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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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34956734 No.34956734 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>34858404

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.34958551

Finally rolled Akatsuki no Goei 2, so I'm playing that. Will probably skip a whole lot though. The story was never the strength of the games, and 2 replaced most of the heroines with shit as well. So while I do give it a chance, I'm pretty sure I'll end up mostly just playing the main route.

>> No.34958839

When the fuck is Happy Live Show Up getting uploaded, bros? I’ve been looking forward to banging the shit out of Sophie all week.

>> No.34958892

Dumb cow

>> No.34959021

Am I stupid if I actually want to read the new R07/Key VN

>> No.34959034

Probably. It's most likely short though, so you don't lose much.

>> No.34959042

How short? If it's 10-20 hours I'll check it out against my better judgment. I know it'll almost definitely be a trainwreck but some part of me can't resist.

>> No.34959141

You're stupid if you have high expectations and wants to be mindblown or something. I'm about to start it, just hoping for a fun and short read.

>> No.34959270


>> No.34959470

Mebae was a pretty shit lolige, where are the good ones

>> No.34959539
File: 295 KB, 1366x768, only one way to find out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34959650

Exactly why I like her so much

>> No.34959680

Can't find it

>> No.34959802

That reminds me, anybody read Golden Time? Any good?

>> No.34959806

I always have lots of fun with r07's storytelling. Maybe wait for a few reviews this next week to see if it's your thing, or try out the trial before.

>> No.34959807


>> No.34959847

golden hour? i enjoyed it as well as swallowtail, nothing to write home about.

>> No.34961619 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.17 MB, 2880x2160, 1622244578360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark haired character has her hair color changed to some bright, hot color when she powers up
This is my chuuni fetish. Bless Masada.

>> No.34963130

a dude on EGS said he cleared the entire game in 3 hours because he doesn't wait for voices to finish playing

>> No.34963242

No one in this thread reaching native speed (maybe except me) because y'all suck. 5-6 hours sounds realistic for you, guys.

>> No.34963267

>(maybe except me)

>> No.34963285


>> No.34963296

You don't know me, faggot. I'll probably take 10 hours minimum.

>> No.34964163

I'll read it in 2 hours
30 if you count time that I spend alt-tabbing

>> No.34964855
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Lol, this guy is so hilarious. Literal definition of 'based retard'. I don't know if this is the same character from Summer Salt or not, but he's definitely a good addition to this game.

>> No.34964862

Are Venus's games good? I always meant to check them out.

>> No.34965045

Only other thing i've read from him was Summer Salt and quite honestly I'm kind of conflicted by it. Summer Salt is a weird game since like 75% of it is All Ages, and it's played out like a wholesome coming of age story before shifting into porn and NTR mode. If his intent was to make an NTR game here then I don't think it worked for me since the first like 75% doesn't really have much to do with anything. If his intent was to create a wholesome story involving characters living in a rural village then the last 25% of the game kind of puts a damper on that right? Side characters who got focus just end up getting shafted and tossed to the side by the end of the game. Judging from reviews of the game, I think I'm the only person who seems to be bothered by this, so maybe it's just me who is crazy.

Don't get me wrong, the h-scenes are pretty good in themselves, but the structure of the game is a headscratcher, I have a feeling that he might have just kept writing and writing and then realized he had to put porn in this thing and shoved it at the end.

I think it's worth checking out to see if you like it. I know I sound really negative in this post but I don't think I hated Summer Salt, lol, I was just confused by it. I'm playing the trial for his newest game and it's got a cool gimmick where the protagonist can tell when someone is lying or not. All the interactions he has with his retard friend have been cracking me up as well. And the main heroine seems cute

>> No.34965801

Did Shana do this to you?

>> No.34965821

Kei was kinda shit ngl but her route was good. Not as good as Marie or Rea but better than bakasumi's

>> No.34967032

Kindly stay out of /lit/. Thanks.

>> No.34967110

You're just mad most novels don't even surpass the quality of a crappy VN, and that's a level that shouldn't be hard to reach.

>> No.34967121

Ah, so this literally is where the invasion originates from. You're pathetic.

>> No.34968820

Similarly, please stay out of /jp/.

>> No.34968948

Can you guys reccomend me a book like subahibi? Pretentious shit with philosophy and schizos

>> No.34970011

When has /lit/ ever invaded other boards with their shit? Never. Separate your hobbies. Stop being so fucking autistic.

>> No.34970252

is this the "invasion"?

>> No.34970359
File: 7 KB, 721x127, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit lol imagine being this retarded

>> No.34970596

>authie without a /lit/ background getting pee pee hard for autists
>professional writer

>> No.34970623

Very specific find, my guy. Definitely not at all the one who's shitposting. How's that 3 day ban from the board feel?

>> No.34970706

>When has /lit/ ever invaded other boards with their shit?
right now appearently

>> No.34970763

why is it so difficult to leave 1 reply calling him a retard to satisfy ur justice and then stop replying
u literally did what u accused him of doing u damn idiot

>> No.34970866

Wrong. An invasion would be if a Bakkerfag came into this thread and started sperging about how nothing in this entire medium can compare to his genius.

>> No.34970936

ur gonna regret it if ur continue this line of behavior in this thread, buddy
ur first nd last warning

>> No.34971382

The last 14 or so posts are ALL off-topic and against the rules of this board. If you're implying that you're a janny at the end of your rope, then enforce the fucking rules and do the job you volunteered for. Otherwise get back on-topic. You could've disengaged at any time.

>> No.34971425

could someone upload it or seed on nyaa?

>> No.34971494

its literally like $5 on dlsite just buy it.

>> No.34971594


>> No.34971651
File: 353 KB, 1388x1041, 1593484990101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of Dostoevsky's writings fit this. He doesn't have literal schizos, though, but most of his characters are mentally ill in one way or another. There's also the issue that, unlike Subahibi being based on other people's philosophies that SCADI just happens to agree with, Dostoevsky just kind of wrote his thing while being vaguely influenced by native Russian conservative teachings.
If you can get your hands on Fyodor Sologub's "Petty Demon", you will likely enjoy it. Though it's more like a brutal utsuge (think Sayonara wo oshiete or Pieta) than whatever the fuck Subahibi is. If you're looking for western lit, Faulkner is definitely a writer you don't want to miss. "The Sound and the Fury" has like at least three mentally ill protagonists - a literal retard, an angry schizoid, and a suicidally depressed student - and a lot of philosophical ramblings as well. If you're looking for more "Live happily", then there's Berlin Alexanderplatz and Steppenwolf. Pretty sure the latter was a large inspiration for SCADI, even though it's not like I can actually back this claim up.

>> No.34971687 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 640x480, 1622303072945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually Nasu's fault.

I don't dislike bakasumi, but she's the kind of childhood friend I don't find attractive. Hatesex with Kei is way hotter. And yeah her route is already way better so far.

>> No.34972029

Thanks pal, all roads leads to classic russian literature i hated to much back in school it seems.

>> No.34972197

Loopers confirmed good.

>> No.34972230

>Most of Dostoevsky's writings fit this.
Oddly enough, everyone is relatively normal in The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.34972872

She's a cartelcuck

>> No.34972905

>If you're implying that you're a janny
lolno im ur worst nightmare and im gonna shit lit so bad you cant even imagine if you dont stop shitting this thread

>> No.34972919

You should try Shana then (if you haven't obviously )


Like the prime example of long black hair when normal -> red flamey hair when fighting girl, voiced by Kugimiya Rie.
That shit was prime anime entertainment during the good times in the 2000-2010 era, where also VNs become bigger. They fucked up later seasons though.

Also, if permanently red is fine, you can't go wrong with Fortissimo.

>> No.34972929
File: 109 KB, 922x745, pv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we get a new Muramasa VN. Did anyone check who the writer is? I did, and his only writing credit is for SoniComi. Lol.

>> No.34972953

LN Shana is kino.

>> No.34972986

Narahara was a terrible writer.

>> No.34972995

Their worst writer is the guy that wrote Demonbane.

>> No.34973030

Shimokura vio is their worst one.

>> No.34973041

Correct, Sonicomi is their true literary masterpiece. Finally Muramasa can be elevated to this level of greatness.

>> No.34973047


>> No.34973088

I see you haven't read Sonicomi.

>> No.34973093

This. I dropped muramasa after the 1st chapter tho. wooooah so the dude with a strong sense of justice and who is against rokuhara's atrocities is an outright fucked up psycho? Wooooah what a kami writing. Fucking garbage shit.

>> No.34973123

You think so? I'm not going to deny that most seem functional, but the Karamazovs' dad seems like he has a pretty bad case of mood swings. When he's destructive, he's really fucking destructive. Same sort of goes for Dmitri, I think - the guy's all over the place. That, and every single woman is basically on the verge of hysterics at every time. The only healthy people seem to be the kids and everyone connected to the church, with the exception of the man who starves himself so hard he starts seeing ghosts.

>> No.34973143

Picked up

>> No.34973164
File: 179 KB, 809x1200, 71Nc4m2FIJL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that this is the literary equivalent of Muramasa?

>> No.34973181

It was mostly done for shock factor. It gets nuanced later into the story.

>> No.34973223

Honestly it read like something written by a kid who is trying too hard to be deep and literary.

>> No.34973266

You have not read something written by edgy kids for sure, lol.

>> No.34973312

>Honestly it read like something written by a kid who is trying too hard to be deep and literary.
sounds like musicus

>> No.34973322

Admittedly it's been a while. Dmitri and their daddy are definitely dysfunctional people, but they seemed more like "normal" dysfunctional people if that makes any sense. Give some guy in real life a bad alcohol addiction or something and they'll turn into that. It's not like the insane rambling that was going on in Crime and Punishment or something.
>every single woman is basically on the verge of hysterics
That's just being realistic. Jokes aside, honestly most literature I've read is full of women like that.

>> No.34973348

Setoguchi didn't come off as pretentious in musicus. He just comes off as a shallow dude.

>> No.34973363

He comes as a russian high-schooler writing essay.

>> No.34973399

Narahara is a swordsman. His entire hobby is based on making flashy pretentious moves that never work out in real combat.

>> No.34973418

What was Smerdyakov's problem, other than being the bastard child of an alcoholic and literal retard?

>> No.34973467

Is there even a single LN that isn't formulaic pop-trash? Even the ones that pretend to be subversive for the first couple chapters soon fall back into copying the established formula with a different flavor.

>> No.34973478
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Epilepsy and an environment that was all too happy to oblige him when he indulged in misanthropy and nihilism. He basically 'free thinked' himself into negating everything and self-destructing. Nihilism and destruction were pretty popular themes at that time. Dostoevsky tackled it in "Demons", then there's Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons".

>> No.34973506

Boogiepop and Kino no Tabi are my favorites.

>> No.34973524


>> No.34973587

9s, Wizard's Brain and D-Crackers.

>> No.34973590

I dunno man. Basically every LN is going to be genre fiction, just pick something that's in a genre you like.

>> No.34973639

searching for things like 'visual novel' in the /lit/ archive was pretty hard i'll admit

>> No.34973655

If it was Urobuchi it would have ended there with people calling it a masterpiece.

>> No.34973675

We used to have a decent VN-thread every once in a blue moon, even if the mods generally purged them after around ~150 replies, but nowadays /lit/ has been completely overrun by politicals who use it as a recruitment ground for their dumbfuck ideologies. And of course mods don't do anything about them.

>> No.34973711

Janny-kun only gave me a warning, sorry.

>> No.34973854

You're the one "shitting" this thread, idiot.

>> No.34973942

>The last 14 or so posts are ALL off-topic
half the last thread was off-topic and they only removed one post for being insulting to non-whites

>> No.34974007

I don't really care if mods want to delete political trash outside of /pol/. The problem is that they don't seem to want to do their job otherwise.

>> No.34974054

One time I had a janny warn me for posting a spoiler about Cross Channel because he wanted to read it after learning Japanese. He actually responded to me in the thread and outed himself as a janny.

>> No.34974121

Pretty autistic, but at least it's the innocent sort of autism, not the kind where you get a discord full of political activists who try to stage a virtual coup d'etat because god forbid people discuss japanese culture in their irrelevant corner of the internet without supervision. Who knows what they might get up to!

>> No.34974165

You might be interested in Ulysses.
Philosophy content: lots of references to Christian scholastic philosophy, classical Greek stuff, literary theory.
Schizo stuff: large sections of the novel are written in a fragmented stream of consciousness style. Carl Jung’s reaction after reading it was that the author had to be a schizo.
It even has the same sort of highbrow/lowbrow fusion that Subahibi has going on, with sexual content mixed in with the artsy stuff, although obviously to a MUCH less intense degree than in Subahibi.

>> No.34974414

Is that how you rationalize constantly being shunned by /lit/? It's just the big bad shadow syndicate Discord circlejerk out to get you?

>> No.34974442

what? no, I'm talking about something that has demonstrably happened to wikipedia and countless self-moderating communities across the internet, not using it as some shadowy all-purpose explanation that I apply whenever someone disagrees with me.

>> No.34974453

Are you really this assmad that I made a post about Muramasa in /sffg/?

>> No.34974474

I am thoroughly amused that all the recent shitposting on /lit/ actually does stem from this general. I always suspected. Now I know.

>> No.34974496

It didn't "stem" from anywhere. I post in multiple places about whatever I want to post about and I have multiple hobbies. No one coordinated anything, you faggot schizo.

>> No.34974531

Yet you reached out and identified yourself in the one place you were assumed to dwell. You're not fooling anyone. What a fun hobby it must be to regularly derail and destroy other threads with your autism. I see the irony in this statement, but know that this will be the one and only instance of my presence here.

>> No.34974587
File: 2 KB, 312x60, banned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I post in /sffg/ regularly about on-topic things. The only person that cares is you by the way. Pic related.

>> No.34974613

Clearly that's not true since your posts were deleted without any intervention from my side. Keep spamming your VN and anime shitposts, autist. You'll be a named schizo in no time.

>> No.34974627

I was issued a warning. I don't post about anime. This is also the last post I'll make about this here.

>> No.34974633

Indeed you were. Off-topic, which means you objectively cannot win any argument here or even realistically defend yourself. You are what you've been accused of being. Goodbye.

>> No.34974706

Someone make a post about VNs, please.

>> No.34974712


Loopers' reviews seem good but this post by confused me

>> No.34974733

Has anyone ever read koichoco's psp exclusive nonchan route? Is it any good?

>> No.34974753

ded medium

>> No.34974832

Evilspeak was pretty fun.

>> No.34974841

All true connoisseurs of Japanese literature have moved on to doujin RPG Maker games.

>> No.34974980

>download newest oneone1 kusoge for a quick fap
>OP is by itou kanako
every day I grow more confused

>> No.34975021

if only like 90% of them werent either femdom or femc

>> No.34975025

why is ryukishi such a retarded hack fraud? no wonder Gou is so horrible

>> No.34975042

I'll never read anything else he wrote after Iwaihime

>> No.34975240

>I'm playing the trial for his newest game and it's got a cool gimmick where the protagonist can tell when someone is lying or not.
I can see how that would be important for an ntr game.

>> No.34975643

I’m still pretty new to VNs, can anyone comment on if this is true or not and if so, what caused the decline of the medium?

>> No.34975651

vns have been dying for two decade because nobody buys them and everything else sells better

>> No.34975669

And yet they're released at a faster pace than I can read and my backlog is growing by the day.

>> No.34975708

Yeah, I have seen people talking about how poor the sales are for anything that’s not a straight up nukige, even in Japan. Which is unfortunate because there’s a lot of really fantastic stories in the VN medium. But in fairness, I wasn’t buying those VNs until very recently either. I guess they’re in a weird in between place where they’re too much reading for video game and anime fans, and too weird for fans of traditional literature.

>> No.34975909

This boggles my mind to this day. Who the fuck would pay for a nukige? I guess it's the same people that actually pay for porn, but still that's fucking weird to me. I've got not problems buying proper games and have done so plenty of times, but I'm not paying for a fap.

>> No.34976040

sukebei nyaa and pantsu cat are kill, where do i go to now?

>> No.34976230
File: 31 KB, 188x196, 1571194199234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nyaa is kill
But it's not?

>> No.34976239

i get error 500 when i try

>> No.34976240

That's because you don't value porn as an art form and just view it as a cheap expendable commodity found for free everywhere online.
Real people spend their lives creating a good fappable nukige and if you've ever appreciated the creators in the past, you become a fan of the illustrators or voice actors and want to support them in making more of what you like.

Your opinion isn't uncommon or wrong, but just think of it like any other niche market.
Just like how I wouldn't spend a single dime on seemingly worthless basketball shoes, others might amass a huge collection to their own satisfaction.

>> No.34976303

Why are you acting so high and mighty, retard? You're the one that's here playing porn games

>> No.34976404

Because it's like 10k yen for a full price VN. Japanese people also spend so much money on gacha and vtubers now. I'm actually not even sure how eroge companies can profit when it take like 1 year to make a moege with 5 heroines.

>> No.34976476

Actually it is butcher

>> No.34976526

So what is Loopers length? The real length listening to the voiced dialoge and not skipping it like a sperg.

>> No.34976661
File: 300 KB, 469x535, 壁の向こうの妻の嬌声3_Ver_1.00kabe3 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking for myself, the majority of the games that I buy are nukige because they tend to be made by smaller teams that could use the sales. While nukige as a genre sell well, because there's so many of them, most individual nukige really don't sell that great. They're usually pretty cheap, and why not throw 20-40 bucks their way for making a good product? A sale matters a lot more for a developer that will be lucky if they see 1k sales than buying the latest key game.

>> No.34976676

I should get to reading mahoyo

>> No.34976722

>That's because you don't value porn as an art form and just view it as a cheap expendable commodity found for free everywhere online.
Because that's what it is.

Eroge are good because it's porn mixed with actual characters, story, etc.

>> No.34976744

Well there's not too much hair color changing in that one, but it's definitely cool.

>> No.34976975

literally just go on EGS and check, you no matter what you do you will end up with sub 10h

>> No.34977103
File: 879 KB, 964x579, animother_J3r2TOySje.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I want to fap to some well drawn wetter than niagra falls hairy anime milf pussy rather than the average eroges, shaved kiddy pussy.

>> No.34977159

>Because that's what it is.
Never said it wasn't. It's not mind boggling that people pay for things they like and place a high value on.
These values are highly arbitrary but you're out here ascribing more value to one game over another and saying you don't get it when someone buys something you don't.

>> No.34977169

Pay in real life pay for all sorts of stupid shit I don't. Here's just one of them.

>> No.34977243

KabeNoTsuma series is triple A plot *AND* nukige. That whore makes me so hard.

>> No.34977266

Damn, is the latest game that good? Haven't checked it out yet.

>> No.34977305

At first it looks super flacky, specially the male neighbour, or the protagonist's small dick. But then it shows character and grows up. Pretty good. Doubt it'll be as good as the first one, though.

>> No.34977436
File: 766 KB, 1219x485, based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only other male character gets written out of the game
holy based

>> No.34977491

>>the only other male character gets written out of the game

>> No.34977511

>male character

>> No.34977746

Just fucking release porter already. I don't care about other hacks trash. At least Romeo is a good kind of hack.

>> No.34979512
File: 220 KB, 1600x900, 壁の向こうの妻の嬌声3_Ver_1.00kabe3 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The third one has much less variety in the porn than the previous two and is pretty much a straight ntrge with minimal swapping (as opposed to previous anim games, which would have like 3/4 different routes that mixed things up). Also suffers from the same issue in that the other guy's wife is way better than MC's so who gives a shit about her? That said, while plot wise it's a bit weak and everything could have easily been solved with earplugs or a complaint to the landlord, the porn's good and that's what you're there for, and I really like the ending that's essentially just the wife's life getting ruined in comeuppance. I don't think it's as good as the previous games, but still a pretty great nukige.

>> No.34979546

rofl c;c was trash and saihate was trash

>> No.34979573

>Eroge are good because it's porn mixed with actual characters, story, etc
Well nukige are eroge so what's your problem with paying for them?

>> No.34979592

I kinda agree when it comes to ima but I still like reading Romeo trash for some reason. There's just something unique about his writing style.

>> No.34979739

>actual characters, story, etc.
You can't find these things in any VN unless you lower your standards(like, to think basic ass walking character templates are actual characters).

>> No.34979972

>You might be interested in Ulysses.
It's very hard to read in both original and tl for me desu. Dropped like 5 times.

>> No.34979997

Both are overrated but jintai is unironically good.

>> No.34980801

If you're not a native English speaker then just give up. Helps to know a bit of french too iirc.

>> No.34980823

Where do you guy find working links to older VNs?

I can't remember that one p2p software everyone used that took forever to download anything, that was my go to for awhile.

>> No.34980866

It doesn't read like it is written by a native English speaker.

>> No.34981014

That's why i can read tl, but it's boring.

>> No.34981063


>> No.34981229

His love letters are better

>> No.34981259

>“You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora’s fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.”
Muh prose

>> No.34981442
File: 209 KB, 510x346, 06a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been out of the loop for too long

>> No.34983522

what game

>> No.34984212

Sayonara Utsutsu

>> No.34984284

Please respond.

>> No.34984335

So has anyone read Loopers yet?

>> No.34984344

egs/vndb reviews up

>> No.34984491


>> No.34984498

Another bites the dust.

>> No.34984523

come on man its on goddamn anime-sharing

>> No.34984606


>> No.34984699

They never made anything good so who cares

>> No.34985258

Never played any of their games but they had a relatively long history so F.

>> No.34985528
File: 1.08 MB, 801x597, aselia_the_eternal_third_destination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that sad, I like The Spirits of Eternity Sword series, glad Naofumi bought it for third sequel before Xuse bite the dust.

>> No.34985591 [DELETED] 

>pic related
>male patriarchal fantasy

>> No.34985621


>> No.34985639 [DELETED] 

Things like this make me realize japan is still a conservative shithole

>> No.34985674
File: 904 KB, 801x601, EternalSky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe more faggot, die while at it

>> No.34985773

aren't you people supposed to be on twitter or plebbit? This thread really has gone to shit

>> No.34985921 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ calm down your tits and let people have their opinion. This general isn't your safe space. People subscribing to various ideologies and mindsets post here.

>> No.34985991

Wtf could possibly be wrong with that pic?

>> No.34985993

Who are you quoting?

>> No.34986006

It's always the same schizo that posts these shitty bait, just ignore it. You can tell it's the same guy because all of his bait are exactly the same

>> No.34986018 [DELETED] 

As an antinatalist I can tell you there's one thing wrong with it.

>> No.34986029

is it bait if it's true

>> No.34986184 [DELETED] 

It's basically conservative image of what gives a man happiness. A trad waifu supporting him(shown by him lying on her lap) and a cute kid to protect. It's just so cheesy and cringe in 2021.

>> No.34986224 [DELETED] 

That's what makes women happy too. Spoiler: your leftist "cat mom" who sleeps with a different man each week and has a prescription for antidepressants isn't happy

>> No.34986234 [DELETED] 

PragerU uses same kind of images in their propaganda videos.

>> No.34986291

whats the romance like in this throughout the game? Pic makes me want to play, I like these types of ending.

>> No.34986339 [DELETED] 

It's what humans are evolved to do, retard.

>> No.34986357 [DELETED] 

I'm a girl and that pic is blatantly too male-centric for me to comprehend or appreciate.

>> No.34986390 [DELETED] 

Enjoy your future depression and mental illness.

>> No.34986470 [DELETED] 

Telling you to fuck off is part of that free and open exchange of ideas. It's not like anyone is censoring or blacklisting you.

>> No.34986701

Looks like an interesting series and something I could get into. Gonna add this to the backlog thanks.

>> No.34986736

Isn't it you? The lack of final [.] in a sentence is distinctive.

Compare your post with >>34985639

>> No.34986958

These posts don't end on periods too
These posts end on period
False pattern

>> No.34987393
File: 866 KB, 2880x2160, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34987510

Scheriber is a fag

>> No.34987594

Does anyone have saves for the elf all-stars datsuijan series of games? I just want the videos in high quality.

>> No.34987811

Not >>34984491
I'm looking for a few but really mostly just a fallback if I can't find it anywhere else.

That's why I liked usenet or whatever the japanese one was because it seems like everything was available it just took time

>> No.34987824

The dying industry is honestly worrying. Would it be costly for them to hire someone fluent in English and port the all-age version of their eroge to Steam? I'm sure lots of weebs want to buy them,
Studio Ryokucha is one of my favorite too and they've dead since since 2016.

>> No.34987857

Steam isn't reliable. Games have to pass a review process and there are employees that will ban your games for sexualizing high school characters and other bullshit. You also get no appeal and no second chance.

>> No.34988010

Evolimit's opening was surprisingly pretty cool and the scenes depicting the initial mars expedition have definitely got me interested, way more so than the beginning of the game

>> No.34988079

It's probably better to go for the chink bucks. Like >>34987857 said, who knows what western puritan you'll randomly piss off. As long as you don't make fun of china or put winnie the pooh in it, you should be fine.

>> No.34988239

If by “hire someone fluent in English to port them to Steam” you mean “translate and sell the game in international markets” then sure, that happens a lot more than it used to 10 years ago. But it’s expensive and time consuming for all parties involved. It’s not as easy as “hey find someone who speaks English and suddenly we’ll be profiting from all these untapped markets.”
I thought China was way more strict about sexual content in games than either the US or Japan.

>> No.34988365

There's plenty of Chinese gatcha games now, so they can't be that strict about it. No idea if they allow straight up 18+ stuff though.

>> No.34988467

With china it's just as much of a gamble like with steam. No difference, really. Either you are left alone, or silly things make them screw you over.
Arguably, it's actually more of a gamble. It's not just the chinese government, the market itself is also.. weird, as a certain recent incident showed. People in the west have a habit of eating shit up, or complaining about translations to an extend. Chinese people.. can get a lot more hardcore and things can escalate a lot more.

>> No.34988572

the chinese sites probably have the largest collection, but most of the links are baidu
i think 绯月 and 2dj are the two big ones (at least for older games) though i bet theres someone more knowledgeable than me
theres also the masterlist that ur gonna have to find urself and a fichier link site that has a rapidly growing collection but who knows how long that one lasts and i dont want to accelerate its death by sharing the name

>> No.34989088
File: 132 KB, 1280x720, ang2_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34989137

Doesn't that frenchman reject games with loli? They saved me once from a locked zip file though.

>> No.34989176
File: 1.32 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, please let me know if I'm being retarded but is the "G-senjou no Maou - Quality Package Edition 1000 Series" not the resolution upgrade of the original? It's the latest Japanese release on VNDB, and I see screencaps of the game in upgraded resolution but I don't see it in-game.

Please don't tell me the upgraded resolution is only in the EOP version.

>> No.34989197

You know, to "upgrade" the resolution in that way, they have to crop everything, so the top and bottom of everything is cut off in order to make it widescreen. I don't know why you'd even want that.

>> No.34989235

That's not true. Plenty of newer releases up the resolution without cropping anything. Usually it's not too sophisticated. Probably just a doubler or something. No idea if that applies here though.

>> No.34989247

It even says it on VNDB. You should have checked the English releases.
>Original CGs have been cropped at the top and bottom, in order to obtain a widescreen resolution.

>> No.34989259

Now this wouldn't fly in China.

>> No.34989264

Got it, I was being retarded. I'll take my nostalgia trip in box format then.

>> No.34989278

didnt know but if its true then thats pretty gay
still they upload like 5+ games a day which is pretty crazy

>> No.34989310

>Doesn't that frenchman reject games with loli
Does not compute. Does he only like them in 3D or something?

>> No.34989444

I don't spend enough time there to know what their standards are but just cross checking my library with their list, more transgressive favorites like with clockup are on their refused list.
Also, they prioritize translated games when they're available, which is an L from me.

>> No.34989481

>Chinese people.. can get a lot more hardcore and things can escalate a lot more.
For example? Legit curious.

>> No.34989539

There was a game recently advertised as yandere yuri, which rubbed them off the wrong way so much, the chinese publisher refunded people and quit publishing the game altogether. I haven't read it, but most people outside of the Chinese community weren't nearly as mad and said it was exaggerated. Heck, even on /u/ of all places people weren't that mad. Calling it a bad game, but I mean, that was to be expected given the dev.

I don't know what exactly made them all so angry. I'm not chinese. But that sure was.. something.

>> No.34989579

yeah also dont like that they prefer english releases and i thought the refused stuff was just them rejecting badly submitted stuff from outside uploaders but i guess not seeing that their tag search doesnt have loli in it
ill take what i can get though with many djts links dying, both erogevn sites dying and most meido links also dying

>> No.34989621

also hako.re was pretty cool but they moved to discord with a cancerous level up system that still doesnt seem to be done after like a year

>> No.34990081
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, natsukoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Natsu Koi, recommend me some other comfy 田舎 VN like this or Natuiro Ramune.

>> No.34990158

Shoujo Ramune

>> No.34990197

I may read it eventually, but it's not high on my list.

>> No.34990207

Tasogare no Sinsemilla?

>> No.34990270

Thanks, but doesn't really look that comfy.

>> No.34990278

Yukiiro Sign is great.

>> No.34991315
File: 258 KB, 1281x722, spencer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does he talk like this?

>> No.34991365

>you tachi

>> No.34991552

Wouldn't you love to diss Shakespeare?

>> No.34991564
File: 739 KB, 2880x2160, chuuni_rambling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.34991878

This. Sve best girl.

>> No.34992294

You can make out the meaning along with the voice reading it out kind of

>> No.34992573

What game is this screenshot from?

>> No.34992598

Look up the characters name in vndb

>> No.34992663

It turns out that's actually from the kojiki. Masada is making feel like an uncultured swine with all these literary references.

>> No.34992723

I'm kind of amazed that you typed that and did an entire captcha to tell me this

Shoujo graffiti if anyone else is looking

>> No.34992831

I'm amazed by the fact that Kadowaki Mai still voices eroge despite being 40 years old, married, has 2 kids, and probably got paid a lot already with FGO money

>> No.34992849
File: 253 KB, 1280x720, haremjanaiyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Driving through the city at night with your girl in the passenger seat
I don't know why I find this incredibly comfy.
Any other games with scenes like this?

>> No.34992850

Finished Haru route in sakura moyu, good shit. For some reason wasn't even annoyed by all self-sacrifice during route. Kinda tired of time travels in vn, but i like how protag suffering because timelines still exists and aware of fact someone has to deal with his corpse after suicide(furi: time leap ). Honestly, probably one of the best nakige i've read, prose aside.

>> No.34992965

Nah she divorced. I bet her husband was also annoyed by her voice going to shit lately.

>> No.34993038

Why couldn't they just get a half decent writer to shit out whatever plot they had planned out?

>> No.34993253

cant believe smee made fandiscs for a harem game non harem

>> No.34993342

What is so bad about sakura, moyu's prose? I've seen people talk shit about it all the time but what's the reason for it?

>> No.34993361
File: 670 KB, 2880x2160, tough_choices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many of you also have the 'tism and check every choice on stuff like this to make sure one isn't secretly different?

>> No.34993387

She divorced and started doing trap hypno on dlsite afterwards
that woman is degenerate to the core

>> No.34993392

Using 10-15 sentences to say something you could say in one sentence, repeating same shit in a short amount of time, like 10-15 minutes. Just check common route if in doubt, it's not long.
I stalled sakura moyu for 5 times, but i believe it is a great vn and gonna finish this time.

>> No.34993433

>started doing trap hypno
okay that sounds hot not gonna lie

>> No.34993669

So much redundancy and repetition. Non-dialogue prose disrupts dialogue flow.

>> No.34993883

Words are repeated 2-3 times in a row, often in kanji then all in kana or the other way around. Also have fun seeing はら, はら, はらり or ひら, ひら, ひらり. Despite the awful prose and pacing I actually liked Sakura Moyu overall and would definitely recommend pushing through Hiyori’s route since it’s all uphill from there.

>> No.34993948

I'm thinking of trying out Oretsuba soon. Is there anything I need to do to get it to work with Windows 10, since it's an older game and all?

>> No.34993955
File: 44 KB, 585x113, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more thing i noticed, author using emphasis way too often. Like sometimes whole backlog is like this.

>> No.34994115

No. Just make sure you've read heroine chapters from oretsuba prelude.

>> No.34994436
File: 278 KB, 1280x720, Sutekina_kanojo_no_tsukurikata20210530183802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks you!

>> No.34995068

Not me unless the VN records all the lines read like Ever17 or I/O Revision II, in those cases the completionist 'tism becomes too strong.

>> No.34995265
File: 51 KB, 256x345, 47242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consensus on this? I feel like as a nukige it could've done more degenerate scenes to illustrate how fucked up the Space Magical Girl Defense Force was and more focus on the other girls too. As it was, it's just Minori's story. It does set itself up to have a fandisc or sequel so I'm hoping for that. Ilyusha route please.

>> No.34995716

Wait, this is Japanese?

>> No.34995723
File: 908 KB, 1024x640, World_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also have fun seeing はら, はら, はらり or ひら, ひら, ひらり
Read Iroseka if you want more of that lol. To be fair, the prose in Iroseka isn't as annoying but in exchange it has a shitload of SoL and is generally worse

>> No.34995747

I will now read Akatsuki no Goei.

>> No.34995814

Can anyone direct me to a living link of Euphoria HD Remaster? I missed the boat when it was fresh.

>> No.34996034

The plot and setting in Sakura Moyu and Haru route especially is one of the most elaborate and interesting things I've ever read, it's so good. I don't know how Favorite went from it to their latest game.

>> No.34996290

So true. Starting true/kuro route, i'm confused and have no idea about what's going on, as usual. Mashiro is cute tho.

>> No.34996421

Why can't VN hacks writer plots without time loops

>> No.34996441

Because you failed to type in coherent English.

>> No.34996529

Oh no I made a simple typo. Now it's completely incomprehensible to single digit IQ idiots.

>> No.34996541

Yeah, backpedal to make yourself look good, ESL.

>> No.34996559

Seethe more, ESL weeb.

>> No.34996580

He doesn't even know what backpedal means lmao

>> No.34996626

Samefaggot needing the validation. Pathetic.

>> No.34996671

No more extra (you)s for you, angry tough guy.

>> No.34996675

Who hurt you anon.

>> No.34996689

Shut the fuck up, nerd.

>> No.34996715

>I don't know how Favorite went from it to their latest game.
Sakura Moyu was clearly an autistic passion project

>> No.34996894

And that's why it's so great. I want to read astralair, but later. Not sure about iroseka.

>> No.34996903

Read more, newfag.

>> No.34997052

Why did you set your ass on fire, sweetie?

>> No.34997160

You should read Iroseka, it feels like a Sakura Moyu prototype sometimes. Early Iroseka spoilers: They probably share the same setting too. There are some hints in Sakura Moyu, but it's less sophisticated in Iroseka

>> No.34997171

Yonagi better be good. I'm gonna try it.

>> No.34997220

vnoty 2020.

>> No.34997233

>he fell for the shilling

>> No.34997267

It should at least be better than that overrated garbage sakuretto

>> No.34997317

yeah it is, but that isnt hard.

>> No.34997493

Is Subahibi actually good, or is it just another one of those things that’s overhyped by pseuds because they think Philosophy 101 is mind blowing

>> No.34997563

It's definitely overhyped by pseuds who just use subahibi as a way to assert their supposed high IQ. But it's not really a bad VN. It really depends on you whether you'll end up liking it or hating it. It's made to appeal to a specific kind of losers who are abound in VN communities.

>> No.34997686

It's the Serial Experiments Lain of VN's so it goes along with what >>34997563 said.

>> No.34997727

It's also a good example that passion alone doesn't necessarily make a great product. It clearly needed an editor to cut out the obnoxious rambling and make the writing flow better. Longer script = more value for money is a fucking meme and results in atrocities like this.

>> No.34997731

>It's made to appeal to a specific kind of losers who are abound in VN communities.
Yeah. I didn't hate it but it didn't resonate with me at all like it did with all other JOPs. I guess I'm just not the target audience of it.

>> No.34997794

It's like they just vomit whatever comes to mind instead of presenting things with eloquence and creativity.

>> No.34997821

Bad pacing is a sign of a kamige

>> No.34997856

Not worst pacing i've seen desu.
Take some crap like sakuuta rofl

>> No.34997865

Imafags are lainfags of VN medium

>> No.34997870

Sakuuta has great pacing if you like masturbation jokes

>> No.34997884

10 masturbation jokes / 10

>> No.34997907

How can a man take a fucking decade to come up with trash like sakuuta

>> No.34997931

Sca-ji was racking his brains to churn out one bland sexual joke per day.

>> No.34997934

It's the VN equivalent to Chinese Democracy.

>> No.34997938

But scatji literally copy-pasted them

>> No.34999462

>it could've done more degenerate scenes
Anon what? There was a shitload of degenerate stuff in it already and you wanted more? Like half the scenes have lactation in them. Anyways, I quite enjoyed it overall. It's a little different than what you usually get from the medium and the story and characters are pretty good. It would have been nice for the other girls to get more focus in the 天使 route, but I thought the 月 route had a pretty good balance of everything assuming you weren't too bothered by the H mostly disappearing there. I mainly wish they worked some more screentime in for the previous Mahou Shoujo trio (Lydia and 残雪 in particular) but that's what the prologue disc is for. I give this one extra points for having one of my favorite cliches, a jealous, angry lesbian that ruins everything.

>> No.34999557

Lactation is very degenerate indeed

>> No.34999834

>Anon what? There was a shitload of degenerate stuff in it already and you wanted more?
Yes, most notably when full 淫乱 happens. I forgot there was a prologue that came with it. I'll check it out, but it really should've been in the main game regardless.

>> No.34999884

I dunno man. Minori takes like 3-4 dicks at once multiple times even before that part. How much degenerate do you really want it to be?

>> No.34999912

The shit and piss variety. Yes, I'm that far gone.

>> No.34999948

Alright that's fair enough. Luckily the guys who made this game have similar taste as me.

>> No.35000818

fuck it, if the game is apparently good enough to overlook shitty prose and bad pacing i'll give it a shot. is there a route order for sakura moyu?

>> No.35000897

Hiori or Chiwa first, it doesn't really matter. The rest has an enforced route order

>> No.35000967

as >>35000897 said. Hiyori route isn't that good and mostly just gives you lore, Chiwa route gives you both lore and actually emotional moments. So depends if you want to start with meh route or if you want to hook yourself with good route from the start.

>> No.35002836

Kamige of the year 2020

>> No.35003920

Anyone tried KF4 yet?

>> No.35003985

kek loopers is making me wanna try geocaching. although I bet people in my country would just steal the boxes and I would be unable to trust them like the protag does in the game

>> No.35004350

Is that still a thing or is it just r07 being a boomer?

>> No.35004445

I remember an older relative telling me about how he tried it but then stopped for some reason, so I guess it still exists. Probably depends on the location, whether or not there's an active scene.

In my city the latest fad was putting painted rocks in random places. I guess it's the same concept of creating "treasure" for other people, but in a non-technological, more primitive way.

>> No.35004512

Play it so you can cuck one of the main heroines girlfriend away from him and also take her virginity.

>> No.35004580

You mean you cuck the boyfriend whos with one of the main girls, anon. also, is Risas scene in Suzus route? Never bothered with most of the cast from that game since it kind of bored me.

>> No.35004637

The choice for Risa is just before Suzu.

>> No.35005202

Ok I can see the complaints about Sakura Moyu's prose, but I don't think it's "too bad". At least not yet. Is there a reason why the writer uses so many quotes around random words?

>> No.35005273

I thought it was fun, for the most part.
Didn't like the ending all that much.

>> No.35005812


>> No.35005848

Christ, Kei's route was like 3x more intense than I was expecting and I still feel like I haven't seen anything yet. Time to ctrl through Amantes Amentes again.

>> No.35006533

Can anyone indirectly link me to the masterlist? I'm so sick and tired of scrounging through dead links of old VN's.

>> No.35006549

Search up
>anon's google drive collection
In the archive

>> No.35006752
File: 162 KB, 924x493, silverio-trinity-10-27-18-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Silverio Trinity, it was a pretty good read. A bit shorter than Vendetta despite having 4 routes, true ending was 100% happy this time and we even got Zephyr and Vendetta back, excellent. Not a fan of the lack of romance/ero in the true route but will let it slide because the ending was satisfactory.

Only Silverio Ragnarok left to complete the trilogy.

>> No.35006930

>Not a fan of the lack of romance/ero in the true route
Pretty much a harem at that point consisting of Rain, Aya, Mistel and Helios

>> No.35008195

It's also confirmed in ragnarok that he took them three as wives in an ending or two.
Its true end was definitely my favourite in the trilogy, not every day you see a game where the true route is a MC route after doing the heroines.

>> No.35008199
File: 124 KB, 1602x933, 1596837256240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure did. It's a nice one, but I really like the series as a whole, so take that with a grain of salt.
Does have a pacing problem of some parts being way longer than necessary but other parts going too damn fast. Same with characters, some overstay their welcome and others should have had a bigger role. But I don't think these pacing issues ruin the game, it came out fine. Let's see if they will rewrite an If version.
Playing KF3if is not necessary, but Julinas is mentioned a lot since Minotaurs have converted to his faith. Some other stuff about KFif gets mentioned too, but again, you can just play it afterwards. Don't play the original KF3, not only it's non-canon, it's also heavily inferior to the If version.

>> No.35008250

Great, that's all I wanted to hear.

>> No.35008563

Poor Ash, I wonder how he didn't end up batshit insane after hearing 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 否 over and over again.

>> No.35008683

should I not bother with the original for any of the releases and just play the gaiden/if versions? Are the digital novel editions different? Seems like a pretty confusing series to start

>> No.35008782

The terminology makes no sense, indeed. Both Gaiden 1 and 2 are full-on sequels and shouldn't be played before KF1 and Gaiden 1. They are also long.
If games are basically rewrites of the story, you don't have to play both an original and If. KF2if is overall better and changes events, but KF2 does stand on its own and could also be played. KF3if is a whole lot better while KF3 was pretty bad, avoid it.

>> No.35008788

He hears some affirmative every now and then when they have some simulated sex.

>> No.35009365

Try gagaga bunko stuff, especially pre-2017 stuff.

>> No.35009950

How about directly?


>> No.35011211
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, iloveit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get to play Curling-bu
Much appreciated.

>> No.35011393

did you manage to click the link all by yourself?

>> No.35011408

Kill yourself

>> No.35011431


>> No.35011498

Which VN reads better in English translation than original Japanese?

>> No.35011533


>> No.35011552

Dies irae

>> No.35012285

Fate/Stay Night

>> No.35012732

Playing the final route now myself and you're pretty much spot on with this. I'm rather curious what direction they'll go with in in if, maybe expand more on the elves in Latvia or maybe one of the other neighboring countries?

>> No.35013254
File: 921 KB, 1280x720, 1c9f5519a019b45f7586203b4cad43ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35013471

What the hell is this degeneracy

>> No.35014200

Are those maggots

>> No.35014254

What are you even doing here?

>> No.35015647

This seems like a really odd and specific fetish to have.

>> No.35015666

It's like those sushi platter girl fetishes only not as fancy.

>> No.35015684

Yeah but specifically the armpit makes this one really niche.

>> No.35015716

Likely makes the rice extra spicy.
