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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 389 KB, 1050x1515, [SaHa] Kodomo no Jikan Ch.53 - 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3457575 No.3457575 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3457583
File: 4 KB, 210x168, coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when I read this doujin after a long time skipping

>> No.3457584

4th grader not wearing a bra: Serious problem.
4th grader attempting to blow you: Comedic moment.

Still cute, not pedo, right?

>> No.3457595

But this isn't a doujin.

>> No.3457596

try again.

>> No.3457598

This isn't a doujin though

>> No.3457624
File: 138 KB, 831x1200, 23-ABRON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so butthurt?

>> No.3457631


>> No.3457644
File: 26 KB, 268x312, trollcompleted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3457653

Why is that penis invisible?

>> No.3457658

Why is pedophilia still not a politically correct crime, like murder or theft?

>> No.3457665

Fucking children is normally frowned upon in most civilized countries.

>> No.3457668

I'll make sure to remember to frown should you ever fuck a child in front of me.

>> No.3457670
File: 17 KB, 350x263, bubb_rubb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot your pic.

>> No.3457677 [DELETED] 

Well, that sucks. Fell behind a bit and now all the /rs/ links are dead.

>> No.3457674

Most civilized countries also stock weapons which could wipe out entire metropolitan areas and offer no added defense at all.

>> No.3457675

I know, I just ask why it is frowned upon more than, say, murder.

>> No.3457679

Every time I see this image, it looks like Souichirou attempting to use the Snake.

>> No.3457683

Possibly for the same reason that converting out of Islam warrants execution at best in Islamic countries.

>> No.3457696
File: 23 KB, 350x263, bubb_rubb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3457704

You *can't* convert out of Islam as far as they're concerned.

>> No.3457709
File: 461 KB, 1000x2000, 5149375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, let us compare blind religious zealot behavior with common sense. A child is simply not mentally or physically prepared for this kind of experiences, and none of your pseudo-science or bullshit can prove otherwise.

>> No.3457725

Which is what brings me back to my question: taking a person's life is much worse and much more immoral than breaking a prepubescent girl's hymen, so why is the first sometimes even used in the media as a sign of "coolness", but the second is such a social taboo?

>> No.3457727

Define "child".

>> No.3457734

>taking a person's life is ... immoral
No. Dead people don't suffer.

>> No.3457738

Haha, you pedos are hilarious.

Killing is bad too, mmkay?

Mature body, mature mind, an adult. Otherwise, pretty much a child, like certain overgrown man-children who infest this board.

>> No.3457748

>Hurr durr

>> No.3457753

>Mature body, mature mind, an adult. Otherwise, pretty much a child

So before having sex with anyone, you have to go to a specialist and have them test if she has a "mature body and mind"?

What about mentally handicapped?

>> No.3457754
File: 46 KB, 300x297, 752492_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an example of a man-child. Notice the neckbeard, as it is common in its species.

>> No.3457755

Yep, the time when normalbros come home and shit up the board.

>> No.3457761
File: 75 KB, 595x842, 1232523620230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh... Every day



>> No.3457762
File: 186 KB, 1346x1181, WRen-Is-That-So.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't have a beard of any kind.

Why so "just back from school," anonymous?

>> No.3457763

Excuse me, but what are you doing fucking retarded kids? Care to explain that?

>> No.3457769

Not denying being a man-child. That is good. Acceptance is the first step towards a cure.

>> No.3457770

Nullifying a human being's everything, his knowledge, his emotions, his experiences, his memories of all the years he has lived, bringing sadness to even one person who had feelings for him and cast it away as "not suffering" sounds pretty immoral to me.

>> No.3457771

I guess someone that's 26, and has a mental handicap, is a kid, too.



>> No.3457775

We're talking about retarded adults, not retarded kids.
People with a mature body, but not a "mature mind".

Also, if the problem is the mental preparedness of a kid, why would it need a "mature body" if is "mentally prepared". You do know that some people never grow a "mature body", right?

>> No.3457778

There's no need to deny an accusation so patently untrue and spiteful. You're less of a human being just because you typed it and clicked "submit."

>> No.3457779


>> No.3457782

>Nullifying a human being's ... emotions
>not suffering
Yes, this seems consistent. Where's the problem?

>> No.3457783
File: 1.05 MB, 2957x2153, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ren, it seems you took this entirely the wrong way. Care to share with the group about your feelings towards your mother, and women in general?

>> No.3457795
File: 67 KB, 557x392, 1229938036691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3457798

The problem is, you didn't ask the person in question if he wanted this nullification. You can't give an excuse that "he didn't suffer".

>> No.3457803

>you didn't ask the person in question if he wanted this nullification
But there's no problem, because he clearly doesn't not want it. That's the beautiful thing about nullification.

>> No.3457807
File: 58 KB, 600x450, 1236654457575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright OP, I just read that chp. Can you explain to me what just happened. Did she really just touch/lick his dick or was she touching the air?

>> No.3457810

My underlying point is my disagreement with the generally accepted belief that any action involving a penis is violent, the instigator (owner of penis) is an aggressor, and the person receiving it (actor utilizing penis in a certain way) is a victim, no matter the level of intimacy and consent.

You own a vagina and you can do whatever you want with it. Fuck all, using a vagina is a holy act in some people's eyes. Own a penis in today's society and you might as well just accept being viewed by a lot of people as a potential sexual predator just waiting to be unchained.

If some woman fucked a retarded guy in his 20's, society would think he was the luckiest son of a bitch alive. If some guy fucked a retarded girl in her 20's, society would say that there needs to be some law against it.

Double standard also exists with female teachers that get their male students' rocks off. Everyone dreams of that, and it's almost a kind of erotic cliche.

Then you have some male teacher hook up with a high-school girl consensually, and everyone wants to vilify and castrate him.

Good job, world.

>> No.3457815

I'd propose the argument "put yourself in the victim's place" but I get a feeling you'll emo out of it, so no.

Instead, I'll say that it is immoral anyway, according to the moral code of the western world. If we go by that, can you answer my first question?

>> No.3457838

>"put yourself in the victim's place"
So all of my emotions and thoughts are nullified, meaning I have no opinion. ...What's your point?

>the moral code of the western world
says that sexing up the kiddies is worse than murder. If I can't argue with baseless nonsense, neither can you.

>> No.3457841

Ren, ever heard of vaginal bleeding? Something akin to being pummeled in the guts repeatedly, which is commonly found in raped women. Now imagine something larger beating your guts. That is what happens when a child is abused, be it a boy or a girl.

>> No.3457845

I want to fuck your sister.

>> No.3457849

[citation needed]

>> No.3457851

Except if his size is laughable, probably the first.

>> No.3457854

Amen brother.

>> No.3457857

>So all of my emotions and thoughts are nullified
And do you want that to happen, just before they pull the trigger against you?
>says that...
I never asked you its content, I merely questioned its reason. Stop avoiding the main question.

>> No.3457858

Rape is rape. It doesn't matter if it's a guy doing it through sheer force or a woman doing it through subversion/drugs.

We shouldn't extrapolate that men are worse because they are owners of the horrid, demonic rape stick and then say that anything a man does is evil with it.

>> No.3457861

repeat this in red, "Murder is worse then Rape!"

>> No.3457864

>And do you want that to happen, just before they pull the trigger against you?
Why would I even be thinking about it? Do I have ESP to tell me that blind spot of mine way up on that rooftop over there is concealing a sniper who is about to blow my brains out?

>> No.3457868

>I merely questioned its reason.
And yet you won't allow me to do the same. You do the math.

>> No.3457875


Take a good read.

Once again, your focus is on the demonizing of men. The issue here is not that men are all evil monsters, but that a young child's body is ill suited for this. Do we understand each other, or are you going to be on denial for a while longer?

>> No.3457881

So, you're saying you wouldn't mind, or better that you would want someone to blow your brains out?
Are you talking about murder or rape/pedophilia here? Because I was talking about the latter.

>> No.3457883

That doesn't have anything to do with children.

>> No.3457886

I never said anything about young children? Maybe?

>> No.3457887

Everybody knows how badly evolution has hurt human women, you don't have to keep stating it.

>> No.3457890

>So, you're saying you wouldn't mind
Exactly. Torturing me beforehand (threatening to kill someone at gunpoint would be a form of psychological torture), on the other hand, would be reprehensible.

>Are you talking about murder or rape/pedophilia here?
Are you implying one is subject to logic while the other is beyond it?

>> No.3457912

>Everybody knows how badly evolution has hurt human women

Say what?

>> No.3457921

k, can't argue if that's your opinion, I personally wouldn't like it if someone was on a rooftop, waiting to pop a bullet in my head, though.

>Are you implying one is subject to logic while the other is beyond it?
Not really.

>> No.3457926

When a species becomes self aware, they discover the joys of hurting others. Human males are attracted to females that are easy to hurt.

>> No.3457931

No. It is an indisputable fact.

>> No.3457932

If someone goes to sleep planning to kill you, you wake up earlier than them and kill them first.

>> No.3457951

We wouldn't have this problem if pedophiles could simply go about raping fictional children.

>> No.3457958

Pedophiles would never rape children.

>> No.3457965
File: 422 KB, 1000x1000, 5726452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3457969

>implying a pedophile and a child molester are the same thing

>> No.3457970

That was running along the assumption that most children (pre-pubescent) aren't old enough to be able to make a proper, informed, non-manipulated decision about having sex (and therefore cannot give legal consent, making it rape)

>> No.3457979

Law and reality have been at odds since the beginning.

>> No.3457981

Why don't you let someone kill you then, atleast let the sick fucks have some fun.

What was that? No? Hypocrit.

>> No.3457986

I've thought about it before before I went to sleep once and another time when I was walking the road: "I wouldn't like it if someone killed me now, I have lots of things I still want to do, and lots of others I still want to share with others before I die. If I were to die now, I wouldn't get the chance to do either" This thought makes me believe that it's not a fact and, in fact, not all people want to be killed as long as it is so spontaneous they won't notice.

>> No.3458020

>Why don't you let someone kill you then
If someone wanted to kill me, they could easily just shoot me through my window right now. I couldn't stop them. Apparently, no one is interested.

By the way, you can't even spell hypocrite, so I'd be more than happy to kill you. Address?

And a basic, logical argument just flew way over your head. Way to go.

>> No.3458048

>And a basic, logical argument just flew way over your head. Way to go.
Mind to explain it for me?

>> No.3458057


Goddammit, are you dense?

>> No.3458064

/jp/ - just pedos

>> No.3458071
File: 35 KB, 439x700, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually enjoy this kind of troll. It feels kinda like the sophists in ancient Athens.

>> No.3458095
File: 37 KB, 400x600, 1159686636829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in ancient Athens

>> No.3458103

Probably samefag. But I enjoy talking down to my inferiors, so I'll explain anyway.

The morality of killing has nothing to do with the individual killed. Death is not a process (though there are processes which end in it), but instantaneous. The opinion of the "victim" is irrelevant, because they cannot perceive the moment of their death or anything beyond--they do not have the ability to care either way.

Desires never factor in because they do not exist once the act has been committed. Period.

>> No.3458138

I read this thread and i have no idea what the fuck is going on here.
Can we post more lolis please?

>> No.3458141

Regarding the victim's point of view, I agree. But, my point(and my original question) is elsewhere. How about regarding the rest of the society, which, after all, will be the one affected by the victim's loss and is our primary concern here? I bet you can't say it won't matter for those losing the person killed or that they won't question the murderer's morals?

Also >>3458057
is not me.

>> No.3458143

Jeet Christ!

>> No.3458152

Of course it makes sense now! They raped the women who were already raped to make sure they had vaginal injuries!

>> No.3458170

Wish you'd get raped. Haha, just kidding.

Psyche! I'm actually not kidding at all.

>> No.3458175

>The morality of killing has nothing to do with the individual killed. Death is not a process (though there are processes which end in it), but instantaneous.
Says who?
>The opinion of the "victim" is irrelevant, because they cannot perceive the moment of their death or anything beyond
Says who?

>--they do not have the ability to care either way.
Says who?

>Desires never factor in because they do not exist once the act has been committed.
Says who?

Fact is, you know nothing, and this is just what you believe.

>> No.3458183

I think you mean "sike".

>> No.3458184

There's two things in life; fact and belief. Yeah, and you best believe that I just rolled a leaf.

>> No.3458187

>How about regarding the rest of the society...
The person is going to die sometime either way. If the people who "lose" the "victim" can't handle death, they were fucked from the beginning.

>> No.3458198

Nah, /jp/ is into the pseudo-intellectual mode, the thread is derailed for good.

The thing with these threads is that everyone tries too hard to force their opinions on the others, no one gets convinced and everyone leaves the thread with the exact same beliefs and points of view as they entered. Saged, reported and hidden because nothing good will ever come out of this discussion.

also not /jp/ related.

>> No.3458201

This, except in reverse.

>> No.3458208

We're all fucked from the beginning, mate. It's the human condition.

>> No.3458213

In that case, it is only my belief that any of you exist at all, so I might as well just rape and torture you since I have no proof.

I don't believe anything, Sophist Solipsist-san.

>> No.3458234

If you have no beliefs you might as well be dead.

>> No.3458235

Sooo.... why is fucking children frowned upon in civilized countries again?

>> No.3458240

I don't know. I mean, it's just sex. Not some horrible physical torture. Chances are the "victim" probably even enjoyed it.

>> No.3458243

Because witch hunt

Every generation has theirs

>> No.3458249

Possibly because you fondle your minuscule member at night.

Just throwing that out there, folks.

>> No.3458259

The funny thing is, if you fuck a girl that is 17 years old or 17 years and a half old you are still considered a child molester like some guy who raped a 10 year old.
You even get on that liste if you are 18 and take a nude picture of your 17 year old girlfriend.
That is fucked up.

>> No.3458260

You could say that. But dying takes effort and is, by definition, not fun, so I can't be bothered to kill myself.

For the same reason that parents try to scare off the boys who want to go out with their teenage daughters.

>> No.3458270

>everyone leaves with the exact same beliefs and points of view as they entered.
I've never seen any sort of discussion on politics, religion, or any other controversial topic that ever resulted in a of change of opinion.

>> No.3458271

Sounds legit enough for me.

>> No.3458273

Haha yeah, that's really funny mate.

Actually; that's not funny at all. Vulgar does not equal funny.

>> No.3458277

When i was 20 i fucked a girl and found out the next day that she was onoly 15.
Greatest shock of my life, you can't tell how old they are these days, they look like fucking 20 and are only 15 or so.

>> No.3458283

Hm, yeah - not!!!

>> No.3458337

That's because changes of opinion usually happen after the argument ends and the involved parties have a while to think about it.

>> No.3458397

>I've never seen any sort of discussion on politics, religion, or any other controversial topic that ever resulted in a of change of opinion.
I've got a hypothesis that such things aren't observed because doing so would be an admission of being flawed in the original opinion, and people can't take that. Not on the internet. Especially not while anonymous. Someone might LOL at them through the tubes.

On a related note, I've personally observed some rather intense arguments where both sides were correct. Their "moral differences" were entirely a result of having differing definitions for basic terms, so each side thought the other had an amoral view when they would have ACTED in identical fashions if placed in a situation that tested the disputed issue. Language can cloud understanding just as easily as it can impart it, because language is unique to every individual. Luckily, we can test this right here and now with one of the issues at hand- Has anyone here ever intentionally acted to end another person's life, and if so, what was the circumstance under which it was done? A simple yes or no will suffice, and any accounts should be kept strictly factual.

(That's a "no" in my case.)

>> No.3458487

For once, I actually agree with this faggot tripfag.

That doesn't make what he state any less creepy, given this is 4chan, but it's still solid logic. Also, lol pictures on paper, so WHAT victims are being had here?

>> No.3458492

Me. I'm a victim of your posting.

Horrid experience, really.

>> No.3458517

>Has anyone here ever intentionally acted to end another person's life, and if so, what was the circumstance under which it was done?
Yes. They tried to cut off my Internet access.

>> No.3458542

You know what to do about it, then. Down the road, not across the street.

>> No.3458677

Which chapter is this? I'm so behind.

>> No.3458693

Down the road? Ah, yes. I most certainly will not cross the street to read one of your posts - if they can even be referred to as such.

>> No.3458701

Was that some sort of attempt at a comeback?

>> No.3458704

Comeback from what?

>> No.3458872

I think what you meant to say was "where"

>> No.3458873

>I think

>> No.3458875

Hmm... Nope.

>> No.3458889

How is what I posted creepy? It's pretty much the state of the world in how it views men and the penis.

>> No.3458900

I'm a creep. I'm a loser.
- That Radiohead guy

>> No.3458905

Freudian issues. Severe freudian issues. Get some help.

>> No.3458917

Just because I'm right doesn't make me a loser.

Freud? His stuff has pretty much been taken out and shot. Multiple times. By different people. It's all bad.

And you should feel bad for attempting to use Freudian method.

>> No.3458920

Are you saying there's something wrong with cocks?

>> No.3458937

Oh yeah?

>> No.3458945


>> No.3458946

I am quoting the man because he would have enough material to vindicate himself using you.

>> No.3458950

Lolis are my religion, discuss.

>> No.3458951

Word. Word to the mother.

>> No.3458954

How is what he posted creepy? It's a well known double standard in sociology. Even South Park commented on it with the episode where Ike has sex with his kindergarten teacher and all the cops laugh about it saying they should give him a "luckiest kid in the world" medal instead of arresting the teacher.

>> No.3458956

But I don't have maternal issues and I'm not projecting. Just describing the sad state that the world is in regarding its criminalization of masculinity and the double-standard regarding acceptable male/female instigation in relationships.

>> No.3458958

>using South Park as your reliable source
How amusing.

>> No.3458963

Are you a moron on purpose, or is it just a biological tragedy?

>> No.3458966

Yes... but you brought that into this thread WHEN ABSOLUTELY NOBODY MENTIONED IT, and you kept forcing the issue, completely ignoring what your detractors said.

Like this:
"Raping kids is bad"
"Why must people satanize the cock??? WHY?!"

>> No.3458968

You know that you are trying to seriously discuss something on 4chan?
you could go and talk a wall into moving and would be more successful.

>> No.3458971

I didn't use it as my source, I used it as a way to illustrate the fact that this is a widely recognized issue.

Meh, whatever, you're probably just trolling.

>> No.3458974

A little of column A, a little of why the fuck are you so defensive?

>> No.3458979

Yeah and lol, you remember that south park episode about those hybrid car owners? Haha, showed those fuckers real good IMO. Cartmen ftw.

>> No.3458980

Kill yourself.

Just... please, kill yourself. For your own good.

There's no point in living once everything looks like a troll to you.

>> No.3458989

I think everyone on /jp/ and 4chan should get put against a wall and shot.
It would be better for the world.

>> No.3458990

Psychology is to neurology as alchemy is to chemistry- a precursor formed in the absence of any remote understanding of the basic components involved. As the neurological sciences expand, psychology has contracted, and will likely vanish entirely once all the inputs and outputs, structures, and chemical processes of the brain are laid bare.

>> No.3458992

I figured you had to either be a troll or retarded. I was trying to be nice about it.

>> No.3458999

People did mention it. The whole "RETARDED PEOPLE ARE KIDS, TOO" thing. Mature mind and body tangent. I just made a comment based off of that.

I was on-topic, especially considering that people these days think 16-year-old people are STILL KIDS, when not 100 years ago you'd be working your ass off when you were 12 or younger doing manly work, and start making decisions about your life not too long later.

We've infantilized entire generations of people into believing they're forever young and can be irresponsible. The consequence is that we look at a relatively developed young woman and say YOU ARE STILL THE CHILD, NO USING YOUR OWN BODY FOR ANYTHING.

We don't even have the double standard for young men, anymore, except with fathers. You have a young man do something naughty, but non-violent, and suddenly he's a sexual predator.

It's all good. I'm not taking it seriously. Too busy GAY BULGING people with Lancer.

>> No.3459000

Sure thing, you first.

>> No.3459002

That's the same thing as saying Biology is just a precursor to Physics, because they run off the same processes.

One is just an applied form of another, just as physics is merely applied math, and psychology is applied biology

>> No.3459006

We should return to agrarian feudalism, imo.

>> No.3459010

Why haven't you killed yourself yet? Trust me, everyone will be happier that way, yourself included.

>> No.3459025

Hurr durr.

A hundred years is not a long time for societies, relatively speaking. It's only in this age that we've advanced so fast technologically and scientifically that our philosophical capacity has been unable to keep up.

We still cling to the worst of the past, while giving up the best things, and are beginning to embrace the junk sciences and philosophies of our newest era with an earnestness that is quite disturbing.

This whole pedophilia witch hunt is just one such thing. Not that there aren't pedophiles out there, but we're seeing them in every person we meet.

>> No.3459028

>100 years ago
lol, stop posting

>> No.3459034

Because the mere knowledge that my existence makes your's less enjoyable is more than enough to make every day worth living.

>> No.3459035

>but we're seeing them in every person we meet.
I think you have some issues, dude.

>> No.3459041

>while giving up the best things
Such as?

>> No.3459045

You remind me of Arc. Stop that.

>> No.3459049

1909. It was a good year.

"We" being "society as a whole." And you're not going anywhere with your FREUD WOULD HAVE A FIELD DAY WITH YOU or YOU ARE THE WEIRD ONE trolling. Just kill yourself and make the world a better place to live in.

>> No.3459066

Are you freaking out? Chill, star. There's help to be had.

>> No.3459087
File: 28 KB, 704x396, Smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be under the uninformed impression that me telling you to kill yourself implies emotional distress on my part.

I tell lots of people that, and you're no more special than any of them.

>> No.3459098

>I tell lots of people that
Hmm, I see... Classic signs of anti-social disorder...

>> No.3459109

No, it just tells that loads of people are faggots.

>> No.3459111

Did mommy hurt you?

>> No.3459112

>social interaction is a sign of anti-social behavior.

>> No.3459115

Resorting to sockpuppets so soon? My, my.

>> No.3459118

Seriously, why do you still bother with those trolls Ren? My time would be better spent watching grass grow than this.

>> No.3459121

>this thread
Hey, it's like I'm back in high school again!

>> No.3459127

Another sockpuppet, this time referring to himself in third person? Clear signs of paranoid-schizophrenia.

Fortunately, there's help to be had in contemporary medicine.

>> No.3459129

Just watching the Thread and laughing at Ren. It's like talking to drunks, no fucking use.

>> No.3459179

/jp/ - pedophile scholar's debate.

>> No.3459206

I didn't bother with them. I went and ate a hamburger.


Shouldn't that be "laughing with Ren"? You make it sound bad when you say it that way ;_;

>> No.3459370

Simple: It's the double-standard in exampled practice. You can't expect to out with those words in the current mindset of some of these people around you with the hope of seeming completely comprehensive and stern at base instead of just slightly disturbing. This is 4chan--you're going to come off as creepy with that kind of speak. It doesn't make it any less right and I might be pissing against a wall, but that's what it seems. Any anons or femmanons are welcome to state opinions otherwise.

Regardless, I still agree--villafying penis is a shitty double-standard in concept and practice. I'll be more than happy when zomgpedo isn't an election-winning hot button in the future.

>> No.3459375


Fucking signed.


>Take a good read.

I did and it didn't really surprise me. Rape is a regularly violent crime, but who said pedophilia requires penetration of any kind? I'm confused as to why people think of the penis as some kind of unstoppable weapon of vaginal destruction. Just keep it under control and it's all good.



I hate that term so much. So tell me, when does it become intellectual rather than pseudo-intellectual? When I've published a book? When I've amassed a truckload of degrees?


Personally I hold true to the scientific method for pretty much everything. If someone can make a reasonable argument backed by verified testable evidence, then I am perfectly willing to change my mind. The problem is, arguments about religion and politics rarely have any kind of evidence at all and rely on emotional appeals, arguments from authority, etc.
If you can't show it, you don't know it, and you shouldn't say you do.

>> No.3459378

And here is a classic example of a retard trying to act like a genius.

>> No.3459387

There was nothing creepy about it. At all. Unless you think any refutation of feminist dogma automatically makes one "creepy."

>> No.3459405
File: 88 KB, 500x375, 3015062728_6b27f9a6ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3459406

I don't really care where someone sticks their penis or vagina unless it causes significant lasting damage to an element of society.

>> No.3459407

I blame feminists.


>> No.3459418

itt pedophiles trying to argue that they're not scum

>> No.3459421


itt normalfags trying to troll pedophiles.

>> No.3459431

But what if you're not a pedophile OR a normalfag? Like me?

>> No.3459436

Not normalfags, just trolls because they have an easy game here. They just come here for trolling.
They don't really care and just want to see some reactions from people.

>> No.3459471

KnJ is still a shitty, glorified lolicon manga. Just because it discuses serious themes doesn't disregard the fact that it's blatant fanservice.

>> No.3459481

You make it sound like there's something wrong with fanservice.

>> No.3459498

When people try to pass it off as deep literature, I have a problem with it.

>> No.3459590


I would never try to pass KnJ off as deep literature, but I fucking love it anyway, and I have been moved by it at times. Lately it has been off-the-charts service though.
