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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3454349 No.3454349 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,

I've been studying Japanese pretty hard for the past year. Almost done Genki 2, but still I feel like I know almost nothing. I can't read children's books, I can't understand my Japanese friends when they're talking to each other... It's a little depressing.

Give me a reason to keep studying this language.

>> No.3454353

u seem retardd...

>> No.3454357

>I can't understand my Japanese friends

>> No.3454359

If you're that far you should be able to start making way through VN with the help of Rikaichan and furigana inserter and whatnot. What else do you want? How can you not read children's books? Maybe it's time to switch to a different method of study.

>> No.3454362

I mean that there's always vocabulary that manges to stump me. Though, I guess the whole rikaichan thing would fix that. Good idea.

>> No.3454370

Build up vocabulary.
Grind on kanji.

>> No.3454372

It looks like you're actually studying Chinese, hope this helps.

>> No.3454374

...well...yea...you always have a dictionary on hand until you are fluent, of course. are you serious?

>> No.3454375

Genki II is barely getting your feet in. You need to do a lot of reading/listening to get a better understanding. Download KeyHole TV and some children's mangas to help progress

>> No.3454385


I finished Genki II in 2006

I didn't make any gains until this year, 2009.

がんばって よ!
わたしは きみに しんじるよ!

>> No.3454387

I lol'd, damn you.
But yeah OP, pick a more relevant picture next ti--
Actually, don't make another thread at all.

>> No.3454390

Practice, practice, practice, practice

>> No.3454399
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>> No.3454405

Seems you didn't make much progress, judging from your usage of spaces.

>> No.3454406

/jp/ sure is cynical tonight

In any case
Thanks bros. I'll もう一度やってみる

He did it on purpose so I could understand easier, idiot.

>> No.3454408

You'll always run into vocab you don't know. The only thing you can do is try to retain it for as long as possible after hearing.
It's the same for English. I seriously fucking doubt you know all the words in the dictionary.

Just remember, vocabulary grows with immersion, and retention is reinforced with repetition.

tl:dr keep studying, and the study the fuck moar

>> No.3454411

>He did it on purpose so I could understand easier, idiot.

That's fucking retarded.

>> No.3454413

Assuming you are learning to enjoy /jp/ stuff and not because you actually want to live in Japan or something, Genki (and classes) are totally boring. "Where is the train station? Next to the hotel. Thank you very much, Tanaka-san". Ironically you STILL won't be able to follow anime, manga, and VN after alot of "formal" study because none of the characters fucking talk like that! They mostly speak casual, colloquial Japanese. If you're going to use a textbook, try "Japanese the Manga Way" or one of the other manga-books, or just use the internet to study grammar and build vocab on your own.

>> No.3454414

Watch some Shuzo videos if you ever feel down.

>> No.3454417

What children books are you referring to here?

>> No.3454434

I suppose I'd like to visit Japan one day, but I'd also like to enjoy Japanese medias. I'll check out Japanese the Manga Way, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.3454442

It definitely helps to have a clear cut goal.

Aim for JLPT. Start with JLPT level 3 (Level 4 is pathetic) then work up to level 1.
JLPT 4 = herp derp I can read hiragana and numbers lawl
JLPT 3 = okay grasp of language mechanics. Can live in Japan, but with much difficulty.
JLPT 2 = Strong language skills. Can read articles and novels without a dictionary.
JLPT 1 = Essentially fluent.

Do note that this test IS completely multiple choice, so you'll need to learn how to write and speak on your own. Also the jump from JLPT level 3 and 2 is pretty huge. I'm pretty sure the foundation is going to add a level between them this year or next year...

>> No.3454454

Sounds like a plan.

On a somewhat related note, are Japanese novels worth learning to read in the first place?

>> No.3454557


>> No.3454646



Also, it's how they do it in the Japanese pokemon games. I kinda stole the idea from it.


>> No.3454648


For the noobs

In reality, the kanji way is a lot more interesting/fun than just the kana

But all japanese students start from the beginning

So, it's ok to do kana

I mean goddamn, don't pay attention to /jp/ trolls

>> No.3454657

>test IS completely multiple choice
So there is a God...

>> No.3454663


If I remember anything from school and standardized tests, it's that multiple choice is often a way for test-writers to fuck you in the ass.

>> No.3454671

The OP said he's almost done Genki II. He should've know enough kanji to read your initial post without it being severely dumbed down.
What? I loved multiple choice. They were the best.

>> No.3454678


They were okay on the easy-ass SAT but some of my classes used multiple choice to try to trip us up with really subtle differences in the choices. I always preferred writing short answers or essays to that.

>> No.3454679



>> No.3454766

I agree, because it's always fucking "choose the BEST choice"
damn annoying having to choose which is best to fill in the blank between よう、みたい、らしい、ぽい、and そう

Good choice.
Note there is a listening section in JLPT, but it's extremely easy. Good thing about the JLPT though is that it's regarded well enough that you can actually include it in a resume. I've had interviewers ask me sometimes "ahh you've taken the JLPT huh". Pretty good way to break the ice.

Makes me wonder how many closet weaboos there are in the world...

>> No.3454770

If you're almost done Genki 2, you should be able to read children's books at the very least. Most classes go through the 2 Genki books in the course of 2 years (4 semesters).

I don't understand how you can possibly still fail so much.

>> No.3454784


>> No.3454794

I always lol at these threads. So many fine words of discouragement offered.

>> No.3454801

Whatever you do, don't work for a Japanese company, don't work with asians, and don't work for anything remotely related with Japan-- it'll fucking kill your desire to learn Japanese. I've been working at a Japanese supermarket. At first it was like SUGOI now i practice japones ROR and it was all good for a few weeks. But after hearing it so much it's a fucking pain and it's actually irritating as fuck.

In all honesty, Japanese is a fugly ass language. GLORY TO AMERICA

>> No.3454806

This. It's all about providing yourself another reason to study.

I certainly hope so. ;_;

>> No.3454810

What has always helped to ease my studies and enlarge my vocabulary is watching that country's TV programs.

>> No.3454816


As I posted in the other thread, I took Japanese for three years and couldn't really speak or understand it until I actually lived there for a while.

Just keep practicing and speak it as much as you humanly can. Repetition is key.

>> No.3454815

Some special book for those trying level 1 this year? I passed level 2 last year, but i'm not too much confident because of kanji overload.

>> No.3454827


While this can be a really good helper, stay the fuck away from anime.

The Japanese they use in anime is not normal. Even to the Japanese.

>> No.3454830
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There are two of these threads right now.

>> No.3454841

please feel free to have an aneurism and die

>> No.3454847


>> No.3454854

I lived in Japan and heard it everyday on a constant basis. Sounded wonderful. I miss it.

>> No.3454861

>As I posted in the other thread, I took Japanese for three years and couldn't really speak or understand it until I actually lived there for a while.
Weren't your higher (like, after the first or second) classes taught and conducted in Japanese? Didn't you receive conversational instruction as well?

I feel bad if you wasted your time in classes where is wasn't used.
However, you should really supplement classtime instruction with your own application of the language, like listening to radio or watching Japanese television.

>> No.3454873



>> No.3454876
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Japanese television sucks.

>> No.3454907


>> No.3455059


Not true
This is a lie perpetuated by academics and japanese who wish all foreigners learn strictly "proper" japanese
Mix it up, but don't cut yourself off. Japanese people also watch anime, too, and their japanese is fine. In fact, it's better than yours and mine.

>> No.3455092
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Or just learn both. They're the same shit with a few differences here and there.
Truth be told you will only speak in desu masu form in a real life situation. You'll hardly ever talk to people the way they talk in anime. Why?

Inb4 you'll never experience Japanese school life
