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File: 170 KB, 1018x1208, transparentskirtwhataslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3474925 No.3474925 [Reply] [Original]

They just keep making the King sluttier and sluttier, don't they?

>> No.3474927

Fuck off!

>> No.3474936

That's how you do a mainstream appeal.

>> No.3474938

How about let's not?

>> No.3474939

But FSN is already mainstream

>> No.3474941


>> No.3474947

Who's the girl in the center.

>> No.3474954

Magical Amber rip-off

>> No.3474971

That's TM's interpretation of Anonymous.

>> No.3474983

Whose bright idea was it to give Seiba breasts?

>> No.3474990

Not everybody is such a fagget like you, Chris-fag

>> No.3474991

God that catgirl, could her design be any more generic?

>> No.3474998

I like breasts. Just not on my seiba.

>> No.3474999

She always had them, they're just weren't very big. (Still aren't, they're just being propped up with the tops uncovered)

>> No.3475000

Can a catgirl be not generic?

>> No.3475012

So were is the scan from?
Are there more?

>> No.3475017

Look at Saber's shoulder puffs.

>> No.3475019
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Anonymous, I am disappoint.

>> No.3475030

So is Archer the only one in the game who doesn't get remodeled?

And who is the "cat"? I am guessing Caster but I have no idea, it could be a new character for all I know.

>> No.3475038

She always had them.
She now pushes and forces a cleavage.

>> No.3475044
File: 302 KB, 243x317, 1254412969881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it could be a new character for all I know
No, it's that preexisting foxgirl character from F/sn.

Geez, Anonymous, how could you forget about her?

>> No.3475046

So basically they wanted her to be "Sexier".

At least they didn't turn her into a hooker, like Rin.

>> No.3475051

What's Hooker like about Rin?
Just changed footwear.

>> No.3475054
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>> No.3475056
File: 24 KB, 179x480, QYZ9TED993z5xEIoHy7Zs3E937472Ajn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a slut.

>> No.3475057

If you look closely the entire outfit is different. Look at the ends of her sleeves.

>> No.3475063
File: 940 KB, 2218x3018, up401157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess I'll post the images for those who haven't seen them yet.

>> No.3475064

I don't know, but I guess that the fox could be Caster just as much as Tron could be Lancer.

>> No.3475065

God even when they buff up Lancer they still use Archer in all the pictures instead of him.

>> No.3475067
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>> No.3475068
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>> No.3475070

If it's a Caster, it's not Medea.

Just like I refuse to believe that new Rider is Medusa.

>> No.3475071

I, for one, prefer this over the original if she won't be adding the plates that the original had. I liked them on the Alter and Lily forms, but never the original.

>> No.3475072
File: 26 KB, 193x480, GSbuuucta79Fq6c8xyCJC466i72RX334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3475077
File: 24 KB, 178x479, tW28x4bd5z9fBPP3i4i836rQ3m1E5V95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone believe the new Rider is Medusa?

>> No.3475078

Do not want.

>> No.3475076 [DELETED] 

These messages will continue day and night until the DDoS attacks of AT stop completely.
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WiJ9 Eycg 6ANmVZlRvdzTdrP5j 3ITT Isz

>> No.3475079

Shut up, our delicious female protagonist is not a slut.

>> No.3475080
File: 28 KB, 183x479, bWH454qQ31PzHeuDZ63HHHMBE4RmXqQO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3475082
File: 77 KB, 480x272, YbPkNU72Jc52ON81R56G634dA1g3XZX5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaaand screenshots

>> No.3475084

HOLY SHIT Rin's clothes look like latex tights.

>> No.3475087
File: 70 KB, 480x272, eVV9d7rEB34c492w4C77FkEp7N4jTbVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3475093
File: 71 KB, 480x272, POh3oKHZ8e2zX7ZBgyv1yd436lZqLriZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sword is weird.

>> No.3475107

Exactly. She's become a full-fledged whore.

>> No.3475122

It's not so much whorish, as...weird.
While the clothes are similar, this design makes her look like a Genki girl.

>> No.3475123

I think I'm a clone now~

That's not Excalibur.

>> No.3475132

3x Faster

>> No.3475188

what the fuck is up with saber see-trough skirt? Wasn't she supposed to look manlier because everyone though arthur was a man? Nows she's just LOOK AT MA BOOBS and transparent skirt

>> No.3475191

What the hell is this? Why are they so ugly?

>> No.3475195

If you assume the characters and setting are exactly the same, then you are a retard.
It's obvious there is a fucking different direction, not just in designs.

>> No.3475197

rin looks like those gothic characters with DEM LIPS

>> No.3475199



>> No.3475210

Maybe she isn't King Arthur anymore?

>> No.3475215

Yeah, they mentioned on the site that this isn't an add-on to F/sn, this is a complete different universe F/sn.

>> No.3475356

dat fox...

>> No.3475364


Which should surprise nobody since even the original game was three different universes and Hollow Ataraxia added two more.

This must happen in some kind of a slut universe, let's call it Sluttiverse. As evidence I offer Saber's see-through skirt and Rin's vinyl thigh-high boots.

>> No.3475378

Ironically, the Sluttiverse will have the least amount of sex.

>> No.3475385

So we now know Archer can also wallow in alternate universes.
Who will he try to kill this time ?

>> No.3475398

Archer still looks the same though, I wonder why.
Perhaps they couldn't think of anything to change, and I really want to see how Gilgamesh looks.
If he is in the game at all that is

>> No.3475407

"Complete different universe" as in it's not the canon Nasuverse. It's separate and doesn't necessarily play by the same rules.

>> No.3475420

I don't really see how we could improve on Archer's design. He really looks fucking cool as is.

>> No.3475421

i don't care, she looks like a fucking slut, my seibaaaaaaaa

>> No.3475426

I bet this is Joan of Arc saber.
Only Archer and maybe Lancer are the same.

>> No.3475432

We already saw Lancer.
He looks weird now.

>> No.3475436

I approve of this change.

>> No.3475443

Joan of Arc, confirmed for slut.

>> No.3475444
File: 558 KB, 1500x1500, 1246073350284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternate Archer.

>> No.3475446

Hero-Background wise, not shining body armor.
Perhaps his runes are prominent now.

>> No.3475449

Servant Sentai SaberRanger

>> No.3475452


I hope he can do a warp spasm now, you gotta have a warp spasm if you have Cu Chulainn.

>> No.3475456

Whos that catgirl?

>> No.3475464

She's a fox. And we don't know.

>> No.3475473

well i hope shes a heroic spirit of some sort

>> No.3475480 [DELETED] 

These messages will continue day and night until the DDoS attacks of AT stop completely.
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Stop DDoSing AT.
Stop DDoSing AT. There WILL be consequences a la weeks of downtime for you. Remember last time? Did you enjoy not being able to access your retarded shithole? No? Then stay the hell away from us and go fuck with somebody else. (AT = www + dot + anon + talk + dot + com.)

g 8hWqB9OM b66UQg8 hb K2XUE RYOOhPF vviusAim5ns L tY

>> No.3475494

The first warp-spasm seized Cúchulainn, and made him into a monstrous thing, hideous and shapeless, unheard of. His shanks and his joints, every knuckle and angle and organ from head to foot, shook like a tree in the flood or a reed in the stream. His body made a furious twist inside his skin, so that his feet and shins switched to the rear and his heels and calves switched to the front... On his head the temple-sinews stretched to the nape of his neck, each mighty, immense, measureless knob as big as the head of a month-old child... he sucked one eye so deep into his head that a wild crane couldn't probe it onto his cheek out of the depths of his skull; the other eye fell out along his cheek. His mouth weirdly distorted: his cheek peeled back from his jaws until the gullet appeared, his lungs and his liver flapped in his mouth and throat, his lower jaw struck the upper a lion-killing blow, and fiery flakes large as a ram's fleece reached his mouth from his throat... The hair of his head twisted like the tange of a red thornbush stuck in a gap; if a royal apple tree with all its kingly fruit were shaken above him, scarce an apple would reach the ground but each would be spiked on a bristle of his hair as it stood up on his scalp with rage.

>> No.3475508

I think this is actually a good possibility.

>> No.3475513

but those should things didn't exist in Arthurian time!

>> No.3475520

Hate to break it to you, but boobs always existed.

>> No.3475525
File: 2.75 MB, 1911x1400, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be cool to see the guy rage.

>> No.3475526

I'm glad they kept lancer as Chu he really is the best lancer ever.

>> No.3475530

Totally didn't.
Show me conclusive evidence that breasts were invented before the 18th century !

>> No.3475531


Maybe Nasu broke his "no Japanese heroic spirits" rule and added Tamamo-no-Mae.

>> No.3475534

hell thats a legend that doesn't even need eroticizing.

>> No.3475535

Nasu isn't making this, he's just supervising it.

>> No.3475537

Cave paintings have huge memes on their stick figures.

>> No.3475548

Most legends don't.
Unless they are for Christianfags, like Roland's.

>> No.3475554

The shoulder tassle's didn't come into prominent existence till Elizabethan times, also not a king thing at all.

>> No.3475559

They do for type moon. Hell medusa's got completely revamped.

>> No.3475561

>Nasu isn't making this
Holy shit, so we're getting an actual writer to write shit in Nasu's universe?

>> No.3475566

Arthur legend is an anachronistic, out of place setting. No biggie.
No, it didn't.
Just combined different versions.
Greek legends are not kiddy stuff.

>> No.3475569

That's fiction. Fiction doesn't mean shit.

>> No.3475570

It cam be Good like Zero, or really bad.

>> No.3475571

It's shit right?

>> No.3475573

I feel like a bad TMfag for being happy about that.

>> No.3475578

Speaking of slut, is Sakura confirmed ?
Considering her role in the story and Rin's presence, she should be in this as well.

>> No.3475581

it also removed the most important and sultry parts but whatever.

>> No.3475582

Recognizing the pros and cons of the creative team is what a good fan does.

>> No.3475586

Actual rape and countless attempts?
In HA.

>> No.3475587

Medusa's was pretty accurate, other than the details about her sisters, which were tacked on because apparently three gorgons are better than one. Stheno and Euryale did pretty much nothing worthwhile other than being gorgons some dick hero isn't allowed to kill, anyway. That's like having a girlfriend who doesn't put out, what's the point?

>> No.3475590

Doesn't take place in Nasu's universe, either.

>> No.3475591

The fact that they were for all purposes IMMORTAL(signified in TM with them being unaging lolis) puts a hamper on the KILLING.

>> No.3475592

Nasuniverse is a multiverse, you're living on of his stories actually.

>> No.3475594


There were three gorgons in the Hesiodos version of the myth.

>> No.3475611

Sorry to disappint.
Nasu is the scenario supervisor.

>> No.3475618

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. What's the point of the other two if someone can't go ahead and kill them for no reason? That's what happens to all monsters over in Greece, making them immortal is a cockblock.

>> No.3475629


Shinji seems to be an optional ally, so I don't think there'll be a Sakura here.

>> No.3475631

So, what exactly -is- this?

>> No.3475637

I could actually relay a fucking thesis from one of the most respected people who analyze the Greek myths on what it symbolizes, but let's just stick with the universal 'Even in those legends, humans have certain limitations and stations on what they can do and are allowed'.
Medusa was the Gorgon exception after all, not the norm.

>> No.3475640

New Rider is Amelia Earhart.
This would be wierd.

>> No.3475644

But not the scenario writer.

>> No.3475647

You saved his life in UBW as well, so I don't really the alliance means anything, also he's still our faggy Shinji, most likely he'll just backstab you at some point.

>> No.3475648

Again, this is a separate universe. Her "role" might not even exist.

>> No.3475679

Or if you're the female, he'll rape you.

>> No.3475693

Final Boss = Emiya Shirou

>> No.3475694

I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to be the slut.

>> No.3475706

Shirou doesn't exist.

>> No.3475715

Speak for yourself. I wish to feel the pleasure of being cummed inside.

>> No.3475716

Fuck, I need to place a preorder.

>> No.3475724

Archer exists, that's more than enough for me.

Kotomine summons Emiya: is this awesome y/y

>> No.3475732

Archer can be anybody. This is game a clean slate.

>> No.3475742

Not gonna lie, if they use Archer Emiya's design and call it somebody else I'll be pretty pissed.

>> No.3475744

it could even be saber! oh wait no it can't

>> No.3475750

He didn't write Fate/zero either you know.

>> No.3475756

What about Saber? Would you be pissed if they made her someone else?

>> No.3475768

F/Z was written by fucking Urobuchi.
I doubt this game is.

>> No.3475786

Honestly, I think it's just another alternate universe Arturia who had something slightly different happen in her timeline.

I think Saber Lily had a canon excuse where she was accepted as a queen and never had to pose as the king, and that eliminated the majority of her conflict. But that's only something I've read here so it's taken with a grain of salt.

Something similar will happen for Red Saber, I imagine. It could also simply be a redesigned Saber.

But if it's say, Joan of Arc and she looks just like Saber except for a different dress... I'll be a little pissed I guess.

>> No.3475792

There is no canon Saber lily, she is just a costume.

>> No.3475795


Not that anon, but this saber has a slightly different design and a different noble phantasm. If she isn't Arthur, no problem.

Archer looks identical to the actual Archer though, if he isn't Emiya it's a big cop out.

>> No.3475806

Yeah so?

If you're the poster I first quoted then you said this
>Holy shit, so we're getting an actual writer to write shit in Nasu's universe?

Saying it as if Nasu has written everything. I pointed out that he haven't.

>> No.3475880
File: 192 KB, 560x685, TM wrestling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody needs to make this real. It would be far more interesting.

>> No.3475931

Only because we get to see Luvia's sexy body in all its glory.

>> No.3475996

fap fap fap

>> No.3475998

I like red dress Saber better than the original.

>> No.3476015

I demand a male nasuverse wrestling league.

Berserker vs Kouma.

>> No.3476020

How dare you fap to such a refined young lady.

>> No.3476022

Berserker is the Kane to Koumas Undertaker.

>> No.3476228
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>> No.3476255
File: 19 KB, 419x352, eddie_guerrero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when I cheated on Wrestlemania 20?
I died of laughter.

>> No.3476264

Berserker vs Kouma wouldn't be a fight though. It'd be like when Armstrong met Izumi's husband in Fullmetal Alchemist.

>> No.3476275

' "BURN" this awesome sight into your eyes' indeed.

>> No.3476280

Saber = Sigurd
sword = Gram

>> No.3476302

As we Gram has already appeared in F/SN, and did not look like that, I'd say the odds are slim.
Hell for all we know if could just be random equipable items. How that makes sense is beyond me but still.

>> No.3476307

They wouldn't DARE to genderbend him.

>> No.3476317

That's not a very good design. It's leaving a giant area of unprotected flesh open.

>> No.3476320

They make it into an RPG. Aka, you need stat or skills progression and more than a couple enemies.
The setting will provide it it. This is not normal F/SN.

>> No.3476340

No Medusa? What is this bullshit.

>> No.3476370
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>> No.3476462

They would charge each other and headbutt. After a moment of complete silence and stillness, they would then shake hands and go their separate ways. Without getting a scratch.

>> No.3476549

This is an engraving of Kishima "The Red Lion" Kouma and Hercules "The Berserker." Kishima is headbutting Hercules. They are smiling.

>> No.3476567

I'd bet good money that Rider is Aife and that she eventually ditches Shinji to get hot dickings from Lancer again.

>> No.3476586

That sounds so awesome. It better happen.

>> No.3476593


>> No.3476600
File: 73 KB, 924x693, 1245093777614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best Saber

>> No.3476601

Have we seen Sabers new Armor?

what's it look like?

Is it just a recolor of her regular one?

>> No.3476604

Why should they?

>> No.3476608

Look at the screenshots.

She fights in her dress.

>> No.3476642

Man, i can't wait to see your reaction when they reveal they changed her true identity.

>> No.3476663


If her true identity was different, shouldn't her face and body change?

>> No.3476678

She apparently looks enough like Jeanne d'Arc that stalkers can't tell the difference between the two.

>> No.3477000

Maybe they're secretly related somehow.

>> No.3477062

Her body did change, in the chest area.

>> No.3477075

Not really no.
Learn to angles, clothing etc.

>> No.3477124

Kind of makes me wonder what TM's interpretation of her would look like.

>> No.3477332

So who does Bruce Boxleixner voice?

>> No.3477366

Archer is better proportioned at least, I remember those HUEG shoulders.

>> No.3477384

So..what game is this?

>> No.3477387

newfriend alert

>> No.3477394

Do you think we'll be able to summon Assasin? If so will it be true assasin or something else?

>> No.3477397

Toned shoulders and upper build, fitting of a blacksmith.

>> No.3477398

I still think if Shiro is in the game he should be Archer's master.

>> No.3477401

Odds are, it'd be a shota.

>> No.3477418

I don't care if that's just wiki copy-pasting.
But... Bravo.
It would be nice to see warp spasm'd Chulainn

>> No.3477428

And then Shirou was killed in his sleep.

>> No.3477502

So why are you all hangng out in /a/?
The place is awful
I checked the front page to see if there was anything troll worthy on the first page before going to sleep.
Lame escuse, I know
And there it is on the front page, a fate/extra thread with over 200 posts.
Does /a/ actually read VNs or are /jp/ hanging out in /a/ on a regular basis?

>> No.3477509

naah because he'd summon happy post ubw archer who is all bro. Then he and lancer would beat the shit out of you and you'd go out for drinks afterward.

>> No.3477513

/a/ does read vns.
And if you check the topics, they mostly get their shit wrong.
I saw someone explaining F/SN mechanics while admitting 'I have not read Heaven's Feel, read wiki entries'.
It's quite funny.

>> No.3477530

>>I saw someone explaining F/SN mechanics while admitting 'I have not read Heaven's Feel, read wiki entries'.

The entire TM fanbase used to do that years ago, I always found that sort of attitude very retarded personally.

>> No.3477547

It's one thing for untranslated or SIDE material, but trying to explain it without seeing how is it applied?
Funny thing is, the ones who do know and post sometimes are ignored or called idiots.
