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3485070 No.3485070 [Reply] [Original]

old one is autosaged

>> No.3485141
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>> No.3485143

GGs E-man.

I just can't figure suwako out, but I can't move on until I have a solid deck with her.

>> No.3485153

GGs, Kyle. Komachi is still my waifu, I must not let anyone have her. You gotta cut down on the techs sometimes. China + Stopwatch + Tech read = gay crossups.

>> No.3485187

GGs beats

Man, I've been trying to get at you for ages now! I can finally rest easy that I got Iku beasted for the first time in a long time. That Froggie is a pain, but it's not hard to find a way around her! But I am going to assimilate that tree counter, that shit hurt when I wasn't waiting for it. You do know I'm going to whine that I didn't get to run my Sakuya/Reimu against your Iku/Alice! Meh, maybe another night, I'll "get serious" from the start.

Nice playing you again!

>> No.3485193
US Midwest
Magister? No wonder you destroyed me then. You're far beyond my level and I apologize if I bored you. And you're right, I need to fix my airteching habits.

>> No.3485215
File: 306 KB, 903x619, remilia, yukari - 1227827813190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East
Magister's around? Don't mind if I lose 20 straight rounds!

>> No.3485231 west coast

>> No.3485269


Jade alt
Lasers alt
Water SC
Jade River SC
Snakes SC

I've seen some Suwakos run Two Claps SC pretty well, but I rather run the three above instead to cover Air, Ground, and Underground.

>> No.3485289

>Snakes SC
Does anyone who has seen it before even fall for it?

>> No.3485298

Good games Dustbunny, that is a very fierce Reisen you have. I'm going to have to learn some of your pressure and combos. Also, this game is too hard on my heart, I was on the edge of my seat for that last Suika Reisen match.

>> No.3485315

Score a knockdown and get in between the tech areas, it won't even matter, although I usually score it after her Dial-A. Have yet to see someone hj. out of it on wake up like I've been hearing.

>> No.3485337 EU
Annoying frog tier, I apologize for the long loading time. Now with spellcards!

>> No.3485386
File: 928 KB, 950x754, 6428b8d8ff021f020642c6fc2a678ce6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm attempting to refine my Yuyuko deck and need some advice.

1) I was testing Gensokyos Hell in practice mode and it does a ton of damage when comboed into. My problem though is that I'm having trouble actually comboing into it in actual battle. It also seems more effective in the corner, but I also have trouble getting them there in the first place. Is it worth holding on to? I already have problems with my corner game and will take any boost I can get.

2) What system cards make a good compliment for Yuyuko? At the moment I'm running two Control Rods, two Spirit Lights and a Left Holding Fan.

3) I have two Four-cost cards, and feel that I'm spending too much on spellcards. Which should I drop, and for what; Timebomb or Super Butterfly Ring?

I can provide a screenshot of my deck, if that helps.

>> No.3485471

2. Give Tengu Fan a try. Control Rod is worth having in tandem. Spirit Light is kind of pointless on Yuyu of all people, her C wisps are already good point-blank counters, and if you're opponent is flying through those, Spirit Light are just wasted deck space then. Don't know why you have Purple Fan, but if it works for you, add two.

3. Rings > all, just for the i-frames. Unless you're just really good at not only landing the poison card but evading damage for it to work, take the rings.

>> No.3485524

Good games. I think I'm going to quit for now though, I'm getting tired

>> No.3485530
File: 419 KB, 632x484, yuyudeck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I'm aware I don't have the language pack installed yet I'll get around to it shut up

A speed boost would be a very nice thing to have; I'll throw a couple on to replace my Spirit Lights.

And yeah, I figured it would be the rings.

>> No.3485549

Good games, I could take some notes from your Marisa. Something about Reimu vs Marisa is extremely fun.

>> No.3485580

GGs Dustbunny. Perhaps a bit lacking in Reisen's force-crush strings, otherwise not bad. I had to play my most experienced characters if I wanted to win.

>> No.3485581
File: 330 KB, 700x760, bd9228af8e883d5c56eff8cdb4f0555abf5d3e52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose this didnt go so badly, considering im apparently predictable enough for anyone to read 90% of my moves and punish most of what I do with 2k+ damage strings.
Good show!

>> No.3485583

Spectator here. Dustbunny, you can benefit from using Reisen's j.2a a bit more. I don't think I've seen you use it once in a string.

>> No.3485591

To be fair, most of my attempts at using this move have failed horribly so far, and it wasnt the time to be trying out tricks when I can barely pull out the ones I already know. I'll keep your advice in mind, though.

>> No.3485603

Thanks for the games blank namebar, I don't have much to say

>> No.3485618
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>> No.3485661
File: 42 KB, 281x218, 1251192516559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be terrible because haven't played this game in weeks, but oh well.

bump for IPs

>> No.3486992

Found it.

EU hostan:

Still learning Reimu.

>> No.3487024

bumpan to frontpage

>> No.3487050


>> No.3487105 [DELETED]
Learning tier, EU.
Probably not very many games.

>> No.3487430

>> No.3487632

Cirno vs Reisen: Matrix lag
Meiling vs Utsuho: no lag
+random disconnects
So did you just leave or was it another disconnect?

>> No.3487650

It can be comboed off of a counterhit j8a near the corner so it's possible to hit. Am I willing to wait for that specific situation just to bring out the snakes? Probably not.

>> No.3487711 [DELETED] 

I'm having lunch now. I'll post when I rehost in about 10 minutes.

>> No.3487740 [DELETED] 


>> No.3487784


>> No.3487803 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.
Could you give more information?

>> No.3487818

It's noon! Let's UNLive and Let Die! Central

>> No.3487993
US west
irc tier
Day 5 Suwako

>> No.3488101 WC
Half asleep.

>> No.3488144

Well, looks like I still have long way to go to evolve from annoying tier to worthy opponent tier. Such a shame, thanks for the games

>> No.3488184

ggs, no after battle comments hurrr


>> No.3488191

Let's see, random select: 20 characters to choose from:
Remilia, Suwako, Tenshi, Yuyuko, Yuyuko, Suwako, Iku, Suwako, Remilia

No, I don' want to play Suwako nor Remilia. Damn hard to control.

Either you were better last time or I finally got used to fighting Suwako.
You lost concentration (or something) near the end. Once I found out that curses are cast by pressing 22BC, I could even win with Suwako. (your cursed had a much longer duration, level up?). Now, how does one do that water stream...

A lot of stuff you do with Suwako is easily punishable like the j2A and j2C. I only couldn't punish j2Cs because I had a hard time getting next to you with Remilia's and Suwako's graze moves.

And be cautious.
1. Didn't you see the "Scorching Sun" weather? You were still happily flying out of the screen and lost much life.
2. Look at my spellcards when above me in air, you know, Tenshi and THAT spellcard.

>> No.3488221

I don't really pay attention to the water, is it that bad? Her Annoying Blue Stream of Water is 214B or C, depending on the height. You can cast it only underground or while you are flying.
Playing however I want is nice and fun and stuff... but I should really learn how to pressure or just how not to throw easily punishable attacks. Levelling up the curse is also a must, since it greatly increases it's duration and most of her spellcards are really, REALLY useless so I have to depend on the skillcards

>> No.3488229

>depending on the height
I mean the height is depending on the input.

>> No.3488254

GGs ygg

I like your patience and ability to adapt, or is it you were sandbaggin me the entire session until I finally picked Marisa? You picked up on that air combo pretty well, and started staggering your combos in the corner. I was waiting for that 2A3A5C corner combo the entire time, but never saw it until the end. Keep that up and you'll be alright. All in all, it was enjoyable facing you.

>> No.3488258

>I don't really pay attention to the weather, is it that bad?
When it's draining life from you for about 2000 total damage, yes.
Do you have the English weather patch installed? You can find it on swr.mizuumi together with a description of each weather.

>> No.3488262

Thank you, it very fun fighting you as well. I've been playing Marisa since IaMP but I've never really practiced with her in Soku against actual opponents so my blockstrings are a bit stale. Thanks for showing some of what I'm doing wrong. I've always said that I learn quickly but plateau fast.

>> No.3488282

Thanks for the games, sorry for not being any good.

>> No.3488292

I know about it, I've just never really bothered trying it out and reading the weather descriptions seemed too long to memorise everything about it. Silly me

>> No.3488317

And learn quickly you do! You actually surprised me, when I was ready for you to throw another dial-a, and you suddenly stopped and started attacking low. I've had very few O SHI- moments, but to see that after 20+ sessions of not seeing it, that was definitely one of them.

Also, I noticed you were playing near-default deck, and almost 80% of it was fodder for Spark SCs. Might I suggest, if you continue to play your keep-away game, toss those Pots for some Control Rods. The extra damage is a plus. Also, Luminous Strike SC is a good one since it's safe on block, quick, and can be done in air. Lastly, you did know you can Spark/Strike on counterhit 66C, right? You don't always have to save them for Dial-A finishers, in fact, you'll do more damage after the 66C. Keep that in mind.

>> No.3488339

You really don't have to learn all of them (unless you take the game way too seriously).

Typhoon is a must, of course, and everyone can tell River Mist and Mountain Vapor at a glance. Besides those 3, memorize these:

Sunshower - Wrongblocking is immediate crush, so do everything you can to avoid getting caught in a blockstring
Diamond Dust - No teching.
Spring Haze - Can graze melee for heavy spirit cost.
Scorching Sun
Snow - If you block or get hit too often, you lose cards.

>> No.3488340

Yeah, my deck is woefully 100% default. I haven't taken the time to make up a deck so I've just been making due with what I had. I had a feeling I could hit after 66C but considering the level of game I didn't want to risk whiffing a super, even if I did a few times anyway. I suppose I should take this time to whip something up. I have been intending on throwing some Control Rods in there, and I do miss Narrow Spark...

>> No.3488358

Okay, I'll do that. Thanks for the concern, both of you

>> No.3488371

>Diamond Dust: No ground techs.

>> No.3488420

It also drains your health when you get knocked down.

>> No.3488523
Hosting Canadia

>> No.3488693


>> No.3488705

I can rehost if you like, but I got tired of the lobby music after waiting 20 mins

>> No.3488709


>> No.3488713


>> No.3488761 [DELETED] 

hosts where

>> No.3488946

Rehosting. Still testing out Reimu, so if your name is "raymoo" think twice before joining.

>> No.3489015 WC
Bored, hurrr.

>> No.3489021

Gotta go now. GGs though, brah.

>> No.3489026


Can Central. (More rusty than that old swing set out back...)

>> No.3489030

Good games Pluto

>> No.3489124

Heh, ggs. I got molested. Bad.

Off topic note, I hate the weather...

>> No.3489128

gg, Fox Hunter, I guess Iku's SC is alittle too deadly.

>> No.3489149

Rehosting, I stopped for a bit because nobody's joining ;_;

>> No.3489162

GGs Yggdrasiface. Your Marisa pressure is a bit weak (I'm one to talk, I don't play her well either). Too often I was able to dash out without getting punished or forced into block again. Try some weird tactics like 5AAA 2B 5A/2A or 5A 5B 5A 5B in the corner. Stuff like that will invariably get people to try to highjump escape, in which case switching to hjc9 j.5A or j.2A will start to connect.

>> No.3489200

Thanks, my pressure's always been pretty weak. I think I still have some bad habbit's from IaMP as well. Sigh, sometimes I feel like I'm getting worse at this game...

>> No.3489212

Good Games. I need to take a break though, I'm getting a headache

>> No.3489300 [DELETED]

>> No.3489334

Pc died, where can I download this ?

>> No.3489442

gg. i guess.

>> No.3489448

You pick the stage too fast.

>> No.3489532 WC

>> No.3489586

Can you tell I haven't been playing long?

>> No.3489612

ggs, I don't really have any afterbattle comments (aside from this being the first time I've ever seen somebody use photosynthesis)

>> No.3489972

Canada - East Coast
Meh Tier

>> No.3489994

>> No.3490025

doesnt seem to work

>> No.3490027

dang, I gotta fix this then. thx for testing.

>> No.3490032

Also doesnt seem to work but not sure if you're still hosting

>> No.3490042

try again.

>> No.3490051

Huh? Weird...me hosting never gave me any issues before...

I'll rehost when I find out whats the prob.

>> No.3490194 Central

UNLive and Let Die!

>> No.3490314

my internal ip changed, and i didnt change the ip in swr. fix.

GG, Rabbit-box, im exhausted from keeping up with your Youmu. thanks for the matches.

>> No.3490322

Good games Lim, wow there is a huge difference between your Iku and Reimu. It looks like I can't cut it with my alternate Youmu decks against your Reimu. Also, I really hate Kanako since its like loliball but even stronger.

>> No.3490324
File: 174 KB, 500x500, superior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is cirno like the dan of this game or is she actually decent? It feels wrong to beat real characters with her.

>> No.3490336

Cirno has mediocre everything. There are worse characters in the game.

>> No.3490347
File: 900 KB, 1233x1740, Iku_Nagase_by_hellangelz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use Iku because her level 5 SC gives me satisfaction when landed. its difficult to use though her though.

>> No.3490382

Haha yeah, that thing is scary when it goes off. I guess I'll have to keep working at my bunny to keep up with your other chars.

>> No.3490412

You don't even need to combo into it though. Can be used against someone blocking with very little health in the corner (if they hit you they get KO'd), or during diamond dust after a corner knockdown.

>> No.3490561

Thanks for the games.

>> No.3490566
File: 277 KB, 550x660, 1212867785791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehosting. Saturday night edition.

>> No.3490570

GGs aperson

Keep working at that Sakuya, hopefully I gave you some stuff to think/improve on. And steer clear of that Spiral knives alt, shit's garbage...

>> No.3490607


>> No.3490637

Aren't you being a bit transparent, Lurker.

>> No.3490659

I can't help but think they're trying to troll us with the names

>> No.3490672

Aww, GGs Lurker. It's already past 12 so I was about to play someone else, but you ran away.

>> No.3490674

Good games. You should probably use Iku's j.2a and j.6a a bit more, they have really good range and I didn't see bother with them that much.

>> No.3490678
File: 538 KB, 1280x960, wrigglehot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wriggle Nightbug tier. No good players allowed. Only shit ones.

Speaking of which, why the fuck don't we have Kaguya or Mokou or Wriggle in 12.3?

>> No.3490687

Err, GGs. Don't know what to say, really, because I've forgotten out match just that quick. Sorry.

Thought that Reimu looked familiar. Only one person on jaypee uses double borders...

>> No.3490688


>> No.3490689

Doesn't work.

>> No.3490697

Because Wriggle is shit.

>> No.3490701

Here's the point where I sarcastically ask how I was supposed to use j.2A against the laser barrage. As if I wasn't trying to! Thanks for the lecture, what else can you teach me o mighty one?

>> No.3490702

Try it again, I just fixed my port forwarding. My IP got bumped on the network for some reason.

>> No.3490707

Fuck you nigger

>> No.3490714

Not in the best mood?

It was just a bit of advice, I don't know two things about Iku but I'm pretty scared of her j.2a.

>> No.3490730 WC
low tier sakuya and cirno player

>> No.3490732

You're right, I was dicking around with Iku with the random 623's and 22's while someone was playing normally.

But I wasn't slacking with j.2A, I used it constantly on defense. I don't know how you're asking me to do it even more when Yukari has a wall of lasers and B bullets forcing me to constantly move around.


>> No.3490735

Well then! Maybe I was just not paying attention when you used it or something. I'm pretty tired at the moment.

>> No.3490738

You did not read my rule.

>> No.3490898

GGs raymoo, something came up. Nice job with Iku, I had a lot of trouble when playing the reverse matchup earlier.

Generally, I don't expect people to choose random select unless they're good with everyone or much better than their opponent.

>> No.3490910

GGs, I chose random select because I'd just configured all decks with all characters so I wanted to try any of them out even if I got characters I never use like Komachi, Yukari, Utusho, and Iku lol (can't believe I won that one).

>> No.3490926

I was also getting some minor lag and input errors. The entire game with Iku, I was trying to activate 22B/C but I kept getting B bullets. Luckily it worked for the finally kill. And oh shit counterhit out of Utusho's DP with Spreading Borders was a bitch. 4k damage from a 3card SC? Bullshit.

>> No.3490935

all chars and all 4 decks of each? that takes awhile to do.

>> No.3490944

No kidding. Took around 2-3 hours or so. Well, I skipped Suwacko because I don't give two shits about her.

Mah bad dawg, I was anxious to play and I only saw IP.

>> No.3491006

>4k damage from a 3card SC? Bullshit.
I wasn't paying attention to the weather, but I do have 4 control rods in my Reimu deck. A couple of them plus proper location can easily go up to 4k damage.

I typically make 1 joke deck per character so I wouldn't use random select against someone around/above my skill level.

>> No.3491028

worst swr player on /jp/ tier

>> No.3491046

Good games E-MAN, those were some really close matches, and that Reimu one was neck and neck the whole way. I can't tell who is it you main nowadays and you seem at least equally good with all of the characters.

>> No.3491050

GGs, Rabbit

I'm stupefied at you being the one True Reimu that last match lol! Also, curse you and your Youmu w/ momentum! But I can only image you were saying the same about my Alice w/ momentum those matches. Til next time.

>> No.3491061

I'm just trying to be as good as you @ Random, brah. Can't say ALL characters until I actually start giving a damn to train my Aya, Remi, and Youmu.

>> No.3491066

Haha, yeah with the Alice match I was thinking "Oh this will be easy, I don't need to overextend mysel-- argle bargle glop glyph?! Third of my health... gone...". I never knew you could play her.

>> No.3491133

You guys are beyond lunatic level wtf.

>> No.3491135

To what are you referring to?

>> No.3491139


I've just been spectating. and Lunatic seems like a pinch after watching you guys.

>> No.3491149

Actually that would be me.

>> No.3491170
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>> No.3491194
File: 2.18 MB, 1400x1124, 0f250c8c3ab7844513d232b0c40f7b17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EU hostan:

>> No.3491213

t'was too laggy; shame.

Host still up; WC connectors usually fail.

>> No.3491225

>I do have 4 control rods in my Reimu deck.
That completely explains the insane damage output. I couldn't figure out why some small combos would do nearly 3k damage.

>> No.3491259

I'm in the pacific coast of asia.

Sorry 'bout that.

>> No.3491328

gg but can't say I enjoy fighting reimu. It's like championship mode all over again.

>> No.3491341

That's cool, I appreciate that people test it out, better safe than sorry. Everything from Asia tends to just lag. An example: I have less delay with Australians on the other side of the earth than with people from an Asian country, just 2 hours away in the timezone.

>> No.3491357

I'm not that good with Reimu, though. I forgot to say that I'm training with her, been playing her for 3 days or so (not straight ofc). It didn't look like you enjoyed my Pathouli or Suwako any better, just standing in the corner and spamming the fastest and/or "annoying" moves, or jumping around all over the place. I'd quit if it wasn't for that I'm in an okay mood today.

>> No.3491366

Host still up - from EU.

Training with Reimu, fun play with Suwako, and srs bsns with Patchouli.

>> No.3491373

I play for fun not to win. I thought your suwako was about as serious as mine is.

>> No.3491385

Yeah sure, bro.

>> No.3491393
West Coast
Shit tier...
Haven't been playing often so I'm likely lower than that.

>> No.3491396

oh lawd someone is getting butthurt over a doujin fighting game

>> No.3491404
US Midwest
Trying out some new decks.

>> No.3491419

ugh sorry...it's lagging like fuck for me.
rehosting in about 20 minutes if this thread is still up.

>> No.3491423

You guys! You guys!

Why are you playing this child's game anyway?

Just go play with yu-gi-oh, Trust me on this!

It's even 10 times better than swr, unl, and iamp combined!

>> No.3491467

guess i am shit tier.

>> No.3491491

Any hosts?

>> No.3491534

If it lags like mad again, I'm quitting for the night.

>> No.3491544

aus : 10800

>> No.3491569

Any tips for getting around the annoying command shortcuts? I want to do a combo with 6c 236c but 6236 is the shortcut for 623 and it fucks the combo.

>> No.3491591

That Yuyuko kicked my ass.

>> No.3491594

I hope you're not the guy I played against, otherwise you wouldn't know what you're talking about. And if you are the one: please, give a break, loser.

>> No.3491595

After the 6C let go of the stick/button as fast as possible is the only advice I can think of.

GGs, that was day 1 of Marisa training so the first game against Meiling was really bad.

>> No.3491596

I'm done ;-;

I gotta go, so I can't play anymore.

thanks for the games anyway.

>> No.3491602

Go neutral after 6C, so its like 65236C.

>> No.3491608

Heh...If that was day one, Looks like I'm stuck I shit tier for life...Meiling was my main before I went on hiatus playing this game so she's the best I have for now.

Ah well.

The Suwako vs Marisa match was fun as hell.
I think I'm gonna practice playing Suwako more.

>> No.3491612

Good games.
I hope you learned to block on wakeup. I feel guilty getting all that extra damage.

US Midwest

>> No.3491686
File: 34 KB, 354x347, 687474703a2f2f7a69702e346368616e2e6f72672f612f7372632f313138363130333230373937342e6a7067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody from /jp/ seriously just call someone a loser?

>> No.3491700

gg! who ever australian i was playing with!

>> No.3491702


Good games. I guess you must be a regular irc player i presume?

>> No.3491707

I used to play SWR. i recently installed SWR2. I was suprised with all the new skill lol. I hope i could play with u again!

>> No.3491712 [DELETED] garbage tier

>> No.3491742
File: 95 KB, 546x508, 8e94acd5dd0b94a2422d747e04e11af2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you did there.

>> No.3491941

GGs Duckator. What was with the annoying lag in like the first 80% of the games? So many input errors making rage/lose horribly.

>> No.3491952

Good games raymoo.
I didn't notice anything on my end. I switched to a wired connection recently but wouldn't that usually help get rid of lag?

>> No.3491953

Also that final series of laser dolls was awesome..

>> No.3491957


>> No.3492003

aus : 10800

>> No.3492062

You shouldn't put spaces at the end for the port, that makes it slightly more annoying to connect to because the person would have to remove the spaces and recopy.

>> No.3492109

GGs, thanks for the games

>> No.3492113

thanks remilia player! I dont know how to dodge that sealing attack.. lol btw good game!

>> No.3492355


>> No.3492369 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on the far superior http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.

>> No.3492407

>> No.3492449

doesnt work

>> No.3492504

GGs, Lim. If I all of a sudden left during our Alice/Cirno fight, forgive me; the power in my house went out.

>> No.3492510

gg, pluto. try focusing on defense/counter and grazing at close mid ranges for now, see if you can incorporate that to your current style. be ready to stop your attack strings and block/retreat if you think its unsafe to do so. 66a,b or c are your friends too.

>> No.3492575

Do stat increases from spellcards last between rounds?

>> No.3492578

yea, i think so.

>> No.3492656

Then it's time to make a 4 alice doll, 4 control rod, 4 elixir deck for shits and giggles.

>> No.3492688

they do work too.

>> No.3492899 West Coast

>> No.3493398

Anyone still around?

>> No.3493406

I AM! MWAHAHAHA-ahem Central

>> No.3493446
US west
irc tier

>> No.3493513

DC, but GGs

My Patchi victory ;_; What a nail-biter.

>> No.3493519


>> No.3493560 [DELETED]

>> No.3493587

Ahh, looks like your Patchy was too awesome for my laptop to handle. It just locked up and now it wont boot any more. Im totally screwed since I don't keep backups. Good games though!

>> No.3493638

>> No.3493676

hosts where

>> No.3493677

It wasn't so unbearably slow the last time we played.

rehosting, anyone try.

>> No.3493694

And I was on the wireless that time.

>> No.3493757
File: 78 KB, 385x550, reimuFU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs lurk


>> No.3493758

ggs E-MAN, but I swear this game's netplay hates me. Having a random lag spike to ruin my dial A? Sure! Making my DP not come out for whatever reason? Okay! Causing my pillar to only hit three times for no apparent reason? Wow, SWR, are there no depths to which you won't sink?

I would play for longer, but I'm under the impression that if I did something ridiculous would happen to me (probably involving weather or latency) and cause me to start raging, because that has been happening a lot lately.

>> No.3493764

Do you have any idea why that only hit three times? Was I too far away or something? Becaues I really don't see why it should have.

>> No.3493777

I was on the outskirt of the pillar. You just BARELY caught me with it, so it only hit 3 times. Been like that since SWR

>> No.3493781

Pillar will hit less on its far edges

>> No.3494078

GGs once again, AoA. That Suwako match went better than I expected.

>> No.3494091 [DELETED] 

Did you figure that blockstring out just in this match?

>> No.3494103

Did you figure that blockstring out just in this match?

The 214BC (?) attack from Yukari, the one that comes from above. I can never block it.

>> No.3494128 [DELETED] 

Looks like no one is hosting so I guess I will.

>> No.3494138

AAA B repeat? Not really. It's the only Suwako string I know. Getting Suwako into melee range is impossible. Even worse than Cirnos stubby limbs.

Yukaris 421C can cross you up at certain positions so it hits you right after your character turns around.

>> No.3494143

I also had a download on the second PC running (only 40KB/s, but still) and a nico video in economy loading in economy mode (aka slow).
In the middle of the first fight against THRILLHO just now, I stopped it and any lag disappeared.
So try connecting again next time I host even if you aren't on wireless.

>> No.3494218 [DELETED] China

IRC tier Suwako and Remillia.

>> No.3494224 China

IRC tier Suwako and Remillia.

>> No.3494226

sugoi ip desune

>> No.3494271
File: 119 KB, 364x169, Japanese bird being broken and easy to use.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3494271 West Coast

>> No.3494270 [DELETED] 

And it looks like no one is connecting so never mind then!

>> No.3494363

ggs raymoo, though imo I did really poorly in those Yukari matches. Ah well.

>> No.3494377

Also: Take back what you said about Wriggle you faggot.

>> No.3494378

ggs, just started learning Marisa last night so she's going to be the only character I'm going to be using for a while.

>> No.3494383


>> No.3494393
File: 243 KB, 714x553, 1199669029902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East
Picture related.

>> No.3494399

A suggestion: Follow up Bosky Sweeper with j.6A j.6C... unless you were already doing that and I wasn't paying attention, because that usually happens when I give advice. But I did notice you hit me with Bosky Sweeper and not do that.

>> No.3494434

gg a.a., thought I'd play one more round before I ate.

>> No.3494438

Yeah, I know that about that. My decks still aren't properly set for Marisa yet.

>> No.3494653

GGs, I'm totally spacing out now. I need a long break from SWR2.

>> No.3494663

GGs Lurker. Nice ending, I probably should've tried 66B instead but if you blocked the result would have been the same. Too aggressive on my part.

GGs raymoo, I'm not sure what's wrong with your Marisa. It seemed a lot more solid than my garbage play one (with all that 66A broomride gimmicky nonsense), I think you have to get her air combos down.

>> No.3494673

I'm still uncomfortable with the way she moves and the timing of her attacks.

>> No.3494758

Haven't toohoo'd in SO LONG. Let's do this, kids.
US Central
Most likely forgot how to play tier

Expect various complaints along the lines of "I used to be able to do that, why can't I do it now?" and "HOW I PUSH BUTTAN"

>> No.3494894
File: 74 KB, 641x498, perfect-maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, welcome back and good games Giant Tree. Lag was a bit of a pain though.

I tried my best to get a screenshot, but I lack your top-tier screen capture skills.

>> No.3494911

Oh hello a.a., haven't played you in forever and a half. GGs.
Those stupid lagspikes were probably on my end so that's why I left, in case you were wondering. If I'd kept playing it just wouldn't be very nice of me.

But even though I won a bunch I'm still free enough to warrant the namechange. I still have a hint of DFO syndrome (ie. trying to backstep with 2D, trying to do BnBs that don't exist, etc) and I spent all day yesterday playing Tales of Versus so that contributed some bullshit habits of its own. By the way, playing that brokenfest has convinced me that soku is balanced.
I mean, goddamn, Arche has to be the pinnacle of broken. Flying to the top of the screen and spamming oneshots? OKAY, THAT'S A GREAT IDEA.

Anyway I noticed you played a lot of characters I'd never seen you play before which was probably an attempt at sandbagging me or something, and I probably deserve it because I'm so goddamn out of practice now. Just about all of the blockstrings and Okuu's crushstrings I got off were entirely due to luck, the latter especially since I can't see myself ever consciously pulling it off against /jp/'s own defensive god.
Oh well, thanks for the games brah, losing to your Cirno jokedeck in a mirror helped my pride out a lot.

>> No.3494924
File: 80 KB, 292x302, 1252028150992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right, screenshots.
If I was thinking I would've snapped one of you using a SC right at the end of Abyss Nova.

pic related

>> No.3494980

OK, I'll admit I wasn't playing to win at all costs, but I have picked up Iku, Sakuya, Reimu, and Meirin as secondaries since the last time we faced each other.

The joke deck actually isn't such a joke, with the 4 control rods turning Cirno's 5C into a nightmare, and I don't rely much on my SCs anyway. Only thing I miss is the Freezing Beam alt. 236 skillcard.

>> No.3495010

Oh. That was my first time seeing it, I didn't know why Utusho was glowing. I assumed it was something weird like superarmor or extra damage powers (ala Meirin).

Fun fact, when we were playing the first Cirno mirror I forgot I was 2P side so at one point I kept trying to activate the grab alt. skill and wondered why nothing was happening.

>> No.3495172

Why is it that if I watch any thread the raymoo tripfag makes it deletes my entire watched thread list on browser exit?

>> No.3495193

I have no clue のヮの but I'll stop making threads with my name in it then and see if that clears up that problem. I get it too.

>> No.3495262

>I forgot I was 2P side so at one point I kept trying to activate the grab alt. skill and wondered why nothing was happening.

Oh, hurrdurr. I do this SO many times because I host as much as I do, I don't blame you. It always feels silly once you figure out what's happening.

Welp, time for some rehost.


>> No.3495277 [DELETED]

I am actually going to try playing seriously.

>> No.3495323

sorry 'bout that, i kinda hope against hope to get a good connection

>> No.3495328

I don't mind. I was willing to keep playing.

>> No.3495332

oh, i thought you canceled out of the match early, it was stuttering pretty bad

>> No.3495373

let me pick a song god damn

>> No.3495383

didn't know you were trying to pick something

>> No.3495407

GGs anyway. That sakura spellcard was pretty neat although I'm sure lag played apart in it's effectiveness.

>> No.3495413

my connections have been bad against everyone but lim, he must be in my same apartment complex or something

>> No.3495422

Oh man, that was hilarious. Headstomp for the win.

>> No.3495475

Hosting. WC/EC ONLY. Advanced Mid-High.
Haven't played to some opponents for a week.

>> No.3495492


Sorry to play so aggressively, just trying to get you back to your former self faster! Crazy Bison Headstomp was crazy... just another move I'll forever misjudge the hitbox of.

>> No.3495517

Obvious d/c for lag, but my fault for not reading "WC/EC"

>> No.3495526

Haha, tell me about it. Tengu Stomp is one of the most annoying moves in the game, I guarantee I wore my trollface.jpg while I spammed it.

But that has NOTHING on my winning a round with Remi's bloodsuck in Typhoon earlier, that shit made my day. I lol'd fairly hard.

Anyway, GGs E-MAN. While I was off having fun doing other things, going outside with friends, bathing, etc etc you apparently took your time mastering nearly every character. As demoralizing as getting molested by all of my mains (some of which using my palettes, cough cough) is I had a couple glorious moments to boost my self-esteem enough.
Still, there were a few lagspikes and that was probably my fault; my bad. Thanks for the rape though.

Also, have some spoilertext because I haven't done it in a few days.

>> No.3495569

>some of which using my palettes, cough cough

Great (or insane) minds think alike. That, and not many great alt colors for many characters. Iku/Okuu only have ONE good alt outfit. Besides that, I've been playing rarely until this week where I had a small time tourney to play, otherwise, I've been SF4/L4D/bathing about as long as you have. I haven't gotten "better", per say, you've just gotten reasonably rusty.

LOL@ Typhoon Kiss! I was trying to avoid that shit like the plague, and it ended up killing me!

>> No.3495622

>only ONE good alt outfit
Orangekuu and Pinkuu would like a word with you.

>I haven't gotten "better", per say, you've just gotten reasonably rusty.
I guess I can whine a little more there in the senses that I both had a longer time away from playing soku than you did and all the other fightans (DFO, ToVS) I've been playing have completely different mechanics which bring about habits that are a bitch to get rid of.
Add that to the fact that I was never very good to begin with and you don't have Giant Tree anymore; oh no, you get a Giant FREE. No effort necessary.

>I was trying to avoid that shit like the plague, and it ended up killing me!
Dohoho, that's why it was so hilarious.
MPP has nothing on how bullshit that move is in phoon, I swear. It feels so good to pull off that it may just be the only reason I still play this -- and I don't even LIKE playing Remi anymore.

>just trying to get you back to your former self
But this will never happen. Instead I think I'll become a new Tree; a BETTER Tree.

Actually naw, I'll just go play some more DFO or something. Have fun~

>> No.3497339

This thing still bumping?

>> No.3497359

>> No.3497367

Are you serious?

>> No.3497369

What happened? I was about to start spamming loliballs for shit and giggles.

>> No.3497371

about what?

>> No.3497374

Nothing happened in particular. I just stood there, wondering if it would be worth wasting time on that kinda shit. I can't enjoy retard play.

>> No.3497382

I'll just have to host myself, then.

>> No.3497385
File: 90 KB, 700x800, 1212568063691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets spam loliballs at him until he goes back to irc.

>> No.3497393

You're cool.

>> No.3497420

ggs kinda laggy

>> No.3497422


Can Central. Tired, and will only be on for the next 20 minutes, so, haiaku.

>> No.3497450

GGs to you.

Not so GGs to you.

>> No.3497457

You're petty.

>> No.3497465

You're smart.

>> No.3497567


>> No.3497617

You're still petty.

>> No.3497779

I presume you had no problems with winning? If you can't handle "retard play" you don't have the right to complain.
