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35000645 No.35000645 [Reply] [Original]

Er... Kanako seems to be trying to boost her popularity by wearing Sanae's clothes...

Someone as old and... full figured as her really shouldn't...

>> No.35000694
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>full figured
I fail to see the problem here.

>> No.35000743
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It's unfitting for a goddess to have such a sloppy body

>> No.35000782

Kanako really let herself go.

>> No.35001099
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Very gross, these fat old hags need to stay out of the way and leave Gensokyo to the younger generation

>> No.35002542

kanakp flash!
pa pa paya! pa paya pa! wow!

>> No.35004205
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>> No.35005184

oh come on, anon, you make it sound like she's some fat old lady...

oh yeah, never mind

>> No.35005307

Kanako, the original OLhu (old lady)

>> No.35012711

Kanakp, the faith businessman.

>> No.35013183

But those are yuuka clothes

>> No.35020857
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Those aren't.

>> No.35020926
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>> No.35022786
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She’s not sloppy, she’s probably muscular under that fat

>> No.35023488

Marry the hag to lure her into false happiness so you can break her heart when you divorce her!

>> No.35023936

She's cultivating mass.

>> No.35028640

Those muscles are from ages ago. An old hag clinging to her glory days

>> No.35031661

absolutely do not!

>> No.35031696
File: 1.86 MB, 2488x2839, __yasaka_kanako_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_bura__0afa0bcb8d5ae7457bfaf8de2e3d6542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you are all referring to as some "fat old lady" is, in fact, objectively the most fertile touhou in the entire canon. Look at her hips! Fertile! Bountiful! Look at her mountains of faith! They could feed a village, let alone however many dozen kids you have with her. Look at her! Divine!
Kanako is for marriage and incessant babymaking. Remember this well.

>> No.35036290

Fertile, and yet she's a fat old virgin!

>> No.35037922

kanako is the right kind of fat and old..

>> No.35038105
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Old women are trying to be trendy.

>> No.35047330

Stop calling Kanako fat. Her muscles might have turned into nothing more than flabby meat, but it doesn't mean she's gotten fat.

>> No.35047578

anon, let's be real, she probably took the Moriya shrine from Suwako by sitting on her

>> No.35050380

Kanako probably moved to Gensokyo just for the beer parties.

>> No.35051149
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Old maids alliance? More like fat hags alliance

>> No.35059426

All she had to do was point at Suwako's soldiers and they all turned into twinkies. It was so spectacular that not even Kanako wanted people to know that, so they spread the rumor that their swords rusted before their eyes, leading to Kanako taking over.

>> No.35061570

I like those cute lil fangs.

>> No.35062867

This dumb hag needs to stop trying seduce men she’ll forever be alone and never find love

>> No.35063753

She already is never alone and has never found love!

>> No.35067159

Yeah, she has Suwako... who has had male interaction! It's only a matter of time before Kanako finally gets a partner of her own!

>> No.35076687

My favorite alliance! I want to watch one of the meetings!

>> No.35082315

I never read up on Ichirin. Is she really a hag?

>> No.35086917

Why the hell do people think hags are salvageable? They're too old for marriage and have much higher chances of producing retarded children. In fact, younger girls are often frowned upon by older women that happen to still be singe well into their 30s, or in Kanako's case, well into their second millennia.

>> No.35087674

So what you're saying is hags need to be avoided and left alone?

>> No.35095095


>> No.35100636


>> No.35107158
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very rude

>> No.35112848


>> No.35112966
File: 339 KB, 1024x951, __moriya_suwako_and_yasaka_kanako_touhou_drawn_by_mon_kk19860812__3c0bfcb1917dd7182442d66863d0d2f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women sex give me big boner

>> No.35121198

A little harsh, but the hag does need to understand she will never have a man.

>> No.35121343


>> No.35131341


>> No.35131453

no bulli

>> No.35131531

She a old hag that eats a tub of ice cream on the couch because she’s a sad loser so she definitely has this warranted

>> No.35131553

Absolutely terrible. Praying to Kanako right now.

>> No.35131846

What makes you think that you will have an opportunity with anyone but a hag? You're just making your selection of partners smaller by saying stuff like that.

>> No.35140497

What's so great about hags anyway

>> No.35153719

Kanako is not fat.

>> No.35154725

hi Kanako

>> No.35159174

None unless she is a christmas cake. Then it means she is probably just as desperate as you are so you actually have a chance. Aesthetically? Big boobs and mature body. If she has good genetics then her body doesnt actually start degrading until shes in her mid 30s. And considering that 2hus are effectively ageless? Kanako here is probably gonna stay exactly as hot and smooth as she is now all the way until the day shes forgotten.

>> No.35169954


>> No.35175187


>> No.35179525


>> No.35180740
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>> No.35180870

No, I don't want to see the fucking stupid frog!

>> No.35189777
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i believe in frog superiority

>> No.35197762

Since the hag is so starved of interaction that isn’t the dumb frog or sanae would she let one game a fat fucking WHIFF of her hair

>> No.35206537

What do Kanakps luscious purple locks smell like anon?

>> No.35206687

grapes and maple

>> No.35206854
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>> No.35221307

joke explain pls

>> No.35225656
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