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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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34418673 No.34418673 [Reply] [Original]

This general is for discussing Japanese Mobile Games that don't have their own dedicated general elsewhere. Occasionally some Chinese and Korean games will be discussed too.

>List of frequently discussed games and guides for them:

Read this Pastebin about how to get around region locks for both Android and iOS:


>> No.34421306
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Please play Tokyo 7th Sisters

>> No.34424575
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Started playing Megido 72, having a good time. The writing has been pretty good so far, especially in the character interactions. Really curious who 木場筆雄 actually is.

>> No.34429906

Have you found out why the main characters are crying yet?

>> No.34430647

Touhou Lost Word global release on 11 may

>> No.34430830

>female self insert
I pass.

>> No.34431739

How does alternate / seasonals characters work in Tenka? Can you use two different version of the same character in the same team?
What about dark swords?

>> No.34432406

>Global niggers are gonna start off with the cube nerf
JP wins again good thing I took advantage of it before the patch

>> No.34432604
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>Can you use two different version of the same character in the same team?
>What about dark swords?
Dark swords are their own unit so yes you can use a dark sword and their SR/UR "good" counter part like pic related

>> No.34432646

What's the point of rolling for a alt of a character you already have then?

>> No.34432666

Because they're completely different characters with different Ougis,skills, and attacks some of them also have special abilities

>> No.34432696

Well sound like they aren't different enough for the devs to allow you to use both at the same time.

>> No.34432777

They used to be separate back when the shinsengumi girls first came out in year 1 but since you basically had to raise the affection of both girls separately despite them being the same person people wanted them to be able to share the same affection so they combined them

>> No.34432883

Well even back then you still can't use both limited and normal versions in the same team so it made sense to combine them.

>> No.34435301

Personally not a fan of it but they probably thought it fits the story's tone.

>> No.34436814

Why would two of the same person be available at once? Games that do that are stupid.

>> No.34438034

Convince me that this will last longer than magireco NA

>> No.34440515

It'll surprise me if it lasts longer than that one Symphogear EN game last year.

>> No.34441874
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I miss her old design.

>> No.34444176

She needed the upgrade

>> No.34444260
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Even Shichiseiken and Shourin had art upgrades before they were released during swordfes. They were improved greatly from the original.

>> No.34445506
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I'm glad commander got her upgrade she has the best damage art in my opinion

>> No.34447161

>Arc The Lad R JP is already dead before the EN version is released

>> No.34447183

I'll give the EN version 6 months if it's ever released.

>> No.34447228

Another game killed by horses lmao

>> No.34447297

It was already declining before horses released and they don't have same target audience though.

>> No.34447331

Don't bother he's saying it for any game that's closing

>> No.34447800

every day I pray and kneel to the horse gods and KMR for that my small mobage is spared another day

>> No.34451639

Ryza has had some adjustments today in Compass:
>Explosion damage of her hero skill increased by 10,000,000%
>Increased the interval between the second/subsequent concoctions thrown from her hero action by 1 second.
>Transition from using her hero action to moving sped up by 0.25 seconds
>All effects of the concoctions thrown during her hero action have been buffed:
>Explosive - damage + 50%
>Stun - duration + 0.3 seconds
>Silence - duration + 1 second
>Poison - effect + 33%
>Healing effect of her hero action is now 14% more effective
>The push effect from hitting an enemy with her hero action has been increased by 20%.

Overall her ability to stunlock people with her HA has been limited in exchange for some sizable buffs to the actual effects.

>> No.34452929

Should've released a proper srpg on switch or 3ds just like the psx games

>> No.34453293

PSX wasn't a Nintendo console

>> No.34457183

Progress update: 23 more retweets since release, their highest number of retweets since releasing is 36. I'll knock my 8 months prediction down to 5.

>> No.34457748

>Doing alchemy stars EN tier

>> No.34459773

Damn besides barely having comments, some of them are pretty brutal. This game will be over before we know it.

>> No.34459786

Too cursed

>> No.34461734

God, I hope Alch EN doesn't die within a quarter. The art and gameplay look nice enough to stick with, but I'd really like to read the campaign and character info without machine translation assistance.

>> No.34461837

I dont see why Alch EN would die when its literally same server as JP and they just need 1 trannylator

>> No.34462137

>I dont see why Alch EN would die
Because they seem to have gathered no interest in the west so far which is already a huge red flag even the PGR global twitter that came out of nowhere and people though was a hoax already has more followers

>> No.34463869

Is the PoE guild that used to recruit here still active?

>> No.34463903
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Yeah, we're still here.

>> No.34463926

What's your current guild battle rank? I feel like I will be kicked by my current guild so I would want to join if ever it happens.

>> No.34463951

We are averaging around rank 250 at the end of each day with 25 people who have done at least 1 hit, but the number of people actively doing 3 hits a day is a bit lower. With all players active we could probably hit the 225 cutoff at our peak.

>> No.34464115

I see. My final score after all my hits is around 380k so I'm probably not too shit. My only problem in my guild was that I made some mistakes like sniping the guild leader while he's attacking a few times or getting unlucky with my damage and leaving 1% HP. I might be kicked if our guild leader actually takes note of this kind of shit.

>> No.34464150

I doubt it unless your guild is actively trying to aim for top 100 or something. Active players who are old enough to do a couple of hundred thousand points are a commodity right now.
Leaving enemies at 1% is a pretty big dick move though unless you have weak members acting as designated jannies. You can leave and retry battles for free without it eating your tries so you should always try to see if you can get that last bit of damage.

>> No.34464195

Well I'll just see that happens after the guild battle. At least I'm done for this month.

>> No.34464489
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If the Compass stream on the 29th gets 100,000 comments (it will) then a free earth-element UR gacha will be made available at some point after.
Users who watch it with a linked niconico account will also get 3 hero tickets - seems likely that there will be some new original hero information during the news section.

>> No.34470715
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2hu lost word

>> No.34475450

Enjoy your games whilst you can, it's only a matter of time before the next Cygames hotness drops

>> No.34475505

I don't think Cygames is releasing anything more popular than Uma or even GBF and Priconne for at least a few more years, and they honestly don't need to. Uma is their magnum opus that has easily surpassed Genshin in Japan and rivals even FGO during its heyday.

>> No.34475983

Do you not remember Dragon Quest Walk doing similar numbers before it dropped off in popularity? It still does well but it was pulling Uma numbers during its first couple of months. The question is always sustainability and if you've played Idolm@ster Shiny Colors which is the same gameplay loop you should be aware of how quickly people can get bored of that raising sim formula.

>> No.34477196

DQ franchise appeals mainly to normalfags who will inevitably drop off gacha.
Uma Musume appeals to animefags, keibafags, and idolfags that will keep this game popular for a long time.

>> No.34477585

You're being a little too optimistic there my dude

>> No.34477629

uma musume is horseshit and its success is vastly overrated

>> No.34477651

Not really. If you also consider how DQ literally only gets people playing because it's fucking DQ then it's understandable why it was so popular for only a brief amount of time.
Uma Musume is practically a brand new IP. Sure there was an anime back in 2018 but hardly anyone watched it. The game has exploded in success alongside the 2nd season of the anime while not having any of the advantages or disadvantages the DQ mobile game has. It's in its own category. When you consider how even FGO was mainly carried by its brand, then Uma Musume is literally a 0 to 100 rags to riches success story even larger than FGO and as such, has many people (and the horse yakuza) to continue supporting it for a long time.

>> No.34477835

I wasn't the one who responded to that post but to clear it up, DQ Walk still makes about twice what Priconne was making a month before Uma Musume gave Priconne a gigantic drop in revenue. It's doing very very well still(#6 for revenue last year, right behind FGO) it's just not up at the 120憶 range anymore because that is not realistically sustainable. Everything in your current post could also be said about Genshin except that it didn't even have an anime going for it but that game is currently making about half of what it was during it's first few months in Japan because the honeymoon period wore out and people burnt out.

This is how mobile games work, even games that explode and have some lasting popularity will often notice a drastic reduction in spending after the first 6 months because players were able to procure enough resources that they feel comfortable not rolling every gacha and can start saving for sparks. By the 6th month Anniversary Uma earning half of what it is now wouldn't be much of a surprise, but to put that into perspective even making half of what it's making now it would be doing better than every other Cygames title combined.

>> No.34478338
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>T7S devs actually giving apologems
Wow. I didn't think it was this serious.

>> No.34478800

Power Pro did have a good first few years so that'd be the new baseline

>> No.34479943

70 free rolls in poe for golden week

>> No.34482090

So I knew there was a anniversary for Tenka comping up but now I heard that Neptunia artist made a character for the game
Anyone knows when she will be avalaible?

>> No.34482460
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>Anyone knows when she will be available?
Who knows. There are characters whose designs were released during the first year but never appeared in the game like the one I've been waiting for since forever.

>> No.34483269

>anniversary coming up
It pretty much ended already.

>> No.34483342

ah, oh well, my bad

>> No.34485765
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holy mother of rolls

>> No.34485790

Damn I forgot this game existed

>> No.34486197

It's super tiring going to any mobile game general and being like UMACHADS RULE THIS SHIT, UMAS KILLED THIS GAME, EVERYONES PLAYING UMA MUSUME, etc etc.
It's a JP-only game and the community is already as bad as EN or worse, pretty amazing.

Same deal with Genshin and everyone pretending Genshin is literally the peak of gaming then furiously arguing and defending it.

>> No.34486291

>It's a JP-only game and the community
You mean salesfags? You don't have to play that game to shitpost with numbers.

>> No.34486321

Not just salesfags, just the people that think umas is literally the best thing that has happened to mobile gaming and is better than fgo, genshin, priconne, granblue, (insert random popular game here) while selling more than them.

If it's this bad already then just imagine how horrible it will be when it gets its english version.

>> No.34486329

You mean threads infested with shitposters are using whatever ammo they can find to shitpost?
What a shocker!

>> No.34486351

Uma Musume already requires a bare minimum of brain power so it’s going to filter out the majority of EOP retards that are usually attracted to mobile game generals.

>> No.34486372

>it gets its english version.
But would Cygame want to go through another copyright hell to localize it ?

>> No.34486383

One, I've seen a full English translation of it applied to the DMM client.
Two, People say the same thing of every game ever and its still shit.

Pretty sure a bunch of EOP retards would be better than the current umas fanbase anyway.

>> No.34486392

>just the people that think umas is literally the best thing that has happened to mobile gaming
You don't think these people are actually genuine do you? I assure you it is 99% shitposters and doomniggers that just want to use Uma to shitpost in other generals. After all why would people who think Uma is the best bother to visit inferior mobile game generals?

>> No.34486442

It's not a full translation. Story is untouched which is over half of the appeal of that game.

>> No.34486481

sounds like shit you could easily find on youtube

>> No.34488501

>uma shitsume
>story appeal

>> No.34488585

t. eop

>> No.34488741

cygames does kinda suck dick when it comes to writing stories. the presentation is what carries priconne, not the story itself.

>> No.34489099

>Anon falls for the shitposters
These niggers thrive on attention if you just ignore their existence they quickly move on to another place

>> No.34489728
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Dating bar is open it's kinda awkward when a girl you're trying to seduce has no voice thankfully my girl does and yes KV-2 I am one how could you tell?

>> No.34490816

ignore them they're releasing their pent up feelings after being on the other end of three years of vaporware shitposting the hype will die off soon

>> No.34491907

>this game will die in one week no one cares about this horseshit NOGAMEPLAY game lmao
>this game will phase out in one month it's the literal definition of FOTM shit that no one is going to give a fuck about
>this game will lose traction after its second month especially now that the anime is over there is no more hype for this game anymore
You are now here
>this game's hype will die off Soon™

>> No.34492031

Thanks for putting on display why everyone hates the entirety of the uma fanbase.

>> No.34492055

Isn't umas a yurishit game? I'd rather play something like pricunny where MC is confirmed male and all the girls are for you

>> No.34493521

That's great honey. Tell me about the picture you drew in class today.

>> No.34493640

I don't even play uma.

>> No.34493652

I drew a picture of Pricunny, granblue and deresute having a nice, fun golden week event!!

If you look closely then you can see the uma crying in the corner.

>> No.34494951
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Damn. First 11 rolls and I got her. I was expecting to lose everything too.

>> No.34495148
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I didn't get shit but all the gem grinding finally got my dark cunny to level 80

>> No.34495249

>AGA used to give costume bags a lot.
>Now they haven't given a single one for months.
I just want to roll for the new Misaki costume.

>> No.34495273

You have to do the DMM festival stuff for costume bags now, shit sucks since you have to wait for age for them to send the rewards.

>> No.34495287

They gave one not so long ago but yeah, shit sucks. Im trying to get Yotsuyu bikini and always get the blonde girl one, I have gotten the same one like 4 times.

>> No.34495309
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First roll, wew.

>> No.34495325

I hate how they never fix the swimsuit gacha to return you the bag if you rolled dupes.
It was fine when they gave out costume bags like candies but nowadays it's completely unbearable.

>> No.34495340

The costume bag gacha system sucks. At least make it so that dupes aren't possible. I used to have 10 or so bags but I used almost all of them for Misaki's swimsuit.

>> No.34495366

It was a bit more acceptable before when they used to give 1 bag or more every new event. Now it's just shit with the bags being too rare and costume dupes being too common.

>> No.34497180

Didn't tenka lower the spark requirement?
Why is it still at 300?

>> No.34497662

They increased the rate of pick up characters.

>> No.34498253
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>ashy arms golden week quests to get the lewd CW-21 skin is literally just roll
>No killing enemies or certain bosses it's just rolling the gacha
>Also asking people to please roll in one of their twitter posts
Uh oh looks like it's officially gonna be over soon for real this time I can't say I'm gonna miss it but I had high expectations for the game before it went to shit kinda surprised it survived on life support for over a year

>> No.34498944

>Begging people to roll your gacha
>But doesn't have any new characters for people to roll.
What the fuck they are even doing at this point.

>> No.34498984
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5th anni soon

>> No.34499182

It depends on the gacha.
Generally Fes characters are 300, seasonal/limited are 200, and permanent additions are 100.

>> No.34499379
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Summary of the Compass stream today:

First of all, Justice's season will run from the 6th ~ 16th. There will be a Teppen tournament/news stream following that next month (I think it was the 23rd).
To celebrate the winners of the tournament today there will also be a free UR single pull gacha (water only) after maintenance on the 6th. There will also be the earth gacha and I assume there will be a fire one because they usually add all three anyway. 2525BM will also be given out after maintenance as a stream reward.
A 7-day login campaign will run from the 29th ~ 9th for Golden Week. Rewards are 2525BM, up to 40,000 energy, 5 free hero tokens and 1 hero ticket.

There was some news about various collaborations/events taking place throughout Japan. One of them was with WEGO - buy clothes, get costumes in game.

A 5v5 mode will be implemented some time this summer as a special rule in stage maker arenas. Preview: https://twitter.com/cps_niconico/status/1387720332627218435
Hopefully it will also be added as some sort of event playlist, even if temporary.

Gustav and Tesla will receive the updated model treatment soon - https://twitter.com/cps_niconico/status/1387721687928475650

Guilty Gear Strive is coming out soon. To commemorate this there will be a rerun of the GG collab from the 1st ~ 7th - this will include new costumes for Sol and Ky along with a new stage from the game. Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEFYrt4awIM

A Compass rhythm game is also in development and is expected to release this winter. Certainly not something I was expecting. Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8brQyTmltA4

Finally, the next original hero has been revealed. Aoharu Alice will be released during the rainy season. I'm guessing it'll be in June, we should have more info about her on the next news stream.
Preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxNmJejE3x0
Her full song is also available: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xU5XVtN-uqY

That's all for now

>> No.34500264

What about seasonal version of limited/dark swords?

>> No.34501676

Generally, speaking, alternate version of SwordFes characters have also been Fes characters, and that includes the Shadow swords.

>> No.34501681

Seasonals of characters whose originals are part of a fes gacha also come as a fes gacha so they'd have a ceiling of 300 too.

>> No.34501947

Grats. Did 100 and didn't get her. Didn't even have bad character rates just managed to dodge the rate up every time.

>> No.34502750

You and me both; I got plenty of new URs but not her.

>> No.34503758

>Mizuchi and OTHER VERSION have different "elements" so can't use both with the same gear
Wow, rude.

>> No.34505006

So we can't use her yet or is there a certain requirement I am missing?

>> No.34506209

Do you have the 4th anniversary mission character?
Because she's an alternate version of that character so you have to switch "outfits".

>> No.34507869

>30 rolls for the new PoE character.
Nice. My luck in PoE hasn't ended.

>> No.34510206

Just logged in and saw another bag in the daily login special rewards. Maybe I should start saving them

>> No.34515070

Dead games, dead thread.

>> No.34515755

Is the new PoE character good and should I roll for her?

>> No.34515897

She is good but on paper not broken and is perm.
Wait a few days to see if top pvp whales are finding success with her.

>> No.34517090

>Is perm
I should really pay attention to that shit. Went 100 rolls for her and don't even like her.

At this point I'm trying to roll to quit and the game won't let me.

>> No.34519504
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>> No.34519672

What the fuck are people even spending on in Uma to keep it at the top that much? Is the game just extremely whaley?

>> No.34519833

The cards that help with stat growth during training sessions have poor growth rates at the base max level. Those growth rates get better with limit breaks and the only way to limit break is with dupes.
Rolling horses you've been waiting for is typical low rates rng shittery. There, rarity-raising (for more stats and better special) is also more efficient with dupes, but at least that doesn't require dupes.
Ceiling is at 200 rolls for either gacha set, which is technically lower than most games that only have one set to worry about.

And there's the aspect of guild and pvp rankings.

It's probably enough to get the UN and green peace on Japan's case again over whaling practices.

>> No.34520165

No wonder its been at the top lmao, shit like this makes Mihoyo look like saints with Genshin.

>> No.34520322

>Dont need dupes to esports granblue
>Dont need dupes to esports Pricunny
>Dont need dupes to esports dragalia
>Dont need dupes to esports Shadowverse
>Suddenly need dupes to be MLP esports or you wont catch up to the whales

Did KMR suddenly decide he wanted a new spaceship or something?

>> No.34520415

Cyjews win again... Bros...

>> No.34520580

This is pretty similar to im@s shiny colors which is similar to derby stallion so they just took the same game and painted it a coat of cute 2D horse girls, of course there's also generic cards to lb any unit but in the case of SC those are weird as fuck.

>> No.34520582

Holy shit, other than a few exceptions, the whole "need dupes to reach full potential" has largely fallen out of phase among big names, either the guy's on a stroke of genius or pure insanity.

>> No.34520636

The game got delayed for at least a year or more, they need a quick way to recoup all the money they had wasted, in case the game turns out to be a massive flop.

>> No.34520935

To be fair, you can reach the highest class in PVP as a pure F2P. There's no reason to have super whale horses yet until they add in some new PVP mode that is specifically catered to big spenders.

>> No.34521116

It's not really a matter of cant or cant, it's a matter of how dupes went largely extinct on most games.

In the other games listed, the concept of dupes simply doesn't exist. A lucky day1 player could be on par and maybe even beat a whale that wallets the game hard simply with luck and knowing the game because both whales and F2P are on an even playing ground. In Priconne for example, you can get #1 on the arenas easily and even reach top 50 in CB as a F2P provided you raised all the key CB players and find a clan willing to take you.

Meanwhile umas becomes the first cygames game where you simply can't match a whale because he spent more than you. His stuff will be better, more efficient and can get the full potential of his cards while a F2P player wont be able to limit break and lose out on efficiency. The gap will only become wider with time when more stuff to roll for starts coming out until there's a big gap between whales and F2P players where people simply accept they can't reach the top and are happy with their limits.

>> No.34521314

In Uma, the gap is only apparent when you are trying to compare yourself to the top 0.01% of whales, and the game's current matchmaking system will ensure you will never meet those whales unless you are a whale yourself. Right now there is no reason to compare yourself to those whales and you can comfortably fight any whales that are on your level somehow. I have matched with a few opponents that had not just 1 but 2 of their own lv 50 support cards + friend and still managed to win 4-1 and 5-0 despite being a F2P using welfare event supports, uncapped SRs, and whatever lv 30 SSRs I got from the gacha. In the end it's still all about how you build your horses - a F2P who builds their PVP horses smart and grinds for good RNG runs will undoubtedly beat whales who are just trying to get by with money with no problem.
Also when it comes to circle "esports" in this game, F2P are on even ground since it's all about how much you can autistically play the game to farm fans rather than straight up power. You can probably stay within the top 100 circles as a F2P given you just play for 12+ hours every day. The only advantage whales would have here is a slightly higher fan bonus per run thanks to their supports but they'd still have to play for 10+ hours to stay within that bracket.

>> No.34521478

SC doesn't have a split gacha though which is a good thing because you can get support cards while rolling for units. Uma has it split up into 2 gachas which is full kikery. Even the SSR tickets in Uma they've been handing out as milestones for hitting certain numbers of players are only for SSR supports when the SC tickets can be either.

>> No.34521577

>the gap is only apparent when you are trying to compare yourself to the top 0.01% of whales
Two things to point out here. Firstly, the part that there is a gap that exists and a divide between F2P and whale. You said it yourself, you'll never meet those whales unless you're a whale yourself meaning that the divide exists.

And second, that the amount of whales is much higher than 0.01% considering horses has spent like an entire month at #1 which means the nips have been whaling HARD.

Game is still fresh out so both the whales and the F2Ps are still trying to build their shit but the divide will only become more and more obvious with time because of the systems make it possible for a gap to exist because F2Ps will hit a ceiling while whales wont.

Umas sounds like its going to be one of those games where whales will get their own tier in the PVP modes that mortals cant reach and normal F2Ps will have to be happy with being a few tiers lower even if they go hard at the game and minmax everything.

>> No.34521811

And that's perfectly normal for most mobile games. Priconne is a bonsaige where whaling is mainly intended to save time or to catch up faster. Granblue doesn't have a divide outside of flex whale weapons that are still obtainable by F2P but instead the divide between "esports" is time investment where you have to play 17 hours a day during GW or ping for MVP racing.
I have never played Dragalia outside of week 1 launch so I can't comment on it. Shadowverse also required whaling at different points in the game's life if you always wanted to stay on meta and have multiple wallet decks prepared for tournaments as all but maybe 1 or 2 budget decks were falling out of meta. I am pretty sure Wafuri wanted you to whale for their weapon gacha too and had a limited seasonal banner around 3 weeks into the game's life featuring 3 limiteds.

>> No.34521971

Honestly the split is the biggest reason why I didn't bother getting into the game. Felt like it was going to be the type of situation where rolling anything other than the support card gacha as a F2P is just shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.34521983

I just prefer the games where there isnt any dupe bullshittery and I can get the max potential out of my characters without having to whale. It's a shame all their other games are super F2P friendly while umas is more catered towards whales and spenders.

>> No.34521993

I tried getting into it
Navigating the game without knowing Japanese feels like it's going to be a real nightmare and then there's all those complex mechanics that are already complex in English but I need to master them in Japanese to put another layer of difficulty. That and the split gacha bullshit makes it pretty hard to get into.

>> No.34522643

It's more that there's just a huge number of people playing it and spending right now while the game is booming, who will likely drop it soon enough once the repetitive autismo nature of a raising sim sets in.
There's no real need to spend that much unless you're trying to go HARD into the competitive aspects of the game, but the "upper limit" of what you can spend per gacha is relatively high.

>> No.34523109

I like when FGO creeps back up but is quickly banished back.

>> No.34523237

>No more update for Brave Frontier Global
End of an era

Whale weapon grids exist in granblue though

Yakuza manipulating sales rank

>> No.34523239

It's a deal breaker for me too. Any game with a dual gacha system is a huge red flag but a Cygames title in particular can fuck right off with it. Cygames major issue with their titles is that their individual rate-up percents are always complete shit so a dual gacha system combined with needing 5 copies of a support card is so hilariously bad that I can't see myself sticking with the game long term.

Only needing 200 rolls to pity is fantastic. Needing to roll both the character and 5 copies of the support card however is not.

>> No.34523280

>Whale weapon grids exist in granblue though
They can exist but you can unlock the full potential of your characters without dupes/whaling, can rank in GW and can max everything you can without swiping. Ping is what determines how good you are anyway in that game because JP ping cant be beat.

>> No.34523301

doesn't gbf have very strong summons that you can't pity or ticket?

>> No.34523333
File: 7 KB, 100x100, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No :^)

>> No.34523377

oh so that's why gold moons are so important. how obtainable is it? is it like the pity in fgo or is it manageable to save up 150 gold moons?

>> No.34523468

I've done nothing but log in for free roll periods for the last few years and I have 250, I think I spent a few back when I actually played too so I'd probably be at 300+ if I didn't.

>> No.34523511

Do you people just conveniently forget that every Cygames game where dupes are necessary they always implement some kind of substitute material you can use to uncap? Damascus Bars and Sunlight Stones in GBF and Dragalia, and I believe World Flipper had one for their 5* characters too that you could grind monthly from farming Orochi and from event rewards. Obviously Uma will have an equivalent after they finalize their version of circle wars that isn't just farming fans or other PVP modes.

>> No.34523963

oh that doesn't seem as bad as i was expecting.

>> No.34524651

>Damascus Bars and Sunlight Stones in GBF
But you never needed dupes to uncap your characters, thats just retarded.

>> No.34524844

Uma is still new so they haven't added any of that yet. I figure once the whales get an actual strong foothold ahead of everyone else is when they'll add those. I'm already not doing dailies since training takes too much time and attention to finish so idk if I'm even going to be playing by the time that comes.

>> No.34524854

You need dupes to uncap those characters' weapons along with summons. No point in having an esport team in GBF if you don't have the whale weapon and summon pool.

>> No.34524861

>No point in having an esport team in GBF if you don't have Japanese ping
fixed that for you
Nobody cares about your whale grid if the dude with better ping attacked three times before you got one in

>> No.34524873

also there is an absolute FUCKTON of Dama bars to be farmed in granblue right now. If you're arguing 2021 granblue then you can farm enough bars to max one pool or two and if you're arguing 2015 granblue then Magna pools were great with Wind/Light magna being actually some of the best pools in the game bar none.

>> No.34524913

Dama bars are kinda whatever in Dragalia since all weapons are easily grindable. You get sunlight stones at a steady pace too and a lot of older summons have uncap things you can grind out from doing story hard mode, kinda like character shards in Priconne.
I gave it a try during it's half anni recently and it's a very F2P friendly game.

>> No.34524924

yeah that is a classic mobage dev tactic. monetize hard at the start and then once the whales have everything you give everyone else some scraps and run some guaranteed max rarity gachas while the players feel like the devs appreciate them.

>> No.34525953

Has anyone tried Bluestacks 5?

Bluestacks advertises its much better, faster and stable than 4 but should I grab 4 to run my stuff without crashes or should I go for 5?

>> No.34528178

those parts are more like Pawapuro imho
well yeah. Cygames gacha tend to be very stingy which they make up with loads of freebies for the F2Ps and dangle the spark ceilings for the dolphins. Those are their ways to 'narrow the gap' between whales, dolphins and F2P players.

>> No.34530785

What went wrong with Genshin? It turned out to be flavor of the month after all?

>> No.34531015
File: 789 KB, 1440x720, Screenshot_20210429_162023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First 10 roll

>> No.34531132
File: 686 KB, 1552x1749, rev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It turned out to be flavor of the month after all?
Yes Anon, it's just flavor of the month.

>> No.34531150

According to /gig/, Zhong Li banner flopped hard.

>> No.34531747

<span class="sjis">      >>34493640
        ( ´Д`) >seething
          |        lヽ +
          | ∧_∧ l 」+
.  ____     ∩ ( ´∀`)∥ Revere /jp, expel the niwaka
 (     )    \_       つ
 | | |      | | |~
 (__)_)      (__)_)[/spoiler]

>> No.34531846

niwaka thread, niwaka post

>> No.34536463

Everything will flop according to them

>> No.34536873

Kindly explode, thanks.

>> No.34536965
File: 495 KB, 1386x640, shoumetsutoshi-1245002914856226818-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AFTERLOST got a service end announcement. Personally I never got why it existed. It always felt like an inferior version of the original game.

That said I'm sad we never got an English version of the original Shoumetsu even though it probably wouldn't have survived anyway.

>> No.34538668
File: 192 KB, 500x784, 1597425373684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played tons of /mbgg/ fotms in Chinese, Japanese and English over the years but Uma musume really makes me feel like I have no fucking clue what I'm doing.

Not sure if it's the lack of guides or the sheer amount of moonrunes but this seems to be the least EOP friendly game out of the Cygames lineup by a gigantic margin. Is it even possible to play this without knowing Japanese?

>> No.34538745

Yes, you will just miss out on a bunch of story and characterization which are the main selling points of the game otherwise it's just a barebones raising simulator.

>> No.34538783

I mean, once you know what skills are good for what, what each stat does, what cards are good, and can manage to use a guide to look up choices, it should be easy enough to play.
But >>34538745
is 100% correct.

>> No.34538807

>Yes, you will just miss out on a bunch of story and characterization which are the main selling points

People said the same thing about Priconne and I've been playing that for 3+ years. Not to mention I've played basically every /mbgg/ fotm since the /vg/ days. I'm just complaining because the systems feel like a big, massive fuck you from KMR if you don't know Japanese as opposed to something like most other games where all you need to do is learn the UI and everything else is just intuitive and self explanatory.

>> No.34538841

And how is PriConne without reading the story or character contents? I'm not trying to say anything particular about how good they may or may not be, but without being able to read those, is it anything more than "just a barebones" autobattler that you see elsewhere?

>> No.34538846

How exactly is not knowing Japanese fucking you over in Uma? I don't know a lick of Japanese either but you can pretty easily get the hang of things after a few training runs of pressing random shit.

>> No.34538852

go play the shiny colors english patch for a couple of hours and you'll get a hang of what you're supposed to be doing. you can have a spreadsheet of what skills do what when you go back to uma and you'll be fine.

>> No.34538926

>And how is PriConne without reading the story or character contents?
Kinda fun actually but I wish KMR would hurry up with the promised new content/modes. I read the story that gets translated, I enjoy rolling for my favorite characters and I bitch and moan every time Clan battle rolls around.
It's a matter of what you're expecting from the game or what you want from it. I went in Priconne expecting a relaxed character collector where I could raise characters I liked, play with them and use them and I got exactly that.

I've felt omega burned and regretted getting stuck on whatever server got shilled first here on a few ocassions like with AL CN, Honkai JP or GFL CN but I don't really have any desire to leave the JP server for Priconne.

I get that its a raising sim but not knowing shit about what to raise or what in the world should I be doing with skill points half because I can't read shit and half because I wouldnt know what to take even if I could read these.

Maybe I should try to read a few guides and fuck around randomly like the other anon mentions but my first impression of this popularly shilled game is that it's a nightmare if you can't read Japanese and not intuitive in the slightest.

>> No.34538982

my japanese knowledge is very basic and i didn't have any issues with it. a lot of it is straightforward where horses that run longer races want stamina, horses that run short races want to stack speed, power is helpful for accelerating quickly, etc. knowing what skills do what is certainly helpful but i'm sure there's a spreadsheet out there that tells you what everything does. keep in mind that the game is still rng as fuck though where you can go from 12th on one race to 1st when you retry it so you could be taking the right skills and still getting unlucky.

>> No.34551637

Got new poe girl in 10 rolls

>> No.34551639


>> No.34554966

Damn that's cute. I kind of wish I didn't drop Ash Arms, it seems to be steadily adding more features and general content to the gameplay loop.

>> No.34560992


>> No.34561309 [DELETED] 

uma musume not only is garbage, it is also not allowed here. Back to your containment thread horsefucker.

>> No.34561430

no one even brought up uma for over a day until you posted

>> No.34562550

It's a Japanese mobile game, and this is the Japanese mobile game thread

>> No.34571164

Anyone know a place to buy Tenka Hyakken accounts?

>> No.34575340

YAJ is probably your best option.

>> No.34580310

What's on the mobage horizon this season

>> No.34580537

animae archive finally comes out this month I believe

>> No.34580560

animae is dead
next is
mhy's fujo game
masterwork apocalypse
ragnarok origin

>> No.34583319
File: 189 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also a Knights of Sidonia mobage coming out for whatever reason. It looks to be off to a stellar start with only 5000 pre-registrations since the 24th April and 3758 followers on Twitter.

>> No.34589173

Sea / global version of counter side to be released in less than 2 weeks

>> No.34595805

Looking forward to seeing some raw gameplay footage

>> No.34595820
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, 0082BhXLgy1gq4e5902naj31hc0u0hdt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my picture like a retard

>> No.34595898

>GF 2
is this xcom gf i was promised ?

>> No.34596481

I'll play for Izana, no matter how little time together we have

>> No.34601513

Damn is CUE dead? I tried to login after a few months and it seems dead.

>> No.34601857

Didn't they already announced that the server will be put down on April 30?

>> No.34601996

I don't know anon I haven't played since January. So it's really dead.

>> No.34602090

But they want to improve the game and rerelease it in the future right?

>> No.34608573

Actually I tried playing that right before the server shuts down. I haven't even got past the intro yet.

Maybe we have to see where they are going with the anime first anon.

>> No.34614103


>> No.34615298

Never played the first one but this looks pretty nice. I'd be willing to give it a shot when it comes around.

>> No.34621178

>a weapon to surpass metal gear

>> No.34626799
File: 365 KB, 800x1200, E0sLaDiUcAANMdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Justice's season has started in Compass and will run until the 16th, the usual applies.
There's still a bit less than a day of the Guilty Gear collab left. I'm not sure if the new stage will go with it but I hope not.
And finally, there will be two free UR gachas until the 16th - one for earth and one for water, both single pull each. Sadly they didn't give us a fire one to top it off.

>> No.34632948

...did they censored Dizzy?

>> No.34638373

Animae arche announced its new release date for the 27th, and an additional free 10-roll. At least rerolling looks easy enough.

>> No.34641529


>> No.34644326
File: 86 KB, 1200x675, E0Oc4_1VIAAqmE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused: is CUE going to come back or not? I thought they said that service was only suspended but here it says "service ended".

>> No.34646485

I didn't play, but I get the impression it's shut down but with the intention of later on releasing a new related game.
Kinda like Priconne, or Ensemble Girls.

>> No.34649119

The problem with that practice is that there are people who actually spent lots of money on those games. If they suddenly pulled the plug without warning and moved on without any reasonable compensation, that would be like fleeing to Hawaii with a briefcase of the whales' money.

>> No.34655054

It'd work out fine if they took the money with no intention of making anything else in the future. Easy money is easy money

>> No.34655622

That is kind of how it goes with mobile games, yes.
It's gonna end at some point, and you're not gonna get compensated for anything when it does.
Because you're not paying for a product to keep, you're paying to change your experience with the game while it's still around.

>If they suddenly pulled the plug without warning
I admit I wasn't paying much attention to CUE to begin with, but was it without warning? Most of these games give at least some amount of advance notice beforehand.
I also don't know if they're actually doing that new game thing like I said, it's just what it sounds most like to me from the things being said in here.
Also, Ensemble Girls did carry over a bunch of stuff from the first game, like your card collection. Not that it helped it that much in the long run, I guess.

>> No.34657768

I would play that.

>that would be like fleeing to Hawaii with a briefcase of the whales' money
Isn't that pretty much what the FF15 guy did except replace "whales" with "Square-Enix"?

>> No.34672570


>> No.34674149

anon please wear a mask

>> No.34679879


>> No.34681062
File: 583 KB, 2048x2048, 44dcd3d2b1a6f6d91634dde4245403a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I was thinking of getting into uma musume thanks to pic related but I don't know if this is a playable character or what. Can anyone confirm?

>> No.34682078

Not yet, no.

>> No.34686259

Not playable yet
Why didn't you just ask /uma/

>> No.34687494

The new PGR loli is very sexy

>> No.34690757

Skipping homos finally paid off

>> No.34690810

I know kek, was wondering what to do with my 14500 black cards saved since I started playing. Obviously skipped all the homos and S ticket is reserved for Liv Eclipse.

>> No.34690939

This one? Looks like neither loli nor sexy
Her ulti close up is cute tho

>> No.34690960

Her victory pose is super sexy and she looks more on the loli side compared to the other female structures. Not the first loli though, there is a brown one but she is meh.

>> No.34692563
File: 296 KB, 1429x799, 1620679853998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34692835

>Doesn't include DMM sales for some games like horsegirls

>> No.34693005

Which is why they said mobile. They only track numbers from google play and app store.

>> No.34693638

>Uma can't even defeat Honor of KANGS
EoS soon

>> No.34695417

What the fuck? Is candy crush that much of a p2w game?

>> No.34696029

It's probably more that 10 gorillion people play it.

>> No.34698584

Sensor tower is inaccurate. I remember they underreported March's Google and iOS sales compared to that one JP site everyone uses to shitpost with.

>> No.34699632
File: 270 KB, 449x835, 1594521662287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Log into shironeko first time in a year
>No gems, nothing but a 10roll ticket
>Roll 3 4*s but they're dupes of shit I have
This gacha just kills my motivation to ever come back, also what in god's fuck is this stat bloat shit? Was clicking around and I guess you can use CC orbs as new limit break for 4 more LBs and this insane stats?

>> No.34699667

Yeah, now the meta is rigged by farming rainbow shards to uncap your characters level up to 150lv, that and the dragon project thing made me quit.

>> No.34699709

I just read you don't have to necessarily farm them through co-op, wait until anniversary if there's some good stuff coming up.

>> No.34699759

What's the dragon project? And at least as a kind of good side you can just use waifus now presumably that you like or with good playstyles with that much stats surely

>> No.34699764

Yeah, I've just been skipping all the dragon project stuff.
I don't mind all the lv150 and skill boost stuff, though. Makes it easier to blast through stuff with older characters, instead of having to stick to the newest ones.

>> No.34700392

When sports magazines talk about kusoge

>> No.34703973
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>> No.34704084
File: 182 KB, 1200x675, PTD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PTD adds a new group of playable idols.
Damn how is this game still even alive? Does the game's staff have some blackmail material against SE's management or something?

>> No.34709670

Thoughts about the crunchyroll EN localized mitrasphere?

>> No.34710142
File: 186 KB, 802x385, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's taught me that English localizations' increasing appeal to the majority audience makes for no better a time to learn moonrunes if you haven't already and still enjoy wasting time on .png slot machines.
Kinda actually miss the time when they'd just outsource the thing to some shell corp. in Hong Kong or the Philippines and run the game script through Google TL.

>> No.34711760

They finally added the ability to zoom in and reposition your homescreen girl in Tenka.
Unfortunately you can only zoom in on their face and they reset to the default position after you leave the hemiscreen so hopefully they change that.

>> No.34712865

I really want to play Kotobuki again... Guess pancakes just weren't profitable.

>> No.34712928

PTD will live forever

>> No.34719298

No new kusoges since they know they can't compete with horseshit for now.

>> No.34719492

No one cares for horseshit shitsume

>> No.34719610

What's even the point of posting something so blatantly false?

>> No.34721369

I have to wonder if there's some autistic community somewhere who's actively protesting horsepussy because it having taken over so much of the kusoge market.

>> No.34724755

Arkniggers are seething about Uma musume and genshin

>> No.34725733

Dude I think you got the wrong board for your console war tier posts

>> No.34727145

If anyone's interested in another chinkcolle game, Black Surge Night releases on the 20th.

>> No.34727171

is that the one where you turn girls edgy ?

>> No.34727179

I believe so, yes.

>> No.34727382

Keep coping horsefucker

>> No.34729426

Speaking of PTD, what's the new meta or a good, updated website where I can check said meta? Last time I played was during the Gridman collab.

>> No.34730126

>Blue Archive is having DDOS problems with their servers.
>They plan to take measures against this shit.
I'm not suddenly going to need a VPN for this shit am I?

>> No.34730286

Dokkan spics are mad because horses keep cockblocking them from getting top grossing freebies.

>> No.34730370

>mad that your game isn't top grossing
Weird but I guess that's to be expected considering who plays Dokkan.

>> No.34730398

Game has been pretty meh so far, if I have to use VPN I will just drop this shit instantly. Character designs alone can't really carry this broken mess.

>> No.34731358

Why octopath sp so long maintenance

>> No.34732182

Name one pvp mode worse than the new pvp mode in uma musume because it is like they took the worst parts of player versus player content in every cygames game and united it into their latest whale only abomination

>> No.34732479

>Cygame games
>Bullshit PVP systems
Shocking news.

>> No.34732657

>gets told to fuck off in /uma/ and comes here
Fuck off

>> No.34732856

It's worse than the usual because they took priconne's auto PVP, mixed it with Shadowverse's grand prix and added a few layers of RNG for good measure like facing whales and being stuck with mood debuffs for the race.

It's easily the worst PVP mode any kusoge has ever seen so you really know they're trying to milk all the whales in this shit for all they'e worth.

>> No.34732900

Based Cygames is doing it again.
Hope this will lead to a new gacha law that bans all forms of PVP.

>> No.34732967

People actually like it though
Just look at cyshills like >>34732657 enjoying their full auto competitive RNG simulator where you have zero control and just hope the odds get stacked in your favor

umas will continue at #1 and will never let go with how you're meant to spend all your time and paycheck to stay relevant

>> No.34732997

Nice strawman faggot. Just because I don't want you bringing horse shit from /uma/ here makes me a Cygames shill? Kill yourself nigger

>> No.34734188

people liked it when it launched , what happened ?

>> No.34735290

The game's very bonsai in nature, very quick to handle all your dailes and very true to the "play for five minutes a day and done" nature, guess anon just thinks kusoge are meant to be played 25 hours a day or something.

>> No.34735418

Being a "bonsai" game doesn't excuse the game from running like shit with ton of bugs and frequent crash, as well as shitty pickup banners and almost no fucking events aside from the godawful raids they keep rerunning every week.
Game just feels extremely unpolished with too many issues, it reminds me of Ashy Arm, which is not really a good experience.

>> No.34735456

A game having shit management and being coded like shit isn't exactly something I'd describe with something as lightly as "meh." Other than the fact that, yes, it's had a rough start and continues to fuck up repeatedly, it doesn't mean it's not comfy to play when it does work.

>> No.34738800

>it reminds me of Ashy Arm,
Now you're exaggerating

>> No.34740485

The dogshit management, the never ending amount of bugs and crashes, the constant maintenance fuckups and Jp server being a glorified beta test server really remind me of Ashy Arm anon. The only real difference is how fast you can clear you daily chores in BA, while Ashy Arm requires an autism amount of grinding just to progress through their story stages.

>> No.34741553

what happened to this?

>> No.34742599

yeah this was the main reason why I dropped it
felt like the most "optimal" way to play was to literally turn on a macro and farm 24/7 using a low-cost lone-man squad. Fuck that shit.

>> No.34744594

Nothing, it's just not out yet

>> No.34746015
File: 176 KB, 2048x1431, PoE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn PoE just make them completely nude next time. Good thing I got her in 50 rolls and still have 69k gems to spare.

>> No.34750597

naked is unironically shit
if the girl still has something to hide is way better

>> No.34757834

doesn't look very comfortable

>> No.34759705

Compared to PriConne, how simple is it to handle dailies in PoE? Might give it a second try.

>> No.34759946

If you're just doing the bare minimum to finish your daily quests, it takes around 5 minutes.
If you are actually completing your dailies then maybe around 30 minutes.

>> No.34762056

The new idols in PTD also get thematic costumes, nice. I thought they were on-off characters like that blue haired girl from months ago.

>> No.34770889

Dead games, dead thread.

>> No.34775316

Sorry bro...

>> No.34778750

What's on the mobage horizon for this week bros

>> No.34779031

probably nothing, just like last week

>> No.34779271

Bro don't worry alchemy stars will save us

>> No.34780697

It's over. Nobody wants to compete with Uma.

>> No.34780732
File: 344 KB, 1200x900, E1AqnlEVcAAIue0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares for horseshit musume

Check the Register and Sneak Peek tabs of your qooapp for upcoming stuff, there are new mobage being released constantly. If you want a major title there is D_CIDE TRAUMEREI this summer.

>> No.34780840

I care

>> No.34783481

Black Surge Night on the 20th if you care for botes. And Animae Arche on the 27th I guess.
Could be more, but I don't know.

>> No.34792736

Not a day goes by that I don't miss Xuccess Heaven and Hoshi no Rebellion.

>> No.34792812

counter side open beta sea starts today

>> No.34794220

You are no one

>> No.34798607

Based literate Anonymous

>> No.34801491

Based? Based on what?

>> No.34802936

that >outfit thoroughly defies any suspension of disbelief

>> No.34810456

I don't play uma and have never tried it

>> No.34811773

Nobody wants to compete with it, so you better get used to it.

>> No.34812145

Fucking chinkoids shoah'ed the chinese version of Girl Cafe Gun, they even nuked the wiki on bilibili. I'm about to take a long trip into Gensokyo.

>> No.34812451

What happened? Did the game itself shut down?

>> No.34812744

Shitty chinese censored version should stay dead, good thing the japanese ver has different management.

>> No.34813063

Didn't Marvelous return GCG to the chinese company who owns the game? The management changed last year.

>> No.34813084

No. The new management is actually better because they removed IP block and kinda give support to oversea users. Not even in one million years bugmen management would do that.

>> No.34813113

But the JP management returned to the shitty chinese company that manages the censored chink version anon. So they have the same shitty management now but it just so happened that Marvelous was worse than them when it came to GCG.

>> No.34813438

What did the chinks do?

>> No.34813966

Any new lewd mobile games out

>> No.34819673


>> No.34819875
File: 52 KB, 723x380, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the kind of people who will be playing EN.

>> No.34819951

PvP is a bad mechanic that only exist to help milking money from people.

>> No.34819969

>Some niggers think the release of EN is somehow gonna help improve honkers because competition or something
Do they understand PGR isn't a new game or does the game not exist until globalniggers get their server?

>> No.34820472

To be fair, a gacha game milking money isn't exactly outside its base objectives. Now if it's bleeding players in the process then there's a problem, but I don't recall ever hearing of whales quitting en masse because of a little artificial competition.

>> No.34821399

Real time pvp is fun. The asynchronous bullshit a lot mobage do is a scam but can't be helped with so many autobattlers.

>> No.34825567

It's coming back hopefully with their full voices and costumes from CN. For anyone who's even still playing all 3 are the most broken characters in the game when they're together thanks to their implant.

>> No.34827640

It's only bad if PVP is the only endgame or they locked important stuff on PVP imo

>> No.34828145

So, is anyone playing Black Surge Night?

>> No.34829022

Gonna give it a try later on, but my willing to keep onto it is mostly how cute the girls are.

>> No.34833978

No dropped everything except ak and ba

>> No.34835474

you get an initial unlimited roll with a guaranteed SSR
also people who preloaded the game got fucked because it was bugged with no ulties and music

>> No.34840107

New bread >>34840104
Making it a bit earlier because I feel nobody will make it if it dies whilst I'm sleeping...
