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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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35016233 No.35016233 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>34956734

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.35016381
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>> No.35016796

Ahhh, meaning of life...

>> No.35017692
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I like how they didn't even bother to change the text in scene that happens after the H-scene in the 18+ version. Originally, they have sex in the classroom so this line doesn't seem retarded.

>> No.35018694

What powerful prose.

>> No.35018704
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Truly, VNs are the medium of literature.

>> No.35018799

I have trouble focusing on a single VN. I keep starting new ones all the time and never finish any of them

>> No.35019319

I have the opposite problem. I can't drop anything no matter how shit it is.

>> No.35019391
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>> No.35019649

>vertical stripes

>> No.35019845

I try to force focus on two or three tops. One long plotge, and one or two shorter nukige.
At one point had like 50 installed eroge and that was giving me anxiety.

>> No.35020119

Anybody else finished with Kyonyuu Fantasy 4? Great game imo, I had a ton of fun and it was good to see some of the minor tropes and expectations established from the first three games being subverted

>> No.35020148

Was it The Last Jedi of the Kyonyuu Fantasy series?

>> No.35020175

Don't watch Star Wars so I don't know what that means.

>> No.35020242
File: 197 KB, 1366x768, LOOPERS_繰り返す時と眠り続ける親友_2021-06-01_21-57-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scene really drives the point home. The point being that your life is over once you become an adult.

>> No.35020267

Fuck you anon. My 青春 will never end.

>> No.35020336

How is Loopers? Any good?

>> No.35020475
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I'm enjoying it, it can get heavy-handed on conveying its theme but there's enough fun moments. Also I appreciate that it's light on the narration and doesn't cut the flow of the dialogue. And perhaps most importantly, Mia is cute.

>> No.35020660
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Marie is cute.

>> No.35020711

Finished it too, I wish it kept going just a bit more.

>> No.35020747

Yeah same but it was actually pretty damn decently length so for me wanting more has to do with liking the game so much that I don't want it to end and less to do with the lack of content. They'll probably make a gaiden version or two to introduce new countries with royalty to sleep with.

>> No.35024183
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>> No.35024409

The premise of Muramasa sounds really generic. What exactly makes it so good? Or is it just a meme.

>> No.35024567

who is this cutie

>> No.35025521

not bad

>> No.35025666

Try it and find out

>> No.35025901

Mechs in imperial era Japan doesn't sound generic to me. I mean yeah it's been done a few times, but it's not super common or anything. One of these days I'll get around to reading it.

>> No.35026003
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>> No.35026131

Rie from ラムネ2 prologue, before she's all grown up.

>> No.35026208

well for one every single character in that game is fucked in the head. Every single one.

>> No.35026455

God she was so cringe.

>> No.35026920

You're bad if you kill power tripping bloodthirsty faggots in the name of justice

>> No.35026940

That doesn't sound appealing.

>> No.35026991

Muramasa's moralfaggotry doesn't work otherwise

>> No.35026997

Anon, you need to develop a taste for fiction where everyone is mentally ill. It's good shit.

>> No.35027068

I could understand not finding it appealing for whatever reason, but I don't know how you could think that it's generic.

>> No.35027214

You don't sound appealing to me.

>> No.35027319


>> No.35027377

Holy fucking based.

>> No.35027409

Muramasa changed my life. I don't care what you fucks think about it. It's a really special work to me.

>> No.35027425


>> No.35027497

I read Myth because he said it was great. It's of course a steaming pile of shit and I've never bothered with his reviews since.

>> No.35027577

Just check his loopers review lmao

>> No.35027592

He reminds me of the film critic Armond White.

>> No.35027613

That's what they get for continuing to hire Ryukishi07.

>> No.35027617

I agree with him when he shits on overrated kamige but I don't agree with his taste. He's a rancefags so he's cool in my book.

>> No.35027671

I think he's just evaluating games on a different metric. Like I would not consider stuff like Gabriel Knight or The Longest Journey to be in the same category as a VN, but he would. And I understand why, from a historical perspective. But it's not a viewpoint that I can share or that has any relevance to what I like about VNs.

>> No.35027675

Honestly neither r07 nor Romeo's writing style is suitable for a keyge even if you ignore that they are hacks.

>> No.35027706

Sure looking forward to Romeo providing Key with yet another all-ages robot girl kinetic novel /s

>> No.35027802

I've also gone back and tried to play some older adventure games to see if I would like them, and I don't.

>> No.35028051

>me playing muramasa
>just shut the fuck up and conclude this fight scene already.

>> No.35028358

If fight scenes don't drag out forever then it's not a proper chuuni game.

>> No.35028669

>killing is........bad
holy shit....

>> No.35028802

I’ve heard this about way too many works. It’s hard to trust it anymore, I’m so jaded. People said Muv-Luv Alternative was a life-changing masterpiece and it wasn’t. People said Subahibi was a life changing masterpiece and it wasn’t. I don’t know why I keep looking to Japanese picture books for deep wisdom. Non-fiction philosophy books don’t have as much gore or anime tiddies so they’re less exciting in that regard, but at least they have actual intellectual content.

>> No.35028949

I don't think any story has ever changed my life. But there are ones that I've felt like I connected with in a strong way. It doesn't have to be for any "deep" reason either, it can just be something that's really fucking cool. That sounds dumb, but it's enough, I think.

>> No.35028966

People who say VNs enlightened them or changed their worldview are youngsters without much experience in life, and they are also not well-read and well-educated. Just stick to nonfiction for intellectually stimulating stuff.

>> No.35029020

When people say 'life-changing' they dont mean it in a literal sense. I don't think anything can be 'life-changing' literally, but there are some books and VNs I've read that have stuck to me years after I finished them. So in a sense, I would call those things life changing for me.

>> No.35029042

>I personally separate my life to pre-Subahibi and post-Subahibi periods, as reading it has completely changed how I view the world. It taught me to appreciate life much more (or rather in a different way) than I used to and also be more honest with myself. It may have a similar effect on you, or it may do nothing if it’s not your kind of thing, but one thing is clear — you’ve got to read it even if it’s the last thing you do.

>> No.35029068

I read it.. because I don't even remember. It was shit, yeah.

Everyone finds their favorite works in different ways. Life changing is hard though. Being just generally fun and something you really liked, even though there are some weakpoints? Yep.

That said Muvluv was life changing to me. It made me never trust "it's getting better, trust me!" opinions ever again.

>> No.35029069

Well yeah, it didn't change his life, it just changed his perspective. Like if something tells you to start killing people you wouldn't do it no matter how good the book is, nothing can make you do anything that you didn't want to do in the first place. However, if you already had something in mind beforehand and you read something that resonates with that thought, or puts it into words you couldn't express clearly beforehand, that is life-changing.

What i meant be literal life-changing is whether or not a book or a VN or anything could make you do something or believe something you weren't open to beforehand, which I don't think anything can

>> No.35029136
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>it didn't change his life

>> No.35029158

I don't give a shit about e-celebs so I don't know or care who you're talking about

>> No.35029192
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He was too based for this world.

>> No.35029305

>intentionally bad first chapter
People that actually think this are so silly. Do they actually think someone sits down and writes something they themselves consider garbage as the entry and selling point of the work? Of course not. That first chapter is supposed to make your interested, and down the rabbit hole you go. It's even fucking called like that.

But hey. What do I know.

>> No.35029344

>it's getting better, trust me
Sometimes that's literally true though. But in the case of Muv-Luv, it's good from the start. If it's not your cup of tea then, then yeah continuing onwards is a waste of time.

>> No.35029538

>intentionally bad first chapter
Assuming he meant the yuri prologue, that’s arguably the best chapter of the whole VN. It’s got the perfect blend of tense mystery and abstract dreaminess.

>> No.35029584

do you people not get tired of having "discussions" about the same games with similar arguments replying to the same dumb ass questions over and over
sure its not like im helping with this post and its probably better than not having any posts at all, but what the hell

>> No.35029601

The best chapter is ___Jabberwocky I___

>> No.35029724

yes thats why im just shitting this thread to stir shit up lol because otherwise its jut boring crap

>> No.35029744

There’s always new people getting into VNs for whom the discussions are fresh, and also people offering new perspectives on old questions that they’ve thought about before as the gain more life experience, their thinking changes over time, etc.

>> No.35029760

Personally I find these types of discussions to be better than “Is Generic Moege #7472616585826 worth playing?”

>> No.35029767

yeah thats fair

>> No.35029814
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The majority of VN discourse on 4chan is like pic related, from /vg/, so be grateful for what you have.

>> No.35029852

you're comparing the wrong thing, just look at untranslated eroge threads in the archive from 2010-2015 ish, the difference between these ones are like night and day.

>> No.35029875

At least he likes The Longest Journey.

>> No.35029878

Post something from one of those threads then

>> No.35029884

Anyone who's anyone has moved on from VNs to doujin RPGs and Vtubers, which they discuss in their sekrit Discord hideouts.

>> No.35029913

yeah vgs horrible, its just that the starting questions wording and people replying to it triggered my autism

>> No.35029925

>doujin RPGs
Hey that sounds interesting, do you have anything you can recommen-
See why did you have to ruin it, you had me for a second.

>> No.35029951

They have their own Doujin RPG database now

>> No.35029972

>from VNs to doujin RPGs and Vtubers
Good thing I absolutely hate JRPGs and ecelebs so this will never happen to me.

>> No.35029974

I don't see anything wrong in that pic

>> No.35029977

Threads from 2011 are like from different dimension, people actually discussed eroge and posted opinions, lol.

>> No.35030019

Muramasa was released in 2009 and brought the medium to its peak. Everything afterwards has been but the slow whimper of death. Perhaps those in the early 2010s could still feel optimism and engage in discussion hopefully, but no longer.

>> No.35030022

they still do, i think its just that bait just gets way more replies every time so its more visible

>> No.35030069

Yeah, but that was a time when almost every reply was an opinion about something, now you are lucky if you will get 10-15 opinions about shit, now threads are mostly about shitposting, not eroge.

>> No.35030093

People who discussed shit just moved on from those threads.

>> No.35030109

Yeah, to shit like this >>35029884

>> No.35030110

No, some anons just farted pretentious posts back in the day. Those fucks are still on discord if you care about them.

>> No.35030130

How and where can I join this discord hideout with cool JOPs?

>> No.35030211

Well since we're on the subject, here I dug up a random old thread from 2011 so you won't have to.

>> No.35030219


>> No.35030222

You don't. You have to be the chosen one.

>> No.35030296

Doesn't look much different from our current state. Just too many newfags(which is kinda obvious) and faggots overrating top rated VNs.

>> No.35030433

it's better than people ruining threads with shitposting at the mere mention of games like Muramasa and Sakura no Uta. i'm pretty sure it's literally one guy that's doing this though. probably gambs or hata.

>> No.35030457

Oh, so you're just salty people hate your "kamige" now.

>> No.35030487
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Anyone have some examples of "speaking names" in VNs? Like 菜ノ葉 has "nano" in the name which is kinda cute.

>> No.35030502

Sakuuta is pure garbage.

>> No.35030510

If there aren't kamige then there's no point in reading VNs. If I thought it was all mediocre I'd do something else with my time.

>> No.35030559

Worst girl and worst route. Well at least the twist at the end of her route was good.

>> No.35030910

I'm reading Subahibi for the first time and I'm on Jabberwocky I right now. It's interesting to compare how in Umineko it was always artsy and ambiguous about Shkannon right up until the end whereas in Subahibi right at the start of Jabberwocky I they just go full infodump about Takuji's split personalities, what it feels like for the different personalities, what it feels like for them to switch, etc. Like they want to make really really sure that the reader knows what's going on. I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. It almost makes me feel like there has to be another big reveal coming up later, because there's still three chapters to go but it feels like the central mystery has been laid out so plainly now.

>> No.35030943

I can tell you're one of those naive morons who learned Japanese to only read kamige memes one day. Gone are those days when autists used to romantize a couple of VNs as flawless masterpieces that'll change your worldview and impart wisdom.

>> No.35030951

Do you guys prefer male protagonists to have voice acting or not?
I personally prefer protagonists to be voiced.

>> No.35031185

I too am jaded and hate everything other than vtubers.

>> No.35031186

Depends. If its good voice acting, sure. If it's shit, no thanks.

>> No.35031225

I've never played a VN with a voiced male MC that wasn't a trap and all of them were garbage.

>> No.35031232

What >>35031186 said. For example, I really hate Kira so I didn't like the parts in Muv Luv where Takeru was voiced.

>> No.35031261

I always prefer voiced. There are games where I don't think it matters, but those are also games I don't read.

>> No.35031302

Is Raging Loop the only VN that has a song by the male MC's voice actor?

>> No.35031676

All characters should be voiced. I hate reading.

>> No.35031836

You got any voiced narrator games?

>> No.35031897

I prefer voice acting whenever possible. It's just really weird when the main character has a distinct personality yet you can't hear him (e.g. Aikome).

>> No.35031909

Aren't you in the wrong medium?

I've only encountered a couple by chance but both of these have voiced narration by the MC.

>> No.35032202

Voiced. It is more immersive.
I understand cutting costs, but imo this should be standard for every game.
Like, if someone doesn't like it they can just disable the voice.

>> No.35032353

MLA is literally the only reason I was stupid enough to learn japanese. And now I'm stuck in this shithole.

>> No.35032468


>> No.35032525

>cutting costs
I think it's more about not wanting to hear the guy's moaning during the h-scenes (and self-insert bullshit maybe).

>> No.35032579

I mean if you had learned it for pretty much any other kamige then it wouldn’t be a big deal... but MLA is seriously the most generic and underwhelming “kamige” there is. It’s certainly not BAD but it doesn’t deserve the legendary status it’s attained. If I learned a foreign language just for MLA I’d be pissed too.

>> No.35032633

What's so generic about MLA? I mean it's not my favorite game of all time or anything like a lot of people seem to have it as, but it's easily a 9/10 for me. I mean it has one of the more original takes on an alien invasion that I've seen. It also sidesteps a lot of typical mecha cliches in weird ways. That's got to count for something.

>> No.35032661

ugh not another one of those epic mecha VNs with extremely high production values

>> No.35032716

>one of the more original takes on an alien invasion
How so?
Perhaps Michael Bay movies would be more up your alley?

>> No.35032796

Yeah, what I mean is that, if it is a low budget project and they don't want to hire a male VA to save costs that's alright.
But I find it silly when most of the time MC isn't voiced because hearing another man's voice may hurt some fag's feelings. Just disable it in the options if that's the case.

>> No.35032853

>Perhaps Michael Bay movies would be more up your alley?
What's a Michael Bay movie with cute anime girls and autistic world building?

>> No.35032891

BETA is relatively unique as far as aliens go imo. They're simultaneously extremely intelligent and also extremely stupid. The game gives a very detailed breakdown on how they work, the different variants, and so on. BETA has a weird mix of a hivemind, raw pure instincts, and also a pre-programmed purpose. I haven't really seen anything quite like them. Usually badguy aliens in fiction are nowhere near that complicated.

I wish there were more of those desu.

>> No.35032896

Muv Luv is a rip-off of Gunparade March

>> No.35033071

After how good Summer Pockets turns out, they should have continued using Nijima

>> No.35033171

Fyi the ML denies this but if you want to piss him off you should keep posting it because years of people saying it has made him so mad that he actually responds to random shitters on twitter saying it

>> No.35033437

Wow, he actually does. What the fuck?

>> No.35033499

>it can get heavy-handed
not like you'd expect differently from Ryukishi at this point. I'm enjoying it as well, though.

>> No.35033547

That's hilarious.

>> No.35034412
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Damn that's a verbal beatdown. Kotomine would be proud.

>> No.35035652

VALERIA TRIFA. Also not going to spoil but his role is the last route...wow, just wow.

>> No.35036291
File: 688 KB, 800x600, Just stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will oretsuba get good? It's just chock-full of dirty jokes for now and they aren't even funny. The characters ain't interesting either.

>> No.35036372

where i can download https://vndb.org/v9175

nobody is seeding it on nyaa and hostings on all websites require premium acc/are super slow or died long time ago

>> No.35036413


>> No.35036426


>> No.35036546
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are there no cd patch? since even with mounted iso it doesn't let me start

>> No.35036567

nvm it booted up fine with AlphaROM

>> No.35036668

> (because you are a moebuta and deserve to die)

Did he become a moebuta?

>> No.35036689

>Anyone who's anyone

oh right the autistic attention whores on twitter/ plebbit that get worshipped by EOPs.

I guess they did get EOPs to buy their hack TLs now so it wasnt just attention whoring I guess. Probably also influenced some of the newfag JOPs that now shit up this thread.

>> No.35036704
File: 329 KB, 800x600, EVOLIMIT (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SoL and comedy in Evolimit has been pretty fun but I do hope things start ramping up soon. I think I've finished the common route and I'm heading into Kazuna's route.
Love that nigga like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.35036714

They literally defined jop discourse because they were the first jops and they influenced a lot of other jops.

>> No.35036734

yeah, as we all know nobody knew Japanese before the late 2000s/early 2010s and every single person who did was a member of this one community

>> No.35036763

There weren't that many jops(jop doesn't mean native nips) who read VNs in early back in early 00s. Westerners mostly cared about 80s sci-fi ovas or Shonen shit that aired on tv network. It was in late 00s when a couple of autists popped up who showed interest in learning Japanese and exploring VN medium. They were the first gen jops who were really passionate about VNs.

>> No.35036770

I remember a few years ago, this thread was dead af. The 'community' is more lively nowadays, plus multiple threads about eroge.

>> No.35036779

When did you become a JOP?

>> No.35036804

All those JOPs just fucking follow hadler. You could say it's just a cult worshipping hadler.

>> No.35036823

literally who? I have only heard of Moogy, kastel, gambs and hata from these threads

>> No.35036921

Hadler used to post here too. There's a community of JOPs who trust his taste and opinion. He's also behind uncovering a lot of obscure VNs. He created viprpg, furige trend in JOP community too. He even promoted vtubers in those communities.

>> No.35036952

>Moogy, kastel
These people influence a lot of eops and jops. But Who do you think influences these people? It's hadler. He only posts on sekrit clubs so his public visibility is basically zero.

>> No.35037041

I used to keep a txt file titled 'hadler reccs'

>> No.35037067


>> No.35037069

Anyone who's anyone is now a fucking tranny.

>> No.35037072

Who doesn't wanna be a cute bishoujo?

>> No.35037080

Me, buddy. I want to fuck cute bishoujos (who were born as bishoujos) in their cute bishoujo asses.

Yes, I'm talking about anal sex in fact. With girls.

>> No.35037085

i want to fuck them, not be them and get fucked.

>> No.35037090

Don't fucking tell me you've never dreamt of becoming a cute moe girl doing cute moe things and occasionally kinky shit too? Don't you self-insert as cute girls now and then? Fucking normalfags I swear.

>> No.35037096

Just read Jackson's LN. It's way better than this kusoge.

>> No.35037116

So this is how anime girls convert people into trannies, huh?

>> No.35037178

I know that's crazy, but no. That said, I generally don't really do the "self inserting" anyway. It's also why I prefer female protagonists, provided the quality is otherwise the same. Because really, with equally well done characters I always prefer girls.
That said, yuri or no romance only. I'm not into shoujo. If it's straight, there still needs to be some kind of major male character. Think Fortissimo, where you have Momiji as a secondary major lead. She has a lot of pov scenes herself, but the male protagonist is mostly the point of view when they are both around. Pov scenes from heroines are actually so important to give them depth, but no shoujo/otome for me.

>> No.35037191

nope. I literally only read things with male leads and only really have interest in female characters as either a source of moe, as romantic interests or walking self warming onaholes for the MC.

>> No.35037206

>the duality of retardation

>> No.35037289

i am simply the type of person 99% of the medium panders to.

>> No.35037295

this was for this

Yeah I am retarded.

>> No.35037993

Its like this the whole way lol

>> No.35038116

If you are an unfunny person, then drop it.
>Japanese humour.

>> No.35038169

>If you are an unfunny person
nice mental gymnastics, retard

>> No.35038244

In your mental state, I suggest some Isekai setting. One where the protagonist suicides to start a new life at another world.

>> No.35038293

looool bro you're so fucking edgy so kool!
kys ha-ha lol so funny!

>> No.35038304

>Low hanging shitty shimineta is peak humor
My actual problem is that it's just a constant barrage of sex jokes and nothing else. Even SoL scenarios are just typical harem trash stuff like girl falls on you, you walk in on her while she's changing up etc. I just don't understand why this VN is highly rated.

>> No.35038308


>> No.35038375

Hayato's chapter is even worse where each character only has one joke and they run it to the ground for several fucking hours.

>> No.35038527

>Don’t you self-insert as cute girls now and then?
Yes absolutely. I go through waves where the desire to be a woman is more or less strong. It’s been really strong lately so I’ve been self-inserting as the girl in basically every H-scene that I see. I should probably just try out otome games already to get the full experience.
No one had to convert me. I was having thoughts about being a girl before I even had the internet. 4chan was the place that taught me that there were other guys besides me who wanted to be girls though.

>> No.35038947

Uh bro Oretsuba has some of the greatest prose ever written okay? That's what I read on Twitter so it's true.

>> No.35039153
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>greatest prose ever written

>> No.35039180

I kneel

>> No.35039623

Comedy is subjective, Murray. Isn’t that what they say?

>> No.35039860

Tbh I do not know of any eroge that relies on comedy which is not shimoneta, if it exists please let me now

>> No.35039900

Because I'm reading it now, Evolimit has a lot of manzai humour but also does have some shimoneta. Whilst the former is executed pretty well the latter is well...straight retarded.

>> No.35040195

Grisaia? It has shimoneta but that's not the main form of comedy it utilizes.

>> No.35040221

Little Busters

>> No.35040504

Basically every highschool romcom ever.

>> No.35040583

AGP is fun and all on occasion, but at the end of the day you're supposed to want to fuck the girl and not take it seriously outside of fap time.

>> No.35040892

VNs use shimoneta sparingly in my experience tho. I don't know what the fuck kind of kusoge are you reading.

>> No.35040986


>> No.35040999

For me it was
NTR -> Self-inserting as the girl in NTR -> Self-inserting as the girl outside of NTR -> Wanting to fuck another guy as a guy (full homo, no traps)
I still like girls, though

>> No.35041118

>Self-inserting as the girl in NTR
This is my shit, I would love to have that sort of power over people. Just the feeling of being intensely desired by multiple people and having the power to decide who gets satisfied and who doesn’t.

>> No.35041351

This kind of thing makes you wonder whether sexual conversion therapy might actually be possible if we understood human psychology well enough, just by guided exploration of fantasies and pushing of boundaries.

>> No.35041478

Just like how sexual orientation exists on a spectrum, I think it’s likely that sexual malleability also exists on a spectrum. So some people might be able to switch between gay and straight, but not everyone.

>> No.35041530

It's certainly possible. Well at least for guys I think. If you follow your dick, it'll take you pretty much anywhere.

>> No.35041735

Seriously? I can rattle off a bunch of games off the top of my head that have it as the main source of jokes

Hello Lady

>> No.35041770

I think that's just the current dogma. Most people don't go out of their way to explore different kinds of food at all, some eat a wider variety than others, some switch between different kinds of diet every couple years - and I'm willing to bet these patterns of behavior are passed down intergenerationally. But does it make sense to attribute those differences to 'it's probably mostly biologically determined'? The 'I was just born that way' defense was more of a tactical lie people used to discredit otherwise questionable medical practices imo.

>> No.35041930

>Self-inserting as the girl in NTR
Lol my descent down this rabbit hole also started from this point

>> No.35042351

What's the record level longest H scene in a VN?

>> No.35042534

Must be one of those marmalade shit with never ending H scenes

>> No.35043286

Took me 20 minutes to SKIP through a single scene in Mashimaro.

>> No.35043494

there's no way...

>> No.35045052

can anyone share a working download link for https://vndb.org/v1666

>> No.35046052

What are you guys reading right now?
I started 我が姫君に栄冠を (https://vndb.org/v29057)) recently

>> No.35046383

anonfiles com/10a9t8z8u0
from kf

>> No.35046494
File: 98 KB, 862x496, richard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gets pegged
wait wat

>> No.35046561

Started 人気声優のつくりかた today, we'll see how that goes after dropping the last two.

>> No.35046620

what does this have to do with Fami:Liar?

>> No.35047176

>what does this have to do with Fami:Liar?
Nothing, it was meant for >>35046052

>> No.35047252

Poor Richard...

>> No.35047344
File: 2.54 MB, 1922x1078, We got drills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls with drill hair are the best!
I love drill hair!
Why don't more games have girls with the best hair?

>> No.35047422

it's fairly common though?

>> No.35047446

It should be the only hair

>> No.35047577

Drill hair on the main heroine is kind of rare I think. It usually seems to be reserved for side heroines which makes me feel a bit bad for drillfags.

>> No.35047944

Zamiel doesn't just melt steel beams. She can vaporize them.

>> No.35047958
File: 742 KB, 2880x2160, steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the picture like a retard.

>> No.35048029

anything good come out in the last few months?

>> No.35048079

Must be kind of weird to be a female seiyuu and star in a game about fucking female seiyuu

>> No.35048089

Dead Aegis

>> No.35048920

Futsuno Fantasy

>> No.35048947

I've heard rumors that Hamikuri's writer is actually Higashinosuke under an alias. Does anyone know if there's any truth to that? Are the styles similar?

>> No.35049202

They're already turning the frogs gay and deleting the sperm from your balls as I type this.

>> No.35049291

whilst it had some issues, i really liked kns3

>> No.35050133
File: 327 KB, 800x600, EVOLIMIT (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf Russianbros, is this true?

>> No.35050430

Yes, mostly taking showers. Last time i took a bath was like 12 years ago i think.

>> No.35051008

Loopers. Took a break to read the new chapter of Kimi ga Shine (which was quite dissapointing). Loopers is alright so far.

>> No.35051283


>> No.35051588
File: 353 KB, 1280x720, tsuriotsu_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because drill hair is a cliche, and 95% of drill characters follow it. And this cliche is extremely simplistic, that doesn't allow for much else. Shit characters, basically.

It's in theory possible to make drill hair girls into something better/more. But then you need to deal with hair like pic related. Because full drill is just too silly. Akatsuki no Goei fd tried to give its drill a bit more, and it could've worked if the route hadn't been 10 minutes long. Otherwise I have literally nothing. Always the same cliche, with nothing else, as far as I've seen.

Currently playing something that could have an exception as well, still a side character though.

>> No.35051884
File: 427 KB, 1831x1033, スタディ§ステディststeady (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chuckled.

>> No.35053034

> hating drills
holy shit, what a faggot with shit taste

>> No.35053634

I don't hate them. They are one trick ponies that almost always have the same plot device role and don't go further than that.
This is the same level as the psycho lesbian, the androgynous female perv and so on.

Once you've seen them enough, you don't look at them in a positive light. Like I said, in theory it's just a hair style, saying literally nothing. In practice, it's not much more than a trope.

>> No.35054118

dunno dude, eroge tends to have tropes and cliches all over
you just end up liking some tropes and hate others, there is no other way around in this medium

>> No.35054468

True. But when the same thing is done again and again and again, it just gets old. Plus, you can also do something, without sticking 100% to it. The better games generally try to do that.

I like to dabble with older and newer games here and there, and it's easy to see where games get their influence from. But one of the issues is, that the "influence" is usually leading to a shoddy copy, because the creator didn't think about why that worked before. So out of something that worked in a popular enough story, you get a stale copy that lacks the charm and writing to make it work. Or perhaps it was just rough and new, but once it's no longer new the rough ideas don't do well anymore. This happens many many times, after all the majority of anything isn't really good.
Recently I played Parfait, and Rea is quite an iconic character. She does all the tropey tsundere violence stuff, but is also an actual quite likeable character. When that part ends up missing (and I'd argue, that happens with a lot of these characters), then it's just a trope and nothing else anymore, overused and not very interesting by itself.

There are still good and fun games coming out nowadays. And no matter what you won't get completely free out of tropes. But how it's handled still has massive impact on the enjoyment. Just sucks, when you get almost no good examples of a specific trope being used, like it is with drill hair girls for me.

>> No.35054516

>But when the same thing is done again and again and again, it just gets old.
ursule and jokes built on luna teaching her wrong japanese are still pretty funny tho, unlike all those NIPPON WA SUGOI IM DUMB BAKA FOREIGNER GAIJIN KAWAIII DESUUU characters

>> No.35054751

We don't have competent writers in this medium.

>> No.35054902

>Recently I played Parfait, and Rea is quite an iconic character. She does all the tropey tsundere violence stuff, but is also an actual quite likeable character.
Maruto talks about this
>そういう質問をされたとき、以前はまず生活基盤を整えて、生活が苦しくなくなったら書けるよと言っていたんですが。もうちょっと真面目に話すと、いろいろなものに触れているときには、自分ならどうパクるかを、常に考えてみるといいと思います。パクるというのをはき違えてそのままやらかしてしまう方もいますけど、パクるっていうのは要するに、原典に自分がどういう色をつけて、どういう反応を引き出そうかとか。そういうことを考えるようにしておくと、いざ自分でなにかを作ろうと思ったときに、自分の引き出しとして使えるようになります。よく言われることですけど、もう今の世の中「オリジナル」なんてものはないですから。だったらそこにあるものを自分だったらどう表現するかっていうことを常にタグづけしてアイデアとしてしまっておくのがいいのかなと思うんです。そのうえで大事になってくるのは、まず差恥心を持ちましょうと。ホントにそのままパクったら恥ずかしいよね、じゃあ恥ずかしくないようにするにはどうアレンジしたらいいのか、そういうところを考えましょうよと。次に、常に人に受けたいと思ってください、ということですね。よく書いた作品は誰かに読んでもらってくださいと言われますが、それと回じことです。自分にとって楽しいことが、地人にとても楽しいことかはわかりませんから。たまにそれが一致している天才もいますけど、それだけじゃ運任せですからね。もうちょっと運の要素を下げるためには、どんなところでも人に受けたいと思うような、ある意味芸人根性みたいなものを持ってくださいということです。僕は社会人を経てからこの業界に入ってきましたが、大学時代から社会人初期の頃まで、ゲームのシナリオやライトノベルを書くセンスはまったくなかったと思います。 そういうセンスが磨かれたのは、ネットとかでのファン活動でみんなとやり取りしていくなかで、ネタ的な応酬を意識してやるようになって、それに相手もノってくれて、おもしろいコミュニティが作れたっていう経験があって、その結果いろいろな作品が世に出ているので。そうなると、センスのいい友だちを持つことも大事だと思います。自分より賢い人とかセンスのある人と友だちになって、その人たちより上になりたいと思う、人間関係でも向上心があってほしいですね。

>> No.35056803
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1112, HappyLiveShowup_2021-06-03_16-27-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I fill my bathtub with vodka and bathe in it every day.

>> No.35056822

Showers are better than baths anyway.

>> No.35057207

You need creativity to do this and most writers in this medium lack it

>> No.35058213

If they had creativity they wouldn't be here lmao

>> No.35059448

Any opinions on ateliere kaguya's output? The ongoing sale on dlsite seems pretty good.

>> No.35061412

The medium was precisely something where people could be creative, during the times it got bigger. But like everything, eventually it ended up being just a business. And once you are there, creativity is no longer wanted.
It's the same with the general video game industry as well, which is why ultimate indie became so big, because there are people here appreciating that. In Japan it seems like people are content with shovelware gacha and dlsite porn. All a matter of demand, and it's not really there.

Most people nowadays just do web novels. It's not surprising, as it's the easiest to do on your own, and doesn't require much to start with.

>> No.35062516

All the heroines in Sakura Moyu except for Kuro are really bad. I hope my opinion changes on them once I hit their routes.

>> No.35062784

Kuro is the best by far, Haru is okay too. The other two are just 'there'

>> No.35063092

Of course. I'm 100% straight, but I've grown to appreciate dick.

>> No.35063573
File: 30 KB, 271x271, musu_mam_2021-06-04-1437_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pregnant sex
>lactating and nipples are noticeably browner after she's pregnant
Any more VNs for this feel? I haven't touched the rest of ANIM's mommyge but if they're like this then I'll probably go through them all, except the ones with NTR.

>> No.35063988
File: 1.09 MB, 1277x711, musu_mama4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of Anim's mommyge are pretty similar in style and feel to each other, if you like one you'll like them all (they do switch artists though) and I wouldn't really say any have NTR. Some do either mention that the dad is around or have the dad be a character, but they're usually a non-character that barely has any lines if they appear at all. To put it another way, it's netori insofar as they're mentioned to have a husband, but at no point will any of the characters ever actually discuss or mention the fact that the wife is cheating on her husband. Except that one scene in the second game.

>> No.35067626

for sure, showers are way more hygienic but baths can be pretty relaxing

>> No.35067834

just lie down in the shower

>> No.35067969

Do Russians really?

>> No.35068704

Kageaki vs the bandit girl was my favorite fight scene in the game just because of how insanely detailed it was when they were pretty much just standing there looking at each other for an hour.
For me, I can see Muramasa an an objective 10/10, but it didn't really resonate with me personally or anything.

>> No.35068933
File: 715 KB, 800x600, Is this supposed to be funny .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha so fucking funny my fucking sides

>> No.35068965

Just out of curiosity, is this your first contact with eroge? I suppose it isn't. Then, which eroge would you consider fun?

Is this an empty critique of the kind 'I don't like it therefore it's shit'?

>> No.35069014

> i'm cartelcuck and oretsuba is a fucking masterpiece but plebs just don't get it i won't let them shit on my kamige reeeee malding brrrr
what are you doing here, sacred?

>> No.35069061 [DELETED] 

Of all the eroge I've read there really aren't that many VNs that have relies on purely sex jokes as much as oretsuba. I've already said that's not my only problem here >>35038304. I need something that can off-set these retarded jokes. I don't even like the prose. The writer just fills up the entire textbox for narration instead of thinking about cadence and pacing of a scene.
>Is this an empty critique of the kind 'I don't like it therefore it's shit'?
These are just first impressions.

>> No.35069063

who are you quoting?

>> No.35069073

Of all the eroge I've read there really aren't that many VNs that rely on purely sex jokes as much as oretsuba. I've already said that's not my only problem here >>35038304 (You) #. I need something that can off-set these retarded jokes. I don't even like the prose. The writer just fills up the entire textbox for narration instead of thinking about cadence and pacing of a scene.
>Is this an empty critique of the kind 'I don't like it therefore it's shit'?
These are just first impressions.

>> No.35069087

This thread really goes into rage mode when someone talks shit about oretsuba, huh?

>> No.35069099

>I don't even like the prose.
But that's the best part of the whole thing.

>> No.35069108

I'm pretty sure it's just one dude who is doing that shit. He's actually from discord and I know his name too.

>> No.35069117

why don't you all go to discord forever and stay there with your dumb drama

>> No.35069121

Take him along with you and piss off then.

>> No.35069129

I'd say the dialogue writing is kinda unique in how it utilizes natural speech patterns but I won't say the entire text reads well.

>> No.35069200


>> No.35069203

He's zel

>> No.35069319


>> No.35069349

Fuck off and kindly kill yourself.

>> No.35069353
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, Sakura_feToi6Ns0T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I'm not a big fan of loli heroines but I think she is pretty cute. I think you can tell that this writer is fond of, uh, cute and funny characters.

>> No.35069405

Reading SakuUta is like getting raped in all orifices by a fat ojisan. It's quite an unsettling experience. You just desperately try to find something enjoyable in it, to no avail, as a form of coping mechanism. You just wonder how other people seem to love it like the deranged whores they are. A big fat veiny cock cums in your asshole for the 100th time and all you can do is just pray to God to bless you with Stockholm syndrome

>> No.35069431

Worked. Just mention the S word and witness the chimp out.

>> No.35069441

It's in their programming

>> No.35069448

He didn't say he was from discord.

>> No.35069451

Too bad you can't even fuck lolis in this masterpiece.

>> No.35069463

Whatever you say, moron. I unironically think sca-di is the best writer of all time across all mediums. His complex treatment of themes, and his deep understanding of human condition is unparalleled and unprecedented. He's a dreamer, teacher and a writer at the same time. The best thing about sakuuta is naoya is literally Sca-di. Sca-di knows what art truly means, and his uncompromising vision to elevate VNs to the level of art is perfectly executed in SakuUta/SubaHibi. You really need to give up being a human if you don't like his works/think they are just lowbrow porn. He's the only one in this medium who genuinely wants to make art instead of products to be sold on market for profit. You rarely find people like him even in literary circles. You can find easily flaws in his work but doing so by ignoring what he achieves only makes you a contrarian low iq fuck.\

>> No.35069474

Who even wants to fuck lolis? They don't have any sexual appeal.

>> No.35069490

Why Every Japan Missionary Should Read Sakura no Uta

Is that title too sensational? Probably, but lately I have felt it to be true, so if you want to disagree, you’ll have to actually read the thing and tell me why I’m wrong. “Oh but it’s in Japanese.” Well, yeah, and I don’t really see an English translation doing justice to Sca-Ji’s genius prose, so you better read it in Japanese. If you can’t commit to learning the language, I’m not sure what you’re doing as a missionary in Japan. “Oh, but it has porn scenes.” Fine, then skip them. It’s not that hard, and it’s not like I’m telling you to read Subarashiki Hibi instead where the porn is actually important. If a little porn is going to scare you away, then again, why are you in Japan of all countries? Walk into a conbini and you will see shelves of gravure every time. “Oh, but it’s so long.” Welcome to the world of visual novels. If you can’t invest a simple 50 hours into reading what is the most philosophically heavy story that has hit the otaku market in years, then I will take that to mean that you have zero interest or intention of ministering to the otaku subculture. And while that’s possibly true of a lot of missionaries on a surface level, you probably don’t realize how much that sub-population is growing in Japan. If you’re a missionary in Japan, chances are you’ve met some closet otaku. It’s too bad your impression of them is so wrong. Maybe if you actually read Sakura no Uta, you would have a better understanding of the people around you.

>> No.35069510

Mileage may vary but for me Musicus, Cross Channel, Ima, Subahibi, Sakura no Uta, Muramasa and Oretsuba should just be in the ‘how the hell were they written’ monster tier and not even be rated. If you start nitpicking at their flaws, it’s easy to find them but doing it with these titles in particular just feel tasteless to me.

>> No.35069533

I don't even need to nitpick to talk about their huge flaws that glare at you like a gaping asshole.

>> No.35069547

Being loli = appeal.
Small = perfect.

>> No.35069553

Their appeal is similar to the appeal of dumb cat videos.

>> No.35069559

Nothing wrong with those.

>> No.35069569

Yeah, you don't wanna fuck cats, do you? That kind of appeal I am talking about doesn't include sexual appeal.

>> No.35069596

>Yeah, you don't wanna fuck cats, do you?
Well... Actually... Loli cats especially...

>> No.35069646

>nooo please "nitpick"(read: criticize) my favorite VNs
What a bitch

>> No.35069697
File: 1.78 MB, 1280x720, Sakura_2021-01-15_16-03-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this?

>> No.35069731

Sakura no Uta is a nice 7/10 read. It's pretty good

>> No.35069743
File: 164 KB, 600x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35069778

It's mildly entertaining

>> No.35070166

Sakuuta is 10/7 for dick jokes

>> No.35070230

Kill yourself, centrist.

>> No.35071418

5/10 would be centralist, not 7/10. Brainlet

>> No.35071513

What's up with all these trolls shitting on good games?

Maybe we should only post lolige like >>35069353 if that turns them away from posting more shit.

>> No.35071677

Isn't this the guy who thinks Air is the best eroge ever

>> No.35071685

No one uses ratings like that.
1 means you fucking hate it
7 means you think it is okay
10 means you fucking love it

>> No.35071704

But I like lolis

>> No.35071712

10: Masterpiece
9: Very Good
8: Good
7: Shit
6-1: N/A

>> No.35071734

He played it when it came out. Just remember that he has been playing VNs since the medium's inception. A historical context is necessary to understand his taste.

>> No.35071752

So it seems he is concerned with innovation and freshness

>> No.35071812

Sakuuta is garbage and lolis are great :^)

>> No.35072465

Speaking of lolis: any VNs with actual onee lolis?

>> No.35072867

I didn't bother reading either of these but here's the reply you were fishing for.

>> No.35073595

Sakura no Uta.

>> No.35074223
File: 155 KB, 1159x652, 現実が見えてきたので少女を愛するのを辞めました。.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35074301

Isn't Air good though? That doesn't seem like a terrible opinion to have.

>> No.35074428

It was a revolutionary game for its time

>> No.35074991

Yeah, like that, just as an actual elder sister of the MC.

>> No.35075668

You should just drop it if you aren't enjoying it already. It won't get better for you. in fact, it has some of the worst routes of all time.

>> No.35076378

Tooya should have gotten an h-scene. I don't care if it's a throwaway 10-minute scene that's accessed from the extra menu, she should have gotten at least one.

>> No.35076888

Tooya x MC x Asahi 3p

>> No.35076944
File: 455 KB, 3080x1614, wtf is this.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm thinking of translating Senmomo, and I've extracted the files with the script, but I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. What am I supposed to do with this? Just replace that unholy blob of Japanese with my translation? And then what?

>> No.35077062

I dunno, ask in a translation thread?

>> No.35077192

Azusa should've gotten an h-scene

>> No.35077505

how long did it take you to be able to read any vn with ease? i've read a few over 9 months of study, but still very reliant on a dictionary.

>> No.35077559

Depends on what VNs you read.
If you read only SoL shit for a year you'll never learn to read chuunishit or fantasy stuff

>> No.35077983

First learn Japanese.

>> No.35077996

Anon, you also have to become computer literate.

>> No.35078003

How do you think I read the game in the first place?

>> No.35078047

How do think people learn japanese? by just memorizing textbooks?

>> No.35078065

No one other than programmers have any use of notepad++

>> No.35078082

You need to read textbooks for 2 years, then 3 years of wanikani + anki, then you need to read with texthooker to mine new words, but don't use dictionaries or parsers, they make you slower. Add any new word into anki deck.
Congrats, you know japanese in just 10 years.

>> No.35078119
File: 268 KB, 3000x1391, oh dear god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And besides, it turns out Notepad++ fucks these files up even worse.

>> No.35078128

>not using vim
not gonna make it

>> No.35078216

I think I'm going to just read Muramasa in English, bros. I don't see any point struggling through it in Japanese when I don't have to.

>> No.35078262

Same, bro. People here who have already read it in Japanese should reread it in moogy's Shakespearean English prose to actually understand it this time instead of filling the gaps produced by their JSL comprehension skills with headcanon.

>> No.35078276

I note your sarcasm, but my concern is with it taking fucking forever to read and burning out on infodumps, etc. that I could read easily in English.

>> No.35078285

>he actually learned Japanese in such a tedious roundabout way and still can't read anything other than high-school moege

>> No.35078446

Also as far as translations go, I do trust Makoto. I don't know how much Moogy actually translated anyway.

>> No.35078464

Why not? If you prefer to comfortably read it over reading it in original language.

>> No.35078494

Yeah I probably am. If I thought it was going to get a bad translation I would tough it out, of course.

>> No.35078511

Hanachirasu's translation perfectly captured narahara's dull prose. You can trust makoto for staying faithful to the original feel. But moogy is the kind of retard who is eager to shove his flavor into the translation.

>> No.35078547

>But moogy is the kind of retard who is eager to shove his flavor into the translation.
Has anyone read anything he's translated since Drakoi? That was 8 years ago.

>> No.35078558

Is it true Kajiri Kamui Kagura is kinda a sequel to Dies Irae?

>> No.35078657


>> No.35078669

It's a direct sequel.

>> No.35078757

Muramasa is good and all but I don't understand people who take it as anything but chuunicool shit and unironically think it says some deep shit

>> No.35078808

Is it at least chuunicool that pretends to be deep shit? Because that's what I like.

>> No.35078872

Some scenes in it are pretentious as fuck but it's a calculated pretentious to look cool. It is at least chuunicool instead of chuuniretard shit like dies irae.

>> No.35078901

Ah, good. That's what I think chuuni should be. Everything about it, from the surface down, should be calculated in order to be as cool as possible.

>> No.35079047

It's not bad but rating it as literally the best game ever is definitely a hot take.

>> No.35079080

Many people thought it was the best VN ever when it released.

>> No.35079102

I'm not an expert in this genre, but if you really like nakige is it really such a hot take? I kind of figured it's among the best in that style.

>> No.35079110
File: 201 KB, 1302x705, 7034818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35079145

Typical zoomer take. You just don't understand how big of a thing air was back in the day.

>> No.35079462

Clannad is the best nakige. It took the parenthood theme that was glossed in air and brought it to its highest potential.

>> No.35081681

At what level can you comfortably read VNs I wonder ? N2 ?

>> No.35082283

I read Saya no Uta and Hanachirasu back in my EOP days so I trust Makoto but I'll stick with Muramasa in JP because I'm sure even with his knowledge there will be things lost in translation. Honestly, I hope Muramasa doesn't come out in English this year so I can put it off a little longer since it intimidates me a little.

>> No.35082920
File: 1.88 MB, 1280x720, Sakura_mottD3v7FT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35083027

what the fuck, I can't self-insert like this

>> No.35083902

You're probably thinking of Share EX2 or Perfect Dark but they're kind of dead.

>> No.35084299


>> No.35085227

Fuck Moogy and everyone trying to meme people into doujin RPGs

>> No.35085809

Is there a vndb/erogamescape equivalent for doujin RPGs?

>> No.35086212


>> No.35086801

I read protagonists' lines out loud, so I will mute them regardless.

>> No.35086853

Do you act it out too?

>> No.35087087

Of course

>> No.35087098

Sounds autistic but cute

>> No.35087285

It's hadler and quof this time

>> No.35087541

always voiced i don't read shit with unvoiced protag it's for self-inserting spergs

>> No.35087599

>always voiced i don't read shit with unvoiced protag it's for self-inserting spergs
Doesn't that mean you can't read 99.99% of vns?

>> No.35087681

good ones are voiced so only read them
like subahibi

>> No.35087722


>> No.35087759


>> No.35087973


>> No.35088023

Don't fucking resort to jlpt levels like a djt retard. They literally mean nothing.

>> No.35088196

But you realize not having N1 certificate is a shame, right?

>> No.35088323

I don't fucking care. I don't care about it enough to travel 1000 fucking miles to take that retarded test.

>> No.35088338

Hello, please stop being pretentious.

>> No.35088345

As you say.

>> No.35088355

I love cute girls and you'll never stop me

>> No.35088466

if i was going to use Japanese professionally i might bother paying to take a test for a certificate, but all i use it for is consuming weeb media.

>> No.35088753

What do moege like?
