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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 506 KB, 1309x1840, 1619112989317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34779187 No.34779187 [Reply] [Original]

>fell down the cookie rabbithole
What the fuck

>> No.34779210


>> No.34779325
File: 3.22 MB, 2150x3035, 10744074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure why do people keep saying its a rabbit hole.

>> No.34779412
File: 142 KB, 357x357, 1585310432510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people making so many threads today?

>> No.34779777

not sure, ask OP.

>> No.34779805

Who quote?

>> No.34780271

Who are you quoting?

>> No.34780366

Can you please identify the induvial whomst you are quoting, op?

>> No.34780453

I'm a little unclear as to who you're quoting

>> No.34780652

Can you, the original poster of this thread, also known as op as an abbreviation, without a doubt recognize the specimen whom constructed a citation that of the characteristics such you repeat in the instance of this forum?

>> No.34780729

Greetings. I am the person quoted by the Original Poster. What the fuck do you want from me?

>> No.34780733

quem laudas

>> No.34780754

Please take them back where they came from and never return.

>> No.34780815

wtf is "the cookie rabbithole"

>> No.34781029
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>> No.34781175

I can think of two possibilities, but /a/'s 2 GET was yesterday, so the one that makes sense is that people swarmed here for the 7s.
Higurashi got both, spoiler alert. 'Grats dudes.

>> No.34781356

Source of that vid?

>> No.34781855

wdym, nisu(the youtube channel) made that video.

>> No.34781968

I'd fuck Reisen's rabbit hole

>> No.34782322
File: 222 KB, 850x1126, hisui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Reisen.

>> No.34782369

i would fuck her

>> No.34782400

Post the dancing HSIs

>> No.34782450

Legit question, shouldn't you first peel the banana? Or can the peel be eaten, too?

>> No.34783201

>Or can the peel be eaten, too?
I highly doubt it.

>> No.34788296

I mean the video inside the video of Cirno getting fucked

>> No.34792783

pretty sure its a fan creation. Original are pure audio.
sauce with download link:
white cat link, password: annyui incase you're blind.

>> No.34792887
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So you're into hairy armpits now, right?

>> No.34794141

if it's with Reimu... it's fine

>> No.34796741

I love hairy armpits...

>> No.34797374
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>> No.34809832

this is a christian board please dress properly

>> No.34813162 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.11 MB, 1447x2047, 1621414564897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awawa... I'm so sorry... Reimu...

>> No.34818468
File: 997 KB, 1400x1672, media-EkM5nFbVgAcsD7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the guy that made this? I can't find him anymore on twitter or NND.

>> No.34818558
File: 623 KB, 1074x1326, media-EsVBVb9UwAM1juq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love his MZ.

>> No.34818746

but why?

>> No.34819019
File: 1.07 MB, 1017x1403, a06bf0a59785ad0bdec8e65e3880c6c118efa49b1e6bee21c80ae0fc6da6a314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hairy armpits = comfy, soft, home
Shaved armpits = unnatural, itchy, barren
It appears he's locked up his twitter for now. Maybe a hiatus? He hasn't posted since February 21st.
If you have a twitter and you follow him, you can see his posts after he accepts the follow. I can post his stuff here if you'd like, I can see his stuff.

>> No.34819145

"Going down the rabbit hole" is a metaphor for entering something seemingly simple and straightforward, but turns out to be much more complex, confusing, and profound than meets the eye.

Cookie is a rabbit hole because at face value, it is just touhou, or is just fanart of an underwhelming voice drama that became wildly popular for seemingly no real reason. Most Western touhou fans have no sense of why it has any relevance, or just find out it is associated with doxxing/online bullying and write it off as unworthy of being mentioned. But the more you dig into it, you find that cookie is a subculture that goes way beyond the creative bounds of touhou, the voice dramas, or the seiyuu, to be inextricably rooted in Japanese, Chinese, and some Western online fads/memes/scenes. The sheer amount, diversity, and longevity of OC produced with Cookie (and INMU) from such a seemingly trivial source and inane context has few direct comparisons. If I had to draw up a Western example, I'd say something like MLP has a similar rabbit-hole mentality about it.

>> No.34819339
File: 908 KB, 1126x1503, media_EuwEpPNU4AADIfg.jpg name=orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I hope he doesn't stop cookie, his MZ gives me life.
Pic is the last image I saved from @army_14235, guess it's the lastest one?
Also why the oka account? How many accounts does the guy have? Also what's the deal with artists and suddenly erasing/privating their stuff? Fuck. Guess I'll try following him with my empty account.

>> No.34819587
File: 640 KB, 1155x1191, EtyLHkIU0AEVa9Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He changed his account name, it's the same account. Yes, that's the latest one.

>> No.34819772

Would you say /s4s/ is a comparable example?

>> No.34820227

I'm pretty sure the dude goes by @ohasiart on twitter now.

>> No.34820676
File: 523 KB, 2400x1350, 10289519.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, thanks for the infos.
Here's a pig in exchange.

As far as I know it's his main, non-cookie account, focused on OC. He also has a 3rd account for sketches.
But since he's closed his nico seiga, maybe he's done with cookie?

>> No.34820880

/s4s/ is a board with subcultures, not a subculture itself. /mlp/ falls into the same category.
I don't lurk/post /s4s/ much, but it seems most anons pretty intentionally avoid the kind of seriousness/drama/effortposting that goes into Cookie/INMU (which isn't necessarily a bad thing). I think the board which actually compares to /s4s/ the most these days is /qa/, with the main difference being the difference between "funposting" as banter and "shitposting" as a competition.

>> No.34821455
File: 447 KB, 1280x720, 068bac6ee6174c05abfe58e01f6daae0b91716297b91bbb617ceca28a3c8f014.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice piggy, I wish she'd sit on my face and bear my children.

>> No.34826280


>> No.34835162

Big Reimu.

>> No.34843978

I don't understand why Cookie absorbed Inmu but somehow not any of the gatchimuchi subculture

>> No.34854246

is this from donkey kong

>> No.34854500

Inmu and cookie are intertwined in the early days, use cookie thumbnail and start as bait and switch to inmu to create surprise, iirc originally intents to smear cookie with inmu by association.
there are distinctions between subcultures thus most audiences don't want to see them blurred together for no good reason. Most amateur mistake of creators thinking bashing everything together automatically make any good.

>> No.34861853 [DELETED] 


>> No.34861899 [DELETED] 


>> No.34870010
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>> No.34871503
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sometimes i cant tell if it was a mistake or not to get into cookie because now i can tell the difference between all the characters and when someone calls them by 'reimu' 'marisa' etc i go autist mode

>> No.34871732

man stfu about worse girl
she doesn't even have tits and look like a shit child

>> No.34872283

How do you keep track of all the characters? Most of them look extremely similar to their counterparts.

>> No.34875464
File: 538 KB, 1000x375, 3945139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its very easy but might just be because im autistic, their outfits and features are very important, hair, facial expression/features, and sometimes art style

>> No.34875635
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>> No.34879414

Is cookie a person?

>> No.34884169

It's called cookie because the first voice drama was called "Marisa and Alice's cookie kiss"

>> No.34889534
File: 1.91 MB, 2392x2876, Suzu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34894023

Fat Reimu! Fishing Sakuya!

>> No.34895448

Who makes it?

>> No.34900640
File: 212 KB, 281x500, HZN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

蓮奈理緒 (HZN) coordinated the original "marisa and alice's cookie kiss". The work involved many artists and voice actors.

>> No.34901337

I need more details. What makes something 'cookie'? Are all 2hu characters involved? Does it have anything to do with the actual characters besides stealing their designs? Is this whole thing Chinese or Japanese? Why does 'cookie' make anons angry?

>> No.34902121

the original japanese voice drama on Niconico Douga(a video streaming site with rolling comments, dictionary and tags) flopped hard due to terrible voice acting and inconsistent art style, all in all under poor coordination. People making fun of them on video rolling comments and anonymous board elsewhere. Parody videos with cookie tags are made to make fun of this as well. People involved(coordinator, voice actoresses, artist) got a lot of attention, personal information are dug and leaked, lots of drama. Followed by more projects making touhou voice dramas with various quality, using the tag, for internet fame and lulz.
Most of them are japanese, also the chinese also have a few touhou voice dramas in their language, so are the westerner's Easter in english.
As for the parodies, the definition is still vague. I guess you need to at least use the characters used in one of those voice drama to count and have to be primarily about them so otomad only using UDK just as trumpt sound font probably aren't that related. As for the character people don't call them Marisa because of the confusion are so many Marisa from all these voice dramas, some of them having 5 Marisas, they usually go by the voice actress's name to be UD or AZS or MGR aneki. The TDN abbreviation works something like this (Suzu=>SZ, Azusa=>AZS), length, how its picked all have exceptions for various reasons like same abbreviation. This practice of abbreviation is comming from inmu as for people making fun of cookie also enjoy making fun of homos in gay porn.
and there are also exceptions that some characters that are not voiced or derived into seperated entities(like sakenomi), and one aneki can have multiple character roles and designs due to voicing multiple characters in the same or different voice drama.
So not all touhou characters are cookie characters if there are no voice drama involving them. and you have to ask angry anons themselves about their anger.

>> No.34902140

Please let this thread die I'd hate to have normalfags get into cookie, just look at OP, motherfucker isn't even quoting anyone

>> No.34902166

Why not? Isn't cookie meant to be cancerous?

>> No.34902175

Is this cookie a legit 2hu or

>> No.34902179

is this a cookie

>> No.34903874

>Christanity made miko's not be whores
Absolutely Wholesome and pure

>> No.34905723

I don't see Christianity having that kind of influence or any influence in Japan.

>> No.34905744

They couldn't un-whore Sanae, tho.
Soon they won't have any influence in other parts of the world as well.

>> No.34914566

nice body boing boing very mucchy

>> No.34917802

You'd live the life of a slave to be free of western influence. You were given the gift of individualism and you squander it over petty hatred.

>> No.34917889
File: 1.34 MB, 480x270, dbd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34918776

>gift of individualism
That's a gift from the Enlightenment, not christfags.

>> No.34925363

this makes me afraid but also h_rny

>> No.34929952


>> No.34929961

They used to have a lot more around the times the portuguese and the dutch were making buddy buddy with Japan

>> No.34934805

>the times the portuguese and the dutch were making buddy buddy with Japan
Imagine just wanting to buy firearms, but now you need to deal with some bullshit nanban religion.

>> No.34935680

I like the shark teeth Reimu on the top row.

>> No.34949584

And individualism isn't an eastern construct, let alone custom.

>> No.34950914

NYN gets posted on Touhou discords all the time

>> No.34955382
File: 3.27 MB, 2183x3996, 043591eae6a0b1de4d4541c76d04a549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophies all over the world make a disctinction between individuality (i.e. the acknowledgement that we're all separate agent and cannot be conglomerated into larger wholes that don't quite fit our needs) and individualism (the belief that the individual is the premiere unit of moral, philosophical, and societal value) all over history.

Individualism is a western creation, but it's also not that. A lot of what the uneducated would chalk up to individualism is actually just individuality. You can find individualist arguments for and against capitalism, communism, religion, because it's simply not that weighty of an ideology.

Americans are largely stupid and uneducated and think they invented thinking for themselves, but if you ever reard the many literary traditions of the world you'd realise the rest of the planet is not unaware that we are individual entities or has grappled with the question of what to do with that when a single human survivor is a problem in a larger society and a larger society cannot exist without taking away rights from the autonomous actor.

TL;DR, no, read a book.

>> No.34963244

Alright, I'll read up on it again. My point is that you'd throw it away in favor of being free of western influence. I know people around the world aren't unaware. When you say Americans think they invented it for themselves and I say they can actually live it. They look at other countries and believe they have a better life and are free to pursue life how they please based on what they know or have seen in other countries. In America, you're only limited by your work ethic and background. Aside from that, you can climb, stagnate or fall down the latter all you please. There's good and bad everywhere.
The way I see it, you're getting rid of one major influence for the other. Getting rid of one power leaves room for another to grow, and with that their style of ruling sooner or later. They lead by example and others follow. The reason people are upset and want it gone is because of the overreaching hand of western influence ruining everything it touches.

>> No.34975407


>> No.34986513

so we are a christian thread?

>> No.34993092

Yeah. I guess.

>> No.34994909

Touhou girls woulnd't like nanban religion, because it was one of the reasons they had to escape to Gensokyo. Christians would be killed and eaten indiscriminately in Gensokyo, especially if they were also Portuguese…

The Dutch would probably be okay, though.

>> No.35005708

Dude, fucking everyone would be killed and eaten indiscriminately.

>> No.35005879
File: 260 KB, 1127x602, 53201006_1535139969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most certainly.

>> No.35005930
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BNKNRG has forever ruined Forbidden Scrollery for me.

>> No.35007242

wait, actual touhou fag speaking?

>> No.35007517
File: 753 KB, 1240x1754, gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically it's edible, it just doesn't taste good.
>smear cookie
Cookie had a bad reputation on release, people didn't like the writing and the somewhat bad quality of voice acting. Somehow it attracted the inmu crowd who made the first cookie videos. Inmufags basically kickstarted the whole cookie clusterfuck we have today.
Too late anon, Kuso S3 happened
Ah yes, I remember when Reimu found an AK in FS

>> No.35015179

Boobhu thread?

>> No.35017589
File: 1.65 MB, 1000x1494, 8829019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason Inmufags flocked to Cookie was because HZN was an Inmufag and purposefully put a bunch of Inmu references into the voice drama i.e making multiple characters do YJSNPI's infamous hand gesture, using the unchi kong SE and making a few scenes similar to ones from Inmu like UDK and NDK crashing into each other and UDK waking up in ALC's arms. Inmu and Cookie were not just connected in the early days but directly in the voice drama.

>> No.35018056

really? what hand gesture are you talking about and what sound effects? I don't know any inmu clip with one waking up in another's arm/lap.

>> No.35018102
File: 568 KB, 1000x700, 89164112_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I was curious about this drought of cookie content on NND a while back. I thought that there might be a purge, or maybe some algorithm change, but actually its just Uma Musume sucking all of the fans.
Tick tock cookiefags..

>> No.35018167

its a new fad and clout chaser gonna chase. cookie already on dead bed for a long time.

>> No.35018255
File: 433 KB, 1304x734, 89573813_p5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, it should have ended with Self~Contradiction but I guess people literally missed the joke and just do what the video is warning about.

>> No.35018400

The biggest irony is he didn't even end it himself, stick around streaming for fame until too late. The typical preacher.

>> No.35018555
File: 86 KB, 260x327, coco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The infamous ここ gesture which was why ALC and Remilia randomly pointed up and down. The SE used when Sakuya knives Meiling is the same SE a popular Inmu-adjacent SSBM player uses to make people mass comment ウンチーコング on videos while UDK waking up was meant to be similar to TON waking up after being drugged.

>> No.35019833

>knifing meiling SE
Im not sure about SSBM turd kong. Since when is this around? Can I have a video of those ssb lets play?
is it the knocking sound or the bell sound? If its the bell then 33-4 associated with inmu buddist ringing a bell
https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm18414844.. (2012)
later than the original of 2010.
and looking at the original video with timeline of 2012,13, either shit kong or 33-4 shows up
and based on some article, I still am not convinced HZN is inmu sided and in fact have been fighting against inmu tag and comments in his video.
in fact, this whole thing wouldn't make sense if HZN is a fellow inmu fag. The whole commotion of management deleting inmu related cookie mads have to be done by HZN complaining to management for deletion. if he is an inmu fag then he would be all "why contain it?" and let inmu cookie creation flow.

>> No.35020956
File: 198 KB, 996x1080, 10712793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but that anon, for a lack of a better word, trolled you. Making crazy claims that actually might be (will sometimes be) true is a core of INMU

HZN was never a INMU fag. He wanted to take advantage of unsuspecting girls who were fans of touhou that wanted to voice act the characters and be part of something creative. Its why you usually see him play the part of a villain or associated with INMU in general in fan videos or content. It's the dirty or evil side of the whole cookie/INMU thing.

HZN help organize and write the script for the VD (as with UDK, though some will argue that the whole VD was her idea) Either, way they were calling the shots but not extent in what the artists actually draw. Part of the fun is seeing what the artist come when they put your script into action.
Of course though, that can sometimes lead to sometimes questionable quality, especially with a bunch of amateurs, (not just the artist).

And question they did! You got to remember that Touhou was at a all time high and rising in 2010. It was THE THING. Lots of quality art, music, videos, etc. were on display and being made so when this project emerged that claimed nearly 50 people worked on it, the end result.... really didn't seem to indicate this. Also since, Touhou was basically the biggest thing at the time there where people not happy about this or also just saw it as a fad that can easily be made fun of. And INMU fags were somewhat a part of this group . Lot people seem to forget that INMU was Anti Touhou since it was popular (well at least initially). So this "subpar" VD make for easy pickings for them. It also didn't help that the imagery and spoken script had some happy coincidence with INMU terminology/imagery.
Plus the VD was subtle yuri (gay). So they made fun of it.

These early video that mocked and made fun of the VD were the first "cookie fags" and cookie materiel that we know today. When these videos started to get popular and noticed and people were vandalizing the original VD, HZN step in to get those videos taken down. Most (some?) of original cookie videos are now lost forever because of this. HZN made it quite clear he didn't like it. Eventually the original VD gain a cult status as the cookie/INMU Snow(shit)ball started to grow larger. The cult status and HZN actions against cookie (still INMU) fags eventually got him Doxxed and he came out clean details they found and then never seen again.

>> No.35026850

Shico Shico Douga

>> No.35026915


>> No.35031971

well, I didn't buy that entirely. and your version is more closely to the story that I know of.

>> No.35040822


>> No.35041729
File: 6 KB, 313x243, Captu345re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat it, tourists.

>> No.35049351

god this is so hot

>> No.35057134


>> No.35064629

What kind of man discovers Reimu and isn't into armpits?
I think he means why armpits, and not the type

>> No.35065730
File: 1.58 MB, 1106x1400, 8b5fc357f2a7889a91b2378ec059737b4c34459f66cd3b138f82ef32e572c19c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why armpits
What a stupid fucking question
What sane man doesn't instantly pop a painfully engorged erection at the sight of a woman's velvety underarms?

>> No.35075240

boner lost.

>> No.35075441
File: 3.92 MB, 727x810, 92f797865c808ccdf13fb2bf648378c3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
