain it entirely. The simplest way I can put it is to take everything you've ever learned about grammar and sentence structure and disregard entirely or do the opposite of what you've been doing all your life.

>> No.35277525

I'm 24 nearing 25, almost a year of jp studies, which isn't really much but from this ammount of time I already feel confident that learning the language is much doable
started studying because I figured if I was fluent by age 30 then I'd have like 30-40 years to enjoy it if nothing weird happens out of a sudden
I don't think you need to learn how to write though it might help, when I started and knew nothing, writing things down helped for sure, but then I got more used to how kanji worked and I just stopped
I myself don't really plan on writing things by hand for the time being, I rarely write by hand on the languages I already know
I haven't really tried much typing with japanese yet but at least on the windows keyboard it lets you form kanji from kana(that I just type like I would a normal keyboard, so "yousei" is typed as ようせい and then you pick the kanji reading 妖精, which means fairy)
Kanji is pretty intimidating since it's all scribbles at first and there's a lot of them but it is one of those things that you see it so much that at some point you just know what each one means, it can be frustrating at times when you forget something that you feel like you should know but reinforcing information after forgetting it will make you remember it better, until you just know it, and then you just kinda realize that it's less about being hard and more that it's going to take a while, so if you're going to do it, start now.

>> No.35277546

Age doesn't matter when it comes to learning languages unless you're an actual child. Children learn languages quickly and easily while the rest of us have to suffer

>> No.35277553

I must've been pretty fucking stupid as a child then, because I was suffering when learning languages as a child too.

>> No.35277584

It's annoying but you'll pick it up if you actually study properly and immerse yourself in the language.

>> No.35277695

I was confused for a second about wtf you're talking about but yeah most asian languages including japanese don't use personal pronouns when it's not needed. Of course they still use watashi or kimi when personal pronouns are needed but unlike english you don't need to specify every single time that you are doing something when it's obvious that you are doing it.

>> No.35277703

anime is the equivalent of sitting through reality tv, but dumbed down with more stupid gimmicks and basic language with the rare show that takes a technical approach.

>> No.35277709

Although I'm not sure what he means by talking about anime, they don't use personal pronouns when it's not needed either. Maybe there's some confusion, the friend probably just meant that personal pronouns are generally not needed because they're obvious by the context but it's not like watashi or kimi is never ever used.

>> No.35277734

From my experience anyone who talks shit about "anime japanese" is a dipshit JSL shitskin from some thirdie country and they have no clue what they're talking about.

>> No.35277744

Anyone who takes up learning Japanese is JSL by default.

>> No.35277789

Still they are always the lowest of the low dipshits, "ablabla anime is not the same as REAL japanese :)" no you spic nigger it is the same. "b-but m-muh keigo" you don't speak keigo with your friends, anime is 99% of the time in a setting when friends talk with each other casually not when you're bowing before your boss while you're doing some migrant slave labour.

>> No.35277821

I never once said it wasn't real Japanese. You'd have better luck actually talking to people and learning that way.

>> No.35277824

Poor anon. This guy got the answer right early in the thread and everyone ignored him.

In Japanese you almost never use personal pronouns of any form.

It's not like English where you'd say "I went to the beach", in Japanese you'd just say "Went to beach".

I don't know how much anime you watch, but the use of watashi and boku is very, very common. Girls say watashi a lot in anime, it's supposed to sound cute or something.

Kimi comes up all the time in pop idol music.

>> No.35277862

I'll buttobasu your hikaru out.

>> No.35277881

I'm just shitting on retards talking like the japanese in anime is somehow not representative at how friends casually talk with each other.
Retarded advice, go and talk to chinese people then to learn chinese, obviously you'll need a foundation first to at least understand what they say and be able to reply. Just start talking bro lmao wtf, with what, you don't know a single word.
Alright let me just open up an episode. Yakunara mug cup mo episode 4, cutesy slice of life anime about a high school girl and her friends and it's short episodes. Let's see how many times they skip personal pronouns when not needed and uses watashi when it could've been skipped.
Oh who would've thought, they skipped personal pronouns every time. She used watashi once and it was necessary.
You're pulling shit out of your ass randomly again, go watch anime properly and you'll see how none of your stupid criticism is true.
LMFAO what are you talking about, who the fuck is talking about songs, songs are obviously not reflective of any langauge.

>> No.35277907

>Just start talking bro lmao wtf, with what, you don't know a single word.
If you have the drive to learn the language, you should have the drive to actually make an attempt to speak it, even if what you can make out is riddled with errors and sounds broken if not outright wrong.
I agree on the basis part, but to me it's the same as tracing over a line. You replicate it to the best of your ability, but you don't truly learn it. You learn phrases, but not what makes it correct.

>> No.35277918
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>I learned another language
Like 4 of them.
>and can read hiragana and katakana
Nice, you've saved yourself ~5 hours.

>> No.35277938

Wtf are you on about, replicating is how you learn every language, it's how you learned your first language as a baby. Just copy what people say wtf is this autism, that's just what you do, just learn the phrase lol. Do you care about what makes "badass" correct in the context of praising something for being impressive? No just copy it.

>> No.35277971

>You're pulling shit out of your ass randomly again
Who do you think you're talking to, psycho.

You're a joke.

>> No.35277984

No arguments, you retards say stupid shit every time and have no clue what you're talking about every time.
>the use of watashi and boku is very, very common

>> No.35277985
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Take it easy.

>> No.35277992

>the use of watashi and boku is very, very common
Watch any anime and count how many times they say it, and count how many times they don't use a personal pronoun when the subtitle uses a personal pronoun dumbass bitch.

>> No.35278134

I've seen that by the time you're 18. learning any new language is a pain. Highschoolers could honestly master a language in like 2-4 years if most weren't so lazy

>> No.35278169
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Just curious, but does Nagataroo use actual Jap slang? I don't want to talk like a teenager, but would this be a good show to watch to understand how jap slang is?

>> No.35278236

They do use all of those a lot.
The thing is most japanese learners tend to overuse them.
Think of it as someone speaking like this:
"I am thirsty. I am going to get water. I am also hungry, so I am going to eat food. I like food."
Though grammatically correct, it's unnatural as fuck.

Source: me, lived in Japan for years.

>> No.35278246

I only watched a little bit of that show, and saw that clip but she didn't even use slang there, she just said ayashii. I don't even think they really use slang in that show, it's just stuff like maji, ukeru and stuff like that which everyone uses nowadays. It's like stuff that was slang 10 years but nowadays it's just normalised in speech.

>> No.35278251

we might not be information sponges anymore but it's still doable and we don't get second lives
no point in someone getting stuck wishing they studied back then, only going to waste more time

>> No.35278260

they are commonly used. it's just in Japanese the subject is often understood by context so it gets dropped quite often.

>> No.35278287

Maybe watch that scene again and actually listen to it, because she very clearly does not say ayashii.
And clearly says キョドリまくってます which is slang

>> No.35278417

words of wisdom right there
all it takes to be better than 80% of people is time and dedication but if you just always complain you'll never do shit

>> No.35278436

While we're here, there was a situation I was in during a comiket and I still don't know what was the right thing to say.
There was this music artist who made music with a real gameboy and selling albums of them. I had seen him before and really liked it, but didn't know his name or his group.
So I wanted to tell him "I really like what *you* do, it's really cool", but I completely froze while saying it because I didn't know how to say *you*. I didn't want to say anata so I didn't sound like a housewife, and didn't want to say kimi because it might have sounded rude.
What would have been the right way to say it?

>> No.35278486

>is insane and thinks everyone who replies to him is the same person
>still screeching "lmao" like a brain damage preteen
>extremely hostile over literally nothing
Hate to break it to you, retard. But you have actual autism.

>> No.35278495

You clearly haven't been paying much attention to the anime you've been watching to learn Japanese. In general, the Japanese drop the subject entirely from the sentence, because it's implied. Consider the difference between "want to have lunch?" and "Do you want to have lunch?" The meaning is the same, but the former does not specify a subject at all, and it is implied from context that the subject is the person you are speaking to. Now generalize that across an entire language.

Stop using watashi wa, anata wa, etc... on every sentence. You won't hear any character using it in anime, and you won't hear it used by any actual Japanese person either. They do still use these words, but it's either to clarify something that isn't obvious, or to draw attention to the subject.

Oh, also, you don't want to use anata/kimi/omae with a person you know. Use their name. Yes, even when speaking directly to them.

>> No.35278527

I know it's usually dropped, or to use the name, but in my case I didn't know his name, and I really wanted to emphasize that what HE, specifically, did was cool

>> No.35278545


You really like his music, but you don't know his name, or even his pen name as an artist?

>> No.35278546
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I don't have time to learn Japanese fully but I will be visiting soon and I just need to know some useful phrases to say for requesting and while having sex.

>> No.35278562

Just go up to him and say "SUUUUGOOOOIIII!!!!"
He'll know what you mean.

>> No.35278567

I wasn't a fan following him, I just heard his music before and then recognized it was him right there. Kinda like when you have music on your harddrive you don't know from who but listen to all the time

>> No.35278572

You can cover pretty much all your bases by saying 内側に射精されることの喜びに

>> No.35278760

og, is that you?

>> No.35279069

So, the shows good for knowing slang?

>> No.35279082

Thank you, wise anon.

>> No.35279233
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>use watashi
what are you a girl?
>use boku
what are you a little schoolboy?
>use ore
wow anon, that was super disrespectful
fuck this i'm using washi

>> No.35280230

No, it’s too fucking garbage for that

>> No.35280960

I have no idea, Anon, I haven't seen it, was just clarifying that bit.
If your japanese is good enough, slang will come to you naturally with time and immersion.
Otherwise I don't see why you would want to look into it, but I guess you could look up some articles online.

>> No.35281073

What are you an old man?

>> No.35281880
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Just use Boku. Even Big Black basketball players use it

>> No.35281984

Become a doramachad and watch contemporary dramas so you know how people talk in different situations

>> No.35282058

>what was the right thing to say.
>during a comiket

>> No.35282902

Extremely alien.

>> No.35282975

This covers the very basic: https://8020japanese.com/japanese-word-order/
As for word to word translation there is was one called japanese for real people?

>> No.35283458

Looks like you need to first learn English.

>> No.35287435

You should have walked up to him like a tough guy and said something like: おい!その音楽、めちゃくちゃかっこいいぜ

>> No.35288302

Where is japanese on this chart? lll or lV?

>> No.35288418


>> No.35288542

But media consumption is a good learning tool and makes learning Japanese easier so there's that too

>> No.35288660

Okay I remembered the book. Read Real Japanese Fiction Short Stories by Contemporary Writers.

>> No.35288872
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opinion from someone who actually knows japanese and hasn't just completed the first chapter of genki
you probably misunderstood what he meant
they definitely use watashi, just not as frequently as in "i" in english because in japanese the context usually makes clear that you're talking about yourself so you'll sound like a complete retard if you begin every sentence with watashi wa ...
it's the number 1 giveaway for gaijin japanese
they definitely use it if they talk about someone else first and then change the topic towards themselves though
kimi and anata are indeed less common but it doesn't mean they don't show up at all, if they are used it's usually in a cheeky self-aware way
definitely not the equivalent to the english "you", usually they just say the name of the person instead

>> No.35290280

watakushi is the most safe

>> No.35290288


The hard part about Japanese word order isn't the fact that it's not SVO. Being able to move the verb to the end of a sentence is not too hard to get used to. What's difficult is the fact that everything in a sentence that describes a thing comes before that thing. In English, we do this sometimes, but not all of the times. Consider, we might refer to "the delicious lunch that I bought". The fact that it is delicious, and the fact that I bought it are both descriptors, and yet one comes before, and one comes after. In Japanese, they would both have to come before the word. "watashi ga katta oishii obentou" You read this and you see "I bought delicious lunch", but this isn't saying "I bought a delicious lunch", since if that was the case, the verb would be the last part of the sentence. Rather, it is a delicious lunch THAT I had bought.

In more complex sentences, this can be very confusing, and you might feel like you are listening to yoda talk.

>> No.35298771


>> No.35299003

I'm learning Chinese for buddhism (want to move to Taiwan) but I sometimes wonder if I should learn Japanese as well because in terms of working with Americans, they associate Japanese with buddhism a lot more than they do with Chinese which is basically due to political reasons (cultural revolution). Its like if you talk about Chinese they immediately think of Chinese folk beliefs and ancestor worship, but if you talk about Japanese they think of Buddhists.

>> No.35301218
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Use wagahai

>> No.35312259

I know ichi means one in Japanese, but that's about it

>> No.35312607

ichi nichi suteki wo

>> No.35322814

eins zwei guten morgen

>> No.35324806

drei vier grenadier

>> No.35324820

Seems like a good thread to ask, what's a good teacher/resource for learning japanese? Mainly just to converse with people through hellotalk and shit. I don't want to write a fucking novel in japanese or anything

>> No.35325250

>Its like if you talk about Chinese they immediately think of Chinese folk beliefs and ancestor worship, but if you talk about Japanese they think of Buddhists.
Have you tried hanging out with different people
