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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3423085 No.3423085 [Reply] [Original]

It is my goal to make my own doujinshi before Comiket 77.

>> No.3423094

What steps are you taking to achieve this?
Isn't it more realistic to aim for C78? C77 is right around the corner

>> No.3423092

Good luck let me know if you need anything.

>> No.3423103


>> No.3423109

I do not know. I feel that it is imperative for me to make a circle name first before worrying about unnecessary details.

I have changed my mind.

I will aim for C78 then.


I do not want your help.

>> No.3423112

You're gonna fail.
Just give up.

>> No.3423122

Great, more gaijin trash. Thanks for making the fanbase look even worse, fuckwad.

>> No.3423126

What's it gonna be about?

What's your primary view of Gensokyo?

Give us a piece of your artwork.

Give us a tiny script of your writing.


>> No.3423127

I have seen bkub and Dioxin.

It is within my hands.

You are bringing the white man down.

You too.

>> No.3423129

>Unnecessary details
Circle name is the lowest of priorities.
Setting, Plot, Characters are what should be on your mind right now. Once you have an idea, you must visualize it on the pages and only then you'll be getting started.

Do your best, make us proud.

>> No.3423139


Enjoy being a Dioxin/bkub ripoff who can't draw or write for shit

>> No.3423148
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You'd need to show us some of your work and ideas for us to give you any valid opinions.

My artwork for example, is shit and never going to be doujin-passable

>> No.3423149

>What's it gonna be about?
I do not know.

>What's your primary view of Gensokyo?
There is danmaku, and it is difficult to dodge at higher difficulties.

>Give us a piece of your artwork.
I do not place confidence in my art. I also do not have a scanner. I have MSPaint and a mouse.

>Give us a tiny script of your writing.
I do not have anything. English is a bull shit language.

Dioxin and bkub are swimming in 2D pussy.

>> No.3423168


>I do not know.

What a compelling idea!

>There is danmaku, and it is difficult to dodge at higher difficulties.

So a danmaku doujin. Hope you're good at dimensions, make it look clean.

>I do not place confidence in my art. I also do not have a scanner. I have MSPaint and a mouse.

Better have a printer, else it's not going to be anything but an e-doujin.

>I do not have anything. English is a bull shit language.

So write in whatever language pleases you and wait for people to translate it if it's good enough. Give us a piece of writing regardless.

Or just admit you can't write.

>Dioxin and bkub are swimming in 2D pussy.

Because and both have distinctive, appealing art.

>> No.3423179

Okay. I can not write proficiently in any language.

I do not think I can draw either.

E-doujinshi is okay. Ink is too expensive, and my printer is old.

>Because and both have distinctive, appealing art.
I think bkub art is shit.

>> No.3423183

You're fucked.

>> No.3423188

gaijin shit.

>> No.3423191

I still (sort of) work toward making my Aki Sisters doujin come to fruition.

How do I learn to draw?

>> No.3423201


>> No.3423203

learn to make music, be good at c77

>> No.3423206

>The Structure of Man
Will I learn how to draw loli?

>> No.3423208


No, only manly men.

>> No.3423210

The only way you can finish this is to manage to come up with a great idea, pass it to someone who can write, and a good artist.

Good luck with that, at most you'll get an Another Dream level thing.

>> No.3423209

Scrutinize artists that you like
Find an art community (preferably not deviantart)
Draw from life
(suggested) draw realistic figures first, this knowledge is applied to "manga styled" drawings, as they are just stylized reality, this will do wonders for your anatomy)
Practice some more
Keep practicing

>> No.3423228

Hm. Sounds like bullshit.

>Scrutinize artists that you like

>Find an art community

>Draw from life
Ah, no thanks. Can I skip that?


>> No.3423229

I think you should start writing first. Worry about the drawing later.

>> No.3423250

Have any sites for tips for writing?

Because, really, it's surprisingly hard to make characteristic dialogue without being too over the top, and it's even more difficult to apply coherent and connective writing over a long period of time. Not to mention that looking for tips in Google usually brings up sites that are either as clear as mud in their message, or brings up things that would mostly apply to academic writing.

>> No.3423254
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>>Draw from life
>Ah, no thanks. Can I skip that?

Yes, you can, but you'll find very quickly that it'll be harder to grasp anatomy, and even when you do the movement in your figures may not all be there and they'll appear stiff. While not essential, drawing from life really helps

With what? Like I said, find some artists you really like. Outline the figures, block in major anatomical parts, see how it's done, then practice on your own. It'll turn out shitty the first time, the second and third and probably fourth time too. It takes quite a bit of practice to get good, the important thing is to not give up when it's crappy at first (it will be).
Taking some community college courses on composition or sketch or something couldn't hurt either

I really shouldn't be giving advice, as I'm a pretty piss poor artist myself, I've only drawn about 20 real attempts at touhous if that, mostly due to a (deadly) lack of motivation.

picture not mine

>> No.3423266

OP is obviously some sort of troll and/or retard.

>> No.3423278


Writing is in some part natural talent. It's really something not everyone can do.

A big thing in training your writing is to stop criticizing yourself (you will only ever see your own flaws) and get criticism from others.

A bigger thing in training your writing is ACCEPTING that criticism from others.

>> No.3423292

There are plenty of workshops and circles that will review your work on exchange that you review others. But that's for general prose.
For comic writing, which is a best on its own, the best way is to take a look at other examples on the medium and use their guidelines. Dark Horse for one has its submission guide online which you can use to see what it's expected from a comic script.

As for realistic dialogue that flows naturally, the best advice is to not overthink it. Think about the characters instead, flesh them out and make them real, breathing things in your mind. Then it's a matter of being fast enough to write their conversations instead of crafting them out of nowhere.
Also, observe people. Lunchtime is a great time to eavesdrop and see how people talk casually. Don't focus on the contents, but on their mannerisms and flow.

>> No.3423320

Make it about Yuka and I will support you the entire way.

>> No.3423389

My goal is to ride exKeine's anus while grabbing her horns and yelling, "YOU ARE A CUTIE"

>> No.3423394
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>> No.3423396

Oh and I suggest you get a secure trip so people can easily identify and track you...

>> No.3423398

Terrible advice, kill yourself.

OP: people will recognize you by your art
Or in mugen's case, by shitposting.

>> No.3423558

I want to make a doujin about Mokou and Kaguya. They fight.

And then it ends.

>> No.3423569

>Okay. I can not write proficiently in any language.

"Doujin" is a fancy name for "illustrated fanfiction." If you can't write, you're fucked.

>> No.3423570

I don't know, people seem to like Hot Dog Chuck and Chado.

>> No.3423578
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Chado has excellent stylish artwork, if terribly messy shading.

>> No.3423586

It saddens me that /jp/ is so easily baited into a troll thread.

>> No.3423592
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It saddens me that there are people like you who throw the word "TROLL" at everything you don't like; not even knowing what it truly means any more

>> No.3423593

I don't even get how it can be viewed as a troll topic. He acts like a moron, but there's nothing to really shitstorm over.

>> No.3423591 [DELETED] 
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>>I have MSPaint and a mouse.

>> No.3423594

Background where?

>> No.3423601

But it takes years to get "good" at drawing (or most skills really). Also, some of your favorite doujinshi artists have nearly a decade of drawing experience in each pen stroke.

How does that make you feel?

>> No.3423603
File: 341 KB, 842x1200, koumakyou_latter_058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They're on the roof of the Scarlet Devil Mansion (blank red ground) at night during the height of the Scarlet Mist (blank red sky).

Not a very interesting background to draw.

>> No.3423604

Does it need one?
Not having one draws more attention to the subjects.

Who are badly written (or at the very least, badly translated)

>> No.3423605


Backgrounds are for the weak.

>> No.3423608


It saddens me greatly that people like you assume people like me throw the word troll around at everything we don't like when you yourself fail to realize the complete stupidity of this thread.

>> No.3423613

Well since you are a troll of courser you understand the word.

>> No.3423616
File: 769 KB, 2849x3474, 1229823377057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid != trolling

Thank you for further proving my point

>> No.3423617

Backgrounds cost time and money, if you just draw the characters it is more worth it. And some kind of background sketch so you know about where they are.

>> No.3423621


Intentional stupidity = trolling

Thank you for missing my point entirely.

>> No.3423631

the best option for you is to make a 4koma doujin.
everyone likes them.
you don't ever need to come up with jokes, just draw some characters with statement and question bubbles and with no bubbles
then, shuffle them

>> No.3423636
File: 175 KB, 800x800, 1233111902965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still wrong

Trolling = Trying to stir up shit intentionally in an internet community by putting on the facade of having contrary belief or posting material that will cause a flame-fest within that community; Put succinctly, someone who intentionally tries to make others rage.
Stupidity is not inherently trolling
This thread, for example, may be stupid to some, but it's obviously not intentional, nor does it come with the intention of making people rage, all this thread has sparked is people giving advice/people tell him he's going to fail.

You LOSE, Good DAY sir.

>> No.3423638

No, doujin is a fancy name for "indie publications". People release fanfiction. People release fanart alone. People release all kinds of derivative and original stuff. People release everything they fucking want. Some of it even gets bought.

>> No.3423642

>some of it even gets bought
>implying this isn't the norm

Hey, you're that guy who's philosophy on copyright I was telling you was outdated yesterday, aren't you?

>> No.3423648

your description of trolling matches your post pretty well
am i getting trolled by replying?

>> No.3423649

>using circular logic and claiming victory

It seems there is little reason for me to even attempt to reason with you, but I've already made my point and stand by it. Intentional stupidity is done to provoke other people, be it for whatever reason. What you have incorrectly assumed is that this thread is unintentionally creating disturbance.

It's not my problem that you fail to realize this. It's yours.

>> No.3423645

Trolling is posting with a goal to generate replies.

You can be trolling and be honestly stupid at the same time.

>> No.3423651

>Trolling is posting with a goal to generate replies.
By that definition, the OP post of nearly every single thread ever made is a troll.

Like I said, throwing the word "troll" at everything that displeases you?

Please, go back to your cave.

>> No.3423659

Yes, obviously, can't you tell just by looking at my name?

I mean, seriously.

>> No.3423661
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>Intentional stupidity is done to provoke other people, be it for whatever reason. What you have incorrectly assumed is that this thread is unintentionally creating disturbance.

The only disturbance in this thread is you.

The thread was rolling along relatively peacefully, with the OP taking advice (or just being stubborn) at certain places. Then you came along screaming and crying and creating a "disturbance"

I suppose you'd like to think YOU are a good troll now, except it wasn't intentional, and therefore not trolling, you're just a misinformed, angry child.

>> No.3423663

You don't need names when you've been around long enough to pick up on posting style.

>> No.3423664

>The only disturbance in this thread is you.

I don't believe you've read this thread. Get back to me when you do, and then we can have a proper talk.

Until then, I guess all you can do is throw names at me like a frustrated, helpless boy.

>> No.3423674

Anyone with an ounce of intelligence can tell that the thread only became an eyesore
here, where you posted.

I'm not saying the thread is GOOD, but nevertheless, your definition of trolling is absolutely incorrect, and throwing it at the OP in this case is absolutely wrong. Since you don't seem to be arguing that point any more, I suppose you've conceded it?

>> No.3423675

>I feel that it is imperative for me to make a circle name first

This is where anyone not being an idiot realized OP is trolling. Are you really unable to recognize a decades-old cliche? Things like that are never written seriously once they become stereotypes.

I assume you're trolling, too, and I just wasted my time. Whatever.

>> No.3423680

You do, apparently.

>> No.3423691

Even when the op's trolling sucks, anon bravely takes it upon himself to troll in his stead.

>> No.3423714
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I am sorry.

That was a joke.

I am actually somewhat serious about becoming better at drawing and writing so I can make a doujinshi later in the future.

If it is not very clear, I am at step 1 and learning to draw and write in time for Comiket is very much a sudden decision to act as a bait to make myself better faster.

>> No.3423723

You guys are all eyesore. You can't create any decent original works, and you're all weak when it comes to discipline and long term project. Even janitor hates every inch of creativity this board produced. Hide behind your Anonymous facade forever, like what I was doing.

>> No.3423727

In any case, is there a reason you want to make 77? There are Comikets all the time, no need to rush. (in b4 some kind of BS significance of the number 77)

>> No.3423737

Because fucking shit I'll never do anything then.

>> No.3423873

Deliver us ero fancomic featuring consensual sex between two female characters. Then I'll worship you as a god.

>> No.3423882


And make it futa.
