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3413958 No.3413958 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /jp/. Let's do a F/SN make-a-servant thread. But we do these all the time, just throwing out who'd we like as a servant. Let's have a different and more focused approach. Together, we'll come up with the stats, skills and NPs for a nominated servant.
We've somewhat done this before for Joan of Arc (sorry, don't got the link to that in the archive).

Today, let's do the Archer class.

>> No.3413959

At first, I was going to suggest the infamous Robin Hood. But, I decided to go for a slightly more modern approach. And by that, I mean a sniper. This Finnish war hero gets my vote.
Simo Hayha, aka the White Death.

He has a huge kill record. And besides just being a sniper, he also uses a submachine gun, which will be used for more closed range.

As True Assassin could resist wind, he has a skill that resists cold/ice magic.

He also has a form of Presence Concealment in which he can use said skill provided that he's in a white/snowy area. Absolutely useless in Fuyuki, unless he uses his NP...

His NP would be a form a Territory Creation. It turns an area into a snowfield. However, once he opens it in an area, it's permanent until he's killed. The strategy for him would be to spread his field as much as possible, turning Fuyuki into a winter wonderland. Thus, with this NP he can use his presence concealment.

An average Servant. He only truly shines if his territoy gets large, in which he will be very very deadly.

>> No.3413970

Emperor Jimmu would be a pretty awesome Archer. Three treasures, plus his trademark bow.

Above average Servant by himself but parameters go through the roof since Grail War is in Japan and dude is the first Emperor.

>> No.3413968 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
Not sure if I understand you correctly. Please explain.

>> No.3413994

No. As stated by Nasu, people who uses firearms or any technology equipped can't become servants.

>> No.3414002


Lieutenant Lyudmila Pavlichenko (World War II) – female Soviet sniper with 309 confirmed kills, making her the most successful female sniper in history.

I think that's more than enough to become an heroic spirit.

>> No.3414008


Oh damnit!

>> No.3414013

Eh, really? That's gay. Stupid Nasu.

>> No.3414015


Simo has been suggested a couple of times. He'd be interesting to work out something from.
For example, anyone here from /k/ knows anything more in depth about Simo Häyhä's specific weapons? The rifle and SMG, and any additional sidearms he might have used. Not that I think Simo himself named his weapons, being the embodiment of practicality, but since we're talking F/SN we might as well use the Nasu-given right to mess around with relics as we please.
Also, he should have a badly scarred face from being shot in the Winter War. Perhaps the scarring could be elaborated on to interfere with/enhance his ability as a servant somehow?

>> No.3414031


Sorry, Simo. No grail war for you, I guess.

>> No.3414054

Since we can't use ol Simo, tell us more on Emperor Jimmu as an Archer. All I get from speed reading the wiki is that his divinity is B or A.

>> No.3414066

I've seen this thread before.

Ushiromiya Battler, blue shotgun.


>> No.3414072


If Jimmu proves overpowered, there are always the Minamoto archers that would fill the same function on a more balanced level, or the hunters who hunted down Tamamo no Mae (in the field of Nasu, no less).

>> No.3414082

Name: Apollo
Stats: Motherfucking God of Archers, who cares about Stats?

can kill Servants, Shiki and lots of other things except for ORT and similiar overpowerd NASUverse creations

>> No.3414104


Deities cannot be summoned by the Grail.

Heroic Spirits can become superior to gods, see Cuchulainn and Odin.

>> No.3414113

Strictly speaking, if he controls the Sun, poor Types are done for since they are the will of Planers.
What can escape the biggest nuclear reactor that cannot be harmed/stopped in the vicinity?
Types mid-high tier at best.

>> No.3414116

Edward the III of England.


>> No.3414122

Fictional Characters can be summoned by the grail

>> No.3414125

Imperial regelia are easy mode NPs, Gilgamesh had this unnamed magic-reflecting mirror he used against Ilya in UBW, you can easily fluff that as Yata no Kagami. Kusanagi sword came from Orochi and is explicitly stated to control wind. Jimmu could dispel evil by plucking his bow's string, he can have arrows that deal more damage the more evil-inclined the enemy Servant is (low damage to Good alignment, higher to Neutral and Evil)

The magatama is a bit trickier though.

>> No.3414130

I'd summon Tristan. He's got a bow that can shoot on its own and he's good with a sword.

>> No.3414132


He's the concept of the Sun, source of heat and light and life, not a giant nuclear furnace in space.

Remember: the Nasuverse operates by concepts and belief. Ancient Greeks didn't think that Apollo smashed hydrogen into helium and caused huge fuckoff energy reactions.

>> No.3414134

But you can't summon Gods. Apollo and Greek Gods are confirmed to exist in Nasuverse, so they cannot be summoned.

>> No.3414138

Not really.

>> No.3414140


Do you have the other cards at such resolution, OP?

>> No.3414142


1. No they cannot. "Sasaki Kojirou" was an alias. He was an actual human, but that was not his name. He merely was not a Heroic Spirit.

2. Gods are not fictional in the Nasuverse.

3. Again, even if fictional, it has to be human, not a deity.

>> No.3414144

And he moved the sun around in a fucking Chariot.
The result is the same.

>> No.3414149

Get them off Danbooru

>> No.3414154


No, when the Sun comes close to the Earth, it'd kill everyone. As a loving (pfffffft) god, or rather, as a slave to the will of the world, he would not be allowed to do that.

>> No.3414162

I'm just noticing the ass crack on this Archer card...

>> No.3414166



>> No.3414170

Apollo is a dick./
And he'd just move the Sun close enough for the poles to melt and more frail people die from 147 degrees.
Not melt the whole earth.

>> No.3414180


Well that wouldn't help in the Holy Grail War at all, unless Matou Kariya or other frail Masters are participating.

And it wouldn't even phase TYPEs.

And he probably couldn't actually "move" the sun, just make it shine brighter or something. Gods are the power of the world given faces, and the world is not the sun.

>> No.3414187

Apollo is out guys, as stated he's a God.

My vote has now shifted back to Robin Hood. He is pretty much the most famous archer in myth,etc.
His stats would be a bit above average due to this popularity. Luck is definitely A.

So what would be his NP(s)?...

>> No.3414190


Guy learned to shoot from Hercules and inherited his bow and the poisoned arrows of the hydra. famous for trespassing and getting bitten by snakes. One of the dudes in the trojan horse, quelled a rebellion or two ended up buried by the river.

Guy can shoot and he can shoot well.

His Noble phantasm would be Hercules bow and envenomed arrows.

Basically an archer of how the archer class should be, he was warrior trained and in the type moon universe a serpent's curse would probably turn out to be a good thing in some way.

>> No.3414191

Stop being so fucking anal.
If his NP is the sun, then he can hurl the Sun.
Or just cause huper nuclear fusion to generate solar winds that will kill most living shit.

>> No.3414209


Legendary shots that cannot miss, I guess. Or maybe make shots that missed damage anyway. Or maybe a Merry Men reinforcement, since Alexander got his Army, and Robin Hood's Merry Men are incredibly close to his legend, and thereby a Noble Phantasm.


>His Noble phantasm would be Hercules bow and envenomed arrows.

Why not just get Hercules...

>> No.3414211

Oh damn, forgot about him. But did he really get Heracles' bow?

>> No.3414216


Well he wouldn't HAVE a "Noble Phantasm" because he's not a Heroic Spirit.

And again, he would only be able to generate light and heat in line with what the Greeks believed he did. Belief is the primary drive of Gods.

>> No.3414219

Yeah, they needed it for Trojan war.

>> No.3414225


Yes, and according to prophecy the Greeks apparently needed it to win the Trojan War.

But, wouldn't Heracles himself rock it just fine?

Holy Grail War - Heracles edition!

Saber - Heracles
Lancer - Heracles
Archer - Heracles
Rider - Heracles
Berserker - Heracles
Caster - Medea or something
Assassin - Heracles apparently counts for this too

>> No.3414226

One NP for Robin Hood would be his "Last Bow Shot." Wherever he shoots this arrow, he'll stay alive unless he comes within the vicinity of the arrow.

>> No.3414234


Why the fuck would he ever shoot the damn thing? Or maybe shoot it in a hidden location where nobody would ever find.

That'd be rigged.

>> No.3414255

What Servant class would Hitler be in?

>> No.3414259

Yeah, what I said is actually stupid, and too much hax really.
Perhaps something that just after he shoots it he gets a stat increase, and it has to be used in his final battle.

>> No.3414272

Hitler can't fight. He's just a dictator. If anything he'd be Rider, in a panzer or whatever, but that counts as technology. Besides that his stats would be weak as fuck - anyone could beat him up.
All I can say is that he has the same Reality Marble as Iskander, but he summons Nazis.

>> No.3414273

Kazusanosuke and Miuranosuke.
Role: Retainers of the child emperor Konoe
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

The greatest hunters of their time, these servants always appear as a pair - summoning one will always summon the other. The two are indivisible and fearsome when together, but likewise also unable to accomplish much on their own.

Feathershroud Bow and Star-speckled Sky Bow
Though any weapon will do, the hunters prefer the bows they carried in life. Cut from the boughs of a sacred pine, the Feathershroud Bow and Star-speckled Sky Bow resonate in tune with powers far older than the brief mortals that wander among them. The wielder of these bows is granted the power to see the true nature of things, allowing insight into hiding places, through disguises, and the ability to spot individuals in a crowd. It can however not be used to tell the true name of a servant.
The bows differ only in name, not in shape or function.

Kogarasumaru and Kokitsunemaru
Perhaps the originals with many later weapons in their name, the sibling swords of Kogarasumaru and Kokitsunemaru have rarely been drawn by the archers. Their ability, if any, remains unknown.

Reality marble: Sesshoseki
Calling forth a long conquered foe, the hunters shift the surrounding area into the world of anguish haunted by the ghostly Hoji. What enters rarely escapes unchanged, but the hunters themselves would not use this irresponsibly - the old fox ghost has not forgotten, and still thirsts for revenge.

>> No.3414296


because a normal magus would have been mana'ed out in a few minutes trying to use him. The einzburgers had to cheat to summon him remember.

>> No.3414299

Forgot I wanted to say this fellas...No Reality Marbles. Not unless the Servant TRULY deserves it. RMs is something very unique and powerful and you don't hand them out like candy.

>> No.3414317
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sure about that?

>> No.3414330

Yes. Sacchin is overrated anyway.

>> No.3414332


he's kinda cool

>> No.3414338

Satsuki is like a one-in-a-million case, so yeah.

>> No.3414339

Actually I'd be surprised if any Caster worth his name didnt have something more powerful than a RM in his arsenal. RMs are weak when compared to ancient magic.

>> No.3414340
File: 1.83 MB, 1600x2130, Odysseus_MAR_Sperlonga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archer - Odysseus.

Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: C
Magical Energy: D
Luck: A
Noble Phantasm: D

Noble Phantasm - Noh'bdy ~ He Who Blinds You
Rank: D
Odysseus gives a pseudonym that a target will wholeheartedly believe to be his true identity if they fail to save. Saving throw based on Luck.
(Don't ask me, I'm just making it sound like Nasu.)

Weapon - Great Bow of Odysseus. None but Odysseus can hitch the bowstring.

Skills: Charisma: Rank C+
Divine Protection from the Wind: D (he did visit the wind god after all)
Transparency: A (passed off as a beggar goddamn)
Bravery: C

>> No.3414350


Oh and additionally he is incredibly intelligent and whatnot.

>> No.3414352

You can't classify them as weak, since they can have any effect.

>> No.3414354


Jishnu the undefeatable is a cool title.

>> No.3414361

No, he said it was much more difficult. Not impossible.

>> No.3414375


Rommel finds the ammo for his beloved '88 is no longer being made, and thus declares it an Ex-Caliber.

>> No.3414378


Väinämöinen or Louhi for Caster. You've got Luviagelita already so why not increase the amount of finnfags in Nasuverse?

>> No.3414390

Väinämöine should be Saber.

>> No.3414391

He sounds good.

>An angel instructs Manuchehr to construct a special bow and arrow, and Arash is asked to be the archer.
So his NP is this Angel made bow. I'd give it a rank B, at least C, since it has some form of divinity to it.

>In Talebi and Balami, Arash is destroyed by the shot and disappears. In al-Tabari, he is exalted by the people, is appointed commander of the archers and lives out his life in great honor.
>Arash is destroyed by the shot and disappears
From this, as well as because the distance varies, the bow can actually vary from C-A+++. If he goes all out, he'll die from it.

>> No.3414393
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On the same theme, Kullervo was suggested in a previous thread.
His NP would obviously be Ukko's flaming sword, but his habit of turning cows into bears was harder to translate.

>> No.3414396



I can see how ONE of his skills goes down.

Rank: EX
"May or may not be a god. But, that can't be right...?"

>> No.3414400

We're doing Archer today.

>> No.3414435

>Nobody even comments on my Odysseus

( ´,_ゝ`)

>> No.3414441


>> No.3414448

Can someone confirm whether it's impossible or just really hard?
I like Simo, mainly because I want a Servant with guns.

>> No.3414454

Dude, it''s fan work.
Sure you can.

>> No.3414456

What's his NP based on? I don't know of him blinding anyone.

What does Transparency skill do?

>> No.3414467


Nasu just said that it's nearly impossible for a gun to become a Noble Phantasm because guns are by nature mass-produced.

A warrior who specializes in guns wouldn't be famed for his weapons unless they're custom-built.

Additionally a gun is not a weapon that can be considered an "extension" of the wielder. The gun won't shoot harder just because you're the one pulling the trigger.

So it's very very difficult to become a thing of legend.

But, nothing is impossible, or just work with semi-possible things anyway. It's not like you're actually going to be participating in the Holy Grail War, here.

>> No.3414477


Did you... not read the Odyssey?


>But, Odysseus takes the wine given to him by Alcinous; to make Polyphemus drunk and unwary, Odysseus gives the Cyclops the very strong unwatered wine. When Polyphemus asks for Odysseus' name, promising him a guest-gift if he answers, Odysseus tells him "οὔτις," (translated as "no man"). Being drunk, Polyphemus thinks of it as a real name and says that he will eat "no man" last and that this shall be his guest-gift -a vicious insult both to the tradition of hospitality and to Odysseus. Once the Cyclops passes out from the wine, Odysseus and his men take the giant's huge olive club that they sharpened to a point during that day, while he was away, and harden its tip in the embers of a fire. The men lift the stake and drive it into Polyphemus' eye, blinding him. Polyphemus yells for help from his fellow cyclopes that "no man" has hurt him. The other cyclopes take this to mean that Polyphemus has lost his mind, because he was saying "nobody" attacked him. They conclude his condition is a curse from a god, so they do not intervene.

The name is occasionally translated as "Nohbdy" to make it sound better in english.

>> No.3414482

One of the five Pandava brothers, heroes of the epic Mahabharata. Great nobleman of one of the greatest city states, shares his wife with his brothers, one of them fucks up and they all get exiled, leads massive war (~ 4 million participants, of them about a dozen survive) against the folks who set up their exile, takes over most of India, then renounces the world and goes to the Himalayas to die.
Gandeeva: Bow said to have been created by Brahma which assures victory. The practical effect is massive luck boost.
Unnamed chariot: Protected by Hanuman and driven by horses which never tire. Practical effect is high defense and speed.

>> No.3414491


Odysseus blinds Polyphemus(sp?), after convincing him that his name is "Nobody" so that Polyphemus' brothers won't take his cries for help seriously ("Nobody is trying to kill me").

>> No.3414492


And Transparency is the ability to conceal oneself in a mental barrier. Useful for hiding one's "presence" as a fighter. Fake Assassin had it rank B+.

>> No.3414494
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>> No.3414508

A really long time ago, and I honestly don't remember anything about him.

>> No.3414516


I think I was clever with the "He Who Blinds You" subtitle ヽ(´ー`)ノ

>> No.3414559
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Smith Syndicate can shoot servants.

>> No.3414631

Yes, you were. Give yourself a cookie.

>> No.3414639

What Servant class would Adam be?

>> No.3414659

As in the first man, Adam? None. Even if you want to consider him a Heroic Spirit, he's the type that's filtered out due to the Class system, as the guy has no weapons or anything. He was just a farmer.

>> No.3414666

Servant Archer, Emperor Jimmu.

Noble Phantasm: A

Divinity: A
Magic Resistance: C (A from Evil-aligned sources)
Independent Action: D
Charisma: A
Eye of the Mind (True): B

Noble Phantasms

Kusanagi-no-Tsurugi, the Grasscutter Blade
Rank A, Anti-Army type Noble Phantasm.
One of the three Imperial Regalia of Japan. Retrieved from the fourth tail of the eight-headed serpent Orochi, this sword is most famous for saving Yamato Takeru in times of peril. The owner of Kusanagi may direct wind by swinging the sword. Unlike Barrier of the Wind King, Kusanagi allows precise control of wind: crushing one's windpipe from within is possible With sufficient swordsmanship.

The blade's name can be also invoked to execute a single A-ranked slash covering a circle of 200 meters, reflecting the grass-cutting sweep of the sword. While weaker than Excalibur in raw strength, it covers both front and back.

Yata no Kagami, the Eight Hand Mirror
Rank B, Anti-Personnel Type Noble Phantasm
The mirror hung in front of Heavenly Cave to lure Amaterasu out of it. This mirror always reflects the truth, all illusions are nulled by its presence and one may not lie under its effects. As a Noble Phantasm, it can reflect a magic attacks of any power, but after reflecting three A-ranked incantations or its equilavent, the mirror breaks and is unusable for the day.

>> No.3414668


Smith Syndicate is the best servant to have. Over half a dozen servants that can revive each other, absorb other servants into their syndicate, have a power for any and every situation, and being able to change Noble Phantasms which includes Garcian's one-hit-kill Golden Gun.

The only downside is they'd never accept commands, but that doesn't matter since they'd know what's best from experience.

>> No.3414671

Yasakani no Magatama, the Jade Necklace
Rank B, Support type Noble Phantasm
The third of the Imperial Regelia, the Jewel stores human souls. At the event of his Master's death, Jimmu may use the necklace to effectively keep him in the Grail War, and other dead individuals can be stored within for future interrogation or advice.

So long as Jimmu possesses all three Imperial Regalia as the rightful ruler of Japan, his stats are increased by one full rank each. This is reflected in the status window.

Azusa-Yumi, the Catalpawood Bow
Rank D-A, Anti-Personnel Type Noble Phantasm
Jimmu's personal symbol of authority, this wooden bow is able to dispel evil. The bow uses no material arrows, instead producing one whenever its string is plucked. The effectiveness of the bow depends on the alignment of the oppenent, the arrows inflict more damage the more the target is inclined towards Evil. The arrows also partially home for evil individuals or creatures.

As long as Jimmu is in possession of the bow, his Magic Resistance is effectively A when defending against Evil-aligned sources.

>> No.3414686

I'd imagine that would require a lot of mana transfers.

>> No.3414693


Not at all since they can absorb the blood right out of people they kill to power their abilities.

>> No.3414717

He won't have Kusanagi, as that was only named so when Takeru got it.
It would only be Ama-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi. Furthermore, it wont' have it's wind ability YET, as at this point it's simply just a ceremonial sword to prove his lineage.
Think of it as the same as Caliburn. Just a really good sword.

Takeru on the other hand, as Saber, will have it's wind abilities. Along with combing it with fire starters, he can perform fire tornadoes, etc.

>> No.3414728

Makign the Magatama steal souls is a bit much. Only thing in legend it was used for is to distract Amterasu along with the mirror.
Just have it as part of the set. If he was to lose it, then he'd lose that stat-increase.

>> No.3414734

It's the exact same sword, not inspiration like Merodach/Gram/Caliburn. Takeru just discovered the wind control, he didn't invent it.

The name's a valid point though.

>> No.3414751

Yes, but controlling wind is a part of the legend, which in turn makes up a part of the Heroic Spirit. Jimmu does not have Kusanagi in his legend, just the ceremonial sword to prove his divinity.

>> No.3414935

Here's my Simo

Strength: D
Endurance: C
Agility: D
Mana: E
Luck: A (Survived getting his jaw blown off. Man is lucky)
Noble Phantasm: C

Class Skills
Independet Action: A
Magic Resistance: E

Personal Skills
Military Tactics: C
Protection from Cold: A+
White Camouflage: A+ (Functions as Presence Concealment in areas with snow only)
Mosin-Nagant M/28: N/A Anti-Unit, 1 person
. (Since weapons can't be an NP, it's listed as a skill)
Suomi KP/-31: N/A Anti-unit, varies

Noble Phantasm: Valkoinen Kuolema (White Death)
Rank C
Opens a field 1 kilometre in diameter than functions as Territory Creation. Area becomes covered in snow. Field is permanent until Simo's death. Can be performed mulitple times. Upon creating a joined field that is at least 3 km in diameter, Simo can control the weather with the field to the extent of a whiteout.

>> No.3415433

How many manas do you have to tap?

>> No.3415445

Four Black and three colorless.

>> No.3415469

Not gonna throw a few blues in there?

>> No.3415474

Can I post a Berserker/Rider/Saber? Only Archers is difficult if no tech or firearms are allowed.

>> No.3415492

2 black 2 blue then? He just strikes me as an Assassin type character, due to the whole Precise Concealment and GUN, BANE OF ALL MAGIC.

>> No.3415505

What the hell are you talking about? Manas to tap? Colours? Ehhhh?!

>> No.3415525

He's also got the whole ice affinity thing going on, but I see what you mean.

>> No.3415559

Machines can become servants, remember.

Don't forget machines can gain legends in there time...for instance...



>> No.3415566
File: 24 KB, 423x257, Killdozer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my pic.

>> No.3415576

So...Berserker, with his noble phantasm being "It's a god damn killdozer" ?

>> No.3415579

Wouldn't Heemeyer just be summoned as Rider class?...

>> No.3415662

Eh, I guess.

But it's the Killdozer that's the actual important part.

He'd be a means to create the killdozer, not more important than the killdozer.

>> No.3415688

Please tell me there's a bulldozer mecha musume version of this guy.

>> No.3415699

Summon Dio as a Rider.
Recieve lowered knives and melee in exchange for KILLDOZER.

>> No.3415747

> Summon self
> Kill everyone, become a legendary killer
> Become servant by virtue of being a legendary killer
> Be summoned by past self
> Time Paradox

>> No.3415890 [DELETED] 

>Over half a dozen servants that can revive each other

Only Garcian can revive any of the other Smiths, and only then if he has access to a part of their corpse.

Regardless, Mask de Smith vs Berserker would be fucking awesome

>> No.3415901
File: 14 KB, 400x247, killer7-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Over half a dozen servants that can revive each other

Only Garcian can revive the other Smiths, and only then if he has access to a part of the corpse.

Regardless, Mask de Smith vs Berserker would be fucking awesome.

>> No.3416537

I'm surprised no one mentioned Temüjin (Genghis Khan, the Mongol Empire founder). As Mongolian, he's trained to use bows on horseback (with perfect accuracy too) and such mobility is a huge advantage over normal foot archers. If Alexander the Great (Rider) can be a servant, surely Temüjin can be one. Hell, just in terms of Charisma alone, he's no less than Alexander the Great, his empire was bigger than Alexander's, afterall.

>> No.3418269

Arjuna is great and all, but I'd go with with Karna. Equally awesome, and far more epic a spirit. Plus, I very much would take advantage of the almost too easy NP's Nagastra, Shakti, and Brahmastra. He's also got his well known suit of golden armor from his father Surya as well.

>> No.3418284

Except he just won and left, didn't really establish proper rule.

>> No.3418294

Don't make me say it again.
I'm a cleana, not a killa.

>> No.3418333
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>> No.3418336


>> No.3418378

