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3510132 No.3510132 [Reply] [Original]


Higurashi getting a french translation ; the first two episodes will be sold at the end of the month (for about 20/25 €). And, yes, the guy who translated it bought the licence.
What does /jp/ think about it ?

>> No.3510139

French is easier to learn than japanese, riiiiight?

>> No.3510138

Fuck the French.

>> No.3510158 [DELETED] 

stop spamming ur shitty board on aпoпtaاk.com u dumb niggar's

>> No.3510160

Also, how much did that guy paid?

>> No.3510169


To someone who knows English, yes.
French is third closest, I believe. After German and Spanish.

>> No.3510186
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u mad?

>> No.3510201

>implying ronove is french

>> No.3510211

Spanish isn't that easy.

>> No.3510230

Wow, nice stuff, except they apparently omitted honorifics, leading to a strange name like 'Yashiro' for our dear malevolent local deity...

You'd think that gods would rather have proper titles like 'L'Honorable Seigneur Yashiro' or something.

>> No.3510382

I dunno. I had a harder time with French than I ever did with Japanese. The spelling, masculine and feminine stuff, etc. But I wasn't very motivated either.

>> No.3512119

I can't roll my r's at all, so Spanish is a pain for me

>> No.3512161

Indeed. I ran my tongue across the roof of my mouth when pronouncing the double 'r' to get around that, but it never sounded sufficient. My Spanish professor and I argued over this extensively back in High School.

>> No.3512323

I've had French classes for six years in Highschool.
My pronunciation is awesome, but I have no idea what I'm saying.
However, during the national exams I still managed to understand about 60% of the texts, so I guess it's not -that- hard to learn it.

>> No.3512366

How come there is no sound Ж in English?

>> No.3512379

Because English does not need a Ж sound.

>> No.3512398 [DELETED] 

What's up with the number of Higurashi translations? I'm from Spain and I wouldn't like to see a spanish translation because I think it would be a waste of effort and time. I mean, most VN readers know english so if a VN it's already being translated by an english group/company such as Mangagamer, why bothering to translate it too to another language? If it wasn't already been translated I wouldn't mind, but I really think it's kinda stupid overtranslating VNs. And no, it's not like saying "lol learn japanese" since english is far easier (and more useful) for most of us.

>> No.3512404

What's up with the number of Higurashi translations? I'm from Spain and I wouldn't like to see a spanish translation because I think it would be a waste of effort and time. I mean, most VN readers know english so if a VN it's already being translated by an english group/company such as Mangagamer, why bothering to translate it too to another language? If it wasn't already being translated I wouldn't mind, but I really think it's kinda stupid overtranslating VNs. And no, it's not like saying "lol learn japanese" since english is far easier (and more useful) for most of us.

>> No.3512425

because you can english, the french can't

>> No.3513078


>> No.3513115

Or maybe because france is the most japanophile country.
You should just see this place.

>> No.3513118

Takano speaking in French?

I'm oddly aroused.

>> No.3513130

Je veux le jouer.

>> No.3513136


>> No.3513154

The kind that plays VNs can.

>> No.3513177

Who are you OP? Are you related to that project?

>> No.3513186

>the first two episodes will be sold at the end of the month (for about 20/25 €)

Where? How?

>> No.3513197

Oh god.

>> No.3513225

no one will buy it

>> No.3513254

I don't know if you're trying to be serious or not here, but I'll definitely be buying it, and I'll consider giving more money to that guy if his translation is good. And why not, even offer some help.

>> No.3513260

Hey fuck you I'll buy it

>> No.3513273

Hell yes, something to help me improve my french that I am actually interested in.

>> No.3513278

What's with all the frenchmen in /jp/?

>> No.3513280

I suck at frech, the closest I speak are Spanish and Catalonian, but cone on, Fench, that language is just plainly stupid to translate something (as Catalonian), but still, Sapnsh should be prioritized over French

>> No.3513283


Spanish is an inelegant language

>> No.3513288

French is the language of culture and diplomacy.

>> No.3513312

you wish, frenchie

>> No.3513313

If it wasn't strictly for business, I'd forsake this shitty language.

>> No.3513330

French is the superior language.

>> No.3513331

Asking again.

>> No.3513348

French is a terrible, overly-convoluted language.

>> No.3513354

Peut-être ce n'est pas vrai.

>> No.3513361

Missing a "que" somewhere in there.

>> No.3513375

From http://www.doujinsuki.com/higurashi-en-francais-c-est-pour-bientot-315.html

>mise en vente lors de la Chibi Japan Expo qui se tiendra à Paris du 30 octobre au 1er novembre pour ensuite être disponible dans les magasins se fournissant chez le distributeur Abysse Corporation.

First sales on october 30th in a convention and then in few otaku stores.

>son contrat ne lui donne pas seulement le droit de traduire ces deux chapitres mais les huits premiers chapitres.

Also the guy got the rights to translate the whole 2 Higurashi games.

On va pouvoir troller des mois avec ça...

>> No.3513378

I suppose that to be grammatically correct you'd have to add one before the "ce".

>> No.3513386
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From the perspective of a non-french person, I guess it is. Too bad most French are uncultured and undiplomatic.

It'll be sold at the Chibi Japan Expo (http://www.chibi-japan-expo.com/).). Ugh.
Fortunately Abysse Corp shops will also propose it afterward ; and it seems they're selling their stuff online too.

>> No.3513394

I don't know, but there's a comment on the youtube channel of the supposed translator that makes me think otherwise:

>Ah non mais ne vous méprenez pas, moi aussi ça me rend complètement dingue cette attente. J'ai la ferme intention de l'annoncer dès que possible...

He's actually talking about announcing Higurashi's commercialization, so I can't help thinking this is true. But hell, I need more infos, a website at least.

>> No.3513418

In that thumb nail, I thought she was about to suck a penis.
her neck is the shaft and mouth is the tip

>> No.3513481

Holy crap, so it's true.

Well, I guess I'll ask one of my faggot acquaintances to buy it for me, because I definitely don't plan on going to that horrible convention.

>> No.3513489

Réveillez-moi quand y'aura un torrent de dispo.

>> No.3513543

Bonjooouur, Tomoya-kun....

>> No.3513560

Of all the 4 years of being forced to leanr french in high school, the only thing I'm left with is "Je suis une poisson-rouge."

>> No.3513566

It's "UN" poisson rouge, you ignorant fool!

>> No.3513571


Not today it isn't

>> No.3513575

Il avait lu un conte où c'était un poisson rouge femelle.

>> No.3513590

Vous êtes les poissons rouges

>> No.3513616

C'est mieux que oiseau fil, du moins

>> No.3513642

Yashiro? J'aurais préféré Oyashiro.
Ou Oyashiro-sama. Encore mieux.

>> No.3513673

God no...

Et quelqu'un pourrait pas le retraduire en anglais, histoire que ça soit pas plus confortable à lire ?

>> No.3513679

Traduire du japonais au français à l'anglais c'est demander a etre rendu confus.

>> No.3513687
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>> No.3513750

Something about translating from Japanese to French to English can end up inaccurate. I don't know, I hate French.

>> No.3513814

Translator here,
you can get pretty accurate French to English or English to French translations quite easily.
This is not so true when you translate some eastern language into an european language.

>> No.3513848

