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File: 2.38 MB, 5025x1500, 1588208353046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35101271 No.35101271 [Reply] [Original]

Feel the vibrations, my heart starts to pound, pound, pound!

Monster Girl Archive: https://mgearchive.blogspot.com/
Content Aggregator: https://anubis.moe/
Writers list: https://mgearchive.blogspot.com/2021/01/writers-list.html
Sabbath Grimoire Scans: https://imgur.com/a/CATcaGk
Fanart Galleries: https://mgearchive.blogspot.com/2021/01/fanart-galleries-hub.html
Mega Archive: https://mega.nz/folder/b7QSFbIQ#G3K9UO01viIkxUrQBlwx5A

>> No.35101285
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>> No.35101332
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>> No.35101346
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Finally, someone that says what we're all thinking.

>> No.35101408
File: 446 KB, 564x800, cow wife happy life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still thinkin' about cows.

>> No.35101413

It's that time of the year again, warming up enough to swim but no one wants to be the first in the water after the mersharks have gone though another loveless winter.

>> No.35101418
File: 536 KB, 1600x1200, P Wurm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the 14th member of the MGC Boy Stealers, Astrid, the Wurm relief pitcher. Her skill as a pitcher is preceded by her carefree nature, which is easily visible in her role on the team. She loves food, and gets easily distracted by the concessions stand. She insists that she at least finish 5 long dong corn dogs and 3 extra deep dish pizzas before she can go out and pitch. When she does show up later in games, she's fairly effective, and is a key component to MGC's success as a squad carried by its pitching. She's only started 1 game in her career, and was only able to do so because she was too full with something else given by her loving husband to think about food. May 14th is now known as "Astrid Moans" day, due to the loud city shaking moans coming from the team clubhouse prior to that game.
>Fun Fact: She's somewhat of a meme because of a certain time where she took a big bite out of a baseball and went up to manager Anon to say "Anon, this ball tastes terrible", a fact that pretty much everyone in the world assumes.

>> No.35101488
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Shortstacks are for ____

>> No.35101493
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>> No.35101502
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If I were to be a squire for a monster knight, would I actually learn anything? I mean I know I'll be her "stress relief" but there's sword learning and stuff right?

>> No.35101507

I'm not afraid of mersharks. I bet I can swim faster than those overgrown tuna ladies.

>> No.35101513
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>> No.35101521

very nice

>> No.35101539

Mershark with legs aren't real, right? I can tease them as much as I want and they'll never come out of the water and follow me home, right?

>> No.35101549


>> No.35101566

Keeping permanently pregnant.

>> No.35101573

They don't exist in nature, but there's a spell that lets mermaids temporarily get legs.

>> No.35101605

I'm going to listen to the Spanish Catholic Minotaur radio station. I don't have a clue what she's saying, but she sounds really passionate about it and I can appreciate that.

>> No.35101616

they can also fly but often hide this fact so they can be princess carried.

>> No.35101659
File: 410 KB, 1280x1886, Otohime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you won't go to the ocean, the ocean will come to you.

>> No.35101666

>oceanside town waits a bit after the weather warms up each year for the bold/dumb tourists to thin out the single mershark population before the locals go to the beach
>little do they know, one of the dudes that married a mershark the year before was able to share knowledge of a polymorph spell with them that lets them grow legs
>all the unmarried mersharks made sure to learn it during the winter
>one fateful day, a horde of lonely shark girls marches out of the sea and descends upon the town

>> No.35101678

which mg most likely to do the tide pod challenge?
which most likely to win said challenge?

>> No.35101707

>which most likely to win said challenge?
Bubble Slime

>> No.35101709

bubble slime, bubble slime

>> No.35101726
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>> No.35101776

What of I already came inside the ocean?

>> No.35101787

I think an automaton with a laundry feature would win

>> No.35101802
File: 190 KB, 1053x299, Momonika Metal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DJ Succ, fire up some Momonika Sabbath.

>> No.35101850

How helpless is humanity?

>> No.35101913

Oh no, she knows I'm attracted to elves! Maybe she'll leave me alone if I insult her.

>> No.35101916
File: 27 KB, 399x403, 1541997964897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sir, this is a monster girl thread.

>> No.35101924

Only as helpless as they choose to be. But some girls prefer a struggle with their snuggle.

>> No.35101937
File: 1.39 MB, 1207x1754, __mashiro_original_drawn_by_solopipb__c02276c376a6730a67300db4255bd8c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35101946
File: 686 KB, 1101x871, 6v76N8vt_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humanity is in good hands

>> No.35101948
File: 781 KB, 4096x2925, 1620016817189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're getting all the help they need.

>> No.35101958

>Yo no onions marinero

>> No.35101968

What is that

>> No.35101974

kind of remind me of that loss scene in monmusu quest with the super zombie

>> No.35101979

I think you mean paws.

>> No.35101986
File: 66 KB, 561x536, 1542163654952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An Anubis, why do you ask?

>> No.35102000
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! !

>> No.35102010 [SPOILER] 
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It's for the best, really.

>> No.35102014
File: 105 KB, 500x685, LeananSidhe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anons, got any commissions, drawing or stories in the works?

>> No.35102018

What’s the general opinion here on posting original monstergirl content?

>> No.35102025
File: 1.37 MB, 979x1400, 1557801286369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man's best friend(with benefits)!

>> No.35102032

finally got my drawing mojo back and was working drawing bogey poses

>> No.35102038

I just finished one that I posted in this thread, got something else to work on for a friend.

>> No.35102039

>automaton with a laundry feature
I've heard of being "built like a fridge", but "built like a washing machine" is new

>> No.35102067

A range of opinions from
>wow I don't give a shit
>when's X's next story/art

>> No.35102076

Hounds are a bit too rowdy for that accolade, I think. Maybe Werewolves.
Hellhounds are more like, man's best rapist.

>> No.35102095

Wurms are always appreciated!

>> No.35102099

if you're not obnoxious it's quite welcome.

>> No.35102117


>> No.35102118

How do I get a Hellhound to be my girlfriend?

>> No.35102141
File: 535 KB, 849x1200, Er06l1WVkAQ5aB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not as helpless as elves.

>> No.35102167
File: 26 KB, 750x445, EFED2EC0-2F9F-426B-BFD8-9DF6FA39A8D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s my attempt at creating some original monstergirl lore

>Name: Demon

>Type: Spirit

>Food: Technically none but they do consume Vis and emotions of lust and greed to grow and remain active

>Disposition: Lust incarnate

>Preferred mates: Sexually repressed men, Men with unrequited love, Men with magical talent, Men with unfulfilled dreams, Ordained holy men,

Vis is the psy-reactive energy produced by all living things and Eros (it’s lustful monster equivalent) is even more sensitive to both the emotions of creatures and the occult laws of reality. When a large variety of thoughts and fantasies filled with lust and greed are poured into areas dense with Eros or vis there is a chance that they combine together and form a self-sustaining intelligence called a demon.

A demon is a true spirit, a creature of pure will, and although they produce Eros and use the energy to form makeshift “bodies” it is not necessary for their survival. Draining the Eros of a demon will only send it into a dormant state. Nevertheless, they have the insatiable desire to feed on the Vis of men as well as mortal fantasies of lust and greed.

To feed, Demons often seek out human communities and influence the minds of men and women, driving them to act on their hidden desires and absorb the released energies. Sometimes they’ll even possess human women with extremely repressed emotions of lust in order to force them to accept their “true self” and to absorb the male vis that will pour into her. If a Demon finds a man that she takes a liking to then she will focus all her efforts on seducing him, filling his head with visions of wealth, power, sorcerous secrets and sexual excess, even appearing to him in his dreams to tempt him directly. This temptation will go on until the man finally caves in and accepts the demon’s offer, gaining power beyond his wildest imaginings in exchange for his hand in marriage.

>> No.35102177 [SPOILER] 
File: 135 KB, 1593x2048, 1623021827589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the wight go to the crematorium?
To get a tan.

>> No.35102198

Should have been
To get a banned tan

>> No.35102202

Try one of those seedy dive bars that are tailored for specific girls. You'll look so out of place and vulnerable they'll be trampling each other to protect you

>> No.35102205

how often do you fap to mg sutff?

>> No.35102210

>> 35102167

As spirits, demons do not have a true form as humans understand the term. Instead, whenever they decide to materialize themselves their Psy-reactive energy “bodies” respond to the unconscious feelings of lust of those around them. If they have a husband then their form will reflect some facet of his personality or sexual fantasies. When they are not materialized they are completely incorporeal and invisible. As spirits Demons of are incredibly intimate with the occult laws of the universe and are often willing to form pacts of tutorship with mortals in exchange for some form of payment. For men this price is often just a very roundabout from of marriage proposal.

>> No.35102212
File: 193 KB, 1000x666, 1580169275308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/tg/ crosspost
Like clockwork.

>> No.35102216

Why do you want to know this?

>> No.35102218

Crematorium? More like caramel-torium, am I right fellas?

>> No.35102224

song for cursed_sword waifu

>> No.35102268
File: 70 KB, 517x480, sandworm15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sandworm sees an ad hiring for sex work at a local brothel
>Doesn't know what a brothel is
>Doesn't know what work or hiring even means
>Merely sees the word sex, the only word she can read, and that was enough for her to sign up
>Next day she's getting the orientation for the job
>She doesn't pay attention at all
>Gets hired that night for an hour by a gentleman
>Eats the guy and swims miles out into the sands
>Both her and the guy weren't seen again for a couple months, happily married

>> No.35102290

do monster girls have pubic hair?

>> No.35102297

satryos would suggest so

>> No.35102309

Used to fap an average of 7 times a day to MGE when I was a NEET. No more than 11, but no less than 4 cums a day. I even kept track of who I came to for a couple years in a word document. Did this to figure out which girl was right for me.

Now I'm employed with a part-time job. Fapping has decreased to an average of 4 times a day. I don't keep as much track, but it's no less than 3 times a day.

>> No.35102317
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>> No.35102321

Only the shitty ones do

>> No.35102328

Shit taste

>> No.35102329

clearly pubic feathers and also good taste

>> No.35102350
File: 58 KB, 211x300, rsrch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35102370

Gonna wear a shirt that has tail molester in bold letters

>> No.35102379

Do you like pubic hair?

If so, your monster girl waifu has pubic hair.
If not, your monster girl waifu doesn't have pubic hair.

>> No.35102384
File: 2.84 MB, 1684x1920, Camilla_Bewitching_Beauty_BtlFace_C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paladin-chan isn't scared of those mean old monsters!

>> No.35102387

Daily, sometimes twice.

>> No.35102402

They're cleaner and more perfect than 3dpd could ever be, so no.

>> No.35102414

I want to feel the weight of a manticores tail bulb when she flops it on my lap and tells me to go nuts.

>> No.35102415

i think pubes can look nice depending on the artist

>> No.35102427

Would you wear that intentionally or would it be in an MG language you don't speak so you have that clueless tourist look?

>> No.35102449
File: 857 KB, 1000x1050, 1521768630321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man's best onee-chans.

>> No.35102455

lame, i like hairy women.

>> No.35102459

>anon was surprised to meet a fox with a "tail molester molester" shirt

>> No.35102463

The latter, I want to hear ara aras and boyas, they make me feel funny

>> No.35102478

Probably enough to end up reduced to willing lab mice for a small group of its own defective specimens or something, wouldn't really count on it.

>> No.35102484
File: 3.68 MB, 3031x4134, monkey business.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lame, i like hairy women.
That's like half of MGE dude, just look at 'em.

>> No.35102504
File: 246 KB, 640x905, __tamamo_fujimaru_ritsuka_and_tamamo_no_mae_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_anho__af22fb54cea0f23b2609725d5edc2995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assert dominance over mofu.

>> No.35102505

Sometimes they aren't, but I still like them.

>> No.35102508

As if Camilla wouldnt immediately become a monster. She is textbook monsterization bait.

>> No.35102517
File: 322 KB, 665x768, 133C3955-4D76-4AC0-9FF2-AA4B71B32FA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35102548

Whats the worst thing that can happen If I give my body to monster girl sciensts and be a living test dummy

>> No.35102574

you become an mg yourself

>> No.35102578

>We poked this guy with 40 manticore spines, 2 raging mushrooms, and made him stare at lilim thighs for three days. How hard will he cum in our old hag test mamono?!

>> No.35102583

you're the control group

>> No.35102602

I want to bury my face in that monkey fluff. Maybe grope her monkey butt while I'm at it.

>> No.35102610

Now that would suck, unless....

>> No.35102614

As a matter of fact

>> No.35102619

Now there’s a blast from the past

>> No.35102633

I want a black dragon wife. What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.35102656

Harder beacause she is an old hag

>> No.35102669

>Old hag, single-tailed kitsune emerges from the ensuing cumsplosion with ten tails and looks like she's barely in her 20s

>> No.35102679
File: 615 KB, 1909x1301, 1503972038375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything turned out better than expected.

>> No.35102685

Now that makes the pp, the soft pp

>> No.35102689

>looks like she's barely in her 20s

>> No.35102697

I wonder if there will ever be a multi-armed monster girl.

>> No.35102699

Fine she can be old and have 11 tails then.

>> No.35102703
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On it.

>> No.35102715

Now we’re talkin

>> No.35102740

I'll make her have 12 just for that

>> No.35102761

>2 raging mushrooms
experiment failed

subject broke containment and raped multiple scientists

>> No.35102765
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Three buttplugs may be pushing it.

>> No.35102780

Also made those scientists stupid with how hard he fucked them

>> No.35102797

She ends up a wyvern because she wants to be mounted by her otouto

>> No.35102816
File: 2.89 MB, 2160x3181, 0fd0caa9a7e1322d7b42060c891185f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want yes

>> No.35102830
File: 2.52 MB, 1061x1500, 15413077021819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And least he and those scientists are now happily married, so it wasn't a complete bust.

>> No.35102866

Which monster girl would like a ugly bald guy?

>> No.35102874

Holy shit that body, most monsters posted are cute but that's just straight up sexy.

>> No.35102904


>> No.35102908

Wyvern or dragon. Definitely her fate in MGE though.

>> No.35102921

Obviously Gazers

>> No.35102922

I'd say wyvern to keep it closer to in game.
As there are actual dragons in that series and she isn't one of them.

>> No.35102937

Matango. They grow mushrooms on their partner's heads, and being bald means the mushroom doesn't have to compete with hair for room on the guy's head.

>> No.35102938
File: 867 KB, 1240x1754, 25cbe9b73d250e55b0c424f8eaa09ce7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it's the best. A few specific artists have perfected it.

>> No.35102951

how does it compare to when you fap to non mg stuff?

>> No.35102953

Is it weird when your monster girlfriend thinks that her looks are below average (but it doesn't really bother her) and that yours are way above normal?

>> No.35102955
File: 740 KB, 1500x1194, 20210522_044255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Licking the sweat off a Yeti's well toned tummy!

>> No.35102978

>/d/-tier nipples
>filthy crotch forest running up all the way to her stomach

>> No.35102984


>> No.35102995

Get new material.

>> No.35102997

It's hard to answer because even on the rare occasion I fap to something non mg related I'm imagining a mg in that scenario.

>> No.35103013

The very embodiment of sex appeal

>> No.35103021

Reminds me of that one dousing where those orc girls kidnap that one fat ugly otaku who was apparently considered super handsome by orc standards

>> No.35103024

I need to know
I need to know
Tell me baby girl cause I need to know

>> No.35103025

I wanna pinch those nips.

>> No.35103027
File: 251 KB, 1720x2048, 1622251769382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hooded Cobra!

>> No.35103029

I want to one day be able to draw bodies like this

>> No.35103036

I'd bully her.

>> No.35103043

>hissssssssss (h-hi w-what's your name?)

>> No.35103049

What kind of bodies can you draw?

>> No.35103050
File: 503 KB, 1443x1800, 20210523_010010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snuggling with my yeti wife!

>> No.35103069

I wish you good luck

>> No.35103073

they are beautiful

>> No.35103077
File: 124 KB, 1200x1056, 15413076741918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't any monstergirl as long as he wasn't a piece of shit on the inside? They don't care for image and just being with them can change how you look.

>> No.35103084


>> No.35103091

True. She would fit right in in dragonia.

>> No.35103110

dont you think i know that?

>> No.35103111

I misread the question and thought you were asking what monster girl would be the equivalent of a fat ugly guy, that's a harder question. Yours is easily answered by >>35103077

>> No.35103115
File: 717 KB, 737x598, CACBEA61-96FC-46C4-A940-EB3DEC432EEB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35103140

>Wouldn't any monstergirl as long as he wasn't a piece of shit on the inside?
contrary to mickey mouse bullshit tells you , if you are ugly on that outside chances are you are ugly on the inside.

>> No.35103152


>> No.35103153

I am rooting for you anon

>> No.35103177
File: 2.02 MB, 2702x2100, 429c356f96b2256a2391e7559872f060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could too

>> No.35103187
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>> No.35103191
File: 212 KB, 700x694, 1588788920399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rape is not an excuse, it's a reason. and tonight, everything seems so reasonable

>> No.35103203
File: 615 KB, 691x1999, 1518058661161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember, you can grab and carry away any monster for marriage, even big ones

>> No.35103208
File: 143 KB, 756x688, pleaseELABORATEMORE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35103213
File: 850 KB, 1153x1094, 1463204475923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any hellhound that tried this move on me would be in for a surprise, because my face would immediately be going right about here.

>> No.35103227
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x1960, 20210606_210242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got some cool signatures on my MGE books

>> No.35103235
File: 572 KB, 2065x2672, 1610653466845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do they expect me to stay out of jail? thats where all my stuff is.

>> No.35103239

it makes me want to find out how strongly those metal bits are attached to her chest.

>> No.35103253
File: 1.71 MB, 3201x2254, 87908316_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35103272

Without a doubt.
She would need a 'rider' for sure.

>> No.35103301
File: 279 KB, 992x1024, 1528152000050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not always, and most of the time it comes from bitterness and resentment which is where those healing mgs come in.

>> No.35103315
File: 954 KB, 701x1057, __imaizumi_kagerou_touhou_drawn_by_arano_oki__1386ebb1ea0bc49373d64197a36e7c12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fox sometimes tricks you, but you can always truss dog.

>> No.35103318
File: 170 KB, 872x735, manualformachinewasher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35103330

thats a wolf though

>> No.35103333

she must want to go for a walk if she's got her harness on

>> No.35103353
File: 298 KB, 1552x2121, dddboge (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres what I have been doing

>> No.35103384

I dont trust pun gremlins
I feel like everything they build would try to rape somebody so they cab pun about it

>> No.35103407

I only trust pun gremmys, why?
Well I can trust them since I know what pun would be next

>> No.35103421

Gotta keep practicing anon, that's the key

>> No.35103431

isnt there a thing with dragonia where if your single you are forced to be homeless?

>> No.35103437
File: 144 KB, 814x830, Did I throw a wrench in your plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember the "stab and sap" technique.

>> No.35103449
File: 26 KB, 340x477, Werewolf_extra_art2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vanilla wolves at least have okay ex art

>> No.35103454

Who wants to suicide mating spiral with a dragon?
You start by flying real high together, and then divebomb whilst copulating together

>> No.35103462

did you not see her rpg makeover?

>> No.35103484

>cum inside laundry automaton

>> No.35103487

if you're the kind of guy that goes to dragonia, somehow gets past border security without demonstrating sexual interest in dragons and is unwilling to share a roof with a dragon for even a night that's on you.

>> No.35103489
File: 118 KB, 640x480, 1622214837998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Werewolf has it good now

>> No.35103498


>> No.35103502

they updating old monsters?

>> No.35103517

nice wurmfag, keep it up

>> No.35103542
File: 214 KB, 919x1215, sml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can h*mangirls ever compete?

>> No.35103547


>> No.35103550

! !

>> No.35103551

Lesser succ or freshly bitten werewolf?

>> No.35103564

some people would want human girls just for the novelty of it as i assume they become rarer and rarer with time. a Human fetish i guess

>> No.35103566

paladin bitten by a werekiki

>> No.35103569
File: 34 KB, 515x600, Griffon_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of griffons becoming your bodyguard
.... even if you didnt ask

>> No.35103571

Rata-chan scares me...

>> No.35103579
File: 649 KB, 1000x1166, 38451b40675c821b2ab3d6d6f27552af.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The latter.
Succs are for average joes who don't know or care about other options.

Majin-types are "humans but better."

>> No.35103580

But then ypu get a blond kiki that considers the lord her master

>> No.35103582

Biters get the ball gag.

>> No.35103590

Exactly, some people will be attracted to humans BECAUSE they are INFERIOR in every way to monsters its a fetish. and i guess they could also bragging rights to say they got to fuck one before they went extinct, like how there's rich people who eat really gross food cause its rare.

>> No.35103594

That's nice but the question was talking about the bitten one.

>> No.35103596
File: 252 KB, 1000x1200, 1612530843440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the idea of a griffon becoming my bodypillow.

>> No.35103605

How would she react if I bought some Affresh?

>> No.35103611

I like the idea that when a griffon chooses some to protect, she gives them a necklace/wristband that has her own feathers on it

>> No.35103612

gonna yeet myself inside

>> No.35103617

I like the idea of having several little griffons with her

>> No.35103626

Depends on how feisty new werewolves get.

>> No.35103627

I want to be assigned to audit a griffon's temple to make sure she is paying her taxes

>> No.35103628
File: 375 KB, 1600x900, 1617168003930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a dreamcatcher made of her feathers.

>> No.35103638
File: 121 KB, 274x550, awoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Primarily awoo-based impulses.

>> No.35103664

blonde wurm is surprisingly good

>> No.35103670

Gonna need the ball gag if the noise complaints pile up.

>> No.35103685

We need office werewolf

>> No.35103690
File: 733 KB, 640x480, night.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get noise complaints you need new neighbors anyway, because loud nights are just a fact of life with MGs.

>> No.35103701

Just a wolf in gym clothes

>> No.35103707

gonna see the metal scene in wonderland and see if my ears don't melt

>> No.35103773
File: 444 KB, 2048x1152, 1451081952618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just be wary of any "concert enhancers" available.
There's no psychedelics like Wonderland psychedelics.

>> No.35103797

What happens if I take all the concert enhancers at once?

>> No.35103830
File: 1.16 MB, 1389x2130, 90190253_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35103965

Goodnight anons don't let the bed bugs paralyse

>> No.35104155

Good night Anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, enjoy the sea and float near a flow kelp.
They're pretty chill and probably won't do anything untoward to you as you float in an innertube.

>> No.35104203

don't worry, it's just the oomukade that lives in your attic.

>> No.35104209
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>> No.35104284

Where do I go to learn some good swordsman skills?

>> No.35104295

Search for an amazoness village, I hear they're strong :)

>> No.35104301
File: 796 KB, 4274x4410, 90334771_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35104315

Anon wants to learn to fight, not to cook.

>> No.35104332

I heard there was a village of old lizard girls and salamanders that are single, you'd think they would take me as their pupil?

>> No.35104344

Anon I really want you to be a great swordsman, but you seem utterly intent on becoming a househusband.

>> No.35104352

Then, tell me where do I go?

>> No.35104368

Go to an order church and say yes to whatever the priest says. Should end with your pure heart getting awarded a Valkyrie. Then take the shortest route RIGHT back to mamono infested territory, and with any luck, that valkyrie will have too much on her plate in respect to keeping you competent and protected from monstergirls to rape you herself.

>> No.35104389

And how will this make a good swordsman?

>> No.35104398

....when you go to that church, make sure you mention you need one of the more patient valkyrie, for 'special' heroes.

>> No.35104413

What do yo mean special,... like the chosen one?

>> No.35104419
File: 1.29 MB, 1063x1500, Kiss the snake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apophises can't bite my pharaoh if I kiss them and make them waste all their venom on me first

>> No.35104469

I am a bit short on cash, any tips sugar mama targets? I am just doing this once so I can pay rent

>> No.35104473

Or stick a cup in their mouth and milk their fangs

>> No.35104479

more like dumb

>> No.35104484
File: 47 KB, 550x223, 1463630454482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh man I love the sea!
Why would you lie to me Anon?

>> No.35104499

Thats not nice

>> No.35104511
File: 1.85 MB, 3040x4544, wallhaven-r2j21w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to trust dark elves. They just wear the boots so that they can traverse a snowstorm if the occasion arises during love making.

>> No.35104517
File: 2.39 MB, 1500x2500, Shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be glad a sea kelp got you anon, there are far worse bullies in the sea

>> No.35104531

Just boop the mershark on their nose and watch them turn shy

>> No.35104578

looks real nice anon.

>> No.35104605

You fool, now she wants cuddles

>> No.35104624
File: 28 KB, 700x620, 1554343712060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful about doughragons anons it's midnight snake time and your lunch for tomorrow might be on the menu

>> No.35104658

Easy deterrant for that, pinch and molest the dough and watch them reconsider

>> No.35104687

I can trust her. Her flat chest ensures that she is no threat!

>> No.35104774
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>> No.35104779

I love trussing elves!

>> No.35104801

do men automatically love a monster after getting raped or does it take time for some like being held for days.

>> No.35104829

as with most of the inane questions, it depends.

>> No.35104838
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>> No.35104844

The ladle may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of weapons, but it is very versatile. I can feed my family with it, or use it to discipline monsters that don't behave. If you plan on fighting demon beasts it's usually impossible to cut them with their strong scales or hides using a sword, bludgeoning them with the ladle works a lot better.

>> No.35104857
File: 285 KB, 788x802, 1603142932628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35104875

I gotta hide my snacks!

>> No.35104895

The one monster other than Sandworms that you can detect on seismometers.

>> No.35104896

are automatons customizable, or am i stuck with the factory default

>> No.35104903

I wanna raid her dungeon while loudly proclaiming my love for green snakes and large families

>> No.35104916

Nobody really knows how they work, but that hasn’t stopped Gremlins from attempting to make add-ons.
Just don’t expect great compatibility and prepare for side-effects.

>> No.35104919

extremely customizable

>> No.35104933

i need my automaton to run windows

>> No.35104934

Would an Amazoness be impressed or embarrassed if her husband had Touka levels of ladle combat proficiency?

>> No.35104945
File: 523 KB, 1000x1000, 1611251191305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to attract echidnas with your own dungeon. That's kind of like the equivalent of a woman proposing to a man in our world right? Could be a fun project with copious amounts of animatronic pre-DL monsters that have demon silver teeth and erotic traps (not the faggot kind)

>> No.35104946

>Gremlin presents an Automaton that has a laptop duct taped to her back

>> No.35104985

The idea of Being Wyvern Camilla's rider would be heaven. Being her Cute little Otouto (who may or may not be taller).

>> No.35104987

If you build it, she will come

>> No.35105007

I'm going to get the power loader add-on for my automaton. When I get old and weak I'll need someone to do the heavy lifting for me.

>> No.35105017
File: 232 KB, 713x669, 1529876201225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good idea for sure, but where/how could you find a dungeon? let alone buy? to be honest, my "dungeon" would be a pillow fort in my humble home. surely this wil impress ms. echidna right?

>> No.35105022

>anon looks outside and sees an automaton running laps around his house while carrying glass windows

>> No.35105083
File: 266 KB, 759x720, don't you dare laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd probably be surprised at what their "regular" strength capacity is.
The ancients did not cut corners with their machines.

>> No.35105087

>where/how could you find a dungeon?
You dig it yourself dummy. It's a fantasy world, if someone quotes zoning laws just turn them into a frog

>> No.35105094

We spared no expense!

>> No.35105102
File: 191 KB, 1200x1001, 2YKIo11d_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's room enough for two under the umbrella anon

>> No.35105108

Are Snow Elves and Yetis forever doomed to be rivals?

>> No.35105125

A pillow fort is an absolutely devious dungeon anon. If you use thick sheets she can't tell if you're hiding in there or not, thus if she just collapses onto the dungeon she could hit nothing but soft pillows and comfy blankets making her an easy target for your ambush for her over zealousness, and if she enters properly whilst you're in she can only get her human half in meaning you can easily over power her pinning her down while her tail helplessly writhes outside

>> No.35105166 [SPOILER] 
File: 525 KB, 1023x968, 1623041594614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start digging for your fantasy dungeon
>wild monster appears!
>you've only gotten 6ft in
>you try to shoo her away until your master dungeon is done
who is she and would she listen?

>> No.35105169

I can stand a bit of rain, I'm not made of sugar.

>> No.35105198

I've no time to be dealing with dullahan right now
>women want me
>my shovel hates me
>such is the life

>> No.35105205

>We don't cotton to freaks in this part of town beastie. Ya'll better scram before sundown

>> No.35105221

>6ft under
Obviously it's a zombie, you have freed her from the confines of her coffin and now she is very grateful.

>> No.35105261

Best race

Best haircut

>> No.35105268

Cows are naturally curious, and sensing that a labyrinth was in the making a Minotaur decided to come investigate. After explaining my all of my plans for the dungeon her curiosity was satisfied, but decided to sleep in the soft grass near the hole I'm digging. I hope she leaves soon, I want to go back home and rest a bit without getting my pelvis pounded.

>> No.35105276

>your pillow fort gets invade by the local echidna
>she tries to wiggle into the entrance
>it collapses on top of her
>she falls victim to your snuggling
thanks for showing me the way, time to make a snuggle harem!

>> No.35105291

What even is this called.

>> No.35105297

How do we stop monster girls from breaking out of prison?

>> No.35105304

Top tier craftsmanship

>> No.35105306

Put boys in there

>> No.35105311

Make it illegal to break out of prison. Monster girls are good girls and wouldn't break the law.

>> No.35105319
File: 335 KB, 480x280, tfc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35105326

Conjugal visits, and for single monsters you either stick them in cells with single guys or have an out reach program allowing men to be pen pals with monsters in jail and possible visit them conjugally

>> No.35105338

I was being serious.

>> No.35105340

You sure? It looks like theres not enough room for even one at the moment....

>> No.35105348
File: 1.67 MB, 1528x1371, BCat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Wonderlanders perception of the law is very different from yours.

>> No.35105357

Those eyes look trustworthy

>> No.35105368

Takes out the spray bottle

>> No.35105385

I'm going to send a love letter to the den of the biggest, meanest, most venomous manicure there is.

>> No.35105391

Distract them with prison bitchboys

>> No.35105398

I need to get some sleep or I'm gonna be stuck marrying hands.

>> No.35105504

Are cheshires ever serious about anything?

>> No.35105513


>> No.35105530
File: 553 KB, 1147x1110, 1492935613606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about milk

>> No.35105537


>> No.35105538
File: 53 KB, 894x894, firey_hellhound_by_nottytiffy_ddj9z19-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


According to KC:
>Exist near one
>Be as helpless as you can

>> No.35105551

Imagine a cheshire that likes to tease him, but when human girls actually bully him, she stops smiling

>> No.35105570

Cheshires are the kinda girl to hit you in the face with a cream pie at the wedding reception.

>> No.35105582

How about I cream pie her back in a broom closet?

>> No.35105588
File: 842 KB, 3434x4096, 1565237742562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like fair game.

>> No.35105595

So punching one bad idea?

>> No.35105610

I would say taxes but cheshires seem like the kind of girls that wouldn't fear the IRS.

>> No.35105613

I mean, it wouldn't hurt her, but it's more likely that she'd just pass you off to her Salamander friend instead.

>> No.35105656
File: 40 KB, 474x647, images - 2021-06-07T004900.821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You finally meet your waifu. She has prepared for this and is ready to impress, but what follows is a series of clumsy mistakes that ruins it:

>She has reserved in a super expensive restaurant
>Forgot to tell you the kind of place it is and now she feels she fucked up because you are dressed in casual
>Made a reservation on the best spot, was already given to another couple. You are given a huge round table that force you to turn your neck to talk.
>Calls the MG equivalent of a limo. Have you waiting 30 minutes+ and when it finally arrives it is just a nice car or carriage.
>She is already super nervous on the ride and just clumsily tries to make desperate physical contact in whatever way she can.
>A problem happened with the payment, she is very embarrassed
>By this point she is already crying and gives you a gift
>She apologizes for the horrible date and tells you it is ok if you want to go back to your world

>> No.35105667
File: 137 KB, 964x1556, 20210606_104130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is anon taking her for their date

>> No.35105677

She's my waifu anon, the one thing we know is that we'll always love each other no matter what. None of that shit matters as long as we're together.

>> No.35105680

There's something wrong with this fox's face and I can't put my finger on what.

>> No.35105686

To a love hotel. Its what this dumb one tail fox deserves.

>> No.35105691

The way things are playing out, you'd think I was the one who prepared the date. Either way, I'm not leaving until she gets the ending she's always dreamed of getting.

>> No.35105699

If its the artist i am thinking of he draws ahri with a weird face. Still hot, but weird.

>> No.35105703

>Manticore who never figured out how to use her tail pussy, but is instead very good with her beeg paws.
I would be okay with this.

>> No.35105707

Her eyes are too low.

>> No.35105722

Imagine a salamander that was never taught how to fight

>> No.35105767

She would probably teach herself and become a brute fighter.
Defeat her will your skill and take her in as your apprentice!

>> No.35105774
File: 1.54 MB, 800x600, extreme pets.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird place to do this but alright.

>> No.35105790


>> No.35105800

Its the perfect place for a headpat slut like her.

>> No.35105813

All his art would be perfect if it wasn't for the always uncanny faces.

>> No.35105822
File: 1.94 MB, 1750x2500, AB8608B1-9F6F-4405-91C5-EBE2FFFE4DE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you, perhaps.

>> No.35105862
File: 248 KB, 720x1280, 69916647_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hes gook they just draw things differently than japs its not bad per se but noticeable for sure
they got other artists too this one is god tier for example

>> No.35105878

This is a Cheshire who bodyswapped with a Fox.

>> No.35105898
File: 1.01 MB, 1218x1648, bb1d270735009462f0db8079e9062ded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but when human girls actually bully him, she stops smiling

>> No.35105987

Even in a world of monstergirls we will still have to deal with other human men who have the full capacity to be mean.

>> No.35106001

Makes it easier when you have a cute wife to look forward to coming home too. Also when you realize that they don't.

>> No.35106151 [SPOILER] 
File: 837 KB, 1188x844, 1623053390042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who gives a shit? You have your wife and I'm sure a bunch of absolute lads with wives of their own to fuck around with and have a blast.

>> No.35106176

Quick! Everyone hide before that Dark Elf cop shows up!

>> No.35106198


>> No.35106213
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>> No.35106334

KC makes RPG and draws new art for monsters in it. He also posted sketch of future Mimic and someone else (anyone has that pic?) in his paid-only patreon post

>> No.35106473
File: 1.71 MB, 2480x3508, cute_lamia_by_muhut_db2llbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How toxic
How slithery
How tempting

>> No.35106485

fellas on /d/ call it the Venus body

>> No.35106504
File: 214 KB, 1600x960, 148759655465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hora hora

>> No.35106611
File: 964 KB, 752x1062, 4cfc1147714f5a58140035e4e593c3a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna get tongue fucked so hard so bad

>> No.35106735

Nazrin is a mouse

>> No.35106835

You got any proof of that?

>> No.35106850
File: 211 KB, 642x500, 1622318257950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mimic and Satyros

>> No.35106872
File: 207 KB, 850x1245, __lilim_barack_obama_and_victoria_original_and_1_more_drawn_by_less__sample-301c7754f10d2eece15bc999cdfa4463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Citizen Notice: Priority identification check in progress. Please assemble in your designated inspection positions.

>> No.35106886

>dat mimic tongue

>> No.35106896
File: 25 KB, 452x678, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She squeaks and has big mousey ears

>> No.35106898

Why do the inspection lady keep insisting she'll do the inspection in my bedroom?

>> No.35106979

Emperor Karl? Please, how many times must you keep going on and on about how you love Griffons?

>> No.35106985

If a man tries to bully a guy who's holding hands with a large tigerwoman, he brought what happens next onto himself.

>> No.35107013
File: 620 KB, 1233x1274, f967700bf72447e84c425408b6ac190e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please assume the position.

>> No.35107216

What if monsters tend to tyrannical and totalitarian modes of government, but they are so outdated nobody notices?
>Monsters install an Empress as ultimate ruler of the Realm.
>She spends all her time trying for heirs, and the state keeps a Republic.
>Monsters impose Onerous taxes upon the citizenry.
>They can`t understand modern tax code at all, so they just dispose of the whole thing and use a flat 10% tax.

>> No.35107224

That is a cat, sir.

>> No.35107279

i do not like the mimic ears

>> No.35107318

These penis inspections are inhumane!

>> No.35107333

Wow! Rare marshmallow cat! [Egyptian Edition]!

>> No.35107340

I think they're meant to be ribbons.

>> No.35107357

You wake up in the hospital 38 hours later with a LOT of worried mamono surrounding your bed

>> No.35107368

Would Dragon Princes; AKA, Dragon Riding High Elves who live in Dragonia be a thing in the world of MGE too? And look, I DO NOT CARE about that anon who has recently spammed WHF nor the detractors who point it out as if they're such illustrious guardians of these threads. Hasn't WHF posting been around in these threads long before /tg/ had their monstergirl threads to begin with?

Anywho, MGE Dragon Princes and Princesses. Dragon riding elves who live in Dragonia and ride their dragon mounts as glorious flying knights and or cavalry for the glory of Dragonia, elven kind and for monstergirls around. A Dragon Princess and her dragon mount partner being haughty not!Oujo samas who'd be wives for their precious husband that they share together.

Hell, even an absolutely arrogant Dragon Prince and his equally arrogant and haughty dragon mount waifu who will act as rivals to (You) and your lesser dragon waifu.

>> No.35107408

idk, they remind me of mollusk tentacles like on the tritonia

>> No.35107480
File: 1.17 MB, 953x1100, ratatoskr04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sodomize your ratas!

>> No.35107483
File: 623 KB, 787x1125, 3de26e9153c5ebd5caf1e08a72406bd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35107494

>Evil monster girl takes over and tries to be a evil tyrant so a hero will come and "stop" her
>People are pretty happy with her rule as she has improved the legal code and the infrastructure has never been better

>> No.35107548

Imagine having to explain to the "evil empress" that she could literally eat babies and she would still be better than the last guy.

>> No.35107581

A Metal Bender Gremlin says:

>"Lady Supersized Bitch! Ugly-ass Psycho Doll, And that moronic freak!"

>> No.35107590

That's a soft dark mage

>> No.35107664
File: 130 KB, 367x600, Matango_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35107679

is there like an official reason why we don't like monster musume anymore?

>> No.35107698

It never went anywhere?

>> No.35107708

was it suppose to?
what does that even mean?

>> No.35107717

Broodmother class. Her breasts are not for mating though!

>> No.35107742

Too much NTR. Author abandoned all sense of story telling; though admittedly there wasn't much to begin with, turning the the series into showcases for new girls and characters. Very infrequent releases of new chapters, so it naturally died out.

>> No.35107768
File: 109 KB, 581x822, 1616264406763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A story that just keeps spinning its wheels isn't very interesting. You don't have to try turn this into an argument, if you like it you're free to keep reading it.
Crab makes nice girls, I don't have a problem with that.

>> No.35107781

Dropped it ages ago, was there more NTR beyond Cathyl preferring Kimihito to the farmer?

>> No.35107816

>being on 4chan
>not turning even the most benign things into arguments
pick one

>> No.35107860

I liked the protochapter of nine beast,
didn't care for the actual series

>> No.35107972

She's gonna be the most gravid of all Dark Mages.

>> No.35108017

Think of smug she gets when she meets up with her single friends that told she woild never get a man

>> No.35108023

Pretty much this.
The girls are great and design is fantastic. But the story and characters never went anywhere. He'll introduce a new girl or girls, have a small story with them for a few chapters, and then returned to the status quo with no character having grown or changed.
I still pop in every now and again for the part, but the story is really boring.

>> No.35108072

Pregnant monster's are incredibly smug
>"Oh jeez it's so hard to move around with my BIG PREGNANT BELLY! Trust my husband to knock me up with triplets!"

>> No.35108125

>Goes at the dark mage coven council in that form
>Her succ familiar accompanying her is also heavily pregnant
Mega smug

>> No.35108374

Gonna post an image of my calloused hands on 4 monster

>> No.35108464

Tell them this is what hands of a single man addicted to masturbation look like.

>> No.35108535

Holy fuck, no construction work is going to get done for that month

>> No.35108641

Just wear thick gloves when you work.

>> No.35108653

It gets on the news
>is your man addicted to jerking off
>five things to look out for
>also shows my hands as an example of jerk off addict hands

>> No.35108845

I would use my loyal and stoic kiki maid to masturbate.

>> No.35108868

Why should I go to penis inspection day, Can't I skip it?

>> No.35108887

Should we tell him?

>> No.35108944

Gonna post a picture on myself on 4monster with the post saying "what an ugly retard lol, literally unbreedable" and watch the responses.

>> No.35109024
File: 539 KB, 1600x2259, _1_24_2020__fashion_magazine_ardera__oc__by_rivaiiwah_de04iam-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Male fashion magazines and male models in magazine covers in the MGE world

>> No.35109048

Fuck off /tg/

>> No.35109347

>Thread ends up being a bunch of super coomer loser degenerate mamono describing how they would breed with you

>> No.35109414

>God your genes are disgusting.
>I'd breed with you just to inflict your kids on all the daughters of those snooty highclass chicks from highschool.

>> No.35109547
File: 576 KB, 787x1125, big koa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The young lord likes easy access

>> No.35109688

But he only likes it due to them getting him used to it!

>> No.35110022
File: 163 KB, 900x1200, E3Q5LfHVEAEJRET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35110123

Everybody wins! The young lord having access to proper stress relief is important.

>> No.35110178

don't really care for prolonged harem antics. the addition of unsavory details didn't help either.
Goats are cute, so that's nice I guess.

>> No.35110213
File: 306 KB, 600x1350, oof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35110316

It's not gay it's maturation

>> No.35110317


>> No.35110323


>> No.35110349

I remember that one setouchi doujin where Luka is turned into a girl by doppelganger and fucked but the last panel revealed he was never turned into a girl but rather hypnotized into thinking he did.

>> No.35110372

Why does she have such a good ass

>> No.35110378
File: 1.26 MB, 2187x2849, 84941502_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What are you looking at human!?"

>> No.35110381

Is pseudo yuri play (like thst one scene in reviewers) OK with you guys?

>> No.35110401


>> No.35110402

Would a medusa let me feed her snake hair?

>> No.35110434

I'm fine with it but I can see why some wouldn't be

>> No.35110442

We all have our alp moments anon

>> No.35110474

You would share interests I suppose. Combine that with mamono mana and there you go

>> No.35110501
File: 243 KB, 1280x1811, remisaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wives having fun while waiting for hubby to get back home

>> No.35110531

Taking the phrase, "go fuck yourself" literally

>> No.35110549

Spooky Scary Horror Monstergirls with this royalty free horror music, yes?


>> No.35110598

>Now neither of us will be virgins!

>> No.35110615

Yuri is shit for faggots

>> No.35110628

What happens when the doppelganger potion wears off? Do all the memories from the alp become integrated with the original?
...how do they know which is the original and which is the clone?

>> No.35110635

Makes me think of that Haruhi doujin

>> No.35110659
File: 396 KB, 1130x1500, 1599945699931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they realize it's a lot more awkward to move when you've never walked before
>flirting is also harder when everyone can hear and see what you're doing
>after another attempted kabedon ends in embarrassment the townsfolk take pity on their would-be rapists and take them in
Good end

>> No.35110683

For lovey dovey harems only

>> No.35110700

>never walked before
Think of all the bruised noses and teared filled eyes from all the falling.

>> No.35110713

Is there anything more rude you can say to a mershark than "we're gonna need a bigger boat"?

>> No.35110739

Ask if she is actually a whale

>> No.35110861
File: 178 KB, 1280x878, 1608097184826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apophis layer is a hard job but someone has to keep those snakes contently gravid so they don't go after the throne

>> No.35110894

>tried eating a baseball to see how it tastes
sometimes u just gotta know

>> No.35110902

>mersharks doing their best to take uneasy, shambling steps towards the town from out of the ocean
>a lifeguard spots them from her tower
>some of the mersharks start to sniffle a bit
>a few more moments pass as they slowly get closer
>the horde has to stop and comfort the more sensitive members of the raid to regain their composure before they continue

>> No.35110905

>slap automatons ass
>tetris theme plays as each cheek lights up in tune with the music

>> No.35110926

>Minotaur in a labyrinth
Bit of a cliche, but a good one

>> No.35110932

>the dot on the i is the ball she took a bite out of

>> No.35110967
File: 295 KB, 2300x1400, E3P_emLVEAQ-cP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35111014


>> No.35111053
File: 995 KB, 1000x2920, 1600418935375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>little kid runs up to the mersh leader
>shows her a pool noodle with a bite taken out and asks if she did it
>she breaks down sobbing

>> No.35111180
File: 217 KB, 724x484, E284HK6VEAIW684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35111197

Romcoms often beat around the bush with no development but EMG is unique in that. Last time I read it like 10 last chapters had MC and his harems being background characters/matchmakers for fan self-inserts (literally, they send him photos and he inserts them in manga). I never saw something like that

Some goats yuri-NTRed all farmgirls but I don't remember whether that was the same farmer

>> No.35111210

Ah that sounds pretty shit.
Glad I dropped it, I guess.

>> No.35111242

Speak gachafag

>> No.35111260
File: 449 KB, 1297x653, LsbQE8B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon...the ads.

>> No.35111264

Didn't even notice. Oh well

>> No.35111283

I think when you get to the point where you have literal breastfeeding but no romance I think it's just gone completely off the rails.

>> No.35111348

You think lamia get that pins and needles feeling in their tails when they haven't moved for a while?

>> No.35111402
File: 320 KB, 591x648, mermaid_rape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35111433

Florida Man, Florida Man
Does whatever a crazy can
At sea he works on his tan
Nereids dance the can-can
Florida Man

>> No.35111461

If monster girls so good, why haven't they made monster girls 2?

>> No.35111462

>mershark leader decides they need some kind of victory
>she rebrands the raid as a scouting mission and declares that they'll go as far as the ice cream stand that's at the entrance to the beach, then call it a day
>oh shit, the guy manning the shop is actually kinda cute
>this is it, she'll bring him home with her, and that should save morale
>she saunters back up to the counter as she finishes her ice cream cone and looks down at him
>"Mmm, that was really good... but I think I'm hungry for a bit more..."
>she gives the guy a wink
>all her underlings are watching her make a move
>"Sorry, ma'am. I understand that you're a big woman, but all ice cream purchases are limited to two scoops per customer. We have to make sure there's enough for everyone."
>catastrophic mission failure

>> No.35111489

They did, but it was only called that in Japan. The western release called it Sexbound.

>> No.35111505
File: 229 KB, 2196x1476, En2Bjh6XcAAJ-Ax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too busy drowning in floof.

>> No.35111566

Oof. Past a certain threshold you really can't fault monsters for raping

>> No.35111570

Massive Mofu Mounds
I need them.

>> No.35111573

I am going to make the most duct tape held looking motorcylce, attach a fuck ton of rockets, and try to jump an entire kingdon with it. Gonna call my ride, the heart stopper

>> No.35111613
File: 46 KB, 600x514, 1439972803536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you, boys got on their knees
Ranma, Ranma-it's me you always tease.
Since the day I ran into you
Ranma, Ranma you -
Stole my heart and you -
Don't you dare go and -
Make me wild like you!

>> No.35111653
File: 906 KB, 900x1080, 81526474_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brown squid, brown squid.

>> No.35111672

Stage 3 Alps > Demons > Normal Succ > Shit > Imps

>> No.35111696

If I enter MGE gensokyo, what do I have to expect? Should I fear old red n white?

>> No.35111705

Gensokyo... a sinful town!

>> No.35111930
File: 758 KB, 2000x1500, Mershark34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35111942

>the horrifying truth about mermaids

>> No.35111948


>> No.35111950
File: 2.79 MB, 3000x3912, 1570643530315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35111959

Those tentacles look like they have a mind of their own.

>> No.35111960

If fanart has taught me anything their titties blot out the sun.

>> No.35112006
File: 418 KB, 622x793, Cursed Springfield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35112013
File: 178 KB, 468x562, Practice120a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35112049
File: 456 KB, 1160x1000, 02AD81AD-7734-4952-B12C-9D14DDD40A7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35112054
File: 112 KB, 316x338, 6885fbb12e6a4df14c6c077bb024bd9b1cff26fb_s2_n2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35112092

The way doppelganger potion works is that the person taking it has one will that is split among different bodies, it's basically a small-scale hive mind.
If you try pulling this off, every instance of you should get alped and you're 100% guaranteed to remain an Alp when the potion wears off.

>> No.35112181
File: 83 KB, 1200x1200, 641f50956a851eab549b141842236e51eac6872e810b38a5a2b6a1e3280bbf23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why do foxes have hit boxes on their ears as well?

>> No.35112215
File: 381 KB, 2560x1440, EHp2uEnpBcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Vadaboob draw this? The succ in the last panel looks a lot like his artstyle.

>> No.35112251

The perfect monster body.

>> No.35112295

/k/ shouldn't be let on boats, they always get into tragic boating accidents

>> No.35112337
File: 730 KB, 1453x887, 1611639094926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's cute.

>> No.35112339

>Raid takes an unexpected turn when the sharks start getting grabbed by the locals

>> No.35112340
File: 240 KB, 1080x1616, e7167375e4b5d6a1e02a5c02208f683a7381d273e3bcf4d859f59f3be222e4c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasps are nice

>> No.35112345

>Hitbox extends between legs
0/10, cant roll under skirt

>> No.35112373

Wasps are fucking assholes.

>> No.35112377

Why do that, this fox looks like you can carry her

>> No.35112386

You got a link to it?
For science, of course.

>> No.35112398

If you're not going to have tight hitboxes, don't bother.

>> No.35112403

>disgusting wasp hands posted this

>> No.35112415

>t.virgin honey bee

>> No.35112418
File: 325 KB, 1024x1024, sharkmanga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35112434

Soldier beetle is better that both of them

>> No.35112446


>> No.35112463

That man loves his alps

>> No.35112466

Wasps are not welcome in my garden.
Lots of lovely bumblebees, ants and dragonflies, though.
But all you wasps lurking in the thread can go away.

>> No.35112602
File: 204 KB, 673x648, 20210115_160000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to attract a Hellhound?

>> No.35112604

>In settlement of his gambling debts in 1778, Jennings was forced to sell the sculpture, stating "A fine dog it was, and a lucky dog was I to purchase it". The dog was soon afterwards sold at Phillips for £1000 to the Rt Hon Charles Duncombe.
>For 150 years the sculpture stood guard in the entrance hall of Duncombe Park, the family mansion in Yorkshire; it was enthusiastically described there in 1859: "Among the statues in this apartment is particularly noticed an excellent antique sculpture, representing the Dog of Alcibiades, said to be the work of Myron, a Grecian sculptor". It remained there, away from public view, until 1925. In that year, inheritance taxes forced the Duncombes to rent out the hall to Queen Mary's School for Girls, whose pupils were rumoured to feed the dog unwanted Marmite sandwiches.

Has KC specified if any particular shape constitutes a gargoyle, and does a gargoyle's nature and character change depending on what it was sculpted as?
>No stone doggo guardgirl who shares marmite sandwiches with you on the night shifts.

>> No.35112697

>My Jinko wife protects me
>90% of men will calm down and become less mean with a waifu. A lot of the meaness in the world comes from frustration and suffering.

>> No.35112851

I'm learning teleport magic and a couple other tricks to terrorize the happy couples. Splashing water on the shirts of big breasted monsters, creating gusts that flip up skirts, or even emptying bottled jabber breath into a high class restaurant's ventilation system! Nobody is safe!

>> No.35112878

1. Sell soul to devil at a crossroads at midnight in exchange for becoming a musician
2. ???
3. Hellhound on my trail, Hellhound on my trail~

>> No.35112886

>eat cans of dog food until your tears smell like dog food

>> No.35112926

What do shark noises even sound like?

>> No.35112930
File: 271 KB, 2048x1152, 7tmnow4tlo171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No man can handle this much fluff.

>> No.35113022

I'm allergic to fox hair.

>> No.35113036


Why would crying attract a Hellhound?

>> No.35113050
File: 577 KB, 1044x1500, 7BD969C3-6BA5-459C-8CFB-58CC4824CB83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thrust succs!

>> No.35113071
File: 850 KB, 2480x3507, 1601878270575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon show cok and testes pls

>> No.35113096

Yes I will show you my cooking and taste test

>> No.35113138
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x1439, 77350155_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35113156
File: 50 KB, 1048x1230, moff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35113170
File: 298 KB, 868x1228, E24q-WVX0AYZcvD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35113197
File: 789 KB, 1338x2036, 74213777_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35113236
File: 638 KB, 3027x3797, Ex6em2iWYAESa5V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35113237

They are drawn towards helpless men.
They believe that humans are weak and need monster oversight, so a prime example of that will attract them to the area.

>> No.35113240

I know what he was going for but it still looks like a weird facial deformity.

>> No.35113271
File: 433 KB, 2000x2606, Smug Break.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this desmugs the cheshire

>> No.35113272

Always down to play with best girl

>> No.35113301
File: 1.38 MB, 1855x1000, 1541307362461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why, but I really want a story about WW3 that gets interrupted by the opening of portals with monstergirls pouring out to try their best to save all the men from the fighting.

Speaking of which... how susceptible to actually weaponry are monstergirls? All the stories are generally fluffy, so I'm curious if they can tank bullets or have a stupid healing factor or something. Not all the men they go after can be incompetents.

>> No.35113310

Last one to dig to the center of the earth gets fucked!

>> No.35113378

>Wurm wants to get fucked
>Purposely throws the match by only digging halfway down and waiting

>> No.35113405
File: 518 KB, 2875x2933, 1618359261356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35113407

Ya down for some wrestling in the bedroom?

>> No.35113408
File: 681 KB, 2894x4093, 1606487417176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to the graveyard and look defenseless, or go to the graveyard and boast that you are unrapeable.

>> No.35113417

Wear a dunce cap and look special

>> No.35113447

Would mgs use various forms of shielding spells or runes etc if they ran into a group of actually dangerous men? Obviously they wouldn't want to hurt them, but the men they're after wouldn't have any such qualms.

>> No.35113477

>Local man raped by frustrated hakutaku for acting retarded

>> No.35113518

I want to join in on a sleeping werewolf pile. It just sounds really comfy to snuggle in with them.

>> No.35113519
File: 480 KB, 816x624, latest[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35113581


>> No.35113606
File: 1.55 MB, 1575x1000, Saint_loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KC wrote a story recently, then drew an image for it today.

>> No.35113610

>Wake up sleeping werewolves trying to join in with them
>Dire werewolf alpha wraps her paws around you in a sleepy yet strong grip
>The rest of the pack groggily shuffles their way over to you and goes back to resting, making sure to that at least some part of their body is making contact with you
Hope you don't have any plans, because you aren't going anywhere for a while.

>> No.35113634

My neurons have been activated.

>> No.35113636

Left is better

>> No.35113639
File: 350 KB, 1650x2000, 86949224_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35113661

Can I take uuuuhhhhh one of each

>> No.35113667

if only those moon runes ment anything

>> No.35113675

I sort of agree, though the power play here is for Demon Lori to create a clone of how she was before and then corrupt herself together with you.

>> No.35113679

Don't care for loli but I like new KC stuff

>> No.35113689

You can just tell she's at the ideal standing blowjob height.

>> No.35113718
File: 295 KB, 670x899, 70401129_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who would win in a fight between elves and foxes?

>> No.35113749

Mmm, caramel-flavored Wight

>> No.35113764

>I don't know....
Too much kanji, sorry

>> No.35113818

>I know you're a big woman

Kek, this man knew EXACTLY what he was doing.

>> No.35113846
File: 115 KB, 647x1000, 02333298-9B81-4121-AF1D-EFDA5989B652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember it’s your duty as a man to find a monster with abs and ruin those abs

>> No.35113851
File: 483 KB, 1521x1187, lobster_girl_soldier_by_onion_oni_dcjnpvh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35113867

>loli saintess chan (before monsterization)
>loves her bodyguard paladin onichan
>is honest and obedient
>has very typical little girl's bodytype
>has small boobs and ass
>has a part of god's power stored inside her body, and by using it can boost her lifeforce. With this power she has blessed Order soldiers and Heros and thus created many heros form this power
>using this power burdens her body heavily, so she's weak and sickly
>hopes her power save as many people as possible from the fangs of mamono
>her dream is to marry paladin onichan one day but she knows she's not destined
for long so she thinks it's a hopeless dream

>> No.35113873

Nah, it's just that the chest size and clothes should've remained unchanged post demon transformation.

>> No.35113886

I want my wife to regain rock-hard abs after she gives birth so she can be a better role model for our daughter.

>> No.35113917
File: 219 KB, 1500x2000, merksharkbellyrub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35113921

I want to ruin that demon lolis body with my cock and molest her breasts.

>> No.35113934

If you crossed a jubjub and a raiju would that make the ultimate coomer?

>> No.35113935

She's adorable.

>> No.35113952

The roar from Jaws

>> No.35113963

What if I want a girl with a little chub to begin with?

>> No.35113964
File: 336 KB, 1569x2048, 1621044763461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35114008

I would take the left one please.

>> No.35114022

What was meant by this?

>> No.35114027
File: 156 KB, 1877x1200, DxgmwpDUcAAyWwB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35114038

I don't even know what the original comic was referencing so beats me.

>> No.35114053

Reminder that bobcut is the supreme hairstyle for monster girls

>> No.35114070

Cow have big breasts

>> No.35114077
File: 256 KB, 1392x922, 85264073_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35114086

Cows can't make sophisticated tools?
Think about what a Mino can make.
BIG axe.
Very sophisticated.

>> No.35114109

What's sad is that probably isn't the first, nor the last.

>> No.35114116
File: 1.61 MB, 4644x4500, hugpls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35114124
File: 78 KB, 811x951, abs4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's OK. Everyone has different tastes.

>> No.35114160
File: 1.32 MB, 2376x3464, 1609100736723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you thought of cute sneks today anon? You should do that now.

>> No.35114187

Please, no. I've been trying to escape my childhood friend (shirohebi) for years now.

>> No.35114206
File: 356 KB, 2122x2619, 62252639_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer cute eels.

>> No.35114238
File: 778 KB, 3300x4200, abs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does she have a abs? If not, I don't see anything cute here.

>> No.35114254

>demon saintess chan (after monsterization)
>loves her bodyguard paladin onichan
>rapes her onisama
>sedcues onisama into raping her
>is very whimsy and carefree
>will do anything to do lewd things with onisama
>has bodytype befiiting of monstergirl
>boobs and ass has grown to match her height
>uses god's power solely for onisama
>because of this her oniama's dick is always healthy, and his libido has upped several times, so whenever he's with saintess chan they go at it like animals
>to receive fresh cum everyday from her onisama she's always abusing her power
>because of her her nation has been infested with monstergirls; women have been turned into mgs one after the other while men have been taken by the fangs of mamono and proceeds to live as a loving cum tank for mamonos
>her dream is to become onisama's girlfriend, wife, mistress, sex slave
>loves onisama for making every dream come true
>her latest hobby is raping onisama while in her previous unmonsterized saintess form
>her womb tatoo 'corrupts' her soul every time onisama's cum is poured into her womb. Also it visualizes how much onisama is corrupting her by cumming inside her

>> No.35114287

Do you ever grow used to the fish smell?

>> No.35114319
File: 890 KB, 3709x5835, 89775852_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how foxes assert dominance?

>> No.35114340

They're just playing

>> No.35114343
File: 1.74 MB, 2240x2537, upset_kitsune_by_azraelwebster_dd4qgx5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No this fox is just pleasuring her rival in hopes of keeping her and her mofu away from her husband

>> No.35114372

I never thought hellhounds as the protector type i thought they were predatory and rough.

>> No.35114393
File: 878 KB, 1063x1189, 1577058571521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever see a dog defend it's toy?

>> No.35114406

They are predatory and rough.
They hunt a male, then protect him with lotso f rough sex.
Simple maths.

>> No.35114415

Usually it does more damage to the toy than just letting it go...

>> No.35114425

Yes, this how my fox wives establish the pecking order.

>> No.35114450
File: 148 KB, 1300x1700, 1577126626211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because dogs are not as smart as heck hounds.

>> No.35114452
File: 63 KB, 850x478, sample-a696a660869071a24380cca6ad842149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most importantly they are the loving type like all monster girls.

>> No.35114456


What a good girl!

>> No.35114461

I like monsters but seeing the order get shit on so much makes me sad for some reason i don't know why though. Maybe because they feel like the underdogs at this point?

>> No.35114465

>chips in the bed
I'm getting the spray bottle

>> No.35114495
File: 36 KB, 364x382, 1614949339638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a few chips are gonna bother you, then you better watch out for all the hair.

>> No.35114500
File: 282 KB, 512x512, 1584315821060.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like cunny

>> No.35114506
File: 116 KB, 1080x884, FB_IMG_1592399071989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35114513
File: 1.47 MB, 2150x3035, Kiyo naked ribbons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did

>> No.35114531

their organization itself is corrupt as hell, even if there are some good people within it.

>> No.35114540

yes, its delicious

>> No.35114582
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x1920, 1555180034490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take being covered in hound hair and smelling like dog over sleeping in a bed filled with food crumbs.

>> No.35114586

Fuck kind of doritos do they have in MGC?

>> No.35114587
File: 322 KB, 900x900, 19c41f91e2f3b49eedfdc5c1321b2ea69526ec51d37344652d12b80beb565dab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35114604

The order is like the only option they got, which puts them in a damned if you do damned if you dont kinda deal,

>> No.35114642

just go with the monsters dude. it's not that hard.

>> No.35114646

KC and Will basically told Order is not some typical evil organization, what are you talking about

>> No.35114655

Has this artist ever seen what a dorito looks like?

>> No.35114677
File: 909 KB, 4096x4096, ezgif.com-gif-maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35114693

How do I get raped by an angel?

>> No.35114725
File: 245 KB, 596x553, E2zBh_uXwAMGM3-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear a fedora. That drives them crazy.

>> No.35114748

Having sex with a Raiju in public.

>> No.35114768
File: 966 KB, 800x620, MGQ Valkyrie's punishment for insult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just insult one

>> No.35114790
File: 456 KB, 1190x1507, 85536560_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35114835

Why is punishment tied to ejaculations?

>> No.35114871
File: 3.16 MB, 1500x1500, ceda0a5b6a63a539507d189b05ca51a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blinchik...

>> No.35114879
File: 94 KB, 682x1000, Bug cosplaying a boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35114933
File: 328 KB, 800x800, 1610999209295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O lawd she commin.


>> No.35114948
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>> No.35114995

Space Monkeys!

>> No.35115020
File: 540 KB, 1259x1547, 1564694470019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35115036

I do not want my dick bitten off

>> No.35115051
File: 282 KB, 1000x1000, Asashimo_Mershark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be gentle.

>> No.35115057

Left is still better

>> No.35115076

protect is the last thing i would ever want to do with a cheshire, get em away from me.

>> No.35115077
File: 139 KB, 1070x620, Cerea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this centaur seems off...

>> No.35115093

No, now goodbye.

>> No.35115102

In the world of MGQ monsters feed on semen, so they (monsters) consider humiliating for a man to be raped and cum.
Angels are divided into those that actually believe the same (Valkyrie, Nagael etc.) and those that are just using that as an excuse to have sex (Cupid).
Regardless, angels believe a punishment that lasts longer than a human's natural lifespan is worse than actual death. So combine the above and the result is a LOT of rape

>> No.35115105
File: 1.97 MB, 3000x4349, VvrmiwZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the the time, but just one.

>> No.35115116
File: 557 KB, 1387x864, 90404118_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35115140
File: 691 KB, 1200x1800, Instant loss pharaoh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do the sons of apophises have the same drive to fuck over a pharaoh?

>> No.35115171

Nope, but that won't stop me from trying!

>> No.35115214

Roleplay night is fun

>> No.35115220
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, ezgif.com-gif-maker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35115228

Head's too small
this one isn't as bad though >>35105774

>> No.35115235
File: 524 KB, 702x507, 1586239707142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see nipple

>> No.35115239

Someone really ought to introduce monsters to instant loss 2koma so they stop being this haughty

>> No.35115261

"Look at these cute foxes controlling poor humies with their fluff, observe the parallelism across generations"

>> No.35115286

That hair is giving me vague kiki vibes
Kikimora-cursed_whatever might be a new favorite chimerism for me

>> No.35115302
File: 419 KB, 1500x844, EZgKHhiXgAAxdf_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boatgirls are Tsukumogami.

>> No.35115315
File: 777 KB, 1200x1200, ea7c3abfc7bed57cf7e89bd231fe1da1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35115325

I was trying to think of the word, but couldn't remember it

>> No.35115345

No, I am here to one Ms. Monke's pizza

>> No.35115354
File: 902 KB, 1080x1080, Sketchbook_karakasa_obake_by_candra_deewyql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome.

>> No.35115377
File: 257 KB, 1400x1867, 1562508607421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You encounter a Goblin berserker!

>> No.35115414
File: 1.12 MB, 1350x1800, 90403549_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35115447

Help, what do I do?
I wamdered into a cave and getting scolded by a hag monster.

>> No.35115472
File: 828 KB, 1200x1278, 783837_zeption_moar-succubus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scold hag monster for still being single

>> No.35115488

Have you tried turning it off then back on again?

>> No.35115491
File: 2.27 MB, 1200x1600, 1613490772906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been very good with cats, even "troublesome" cats warm up to me. I don't know if it's because if they can sense how mellow and laid-back I am, and so they relax around me. I bet I'd be a good match for a cheshire.

>> No.35115494
File: 149 KB, 938x838, E1Kgiw9UUAI2E0S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35115506

Do puppy eyes at her and say you're sorry.

>> No.35115520

Now draw her again every single day for a year.

>> No.35115532

Dragons may be fearsome creatures but do they understand that breakfast for dinner is the best?

>> No.35115550

apologize profusely and say it's your fault, because you're single and you've started feeling lonely so you went to a cave to be upset in quiet

>> No.35115564

>I'm insecure and threatened when confronted with the perfect female specimen.

>> No.35115581
File: 523 KB, 833x1179, 84717409_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touch the cow.

>> No.35115585

Did it, but now she wants to hold me and call her mama. Why? Doesn't help she is at least 9 feet tall

>> No.35115592

>not the other way around

>> No.35115610

I don't understand, is it a sex reference or something?

>> No.35115643


>> No.35115662

Let her hold you and call her mama.

>> No.35115703
File: 481 KB, 709x1051, 10B173C1-5E70-48E8-92A9-9046D58F9B10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instructions unclear I touched the human cow

>> No.35115707

Gonna run with the cow

>> No.35115718
File: 261 KB, 1024x576, 1614515223235.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35115723

Can I molest the cow?

>> No.35115735

Let her hold you and call you mama.

>> No.35115751

Something is terribly wrong with this horse.

>> No.35115799

Did I just get a momster gf by not looking where I was going?

>> No.35115822

touch her where?

>> No.35115828

Cow is a sweetie but birb got to me first and would be very angry

>> No.35115871

Why should I?

>> No.35115882

Think that's not too uncommon an occurence.
Not looking where you're going in a city, walk into an alley and suddely you're the property of whatever delinquents were hiding there.

>> No.35115924

This except it's a dolled up city wight who shoves some expensive bags of designer clothing into my hands and ushers me into shop after shop, decides to take me (still laden with all her purchases) to a 'little hole in the wall restaurant' (the line is longer than my life expectancy), and then just pops out lipstick and casually reapplies it in the limo while telling me we're married now.

>> No.35115934
File: 559 KB, 3543x2598, Yamato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's a cute boy like you doing in a place like this?

>> No.35115947

I am looking for a job

>> No.35115976

Looking for foxes

>> No.35115990

Buscando guayba ando yo

>> No.35116006

Hunting for waifus
are you a waifu?

>> No.35116033

Just sleepin so let me sleep more please

>> No.35116047 [SPOILER] 
File: 462 KB, 1536x2048, 1623098889146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure anon you can sleep alright, sleep with the fishes

>> No.35116058

A shark daki, thanks for that. I love sharks

>> No.35116072
File: 1.26 MB, 1240x1754, foxmilk.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merely looking for the maiden of the shrine to present my humble offering.

>> No.35116073

>Mofu mafia and mershark pirates have a disposal agreement

>> No.35116092

Skip to 1:45

>> No.35116097
File: 1.28 MB, 2556x2357, mershark08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna shove my fingers in a mershark's mouth. I wanna get a good feel of her mouth inside.

>> No.35116104

If I go jogging with my mino wives am I running with the bulls?

>> No.35116105

Everyone knows knows the Diamond Shark and Sea Fox gang are the same gang

>> No.35116107

Hello, I am a hag hunter and was alerted to high amount of hags in this area. Can I see the hags?

>> No.35116148

Are the fishes, nice fishes?

>> No.35116153

I'm going to defeat the lizard general and force her to say "I love you" in front of her soldiers.

>> No.35116177
File: 262 KB, 328x480, eSLHOCtN_o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder for the mastahs in this thread to charge their meidos.

>> No.35116194

Has she done something illegal?

>> No.35116202

How does one know when the maid is charged?

>> No.35116223

Why the fuck would I do that? Meido working for free is one thing, but demanding money from your maid is just sick.

>> No.35116231

What do you think dogs are? They'll lose their shit if they see a cat, they roll around in mud without a care, and they'll also get up in a grizzly bear's face to protect you.

>> No.35116237
File: 549 KB, 1500x1500, 1576477658306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely nice, in fact they're so nice you might just never wanna leave the water

>> No.35116238

When her hair starts to stick up and glow gold

>> No.35116267

What if you keep charging?

>> No.35116293
File: 1.47 MB, 2400x3000, E3TuLaZWEAYj7ng.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35116314

So this is what the "bad" part of MGC is like.

>> No.35116323

I tried plugging my shog into a wall outlet but she just let out the worst scream I ever heard and told me to never do that again.

>> No.35116344
File: 1.12 MB, 4961x3508, 90405351_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35116349

I'm going to handkerchief her bloody nose

>> No.35116353

But the wall outlet is your shog too. Did she feedback loop being plugged into herself?

>> No.35116371

okay so long as daughter isn't too young
Amagi-chan is cute as fuck but definitely below the line for me

>> No.35116387

Only the ones in the house. The one in the garage is still connected to the grid.

>> No.35116416

Your Shog not yet confident to replace your tools and car?

>> No.35116417

Why would you do it?

>> No.35116455
File: 652 KB, 2700x2300, EK-Cbr6UcAAwLW3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big wock thighs

>> No.35116459
File: 1.59 MB, 1575x1000, Saint loli2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The outfit got updated.

>> No.35116463


>> No.35116499

How could I get oyakodon without the daughter being mine?

>> No.35116513

Is there a version without the watermark?

>> No.35116552


>> No.35116596

What changed. And also KC is really good at drawing mini titties.

>> No.35116620

It's from his sikrit twitter?

>> No.35116621


Added a cap to the demon version, and changed the sash on the demon version so that it starts from the chest downward rather than at her thighs. Overall an improvement I'd say, since it keeps the religious vibe that the original had.

>> No.35116642

Keeping the translucent pelvic curtain is a big upgrade, but keeping the hat is a downgrade. The demon would look best in the white outfit because of the contrast, though.

>> No.35116707

Much better.
She has the hat as well.

Gonna take her home and meet my cat

>> No.35116709

Fuck a girl that already has a daughter?

>> No.35116723
File: 125 KB, 1024x1694, 1591728955868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any downside to marrying undead warlords, as I see it I get an immortal well trained army, an immortal wife/bodyguard, and could repeat this as many times as I like due to the number of old and forgotten warlords eager for attention

>> No.35116727

with help from the green greedcat

>> No.35116736

Her ending every sentence with with archaic honorifics and laughing at low brow fart jokes

>> No.35116740

infighting from old rivalries

>> No.35116748

Are there even monstergirls without husbands.

>> No.35116750

Yeah, and if you want one with a daughter just look for one that monsterized.

>> No.35116754
File: 663 KB, 3429x2893, EI5N2CRWoAE498W.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35116767
File: 272 KB, 936x748, we just don't know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We just don't know.

>> No.35116775
File: 915 KB, 3200x2400, 1603726243540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Married monsters had to find their husbands at some point.

>> No.35116795

She's so pretty, but there's no way she'd marry a weakling loser like me.

>> No.35116814

I want to walk around in public with a shirt that says "Exclusively for Goblin use."

>> No.35116824
File: 2.31 MB, 1584x1188, Shiki Myusca Arrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So many weakling monstergirls here.

>> No.35116827

Dragonia is eternal just like Deonora's virginity!

>> No.35116834

MGC is going to be a wild place. Guys walking around with sexually deviant shirts, monster girls walking around with shirts meant to pique the shirt wearing guys, guys throwing cum filled onaholes and rags off buildings and into subways just to see what happens, etc.

>> No.35116914

How would MGE monstergirls react if they found themselves in the Succubus Prison universe?

>> No.35116992

Only because weakling losers get hitched with weaker monsters before they get to meet the queen.

>> No.35117010

gonna be that lad who freeruns naked down rape alley, amazon ave, and BDSM street for a living

>> No.35117033

>tfw a kiki that has to clean up all that mess day after day

>> No.35117116
File: 1.72 MB, 978x1592, 90381567_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why elves always bathe so conspicuously

>> No.35117120

Best way to make money, be the sole store that sells those sexually deviant shirts, watch the money flow

>> No.35117176

The longer I think about hellhounds, the more appealing they become.

>> No.35117187

>guy walks out with a "mofu slut shirt"
>horny fox down the street walks in a second later to buy a "mofu slut slut" shirt and bolts after him

>> No.35117201
File: 149 KB, 507x522, Practice120b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35117214

i know elves and dwarves are the only other species whose males can incubize instead of changing gender like other creatures did, but like how are these depictions of them differ from the average?

>> No.35117225

those boots do be looking good

>> No.35117231

walks up to a fox "what the fuck is a mofu?"

>> No.35117240

My only hope is that tanukis don't get the same idea, then I might have to play dirty

>> No.35117268

can you buy stuff from tanukimart with sexual favors? i heard a rumor about it.

>> No.35117271

i like your style

>> No.35117312

>I'm insecure and threatened when confronted with the perfect female specimen.
Doesn’t that describe like half these threads though? Like someone will post a (non-shitpost) “what would you do” prompt and half of the replies will be “I act like an immense asshole” for no obvious reason.

>> No.35117329

After years of hearing prompts like that, sometimes the only amusement you can really derive is from non typical answers. And sometimes, you get counters to them that are hillarious. Angles your cock

>> No.35117383

Wockfag's face was flattened by this doughragon

>> No.35117385

Perhaps, but after seeing responses like that for the thousandth time, they’re not funny anymore.

>> No.35117402

Regular human Incubi are not that different after incubization, so the same should apply to them.

>> No.35117424
File: 72 KB, 640x905, 1558062391326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if I bite a vampire?

>> No.35117441

plebian infection
can only be cured with semen, your semen

>> No.35117473
File: 277 KB, 1408x882, 1583893500645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35117474
File: 792 KB, 1000x1000, 57099207_p32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35117494

now thats a pretty fishy

>> No.35117525

How can a submissive man get an Umi Osho girlfriend?

>> No.35117535


>> No.35117547


>> No.35117558

I wonder what they're talking about.

>> No.35117566

I like this
>ywn be fought over by viciously territorial freshwater mermaids

>> No.35117634

>boobs and ass has grown to match her height
It kind of feels like KC is slowly becoming a titfag.

>> No.35117635
File: 788 KB, 1275x1800, EyCMsgZU4AE8k-P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35117638


>> No.35117689

seems more like a case by case deal, like with giant paws.

>> No.35117723

He's into huge breasts and washboard flat.

>> No.35117745
File: 514 KB, 1378x2067, fiveofhearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but keeping the hat is a downgrade

>> No.35117766

I would become a magician in MGE just to steal hats.

>> No.35117776
File: 176 KB, 730x1024, D51eZgrWkAA9lFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the cutting board lover

>> No.35117803

You would not because that's stupid and extremely boring in practice.

>> No.35117804

>that belly

>> No.35117805

Huge, buff lizardman swearing loyalty to you after you saved her younger sister from a flood.

>> No.35117810

>her latest hobby is raping onisama while in her previous unmonsterized saintess form
I'm sold.

>> No.35117812

please, as if mundane shenanigans wouldn't be one of the best uses of magic

>> No.35117829

I'm glad for you that you're so easily amused.

>> No.35117832

Yeah, I would learn teleportation magic to molest my wife while I'm away and pick up shit I left behind

>> No.35117834

I'm scared

>> No.35117844


>> No.35117856

Sounds like someone's afraid of losing their hat

>> No.35117864

This is the monster girl thread.

>> No.35117872

it's nice to know some girls get that mode shift.

>> No.35117873

Alright, sounds like someone is afraid their waifu's hat is going to be stolen.

>> No.35117880

It's a strange comment because the breasts on the left clearly match the height better.

It clashes with the horns.

>> No.35117883

My point being if you want to talk at length about your hat fetish, try /fa/.

>> No.35117890
File: 102 KB, 494x300, 1621518065372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life seems harsh and cruel,feel all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain.

>> No.35117898

Adventuring girls/monster girls look better with a beret.

>> No.35117902
File: 195 KB, 1000x1000, 1621606613094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No response. Lamias got him.

>> No.35117909

just look at his latest works, like bogey or creeping coin, there's a pretty obvious trend towards mamono with large breasts.
hell, not even his old work is safe, as even the perflat ones are now being reworked into bona fide titty monsters.

>> No.35117914

then stop being scared then

>> No.35117923

good, flatties suck

>> No.35117933

I'm not going to get to any conclusions until tiddy greenworm is produced.

>> No.35117935

yeah, i've heard that sort of stuff before. people think they see patterns in small sample sizes.

>> No.35117938
File: 358 KB, 833x1100, hades tits gotem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his favorite species weren't titty monsters from the start

>> No.35117966

arent wonderworms just that but purple?

>> No.35117975

I grapple the goblin and hold her down until she calms down.

>> No.35117979

I fear for the sabbath's safety...

>> No.35117993

I care not for lolis

>> No.35117997


>> No.35118000
File: 513 KB, 1003x600, 2F627828-9319-48EA-8BF0-FCAE5067D7C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is KC we’re talking about dude.
Yknow, lolicon supreme?

>> No.35118002

Smokeworms just aren't the same as greens

>> No.35118017
File: 208 KB, 800x900, 1453009258633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if my monster imouto was in love with me, I'd still prefer if she matured physically before we did anything lewd.

>> No.35118019
File: 3.44 MB, 2120x1524, kotcreepinginyourwindow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like titty monsters.

>> No.35118030
File: 1.95 MB, 1387x1961, 89641681_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah they're kinda just an upgrade.

>> No.35118031
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It's JC Lilims for me.

>> No.35118036
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Big. Fat. Cat. Tats.

>> No.35118048
File: 532 KB, 840x1400, 76811413_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cats are too powerful for you, traveler.

>> No.35118055

>Anon's imotou spends days marking the calendar until she's old enough to bang Anon.

>> No.35118057

what happens to the now calm goblin?

>> No.35118060

thats a cow, not a cat

>> No.35118065

cant wait till kc revises her design makes her breasts at least 8 sizes larger.

>> No.35118067

[Goblin Berserker has joined your party]

>> No.35118075

That's what Adult Druella is for.
And she'd still be SHIT

>> No.35118080


>> No.35118083

Good. He has seen the light.

>> No.35118090

That's not a green and more like a sidegrade

>> No.35118097

but why?

>> No.35118104

Cat milk.

>> No.35118105
File: 1.71 MB, 2008x1285, sheersha__ref_list__by_rinkaenus_dek2p0x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I just like her design.

>> No.35118107

>runs into nii-chan's bedroom early one morning
>look nii-nii, look! pubes! won't be long now!

>> No.35118114

anon puts her on a leash

>> No.35118127

I mean, if that priest girl is anything to go by, then no, not even loli druella is safe from his sinful hands.

>> No.35118128

cats already have milk

>> No.35118137

She's the power of loli moff girls though, still high tier and well designed.

>> No.35118173
File: 358 KB, 908x1280, 76880839_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no

>> No.35118202

Give me 3 reasons why flat chest are better that big tits

>> No.35118206

Out fucking skilled.

>> No.35118248

b-behind you!!

>> No.35118254
File: 572 KB, 1112x1400, 1526263992085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. It's cute
2. Directs more attention to midriff, collarbones and the lower body
3. Usually found on a loli body

>> No.35118268

hello and welcome to reverse mating press channel

>> No.35118274

Clever girl

>> No.35118275

if flat chest better than big tits, is flat ass better than big ass?

>> No.35118289
File: 815 KB, 850x1200, 63644798_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my big girls big and my lolis small.
You mix it up and it just looks bad.

>> No.35118292

NO, a fat ass is always needed

>> No.35118309
File: 318 KB, 750x869, 1616084779557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do you think I can tease my cute fluffy wife before she breaks down and rapes me on the spot? I was thinking a *maybe* a week max, if I keep myself busy enough to see her less

>> No.35118313

Fat ass is a requirement. Nothing justifies a flat ass. Even a small, well shaped ass is better than a flat ass.

>> No.35118333

4 minutes

>> No.35118334

What would a Hellhound do if she found a man in a graveyard bawling over having lost a loved one?

>> No.35118369

>Physically AND emotionally vulnerable?

>> No.35118384
File: 1.41 MB, 1488x2105, 1622134232096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flat ass is no good, even small girls should have nice and shapely ones.

>> No.35118393

>you know what always cheers me up?

>> No.35118454
File: 862 KB, 3744x4000, 1619038104873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get a monster wife like this without going to the desert or MGE's regional equivalent of Africa?

>> No.35118477

a lot of sun and mamonobama

>> No.35118502

Ass > Breasts

>> No.35118515

import some corrupted produce or cursed items from that area

>> No.35118524

why did you say an obvious statement anon

>> No.35118526

Just tell your wife that you like dark brown girls eventually mamono mana will take effect and her skin will slowly darken like a chameleon

>> No.35118529

blow up the moon
do it soon

>> No.35118534

thighs are more important but I can't separate them from ass in good conscience.

>> No.35118553

>MGE's regional equivalent of Africa?
Cheetah girls when?

>> No.35118557

why not go over there? You scared or something?

>> No.35118634

8*0 = 0

>> No.35118637

Gonna go to Monster Girl Africa to look for an eggplant-purple apophis.
Maybe she is a muscular warrior ruined-temple guardian with a weird-shaped sword

>> No.35118667

The wild life over in those areas aren't exactly easy mode.
hostile native amazonesses.

>> No.35118679

Just grab an MGAfrica catalog and order your girl, will show up to your house in a few days.

>> No.35118686

So? just git gud, fag

>> No.35118707

>Haha that tiger behind the glass is so cute
>Wait... this is a mirror

>> No.35118761

...Go to any major city and have a look around because MGs migrate too?

>> No.35118788


>> No.35118792

maybe she'll go away if you keep pretending its see through glass

>> No.35118817

What if some paste-skin cheshire cat tries to get with me, deterring me from perusing a beautiful ebony panther girl?

>> No.35118821

>That thumb, tho.

>> No.35118836

two left hands?

>> No.35118839

Yes, that'll work for a time, but eventually you'll have to move. You can't stay frozen in that spot forever.
That moment you move, you're getting dragged off for a lengthy mating session. And the longer you made her wait, the longer and more intense it'll be

>> No.35118857

>MGC airports have guys holding up signs in foreign languages, asking for a wife

>> No.35118876

fuck, I will never look at this image the same way again.

>> No.35118890

You know that thing where parents mark the wall with their kids growth? She has that, but for her breasts and butt. It's like a "You must be this stacked to fuck onii-chan" board.

>> No.35118897
File: 1011 KB, 1597x1419, 1597415905480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon is on a journey
>A journey to find the jinko with two left paws who raped and kidnapped his brother
>He's got a wedding gift and by the chief goddess he's going to give it to them

>> No.35118904

will be the one with the sign that says I wanted to get gang banged in every language possible and especially dead languages

>> No.35118921

that's why you hype her up as the cutest cat around. she'll turn or run away in embarrassment and that's your chance to escape. hope you can think of alot of compliments

>> No.35118941

I'd be the foreigner who gets his passport seized and has to marry somebody for citizenship.

>> No.35118955

I bet you that they will make this happen often due to some less legal reasons

>> No.35118965

No, no, no. It'll only amplify her horniness. You'll visibly see her salivating as she has a mate that's not only right in front of her, but thinks she's attractive and a good mate herself.

>> No.35118972

>get pickpocketed
>left your money but took your passport

>> No.35118988

what happens if you make her cum with your words tho?

>> No.35119022

Hell, bet you most thiefs would be eros agents in disguise

>> No.35119024

You get taken on the spot to eat her out

>> No.35119039

I don't see as much fan art of her

>> No.35119043

not a bad fate, at least my pelvis is safe and all I have to do is subdue her with my mouth.

>> No.35119093

do monsters just know that a married man with a bicorn looking for more is open to that or does that have to be verbally divulged.

>> No.35119102


>> No.35119196

Tanning. Salon.

>> No.35119209

Personally I would be upset f I wasn't invited to my brother's wedding.

>> No.35119237

which mg would be willing to put me out of my misery?

>> No.35119242

Magical Jinko Nya-Tasha, coming to a streaming network near you

>> No.35119256

please let her be an old hag jinko please god

>> No.35119263

I love how MGE rewards predatory behavior.
>have a sister in law you absolutely hate?
>just fucking groom her daughters to be your niece wives

>absolutely desperate to get laid?
>run out of your mom’s basement naked and chances are within the first five minutes you’ll find some MG to bone right there in public

>fucking camp councilors

Like seriously I just thought about shit like this when I got really plastered and I don’t know if KC has commented on those topics or not. So I was hoping maybe you guys had an answer.

>> No.35119280

She's not old!
She's mature!
A magical girl that through a series of flukes has continued to fight evil into cakehood!

Can she continue to defeat evil, maintain her job, and finally land herself a husband?

>> No.35119325

does the uniform still fit and does she use an AK?

>> No.35119328

>just finish saying how good she would look in a wedding dress
>feel her leave your back
>this is your chance!
>turn around to run but lock eyes with her as she finishes undressing
are you quicker than a pouncing monster?

>> No.35119359

Nah, if she milf tier, anything else I am bolting like Usain

>> No.35119383

It 'fits' in that it keeps her technically SFW.
And yes, she's upgraded from her 'Potent PPSH' to her "Katastrophic Kalashnikov".

She even dual wields them at time, causes lots of bouncing.

>> No.35119411
File: 1.34 MB, 3508x2480, 578D6E66-CBC0-492C-BB30-04C1247AABA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35119416
File: 361 KB, 833x1100, night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'd let him have his moment.
Then begins the stalking.

>> No.35119439

So this is what they meant when they said "commece the jigglin'"

>> No.35119450

Look, when she's shooting her Love Love Lead at the Mysterious Magistrix from atop a moving train some jiggling is bound to happen.

>> No.35119457
File: 42 KB, 710x500, its her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd beat the shit out of those evil creatures for trying to kill men
Of course, because they're smarter, and know that holding on to a man for life results in more spirit energy, because it's an almost infinite supply and not a one pump succ fest.

>> No.35119462

>Go to the desert kingdom for vacation
>Just a few days and have lots of fun
>Meet a Pharaoh at the bar, asks you to make her a drink
>Must have confused you for a bartender but no big deal, can easily just go get her one and bring it to her
>She talks to you all night, ordering drinks through you
>Tell her you got to head out, got to get up early to catch the plane home tomorrow
>She just looks at you confused
>Feel a presence following you back to your hotel

>> No.35119500

Gonna be her tuxedo mask that wears only a cowboy outfit without a shirt and wield dual revolcers

>> No.35119508

What are some good MG stories / greentexts? In the mood to read but not sure what

>> No.35119521

>My job here is done.
>"What are you talking about cowboy, you didn't do anything?"

>> No.35119569

These three are all good, if you've already read all their stuff then I'd recommend looking at the OP Mega, it's got a whole collection of greentexts and some stories if you're willing to wade around. Just steer clear of the WORM folder, if you want to remain undoctrinated.

>> No.35119579

I like that one that Cupid steals your pants and Valkyrie arrests (You) for streaking

>> No.35119582

Just a note beforehand
>avoid the dark elf one from magus if you don't like heavy bdsm
>the third guy is kind of inactive as of late, so don't get too invested in the story waiting for more

>> No.35119631

rsanon's always a good time.

>> No.35119647

Good night anons, take care and don't burn down the thread.

Instead, be sure to remember that marune familiars are cute and loving girls that work hard and don't always have cowprint coloration.

>> No.35119658

Do those lasses get bullied for not having cowprint?

>> No.35119673

No, it just means they avoid the cow cliche.
Turns out that girls in that farming Sabbath tend to stick to making the same joke over and over again

>> No.35119685

I want to sit a Marune familiar on my lap and feed her some freshly baked zuccini bread while we sit in a rocking chair on the farm.

>> No.35119692

That made me think of courage

>> No.35119705

Shes gonna be happily munching it while kicking her legs

>> No.35119720

Comfy life with comfy Marune imouto sounds nice.

>> No.35119728

Hope she's not too flustered to eat when I lay a little kiss on her forehead

>> No.35119744

18 naked goatgirls in the showers at Marune Ranch

>> No.35119746
File: 89 KB, 1312x380, valkyrie and cupid pasta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it

>> No.35119755

She's gonna hide her face in that zucchini bread.

>> No.35119757
File: 59 KB, 420x247, 1366859925647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marune is an anagram of manure.

>> No.35119788

I would wake up at 4 in the morning to do farmwork with my Marune imouto, which is surprising since I'm not a morning person. That's just the power of comfy loli I guess.

>> No.35119795

Sabbath flatties seething again, eh?

>> No.35119806

Gonna grow lots of nutrient-rich produce so the imouto grows big and thicc.

>> No.35119820
File: 3.06 MB, 2650x2600, 73985131_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just stating a fact.

>> No.35119837

I can confirm the third guy is still around, but he's been busy due to IRL circumstances and work.

>> No.35119879

Oh nice to hear

>> No.35119888

The best tits are mature monster tits

>> No.35119901


>> No.35119913

Is there a monstergirl general discord?

>> No.35119915

too much sag

>> No.35119924

You're better off not knowing.

>> No.35119932
File: 457 KB, 1230x1160, Habs Sola.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer perky pai-loli tits but to each their own I suppose.

>> No.35119933
File: 1.26 MB, 1056x1584, ea75f7116326f5145374acc03735e776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a requirement.

>> No.35119940

its worth the risk

>> No.35119943

I want to start a professional seal-removing service for dubious foxes!

>> No.35119956


>> No.35119962

It really isn't dude, but go to reddit if you want to find out.

>> No.35119964
File: 1.19 MB, 1250x1600, cec9100577b2a9722690e005fbae41c3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your offer is appreciated, but I'm fairly certain those particular ofuda are her own.

>> No.35119965

Thats a perfect good sweater

>> No.35119978

Is she green because she is a frog?

>> No.35120014

Between the mwees and the foreign language I can't tell anymore.

>> No.35120037
File: 380 KB, 753x1100, 285_mucus_toad_L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they have hands.

>> No.35120056

If I lick a toad girl, will I see smells?
