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File: 486 KB, 1920x1200, hedphones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3503321 No.3503321 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /jp/
Today I bought new headphones. When I was in the store, I tried to remember this pic..I bought some sennheiser headphones called PX 100 and bought them because I remembered wrong, this pic seems to have PX 200.
And I wanted headphones that are in this pic ;_; What should I do /jp/?

>> No.3503340

Remember this failure next time you want to buy something.

>> No.3503350

You're ashaming your waifu with such mistakes.

>> No.3503363

Go back to the store and change them?

>> No.3503383 [DELETED] 

They didnt have the other model and I doubt that they would let me to get my money back just like that. I've already opened these..
Well, I guess I can settle with these but next time Im not going to fuck up!

>> No.3503403

Don't be a faggot and keep your headphones.

>> No.3503404

They didnt have the other model and I doubt that they would let me get my money back just like that. I've already opened these after all...
Well, I guess I can settle with these but next time Im not going to fuck up!

>> No.3503435

Senn px100 is a good headphone srsly.Far better then px200 itself.
Sold it to my friend though last night.Feels bad man;_;

>> No.3504059

Well, thats nice to hear. I like these as well..

>> No.3504063

iirc PX 100 sounded better than the 200s.

I'd keep them.

>> No.3504123

Buy AKG 702s

>> No.3504145

Bose Around-Ear Headphones user reporting in.

>> No.3504678

richfriend, go away!

>> No.3504680


its ok px 100 isn't so bad

>> No.3504681

I only have a Sennheiser HD 201 and an older (1 year old) HD 555 that is falling apart already because I'm a brutal warrior

>> No.3504683

Just buying the same headphones won't turn you into her ;_;

>> No.3504736

KOSS Portapro. So good.

>> No.3504839

Hey, I just bought a pair of these recently. Driving them with a Shanling PH3000, sounds pretty nice so far. The mofos are pretty big and leaky though, so no portable listening with them.

>> No.3504862

Headphones are terrible. Enjoy mashing your ears into the side of your head, audiophiles.

>> No.3504892

Why to show your ignorance yet again, Jones. You do know there are a number of headphones that enclose your ears with open space to spare (AKG 701/2 and UItrasones come to mind).

>> No.3504900

Those are, like, $250.

>> No.3504913
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I'm sorry you can't afford the good life like we can.

>> No.3504925

I live in a dorm, so I'm not gonna have all my Japanese talking audible to others. I need headphones.

>> No.3504930
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these will do.

>> No.3504932

Hell, even a cheap ATH-AD400 works fine without mashing in your ears.

>> No.3504938

i only wear headphones if someone's in the room, and i don't want others to hear what i'm listening to

otherwise, it's speakers all the way

>> No.3504945

What are some good cheap headphones that no one around me will hear ?
Right now I have some shitty ones that works like speakers, everyone can hear them.

>> No.3504947
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Look's like I'm just in time.


The PX100 are better than the PX200. They are basically right with the portapros in the under 50$ range. Good buy.


Enjoy your shit headphones.


You obviously haven't tried very many headphones at all. Go buy some Audio Technica AD700s, report back results. Make sure not to get the A700s though.


Those are Audio Technica ES7s, in case anyone was wondering.

Oh, and have a picture of the headphones I'm wearing right now. My AD700s are on break.

>> No.3504949

Those grados also good for techno and trance?

>> No.3504960


Depends on what you want. The highs are a tad rolled off (IMO) and the mids are upfront. Synths sound really good on them since the sound spectrum seems to be focused right in that mid section that synths and electric guitar tend to use. They might not be adequate if you like tons of bass though. They have a normal amount of bass (and plenty for me) but some people like a bass focused headphone for dance music and the sort. The only advice I can give you on that is to buy them and if you don't like them find a good forum to sell them on (a little google work on headphone forums should bring up the one I'm thinking of). I used to have some M-Audio Q40s, which had tons and tons and tons of bass. So much in fact, that I sold them because they had too much. If you want something with strong bass, I'd go for them. (This is all coming from someone who thinks the AD700s have enough bass, to put all of the bass in perspective.)

An added quick note, the best way to enjoy higher quality music is to just find better quality encodes. After you get used to LAME V0, 128 sounds like shit. I can't tell the difference between V0 and FLAC, but it's still nice to have for archiving. Some touhou arranges have problems with loudness (IOSYS comes to mind), so some of them will sound like shit even in lossless.

Sorry for the long post, hope it helps.

>> No.3504963

I like my ATH-SJ5

>> No.3504971

I think I'll switch back to headphones once my Shure SE115's crap out.

>> No.3504973

Yes you're right, they're Audio Technica ES7's, I would like to get ATH-SQ5's.

>> No.3504974


>> No.3504975

My Sennheiser HD555's sound great and are very comfortable.

>> No.3504984


If I were in the situation I'd save for some EWS9 (Or 10jpn/11jpn depending on how lucky/rich I'm feeling), assuming the ES7s were comfortable enough. Might be worth trying some different brands for completely different sound signatures as well.


It's actually kind of difficult to find any good, cheap isolating headphones. The ES7s -might- be a good option (have aya tell you how good the isolation is, I haven't been able to try them in person). Other than that you'd probably have to look into some IEMs. Used Etymotic ER6is, soundmagic PL50s, and stuff of the sort. If you have to have something really, really cheap with no regard to sound quality, you can always get some koss sparkplugs and put tape over the backs. Tons of isolation, but they also sound like complete shit. Also, FYI, those Q40s I mentioned don't have very good isolation.

>> No.3504987

and just so I'd know, how much do good headphones with isolation cost?

>> No.3504989

sometimes it gets unconformable wearing them,also get ringing of the ears too easy and the wire is kinda long to be used portable.

>> No.3504993
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Well those IEMs I mentioned can be had for somewhere around 75-100$. I also forgot to mention the shure e2c, which also cost about the same. The best full size isolating headphone I know of is the sennheiser HD280. It sounds a bit 'stale', so to speak, but it has very good isolation. It's roundabout 100$.

Unfortunately this is considered 'cheap' stuff as far as headphones go. You can get good SQ without isolation for much cheaper though. Picture related, I use them about 8 hours or so a day.

>> No.3505006


The AD700s are calling you.

Although the AD900s are even better.

>> No.3505009

I see, thanks.

>> No.3505020

more then what I would pay for headphones sadly
do you know of a good website that sells headphones? (and ships to the UK)

>> No.3505021 [DELETED] 

> ya i readed dat on aпﻩпtaاk.com two day's ago
I think I know you in real life, OP...

>> No.3505030

Complete moron here; in the honest opinion of your superior nerd capabilities, what headphones are the best (with no regard to cost) ?

>> No.3505054

I would fap to your post if information was erotic. Thank you.

>> No.3505063

>Doesn't find information erotic
What are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.3505066

Different anon here. I have JVC RX900s (they're not modded). How do IEMs compare to that in comfort, noise isolation, and sound quality?

>> No.3505146
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I counter with Marisa ze~

>> No.3505152

I have a Sennheiser HD 202. It cost me $22.

Goddamn bourgeois bastards.

>> No.3505158
File: 35 KB, 610x348, orpheus2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say bourgeois?
Pic very related. $27999.00

>> No.3505166

Same. Just make sure you don't don't use higher quality SC headphones for a while, or when you go back they'll be uncomfortable and crappier until you get used to it again.

>> No.3505349


That's the best compliment I've gotten in a while. Anytime.


That depends on a lot of things. After about the 500$ mark you really need to be using a amplifier with the headphones. You get to the point where the phone themselves cost anywhere from 1K to 5K, and then it's hooked up to another 50K of gear. Also, at that point you really have to know what kind of sound signature you are looking for, since everything is extremely good, they just all sound a bit different.

To boil it down to a little burt smidgen of information, the best unamped headphones. The Grado RS1 is generally regarded as the best unamped headphones (Even better if you can find a vintage pair). However, I would say FWIR that the JH-13 would also be in that area. It's been compared to some serious headphones, even though it's just an IEM. One hell of an IEM though. The RS1i can be had for around 700$ new, a vintage used pair would probably be in the 1k range. The JH-13s are 1100$ plus however much it cost you to get ear impressions, since they are custom IEMs.


I usually try to find what I want on amazon, you should be able to get most non-ath-only-sold-in-japan-and-on-audiocubes headphones there. I don't know if headroom ships to the UK or not, but I would think they would (They are also a good place to look up headphones). HiFi Headphones seems to be a good store. Head-Direct ships internationally, good thing since they are the only place to get some stuff. (The Chinese do make good audiophile stuff, don't let the country set you off). The one thing that might be a problem is if you ever plan on getting grados; grado doesn't like shipping outside the US.

Post too long, hold on.

>> No.3505356


Really depends on the IEM. The tip type will determine a lot just by itself, then there is the bit that actually makes noise. It will feel a lot different and depending on what you get, sound a lot different. Just depends on whether you like the difference or not.


AD400s? It's hard to find the 300 and 400s here in the US, but then again the AD700s can be had for 80-70$ depending on where you look. Not much reason to get anything lower.

I gotta try and get some homework done, don't expect me to answer any more questions. :\

>> No.3505400

Anyone here try the new Grado IEMs? How do they compare to Shure, Etymoic, etc ones? Too expensive for me right now, though I might get the lower end ones when they come out later this month.

>> No.3505410

AD700's cost $200 AUD here, getting them or the 900's as my next pair.

>> No.3505408 [DELETED] 

> ya i readed dat on aпoпtaاk.com two day's ago lol
I like that too.

>> No.3505418

AT IEM's are pretty great for the price at around 70-80 USD

>> No.3505437
File: 827 KB, 800x600, 120920081232800x600xp8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking of getting some ATH FC-700 like Yosuke's from Persona 4. But I'm not so foolish that I'd buy on looks alone, anyone know about the sound quality on these?

>> No.3505447
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>> No.3505471

AKG - everything else just sounds like drunk children screaming.

>> No.3505476


Hey what amp is that?

>> No.3505491

Not my setup but seems to be a PA2V2 portable amp

>> No.3505501

Next time print out a copy of that image so when you get to the store you can point out the one you want to a clerk.

>> No.3505507

I want the headphones that Mio wears in K-ON. Anyone know which one those are?

>> No.3505515

AKG K701.

You might want an amp for it.

Mio is a silly person that didn't get an amp for it.

>> No.3505516


Thanks man.

>> No.3505520
File: 431 KB, 1200x849, 4307101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AKG K701. Japan seems pretty fond of it.

>> No.3505525

Is there a headphones manga?

>> No.3505545

What are some headphones (Or earbuds or canalphones, etc) that'll make it so a guy in the same room as me can't hear what I'm listening to (While I can hear it at a decent to high volume), that are also comfortable enough to wear 5-8 hours at a time? A decent length cord is a must too.

>> No.3505605 [DELETED] 



That Bose earphone is cheaper than the AKG MIO SHIT.

Enjoy getting ripped off because of MIOFAGS and KYOANIFAGS buying anything that is related to their favourite slut.

>> No.3505610



That Bose headphone is cheaper than the AKG MIO SHIT.

Enjoy getting ripped off because of MIOFAGS and KYOANIFAGS buying anything that is related to their favourite slut.

>> No.3505622


>> No.3505630

Bose is expensive because it doesn't deliver. It sounds like shit compared to other cans its price.

>> No.3505632

Any IEC will make it inaudible to others. If you care about sound quality but are on a budget, get http://www.amazon.com/NuForce-NE-7M-Earphones-Headset-Compatible/dp/B001BL8BO4

>> No.3505648

I just ordered a pair of Grado SR80i's today, because I know next to nothing about shit like this and didn't want to drop 700 dollars on a pair of RS1's.

>> No.3505662

I love wasting time here. I could be doing productive things, but this is more fun.... well no it's not but I don't care.


Too much truth in this statement not to quote.


As the above anon stated, you need an amp for the K701s or they will sound like poo. Some people think they still sound like poo with an amp. I haven't had the chance to find out myself. The AD900s do fine without an amp so I'd advice to get those, unless you feel like shelling out 400$ AUD for a good amp (very rough price, I don't know my AUD very well).


Only miotax in japan. Plenty of people loved K701s before and not much has changed since K-On. They still sell at around 250$ here, but they sell for 800$ ish now in japan.


I think I remember someone saying the denons don't isolate that well.... meh. The HD280s I mentioned isolate a lot, but they also have a good bit of head clamp.... Maybe beyerdynamic DT770s?

>> No.3505718

eyerdynamic DT770s

Not that anon but- good god they look like marshmallow clouds. Do you know if they trap heat though, because it'd be horrible if they were just a sweat-pit.

>> No.3505727

I need to buy new headphones. Old are all kinds of fucked up.

>> No.3505730

They are pretty good pair to start with, and sound quite fine even on portable player - my first decent headphones were a pair of SR80s, and I had some really fun times with them. Just be a bit careful about handling them as the slider/cap thing that attaches the phones to the band come off with some force, and don't twist your cables and all.

>> No.3505745

Yeah, definitely need an amp for the AKG 701. And even then, you probably would need to spend more on the amp to get one that actually drives it well.

>> No.3505747

More than the cost of the headphones themselves, even.

>> No.3505759

Grado SR-60s here. Cheap, and sound fantastic; even on portables.

>> No.3505764
File: 387 KB, 1000x750, chihya_ATH-A900a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty happy with my ATH-A900's. Very comfortable and they don't leak much sound. Also, Chihaya approves.

>> No.3505770

How is the isolation? They're cheap enough that I might consider taking them outside.

>> No.3505778

Grados tend to be very unisolated, even for open-head phones in general.

>> No.3505783

That's a shame. ;_;

>> No.3505789


>> No.3505791

For you guys with the higher end headphones, do you use a seperate DAC or DAC/Amp when you listen to stuff from your computer? What are some good ones for the price?

>> No.3505795


They're supra-aural, so they don't cancel much of anything out. If you're looking for isolation you should really look elsewhere.

However, if you don't care about that much, they're fantastic, and they age well (I bought a new set recently, the old ones sound better, but they're falling apart). They also benefit from buying the SR-80 replacement pads, as those have a hole in the center; It really helps with the highs.

>> No.3505796

Ugliest headphones. Ever.

>> No.3505800

Stax SR-404.

>> No.3505806


If you're going to buy some cans, this site will not lead you astray.

>> No.3505809
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>> No.3505820
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>> No.3505832
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lol u srs?

>> No.3505835

One thing's for sure. Every single headphones on this thread shits on Skullcandy's. They majorly suck.

>> No.3505836
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>> No.3505838

Are there any headphone-tans?

>> No.3505839

GTFO trendyfag.

>> No.3505996

I wish to be a cute little girl with wonderful headphones.

>> No.3506027

>A900, not AD900

>> No.3506067
File: 9 KB, 300x300, T1WAtXXotEXXb1upjX.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you wear headphones when going on your rare trips out of the house, /jp/? (everyone here has a portable amp, right?)

Well, I was wondering if cans with stand arcs and head clasps like these would make you look pretty retarded? Pic is Audio Technica W5000

>> No.3506069

No, and yes.

>> No.3506078

But is it good?

>> No.3506079

um, you realize that all of you in this thread are basically acting like pretentious hipster faggots, right?

>> No.3506103 [DELETED] 

beats me, I was just curious about my question

>> No.3506106

beats me (of course it is), I was just curious about my question

>> No.3506127
File: 37 KB, 600x398, Sickjacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3506137 [DELETED] 

> ya i readed dat on aпoпtaاk.com two day's ago lol
This site rocks.

>> No.3506217

It was this exact picture that got me into headphones year ago. Ever since that fateful day I've spent enough money on headphones and amps to feed an entire African country, despite the fact that I'm not employed yet.

Damn you Japan and your weird fetishes.

>> No.3507283


I wear my MS1s outside my house on occasion and I never leave without my KSC 75s, but I would never wear my AD700s because of that headband.

Also I'm a retard for not remembering the NE-7M for cheap isolation. I think nuforce recently released either a NE-7 or NE-6 that is basically a NE-7 without the mic. IIRC that will be the cheapest isolation solution if there isn't something else I'm forgetting (I can't remember any soundmagic PL30 reviews, they might be good as well...)

>> No.3507293

I didn't even know there are amps for headphones
Are they like the ones for electric guitars?

>> No.3507311


Kind of, it's the same principle, but executed slightly differently. There are a lot of home amps that use tubes, very pretty to look at.

Actually come to think of it they are more like speaker amps than guitar amps....

>> No.3507322
File: 268 KB, 1024x683, IMG_2003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ATH-ESW9 reporting for...whatever.
What I really need now is a new player with loseless capability

>> No.3507324

I'm driving them with a Asus Xonar STX, best headphones I've ever bought.

>> No.3507415
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>> No.3507443

If it's techno and party trance, I can understand that some people might want more bass to destroy their ears; but for regular trance and electronica any set Grados cans would be a good investment. Personally I don't understand why someone would want a LOT of bass when listening to electronic genres.

>> No.3507464

I know that that card has gotten some good reviews, but seriously, get yourself a real headphone amp, an external one.

>> No.3507478

I have ad700's off a hybrid tube amp atm, is the different of upgrading to 900's worth the cost? How much difference are there between the two? I really like the ath sound but the next step up from 900 is a huge price raise?

>> No.3507480
File: 53 KB, 600x501, k701shot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on 100+ hours of burn in now. Just over 9000 hours to go now.

I'll get/make myself a balanced amp when the time is right.

Also, before anyone rants on me - I hate Mio.

>> No.3507485

>burn in
Oh god damnit.

>> No.3507490

sure is head-fi.org itt

>> No.3507494

There will always be more heat in closed cans, but the DT770s have earned much praise regarding comfort, with people stating to be able to wear them all day long.

>> No.3507502

Otherwise it wouldn't sound so warm, eh?


Isn't is lovely?

>> No.3507510

None of the 'portable' amps are really small enough that I can easily carry them with me while I'm listening on an mp3 player or something (though the upcoming Pico Slim might looks promising in that regard). Usually, I just bring my smaller, cheaper sets out that don't really need amplification with me, and are easier to tuck away in a bag or my pocket.

>> No.3507545
File: 12 KB, 557x342, 1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried c&c xo+? Just about as big as a current gen ipod classic. Though it might seem too big still if your media player is small like mine (iRiver E50)

>> No.3507547
File: 115 KB, 1000x640, koss595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I need ❤

>> No.3507588
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On a related note,

I was thinking of buying a pair of headphones around a 100 euro range, and these K121s came to mind.

My only question is, will the headband stretch as fast as the one on my Sennheiser HD202? (Shit was really loose after half a year already.)

>> No.3507595

Sorry not too knowledgeable about all this audio stuff but i was wondering what are those "amps" used for?

Does it make it sound better or something? If so, is it for those high-end headphones only?

>> No.3507609

amp = amplifier
Works the same way a guitar amp works. It amplifies. You know, makes stuff louder.

What I don't understand is the use for a DAC between their media player and headphones. How is it any different from the built-in DAC?

>> No.3507611

Which amp would be good for AD700?

>> No.3507628

ad700's don't "need" an amp, it wouldn't be as big as an improvement as headphones that do. however you could get one that lifts the bass (it's weakness), and makes it a bit more warmer.

>> No.3507630

Don't forget to recharge your ipod

>> No.3507634

So I've read but i wanted to check out anyway, if only for the price.

>> No.3507646

you don't need amp for a 32ohms cans, amps are fucking expensive too, mobo onboards are fine.

>> No.3507680

I wish good headphones weren't so expensive. My bank account is crying.

Oh, hi Su.

>> No.3507686

I don't think they are supposed to go directly to the headphones - unless it's a DAC/Amp combo, you'll probably be getting line level output, which really isn't what you want going into your headphones/speakers.

>> No.3507687

What's wrong with earphones?

CX300-II for life.

>> No.3507689

I have a little dot i+ (around $100 usd) with my ad700's but the stock tubes sound horrible with it, had to replace the tube and the opamp for a sound I'm happy with, so plus another $30 or so. It's not a big difference, and probably not worth the cost.

>> No.3507695

I'm not too familiar with the AD700, but some phones just don't sound very good with tube amps.

>> No.3507698 [DELETED] 

> yeh i readed dat on aпoпtaاk.com lyke just two day's ago lol
I saw this earlier today on here...

>> No.3507785

So, which headphones that have excellent sound and bass quality without requiring an amp and are within the £200-300 range?

>> No.3507796

All of the ones i've used made my ears hurt. Expect for in-ear ones, but I dont like the general feeling of them.
But its just a matter of preference, i think.

>> No.3507808

The Grado 325i/Alessandro MS2 popped in mind immediately for me, but I guess you're out of luck with those giving your choice of currency. I believe there is 32 Ohm version of the Beyerdynamic DT 880, which should run pretty well without an external amp.

>> No.3507827

Yeah, well the DT 880's aren't well known for their bass range. The aforementioned AD700s might be just what you are looking for, though. Or maybe something like the Sennheiser 595

>> No.3508000

What? AD700's are one of the best you could possibly get for their price but they are KNOWN to lack in bass, the sennheisers would be a better choice for bass.

>> No.3508026

I bought Renaissances Prologue because of this pic.
Turns out it's awesome.

>> No.3508372

I've been found out! (つд⊂)

>> No.3508395

I have a pair of Grados, the SR-1. Although not really Grado, it's the cheaper Alessandro series. Still awesome enough for my purposes.

>> No.3508423

I had the PX100s. They didn't have as much bass as the Portapros, overall I can't say they're as good. Most of the Koss stuff is great really. I had Sportapros for a while until those broke too(problem with Koss stuff is that they have really thin wires that break easy) and I replaced them with some KSCs, using the band since the overear thing hurts like all hell. Worked out quite nice. Not as nice as the Portapros though. Will really have to pick up another pair at some stage, unless someone can suggest other ones.

The PX100 is fine though if you're not too anal about bass. Less likely to get knocked down I guess.

>> No.3508499


>>3505545 here. Thanks for the help.

>> No.3508905

For any /jp/ers that want entry level
Cans: Grado SR60i (~ $60-80). Sennheiser HD555 (~$90-100). For the extremely cheap a kramer modded Koss KSC75 ($13), which will sound FAR better than you'll imagine especially in this price range. Above Bose level in $13.

Amp: CMoy Amp (Either DIY for about $16 and labor or buy it premade for ~30-50). Fiio e5 ($17.41 at Deal Extreme) probably the cheapest amp out there, but works unexpectedly well. Both amps are relatively portable, about the size of a small MP3 player (some people make CMoy amps out of Altoids canisters). For a bit higher end non-portable, there's Travagans Red ($180-190).

DAC: You WILL want one of these if you're listening to audio through your computer. EMU-0404 ($170-200).

Or you can get the Travagans White which is both an amp AND a DAC for ($290).

>> No.3508941

The cheapest decent amp I found after cmoy was iBasso. They got a range of amps for a middle price.

>> No.3508961

Just get the KOSS portapro. Its cheap. Its good. Its small. Its in your pic.

>> No.3508990
File: 98 KB, 1000x1300, HD650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are making my wallet feel all itchy... ;_;

>> No.3509014

I only have an ATH-EM700 BK


>> No.3509016

I've actually heard the KSC75 sounds better than the Portapro. If you absolutely need the headband then the UR40s which cost around the same price as the Portapro sound better than both. However the sound quality of a kramer modded KSC75 on the other hand...

>> No.3509028
File: 469 KB, 1474x1500, hd_800_new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, has anyone tried the HD800? I currently have a HD650 but it's losing its beauty.

>> No.3509034

This thread made me order a pair of ATH AD700

>> No.3509035

Only thing I can say is that it looks butt ugly.

>> No.3509042

The price on that is ridiculous.

>> No.3509058

Decide for yourself
But $1200, really?

>> No.3509072 [DELETED] 

> yeh i readed dat on aпoпtaاk.com lyke just two day's ago lol
Wow. This board is so cool!

>> No.3509096

I'm only looking around, and I have the money but nothing to spend it on. I'll read through those, thanks.

>> No.3509143


If you have the cash for a HD800 and an amp to go with it, and want soundstage, get a pair of K1000s and a amp to go with them.

Also looks like a majority of the people in here are from HF. Fantastic.


Sony R10s go for 3K+, the HD800s are cheap.


From my experience, KSC75<Portapro<Kramer'd KSC 75. I don't think I used the kramer mod on the portapro drivers at all, but I doubt they would be that much better. I need to recable the portapros if I want to use them again....


I have a V1 sanza fuze with rockbox. It works pretty well but has a few glitches, the stock sanza firmware is complete shit though. Before that I had a cowon U5, which the only problem I had with it is that it didn't support gapless, other than that I never had any problems with it.


Hope you enjoy them. Remember you can bend the headband into a bit more of a V shape if they are too loose.

I'm gonna walk into /jp/ in about a week and find a thread with him saying his AD700s don't have enough bass.

>> No.3509170

My sennheiser HD550 broke so I've bought a Sony MDR-XB700. They don't sound as good as them but are the most comfortable headphones ever.

>> No.3509224

Best shit ever. Lasted me over 2 years and they're still comfy as fuck.

>> No.3509244

>(everyone here has a portable amp, right?)
I have a Cowon D2. I don't need an amp.

>> No.3509265

Wish this thread was around a year ago when I was looking everywhere for advice on headphones that wasn't from some gay headphone forum that talked about fucking BURN-IN PERIODS.
The Sennheiser HD280s I got are really decent, but they really clamped before I stretched them on a copy of "A Drifting Life" for about 3 weeks. Now after reading this thread I feel like going for another set of mid-range headphones that are around $100 and I'm looking at the ATH AD700s. Fuck, I didn't expect headphones to end up being like figures and you can't just be satisfied with one pair.

>> No.3509268

Excellent DAP, but you'll still want some kind of amp to drive cans wouldn't you?
I'd understand IEMs though

>> No.3509275

Do really good wireless headphones exist? I hate feeling like I'm attached to something, I want to be free!

>> No.3509281

YOU'RE not attached to IT.
IT is attached to YOU.

>> No.3509283

I personally prefer the PX100 over the portapros - though the iGrados are better than both of them. They almost like streetstyle SR60s.

>> No.3509288


Mental burn in > Physical burn in.

MS1s always sound extra bassy when I have been listening to my AD700s, AD700s sound extra trebily when I've been listening to my MS1s.

>> No.3509290

Funny how this thread has more quality information about audio playback than /mu/ has ever had in its whole existence

>> No.3509293

Hmm, it is shame, no beyerdynamic on the OP pic.

>> No.3509306
File: 328 KB, 900x600, ELEGADR631YM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3509318

yeah, you'd think they'd have a spot there, having been in the headphones game longer than any other company

>> No.3509334
File: 62 KB, 400x400, DT880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, I find one

>> No.3509362

Cool. Where are you finding this pics anyway? Now we just need Denon and Ultrasone to complete the set.

>> No.3509365

God damn. Now I want to upgrade my headphones...

No idea what to replace my Sennheiser HD570 with. I'll likely need an amp too. Dammit.
Reading some head-fi threads just made more unsure about what to get. Maybe I should ask there later.

My budget is somewhat flexible, let's say xxx€ but preferably much closer to 500€ than 1k€. Total for both phones and amp.

Test listening is pretty much out of the question since not only would I have to leave my apartment but this shitty small town as well.
Seriously though, I do live in the middle of nowhere and traveling to a decent hi-fi store would eat a huge chunk off my budget. ;_;

>> No.3509381
File: 929 KB, 1748x2683, Aurvana_Live_2_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thought i would through in my two cents. im by no means a super audio connesuir, but i have had these for about a year now and they are pretty good soundwise and resonably priced

>> No.3509390


>> No.3509396
File: 52 KB, 362x500, evangelion_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about Audio-Technica EVA series?

>> No.3509405

Holy shit those are ugly.

>> No.3509410

What the fuck is a "connesuir".

>> No.3509416


>> No.3509417


Not exactly sure about the denons but I know there is a ultrasone one. It's probably in that link that got posted.


Well if you can't test listen then you need to find out what you're looking for based on what you've heard. Basically, what do you like and dislike about the HD570s?

>> No.3509422

From the reviews I read they are quite good. I plan on getting a pair of them myself.

>> No.3509424


Forgot to add, also what kind of music do you listen to regularly?


Only thing I can say about those is "Hurrrr".

>> No.3509443
File: 24 KB, 300x300, T1.CtjXcNnu0O62RU4_053747.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the long face, bro? You have a beyerdynamic? Which?

>> No.3509493
File: 166 KB, 930x523, trrrr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Original title ヘッドフォン少女画報

Someone have a link for the scans?

>> No.3509534

Holy shit if I were an anime character I'd wear those

>> No.3509535

I've few pic from this artbook
The headphones in it not real =(

>> No.3509546
File: 194 KB, 900x600, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3509550
File: 153 KB, 621x930, 3950300468_22a8e39191_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

huh? what?

>> No.3509557

Yes they are, lrn2 lurk moar.

>> No.3509561
File: 391 KB, 480x640, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear's all my headphones so far, minus a pair of SR80s in disrepair. I deeply regret getting that Pioneer DHP800 set in the background. Cost me slightly more than the AKGs, but the response is all but balanced. Very weak bass and tinny, tinny treble. And it's uses 900 MHZ IR for the wireless, outside of line of sight + 1 reflection and you lose the signal. The surround encoder is less than impressive as well.

Now I just got to get a good pair of IEMs and I'll be set for my headphone needs for a while.

>> No.3509564

It's still on rs.

>> No.3509583


JH-13 cough cough

>> No.3509586

Nevermind, that was just a collection of random headphone musume pics. Anyone have the full artbook scans?

>> No.3509596


>> No.3509597

Ones that won't burn through my entire savings account, please.

>> No.3509609

Pros: they sound "ok" and they're quite comfortable
Cons: everything else?

They are the best headphones I've listened to but my Behringer Truth B2031A monitors just sound way better even if they're some ridiculously cheap monitors.

The biggest problems with HD570 are ear fatigue depending on what I'm listening to, sometimes very piercing mid/high frequencies, lack of bass, and they basically seem to choke when there's "a lot going on" (which is the case with a lot of the music I listen to, like many industrial artists or Polysics for example) and the sound becomes a mess.

I listen to a wide range of different genres but practically nothing acoustic.
I already mentioned industrial (to be more specific: aggrotech, ebm, stuff like that)
Polysics (they're almost their own genre, heh, also probably the kind of music that sounds shittiest on HD570s)
several kinds of metal as long as it's melodic and fast
some pop-punk and punk-rock
psy/goa trance
pretty much any melodic electronic music with moderately high bpm and usually "complex structures"

>> No.3509659

Forgot to mention D&B and house music but I rarely listen to those anyway.
Also eurobeat but I doubt any kind of equipment would make a difference with that.

>> No.3509679


Heh. Well the high end universal IEMs (Shure SE530, westone UM3X and the like) are all around 300$, anything up from that and your looking into custom IEMs. They can be had for anywhere from 200-300 (livewires among many others, although if I was in the low end custom IEM market I'd probably go for the JH-5, which is around 400$) to 1100$ with the aforementioned JH-13s.


Well what you described at first is basically what I thought of my AD700s before I got used to them. The usual sennheiser sound signature is basically the opposite of that, but not many people talk about the HD570s... It might very well be worth looking into some MS1s or SR-80s (I'd go for the MS1s between those two because of less grado fatigue). Other than that maybe the HD555. The sound signature described of these is a heck of a lot different from what you said about the HD570s. Smooth, dark (sound focused for bass not treble), and 'veiled' highs. Unfortunitly some people think they are a bit muddy in the bass, which might not go well with your fast music.

>> No.3509697


Eurobeat! Oh boy!

I have tons and tons of eurobeat that I used to listen too all the time, unfortunately nowadays almost none of it meets my encoding level standards (bunch of 128kbps) and it sounds like shit. The best I have ever heard eurobeat is on my buddy's yuin PK2s. Delicious mids, and absolutely no sub-bass to speak of. Still enjoyable on occasion though.

Not worth getting them unless you just feel like getting rid of 80$ though.

>> No.3509721

I've been using PortaPros for a few years but now I'm looking for an upgrade.
However I really like the sound signature.
So is there something you'd consider a better PortaPro?

>> No.3509750


That's what I used to call my Q40s, the big portapros with extra bass. Be careful though, they have been known to have cable problems.

>> No.3509847 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 500x500, 1254964057648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3509912

Why is Range Murata so awesome.

>> No.3509928

/jp/ - Headphones/General

>> No.3509951

The headphones on the cover aren't real and that's all that matters.

>> No.3509994

Thread inspired me to get more decent headphones, but not audiophile level yet.
Getting the Sennheiser HD 228 at a discount since they are discontinued. At they were the last ones in the store. Nice.

>> No.3510792

Looking at all these vintage headphones want me to get a pair. Was looking at the Pioneer Monitor 10 on ebay earlier.

>> No.3510832

Those giant headphones look so goofy. You can't wear 'em out either without looking like an asspie. It's much better to just listen to shit on a good sound system, you can actually feel it coming through the air.
Though I got some nice KOSS earbuds but they broke just yesterday :(
I stole them, so I guess I deserve it. I don't take care of shit either

>> No.3510883

Most do, admittedly. I'd never normally take them out for portable listening anyway since I'm afraid them accidentally damaging them or something. Would just use a cheaper/smaller pair for music on the go, and also save myself the trouble of getting a portable amp.

>> No.3510884

Damn. Pd turned out empty so far. Anyone actually scan this yet?

>> No.3510899

Closest thing I found was this - http://www.minitokyo.net/Headphone+Girls

Don't think it's the full set though.

>> No.3510923


I'm already a socially inhibited wreck, so why should I give a fuck if some people think I'm weird for wearing huge headphones in public?

>> No.3510941

I never liked wearing giant headphones in public because where the hell am I going to put them when I'm not listening to them?

>> No.3510976


Around your neck, maybe. It's pretty impossible to put away headphones like that.

I use those earbud things when I'm outside so I can put them in my pocket, but they're extremely shitty and annoying. And whoever came up with the ear clip-on earphone idea obviously doesn't have ears because otherwise he'd know how those fucking things feel after a couple of hours.

>> No.3510980

This. Plus, they are easy targets if you leave them alone for just a bit. I lost a pair of $100+ Stanton headphones like that - now, I never bring big, conspicuous headphones with me that I can't stuff away in my bag easily.

>> No.3511074
File: 548 KB, 2048x1536, F1001135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought this book a few weeks ago in the Village Vanguard store in the Odaiba Venusfort mall in Tokyo.

Yes, I live here.

>> No.3511084
File: 43 KB, 567x850, imlosingmyfuckingmind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiiiiiit so many hot headphones

>> No.3511107

get out

>> No.3511112
File: 34 KB, 600x400, callsomeonewhocares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call someone who cares, I'll just keep partying with my boiz

>> No.3511133

The only phones on that list that I own are the er-4s, but I don't really use them now that I've got some m-audio ie-40s. Using my cheapo Grado sr-80s atm (apparently, I'm the only person who finds them comfortable.)

As much as I like the iems, I've been looking for a solution that's portable, quality, AND comfy as of late.

>> No.3511168

I just ordered a Seinnheiser HD201, how decent is it for a cheapo headphone? I bought i on recommendation from a friend since I'm using a shitty logitech headset thingy that starts to hurt after a while.

>> No.3511177 [DELETED] 

> yeh i readed dat on aпoпtaاk.com lyke just two day's ago lol

>> No.3511178


>> No.3511203

Sennheiser HD595 here, when I first had used them on my X-fi I wasn't that surprised, even after I had tuned up the low bass with the equalizer.
Then I modded the driveres to renable the Dolby/DTS decoder and used ffdshow to process every audio source throught them, and suddenly I was in paradise.

>> No.3511209

Use ASIO mode with a ASIO plugin with foobar or winamp.

>> No.3511372

Whoa sounds even better, thanks for the tip anon.

>> No.3511397

Please explain what ASIO does for non audio expertz

>> No.3511402

From what I've heard Windows does a series of circlejerking around drivers before sending the audio to the soundcard, degrading the quality in the process.
The asio driver bypass all of that goes directly to the soundcard.

>> No.3511424

I asked because I have here 4 ASIO options in config menu after plugin install. With one of them winamp crashes instantly, with one the sound sounds fuzzy and winamp crashes when I do something after the initial play, and with the third option winamp runs without problems but I HAVE FUCKING CHIPMUNKS SOUNDS.
The forth is some nvidia option, but I don't have any onboard sound activated.

>> No.3511432

You do understand your actual sound card needs to support ASIO mode? With Creative cards it needs to be switched to audio creation mode with bit-matched playback enabled.

>> No.3511438

>audio creation mode with bit-matched playback enabled

What? That's why I said for non audio experts. Explanation please.

>> No.3511443
File: 237 KB, 1440x900, asfasf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, I've just downloaded Winamp, installed ASIO4ALL and put the asio plugin inside Winamp's plugin directory.
After that it's just a matter of setting it in the output on ASIO4ALL and you'll get something like this during playback.

>> No.3511448


But I read that Windows monkeying around with the drivers actually affects it enough to be noticeable and that asio drivers are usually super buggy even if your sound card supports it.

>> No.3511453

Do I need external decoder for this?

>> No.3511465
File: 148 KB, 1641x876, ASIOmode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your sound card (not built in, something at least half decent like a CREATIVE x-fi) needs to support ASIO, this is how to do to set it up with a X-Fi, I have no idea about other cards.

>> No.3511467

I can assure there is one hell of a difference, just trust your ears.
Also looks like Creative Asio sounds a little better, at least for me.

>> No.3511469
File: 12 KB, 290x218, 1246015434063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>66 tracks

>> No.3511472

The creative asio drivers are pretty much entirely bug free, don't know about the others.

>> No.3511473


I'm hard of hearing, so I doubt that. But it looks like my sound card supports the asio thing so I might give it a shot.

>> No.3511478

Don't know, I have only a bit-matched recording option, not a playback option (which didn't change anything)
Don't know if you need an external decoder or a newer card, the card I have is a Audigy 2 ZS without any external box

>> No.3511519

Google your card with ASIO, if you don't have a bit-matched playback you probably need a resampler plugin

>> No.3512083

Bit-matched playback is only used for digital i/o - it just you don't need to manually resample or dither the source. It shouldn't need to be enabled for asio to work.

>> No.3513540

For what? Asio drivers?

>> No.3513542

If you have problems with ASIO sound then try to set buffer to larger value

>> No.3513655

I read some folks are getting ringing in the ears after use.


You ears and brain are telling you you are damaging your hearing. Once you lose it it's gone! You flatten the hairs inside your cochlea and they do not regenerate. You start missing out on certain frequencies (Usually the mids and highs are the first to go) and chronic 24/7 tinnitus is NOT PLEASANT! This is from someone who has it and you DO NOT WANT TO GET IT! I was almost driven to suicide by it. It can be that bad.

No sleep. Senstivity to loud sounds. Loss of enjoyment of music.

If you are in loud places wear earplugs. If at concerts etc wear musicians earplugs they are like $15 and won't muffle the music. If listening to your MP3 player on the way to work get earplugs that seal out external sounds or enclosed headphones so you don't have to increase the volume in order to overcome the external sounds of trains etc.

Look after your hearing people!

>> No.3513690

Somewhat related? Anyway, this is a good post.

>> No.3513736

Yeah, it really is worth it to protect your ears.
The only downside is that you cant really know when you're listening it too loudly, though.

>> No.3513833

I recognize this. I always make myself restrictions when listening to music. E.g. literally cutting the higher levels (most of the whole specter all together) of the volume meter on my mp3-player, and never surpassing 1% of the total volume on my computer, and just rely on adjusting the volume via the music player and the physical knob on my amp. It's more than enough.

Our ears are in fact more vulnerable to damaging than our eyes.

>> No.3514102


>> No.3514502

I'm afraid he's not.

>> No.3514508

That is why you use noise cancelling headphone and not jack up your volume to max.

>> No.3514526

I know Mr Anon.

once I was in this loud rock club, went on the top floor for like two/three hours and my ears where fucked all weekend.

>> No.3514566

+1 Anonymous
Thanks for the tip

>> No.3514580

I know about all this turn down the volume stuff, but I still like to enjoy loud music.

He has a point though.

>> No.3514904

ad900s + asus xonar essence stx here, makes for a very good combination.

>> No.3515707

This thread shall resurrect yet again.

>> No.3515707,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ - Headphones/General

>> No.3515707,2 [INTERNAL] 

Problem, officer?

>> No.3515707,3 [INTERNAL] 

No, I'm not complaining.
It's a rather informative thread, and the enthusiasts actually manage to keep it contained and interspersed. A few long threads every 6-9 months.

>> No.3515707,4 [INTERNAL] 

>It's a rather informative thread
This is true.
My sister wanted to buy a new pair of headphones and I remembered this thread.

Thank you, /jp/
