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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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34417118 No.34417118 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for everything related to Kinoko Nasu / TYPE-MOON. Please advise in the thread if any of the links below need to be updated.

>Type-Moon Visual Novel Collection

>Kara no Kyoukai - the Garden of sinners
Kara no Kyoukai novel (in Japanese)
Cokesakto's translations
Kara no Kyoukai Anime
Kara no Kyoukai Manga

Tsukihime VN
Tsukihime PLUS-DISC
Tsukihime Kagetsu Tohya
Shingetsutan Tsukihime Manga

>Melty Blood
MBAACC - Community Edition
Melty Blood Manga
Melty Blood - Back Alley Alliance Nightmare Manga

Fate/stay night [Réalta Nua]
Fate/hollow ataraxia
The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II
The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II Manga
Heaven's Feel Manga

>Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - Witch on the Holy Night
VN: https://mega.nz/#F!YVkkhAjQ!Ggu2BS3MDfaofporByJsFw
English patch: https://hollow-moon.github.io/
French patch: https://github.com/IDerr/mahoyo-french
Italian patch: https://riffourtranslations.wordpress.com/category/mahoutsukai-no-yoru/

Other works
>Angel Voice
>Fate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky Silver
>Fate/strange Fake
>Fate/type Redline
>Fire Girl
>Mahou Tsukai no Hako: Starlit Marmalade Manga
>Tsuki no Sango
>Tsuki no Sango Manga

Other links
>Beast's Lair
>Encyclopedia of Type Moon
>Fate Franchise Lossless Soundtracks
>Type-Moon Comic Ace
>TMdict Glossary
>Tsuki-kan (comprehensive record of real-world statements, interviews, Q&As, feature articles, etc)
>Tsukihime Archives
>TYPE-MOON 10th Anniversary Phantasm translation

Previous >>34376883

>> No.34418498
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Bros, does anyone have the link to that interview or whatever where Nasu talks about FSN's Last Episode and how it was initially called "Robot Man"?

>> No.34418511

Japanese source is fine too.

>> No.34421432
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I haven't visited these threads in about a month or so, or whenever the type moon magazine hit with Tsukihime news. Did I miss anything

>> No.34423411

Touko revival.

>> No.34423507
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>> No.34424125
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>> No.34424164
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It is because of her Spring Song cameo

>> No.34424814
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Aoko just can't compete...

>> No.34424957

explain touko's appeal

>> No.34424999
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>> No.34425090

every girl has breasts

>> No.34425201

Akiha doesn't.

>> No.34425287
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Taiga, wtf do you mean with that?

>> No.34425497

This is what happens to tiger almost-moms who have never been impregnated.

>> No.34425765
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>> No.34425916

I've read Tsukihime and Fate/stay. Have watched the KnK movies and Fate Zero. I know nothing about F:GO or any of their other spinoff shit besides it exists.

What is worth the time bothering with? Is Tsukihime 2 still a meme?

>> No.34426067

Can you read Japanese?

>> No.34426116


>> No.34426372

For a start, play plus disc, kagetsu tohya, melty blood, and hollow ataraxia.
You can pretend Tsukihime 2 exists by reading talk and prelude.

>> No.34426506

HA is the only one of those I havent played

Guess its as good a time as ever

>> No.34426517

What a loser.

>> No.34426743

Buy Mahou Tsukai No Yoru Witch on The holy night. Use French translation patch. Find a way to copy game text. Use DeepL to translate simple. Using deepL on OG game language is crappy

>> No.34426861

Good suggestion, and while he's at it perhaps he could eat his own shit or maybe stick knives in his eyes.

>> No.34428989

Which of the sisters do you think would make a better mother?

>> No.34428992

Would it make sense to replay KT with a guide in order to 100% it once I've went through it by myself? I'm getting close to the end of the Nanaya section, but I heard with how the game progresses, you can get locked out of certain scenes. Do I lose out on unlocking ten nights of dreams unlocks if I don't go through the game in a certain order? I have 7 unlocked currently

>> No.34429187

I'd say just look up how to get the ones you're missing and continue playing normally. Once you've watched the ending, read the Summer Festivals and Drinking Dreaming Moon (this is on the last page of the contribution gallery), you'll unlock a scene select.

>> No.34429420

which of the sisters do you think would make anal?

>> No.34429451


>> No.34430681
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>> No.34431440
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Wow, this CG is amazing. Holy crap the coloring is stellar.

>> No.34431643

Oh no Shiki, you killed her! Again!

>> No.34431771

Thats because its Mahoyo artist, not Hackauchi

>> No.34431998
File: 366 KB, 640x480, Morning Ciel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Ciel is cute in Kagetsu Tohya! Thanks to Koyama for the great coloring in these CG.

>> No.34432332

Yeah that was the first time Koyama did colouring for him, they really could've released a patch for Tsuki with his colouring.

>> No.34432580

Well, he is the main artist for TsukiR, so there's that.

>> No.34433762

touko with glasses

>> No.34434195

Does Shiki cook in Kagetsu Tohya?
I haven't read KT yet, but the Tsukihime VN gives me the impression that he doesn't know to cook.

>> No.34434851

He does cook for Arc at some point if I remember correctly. It's even referenced again in Carnival Phantasm, where Arc wants to cook for him in return.

>> No.34436724

shiki and tomoe definetly fucked right

>> No.34437006

Shiki cooks for Arcueid at every opportunity, but he's not on Shirou's level. He's average - able to cook ramen and stuff, but nothing too complex, and no bento boxes or anything like that.

>> No.34437199

Don’t want to spoil for those that haven’t played KT yet but he does say that he isn’t good at cooking. He just cooks pre-made food and noodles. He doesn’t cook like Shirou.

>> No.34437330

Who's tomoe

>> No.34437382


>> No.34438097

Nah both Shikis loved Kokutou way too much

>> No.34438173

she had much more chemistry with tomoe

>> No.34438999
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Just a remember that we're never going to get to read her route.

>> No.34439053

Tomoe reincarnated into Shirou and got his harem there. Let Shiki and Mikiya live their happy life together.

>> No.34439231

It is quite sad, isn't it?

>> No.34439292

Despite his design being similar to Shirou, I always saw him as more of an Arihiko prototype.

>> No.34439879

Was it ever mentioned anywhere if Artoria is Christian or not? Excalibur is described as the Holy Sword, but it wasn't created by God, and I can't remember any other religious references in Artoria as a character.
I just realized that, if King Arthur really existed, he would most likely have been following some sort of a Celtic set of beliefs rather than Christianity, which started spreading in Britain after Augustine's mission from Pope Gregory I a century after Arthur's story supposedly took place.
Obviously, the legend of King Arthur is heavily tied to Christianity, and it was since the days of Geoffrey of Monmouth, but it's a curious idea regardless.

>> No.34439892 [SPOILER] 
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mommy gf who's very competent and knowledgeable but rambly, a little bit autistic and spends your money on useless dust collectors.
and a fair bit psychotic

>> No.34440064

the gregorian mission was meant to christianize the pagan anglo-saxons
britons themselves would have been already christian by then due to the roman empire being christian, but either way I'm not sure how urbanized britannia (aside from a few bishoprics and archbishoprics) was compared to other continental provinces, so most likely the the commoner britons didn't really bother to follow the mainstream church approved faith at the time

>> No.34440212

Good imagine how horrible her route will be with nu-nasu lmao

>> No.34440237

Tomoe was a loser and even Shiki knew that.

>> No.34440281

shiki's a loser who was born with OC powers in a rich family

>> No.34440547

>born with OC powers in a rich family
how is this being a loser lmao

>> No.34440607
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Arc is surprisingly good at cooking (no matter how fucked up it looks too) even though she doesn't normally eat food because it isn't necessary

>> No.34440685

>that chapter where Arc cooks with seaweed from the forest of Einnashe
she's olev

>> No.34440701

I don't think any character talks about their religion if they're not explicitly tied to it, like saints and such. Still, Seiba is obviously Christian.

>> No.34440959

Even if the old Nasu wrote it it sounded like he had trouble writing it as he described hitting his head over a table when talking about writing the scenario in the plus disc.

>> No.34441043

God I wish I had OC powers and was born in a rich family

>> No.34441153

I imagine it's because there's not much of a story to tell. Sacchin's story could've been about you saving her from vampirism, but that's exactly what you do for Akiha, and her story is far more engaging because she's your goddamn sister. You can then try switching gears and telling a story about a vampire Sacchin falling in love with a normal human you, with all the pitfalls that might entail, except that's Arcueid's story, and again, Arc is far more engaging in that role.
It's the same as Illya's route - Sacchin might be tragic and loveable, but I have no clue how she can be a proper route heroine without a ton of repetition.

>> No.34441176

I always assumed a Sacchin route would involve Shiki teaming up with her against Arc and Ciel.

>> No.34441188

Not according to Nasu's notes in PLUS-DISC. It was a Near-Side route, so it involved fighting Roa, and Arc would've played the same role she played in Ciel's route.

>> No.34441369
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>> No.34441395
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Decided to reread FSN right after finally finishing Kagetsu Tohya, and I realized that voice acting in translated VNs is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it's cool to hear the voice actors try their best, and FSN has a stellar VA cast, but on the other hand, it's really goddamn distracting. I'm trying to read this shit and internalize the dialogue, which was obviously easy in KT, but these fucking people constantly talk over my thoughts in a completely foreign language, with completely foreign intonations and inflections. It feels like I'm trying to read a book while someone watches over my shoulder and reads everything out loud to annoy me.
I never even thought about this before, but now I'm legitimately thinking about muting the VO completely.

>> No.34441459

reminder she lost to alice despite being on her territory

>> No.34441520

Reminder that you lost to Alice despite being Alice!

>> No.34441544


>> No.34441556

A compromise that I did was muting Shirou’s VA so that my internal voice for him remains intact and muting Sakura’s VA which isn’t great when doing Sakura and her constant Senpais can be grating, I couldn’t imagine muting Rin’s voice as the VA did an outstanding performance as she is practically the charcter. The cast is stellar so I still keep the voices on when I re-read FSN.

>> No.34441614

Villain route where you decide to forsake your humanity and be Sacchin's protector with everything that entails.
It ends with the both of you getting torn to shreds either by Ciel or Arcueid

>> No.34441649

FSN was written without intended VO, so it's perfectly fine to turn it off

>> No.34441669
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Can somebody translate this accurately? Thanks.

>> No.34441686

I'll probably end up doing something similar. Sakura's saccharine and whispery voice definitely doesn't match what I imagine for her (something more lively and playful, like Aerith), but I don't think I'll be able to skip on Seiba's voice acting (you gotta take every opportunity to hear your waifu after all), or Rin's, or Rider's.
Yeah, it's obvious right from the start, where some voice lines remain unvoiced because they're interspersed with Shirou's internal monologue.

>> No.34441757

You need to read more vns

>> No.34441826

>reading in english
Not gonna make it.

>> No.34441857

Too busy/too lazy to learn Japanese beyond N5. I'm planning on making TsukiR the first novel I read in Japanese, even though it won't be easy (but what choice do I have).

>> No.34441878

You've got about 4 months (wow, I can't wait) until it comes out. Read something else in Nip in the meantime.

>> No.34441881

i'd learn this dead language only if it offered something more than untranslated niche nukige

>> No.34441903


It still bothers me about [] in fgo. I get that she's a different personality but it's still messed up she's all fluffy with Guda. To make it worse, it's the same [] whose other personality/body is with Mikiya right? I'm not even sure she's a copy. I guess the only saving grace is nothing serious with Guda will ever happen and in the end of fgo they'll probably all vanish anyway.

>> No.34441919

Dunno what I should read. It should be something exciting enough for me to put up with reading it at a snail's pace with a dictionary in hand, but nothing comes to mind. Not yet, at least.

>> No.34441929

There's a shitload of untranslated games that aren't nukige though. Regardless, it's worth it for the extra porn alone imo.

>> No.34441950

I was referring to male Shiki and normal Shiki not void

>> No.34441964

I dunno anon. What genre do you like?

>> No.34441986

Anything that's not a nakige. I hate forced drama bullshit.

>> No.34442109

What are some forced drama vns?

>> No.34442146

I probably shouldn't recommend this to a beginner, but I'll do it anyway. Try Akai Ito. It's all ages, but it's a very good game. There's some cool chuuni fights in it and it has a nice setting (rural japan with spirits/folkore shit) so you'll probably like it. The reason I said it's not really beginner material is because there's a bunch of chinese terms/shit in it that will confuse you but whatever. It's okay to not know them since the game literally has a glossary in it. Funfact: Hisui's VA also voiced the MC.

>> No.34442197

It's still weird to me. Obvious waifu pandering but they coulda at least did it better and clearer. It makes me hesitant about a Tsuki collab. Especially in the case of Arcueid since they might do the same thing but Princess Arcueid isn't treated as a different personality and Arcueid is seemingly aware of and in connection to Princess Arc even in other timelines.

>> No.34442218

Stuff like "Here's the cutest, purest and kindest girl in school (and probably the entire world), enjoy romancing her for the next few hours. Oops, sorry, she got run over by a steam locomotive on her way to school, have fun watching her die slowly and painfully on a hospital bed."

>> No.34442238

Haven't heard of it before. I'll give it a shot.

>> No.34442302

Ok give me an example of one of the vns. You sound like you only have read KS

>> No.34442339

Yeah, unless I’m remembering something wrong but isn’t Void also in love or at least attracted to Mikiya? I don’t remember much from the epilogue since I haven’t watched it in a long time but I remember her being devoted to Mikiya but letting Shiki have her man. This could be brought up for other Servants like Nero and Tamano and Artoria. Hopefully Ritsuka is erased from the timeline as that’s what FGO is leading into with the lostbelts and Chaldea is shut down for good as it has way too much power. At least the OG Ryougi just treats him like a little brother.

>> No.34442386

Key's entire output, pretty much.

>> No.34442462

Now you're just coping mate. Like Nero Bride, Void was designed specifically to be a waifu character for the player.

>> No.34442511

Can anyone back me up that Void is in love or at least attracted to Mikiya? Haven’t seen the epilogue in a while so so I could be wrong about it. I also don’t give a fuck about Void since she’s a nothing charcter so the FGO self-inserts can have her. As long as the OG remains devoted to her lover. And the idea of Nero Bride is stupid so the FGO retards that spend money on the game can have that nothing charcter if it helps support Tsukihime Remake. Have all the nothing waifus that you want while you help support other TM projects.

>> No.34442662

>Can anyone back me up that Void is in love or at least attracted to Mikiya?
If you mean like in a romantic sense, I'm pretty sure the answer there was no. She found him intriguing though.

>> No.34442725

I don't understand why FGO needs characters like Nero Bride or Artoria Archer in the first place. As I see it, male TM protags are all player's avatars, be it Shiki, Shirou, Hakuno, or Ritsuka. So why would I care which one of the avatars matters to any particular servant in FGO? Nero doesn't love Ritsuka, but she loves Hakuno, and Hakuno is (You) just like Ritsuka.
I guess it's to make secondaries feel better.

>> No.34442874

Comparing the nothing charcter like Ritsuka to Shirou is an insult to Shirou so that isn’t something that I agree with. Shirou is also a distinct character that is hard to self-insert into and many don’t as they hate him for acting so different from the people watching or reading about them. I would have a problem with Artoria falling in love with anyone else given her relationship to Shirou and it would degrade her charcter to be paired up with the nothing charcter that is Ritsuka. I don’t care about Hakuno since Extra isn’t something that I care about too much so I don’t have too much of a trouble there. The Servant system technically makes it so it isn’t the same Saber that loves Shirou but it just doesn’t sit right with me to have this established charcter randomly fall in love with Ritsuka who is a nothing charcter that didn’t have to struggle like Shirou did to gain her affection. It’s autistic but I love the charcters of FSN too much to be okay with that.

>> No.34442890
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>> No.34442915

people with victim complexes.

>> No.34442990

I agree that Shirou is obviously far more developed than a blank space like Guda, but I did manage to relate to him on a personal level. He's obviously "quirky", but just like with Shiki, Nasu wrote the story in a way that makes you relate to him anyway. That's why I called him an avatar rather than a self-insert. He's not someone you're replacing with yourself in the story (that's Hakuno and Guda), but rather you try his character on and see how it fits. In my case, it managed to fit rather well, maybe that's why I always was a huge Saberfag.

>> No.34442993
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>> No.34443058

I think of Shirou as his own charcter and if you relate to him and think of him as an avatar that’s fine. I love Shirou and he represents some aspects of myself, but I think of him as his own charcter that is separate from avatars like Guda and Hakuno. Shiki is also written well enough that he’s a distinct charcter to me like Shirou.

>> No.34443112

It depends on the reader, I suppose.

>> No.34443127

Witch on the ovulatingnight.

>> No.34443129
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One can love saber without trying really hard to self insert as a PTSD ridden sword autist tho

>> No.34443139

Guess I'm autistic enough to do both.

>> No.34443174

The difference between bride and Void is that Void knows Mikiya and is the same character that's been alongside Shiki whose married to him. It's hard to say she feels nothing for him after essentially saying everything was worthwhile for their single meeting at the end. And it's strange regardless.

Void's interaction with Mikiya was pretty intimate imo but it's not exactly blatant. It felt more intimate than FGO and what she gets with Guda though FGO does throw out a line for birthdays where she's like giving a k-iss is appropriate? and ponders what love is. FGO lines are actually a call back to the epilogue where she offers Mikiya a wish.

As for not caring because all characters are avatars for the readers... that doesn't fly because characters like Shiki and Shirou and even Hakuno and Guda are their own identity. Granted Guda is basically a door but he's still a separate existence in the franchise so of course people will have problems waifuing girls already devoted to a set protagonist.

>> No.34443342

>people will have problems waifuing girls already devoted to a set protagonist
I didn't have such a problem, personally. I waifu'd Saber way back when I was reading the original FSN and FHA. That connection was there long before FGO was even planned. So I don't mind her being on friendly terms with Guda because her heart belongs to someone else. Being a TM nerd, I felt pretty pampered regardless. Besides, I love the way she acts as a perfect knight even when she's not protecting Shirou.
I'm also reminded of an H-doujin with Tamamo, where Guda suddenly has an epiphany that he was Hakuno in a previous life, and using that knowledge, he goes to town on Tamamo's ass. That was pretty funny.

>> No.34443353

>Sacchin's story could've been about you saving her from vampirism
>vampire Sacchin falling in love with a normal human
No and no.
Satsuki's route should be about Sacchin getting in terms with her new DA life and basically lead to Melty's arcade mode.
And it sounds like fun as hell.

>> No.34443358

>lead to Melty's arcade mode.
Which one?

>> No.34443403

>30 unread posts
>goshit """"""lore"""""""

>> No.34443460

Where she's playable so all of them.

>> No.34443466

She wasn't playable in the first one, so not all of them.

>> No.34443608

Being friendly and being too shippy are different stories. OG Saber isn't gudasexual anyway. In your case it's also completely different in spirit from what I'm getting at since you(as in you anon) waifuing someone is completely separate from the devs writing interactions.

>> No.34445093

no dude, you don't read with voices unless you understand basic japanese from watching anime with subs all the time... what's the point if it's all gibberish to you

>> No.34445210

>basic japanese from watching anime with subs all the time
That doesn't really happen. You'll naturally pick up some common words of course but you wouldn't learn Japanese at a serious level from just that. Anyways when I was an EOP I still read stuff with voices. Sure you don't understand shit, but any non-autist gets the emotions conveyed the lines. Plus sometimes things are so iconic that it completely transcends language (everyone knows "yorokobe shounen" for example).

>> No.34445331

No, I'd say that not being able to learn some basic Japanese from listening means you are probably just inattentive. Now you start talking about at a serious level - no shit, I said basic Japanese. Serious level requires more intense study than just listening. You can piece a lot of things together about a language from intonation and sub guidance. Even without subs just listening to Japanese people speak and taking in contextual clues that help you understand what they are referring to will help you learn the language. There is a reason why language immersion works. Babies can learn through language immersion, why not you?

>Sure you don't understand shit, but any non-autist gets the emotions conveyed the lines.
Sure, you can understand the emotional tone. But while you start by not knowing what the fuck they are saying, you should be able to advance to being able to understanding some of what they are saying just over time by listening. Add some outside help using google searches of words you keep hearing and you'll be fine for a basic understanding

>> No.34446168

...she kicked me of course

>> No.34446506
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>> No.34447222

No more cute sprites for you! You're gonna buy the remake and stare at the samefaces whether you like it or not!

>> No.34447301

Can I at least jerk off to them

>> No.34447749

go back to /djt/

>> No.34447981
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Which one?

>> No.34447997
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>> No.34448146

I was wondering, do the summoned servants speak their "native" languages? For example, would Artoria be able to understand English, or would Jeanne be able to speak modern French? We're told that servants are given enough knowledge about the modern world to get by, but does that involve languages (other than the one they'll use to communicate with their masters)?

>> No.34448224
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>> No.34448566

/djt/ is for fags, they freak out if your post has any uppercase letters

>> No.34450262

What are we defining as basic Japanese here? Watching english subs with zero other context isn't going to teach you grammar, basic structure, conjugation, etc. I'd consider all that to be basic Japanese. Using only English subs is never going to get you to the point where'd stop needing them one day so what are you learning really? Of course immersion works, but there's shitty ways to do it (babies are incredibly inefficient actually).

>you should be able to advance to being able to understanding some of what they are saying just over time by listening
From just english lines? All you're going to pick up is some common words/phrases but you sure as hell aren't going to understand any decent chunk of what's going.

>Add some outside help using google searches of words you keep hearing and you'll be fine for a basic understanding
If you're doing this, you shouldn't be reading an english T/L at all. That'll just hold you back. You should be using the Japanese script.

>> No.34452930
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I’ve already seen Kohaku do a cute expression in the remake so I wouldn’t be worried about that.

>> No.34453973

this is the face she makes before drugging you with clonidine

>> No.34455013

This is the face she makes AFTER drugging you with clonidine.

>> No.34455127

Speaking of Kohaku drugging you does anyone have the answers to the questions she gives you when you try to enter Makihisa’s room in KT? Been looking around and it’s hard to find the answers to them.

>> No.34455151

Just give up and look up a guide for that part. That quiz has a bunch of obscure questions if I recall correctly.

>> No.34455194

The answers are in ganbare ciel sensei.

>> No.34455503

It's the numbers Nrvnqsr tells you in "Ganbare Ciel-sensei". Three sets of them in total.

>> No.34455977
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That's one way to describe it, Shirou.

>> No.34456362
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Remembering the original after so many years is interesting, Shirou feels like a much more gruff guy than what I remember him as. He's nice of course, but he has a rather short fuse, a gloomy disposition, and some hardheaded attitude to boot. This guy really might become Archer if he's left to marinate in his budding cynicism for a few years. He's certainly not some innocent wide-eyed superhero autist.

>> No.34456500

ngl, i'd make shinji smile only with his gums too

>> No.34456526

Anyone would. It's nice to know that Shirou beat the shit out of him (which is why they had a falling out), I didn't remember that little fact.

>> No.34456649

It sorta still bugs me that Sakura didn't try to intervene when she realized Shirou was chosen to be a master. She could have given him a crash course on the basics of the Grail War and appeal to him not to get carelessly killed. I feel Shirou would have taken such a warning quite well rather than Kotominei, who gives off a creepy vibe in general all the time.

>> No.34456936

Shirou’s way of speaking is also considered rough and spoken like a delinquent from what others have said. His way of speaking isn’t polite or detached like regular people speak. He may be want to protect others but that doesn’t mean that he’s super polite about it when you piss him off. He also tends to have anger issues.

>> No.34456968
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It's why I still don't think any adaptation fully captured Shirou. Even before he becomes Archer, he has that gruffness and temper to him like you say but that doesn't really get captured in the adaptations of the SoL bits. Everything since makes him too much of a nice man, for contrast with Archer I suppose.

>> No.34457106

Wtf Shirou is literally archer

>> No.34457108

Just finished the first HF film. Pretty good but please say they moved the Illiya scenes to the second film or something.

>> No.34457147

who is illya?

>> No.34457166

>competent directory

>> No.34457221

It was otherwise good though. But I counted two scenes with Illiya that should have been there and *both* were cut, which is a pretty glaring omission.

>> No.34457276

which one?

where she dismembers shirou? and the one when she destroys shirou's body to put his soul into a puppet?

>> No.34457348
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>> No.34457399

My personal opinion is 2 >>> 1 >>>>> garbage > 3. 1 was alright, but 2 is by far the best movie. It's kind of shocking how bad the third movie was desu. It fails on almost every level.

>> No.34457414
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Crazy right?

>> No.34457554

wtf spoiler that shit

>> No.34457627
File: 113 KB, 726x662, 1511834927547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please say they moved the Illiya scenes to the second film or something

>> No.34457672


>> No.34457993

Even Ayako called him "cold as always" when you start the school in the fate route. nowdays he's just way too nice.

>> No.34458259

gonna cry, faggot?

>> No.34458679

There were actually 3.
The one were they first meet at the park, the one where she talks about souls and shit and shows him the Einzbern castle (I don't know how the fuck Shirou expected to be able to find it when he goes there later, good thing Illiya's bird minion conveniently shows him the way), and the one where you either go shopping with her or show her around the Emiya house.

Finished the second one which was maybe a bit better than the first.
Illiya is still screwed over again though. Die Lorelei being skipped is pretty unforgivable in my opinion. The omission of the scene where you have to choose between Rin and Illiya is maybe more forgivable but still a shame. The scene where Illiya explains she's the grail and Shirou hugs her is also gone but maybe that's in the final film.
Also Shinji has been slightly neglected. There should have been a scene in the first film where Rin tells him how pathetic he is when she investigates the Matou mansion, but Shinji was just in his room upstairs for some reason. And in the second film the scene which gives his backstory is replaced with him knocking some books off a shelf.
Kotomine's backstory is also gone which makes me worried.

>> No.34458736

You can pick up grammar and basic structure from listening too, not that you will fully grasp it without doing some outside study.

>If you're doing this, you shouldn't be reading an english T/L at all. That'll just hold you back. You should be using the Japanese script.

Why not? That doesn't really make any sense to me. You hear a word, find out what it means, then memorize that. It's no different from Anki study except you have a ton of repetition and recall just from hearing it in most anime you watch. It's not a complete substitute for study but I don't see why you should impose such a general restriction just because "you should only be reading japanese script".

Anyway, I never said that you will gain total mastery of Japanese just from using only English subs, just that it can be a good starting point to turning the gibberish that anon was hearing with reading F/SN voiced into at least some meaning

>> No.34459681


>> No.34460123

what's this supposed to be?

>> No.34460132

Finished the third and it was way better than how people were making it out to be on here. The fact that it had by far the least omissions of the 3 films surprised me. Shame they didn't put the normal ending (or sparks liner high if I'm being greedy) in the blu rays. At least there's the drama CD of Zelretch showing up at Rin's trial.

>> No.34460165

If you're at the point where you look up words in Japanese to find out their meaning, you should be throwing all english translated content in the trash.

>> No.34460320

I say it's fine as just a transitional crutch to help you learn faster until it doesn't

>> No.34460775

>finished all the fate animes
>decide to weeb it up and start the VN
>illya finds ways to torture me or turn me into a doll every time

>> No.34460893

A masterful diatribe by the one person who hates FGO more than me.

>> No.34461116

just impregnate her, fag

>> No.34461165

I mean it doesn't omit any major scenes sure, but it skips a fuckload of small ones and little details to the point where it feels like a clipshow instead of a proper movie. They barely even tried to convey Shirou suffering with Archer's arm (a couple of short scenes is barely anything) which is pretty inexcusable. Also they found a way to make Kotomine vs Shirou at the end shit.

>> No.34461200

based Sudou making pedos seethe

>> No.34461395

can Shiki kill Shirou

>> No.34461405

That's it, I'm gonna read F/HA a third time!

>> No.34461753

>barely even tried to convey Shirou suffering with Archer's arm
Yeah I'll admit that was disappointing. There's a few Tsukihime-esque body-horror/psychological suffering scenes I'm fond of in the original. It's especially a shame because Archer's arm is meant to be a physical manifestation of the choices Shirou's made. There's lots of narration about how he sees enduring the pain as atoning for betraying his ideals and choosing Sakura. It was also lame how they omitted the suki line (narration) with Kotomine.
There's a ton of depth missing, but there's only so much you can do in 3 films, which gives it the fast-paced clipshow feeling I guess. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone who hasn't played the game, but I was satisfied as a fan.
Also I was glad that some of the die lorelei scene made it into the final film when Shirou asks Illiya to live with him before he goes off to the greater grail.

>> No.34461780

Every time I look back on Latent Heat, the more I see it riddled with problems. I feel very certain that ultimately I'm going to regret having written it. Glad you enjoyed it though.

>> No.34461891


>> No.34461910

That is understandable, it felt like it was written with pure flow of conscience.
Also I suppose things have changed a fair bit since it was written, so perhaps it is a bit past it's time.

>> No.34461951

How many movies would Tsukihime need if trimmed but not decimated.

>> No.34461958

chuuni as fuck

>> No.34462018

Just don't take it as my - or indeed any kind of - 'last word' on the subject. Certain of its basic propositions I would still endorse, but the whole is very clumsily put together. If all you want to say is 'mobage bad' then say that. But Latent Heat is too amateurish a construction to say much more. It does not remove from you (or from me, even) the obligation of thinking through /why/ mobage are bad, in detail. The situation has changed somewhat since 2018. FGO is going senile. Genshit and Horsegirls are the new big thing. Mobage are constantly innovating new ways in which to be irredeemably god-awful, likewise their "players." But how, exactly? That is the question which needs to be tackled anew.

>> No.34462037

I actually like the fact that Spring Song left a lot of people baffled. Not in a sekrit club way but in an amusing "So wait did he die or not" way. I heard a chick asking her fellow theaterfag this afterwards in the theater lobby and he was like "dunno".

>> No.34462138

>schizo from boys' love visits /tmg/
That explains a lot.

>> No.34462378
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I want to say each route could be a good 2 to 2.5 hour movie under a competent director (basically not Sudou), but I haven't read it in almost a decade. Can anyone tell me if I'm in the ballpark? Another thing to worry about would be adapting Ciel's route since it's mostly the same as Arcueid's if I remember correctly.

>> No.34462426

I mean, a fever dream is always going to be amateurish.
It isn't like you're writing a thesis.
But yeah, it is a good place to tackle a new question, with more rigour.

>> No.34463134

Technically, it can be done. But if Heaven's Feel took three movies and still missed the mark in quite a few places, Tsukihime would require even more care, and one movie for one route definitely wouldn't be enough.

>> No.34463188

just get deen and jc staff on board, they obviously do better job than ufo

>> No.34463246

DEEN's UBW adaptation can be hardly called anything more than an abridged and almost nonsensical batch of scenes from UBW with some fancy (for the time) animation thrown in.

>> No.34463464

Is Delight Works and FGO intentionally hiring all these people who fucked up console games? Truly the heroes we deserve, they'll do whatever it takes to convince Nasu that console only is a terrible idea.

>> No.34463618

Yoshinori Ono is not as controversial as their previous pick, he did produce some of Capcom's more successful outings, and the turbulent story of SFV can be attributed more to Capcom's famous greed rather than his direction, which did salvage the game in the long run.
DW is, despite FGO's massive success, still a comparatively small studio with nothing much going on. Getting someone as battle-hardened as Ono might do them some good.

>> No.34463897

my point exactly

>> No.34463945

>there's only so much you can do in 3 films
Stop excusing those incompetent bastards. It was their choice and they failed miserably:
>What was the thought process behind deciding to adapt Heaven's Feel as a trilogy of films?
>So from the original creators down to everyone in the studio, we had kind of always decided that Heaven's Feel had to be a movie, right? So when the time came, it was like "Hey let's do a movie trilogy." The reason for this is that there were a lot of things we wanted to express in Heaven's Feel, and the movie theater was the only place that we felt the freedom to express everything we wanted. Within the confined environment of a theater, there is a specific pressure we want to able to exert, like Heaven's Feel is moving in and pressing on the fans, so that was something we wanted the freedom to do with a theatrical film.
Event then they could've pulled it off if the director had some talent.

>> No.34463980

you failed miserably as a human being, autismo

>> No.34464131

At least I don't ruin adaptations.

>> No.34464166


>> No.34464214

you've ruined your parents' expectations

>> No.34464285

Remindr: Due to a mistranslation, the answer to the question about Shiki's adoptive family is "Ahriman" rather than "Arima".

>> No.34464305

She tries to, that's why she tells him to stay at home after school. Him cleaning the archery club anyways and getting involved with Rin fucks up her plans beyond repair, though.

>> No.34466193

If you do it the old school way where movies were super long with intermissions, one movie per route could work. Actually that could be a fantastic film series if done right.

>> No.34470007

Thanks for the tip! Man the translation for KT is rough.

>> No.34470367

>MILF tohsaka
that was easy

>> No.34471441
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Nasu's love for tabletops was truly on full display in FSN.

>> No.34471465
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>each activation is sure to kill

>> No.34471485

Did Gae Bolg kill fucking anyone ever?

>> No.34472106

my brain hurts reading this but i respect the effort

>> No.34472136
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favorite mbaa scenarios?

>> No.34472188

It killed Bazette in HA. Berserker Cu kills Karna in America.

>> No.34472379

The one where white len is eating crab.

>> No.34472759

Cu's closest friends and only son

>> No.34472781
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How do I get the rider rooftop scene after Tohsaka came back? 99.2% is killing me

>> No.34472931
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>> No.34473776

Will yoy guys buy the Emiya gohan game?

>> No.34473956

Most likely not. It's just Cooking Mama with a FSN skin, at least translate it in English if you want me to care about it.

>> No.34474046

Can't afford to buy a Switch- even if it's available it will be taxed to Herakles' eyeballs.

>> No.34474047

Yorokobe anon, your wish has come true. It's coming in English on June 2nd.


>> No.34474263

Oh shit, that's actually nice. I'll pick it up then.
And the irony that Shirou's Cooking Mama is getting the official English translation while Fate/stay night never did is not lost on me.

>> No.34474440

I'm interested but I think I'll wait for people's impressions first.

>> No.34474537
File: 300 KB, 729x520, Main Protagonist Ranker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's rank Type Moon Protagonists.


>> No.34474553

Calling Bazett and Angra protagonists is a stretch.

>> No.34474642
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>> No.34474880
File: 670 KB, 1064x742, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know most of these honestly. I probably could have just put FGO and extra shit all into F but whatever.

>> No.34475296

If archer can reproduce battle experience why isn't he in the top 1% strongest servants

>> No.34476033

He is thanks to plot armour.

>> No.34476375

Shirou > Everyone else.
I'm too lazy to do the whole thing but that's the objective part.

>> No.34476405

shiki is far more complex than shirou

>> No.34476424

shiki? no fucking way
unless you're talking about THAT shiki, in that case it's debatable

>> No.34476482

Could Nanaya actually have a chance against Kouma outside of Walpurgis?

Remember that Kouma's skin is supposedly as hard as steel

>> No.34476491

In theory Archer is a fucking monster since he can project experience and NPs, aside from having Mind's eye.
But also in theory Cu should be also one of the strongest servants since he's supposed to insta-kill anyone with his NP that uses almost no mana.
tl;dr: Don't think too much about it, only /a/ and /alter/fags engage in type-moon power level discussions unironically.

>> No.34476537
File: 122 KB, 1200x675, EGxGGkGXUAAW_at.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he does have something of a subtle old man/hermit vibe, dwelling in that mansion mostly by himself. I think that's part of the reason Nasu was comfortable putting Muramasa in his body.

It makes for a contrast to Tohno since the latter is relatively easy-going and sociable when he isn't being a straightman.

>> No.34476652

Well he can cut steel, can't he?

>> No.34476868

Yuuki Yuuna is TYPE-MOON?

>> No.34477026

fgofags pls go

>> No.34477058

It's part of the type-moon canon, no use trying to avert your eyes

>> No.34477084

you already have multiple threads to discuss your slop.

>> No.34477113

grow up

>> No.34477178

"no u"

>> No.34477194

I wouldn't mind it half as much if fgo was anything other than a gacha

>> No.34477224
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Sex with Akiha.

>> No.34477546

I think Kara no Kyoukai sucks

>> No.34477550

prove it

>> No.34478110
File: 3.19 MB, 2560x1538, 37a87117-4ae9-4304-a073-dd2c01cced1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34478228

Probably the most cautiously optimistic I've ever been about something. I hope there's still sex in the game. Not pornographically, but narratively. I don't want them to shy away from it, especially if the Far Side routes ever get remade.

>> No.34479367
File: 91 KB, 900x720, 884a8b4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THAT Shiki
Which Shiki?

>> No.34480116


I'm so glad someone made a higher resolution of this lol.

>> No.34480159
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I'll still one day make a meme template out of this one lel

>> No.34480185

Shiki is so hot

>> No.34480211
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Aoko is the female houdini of TM or maybe it's her sister Touko instead...

>> No.34480922
File: 269 KB, 1336x2048, E0DxTMQVUAYV_EI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houdini is probably a bit of both.

>> No.34481210
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>> No.34481825
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the rest don't matter really

>> No.34482055
File: 56 KB, 640x908, C7296372-4BB1-4A19-988D-0F528B4399E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retards putting Hakuno in D or lower

>> No.34482359
File: 393 KB, 1600x1263, 1612756748885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone give me a quick rundown on what happened to Girls' Work? It was supposed to come out ages ago, but it seems like nothing ever followed the announcement in 2010, even though the website is still up.

>> No.34482361

>no one has read Fire Girl
I wish I had complete raws.

>> No.34482400

well i was thinking of starting but i hear it was isekai so my interest dropped.

>> No.34482409

Fate started printing money so Aniplex lost interest in a much more risky project.

>> No.34482652
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>> No.34482949

Buy it and share.

>> No.34482979

TM never fucking talks about why their projects are dead. They're just hacks.

>> No.34483006

We're in a post-tsukihime remake world anon, anything can happen.

>> No.34483019

We're in a world where he is selling you 2 routes and hasn't announced a date for the rest while DDD continues to rot in a pit, yes.

>> No.34483114

I wouldn't really call anyone in SF a protagonist, it's more like a collection of PoV characters, all with protagonistic qualities.

>> No.34483296

>giving TM money

>> No.34483316

I didn't make the character list, I just rated them. Strange Fake doesn't have one MC but it has a lot of MC though, so it still works

>> No.34483343

There's nothing wrong with buying the stuff that's actually good. No fucking clue about fire girl though.

>> No.34483402
File: 7 KB, 605x40, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon will buy untranslated El-Melloi volumes as well.

>> No.34483469

I'd stab Nasu if I had the chance

>> No.34483502

Yeah but i don't think any of them have the qualities to be called "main". Or alternatively they all have them, and thus it doesn't matter.

>> No.34483503

Wait and see if Tsuki R is any good before you stab him.

>> No.34483670

He already told me it's not good in the interview.

>> No.34483790

Good thing he protected himself from psychos like you.

>> No.34483814

I'll stab you too

>> No.34483988

>believing nasu ever
You won't know until you play it.

>> No.34484162
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>> No.34484175
File: 60 KB, 598x900, NssWrSVzniSTQ_yhcm-kv6V0xEr8gd7qCjqN3EZiWdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Miyu Edelfelt from Prisma Illya based on some doujin character or something else? The premise of Prisma Illya is based on the doujin where Illya and Saber are magical girls, even Illya's school uniform there is similar to Prisma Illya's. Kuro is based on the doujin where Illya becomes a counter guardian. But what about Miyu? Is there some basis on her character from another work?

>> No.34484674

Speaking of TsukiR, I know Nasu stated he wanted to people to play it on a big TV as his reason for not putting it on PC, but how does that explain putting it on the Switch? I'll probably get it on Switch in case Sony decides to censor something.

>> No.34484717

Because nips love Switch and he needs ¥¥¥. I'm getting on Switch anyway because fuck giving Sony any money ever.

>> No.34485110

>in case Sony decides to censor something

as if there will be something to censor, this is realta nua 2.0

>> No.34485127

It's 18+. No sex but there's going to be gore.

>> No.34485216
File: 14 KB, 99x102, Снимок экрана 2021-04-28 195213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34485249

The official website. It even gives you one of those "you need to be 18+ to enter" messages.

>> No.34485257
File: 105 KB, 1245x614, 無題.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34485330

okay, maybe there will be some gore. still we are not getting fully voiced hd remake of anal sex with ciel senpai anyway

>> No.34485338

>anal sex with ciel

>> No.34485350

Read the interview. They talk about not compromising when it comes to retaining the original's gore/edginess.

>> No.34485412


>> No.34485434

IIRC Miyu was Takeuchi's idea.
It was in the afterword in the first volume.

>> No.34485443

how old are you that you still trust interviews?

>> No.34485503
File: 498 KB, 1126x1600, 162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good memory. You're right.

>> No.34485529
File: 922 KB, 1228x1736, 1599913803421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if Saber's comment about being too muscular and unfeminine was supposed to be an overstatement on her part, or if Takeuchi did want to make her less petite, but couldn't do it without making her look grotesque (his skill back then barely evolved from Tsukihime after all, he had a hard time drawing even basic stuff), so he just ignored it.

>> No.34485554

It's 18+ retard, they're literally turning away FGO kids at the checkout.

>> No.34485601

Wasn't she relatively weak/normal without her mana burst or something?

>> No.34485622

i already know it's 18+, microcephalic imbecile

>> No.34485660
File: 889 KB, 512x875, 1609187850887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if mana burst is supposed to actually alter her physique.
Another thing worth mentioning is that Mordred canonically has a pretty toned body, and she's Artoria's genetic clone, so I assume Artoria would look similar. Regardless, I think only nerds like me even remember such an off-hand comment from FSN, so whatever.

>> No.34485701

Bros, does anyone have a link to a torrent (or something like that) of the Tsukihime manga in the original Japanese?

>> No.34485708

Then maybe look at its age rating and the interview and put two and two together.

>> No.34485747

i had the same image of saber with muscular back since i watched deen's adaptation

>> No.34485759

>put two and two together

and what should i get? that 18+ rating means it's a 18+ rated game? fuck off, retard

>> No.34485761

>I wonder if Saber's comment about being too muscular and unfeminine was supposed to be an overstatement on her part
I always took it to be that.

>> No.34485803

So what reason do you have to believe that the gore is toned down from the original?

>> No.34485813

There's probably going to be more really.

>> No.34485841

i don't have any reason, i already was told about the 18+ rating

what the fuck is your problem, retard?

>> No.34485991

Then you've forgotten why you started replying in the first place.
Sasuga crossboarder. Maybe capitalise your posts if you want to try to fit in here.

>> No.34486074

i asked how old are you and you ignored the question, but i suppose you're underage if you think adults have a need to 'fit in', especially such cesspool as jaypee

>> No.34486106
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Maybe you should fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from anon.

>> No.34486129
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The original didn't even have much gore to speak of. Pic related is as far as it went. FSN was far more violent in comparison, and what we saw in the trailer already surpasses that.

>> No.34486158

really tragic to see how being a spastic autist is your role model in life

>> No.34486222

I think you're reading into my posts a bit hard. You're also either ESL or talk like a retard.

>> No.34486258


>> No.34486396

I want to stab ciel.

>> No.34486704

I mean, she's supposed to look like a normal 15 years old girl right?
No way she was muscular or unfeminine

>> No.34486942
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I'm 99% sure Takeuchi didn't draw her more muscular because it would've been a turn off for the average eroge consumer at the time.

>> No.34487014


>> No.34487081
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He does make her look more toned in the current artwork, but not as tomboyish as Mordred. So I guess that's the canon.
Certainly not unfeminine, but I think she was not supposed to be as "flat" as she was in FSN and FHA.

>> No.34487136

Would you two fuck off with that age shit? Jesus christ, get the fuck out of 4chan you dweebs.

>> No.34487283

what are you waiting for to read HA and tsuki no sango anon ?

>> No.34487337
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>> No.34487544


>> No.34488115

Apparently 意味不 is slang. Fucking nips.

>> No.34490417
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Is fate/zero worth watching

also what the fuck was this did nasu take some dolls and a toy car and throw them on some roads

>> No.34490456

>Is fate/zero worth watching
Sure, but be ready for Urobucher's hijinks. Everyone will be edgy, depressed, dressed in black suits, and Saber will be a punching bag of everyone throughout the show because Urobuchi really wanted to torment the innocent knight girl.
And it's not an actual prequel to Fate/stay night. Don't make the same mistake tons of normies make, it's more like a "what if" story that doesn't really fit with the VN.
>also what the fuck was this did nasu take some dolls and a toy car and throw them on some roads

>> No.34490505

>Urobuchi really wanted to torment the innocent knight girl.

Nasu asked Butcher to bully Saber a lot, actually.

Gen wanted to write about Rider and Waver. Nasu wanted the story to be "bully Saber".

>Going in, the original author entrusted me with just three pieces of information regarding Alexander: his true name, the Noble Phantasm called "Army of the King", and the fact that there must be a development where Saber comes to reconsider her own kingship through her conflict with him and Gilgamesh.
>So, starting from there I figured the most important thing was that he be a totally different sort of king from both Saber and Gilgamesh. That's why I decided to come up with his general appearance and personality first, and only research his actual history afterward, all the while looking for ways to twist and distort things along the vector I had already imagined for him. But then, the more I read about him, the more I realized Alexander the Great's actual life was like something out of Shounen Jump. I barely had to change anything about him at all!
>With the way he faced formidable foes with the utmost respect and behaved more like an adventurer than a statesman, I can't help but imagine him as a character in one of Hara Tetsuo's manga. Actually, now that I think about it, It'd be great if Hara Tetsuo made an Alexander the Great themed manga for real!
>I'm being serious.
>His love of the Iliad ran so deep that he once totally disregarded strategy in favor of sightseeing around the city of Troy. He might have been the first celebrity otaku in human history.

>> No.34490587
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>Nasu asked Butcher to bully Saber a lot, actually.
Doesn't matter who decided on it, the idea was pretty damn stupid. But if it was Nasu, I think I understand where he was coming from - he wanted to show how pitiful Saber's previous summoning was to make her life with Shirou look that much better in comparison. Still, it was pretty damn heavy-handed, and I have too much respect for Saber to accept how Urobuchi handled it.
>That's why I decided to come up with his general appearance and personality first, and only research his actual history afterward
So that's why his design missed the mark so completely. Alexander the Great was known to be a short twink, always cleanly shaven, so his young FGO design is actually much closer to reality than what we saw in F/Z. He also had heterochromia, and I have no idea how they missed that and didn't use it, that shit would've been shounen as fuck.

>> No.34490589

Saber's treatment was Nasu's idea as another anon has pointed out.
Also in the commentary of the 1st and 4th zero books Nasu says it's an actual direct prequel, not just a spin-off. He only somewhat retconned this in his commentary for strange fake where he said zero has all the same conditions for stay night with some slight differences.

>> No.34490596

It can't be a direct prequel to FSN unless Nasu rewrites FSN. It simply doesn't fit in a few major places.

>> No.34490733



Tsukihime, KT, FSN, and HA etc...

>> No.34490820

>So that's why his design missed the mark so completely. Alexander the Great was known to be a short twink, always cleanly shaven, so his young FGO design is actually much closer to reality than what we saw in F/Z. He also had heterochromia, and I have no idea how they missed that and didn't use it, that shit would've been shounen as fuck.
This discrepancy is actually explained in Case Files. Bless Sanda.

>> No.34490966
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It's a serviceable explanation, but since we only have the anime to go off of in English, my impression of Faker is based on a kind of silly and visually unappealing introduction.

For how enthusiastic and likable the Case Files adaptation is, the visual direction misses the mark of the novels' presentation, so Hephaestion ends up more difficult to swallow than she should be.

>> No.34491166

Could you elaborate on what you mean? I honestly don't remember the anime too much. I remember the books clearer.

>> No.34491195

should I read case files?

>> No.34491259

Yeah it's good. The last two arcs are amazing.

>> No.34491273

Did Aoko die after asking to get punched in the stomach?

>> No.34491449

the anon is probably talking about the rushed pacing and the confusing nature in which faker is randomly introduced. It was clear to me that the rail zepplin arc was rushed in the anime as things kept happening with little rhyme or reasons. Seems like a story that is a better fit for LN reading rather than anime.

>> No.34491953

The arc is a couple of volumes long. I forgot how many episodes they dedicated to it in the anime. 5? 6? Probably something too short yeah.

>> No.34492623

yeah and they also wrote all of those filler episodes that randomly have some common threads to the zepplin arc. It's weird. Would've rather had a longer episode count for the canon material with a couple of episodes that introduce the cast better filler or not.

>> No.34493919

>Naoko Takano will keep being the voice of a stick who's based on Kohaku
>Kohaku herself will be voiced by a different va

>> No.34493940

Are they changing the Hisui stick VA or something?

>> No.34494161
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>> No.34494708

I didn't notice that everyone's got a different seiyuu until you pointed this out, I fully expected everyone except Hisui of course be the same voice actors as always.
