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34860186 No.34860186 [Reply] [Original]

Post your charts, collect [P], die to last spellcard, buy latest 2hu on Steam:

>> No.34860235
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Beat Nue!
While my first impression was that she was way easier than Koishi, her rainbow UFO and survival spell cards coupled with the crazy stage balanced things out a bit more. Still just a tad easier than Koishi though, I feel.

>> No.34860344
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WBaWC is unplayable eyerape.

>> No.34864035
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Tried MoF extra. «Lord Long-Arm and Lord Long-Leg» filtered me so hard that I had to look it up on youtube because I couldn't understand how am I supposed to dodge it.

>> No.34864806 [SPOILER] 
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>Play 2hu
>Good run
>Die to something ONCE
>Proceed to lose half of my lives in the span of 3 minutes

>> No.34864927

That's what happens to me in UFO when I start fighting Shou

>> No.34864973
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Looking forward to Hard mode and NNBs

>> No.34865155

I know Mini Hakkero is one of the stronger equip cards but it hurts my ears so badly.

>> No.34865270

Clear more games on Hard

>> No.34865373

There's a patch on thcrap that mutes those laser sounds.

>> No.34866136
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Did a couple more runs to make sure the first ones weren't a fluke and...
Reimu's still doing more damage once she's powered up.

>> No.34866155
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Also used CE to test with just the main shot only and it seems like centipede does actually have an effect. I really have no clue how this card actually works.

>> No.34866379

Maybe there's a damage cap and both characters can reach it with centipede? The clear time is very similar and the tiny difference could be explained by the boss's erratic movement, since Sakuya has less horizontal range so every time the boss moves she loses a tiny bit more of time.

>> No.34866485

I made sure to stick on her like glue so that Sakuya's shots wouldn't miss, though I have noticed though that Momoya's hitbox becomes big enough for all of Reimu's needles to hit at once on the final spell.
The problem though is Sanae and Marisa. Sanae came out faster than Marisa, but still considerably slower than the other two, so she's still getting an overall greater increase than Marisa. Maybe the rate of fire for each shot has something to do with it?

>> No.34867288
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So glad ZUN went back to making easy Extras.

Doesn't that card literally force you into the correct area?

>> No.34868478
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whom quoteth?

>> No.34868518

It's called playing on tilt, anon. It's okay, I fall into that trap too. I'm actually probably worse about it because I'll rage bomb if I die twice in a row and wasted bombs on the second death.
It's probably a damage cap, like what >>34866379 said. I'm no dataminer, so I'm going to assume Reimu has the fastest firing rate and centipede boosts the damage of all the types so hard, that it hits the damage ceiling. Only way I can wrap my head around Sakuya losing 6 seconds. Thank you for your effort, anon. Wonder if it was ZUN's intent to cap the damage or just a weird bug. Feels kind of odd to force a damage cap considering how busted everything else in in this game.

>> No.34868585

I intend to when I'm done with the extras

>> No.34868589

Some days, you get 1ccs withou even thinking. But others, you run out of continues by stage 4.
Like today.

>> No.34868635

Anyone actually likes PoFV? I swear it's not a troll question I'm baffled at how much worse this game is compared to the others. It never feels satisfying, relaxing or simply fun to play without patterns and against a busted AI that might lose at 1:30 or have all lives at 2:00. It doesn't even have a separate good/bad ending for each character.
By the way I'm talking singleplayer I've played a couple of matches with my sister and they're good fun.

>> No.34868668

I didn't like it a first but I 1CC'd the game six times on Normal and once on Hard and now I have warmed up to it, but I still like the traditional bullet hells and the photo games better

>> No.34868681

I like it for the most part, the extra stages are unbearable though.

>> No.34868716
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Mayumi is up there with Yuka as one of the easiest stage 5 bosses.

>> No.34868764

PoFV is my favourite in the series, I adore the concept
if it was expanded upon/we got a new Phantamagoria iteration and multiplayer was made more accessible I would be overjoyed

>> No.34868780

PoDD is Touhou 3 and PoFV is Touhou 9. 3x3 is 9. Following that pattern, Touhou 81 will be the next Phantasmagoria game.

>> No.34868827

I like it both singleplayer and multiplayer. I even played some Lunatic/Extra earlier today. AI might be bad at first but the game gives you enough resources to counter it.

>> No.34868913

Retard. Think about it logically. We have 2 phantsmagorias already, and are gonna get one more, so there will be a +1, and I think it's safe to say that the enjoyment factor, which we can represent with x (cause you know, x-factor?) will be squared, and if we combine all that we get 2x^2+1, which if you plug it into a graphing calculator you get 3, 9, and 19 as the first 3 numbers. ZUN hid it in plain sight. 19 will be the next phantasmagoria. Screencap this.

>> No.34868997
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th17 exnb


part of me wants to try for no miss no bomb but the other part of me never wants to play reimu eagle again

>> No.34869015

It's good for relaxing with dodging random stuff imo, strictly talking singleplayer

>> No.34869302

I like the music and that's about it haha

The gameplay is so much different than the others and I hate the AI system of dodging. It makes it seem like it's based on luck or chance than on gameplay.

>> No.34871394

The difficulty difference between Sakuya A and Marisa A in ddc is hilarious.

>> No.34872437

nice job

>> No.34874960

Saki is so delightfully easy for an extra boss. I love her just for this.

>> No.34875804
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autism text dump incoming

After seeing >>34866136, I decided to find an approximation for UM’s damage calculation with cards. The methodology was as following:
To minimize the error because of missed shots, I picked a spell card with a completely static boss, so everything was tested against Momoyo’s Shield Method of the Youkai. The card forces you to dodge around her, so to bypass this issue I used thprac’s Trainer tool which provides an invincibility option, i.e. I can just stay still and focus on my damage without having to follow the boss around with my slow human reaction time, and most importantly it provides actual consistency because each capture (which isn't really a capture because I get "hit") is completely identical, which is as consistent as it gets. I carried out tests using Centipede and Centipede+Saki’s card, which is a common combination for “optimal damage” (more on that later), and since thprac allows the player to preemptively set the Centipede starting multiplier, I tried it for x1, x1.1, … , x1.8, which would hopefully let me estimate the damage through the means of regression or some other tool.

First of all, and as byproduct of all this, I tried to approximate the rate of fire of each character in pic related. Centipede’s multiplier increases only when you hit a target with your shot, and by the time the capture is over you can see exactly how much the multiplier has increased. Because of this, I was able to find the ratio between increased total and capture time to get a “shot rate” constant of sorts. The technique isn’t really perfect since firepower isn’t constant; as the multiplier increases the firepower increases as well, which accelerates the capture time, but the difference between x1.000 and x~1.040 is so small this is about the best fire rate approximation I can get. Not the most scientific method but it’s good enough to try and find some correlation with what I’m looking for (spoiler: there’s none). (cont.)

>> No.34875841
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With that out of the way, I’ll go straight into the results, first of all with Reimu, Marisa and Sanae which are fairly straightforward.
Pic related shows the capture time reduction in function of Centipede’s starting multiplier. Not too interesting on its own, although it is fairly interesting that the slope of Marisa’s curve isn’t quite as steep as the other two. I have estimated that Marisa has higher rate of fire than both Reimu and Sanae, but this conclusion doesn't really hold up. The interesting part comes when you compare the decrease rate with and without Saki’s card for each character. In all the graphs the Saki’s card line is represented in black, and in all of them you can see it stay behind from a certain point onwards, usually at the x1.4 mark. That would indicate that the Centipede’s damage increase isn’t simply a fixed multiplier, it’s actually dependent on the initial shot power, and it decreases if the shot power increases through other means such as Saki’s card. If you are going for a NMNB run, it may actually be optimal to just choose Centipede, as it seems to scale better in an optimal scenario.
Now, I obviously left Sakuya aside until now, and I consider it’s for a good reason. I think it’s fair to say she may be kinda broken. And I don’t mean it as in “she’s so good she’s broken!”, I mean as in “she completely ignores every rule and doesn’t make a lick of sense” kind of broken. It’s probably a bit more evident with the table I’m posting next. There’s something (a lot of things) very wrong with her, and I don’t even know where to start. I’ll have to explain a bit more of the methodology first: (cont.)

>> No.34875860
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As I mentioned, I had been working with thprac, and I used the practice tool to start in a specific section of the stage (namely Momoyo’s 6th spell card). Most other characters have it easy, for optimal damage you can stay in place or even just go to the bottom before the card starts and then you are fully ready by the time Momoyo spawns. But Sakuya works a bit differently because she needs a tiny bit of setup to make her knives converge, you have to move up a tiny bit up while unfocused to change the direction of the bullets, and then you have to press focus to lock it in place, then move back down so they converge at the boss and you can make sure all knives hit. This doesn’t take more than a couple seconds, but vertical movement has a little bit of effect on your overall damage and so if you are a bit too late by the time the boss spawns then that’s going to add a bit of volatility into your calculations. Not too much though, as a matter of fact I had messed up with Marisa at one point because I moved down after the card had already started, so after I finished the capture I redid it and the time decreased by a grand total of 0.04 seconds. But that was a noticeable mistake, as in, you could obviously tell I had pressed down after the card had already started. If I made such a mistake while setting up with Sakuya, then it must have barely been noticeable by the human eye because at least visually, I was already completely static when Momoyo used her card. And yet her capture times have as much volatility as ~2.8 full seconds of difference (9.86 vs 12.7 seconds) in the exact same condition (Saki + x1.8 Centipede). Something I don’t really think this kind of error could be responsible for. If the data in pic related looks wrong then read the info in the image.

In general I can’t figure out where things go wrong. Is it a bug with Sakuya? With Saki’s card? Maybe even with thprac, even though all other characters worked just fine? I honestly couldn’t tell. (cont.)

>> No.34875912
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I have to say that Sakuya’s graphs are by far the least descriptive of them all, since as I mentioned her capture times can change so wildly anyways and the most common values seem to ignore Saki’s card completely, which just feels wrong because I have played Sakuya + Saki’s card for most of the game and I can definitely tell there’s a damage boost, especially in the beginning stages. I can’t make sense of any of this, so hopefully one of you can come up with ideas to explain what went wrong. I give up, testing more with this character is going to make me lose my mind.

To end on a happier note, I redid the Equipment Card calculations some anon did last thread, since the method makes testing these things really consistent. I’ll just include them in a table since there’s not much else to add. All times are counted assuming they are used in optimal conditions (ricochet converges right into the boss, the frogs actually hit the boss which requires you to be at point blank range, same with Cirno’s cristal, etc.). Some of these are therefore pretty much unviable in an actual run so keep that in mind before choosing a card. And also I am under the assumption that the equipment cards are independent of the main shot and thus don’t receive buffs from Saki’s Card, Centipede, etc. Otherwise testing all that may take quite a bit longer.

So, conclusions/TL;DR:
>Unless you struggle really badly in the starting part of a particular run, it’s probably better to run Centipede alone instead of trying to stack it up with Saki’s card, damage stacking stops working at ~x1.4
>In general Centipede's damage multiplier isn't applied the same for all characters in all circumstances, see graphs for more detail
>Marisa’s cards are still the best for raw damage
>Sakuya is either really, really broken or has an additional mechanic to her damage I’m not aware of
>In terms of raw, consistent damage you are probably better off just using Reimu in the long run
And that’s about all I got to say, have a good day/night.

>> No.34876457

Thank you for your work. You're amazing, anon. This made me want to lab out Sakuya myself.

>> No.34879203
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UM might be my new favorite touhou game

>> No.34880716

Since a pre-patched version of UM is unlikely to come out and the recommended way of running thcrap is unstable on wine, is there documentation about how to apply a standalone patch ourselves?

>> No.34881200

If I'm just getting into 2hu, should I try to stick with one game until I 1cc it or move through the series and settle on one that seems more doable. I can barely beat EoSD on normal.

>> No.34881329

Play a bunch until you find one that you'd want to 1cc.
Also skipping PC98 is gay.

>> No.34881595

Just do whatever keeps you playing; you will 1cc one eventually. I would recommend that once you've found one that you like, you focus more on that one and play the others whenever you get bored or frustrated with it.
1ccing EoSD might be easier than you think. You just need to play the later stages (4-6) until you can clear them without spending too many resources. The earlier level you will learn to get down without mistakes in a lot less time than you would probably expect anyway.

>> No.34881935

thanks a bunch for all this Anon
also forgot to mention it when the first Anon tested Equipment cards but I find it funny how the Equipment cards are more reflective of the demo damage outputs than the full game, RIP Marisa actually doing damage

>> No.34888049

She's quite a bit easier than Koishi. But good job!

>> No.34888191

What happens when you run thcrap with WINE? Me and some other anon had problems getting thcrap to download the required files, but if the files are already downloaded, it patches the game just fine.
If this is the problem for you, then I can just post a simple bash script (basically just run wget) that'll download all the files you need.

>> No.34888349

Yeah it was definitely more the stage that was giving me trouble.

>> No.34888966

Should I start with EoSD?

>> No.34889011
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Look at this dumb bitch. Someone is stealing spring and all she could do to help solve the incident is bring pitiful TWO bombs. TWO (2)! Can't carry to much spellcard juice! Gotta stay light to go fast and slam into bullets at supersonic speed while trying to squeeze your fat ass hitbox between them! What a useless cunt.

>> No.34889055

Finally made it to stage 6 in Mountain of Faith on normal difficulty . Kanako is fucking brutal. At least the stage before her isn’t too bad if you know when to use your bombs.
Sanae is actually a really fun boss, and I like how her fight is more about quickly navigating through lines of bullets to avoid being cornered rather than pixel perfect micro dodging. Aya is just, ugh

>> No.34889061

yeah but she kills really fast so uhm actually that makes her really good and she needs to be nerfed even more, in fact just delete her from the games

>> No.34889140


>> No.34889198

I died dozens of times on stage 4 during my first MoF attempt, but only once on stage 5. I expected stage 5 to be a literal hell after 4, but it just ended up being quite a lot of fun.

>> No.34889298

Anyone else find Imperishable Night’s unique mechanics complete ass? Having to manage the youkai/human meter and the time progression thing just completely sucked the fun of the game out for me for whatever reason. I ended up just skipping it and going straight to mountain of faith. This isn’t even a difficulty issue. I’m finding MoF way harder than IN but I’m also having a lot more fun.

>> No.34889318

Nah, the time mechanic is complete garbo unless you're solo Youmu (only 50% on either side and high fire rate make getting to either side extremely fast)

>> No.34889382
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what spell cards or bosses do you consider fun? i thoroughly enjoyed almost all of doremy's fight so much because dodging her danmaku felt so natural and organic. this is probably the first time i could say that i actually like a spell card.
most of the time, i feel either indifference or outright dread such as sakuya's last spell card in EoSD, anything the prismriver sister does, or yin-yang granny in UM.
i just completely ignore the youkai/human meter. i just finished it once for completion's sake and have never returned to it. not related to your post, but all i remember from it is how i really dislike reimu/yukari in the character select screen because yukari looks like a cripple in a wheel chair and reimu is pushing her around.

>> No.34889384

You don't have to manage any of that, though. For a 1cc you can just ignore all the bonus mechanics and only worry about lives and bombs, just like any other game.

>> No.34889414

What I do is stick on the human side for the stage portions, and stay on the youkai side for bosses (though due to the higher bullet density in stages 4 and onwards I'm in youkai mode most of the time there). Also always wait for masters to spawn a bunch of slave ghosts then kill them with the youkai mode for tons of orbs. You can also switch back to human mode right after killing them if you don't want to be swapped to the youkai side of the meter. I always get enough orbs for every stage this way, though I haven't played lunatic yet.

>> No.34889438
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pic for reference, they look cute (and better than MoF at the very least) but reimu's hands looks like she's holding an invisible wheelchair's handles while yukari sits on it.

>> No.34889462


>> No.34889756
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>Having to manage the youkai/human meter and the time progression
Both are irrelevant unless you're a scorefag.

>> No.34889789

Depends on the difficulty. I've always loved Kanako's final spell on normal but the lunatic version is likely crazy. Doremy's fight is alright on normal but the last time I fought Doremy was an attempt at a no bomb lunatic PD Marisa run and she was a hundred times worse than Clownpiss or Junko up to PDH, which I didn't even capture due to shenanigans. Pure dodging spells are great if they're not completely off the wall in difficulty though. The Getsus and Shinki are some of my favorite fights in the series. Can't remember much else since it's been a while.

>> No.34890157
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from the games i've played (pic related) i think reisen is the most fun
her non-spells are cool and once you get the hang of her spells they're entertaining
only "complaint" is that her last spell is too easy and not THAT fun, literally the non-spells but a bit harder

>> No.34890190

I enjoy almost all the bosses so it's a lot easier to say which ones I dislike. My least favorite is probably Shou.

>> No.34890578

>what spell cards or bosses do you consider fun
Normal mode shitter here. I really enjoy Byakuren's spellcards, even Star Maelstorm. Yuyuko's spellcards are also wonderful. Every single one of them looks fantastic and are pretty intuitive to do, even if you haven't played in like 10+ years. It's not like Clownpiece where I get fucked if I don't remember specifically where I need to be before Striped Abyss/Flash and Stripes comes out. Also really like Sanae's spellcards, even though they're very easy.

>> No.34890666
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>> No.34890726

I've never been good at managing bombs, I've always gotten killed with tons of bombs to spare, and most of the times I got to use them they were pretty much pre-planned, so I knew I was most likely not gonna survive an attack and I had already planned before the fight when I was going to need one. But at least I learned to capture spell cards rather quickly so even if I needed a few more resets to clear the games, by the time I did I was able to capture most cards during my runs. But holy fucking hell, LoLK is now beating my ass for it really hard. I already learned how to survive most of Clownpiece's attacks individually, but it's still hard as fuck to be consistent at most of them and having to do them all in a row in a single run is fucking cruel. It ends up costing me like 3 lives at the very least, because I can't plan for a particular moment to use a bomb when I'm on the verge of getting killed during basically every single second of the fight except for the very last card. And the two times I finally made it to Junko it wasn't any better.

What am I supposed to do now? Try to farm as many lives during the first 3 stages and then just spam the fuck out of all my bombs? Everything has so much health I don't even know if that's gonna be enough, but it's the first time I've been this helpless in these games, because it's not just a matter of learning one or two patterns anymore

>> No.34890760

I like nearly every spell card in Wbawc except all of Yachie's. Even if I do manage to capture them, her first one especially will lag to hell. Kyoko's are pretty fun too. My favorite spellcard ever is Seiga's midboss one.

>> No.34890835

Dove into the mainline games after the gacha launched.

Is there a proper way to learn these or a generally accepted progression method in the community?

Is using homing amulet Reimu a crutch? Will it teach me bad habits? Is starting on normal cowardly? Some communities say to go straight to the hardest difficulty and brute force it. Is this one of those?

I started at Embodiment of Scarlet Devil on normal, played it until I hit a wall and felt I was losing motivation, moved to Perfect Cherry Blossom and played that on normal until I felt an improvement in my basic skills, then went back to Scarlet Devil and brute forced it until I hit the bad end.

The plan is now to shift focus to Perfect Cherry Blossom while occasionally fucking around in Imperishable Night until I can hit another bad end (so on and so forth), with the intention to go back and aim for good ends once I've improved my basic skills by playing through the series in this way.

Does that sound about right?

>> No.34890902

I started playing Touhou a few months ago and I started on EoSD on normal like you and I just kept on playing on Reimu A until I got the hang of it and 1CC'd it. Playing enough of each character and their shottypes gave me the practice I needed to gradually get more used to playing Touhou in general. I generally tend to keep playing one game continually until I beat it though. That's the way I operate. I take short breaks and I only play when I'm motivated otherwise I'd just lose my willpower to actually win the game. Playing while stressed or bored out of my mind won't work for me. I'd say you should stick with one game until you get a good end and then you can move on to the next and so on

>> No.34890907

For now, you're best off just getting dirty and doing whatever you feel like. Learn how to move, learn how to read bullets, get used to focusing/unfocusing, timing bombs, streaming aimed bullets in stages, etc
You can continue on basically practicing however you want until maybe lunatic mode where you might hit a wall. There stuff like thprac tool will come in handy, where you can practice specific patterns you need to dodge, plan some bombs for parts you don't want to dodge, and memorize as much of the stages as possible. But even then you can get by with just some good intuiton
People will tell you a lot of other BS on how you should progress but theres really no set way to git gud. Try not to compare yourself to others and just be prepared to suffer and log the hours.

>> No.34890996

>Is there a proper way to learn these or a generally accepted progression method in the community?
the standard is starting from eosd onwards. i think it's a pretty good idea to get started
>Is using homing amulet Reimu a crutch?
not really unless you make it one by trying to constantly cheese attacks without having to dodge anything, and that may not even be possible for most attacks
>Will it teach me bad habits?
see above. technically it opens up the possibility to get captures by abusing some safe spots which would normally not be possible and will most likely not work if you ever want to play other shot types, but homing shots in general tend to have weaker firepower and force you to survive for a bit longer. sometimes they may even be a bit harder to play for that reason, and generally you always want to be in front of the boss for max damage anyways. it's not really too bad to get started with
>Is starting on normal cowardly? Some communities say to go straight to the hardest difficulty and brute force it. Is this one of those?
no, not at all. no one jumps straight into lunatic unless they enjoy suffering and frustration or are some sort of hidden shmup prodigy. most people just stick to playing normal even after clearing the games anyways, lunatic is some serious business and requires a fuckton of dedication. normal is more than fine, just don't play on easy
>Does that sound about right?
it's probably better to stick to one game until you get your 1cc, getting past walls usually requires practicing specific patterns which obviously you aren't going to learn by constantly jumping around different games. for most new people the last 2 or 3 stages of a game aren't the kind of stuff you can improvise (unlike the first few stages), they tend to require routing and preparation for certain attacks which are stage specific. maybe it's fine if you work in a couple different 1ccs at a time, but in general you'll want to work on specific sections most of the time so you might not wanna spread yourself too thin

>> No.34891052

Anything that features fast, random dodging with an emphasis on focus/unfocus manuevers. Scarlet Meister, Divine virtue of wind and Devil's Recital are all very fun cards I enjoy trying over and over again for this reason.
I actually find Patchouli to be a very enjoyable fight. A lot of her spells feature the above types of movements (bury in lake, megalith, water elf etc) and there also isn't much "filler" in the fight, save her two nonspells at the beginning. You get spell after spell after spell with no breaks and it does wonder for getting you into a flow

>> No.34891558

I had run it on Windows before, so I already had the files it needs. What happens is that, when I launch the game with thcrap_loader, there's a high chance of it crashing, right when it pops up.
However, with a couple of tries, I can manage to get it running. After that, I need to be careful, because if the game runs for a long time, it'll crash.
For example, I cleared Extra and went for a 1cc after that. When I reached Megumu, the character dialogs suddenly became identical with each other, some graphical glitches occured and after some seconds, the game froze and that was it.
I haven't experienced anything like that before, on original UM, nor on any other game, translated or not.

>> No.34893382

Started about a month ago, already have 3 1cc on normal.
Started with EOSD Muhrisa B, and for a long time I didnt even use bombs as it felt cheesy. Stage 4 was a wall for me at that time.
Then I said "Fuck it" and switched to PCB. It turned out to be 2 times as hard as EOSD, but I felt that my skill started to rise.
After that, I played IN. Only 3 tries on border team and I 1cc it. I actually learned how to deathbomb here, which saves a lot of lives in other games too.
From my experience - just play the games until you are tired of grind and switch to the next one. You get to hear new OSTs, see new 2hus and learn more how to play. After some time you will feel that you are good enough to return to one of the games and beat it. Important thing - learn to bomb and hoard lives. Knowing when you are fucked and bombing is a way to hoard more lives, and reaching last stage with 5-8 of them is autowin, as you can just spam the hell out of final boss and pass though without any knowledge about what are you up against. Tho do not use bombs when you are practising, or you will never learn how to play at all.

>> No.34895036

Are the pc-98 games good?

>> No.34896080


>> No.34896133

Yes. Mystic Square especially.

>> No.34896170


>> No.34897020
File: 130 KB, 384x448, Th15SC006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always nice to see a post with high effort. Also i started LoLK lunatic pointdevice mode and already filtered by pic related, cant see the bullet movement at all. Any tips?

>> No.34897548
File: 108 KB, 384x448, hell sign flash and stripe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe you can help me instead anon. currently doing a normal pointdevice run of LoLK with no bombing and i feel so fucked at this point. i can manage to get down as low as 5s in this spellcard but i can't kill clownpiece fast enough. i screwed up by doing a 99+ on hell eclipse and dying 5 times to the succeeding nonspell so my power is stuck at 2.95 for this spellcard. i stuck to her like a fly and made sure i was hitting her with focused almost all of the time and she still won't fucking die. holy shit i feel so mad. i took my sweet time capturing hell eclipse because i was pretty confident that she'd drop some power items the same way bosses do after capturing their spellcard but she gave me nothing.
seriously, fuck this spellcard and fuck this fairy. i practiced it for more than 3 hours now nonstop and all i get out of it is the realization that i can't capture it UNLESS i bomb because riamu is too weak to down her by herself. what a waste of time.

>> No.34899407
File: 272 KB, 467x579, 73457345783832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? I can believe that no one did LNN of HRtP cause it's kinda retarded, but there's no way no one did LLS. Is it really that insanely hard, or just someone did it and never bothered to upload any replay of it?

>> No.34899562

Not that hard but incredibly annoying due to one pdh+ level pattern (stage 5 rings) and a whole bunch of other rng that can bullshit you occasionally
Very little interest compounded with the fact that the Japanese do not emulate
There is a korean pc98 high level player who streams often and claims to have it unrecorded (miler), but yet again no proof

>> No.34900086

Do we have any idea what the death bomb window is if you get Tewi's card? Or even what the death bomb window is normally? Is there an easy way to check things like this?

>> No.34900122

Are all pc-98 games as long as MS? I managed to get through it on my first try, but I doubt my eyes could've handled much more tbqh. It was quite fun though

>> No.34900163

LLS is significantly shorter, though it still has a stage 4 section the drags on and on
Also good job

>> No.34900430

I like extra-dense patterns you have to weave through. Youmu noncards without the redirects, Mercury Poison, Peerless Wind God, Apollo 13. There's a sense of satisfaction once you get through them.

Least favorite is cards that make you fly around the whole screen like an idiot, like Genetics, Undefined Darkness, Byakuren's stupid jumpy card, new game's stage 4 orb etc.

>> No.34900811

that's good to know and thanks

>> No.34900814

Is there a reason why solo Sakuya's bomb in 8 does no damage?

>> No.34902817
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x960, th15_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck I finally got my first LoLK 1cc after who knows how many attempts, I guess the whining was actually useful
That was one hell of a lesson in resource management

>> No.34902989

when i bomb, i have to bomb the rest of attacks since i don't have enough power anymore
why did zun think this was a good idea

>> No.34903462
File: 73 KB, 516x728, 40f845c6d9c14522a1779be927531b53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Died with 12 seconds on tree's timer left.

>> No.34903496

Bummer. But hey, take one fewer deaths next time and you'll have it.

>> No.34903616
File: 448 KB, 720x960, 1075876bf6834d2e7ac99c9a4aec8b73.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got in the zone and survived most of Yuyuko's attacks and decent chunk of the tree spam with very little bombing, I don't think I'll be able to pull that off again. The rest of the run was far from perfect but I definitely overperformed in the very end so I feel like I just let the blessing of danmaku gods to slip through my fingers.

>> No.34903722
File: 19 KB, 800x638, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat Mamizou today, not too difficult despite the limited resources. The hitboxes on the animals tripped me up a couple times though.

>> No.34905616

i died with 8 seconds there once
the time i 1cc'd it i just bombed 4 times in the last 30 seconds

>> No.34905895
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Also, holy shit Reimu with hat

>> No.34910215

You can always restart. You'll probably catch up to your current run relatively quickly if you restart.
Or play with another character: point device progress is not lost if you do so.

>> No.34910248
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>> No.34911415
File: 342 KB, 1192x638, Touhou 1CC chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleared IN on Hard. NT is definitely the best shot type in this game

>> No.34913097

DDC gives you lots of resources if you abuse that PoC and SakuyaA's bomb is actually good for extra unlike most other bombs in the series. If you can clear all those other extras I'm sure you'll have a very easy time with DDC's

>> No.34913549
File: 11 KB, 1167x260, IN replays.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to change the icons of replay files? I'm planning on doing NNB runs all (or at least most) of the shot types on IN so I want to replace the icons with images of the character(s) I used for their respective replays so it's easier to tell them apart because there are only so many slots for replays it would be a massive pain in the ass to rename all of those files and keeping track of which one is which.

>> No.34913657

you can just copy them to another folder and rename them there

>> No.34916566

What's the best shot + animal for WBaWC?

>> No.34917736

Any that is not an otter Youmu

>> No.34917920

Eagle Youmu is bugged and her slashes only do 0.3x damage at full power.

>> No.34918037

>her slashes only do 0.3x damage at full power
So she makes the game harder?

>> No.34918254

Looks like the Hakurei League is having a hard time finding players.
It's supposed to be a league with a world-cup like format to its matches, but for all skill levels. Except that doesn't work unless you have a sufficient amount of players on all skill levels.
I'd be interested in signing up, but I don't want to waste everyone's time by entering against world-class players as a Normal mode shitter. I guess it's a chicken and egg kind of problem for the entire concept. Would some other Normal mode player(s) be interested in signing up together in some category? I'm up for basically any game, at least for survival.
Here is a list of the currently signed up players for each category:

>> No.34918609

How good are the fighting games?

>> No.34918658

SWR and Hisoutensoku are great and lots of fun. IaMP is its predecessor and is very clunky but has charm. HM is pretty dull all around. ULiL is a bit better, and has a great and important plot for the series. AoCF is a little better than ULiL gameplay wise, story isn't as good though.

Note that I haven't fought other players in the games, this is purely based on normal mode single player.

>> No.34918659
File: 9 KB, 321x157, 1614812583539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who are you quoting?

>> No.34918708

He's quoting me, sorry.

>> No.34919020

iamp is the closest one to a traditional fighter, playerbase is quite small but among the fighting game players i know that have wanted to dabble in the 2hu fighters, most of them prefered iamp mechanically. soku is pretty fun because of the freedom of movement you have and the general pace of the matches (which is a bit more on the patient side in iamp), but people who play more traditional fighting games tend to get turned off by the rng mechanics (mostly weather). it's still by far the most active game though. aocf is a pretty decent game but the netcode holds it back quite a bit, it's nowhere near as flexible as iamp's/soku's, and a lot of people find the whole floating mechanic pretty awkward to maneuver in. if you get comfortable with it it's pretty fun though, and most importantly it fixes a ton of mechanics/balancing issues with its two predecessors so it's actually fun to play against other people
also i'm pretty much the polar opposite of >>34918609, i've played a ton of multiplayer (mostly iamp and soku, aocf/ulil slightly less so because matchmaking is harder) but almost no single player at all so i can't comment much about that

>> No.34919105

>rng mechanics (mostly weather)
I forgot, was the starting weather always random? I know the weather always goes in a cycle so there's some level of predictability.

>> No.34919125

initial weather forecast is always random, after that it moves in a cycle when certain actions happen (groundslams, wallslams, spell cards) till the timer gets to 99 and the forecast finally becomes an active weather. then it gets back to 0 and the new forecast is random again.

honestly i think it's not so bad as some people say because you have some level of control of the weather until it actually becomes active, but it's definitely not a very orthodox mechanic, and the fact the weather effects with huge repercussions like typhoon exist doesn't really help much

>> No.34919291

I freaking hate Ten Desires but not enough to say fuck about it.

>> No.34919816
File: 148 KB, 450x499, 1621582195628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly th18 was pretty disappointing. Almost all of the spell cards, character designs, and music was boring compared to ZUN's previous works.

>> No.34920042

At least the gimmick this time is fun and not annoying like in the previous game.

>> No.34920319

Touhou 11 really has a special way of making you feel like a fucking moron doesn't it, does someone remember all the parts where you're not supposed to shoot or else it becomes unplayable?

>> No.34920603
File: 8 KB, 236x242, 1621462665228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is touhou progressively getting shittier with each new release? Subterranean Animism seems to be the peak.

>> No.34920640

I love Tsukasa and Sannyo but everyone else looks like a stage 1 boss.

>> No.34920691

Why are SAfags always so insecure? Also, SA wasn't the peak. Never has been.

>> No.34920726

Nothing can top the overall quality and soul of SA.

>> No.34924469

Shitty game for shit-eaters

>> No.34924497

My answer will probably sound very biased but whatever I feel like expressing my opinion.

I don't like the fighting games at all. I tried IaMP, Soku, and ULiL and I thought all of them were boring. I tried doing netplay in Soku on and off for about a month and a half to give the game another chance, and to be honest, I did enjoy it more than the singleplayer, but I suck so much ass at Soku that I can't find any opponents who at at the same skill level as I am so I pretty much always get my ass kicked no matter what. There have been a grand total of six occasions were I was able to KO my opponent out of all the matches I've had. I could try 1CCing the game in singleplayer but the singleplayer is so boring I feel no desire to improve at the game. Because of all this, I don't think there is any possible way for me to get good at this game. At this point I've pretty much given up Soku and the fightans in general. That being said, I still think you should play them for yourself just so you can formulate your own opinion

>> No.34925150

Reading this post, I think the same could be said for all fighting games (not just Touhou).

>> No.34925705

Better than 16 and 17. Also, finally a gimmick that's actually fun and not a detriment to the game.

>> No.34925811

Season Release isn't detrimental to the game like Beast Mode is. All you have to to to avoid Season Release is not press C. Beast mode on the other hand junks up the screen with tokens that never go away

>> No.34926570
File: 64 KB, 217x193, 1616302926879.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to /vg/, tourists.

>> No.34927383

I think NB runs are fun. It feels so good not having to worry about dying with bombs in stock because I won't be using them

>> No.34927897

>but the singleplayer is so boring I feel no desire to improve at the game
You don't need to 1cc the fighting games to get good anyways, single player and multiplayer are completely different worlds when it comes to fighting games, which is probably why so many fighting games tend to neglect the former. Just about the only thing you can learn from single player is stuff related to execution.

Fighting games in general are hard to enjoy by themselves, most of the fun aspect comes from trying to come up with ways to outplay your opponent, and the feeling of reward you get when it all works out. So in general most of the entertainment comes from your interactions with your opponent, the game itself is just a sort of medium or context in which you two interact. Besides practicing combos and some setups (which you obviously need to know if you want to put up a fight), getting good mostly revolves around being able to get a read on your opponent more consistently while paying attention to your own habits to prevent the other player from exploiting them against you. None of which you can learn by playing a CPU that doesn't really think and just follows a flowchart instead. That's more or less the mindset you need when it comes to the fighting games.

>> No.34928017

I feel the same way. I get pissed off beyond belief if I die while having bombs in stock. Not only am I wasting lives, but I'm wasting bombs as well. Bombs that I could have used to get me out of that fucking situation in the first place.

>> No.34928849

>It feels so good not having to worry about dying with bombs in stock because I won't be using them
This. I practically forget they're there.

>> No.34930739

I'm getting so fatigued running through Momoyo's dumb extra over and over just to immediately die to her nonspell.

>> No.34930864

What's giving you trouble with the nonspells? If you want to try and cheese them, she'll always aim at you and lock in that aim whenever the nonspell starts. So if you're just diagonal of her when it starts, some non-spells become trivial.

>> No.34930896

I get locked down at the bottom with impassable or horrible tiny diagonal paths that tag me. Feels like I have no time to see what the opening is and suddenly it's a complete wall.

>> No.34930916

There's like a dozen ExNNs on youtube already go watch one.

>> No.34931091

For the first three, you have to be a little aggressive and actively move upwards through gaps when you can, or else you will get trapped at the bottom of the screen. It also helps to stay a bit off-center, where the gaps are a little more forgiving.
For the middle two, you need to go significantly off-center, maybe more than you think, and move quickly back and forth, or else the second wave can pinch you against the bottom.
For the last three, just stay in the center and quickly dodge side to side. There's a steady rhythm for the first two of those; the last one gets a little messy.
Also what >>34930916 said.

>> No.34931518
File: 19 KB, 800x638, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat her, you're right that was pretty easy. Now I think I'll skip to Okina, wanna save Hecatia for last because I hear a lot of people consider her the hardest.

>> No.34931611

Trying to run EoSD but my FPS is capped at about 45-46 for some reason.
Any ideas what this is? Windows 10 + vpatch.

>> No.34931942

Does it change depending on if you're in fullscreen or not? It could be performance issues, although that'd be spooky considering that your computer is strong enough to be able to run Windows 10.

>> No.34932225

you can force 60 fps on custom_e

>> No.34932375

Yeah, it's the same on FS or windowed.
It won't be performance issues, I've got a fairly recent i7 and a 1070.

I'll give it a go, thanks.

>> No.34932500

If it was performance, I'd also expect it to change depending on if you're in FS or windowed, so we can probably exclude it on those grounds as well.

>> No.34933397

I unlocked all IN solo characters by beating it with easy modo and then got a 1cc on normal with yuyuko.
FUCK youmu's shot type.

>> No.34935728
File: 19 KB, 800x639, 1CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa's Netherworld Deforestation Project has been successfully completed! Finished this one with 3 lives left too, this time without bombing the tree or dying to it (did a couple border breaks though).

>> No.34940187
File: 101 KB, 259x219, 1563837165056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going back to SoEW after getting used to Windows games is fucking painful.
My eyes are getting fried with constant blinking and white sparkles.
Precious [P]s are sinking to the bottom of the screen like there's a concrete block chained to them.
Movement feels like it has all the downside of focused and unfocused without any of the benefits.

>> No.34944561

It's pretty bad, I agree. LLS and MS hold up better. They have fast dropping [P] and [点] as well but they also have focus and deathbombing.

>> No.34944600
File: 2.64 MB, 1916x1402, cute_centipede.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it I did it I did it
But even though I'm happy I gotta say these items are cheap. You can completely skip two spellcards with shot erasers. I'll just consider that to be UM for you and not worry about being a tryhard.

>> No.34944712

>not worry about being a tryhard
Nah fuck that. When I get back to UM, I'm using only item cards on all difficulty settings

>> No.34944784

I can't see shit with Reimu summer in Hidden Star. Anybody else have this issue?

>> No.34945111

Which controller (besides the xbox360 controller) would you recommend? I'm not sure whether or not it's just me being unlucky, but both of my xbox360 controllers dpads' sometimes don't respond to my input and it's getting a bit frustrating. I don't really mind the controller not having sticks btw since I'm used to not using it anyway.

>> No.34945139

I've seen plenty of others mention HSiFS having poor visibility. I'm inclined to agree.
I use a Retrobit Sega Saturn controller, d-pad's fantastic for shmups.

>> No.34945151
File: 966 KB, 1372x1621, notgood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HSiFS has terrible visibility. Especially Stages 1-4. Season themed bullets on Season themed background.

>> No.34945195

Quite ironic that ZUN incorporated themes like anti-discrimination and anti-ableism in HSiFS when it's one of the hardest to look at.

>> No.34945806

Thanks for the recommendation; I will check it out

>> No.34947590
File: 19 KB, 800x638, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Okina's and Saki's stages today, both really easy, Saki's especially since I managed on my first try. Now for Momoyo and finally Hecatia. Wanna try the PC-98 extras after, too.

>> No.34947600

I really enjoy the dualshock 4. I have an 8bitdo snes thing as well, and it might have a marginally better dpad, but it doesn't fit the hands as nicely and I don't like the shoulder buttons as much, which are handy for focus and bombing

>> No.34947614

After fucking Koishi I think any extra stage would seem easy

>> No.34948263

Mystic Square is the most similar to windows.

>> No.34949011

How much does EoSD's rank system effect difficulty? I did a Normal 1CC recently, I had one miss on stage 3 but somehow zero misses on stage 4 and 5. Could the rank system have effected that or is it's impact on the gameplay not significant enough to make a difference?

>> No.34949070
File: 730 KB, 1204x1101, 1519614929069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever hurt your wrists/hands by playing too much 2hu?

>> No.34949084

This, MS and EoSD are very similar actually

>> No.34949303

Yes, but nothing lasting, I just cramp up easily. I always do wrist and thumb stretches every half an hour or so when playing.

>> No.34949329

How the fuck do you clears those Extras so fast? It took me a week to clear DDC's extra alone

>> No.34949398

I practice the stage portions a ton so I can plan a route and stick to it, and use spell practice a lot whenever it's available (and in the cases of 11 and 12, thprac). Also for individual spell cards that give me a really hard time I like checking out footage of other people doing them for ideas. I'm also a NEET at the moment so I have a lot of free time.

>> No.34949400
File: 285 KB, 1133x1591, 1620539771111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does using turbo button mode for rapid dakka in SoEW count as cheating/bug abusing?

>> No.34949423

The first time I cleared IN Extra with Magic Team I had to unlock the stage first so I did a couple 1ccs and the Extra in a row while spamming Malice Cannon pretty much the entire time (even when not much was happening on screen, for some reason), and after all that my left hand was hurting for the next few hours. The next day it was already fine though.
Also I got a blister on my finger the day I was trying to learn the timing of Sakuya A's damage trick in DDC because I was literally mashing Shift for hours. It also made my left hand hurt a bit but that was just for like half an hour or so. Turns out the timing wasn't even that fast.

But in general that's just because I'm stupid and don't take breaks when I should. Wouldn't wanna get carpal tunnel from fucking 2hu of all things.

>> No.34949476

Yes. But it goes away if you start stretching. If you're ever going to grind for something truly above your level id highly recommend doing them every day, even twice a day if you're really going hard. Look up hand/wrist/forearm stretches for gaming and it should hit the right areas.

>> No.34949570

>Wouldn't wanna get carpal tunnel from fucking 2hu of all things.
Yeah I have to use my hands a lot for other activities and I kinda hurt myself doing them, now I'm in h*ck because with the extra free time from being unable to do other activities I can't even play 2hu

>> No.34951667
File: 51 KB, 800x672, 1CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm going to assume that SoEW rapid fire trick is legit.
Thanks to abundance of resources I just bombed the shit out of Mima and Marisa.

>> No.34951791

It's not good for gameplay.
But I must say that it does look fancy.

>> No.34954623
File: 1.68 MB, 2075x1598, wbawcv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. Unlike WBaWC which is just shades of red and yellow.

>> No.34955686

Doing a normal run with Reisen (naturally) of LoLK on pointdevice mode (again, naturally) and I'm not having a fun time regardless. Clownpiece was soul crushing and I had to scam two spellcards with a bomb. Now I'm '' stuck '' at stage 6 portion where the grain bullet trains start coming dawn fast and stars are aiming to kill you. Hate this section, I just want to bomb it but I only have 4 bombs left and I know I need to save them all for Junko.

>> No.34955726

play sanny
graze the bullets for those juicy life pieces
kill everything with bombs

>> No.34955734

that'd make sense if one of the cards I have a lot of issues with wasn't a survival card

>> No.34955753

I only need 2 bombs to scam these survival spells.
The thing is, that you don't have to save up bombs as Sanae.
You just bomb, try to get that graze while the bomb is active because 1 life piece = one bomb, and then try to get some graze while not bombing so you get a positive return of resources

>> No.34956096

I'd probably try that if I didn't just defeat Junko! Now I never have to play this shit again!

>> No.34956155

well you will still need to beat all the touhou games with all shot types on lunatic one day if you want all /jp/ homies to respect you

>> No.34956345

honestly Reisen benefits a lot more outside of PointDevice mode, where she has a lot more resources to abuse her bombs with
Reimu (for small hitbox) or Marisa (for high damage) seem like the best to me in regards to PointDevice

>> No.34960614

Reminder that if you ever looked up a replay or asked for help on a section in the course of grinding for a 1cc your clear is invalidated.

>> No.34960649

ZUN needs to stop making bullet color the same as background

>> No.34960747

It's not like anyone is going to break into your house and shame you for exploiting that.

>> No.34963076
File: 225 KB, 850x1303, wriggle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing my first touhou game and I'm getting filtered by fucking wriggle on normal. how do I get gud?

>> No.34963099
File: 16 KB, 800x638, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat Momoyo last night which just leaves Hecatia for my last uncleared Windows extra stage (setting aside PoFV). Practiced a bit today and she's definitely terrifying, her nonspells are especially brutal. Thank god Reisen makes her so much more manageable. Furthest I got so far was her 7th non.

I also unlocked SoEW's extra since I wanted to play something a bit less stressful on the side.

>> No.34963135

keep playing

>> No.34963139

nice job anon
Go for a legacy clear too

>> No.34963143

Thanks, I plan on it

>> No.34963198

keep playing until you get through it.
also, dont move unless you have to. map out where the bullet is gonna end up in your minds eye and move to a safe zone.

>> No.34964584
File: 51 KB, 800x672, 1CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, LLS aged way better than SoEW.
Also, I'm at 50% 1cc'd mainline games now (counting PoFV years ago, don't remember which character)!

>> No.34968655

When you have the physical copies of the games, do you always need to run the CD to be able to play or can you just use the CD for the installation and then play without it??

>> No.34969190

Keep it sealed for collection purposes and play the pirated version.

>> No.34969294

I don't play pirated games and I bought it second-hand, so it's already unsealed

>> No.34969761

You do realize that pirating the game and buying it secondhand so none of the money goes towards supporting ZUN are the same from his perspective, right? Not wanting to pirate should be because you want the creator to be compensated for his work, not because you want to throw some money towards it regardless of where it goes. But you do you, I guess.

>> No.34972248
File: 81 KB, 640x480, just die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mystic Square is hard D^:

>> No.34972514

>You do realize that pirating the game and buying it secondhand so none of the money goes towards supporting ZUN are the same from his perspective, right?
Yes, I do realize that. But by buying it I'm getting an official, licensed copy instead of a pirated one
>Not wanting to pirate should be because you want the creator to be compensated for his work
That too, but that's not the main point of my no pirated games rule. I'm catholic and aspire to be a righteous man. I have no reason to do something illegal just to consoom gaymes.

>> No.34972671

Copy installed on your PC from official CD is identical to the pirated one.

>> No.34972792

The difference is that it doesn't come with license and terms of use violations

>> No.34973195 [DELETED] 

The concept of money in the first place is more immoral than software piracy.

>> No.34973366

Play as Mima or Yuuka.

>> No.34974138
File: 342 KB, 1192x638, Touhou 1CC chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleared Double-Dealing Dickhead with ReimuB on Normal. Gonna try Extra and Hard next

>> No.34974214

I forgot to ask, why does Sukuna's last spell card not make her immune to bomb damage like every other final boss' spell card? Is it a glitch?

>> No.34974253

Some final spell cards are not immune to bomb damage.

>> No.34974262

Really? Which one's other than Sukuna's do that?

>> No.34974283

Not sure, but maybe Junko and Keiki. Chimata is not immune to bombs as well.

>> No.34974313

It's been a little while since I played WBaWC and I only 1CC'd UM once so that might explain why I don't remember that

>> No.34974341

Nice job, ReimuB DDC is one of the tougher 1ccs in the series

>> No.34974397

I don't think ReimuB is THAT bad. She's at least decent. I tried it with SakuyaB and I can't get past Seija because of how shitty her bombs are. Also, this is just Normal mode, although I do plan on doing Hard and Extra like I said before

>> No.34974666
File: 911 KB, 1142x906, first 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish my first 1cc
>take this screenshot out of excitement
>game crashes immediately afterwards without saving the progress
I don't even. Fuck it, that still counts. I'll work on doing it with ReimuB next and hope the game doesn't shit itself then so I actually unlock the extra stage.

>> No.34974914

Luckily all the other touhou games let you take screenshots with the home key. EoSD does as well if you have the thprac tool applied
Good job

>> No.34974928

You've got an insane pace. Good luck with everything!

>> No.34974957

The only disadvantage ReimuB has is that she fights Not-Benben instead of Benben (or the other way around, whichever it is, I just know that the B-route fight is much harder). Amulets + Needles and Musou Fuuin is possibly the most solid shot type there is, and she even has a smaller hitbox. It's quintessential Reimu gameplay.
SakuyaB is the real shit; you get zero shot coverage, a bomb that not only does no damage but can actively make things worse when there are bullets that can't be cancelled, B-route stage 4, and absolutely no tricks or gimmicks to help you survive.

>> No.34975073

>player penalty

>> No.34975311

Yuyuko isn't from what I remember

>> No.34975695

Thanks, hope your runs go good too. I made it a bit further today, got to "Pristine Danmaku for Killing a Person." Junko's such a bitch.

>> No.34976519

>Player Penalty * 0.2
You deserve it.

>> No.34977472
File: 11 KB, 800x472, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a lot of fun with UM so decided to go and clear all the normals/extras of the windows games from the top. It's going faster than I expected. PCB Sakuya is very strong.
Onto IN.

>> No.34980663

So many EoSD spells are easier on hard, I swear. The stages themselves are another story.

>> No.34981048
File: 548 KB, 588x756, narumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this stupid fucker so much. I beat her, went to poc, and got pichuun'd by her fucking hitbox because her stupid bitchass has to be on screen for the "plot".

>> No.34982119
File: 61 KB, 430x351, 1616432383528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, PoDD is so fucking awful. Retarded "WARNING" flashing on screen and pausing the game 5 times in row, janky ass controls with 6 actions on one button, retarded annoying stagger on hit, claustrophobic clusterfuck of random bullets. Even music is shit.

>> No.34982491

I die due to rushing into bosses by accident all the time Anon! You'll get used to it!

>> No.34983392
File: 268 KB, 469x244, 1502431507973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I played HSiFS for the first time in years the other day and the exact same thing happened to me. I'm pretty sure the same thing happened to me when I first played the game too.

>> No.34983666
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Shitasmagoria of Diarrhea Dookie

>> No.34984891
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>music is shit

>> No.34985536
File: 31 KB, 640x480, train harder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a single banger.

>> No.34985691

It's nothing but bangers.

>> No.34986299

I think you've got a weird PoDD file, it must not be playing this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTLqnME57vo during the final boss fight

>> No.34988788
File: 138 KB, 640x480, np21nt_sajJmUi8Pn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ellen's theme is closest PoDD has to a banger. Yumemi's theme is too weak for the final boss. Could be a decent stage theme in a game that doesn't SUCK ASS.

>> No.34989086

I can overlook your shitty music take bait , but you should kill yourself for posting an ending screenshot.

>> No.34989312
File: 23 KB, 800x700, 1617180771532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got carried away while browsing through my screenshots most of which were from that long ass cutscene after stage 7. I guess I'll have to kill myself now (but only after 1cc-ing every non-shartasmagoria game on Lunatic with every shot).

>> No.34989675

PODD and POFV are really just tests of how long you can dodge random bullets. The AI in both are total cheaters

>> No.34990097

am i just retarded or there's no PERFECT normal 1ccs of IN on youtube? i actually need some perfect plays on every game so i can know how to play the spells because i'm bad at analyzing patterns

>> No.34990395

Lunarcast is your best bet for finding replays
NNN is an exceptionally stupid category that barely anyone bothers with, the closest I could find is a normal no bomb
This is more than enough for just a 1cc.

>> No.34990401

Anon inspired me to go back to PODD and holy shit. Made it to Yumemi with 3 lives, she assfucked me out of them, and then right after using a continue for practicing I won.

>> No.34990405
File: 2.69 MB, 1276x863, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I died right as I heard the explosion Hecatia's last spellcard being cleared. I feel so empty. I'll definitely get her soon though.

>> No.34990418

but... how can i skim through the replay? seems very tedious. how here's another question, are there other non-video guides of the spells? like go to x then dodge y then go to z?

>> No.34990443

>how here's another question, are there other non-video guides of the spells? like go to x then dodge y then go to z?
There aren't that many things in touhou which are this straightforward. For the things that are, just watching it once or twice should be more than enough. Besides, written guides are much worse than visual guides anyways for shmups.
If you're really struggling that hard with a pattern, you are much better off just bombing it.

>> No.34990460

>There aren't that many things in touhou which are this straightforward
should have none, well doesn't matter, i'll just spam the spell until i get it
>you are much better off just bombing it
my stupid brain is telling me to perfect stuff which is retarded, it's like running without knowing how to walk, it's my way of playing tho

>> No.34990470
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ganbare autismo-kun

>> No.34990942
File: 45 KB, 765x515, yumemi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuuuuuuuuuck this stupid bitch
I doubt she's even read the bible.

>> No.34991334

>beat spellcard the first time I encountered it in game
>die over 100 times in a row in practice mode

>> No.34991958

Which one?

>> No.34992066
File: 19 KB, 800x638, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And done! Hell yeah!

>> No.34992130

Great work, but also fuck you!

>> No.34992179
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Thanks! I guess

>> No.34992451
File: 517 KB, 645x480, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally 1cc'd the hardest Touhou I've played up to this point.
Some thoughts:
Reimu B is way better than Reimu A, the risk of having to constantly graze is too much, specially early in the run where you should take it easy and mentally prepare for stage 5-6.
The practice system is still kinda dumb but whatever, the real problem comes with the continue system. HOW do you want me to practice Utsuho with way less lives than I would have in a normal run, and I can only do that after I've died to her? I just ragequit instead, fuck sinking more time after having wasted 25 minutes.
That's why I lost 3 lives in the last spellcard, it was the second time I played against it.

>> No.34992485
File: 20 KB, 800x638, uptodate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either way I've grown to love the Yuugi and Satori fights and Utsuho's theme rocks.
Now it's time to play UFO

>> No.34992599

Good job
also nice job on using the colors correctly

>> No.34993049
File: 54 KB, 607x790, ahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yumemi is ugly.

>> No.34994808

When I was grinding my 1cc I got this bitch down to half of a heart multiple times and then she just refused to die. On other attempts she just decided that she's not going to die right away. How wonderful!

>> No.34994953
File: 19 KB, 800x638, 1cc chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up setting the emulator to 50% while playing as Reimu so I could unlock Yumemi and Chiuri and holy shit. The difference between the non-unlockable characters and the two unlockable ones is astounding. Literally beat it on my first try.
Reimu's 1cc isn't filled in for obvious reasons.

>> No.34995231

Wait, they are supposed to be unlockable? I had them all available from the start. Was bashing my head against the wall with Yumemi but then switched to Reimu and final fight felt way less stressful due to charged shot covering the entire screen, quickly disposing of fireball herds. On my successful attempt I just zoned out and played rhytm game spamming tier 1 charged shot.

>> No.34995556

You can also hold esc to skip the pre Chiuri cutscene.

>> No.34999616
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Touhou 7.5 will be released on Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1420650/__Shoot_the_Bullet/
How long until EoSD makes it?

>> No.34999632


>> No.35001248

So I can get to Clownpiece with max lives but by the time I get to Junko all of those lives are gone.
I thought after SA taught me how to graze LoLK would be an easy breeze.

>> No.35001395

Never, since he already said that he lost the source code for it. And knowing ZUN, there's basically no chance of him remaking it in any way.

>> No.35002126

How the hell
You can bomb each of her attacks multiple times and still have more than enough resources for junko

>> No.35002142

Maybe I need to get a better bombing route (as Sanae btw)

>> No.35002839
File: 139 KB, 853x1024, z_62f23e14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried EoSD extra and this cunt's laser completely and utterly filtered me. Tried cheesing it with homing Reimu staying on top of the screen but amulets' damage output isn't even remotely close enough to getting me through it.

>> No.35002907

Levantein? There's a route, and it's basically free once you know. There are much worse spells to worry about in that fight.

>> No.35004152

The Phantasmagoria games would be so much better without the constant screen freezing pop-ups and bounce when you get hit. It's all "Uh-oh! Eiki Shiki is pulling out her strap-on! Komachi is putting her gassy asshole directly in your face! Yumemi is about to show you why she's on the sex offender registry!" Just have a sound effect for the enemy attacks so I know when my ass is going to be fucked, I don't need control taken from me when I'm doing tight dodging.

>> No.35004178

Anon, I think you might be gay

>> No.35004454
File: 13 KB, 226x225, 1622452411092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uh-oh! Eiki Shiki is pulling out her strap-on!
>Komachi is putting her gassy asshole directly in your face!
>Yumemi is about to show you why she's on the sex offender registry!
All of this would actually make Phantasmagoria games good.

>> No.35004482

Watch a replay of it and you'll realise it's the easiest spell in the entirety of Touhou.

>> No.35004558

I did and dodging through a row of bullets at a slight angle while laser is chasing you seems like a nightmare.

>> No.35004721

It's easy once you've got the feeling for it down (which is going to happen a lot faster than you would think)

>> No.35009228

Managed to reach Kanako's final spellcard after using a continue. Nice.

>> No.35010723
File: 51 KB, 800x672, 1CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clapped Kanako's cheeks once again! It was way easier second time knowing what to expect from her attacks, especially the one where different kinds of bullets are chasing you at the bottom of the screen. Even with some dumb pichuuns early on and stages being a bit harder without homing managed to clear it with one extra life left.

>> No.35011112
File: 148 KB, 859x1024, 5B359FAA-49A9-404E-A697-508A8F67BD8E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleared UM normal this morning after 500+ attempts, it's the first game I've put any effort into. Felt a bit underwhelming as I had some cheesy cards and just spammed bombs on Chimata. Not sure what to tackle next, either getting a cleaner run, the harder difficulties, or another game in the series.

>> No.35011259
File: 333 KB, 1240x1754, E2uOk4AVEAclpcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty normal to spam bombs on the last boss during your first 1CC, so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
I'd probably go for another game after 500+ attempts, but you could also do other shot types. I wouldn't worry too much about cleaning up your run (unless you have a strong desire to do so), since you'll naturally play cleaner with more Touhou experience.
What did you think of UM? What spells did you struggle with (both initially and when getting your 1CC)? I think you're the first person I've heard of that started with UM, so it'd be interesting to hear your thoughts on it.

>> No.35011968
File: 1.70 MB, 1387x1828, 89742669_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! It was a lot of fun, just grinding through unlocking new cards was enough progression to get past the initial frustration.
The last spell on stage 3 often tripped me up as I always felt so close to clearing it without bomb/ability.
Saw a lot of comments about the stage 4 yin-yangs but I found them alright, at least it was somewhat clear where to move to. Similarly for the stage 5 laser spells.
The patterns I most struggled with were where I couldn't really an obvious choice of what to do - I think in the middle of stage 4 these converging streams of bullets, and the rainbow ring near the end. I wanted to see if I could clear normal without watching replays and now that's done I'll check how others tackled those.
Thanks for the motivation, I definitely want to check out the other games!

>> No.35016033
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>> No.35016634

I only play Marisa

>> No.35017224
File: 611 KB, 924x333, impossible.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ISC is fun

>> No.35017904

I'm so sorry

>> No.35018235
File: 275 KB, 1184x891, hecatia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beat hecatia today

>> No.35018272


>> No.35018296

EoSD keeps crashing after I get a 1CC, I've done it twice in normal with ReimuB and the game closes after beating Remilia. Why does this happen and how can I fix it? Other than changing my windowed mode resolution I haven't changed anything on the config.

>> No.35018351

Where did you download from?

>> No.35018376

I downloaded the patched version from Moriya Shrine.
Should I just do things over and patch it/install vpatch myself?

>> No.35018406

Congrats, that one gave me a lot of trouble

>> No.35018446

>Should I just do things over and patch it myself?
Yes. There should be clean versions on nyaa. Fuck Moriya Shrine.

>> No.35018496

Thanks, she definitely seems like the hardest extra boss

>> No.35018778

A lot of Moriya downloads are broken and outdated. Like the other anon said, patch yourself.

>> No.35019694
File: 342 KB, 1192x638, Touhou 1CC chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EoSD has to be the easiest Hard clear in the series

>> No.35021211

LLS is even easier. Also nice job!

>> No.35021225

Thank you! I guess I will try LLS at some point then.

>> No.35021568

How often should you bomb in PCB
It just came to mind just now

>> No.35021576

What's the bug abuse for Wbwc?

>> No.35021584

A bug with Saki's survival spell. If you bomb, she takes damage

>> No.35021823

Every time you get hit. After you stop getting hit, you can use them to gain cherry from bullet cancels or delay borders for specific supergrazes.

>> No.35021921
File: 83 KB, 410x469, 1553799720274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every time you get hit
So literally never until the end of stage 4.

>> No.35021925

Trouble streaming Merlin's bullshit, Anon?

>> No.35021929

I never liked that stage.

>> No.35022778

Ten Desires and its stupid fucking gimmick are mindbreaking me.

>> No.35025579

You just press c to get more resources and/or use it to skip patterns

>> No.35030445

Yeah but collecting spirits to use trance is annoying as hell

>> No.35030811

Still better than ayylmao/bestiality.

>> No.35031512

Well, don't then? The game is more than easy enough that you can just ignore the mechanic completely

>> No.35031636

But the shiny orbs make me horny

>> No.35034026

Made it to Miko again but lost multiple lives with bombs left.
I really need to press x more.

>> No.35034778

Just shotgun bosses whenever possible and go up to also autocollect items after waves

>> No.35035740
File: 342 KB, 1192x638, Touhou 1CC chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleared EoSD Hard with ReimuB. I have now cleared EoSD on Hard with all shot types!

>> No.35035877

Congrats anon, what’s next?

>> No.35035899

Hopefully an Extra stage. I'm not the greatest at these games so clearing Extra requires more time and patience for me than that one mad man ITT who cleared all of them in about a week. idk why but I just can't seem to decide on one. I get demotivated as soon as have a death on the first mid boss spell card. idk how I was able to do it for Flandre and Raiko

>> No.35036031

it's ok Anon
I have no desire to play that dogshit game either, would unironically rather put up with UFOs and animals than that

>> No.35036319

Flandre and Raiko are pretty low on the memorization barrier though they are less simple to ExNN, bosses like koishi on the other hard take a lot of work for the first clear for newer players but in time become very consistent

>> No.35036348

I have thought about doing Koishi's because she is on my chart but fucking hell SA and MoF's Extras are pretty brutal because of their bomb mechanics

>> No.35036520

>I get demotivated as soon as have a death on the first mid boss spell card
Do MoF then, you can just bomb your way to Suwako.

>> No.35036549

My autism likes getting a certain amount of spell card bonuses. On one run I captured Kanako's first two spell cards and only bombed the last one. The actual stage itself is pretty easy but I got filtered pretty hard by Suwako's first spell. It also doesn't help that bombing is probably the worst you can do on the Extra boss spell cards because not only are they immune to bomb damage but you are also sacrificing power so it feels like I might as well be doing a NB run

>> No.35036680
File: 64 KB, 800x638, 1cc chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored of trying to beat PODD with non-broken characters. What game should I try to 1cc instead?

>> No.35036729

MS with Marisa

>> No.35036780
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>> No.35037125

Sounds good. MS is one of my favorites.
Never mention H*ghly R*sponsive to Pr*yers to me ever again.

>> No.35037273 [SPOILER] 
File: 95 KB, 640x400, 1622705938543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35045802

Suwako's first spell is pretty brutal before you get it down, you have to really stream it properly. Most of her other spells are pretty intuitive though. Also bombing is more useful than you might think for her, since all those bullets being erased often lets you get enough damage in to help offset the power loss, plus dying at 0 power will get you back up to 3 with the pickups that drop.

Midbosses are probably the most frutrating part of extras for me as well. PCB's extra and phantasm stages' midbosses were on the simpler side for me if you wanna give those a shot, the border mechanic is also extremely helpful for those.
