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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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34840104 No.34840104 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:


>> No.34842809

>Alternative Girls
>Haven't rolled any new limited in months
>No opportunity or resolve to save up
Thought I could save up this past month but now they're doing 'date' outfits and they already managed to release two of my three favorites.

Not even sure if there's anything special about them aside from being the latest in powercreep. Seemed like there was but can't tell if I haven't rolled any.

>> No.34842820

It's been a long time since I've played it but when I did AG always felt like one of those games that unless you spent money you'd always be one (or ten) steps behind. It's a shame too because I really enjoyed it, but there's not enough fun in playing a game where you can never get what you want. About as fun as looking into a shopfront window.

>> No.34842937

I've managed to figure out how to get all of the important one-time quartz rewards out of the new PvP mode they added last year, and old limited sets are available for trade-in with tokens from that. But they're still really stingy outside of that if you can't rank high in tower.
They're not even doing much in the way of random activities anymore, this is the first time it's been locked to gacha, even if the only thing to look forward to might be longer card story.

>> No.34843682

Are Idoly Pride and Lapis Re:Lights doomed? It's been months since their anime ended and their games still aren't out, and by then interest for either could already be dead.

>> No.34848170

Why are you even asking when you aren't going to play the games anyway?

>> No.34849632
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>Idoly Pride hasn't reached 400k pre-registers for 10 gacha tickets yet
It's dead

>> No.34853120

Yes, they are shit, accept it anon

>> No.34856472

I'm interested in the franchises since I watched their anime and wanted to know how'd they'll be doing.

I thought 300k pre-registers was already considered good.

>> No.34856922

Anyone that's actually playing Ash Arms know when the Muv Luv collab rerun is coming?

>> No.34858108

Next update probably they already changed the lobby music so it must be very soon

>> No.34860079

In Masterwork Apocalypse Genesis how do you get more of the items required to evolve the books? Not the seals you can farm in the special stages, the second material that looks like golden paper.

>> No.34865338

300k pre-registers is only considered good when the final milestone is at 300k

>> No.34872080

The ded

>> No.34872803

Everyone is playing Umas

>> No.34873388

I'm playing Counterside and Umas

>> No.34873815

I actually like the PvP in counterside, you are pretty much guaranteed to get all the rewards, unless there is some kind of ladder rewards?

>> No.34873872

The ladder rewards are not worth the effort at all.

>> No.34874893

A lot of Chinese games' Japanese versions nowadays aren't too concerned about hiding "bilibili" being plastered all over promotional material. It's kinda funny how a few years ago it either wasn't really mentioned or some games even tried to hide the fact that they were Chinese in nature.

>> No.34876612

Is Mamuru anon still around?

>> No.34882560
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What went wrong? For such a big IP it couldn't even break into top 10 at launch.

>> No.34882882

When do established IPs that aren't called Fate even do well anyway?

>> No.34884367

Because it's a bad game

>> No.34886019
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June's ranked season for Compass will be themed around gunners. We'll have to wait until later to see who gets the costume.
As for stream rewards, 20 free hero tokens and 3 hero tickets will be given as a reward for the number of viewers/comments

Moving on to Alice, she is a tank and will be added after maintenance on the 24th (13:00 ~ 17:00 JST). Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOVq4y2H8OA
Her hero action summons her card minion things that push forward and stagger anyone hit. When held, it reduces the damage taken by Alice and any allies standing behind it by about 80%. It also prevents her from being hit into the air or knocked down.
Her hero ability gives an attack boost for nearby allies.
Her hero skill teleports her to an ally that you target - the casting time is pretty quick.

Her fastest cards are close and long range ones - stuns, silences or poisons are probably best due to her poor attack. She's very team-dependent so I'm not sure how well she will fare with contesting a portal key with a teleport card right at the start.

>> No.34889659

Games being Chinese in origin doesn't really seem to be a drawback given that they make up quite a bit of the more successful/popular ones

>> No.34890727

Because it's an anime game

>> No.34890790


>> No.34892297
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Maintenance has finished and she is now available. Hero tokens and 300BM can be claimed now.
A 7 day login campaign will run until the 4th and gives up to 3 hero tickets, 30,000 energy, 3 hero tokens, 3 UR tickets and 300BM.
A limited hero gacha will be available until the 4th - Alice is 5 times more likely to appear when rolling it.

Only took me two tickets to get her last costume.

>> No.34893168

I feel that it's because of miHoYo. First we got Honkers and then we got Genshin which really blew up. That and colle games like Azur Lane and Girls Frontline.

>> No.34893619

I think Yostar had bigger role than Mihoyo in this aspect, Honkai wasn't all that popular with Nips, meanwhile Yostar had several popular games like Azur Lane, Mahjong Soul, Arknight. Genshin blew up it was too recent to have any real impact.

>> No.34902162

It's only a matter of time until we're all speaking chinese...

>> No.34902342

>Chinks hire JP VAs for their games
Nah not even chinks like the sound of their own language

>> No.34904689

For accounts that haven't logged in for 30 days or more
Come back bros they need you

>> No.34904749

No way fag.

>> No.34904782

>only that
I quit for good a year ago when I logged in after a 4 month break and had almost absolutely nothing except a few hundred gems in my mailbox.

>> No.34904833
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>> No.34904841

>Not even enough for 10 rolls
>One shitty 3* envelope that will give you a dupe anyway
They aren't trying really hard to get people back are they?.
They don't give out freebies at all, you only get 100 gems from their maintenance compensations at best, which honestly, isn't tempting enough to bring people back, especially when they decided to drop by and check the game again. Shitty management really killed this game.

>> No.34905016
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I'm still here bros... All alone until EoS hits ...

>> No.34907359

Artery gear out on qooapp
do i need a chinese ID to play ?

>> No.34911429

I played on bilibili without it
Or just managed to input a fake one easily

>> No.34911452

Animae Archae launches tomorrow. EoS December 2021.

>> No.34912807
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Can't believe this game is still alive and still no English version

>> No.34913843

Exactly. Why would I want free rolls when there are no new units to roll for, and no content to do anyways?

>> No.34916534
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If the games are good enough interest will be there. But Lapis looked boring and repetitive from last year's beta and IP hasn't revealed much but it looks like a basic idol management game which is im@s turf so I think they'll flop.
There's still hope for Lapis though because Klab seems to be doing poorly right now so they may actually try to make something good after the Love Live AS fiasco since its their own IP.

>> No.34916742

>Sugibro on a scooter won

>> No.34918176
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Now this is how you get me to keep playing your game. You win one uoooohhh from me China.

>> No.34918226

Rice shower?

>> No.34918259

I guess they do have very similar feet.

>> No.34918417

yep. Yostar and Chinese mobage got on the map when Azur Lane hit No.1 on the iOS rankings and the twitterati signal boosted that, paving the way.
related: webinar on Chinese companies doing mobage/gacha business in Japan:
Most of these things require contacts and good SNS presence which to their credit Yostar has been generally good with.

>> No.34919004
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Holy! Whoaaaa! Bro! They have tubes of liquor, and then they have the audacity to tell me not to get drunk. If this is the future take me there now.

>> No.34920753

For anyone interested, the Utawarerumono game is giving away 100 free rolls on a banner with good characters.

>> No.34921141

Fuck, might have to reinstall just for this.

>> No.34923113

>they didn't fix gear exp problem
oof guess they expect you spending a week to level one piece

>> No.34923203

>Blue Archive Global will be published by Nexon.
Dead before arrival.

>> No.34923279

atleast it exist i guess...
level up SSR gear in mbgg usually takes a lot of time so i don't get why would you be pissed off
unless you mean it's trash tier gear that needs already 1 week to level up , which would mean ages for high tier stuff
what did the game do ?

>> No.34923384
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>Globalniggers getting fucked again
Will always be funny to me

>> No.34923422

What's wrong with Nexon?

>> No.34923453

What isn't?

>> No.34923480

>What's wrong with Nexon?
Anon, I...

>> No.34923533

Every gear levels the same be it blue 2* trash or 6* epic gear
Maybe you're supposed to always transfer stats from higher tier gear to lower one but I haven't tried that yet and even that is limited by another material

>> No.34923861

explain it like you would do to your grandma

>> No.34923891

Nevermind, it's limited by the rarity of whatever you transfer to so ideal strategy is getting 6* gear as fast as possible to lvl15 and then transfering stats to it whenever you get good ones

>> No.34925069

>so they may actually try to make something good after the Love Live AS fiasco since its their own IP.
I doubt Klab will change SIFAS or Lapis to a full fledged rhythm game though.

>> No.34927050

Has anything changed since they released their hanafuda auto mode?

>> No.34927426
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Satsuriku no Tenshi collab will be rerun in Compass from the 28th ~ 6th. A double UR gacha should run for the whole duration.

>> No.34928353

Anyone rolling on the new Tenka gacha?

>> No.34928569

Did 33 rolls and got nothing.

>> No.34929278

The chinese version of Girl Cafe Gun is back on.

Glory to the CCP, death to Am*rifat imperialism.

>> No.34929347

What do you mean "back on?" Was it kill for a few months and someone decided to unearth its corpse?

>> No.34929351

I did 4 11 rolls because that's how many I had above the Fes ceiling and got nothing.
Might do more depending on what they announce on the next ZanNama.

>> No.34929381

The servers were down for like two weeks, the only official statement given was "to fix problems with the last update". Bilibili also nuked the wiki for some reason.

They gave a lot of free shit now so I'm not complaining.

>> No.34932723

The uncensored JP version is superior anyway. It's a good thing I'm in the best version.

>> No.34933021

I always worry it's going to shut down out of nowhere

>> No.34933255

Is there an apk leak for the Punishing gray raven beta yet?

>> No.34933976

reddit has it

>> No.34937542

>Chinks forcing players to use real ID to play Chinks version starting next month
I wonder how it's going to affect overseas players.

>> No.34937571

Good thing JP and TW servers exist for a lot of games.

>> No.34938010

This has been the case for many Chinese games for over a year

>> No.34938013

this has been a thing since ages newfag

>> No.34938172

More than a year, I think GFL did it during their 2nd year or something along the lines

>> No.34941402

Animae Arche had issues with Google so now they delayed the release for Andorid until tomorrow/today (the 28th) while iOS users got to start on the 27th. Just pull the plug on this kusoge already.

>> No.34942161

Damn Blue Archive's rates is the biggest lie I've experienced in any kusoge. In all 3 of the banners I actually rolled, I had to go all the way to the pity to get the banner character. Worse is that I get an average of just one 3* per 100 rolls. Fuck this game that has dozens of bugs and extended maintenance.

>> No.34942215

More like you're a lucklet I've gotten every new 3* with very few rolls some with just 1 ten roll

>> No.34942221

>dozens of bugs and extended maintenance.
Without these you probably didn't even get enough apologems to roll shit in this game.

>> No.34942231

You're the (un)lucky 1 in 20, stop trying to scapegoat your poor luck on the "m-muh rigged rates." Every kusoge has its rates checked by dataminers, if they really were, it'd have been made public by now.

>> No.34942242

Good for you anon but if I have to get to the pity the next time I roll then I'll just drop this game since it dropped me first.

>> No.34942298

Nah bad luck only happens to me in Blue Archive. I have relatively good luck in all my other kusoge.

>> No.34942327

Gambler's fallacy.

>> No.34952515

Sucks to be you, I got Azusa + 2 dupe Shiroko in 30 rolls. Got Cherino in 40 and Yuzu in 170

>> No.34955401
File: 2.51 MB, 640x1136, cunny.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34956430

It's not even June yet

>> No.34958105

Where's the cunny

>> No.34959007

What game?

>> No.34959039

come on anon you don't recognize those ears ? it could be either arknight or horse shit
and that's not arknights art

>> No.34959066

Sorry, I've never played either so I wouldn't know.

>> No.34959301

Another cancer horse, nice

>> No.34962996

Oh, Ame no Murakumo is this month's SwordFes character.
That wasn't a long wait at all.

>> No.34963116

I got absolutely 0 gems

>> No.34963571
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>> No.34964241

Have you done all those reruns in the story section anon? There's probably more than a thousand gems worth of reruns there.

>> No.34964407

Mayano's cute but she's not cunny...

>> No.34965022

>already bored with artery gear
It's a decently made e7 copy but I could just go play the original if I wanted to...

>> No.34966247

Dunno, I started playing after that happened

>> No.34977325

I rolled Yuzu and Azusa both in 10-rolls
Rolled 50 on uma taishin gacha without the rateup
Rolled 60 on the falcon gacha without the rateup
Rolled 250(!!) on the tazuna/creek gacha only hitting the rateup a total of four times with one being the spark so I couldn't get either to MLB or even 3LB with all those rolls
Currently 60 in the bride mayano gacha without the rateup

If you want to talk about shitty rates then I'm the leading expert in shit luck.

>> No.34980413
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>Got Mizuchi in the first 11 rolls
>Got Kusanagi in the first 11 rolls too
Thank you Tenka. I can keep saving my rolls.

>> No.34980487
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>got her on literally the 300th roll
No idea who to pick with the ticket now.

>> No.34980577

>Got Habakiri in the first 11 roll even though I didn't really want her
>Didn't roll Kusanagi even though I actually wanted her
Fuck desire sensor.

>> No.34980893

>do an 11 roll
>get nothing
Looks like my Tenka luck has finally run out

>> No.34981345
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I spoke too soon. I forgot to pick up the stream RT rewards and got another 11 because of it.

>> No.34982834

Apparently the latest shitstorm in the chinese version of Girl Cafe Gun is a lot depper and somewhat related to the shitstorm in Azur Lane.

TL;DR: feminists pressuring both the goverment and bilibili for censuring the oversexualization of women and them bending over since who the fuck cares about video games in a communist shithole. Having to use a real id to register an account only makes things a lot worse.

So yeah fuck my life at least I had fun with Lusty and Grainne.

>> No.34982845

goddamn parasites

>> No.34982864

The Chinese government has been cracking down on sexualization for years completely independent of the feminist boogeyman. It's been what, more than 3 years since they made Mihoyo halt touch mechanics? Particularly skimpy outfits have been cracked down on for a good 2 years in different games. None of this is remotely new, if Azur Lane or GCG have avoided things they've been the exception not the rule.

>> No.34982961

The chinese version of GCG was already censored to death. This is a lot worse since people are already organizing, demanding actions and more than likely not going to stop until every anime girl is wearing a burka.

>> No.34983040

Not him but it's not really anything to do with feminism, it's just standard CCP policy. Sexualized content has been considered immoral by them for a long long time and doesn't really have anything to do with women's rights so it's be more correct to blame CCP moral police than feminists.

>> No.34983057

The JP version won't suddenly be censored right? Other than future costumes being less lewd in general.

>> No.34983145

The game is owned and ran by a chinese company, you may not suffer from the retarded censoring but still are going to suffer in the long run.

>> No.34983218
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Yeah I know future costumes will be less lewd and less molestable. What I mean are current costumes being censored.

>> No.34983293

No that depends entirely in the legislation of Japan and since real money is in play it is more than unlikely.

>> No.34983546
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1k gems. I want to summon on the other banner but I think I'll just save again.

>> No.34987535

I'm sure "feminism" is just a scapegoat by the CCP, they already view people who play and spend money on games as socially inferior, since they're "less productive" or some other old people bullshit.
Plus feminism is seen as "un-chinese" and "against party values".

>> No.34987682

Why is being able to nut to the characters an integral part of mobile gacha games? Is it a replacement for gameplay?

>> No.34987748

i still enjoy games with more gameplay and cute girls rather than just cute girls
but the coomer mentality is an integral part
i think it works like a cake
you go for the coomer side ( exterior ) and if you like the gameplay enough ( interior ) you stick
yes it's also possible to just stay for the girls but i dunno just how viable is that strategy with 100 new gacha every 3 months

>> No.34987925

Sex sells. Especially when otaku can use the game as a form of escapism to pretend they're the character.

>> No.34987927

Nah, they're separate issues.
There's a lot of low-gameplay mobage because there's a lot of players that aren't looking for a lot of gameplay in their mobage to begin with.
There's also an overabundance of choice among mobage, so you may as well play one with cute girls instead of without cute girls.
Unless you're more interested in ones without, in which case those are around too.

>> No.34989801

It was a way to stand out and attract people to play their games back when every mobage was a browser based card game. Then the doujin artists swapped to drawing mobage instead of anime so now if you release appealing characters artists will advertise your game for free.

It works too if you've ever visited generals for games like FGO where people will spend real life money whaling hard for their favorite characters to jerk off to.

>> No.34989839

>generals for games like FGO where people will spend real life money whaling hard for their favorite characters to jerk off to.
Pretty sure that's literally every gacha game to exist ever since the notion of drawing lewds existed. FGO's no specialty in that regard.

>> No.34990864

I don't just mean cute or appealing, I mean why is it a must that the characters dress in a way that would make strippers blush and them wearing even stuff that would still be too hot for tv considered a fascist act of censorship?

>> No.34991394

It's... Not rocket science anon. We shouldn't have to spoonfeed you this common sense of an answer.

>> No.34991837

The people who play mobile games are detached from reality?

>> No.34991903

>I've been saying that I'll quit PoE if I don't get the new character since last year.
>Now I've got 80k gems and still keep getting every new character in a few rolls.
I only had to use 40 rolls for the new PoE character this time. I'll never be able to quit at this rate since my gems just keep on increasing.

>> No.34992005

1.5% rateups are really fucking generous and 180 pity is a strong safety net considering you get around 100 rolls a month for doing almost jackshit.

>> No.34992152

Yeah PoE is probably one of the most generous games I ever played. And the art is also top tier lewd.

>> No.34992191
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Ame-no-Murakumo's ougi turns her into Strike Freedom, and I HATE IT.

>> No.34995199


>> No.34995311

Oof it's been a long one but R.I.P
>Inb4 the you know who shitposter replies

>> No.34995457

and the horses killed another game, nice

>> No.34995462

No one cares for uma shitsume

>> No.34997046

We all like it here

>> No.34997146
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>> No.34999176
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Compass has been updated and there have been some card and hero adjustments today, among other things.

A new permanent hero gacha has been introduced that allows you to get a specific hero. The hero on rotation changes daily and the hero pool extends up to Thorne. You cannot use this if you already have the hero on rotation.

A special event is also taking place, likely teasing something for the future. Two new skins for Tadaomi and Gustav can be obtained by playing a match with someone who is using that skin. Also on that note, Gustav and Tesla have received their updated base models.

For hero balance:
>Activation speed for close range cards is now 7% faster
>Activation speed for AoE cards is now 9% faster
>Hero skill requires 11% less to charge
>Increased damage of hero skill by 14%
>Attack modifier increased from 1.45 to 1.50
>Activation speed for barrage cards is now 5% faster
>Activation speed for AoE cards is now 40% faster
>Recovery speed for AoE cards is now 7% faster
>Reduced the interval between healing and damage ticks during his hero action by 0.2 seconds
>Increased the poison AoE for his hero action by 22%
>Increased the poison damage for his hero action by 11%
>Reduced the gap at the end of casting his hero action by 40%
>Changed the camera angle when using his hero action
>Defence modifier reduced from 1.00 to 0.90
>The minimum radius of her hero skill has been reduced by 25%
>Defence modifier increased from 1.05 to 1.15
>Increased normal attack speed by 4%
>Reduced the gap when cancelling a normal attack by 60%
>Increased the damage of the first stage of her hero action by 12%
>Increased the HS gauge charge of her hero ability by 3%
>Fixed a bug that prevented the enemy from being hit by her hero action
>Increased normal attack speed by 4%
>Hero skill requires 17% less to charge
>Increased the range of her hero skill by 5.555555555555556 times
>Modified the camera for her hero skill
>Attack modifier increased from 1.10 to 1.15
>Increased movement speed by 2%
>Reduced the gap when cancelling a normal attack by 60%
>Increased the effect of her hero ability by 50%
>The beam of her hero skill now knocks enemies back
>Increased the beam damage of her hero skill by 50%
>Increased the explosion damage of her hero action by 17%
>Increased the stun duration of her hero action by 0.2 seconds
>Increased the silence duration of her hero action by 1 second
>Increased the poison effect of her hero action by 25%

As for card balancing, it's mostly just cooldown reductions but the vortex barrage cards have had their range nerfed. Details are in the game's news.

>> No.35000065

>Moonlight Sculptor
>Ragnarok Origin
>Ni no Kuni
>Re: Tree of Savior
Will any of them be worth playing?

>> No.35001934

Got yellow lines on my phone screen(iphone XR) and decided to just buy a new one. Do you guys have any recommendations around 300-400$? Really liking POCO F3 but I hear a lot of shit about display.

>> No.35001994

Country and carrier? And desired features?

>> No.35002516

Russian spy. Dont care about anything, just want my mobage to run smoothly for few years.

>> No.35002637

What's your carrier? Band compatibility can be an issue even if you get an unlocked phone.

>> No.35002948

I may not fully understand what a carrier is, but if I get you right, it's Tele 2. I'm sorry if I'm wrong.

>> No.35003111

Nah, you got it right.

Poco F3 and Poco X3 Pro should be able to last you a while, but even if you don't trust either of them, the Mi 10T should be good enough.

>> No.35003454

Thank you! I will check 10T and 10T Pro

>> No.35003537
File: 122 KB, 986x1200, DSNNkOoVQAAryVy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one was fun and Suparu did art for it. RIP

>> No.35003828

If you don't care about camera then don't bother with the Mi 10T Pro.

>> No.35004136

I own the F3 and have no issues with it. Your mileage may vary obviously, but there's nothing wrong with the screen on mine

>> No.35006849

So I just discovered a Kadokawa-backed rhythm mobage called "おねがい、俺を現実に戻さないで! シンフォニアステージ" and apparently it's already ending on June 30th after half a year. Apparently, before the service end announcement, it had an event where there were less than 2,000 participants. Is that bad by rhythm game standards?

>> No.35006949

Only 2000 is really fucking bad. This is about just participants in general and not avid players so the number of people who were actually playing the game and spending money must have been much less.

>> No.35008313

It would be bad even for an EN game.

>> No.35008629

Apparently it even had covers of Dengeki Bunko songs, so it's weird it didn't get more attention. Maybe the game wasn't promoted well? It seems to be so unpopular that its 5ch thread didn't even have any posts about it closing down.

>> No.35008733

Rhythm games in general just seem to be phasing out as more and more people shift to mobage that you don't have to autistically play (skip tickets, auto-repeat, etc.) and rhythm games are by far some of the worst at doing this since you have to actually play the game most of the time.
Not only that but rhythm games have their own market that is dominated by the bigger franchises like im@s/LL/Bandori so if that game you mentioned only managed to have 2000 players after 6 months then it sounds like there was literally no promotion going on for it or nothing about it stood out that would attract over rhythm game players from the other franchises. Heck, maybe those players did give the game a try initially but dropped it for whatever reason.

>> No.35009227

Isn't it more of the fact that the gameplay has become really boring? Like over half the rhythm games are either LLSIF clones or Bandori clones, and the aforementioned game that's closing down is one of the latter.

>> No.35009290

More like because of bad timing *cough*proseka*cough*
Sinfonia Stage has two game modes: Pick (usual chunithm) and Hug (arcaea except that it's all arc notes)

>> No.35009309

It's not Arcaea if there's no thumb crossing though.

>> No.35010344
File: 1.33 MB, 2340x1080, Screenshot_2021-06-01-19-40-08-51_c057618bd847a31128e261ed5b32d00b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35010398

cute , where from ?

>> No.35010463

>rolled her twice
>pity roll also her
>no Juno in sight
I think it's finally my time to kill myself.

>> No.35010538

Girl Cafe Gun

>> No.35010550

isn't that game about to be closed ?

>> No.35010637

It's not exactly popular but I think that's just chink version drama

>> No.35011012

Hey you're literally me. I got her thrice with no Juno.

>> No.35011079

It's a real shame but I'm going to have to rebuild gems now in case the fucking chinksects remember that Grainne exist.

>> No.35011261

Damn you're really me anon. I also always have to roll when Grainne is in a banner.

>> No.35012286

Any anons here playing Animae Arche?
Does it have its own general?

>> No.35016128

I played it, much to what I expected but honestly didn't hold onto it long enough. Doubt there'd be a general but you can probably find a few other anons hanging around /vmg/.

>> No.35020307

I only played Ragnarok Origin on that list and it required spending $2000 to catch up with whales. The other ones probably aren't much better.

Only mobile MMO I'm looking forward to is Seven Knights Revolution but even then, it'll probably be P2W crap as well.

>> No.35021138

lol no, some idiot was making a fuss about bilibilishit but those bugmen are inconsequential

>> No.35022726

Either way, GCG will probably end within one year and I plan to play it until it's dead.

>> No.35022740

It wont. GCG will live forever like PTD.

>> No.35022803

PTD is special anon. The devs are probably blackmailing SE's management with some serious shit.

>> No.35031388
File: 385 KB, 2048x1152, E247ovyVcAQMjYf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone playing that seven deadly sins(sin 七つの大罪 X-TASY)?

>> No.35031455

they even got a version on dmm though there's no porn
for what purpose
Alas gluttony best girl

>> No.35032156

Kingsense english just came out
the translation is pretty shit though
>why should i play this gacha ?
Dystopian futuristic setting for the story , the combat is grid position based so there's at least a bit strategy involved.

>> No.35033094

not all games on dmm has porn

>> No.35033452

Summer event just started in PGR, how do you obtain Liv swimsuit?

>> No.35037144

Buy it

>> No.35041766

I have never played a single mobile game

>> No.35041919

You'll fit right in.

>> No.35042899

It's time to get started.

>> No.35043036

We don't actually play mobage here, we just look forward to upcoming releases so we can say how we're not gonna play X game for various, mundane, and ungrounded reasons.

>> No.35043043

Nobody here actually plays mobile games.

>> No.35043618
File: 1008 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_2021-06-03-18-53-47-229_net.wrightflyer.shoumetsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God the rates are shit in this game and no pity. Thanks for reminding me. At least I got Soma on the literally last pull I had.

The tickets are a fucking scam too. Don't count on them.

>> No.35046233

Is not in the shop.

>> No.35049836

The real thrill is setting your end of service estimates when new mobage come out

>> No.35049937

Any new games that are already at risk of death?

>> No.35050714

Animae arche. 2 months.

>> No.35052063
File: 249 KB, 1014x572, 1622789523429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we have a deadpool for this?

>new multimedia project
>based on a sport that's not very popular in Japan
>gets an anime to promote the game
>anime may be releasing before the game is out (though that could still change since the game doesn't seem to have a release date yet)
>some of the cast are no-names, the MC is voiced by a total newbie
>no pre-registration in sight
>artstyle looks like someone ripped off Love Live while using BanG Dream's artstyle

This isn't going to last two years is it?

>> No.35052218

Does it have a male self-insert?

>> No.35052437

None announced as far as I can tell

>> No.35055693

It's not a rhythm game, so no.

>> No.35056296

>artstyle looks like someone ripped off Love Live while using BanG Dream's artstyle
So literally Bang Dream.

>> No.35058484

I don't see how Craftegg can ripoff themself.

>> No.35061461

The Sidonia game isn't even out yet but I can already see it shutting down when/if it does

>> No.35065662


>> No.35068578 [SPOILER] 
File: 158 KB, 640x854, 1622870884491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idol game with less than 5k active players, generated so little profit that it never shows up on sales charts
>Somehow survived for almost 4 years
>Now they're adding a new character, voiced by Rie Takahashi no less
I don't get it

>> No.35068911

Re:Stage is unpopular?

>> No.35070520

>new multimedia project
>based on a sport that's not very popular in Japan
>gets an anime to promote the game
>anime may be releasing before the game is out (though that could still change since the game doesn't seem to have a release date yet)
>some of the cast are no-names, the MC is voiced by a total newbie
>no pre-registration in sight
>artstyle looks like someone ripped off im@s and Priconne
Literally a rerun of Uma Musume. Do they want to replicate their success?

>> No.35070571

>>based on a sport that's not very popular in Japan
>Literally a rerun of Uma Musume
Horse racing was always insanely popular in Japan though. Literally the next biggest spectator sport after baseball.

>> No.35070736

>Horse racing
>a sport that's not very popular in Japan
Really anon? It's one of the most popular legal gambling activities in Japan.

>> No.35071318

A lot of Uma Musume's cast were fairly popular though. PuraOre has some Love Live VAs in it but other than that the rest of the main cast is obscure or new.

>> No.35077985

Must be some pretty loyal (read: rich) players.

>> No.35082708

A loyal fanbase can go a long way

>> No.35083403

Does maintaining a kusoge cost that much money?

>> No.35084079

Depends entirely on the game. Things like having an in-house art team or not, how much you gotta pay VAs to record stuff, regular server upkeep costs, etc.

>> No.35084381

Good management and devs team would have much better chance to keep the game running, otherwise, no amount of money can keep it afloat, just look at DW and the Sakura Kakumei shitshow.

>> No.35087602

I've always been under the impression that the cost is fairly low, but the profits are also fairly low unless your game catches on really well.
We see the closures and the big crash and burns, but some games seem to stick around just fine for a long time even though they don't seem like they would.
There's also >>35082708 and >>35084381, once you lose your fanbase's goodwill by fucking too much stuff up it can be pretty tough to get things moving again.

>> No.35096615 [DELETED] 


>> No.35097830
File: 422 KB, 1080x1149, 1620719227025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So which one of you is enjoying Kingsense?

>> No.35097867

go back

>> No.35100345

Idoly Pride comes out on the 30th?

>> No.35101702

Did they finally announce a release date? Feels like it's been an eternity since they said they were making a kusoge.

>> No.35101854

There's no announcement on the twitter but preorder is up on the itunes store and the expected date is the 30th so we will find out soon

>> No.35105687

>Releases an obviously half finished pricunny clone with no proper story segment, completely unbalaced unit power/rarity spread, and inhuman amount of dupes needed to keep up with the story levels
>Playstore still accepted it as a proper game and the whales are still whaling on it anyway

>> No.35105696

sounds great , which game

>> No.35105845

Funny how CyberAgent shilled it like the next best thing while pretending Uma didn't exist.

>> No.35105865 [SPOILER] 
File: 601 KB, 628x628, 1623048730943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35105867

uam musume is shit so they are right.

>> No.35105881

Holy based almighty.

>> No.35105977

Why do they look like rehashed Dragalia or World Flipper characters?

>> No.35106583

Which is more likely to succeed and last long as a game, Lapis or Idoly Pride?

>> No.35106615

None, the idol market is already heavily saturated, pure idols won't survive with im@s and LL still around, and wacky idols can't compete with Uma.

>> No.35106704

But among the two, which is the one that is more likely to last longer?

>> No.35106768

Luckbro from the PoE guild, are you still here?

Idoly maybe since Cyberagent went through the trouble of shilling it with an anime and everything. I don't know about "succeed" or "last long" but I doubt it'll die within a year unless it absolutely bombs.

>> No.35106864

Lapis also got an anime, problem is that it's been almost a year since it aired and there's still no sign of the game launching anytime soon.

>> No.35107673

No game can compete with uma anyway.

>> No.35107727

>What is Genshin Impact
Delusional bronies.

>> No.35107767
File: 606 KB, 1080x1920, 1623063631146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can horse shit even compete.

>> No.35108609

Get out of my general Chang.

>> No.35108909

Pretty boring design honestly.

>> No.35108931
File: 419 KB, 988x1219, 1620531124689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genshit chinkpact

>> No.35109012

3 (three) whole rolls, some stamina refills, and a weapon that probably is useless.
Bravo, miHoYo. Although I guess when your playerbase is that bottom-of-the-barrel it doesn't really matter.

>> No.35109261

is that event repeatable?

>> No.35114129

>No one can compete with uma shitsume
lel, horsefuckers actually believe that

>> No.35114247
File: 296 KB, 1429x799, 1620679853998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Everyone kneel to Honor of Kings CHAD.

>> No.35114367

Genshit Impact being dabbed on by Coin Master never stop being funny.

>> No.35114913

I wonder how much of it is yakuza money laundering.

>> No.35116892

>comparing a moba to a gacha
seems right

>> No.35117096

cyshit kneels against TENCENT

>> No.35119881

A game that can't compete with Uma

>> No.35119909


>> No.35119994
File: 243 KB, 1300x916, 1622103277734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Horseshit can't even beat the chinks
Honor of KANGS I kneel

>> No.35120853

It's already slowly losing steam.

>> No.35121751

>most grossing mobile game
>slowly losing steam
oh no those poor developers going to be real poor soon

>> No.35122504

No Mihoyo can't go poor , i won't allow it
they got cute girls in the office

>> No.35122571

>Ameba-kun to Cygames: So how long do you think Uma will be FOTM
>Cygames: 4 months
>6/24 it is then

>> No.35122592

Btw, apparently Uma season 2 bluray vol 1 just beat Eva as the best selling anime in history.

>> No.35123051

do you need to buy 5 copies of the bluray to max out the special bluray only support card that comes with it? cygames might be geniuses if so, that'd be some next level jewing.

>> No.35123080

oh so its like granblue, literally boosted sales and nothing special

>> No.35123107

yeah, just more cygames being cygames. it looks like there's even a compu reward for buying all 4 volumes?

>> No.35123123

no, the support cards are fully maxed out
>that said, the first volume's support card is so-so ish - apparently the 500 goddess statues are the value buy
3* uma (pick any uma, even unimplemented ones, to this August's gacha)

>> No.35123186

>no, the support cards are fully maxed out
damn, i was hoping they would go full jew here.

>3* uma (pick any uma, even unimplemented ones, to this August's gacha)
i can see why people are buying it. $400 is cheaper than having to buy a spark and you get the blurays and other goodies on top of it. looking at the first volume, buying it lets you watch the live viewing for a live and enters you into the lottery to see it in person so if you care about the series and are a dumb whale it has good "value".

>> No.35124232

Can't believe that /m/ is officially dead now

>> No.35124276

/m/ has been dead for years...

>> No.35131586

The price for anime blu-rays will never not be fucking retarded

>> No.35132256

Is PoE dead before 1st anniversary? Came back after 6 months break and saw my guild is dead

>> No.35132582

No, but it might die before its 2nd anniversary if they don't make some major changes throughout the year. There is nothing to do at endgame and most new pve content is tuned to your strength so it feels like there is nothing to prepare for, such as an endgame level boss or raid or something. It feels like they know they shot themselves in the foot with their retarded timegated systems so they've spent a few months doing absolutely nothing to let newer players catch up in power with the veterans. Hopefully there is a huge update or system revamp in the coming months because the game needs it.

>> No.35133260

That's a shame. I came back to wait for Ravi summer banner. Just hope she will come back before this game die.

>> No.35133328

I doubt they will do a rerun for her soon. Maybe in August if you are lucky.
In any case I already said this game won't die soon. If it does die it'll be around Spring of next year, assuming they change barely anything.

>> No.35139202
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, Screenshot_20210608-223545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waiting for exilium to drop :)

>> No.35139317

How long until the 22/7 game dies?

>> No.35144032

Another Uma victim

>> No.35145663

It's doing alright I think. Apparently they've found their niche by channeling the 3D idolfags just like WUG, they even put out a banner where you roll the irl seiyuu cards on the game and it was a big hit.

>> No.35155027

Nothing is worse than saving up lots of gems in a kusoge then they announced service closure so those gems are now mostly useless.

Games from certain companies like SE and Scamco also tends to be dead much faster although there are exceptions like PTD. I wonder why SE decided to completely kill Million Arthur or the original Grimms Notes

>> No.35155835
File: 3.57 MB, 1792x828, 41E01F1D-A1C7-4D63-810B-2DCD42DDABFA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I regret leaving the game now. How do I get this?

>> No.35156022

Was a login event exclusive skin to celebrate her winning the first popularity poll
Sorry anon

>> No.35156535

Time to leave again

>> No.35156542

Fucking hell, now I'm depressed.

>> No.35159957
File: 82 KB, 585x595, 1618216679521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Start up kusoge
>Do my 5 daily artifact runs
>They're all shit
>Start up another kusoge
>Do my 3 support runs
>They're all shit
>Start up kusoge
>Has free rolls so spend all my rolls
>They're all shit

I need better entertainment in my life because this is horrible. No wonder I end up feeling like shit after wasting so much time just to get shit on every day.

>> No.35160456

MA3 and 4 were just shit, 3 apparently died super fast in China where it was originally released. 2 was huge power creep after power creep every couple months or so for over a year so corona coming in probably doubled down on killing whale income. There's also some new chink project apparently with Perfect World involved. It'll probably be shit.

>> No.35162794
File: 315 KB, 1450x920, may revenue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's outdated btw, this is the most recent

>> No.35162900
File: 831 KB, 1200x1440, 1799765655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burned out already? Is this the best a raising sim could muster?

If you think that your life isn't miserable enough you can also try taking the MMO pill by side

>> No.35162919

Repeating the same shit over and over while praying RNG doesn't fuck you in the ass isn't the most thrilling experience for sure.

>> No.35162966

yeah, i burned out on that shit on granblue years ago, i don't need a new one with an even worse time efficiency now

>> No.35163297

>Honor chads still reign supreme
M-my knees are giving out!

>> No.35163933

Is Alchemy Stars going to be any good?

>> No.35163993

we ask this question every time , for every game.
and the answer is always the same

>> No.35164583

>T7S movie rip is out

>> No.35164836

Is Robyn guaranteed in the first Alchemy Stars gacha site roll?

>> No.35165385


>> No.35166075


>> No.35166160


>> No.35166328

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.35166358

I'm not certain.

>> No.35166396
File: 68 KB, 1200x514, E0NSsQXVoAYGEKd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who used to play CUE here? Could someone identify who the girl in the helmet is?

>> No.35167470

Rio Isuzu. Chief manager and the player character's direct superior IIRC

>> No.35167494


>> No.35174121

>Best scenario for CUE:
The anime is indeed used to promote its remake similar to Cyan, maybe followed by some sort of collab with the company's other expendables (most likely >>35068578) to rile up the old players and squeeze more audience for the anime.
>Worst case scenario:

>> No.35175626

Imagine trying to relaunch your game in the Uma era.

>> No.35176080

Can't wait for a thousand Chinese horse raising sims to show up in the coming months.

>> No.35176841

There wont be any because the gameplay dogshit, uma shitsume wont be a trendsetter like Honkai.

>> No.35177092

I still don't get why they closed their game in the first place.

>> No.35177528

Thanks. I was thinking it was Haruna but the hair color and hairstyle seemed off.

>> No.35177831

There may be a niche for lewder horses and the ones they couldn't put in the game.

>> No.35178453

Honkai has influenced nothing. It's nothing.

>> No.35179612

Cope horsefucker

>> No.35181486

Idk anon, I don't think that the chinese (or any other asian countries, really) held their horses in the same regard as the japanese unlike...you know, military equipment or botes.

>> No.35182332

Anyone trying the ni no kuni game but its in gook? Even if I set it to nip in the app settings its still in gook.

>> No.35187908

Horse Racing is pretty big in Hong Kong.
And it's not like the chinks absolutely pitiful navy hasn't stopped them from pumping out bote slut games.

>> No.35188511

Game had terrible gameplay, even the devs knew that. So they took it down to improve the gameplay. Having to take it down means that the change they intend to make has to be pretty big. Hopefully it becomes a rhythm game. Maybe another Chunithm clone.

>> No.35191312

>Game had terrible gameplay

>> No.35192667

Lessons: set up team of 4, let it automatically run
Recording: same thing (although you can skip to results)
And that's literally it. Team setup was the most you'd get as gameplay outside of last year's April Fool's minigame, which had far more gameplay than anything else.

>> No.35192703

April Fool's minigame?

>> No.35194444
File: 30 KB, 274x308, 18997776777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another "gaijlns cannnot comprehend raising sims" episode

>> No.35194752

What game is in danger of dying?

>> No.35194770


>> No.35194853

Ashy Arm.

>> No.35194904

You control Rio riding a bicycle over a bunch of slopes and the aim is to travel as long of a distance as possible without crash landing. I'm pretty sure there's a name for this kind of gameplay but I can't remember what it's called.

Raising sims with no other kind of gameplay have next to no place in the current market without some kind of strong backing, which CUE clearly lacked. Even the devs knew this.

>> No.35194911

Oh yeah and the minigame was called Cy-CUE-ling or something.

>> No.35194947

Blue Archive

>> No.35194991

Didn't CUE get shilled a lot?

>> No.35195051

All of them.

>> No.35195705

Nowhere as much as you think it was.

>> No.35196229

Anything that isn't Umas

>> No.35201142

Why does art look like it's from kyoani

>> No.35202950

The stickman flash motocross?

>> No.35207626

I used to play 2 and it was pretty fun back then.
It was a rare case of somewhat successful sequel too.

>> No.35209674
File: 168 KB, 1500x500, tehrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pride of Eden is holding its 1 year anniversary campaign on the 15th. Apparently there will be login bonuses for 7 days including a free 10 roll daily.
Also pic-related, Fourze, who was teased in the last livestream, is the new limited for anniversary. Seems like your good ol' fashioned "loli but also a hag" kind of character. There is also a non-limited going on rate up as well but she looks like a dyke.
Rin, the panda girl with guns from half-anniversary, will also be available in Fourze's gacha (return of the 5% SSR rates gacha). Rin will also be available for pity target.
I reckon with the free daily 10 rolls and 5% rates it'll be the best time to reroll if anyone's interested in trying out the game. However the free daily 10 rolls may be limited to only the standard banner and not 5% rate one, since that's what they did during half-anniversary when we got free daily 10 rolls there.

>> No.35211922

>2 new characters.
Damn. At least I'm ready with my 95k gems.

>> No.35212823

