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3501029 No.3501029 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good Touhou fanfiction writers?

I like usuallydead, which tells you how shallow and melodramatic my tastes are. Any other emotional drama fic writers?

>> No.3501031
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in before arc

>> No.3501035


>> No.3501039


You notice I immediately critique my own tastes.

Also I think/hope Arc is asleep right now.

>> No.3501049

Arc is my favorite fanfiction writer.

>> No.3501050

Go to touhou-project.com. Mostly CYOAs, although there are several one-shots and regular fics. Quality, subject matter, and style vary wildly.

>> No.3501082

Gensokyo Man

>> No.3501124
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>Touhou fanfiction writers

>> No.3501156

You were a goddamn mary sue.

>> No.3501164

I hate that I actually am starting to be amused by you.

>> No.3501170

Don't remind me. GM was one of the biggest trolls of /jp/. When she got banned /jp/ revolted and spamed the board like a /b/ invasion. Half of us got banned and GM was smiling JUST AS PLANNED.

>> No.3501182

>What are some good Touhou fanfiction writers?


Now shoo.

>> No.3501188

That guy from /prog/ who writes epically trippy Touhou+SICP+(other random anime) shit.

>> No.3501196

In before hordes of weeaboos declaring how bad fanfiction is while declaring their love for their favorite doujins.


Now, seriously on topic, the primary problem with Western Touhou fanfiction is the prevalence of CYOA-style fics. They're not inherently bad, but it would be far more interesting to read about the characters as humans (and Youkai) rather than as lifeless things in a world that the reader navigates in the form of a self-insert.

>> No.3501203


Yes, but I meant fanfiction as in novelettes and narratives.

Ideally, doujinshi in text format.

CYOA and "OC enters Gensokyo" stories are old. I'd like more stories from character's perspective, which is why I enjoy usuallydead.

>> No.3501210


Hmm... let's see, then:

Touhou games are fanfiction.
Umineko is fanfiction.
The newest IOSYS album that you listen to on your iPod is fanfiction.

Yeah, that makes sense.

>> No.3501215


ITT people who cannot distinguish between doujin (adj) and doujin (noun).

>> No.3501219

Now that you mention it, /jp/ was a bit better than normal tonight.

>> No.3501225


Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up words and phrases and clauses.
Conjunction Junction, how's that function?
I got three favorite cars
That get most of my job done.
Conjunction Junction, what's their function?
I got "and", "but", and "or",
They'll get you pretty far.

That's an additive, like "this and that".
That's sort of the opposite,
"Not this but that".
And then there's "or":
O-R, when you have a choice like
"This or that".
"And", "but", and "or",
Get you pretty far.

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up two boxcars and making 'em run right.
Milk and honey, bread and butter, peas and rice.
Hey that's nice!
Dirty but happy, digging and scratching,
Losing your shoe and a button or two.
He's poor but honest, sad but true,

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up two cars to one
When you say something like this choice:
"Either now or later"
Or no choice:
"Neither now nor ever"
Hey that's clever!
Eat this or that, grow thin or fat,
Never mind, I wouldn't do that,
I'm fat enough now!

>> No.3501229


Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up phrases and clauses that balance, like:
Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
He cut loose the sandbags,
But the balloon wouldn't go any higher.
Let's go up to the mountains,
Or down to the seas.
You should always say "thank you",
Or at least say "please".

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up words and phrases and clauses
In complex sentences like:
In the mornings, when I'm usually wide awake, I love to take a walk through the gardens and down by the lake, where I often see a duck and a drake, and I wonder, as I walk by, just what they'd say if they could speak, although I know that's an absurd thought.

Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
Hooking up cars and making 'em function.
Conjunction Junction, how's that function?
I like tying up words and phrases and clauses.
Conjunction Junction, watch that function.
I'm going to get you there if you're very careful.
Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
I'm going to get you there if you're very careful.
Conjunction Junction, what's your function?
I'm going to get you there if you're very careful.

>> No.3501230

Oh, you're right. Let me correct myself.

Shanghai Alice is fanfiction.
7th Expansion is fanfiction.
IOSYS is fanfiction.

>> No.3501239

I don't understand why you're arguing this when you know damn well what he meant.

>> No.3501245

He meant to troll and I'm not arguing, I'm laughing at him.

>> No.3501247
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Whether anyone likes it or not, I rather hope Arc compiles that whole GRIMDARK lunar empire cosmology.
If nothing else, because I'm writing an interpretation of the prehistory of oni and would like to keep some vague sense of coherence in Grimsokyo.

>> No.3501248
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This is now a Schoolhouse Rock thread.

>> No.3501268
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>> No.3501276
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>> No.3501282

Well, it's not all self-insert. I like the different interpretations of Gensokyo and how touhous interact and behave/develop as characters from the stories I read. But it's something not that commonly found (well done at least).

>> No.3501306


That's actually just what I mean.

>> No.3501343


The scope of the project is overwhelming.

I find myself having to crack open books on time dilation theories, so that I can logically explain how the Lunar Navy's ships of war achieve FTL.

Then I have to refresh myself on basic naval tactics for the ship-to-ship combat. Learn brevity codes. And that's like a tiny piece of the entire thing. I still have to properly tackle how ground infantry works, the vehicles, ships, and equipment the infantry carries, the technology and medical assistance used on-site...

...What this all means is that ZUN left very little for me to work on, so it's up to me to construct a believable setting and describe the workings of the Lunarian war machine properly, while staying true to what IS described in the expanded universe of the Touhou Project concerning the Lunarians.

I really don't want to just MAKE SHIT UP AS I GO ALONG, so I'm trying to compile information instead. This alone could fill a novel. -Sigh.-

>> No.3501366

Well, you can always make something yourself I suppose. And even if it's AD material, someone will read it. Who knows, you might be some good.

>> No.3501375
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>> No.3501376


Please, please, please avoid http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SpaceIsAnOcean . Please.

>> No.3501377


I've tried writing.

If I ever get past the second paragraph, it takes me several hours. And, by my own critique (probably biased since my low self-esteem), I'm dry and repetitive.

>> No.3501387

>I like usuallydead
I recommend punching yourself in the dick, you will get the same feeling.

>> No.3501389


Don't worry, these ships of war do innovative things such as rolling to present undamaged belly shields when their topsides have had their deflectors knocked out. They're not lumbering, crude things constricted to one axis.

>> No.3501397


It sounds like the whole thing would benefit greatly from a healthy dose of Magitek, given the whole logic of the Touhouverse anyways.

>> No.3501399
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>> No.3501402

Eh, don't be so hard on yourself. Have someone else read something you've written and give you feedback. There's lots of places that you can do it anonymously, and if it's touhou related the previously mentioned site would be appropriate. Writing, like a lot in life, is something that flourishes with practice and constructive criticism. The main thing is that you enjoy yourself doing it.

>> No.3501416

Fuck you, I'm trapped

>> No.3501424

Haha, luckily I've read that page, so I don't need to click on it again!

I think.

>> No.3501426


The site owners should load the site up with ads or something and make a shitload of money off it since it's impossible to leave the site until you fall asleep.

>> No.3501427

You're not going to let them shift shields at whim? It's just added armor in that case, isn't it?

>> No.3501439


While their deflector shields are construed of specific, immovable areas, they do regenerate over time.

So, a wily ship captain will allow the attacker to pound away at his or her upper decks, then execute a roll and present undamaged belly shields to the enemy with a fresh weapons barrage from its underlying, previously unmanaged guns. This gives the upper deflectors time to reform.

Secondly, other vessels can enhance the effect of a ship's deflectors. Think of it as a sort of buff.

>> No.3501449
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Did you remember to put on your hat when you left the mansion this morning? That's good. I just dodged a spell card the size of Jupiter. That's amazing.

>> No.3501454

wow, such blatant trollbait, but ok I'll bite. I didn't read any of the AD text only fanfics or any fanfics at all.
what was this fic about? and what made you like it?probably it's easier to help you that way... or for you to troll us, I don't mind, I'm in the mood for some trolling.

>> No.3501464

It's not really fanfiction, but I rather enjoyed that one SDM CYOA over at Touhou Project.


It breaks my heart that the writer never got around to doing the other routes.

>> No.3501485

Marisa's speech impediment is a miracle of the universe,

>> No.3501510

How can something that doesn't exist be a miracle?

>> No.3501542 [DELETED] 

> lol i alredy red dat at anоntalk.com last nite
I love 4chan! It rocks!

>> No.3501562

lol, spambud.

>> No.3501644

wow, as much trollbait as this thread is, I wouldn't mind reading some fanfic now. I do honestly ask, which fanfics suck less than others?

Also, I see Wake up in Gensokyo mentioned all the time, but I can only find threads 39+ has 1-38 been archived anywhere?

>> No.3501683

There's actually one going on at /bun/.

>> No.3501697

Don't read it, it'll break your heart because it was never completed and the author was a troll.

>> No.3501950

>>3501644 meet >>3501050

>> No.3501956

Did you find the SDM one yet? It's called Expectation of Sanguine Disorder (i.e. Waiting for a Bloody Mess).

>> No.3501962

Hungry Youkai is a great guy, but I don't share his fascination with vampires.

>> No.3501964
File: 121 KB, 690x462, SDM Limited Adventure Style Bath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hungry Youkai.
His SDM: Limited Adventure Style was an awesome read.

>> No.3501966

The Nigger needs to get back to work.

>> No.3501967

Yep, that's the one I was talking about here >>3501956

>> No.3501971

Too bad HY doesn't update his shit / constantly drops it now.

>> No.3502001

HY is english, what do you expect?

>> No.3502008


Suddenly it all makes sense.

>> No.3502057

He probably has brain damage. A horse hit him too hard, fam life sure is hard.

>> No.3502065


HY is a lazy nigger, sure, but brain damage? Now you're just being a faggot.

>> No.3502071

>defending fanfiction, the worst of the western fandom

who's the faggot?

>> No.3502076
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>> No.3502185

>reaction image

>> No.3502253

enought ranting for today.

>> No.3502254
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Fanfiction is only good by accident. People who set out to write it are generally talentless faggots.

>> No.3502269


>> No.3502369

Well it's mostly the ones that are thinly-veiled masturbatory fantasies (ie: over 90% of all fanfiction). But there's nothing inherently wrong with using an established canon to base and explore ideas.

>> No.3503085

Ok, I'm a complete noob and I'm truly interested in reading fanfiction.

Where do I find it when it's being written, where is it archived, how is it organized (if it is at all, I went to touhou-project.com and it frustrates me a little, everything is all over the place) and how do I keep up with it?

>> No.3503136

Go to www.pooshlmer.com/wakaba

Look up the general fiction thread

laugh/gouge out your eyes

>> No.3503148

Touhou project archive

>> No.3503676

While complete, I think that's poorly organized. Most stories on the smaller boards, as far as I know still have all their threads in the back pages because of the whole nature of the format. Then again, you could probably just ask about the stuff you're potentially interested in.

>> No.3503724
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Anon, my hero.

Anything involving Sakuya or Yuka is ok for me. Mokou/Kaguya is good too.

>> No.3503741

touhou-project.com for the currently ongoing CYOA stories.

One worth mentioning is I, Youkai. Basically readers are little youkai that was just born into world, and through accident first thing she does is kills one boy, getting his father to hate her and start hunting for her. Still, there's also time for playing hide and seek, looking for items that got through border for Rinnosuke nd meeting new people.

>> No.3503760


I take this as highest praise.

>> No.3503772

I can't speak for poosh since I don't go there. So this is about th-p.

I'm not an sdm fan (I dislike pretty much all the characters except for Patchy and Meiling - a Koakuma is fine too) so I wouldn't know about the first. There are a couple of stories involving Yuka, as far as I remember but can't for the life of me remember what they were called.

For Mokou/Kaguya, there's several good ones on /eientei/. They're all CYOAs though. For something Mokou centric there's a (still) untitled story that looks promising, and well there's Contemplations under the Moon and Stars which is a genuinely fun read due to the author (although getting progressively slower with the updates). More Kaguya-centric, there's Deluge of a Lunar Fantasy, which is pleasant enough but has a few questionable moments; It's still shaping up ok though.

There are also a couple of short (non-CYOA) stories scattered here and there, some of which are pretty cool.

Hope that helped.

>> No.3503774

ITT: Authors promoting their own works

>> No.3503793

SDM stories generally have habit of having Meiling route blocked by Sakuya or Remilia.

>> No.3503912

Wait, you post on /jp/? That's... not that surprising now that I think about it.

>> No.3503951

My touhou fanfic story, by a fan
One day it stopped snowing in gensokyo. reimu said, where is the snow. and then she left the shrine. she found marisa and she was flying in the air on her broom like always. reimu and marisa flew as fast as they could but then they saw that it was snowing. reimu said: eh, guess it was false alarm. and then they went back to the shrine and had tea. the end

>> No.3503982


Lurk more often than post.

>> No.3503986


Straight to the point, short and sweet, no needless psychodrama.
I like it.

>> No.3504126 [DELETED] 

Add more a more detailed scene-drinking scene, and you've got gold.

>> No.3504130

Add more a more detailed tea-drinking scene, and you've got gold.

>> No.3504169
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OP here again.

Why are you all listing off CYOAs?

I want STORIES, dammit.

>> No.3504187
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>> No.3504192

Take time to read your own damn thread then.

>> No.3504218


I skim. The only apparent author I can see is called Hungry Youkai. And I'm not even certain that's an author.

>> No.3504232

Enjoy your ADD then I guess.

>> No.3504235

I don't think you would be one to forget, Arc, but

>> No.3504241


You can tell?
Yeah, it's a rather annoying thing to have. And no, I'm not some twelve year old on too much sugar. I actually have serious problems paying attention to anything for more than two minutes.

Notably annoying when reading stories, which is ironic that I ask for them.
I handle it by typically swapping between a dozen other things. Which means I get in about 10 pages a day at best, but hey.

>> No.3504251

>I actually have serious problems paying attention to anything for more than two minutes.

Protip: the only thing in which you're deficient is willpower. If you stopped trying to blame your failures on things supposedly outside your control and actually manned up, you wouldn't have this 'problem'.

>> No.3504256


Can't make things gripping through sheer willpower, friend.

I can force myself to pay attention to something for awhile, but that doesn't mean I won't WANT to stop paying attention and do something else.

>> No.3504262

Go here and read http://z4.invisionfree.com/touhouvn/index.php?showtopic=176
Just read the finished stories and either you will like it or not. Try to find it our yourself.

>> No.3504271


It's really not all that fun to read through a completed story. The interaction that comes with an on-going story is the main appeal.

>> No.3504285

If you want a mediocre Kaguya/Mokou story that isn't a CYOA, here's mine from a bit back:


I keep trying to write something new, but it's really hard to get any idea that I don't throw out within 10 seconds of coming up with it.

>> No.3504295

Interaction is just part of the appeal. There are engrossing stories that are worth reading all the same.

I skimmed that. Commendable. Found right away some things that were a bit annoying/needed improvement but it's not bad-looking. I might read through it later.

>> No.3504319

There are enough ongoing stories, just read Story recommendations and pick one to read.

>> No.3504465
File: 400 KB, 1440x900, touhou marisa hats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That hat is humongous!" whispered Sunny Milk. "You could hide a small fairy inside that thing."

"Yeah, she must be hiding something under it," said Lunar Child. "It looks so ridiculous, there's no way that she's wearing it for no reason at all."

"Maybe it's where she keeps her magical ingredients?" pondered Star Sapphire.

The Three Fairies began to come up with a plan.


Marisa was collecting mushrooms in the Forest of Magic.

*What a terrible day*, she thought to herself. *There must be someone else picking mushrooms, I can hardly find any today. Maybe Alice is to blame?*

As Marisa prepared to fly off to question Alice about the situation, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye.

A lot of mushrooms. Hundreds of them, all growing off of a single log.

*Hah, I guess my fortune has changed just by thinking about it!* she thought. *This is my lucky day!*

Marisa ran up to the log and began rapidly dropping the mushrooms into her bag. But as she stuffed her bag, she didn't notice what was going on around her.

A swinging log slammed into Marisa, knocking her sideways into a disguised hole in the ground, which she began to fall into. As she fell, Marisa grabbed her Hakkero, cast a levitation spell, and

Love Sign 「Non-Directional Laser」

Beams of magic shot in every direction. Five second later, three fairies fell out of the trees.

Marisa looked at the bewildered fairies in puzzlement. "What in the world was this for?"

At first the fairies stood frozen in fear. Then, Sunny Milk spoke up. "We... just wanted to know what was... under your hat."

"My hat?" asked Marisa, confused. "What do you mean?"

Silence reigned for about ten seconds.

"Oh, you mean my HAM HOLDER!"

Marisa took off her hat to reveal a giant ham sitting underneath.

>> No.3504528

This is now canon.

>> No.3504531

In b4 ban.

>> No.3504603


inb4 :awesome:

>> No.3504786


The picture makes this post about 5 times better.

>> No.3504842


I'd hold Marisa's ham, if you catch my drift.

>> No.3504846

Patchy + witch's hat = awesome

>> No.3504845 [DELETED] 

Patchy + witche's hat = awesome

>> No.3505420


>> No.3505567
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