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File: 97 KB, 631x640, military_arms_9142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3429409 No.3429409 [Reply] [Original]

I come on the behalf of /k/ and OPERATORCHAN to make a request.

/r/ someone with a Japanese IP post this image on 2chan and post a screencap and/or webpage copy of the thread's reactions. Text can be machine translated that way , or maybe a fellow OPERATOR who can read moonrunes can translate for us. I think the reactions will be interesting.

My main intention for getting this posted on 2chan is to get a Japanese opinion on the message in the poster, not troll Japan (though it would be funny to get a "DON'T SPREAD YOUR FILTH ON OUR WEBSITE, FILTHY GAIJIN".

Would the murder on Imperial Japanese hands be denied, or acknowledged?

What would the average Japanese think about "military arms" being safer in civilian hands?

I'd really like to read the reactions of citizens from any country that doesn't advocate firearms ownership and self-defense, Japan, Britain, and Mexico coming to mind.

>> No.3429416

Fuck off you paranoid cunt.

>> No.3429419


Part of why Japanese people don't have guns is because their violent crime rate is so ridiculously low.

Part of why their violent crime rate is so ridiculously low is because they don't have guns.

>> No.3429420

Both are genuine Japanese weapons. Sorry I don't know moonrunes.

>> No.3429424

Actually there is gun ownership in Japan it's just a tiny amount. Hunting is quit legal in Japan. Guns != Crime or anything to do with crime. Niggers = crime.

>> No.3429430


>> No.3429428

What countries don't allow self-defence exactly?

>> No.3429426

Why is this in /jp/?

>> No.3429438

sure is samefag in here

>> No.3429440

Because /k/ and all the other gun nutjobs in the US always want to feel morally superior. And I suppose they want to feel morally superior to people from other countries as well.

>> No.3429444

This must be your first time posting in /jp/ or witnessing an off-topic post in /jp/. Enjoy your stay, your perma-saged thread, and nothing being accomplished in the end.

>> No.3429445

Explain why switzerland has the same low crime rate when every adult has his own rifle or gun ?

>> No.3429447


Neither does the UK, but their crime rates are pretty high.

>> No.3429450

>>3429424 Koreans = crime and school shootings


>> No.3429452

That rifle is so much sexier than the chick...

>> No.3429453

I am going to keep bumping it, have fun.

>> No.3429458

Because Japan is a completely fucking different culture than the UK and Switzerland, you inbred fuck.

>> No.3429473

Japan used to make shitty shitty guns.

Foreign guns are to Japan what Foreign cars are to America.

>> No.3429485

Switzerland and England don't have much in common.
Saying gun control's effectiveness depends on cultural matters is ridiculous.
Japan would have low crime with or without it.

What ?

>> No.3429484
File: 32 KB, 846x296, guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off rednecks

>> No.3429481

Something tell me you are deathly afraid of any kind of weapon at all.

The OP picture is quite true as well. That rifle is a WW2 era Japanese rifle. The sword is easily recognised as Japanese.

>> No.3429487

Because there aren't nearly as many blacks, mexicans, muslims, etc as places like the US?

>> No.3429491

Samefag sure is shitting up this thread.

What anonymous said last night about just a few assholes is true.

>> No.3429492
File: 94 KB, 500x650, 1086577908308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan doesn't need guns, they continually top the charts for most badass murders with a melee weapon. Do you really want to take that away from them?

>> No.3429497

Actually in real terms Japan is pretty "inbred"

>> No.3429498
File: 152 KB, 500x500, 1253511074691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool story bro, give me proof that culture has no influence over gun crime rates.
Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.3429499
File: 475 KB, 2034x1880, 1212906113848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty high count

>> No.3429501

That woman's trollface is preventing me from fapping to her.

>> No.3429507

Can't have guns because the government doesn't allow it. If you were a bloodsucking, corrupt, piece of shit government you wouldnt want your citizens having guns either. Also, nobody in mexico has anything worth stealing.
Can't have guns because we said so.
Can't have guns, too many Islam rioters.

Also, "self-defense" is pretty much bullshit. The odds of you being stuck in a deadly confrontation in your lifetime are very low, unless you live in the ghetto.

>> No.3429509

>>3429492 Do you really want to take that away from them?


We're getting there.

>> No.3429514
File: 190 KB, 2068x1041, Reisen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a reisen thread

>> No.3429516

Doesn't matter, not based on "need" most places.

>> No.3429522

>/r/ someone with a Japanese IP post this image on 2chan and post a screencap and/or webpage copy of the thread's reactions.

Hey OP how's that workin out for you?

>> No.3429534

what's the story behind that picture?

>> No.3429539

Nice red herring.
I said it doesn't affect the effectiveness of gun control.
Meaning that with or without gun control, the crime would stay the same.

>> No.3429541

>>Meaning that with or without gun control, the crime would stay the same.
And you can prove this by...?

>> No.3429546

Statistics proving that increasing gun control doesn't lower or raise gun crime.
Most noticeably in the washington area.

>> No.3429545

Japanese salaryman goes postal in Akihabara using a rental truck and a survival knife. He killed seven and injured 10, and was not stopped by police officers wielding bare hands and collapsible batons until one officer drew his gun.

>> No.3429548

Put that text on a picture of a nuclear bomb instead.

>> No.3429551

hurr durr there were violent crimes before guns were invented. look into something called "history", people have always killed eachother in more or less steady rates.

>> No.3429554
File: 19 KB, 348x247, get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitch bitch bitch i need to feel morally superior for owning guns because i hate da gubmint
Again, prove it.
Again, you can't.

>> No.3429563

Here, have fun.
Won't bother finding statistics because you'd call them out for being partial anyway.
Also, arguing with trolls.

>> No.3429571

>>3429548 Put that text on a picture of a nuclear bomb instead.

I'd have to change the "millions" to "tens of thousands".

>> No.3429579
File: 53 KB, 324x468, 1209289074706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're funny.

>> No.3429587

What? I do not understand your post at all. What does that have to do with Japan? What does that have to do with Japan's laws and culture regarding self defense and government monopoly on the use for weapons and force? How do that address Japan's past militarism?

>> No.3429590

Why are the rates people are killed differently then between countries?
A study between Seattle and Vancouver comparing the cities' murders had about the same number for murders using a melee weapon, but then Seattle had more murders due to guns while Vancouver had almost none, resulting in Seattle having more murders overall.

>> No.3429597

Being nothing but a troll and adding nothing of value. Ignored.

>> No.3429612

I don't know, but I would like to know why this fucking thread is still on the front page when it has absolutely no purpose on /jp/ and you still seem to be hell-bent on proving your moral superiority to us.

God damn, where's the janitor when you need him?

>> No.3429614

>How do that address Japan's past militarism
Why don't you go back to school first.

>> No.3429622

Also, what the fuck is up with you people talking of moral superiority.
What the fuck are you on about to link morals and guns.

>> No.3429633

>Why are the rates people are killed differently then between countries?
If the diversity of the population is high (meaning lots of people not able to get along) and urbanization is high (stuff all those people into a close area) then murder rates go up.
It also has to do with varying degrees of civilization. if there is no chance of you getting caught because your government is basically nonexistent, or your national religion doesn't really condemn murder (middle east...), rates increase.
I've studied criminology at university level and this is what most professors agree on. It has nothing to do with access to guns; people will choke eachother to death if they have to.

>> No.3429647


>> No.3429652

shut up samefag

>> No.3429706

Every Western European country has:
- bigger population density
- just as much diversity
- same religion or no religion
- several times lower murder rates

Something's wrong with your theory.

>> No.3429725

Europe has until recently has not been diverse at all. Good luck with the influx of "diversity".

>> No.3429749

It's not "my" theory bro. It's like, science. Try reading a book sometime.

>> No.3429788

"Until recently" means "until about 50 years ago" here. You'd think the results would be visible by now, wouldn't you?

For all I know about science, it doesn't approve of theories that aren't supported (much less contradicted) by facts. I'm more of a formal/natural science person, though, it may be different in humanities.

>> No.3429806

We can go in circles all day if you like, but that theory is hardly "contradicted by facts". Besides, "facts" in the arena of sociological statstics can barely be called facts since they are all rough estimates. Nobody really knows, for example, the EXACT amount of violence incidences that occur in a country in a given year. We can know how many violent incidences occur ed that ended in a murder and were also reported to the police, but that's about it. And that's only if the country has proper, effective census techniques.
tl;dr it's all bullshit. find something better to waste your time thinking about.

>> No.3429807
File: 75 KB, 507x401, what-8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britfag here. I want the right to bare arms.

>> No.3429810

You sound like the typical cafe argument fag. Nothing not even facts will dissuade you from your reality

>> No.3429822

Move to the south of Spain it's much warmer year round I hear.

>> No.3429834

You sound like a typical butthurt person.

It is contradicted by statistical data. If you can find other, different facts that support it and demonstrate that statistical data are skewed so much that they show a wrong picture, then you have a valid theory. Otherwise, all you have is bullshit.

Going "there's no solid data, therefore all theories are equal" is not science. What was that about reading a book?

>> No.3429850

Just stop.

>> No.3429874

More of your cafe "elite" arguments. I sense the troll genes are heavy in your make up.

>> No.3429904

So much butthurt. Unable to argue? So fast?

>> No.3429912

The troll is strong in this one. >>3429904

>> No.3429917

Who would want to argue with you?

>> No.3429937

Not people who are unable to retort, obviously.

>> No.3430021

