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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3412051 No.3412051 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /bun/ so shitty?

>> No.3412062

Try doing the taiko roll thing, but with this, and instead of linking here just make this thread again.

>> No.3412064


>> No.3412067

Because it's slow.
Which makes other people to post less.
Which in turn makes it even slower.

Good times every once in a while though, and no spam and moronic threads at all. It's a fair trade.

>> No.3412070

I don't follow you.

>> No.3412072
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>> No.3412074

Why is cardcaptor sakura the best clamp anime and manga ever?

>> No.3412076

Make this thread in all the other boards.

>> No.3412081

make dipshits from /v/ post in the /bun/

>> No.3412085

Oh, I see.

I'll do that now.

>> No.3412093

Why is /yg/ so shitty?

>> No.3412097

It's shit.

>> No.3412111

Aren't we supposed to be better than the kids back at /a/?
What is this /b/ behavior I see, just let them die on their own due to their own misguided elitism.

>> No.3412126

Get out bundevs.

>> No.3412127

I posted it in like 10 boards, it's up to them to shitpost it up.

>> No.3412128

Because everything else they've made is mediocre.

>> No.3412139

If you don't like bunbunmaru, don't go to bunbunmaru, it's that simple.

>> No.3412141

How to troll /bun/:

Spam AnonTalk shit (/bun/ version) in all the other boards, like /v/ and /a/.

Use this, and change the code up a bit to avoid flood detection.

OP here. I just found a far superior board without morons so I'm leaving Retardchan forever now:



>> No.3412147

bunbunmaru is undigested corn in feces

>> No.3412151

Epic win.

>> No.3412153

So, /bun/ is the one good thing that came out of the shit that is /jp/?

>> No.3412158

I don't go to /bun/, never liked their unwarranted elitism and shit threads in the first week. But seriously, this is what we've become?

There's not a single good place left.

>> No.3412160

no one is making you stay here GTFO and don't come back

>> No.3412163

>There's not a single good place left.

Kill yourself then.

>> No.3412168

But I wouldn't dare shitpost in my beloved /bun/! That's what /jp/ is for.

>> No.3412188

Thanks for the idea I'll get a proxy or ten and shit post like crazy

>> No.3412196

Please do.

>> No.3412205

Just wait for the mods to head to sleep.

>> No.3412230
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>/bun/ mods

>> No.3412269

Both /bun/ and /jp/ are shit, but at least /jp/ moves faster than a snail.

>> No.3412292


>> No.3412455

>unwarranted elitism
If telling the truth (that /jp/ is a pile of shit, Japanese Bird, and Bawson) is unwarranted elitism, then sure.
>shit threads in the first week
Are you referring to the troll threads that were really just trying to incite board wars and epik raids?

>> No.3412535


>> No.3412555

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
I have a lot of experience in that, OP, but I've never seen anything like this before.

>> No.3412559

I can't go to bun because I am not gay.

>> No.3412561

bun is shit

>> No.3412569


>> No.3412572

Fuck you, weekend /jp/.

>> No.3412595

It's always the same trip and name fags starting this shit. No one should be surprised. Just because they post as anonymous doesn't really had a thing.

>> No.3412601

lol anonymous is leejun guise epic win XD!!!

Fuck, and here I was thinking summer was over.

>> No.3412609

Summer never ends.

>> No.3412622

Sup, /bun/?


>> No.3412630

Epic xD

>> No.3412658

i no ^_^

>> No.3412663
File: 15 KB, 317x367, baww23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is /bun/ so shitty?

>> No.3412669

/r/ing /jp/lackup at BUN!!

>> No.3412676

I loled very loud. Good on you who ever you are.

>> No.3412679

God damn you fucking suck /jp/. Why are you raiding?

>> No.3412683

Because /jp/ is full of /a/ retards now. It's hardly surprising.

>> No.3412685

/jp/ and /b/ = same

>> No.3412690

>Because /jp/ is full of /a/ retards now.
You think this is a recent thing? I've got some news for you, bro.

>> No.3412694

Looks like you bun assholes got hoisted on your own Petard. You trolled /jp/ first.

>> No.3412703

Oh, people actually fell for those trolls pretending to be from bun? I thought /jp/ was smarter than that.

>> No.3412704

can't wait for EPIC BOARD WARZ

>> No.3412711

It's not like /bun/ can do anything to us.

At their speed we wouldn't even know they're attacking.

>> No.3412714

The funny thing is no one ever bothers to actually attack /bun/, so in the end all you've accomplished is making these shit threads that further diminish an already dying /jp/.

You're only hurting yourself.

>> No.3412716

Yea all the tripfags sure fooled us.

>> No.3412726

Somebody make another /bun/ thread on /b/, or do it with their IRC chat. Keep it bumped with an imagedump (use xChan or whatever for that). I'm already busy with the other thread.

>> No.3412729

When bun has dried up an blown away in a few months at best /jp/ will still be here. I'll be here to since I never left.

>> No.3412739

That's not going to make this board any better and depending on who you are, your presence might actually make things worse.

>> No.3412740

Good job making /jp/ look infinitely more shitty guys.

>> No.3412751

So you bun trolls got your feelings hurt after you came here and stared a war with 4chan with your tripfag games? Cry us a river. You must all be normalfags too.

>> No.3412760

/jp/ = /b/ 2.0

>> No.3412762

Take your pitiful trolling elsewhere.

>> No.3412764

I think this thread will catch some /b/tards more efficiently.


>> No.3412775

Looks like the Tripfags that started the trolling got their normalfag feeling hurt.

>> No.3412785
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>> No.3412791
File: 518 KB, 1022x5000, typical_a_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on you guys. /jp/ still isn't anywhere near as bad as /a/. Sure there are occasional bad periods of time but it's mostly good.

>> No.3412797


>> No.3412801

Nah, we're pretty close. Look at all the Taiko, Dawson, threads like these, tripfag reaction image shit, etc.

/jp/ is fucking awful.

>> No.3412803

Doesn't look much different from /jp/.

>> No.3412813

lets not

>> No.3412816

/bun/ only has like 4 users.

>> No.3412823

But those threads are generally troll/spam threads.

Those >>3412791
are real threads on /a/.

>> No.3412829

Get out Bunbun devs.

>> No.3412844

Bun must die for it's sinning trollish ways.

>> No.3412850

You know, this is probably how all that AT shit started. I don't have an opinion regarding AT either way, but the circumstances between that place and /bun/ might be similar. Someone wanted to make an internet site for decent discussion and other people just couldn't leave them be. It's disappointing really, that /jp/ would stoop to this level.

>> No.3412860

I sort of agree, but the AnonTalk admin is pretty crazy. He constantly seriously refers to his site as "the best place on the Internet", and rages about how no one cares about the place and that no one donates.

>> No.3412862

Except /bun/ doesn't have decent discussion, it's a piece of shit.

>> No.3412864

Isn't that place just pretty much pedophiles/general?

>> No.3412865


people donate to 4chan? isn't that kinda like buying smokes for minors?

>> No.3412873

It's still better than /jp/, for the simple fact that it has mods and they don't raid.

>> No.3412881

They have more mods than users.

>> No.3412885

It's just a place that doesn't censor anything, so pedophiles will come out of the woodwork there. Same with 4chan.

>> No.3412891

Plus the spam bots he has spreading DDoS trojans against 4chan. Fucker needs his legs broken.

I am naturally inclined to be against anyone claiming to be better than /jp/ simply out of loyalty. I would never go to Bun and would not lift a finger to help them. I don't think they should be coming here like they did with this thread to get hits/converts.

If they get raped by /b/ too fucking bad. I don't go to /b/ I could care less.

>> No.3412893


>> No.3412895

Well. I only went there once and it seemed like every other thread was about paedophilia or how do go about getting CP without getting caught and such.

>> No.3412898

Too bad there's 5 mods and only like three other posters who rarely post.

>> No.3412911

How totally fucking gay.

>> No.3412914

I don't give a fuck about AT or Bunbunmaru. Both just seem like shitty sites, and they don't know how to stop viral marketing all over the whole goddamn site.

>> No.3412919

>claiming to be better than /jp/ simply out of loyalty
Isn't that exactly what you're doing? If you aren't blinded by bias, you have to see how shitty /jp/ can be these days. I love this place, but it can be pretty unbearable.

>> No.3412939

I like how that thread is almost completely ignored. /b/tards are more mature than /jp/edos now.

>> No.3412942

go back to Bun you fucking normalfag.

>> No.3412944

While I don't care for the amount of moderation at /bun/ we need something better than our current Janitor.

>> No.3412951

email moot and tell him.

>> No.3412960

There isn't much moderation at /bun/ at all, unless you believe the trolls. Just look at how many off-topic threads there are on the front page. The only things that are deleted are blatant trolls and spam.

>> No.3412970

>Just look at how many off-topic threads there are on the front page
What is considered off-topic at /bun/? Isn't it just general?

>> No.3412975

Like Why would I leave /jp/ for normalfag shit and what appears to be a nest of CP fans and shit? Sorry I don't want the FBI visiting me because they are all a bunch of Pedeos and babyfuckers.

>> No.3412976

Off-topic is non-weeaboo stuff. They say "occasional" off-topic threads are okay, but there are quite a lot of them.

>> No.3412983

The diaper thread is an eyesore. I wish it'd get deleted already.

>> No.3412988

Are you trying to troll or something?

>> No.3412989
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>> No.3412992

I emailed him like 5 times. He never replies.

>> No.3412995

Yes. If you don't like another board what's the point of inciting invasions to make it shittier? I had hoped /jp/ wouldn't stoop that low but I shouldn't have been so optimistic.

>> No.3412997

I love how /bun/ gets so much attention yet nobody posts there.

>> No.3412999 [DELETED] 

go back to Bun Tripfag

>> No.3413006

Moot only created /jp/ to get touhou out of /a/ and keeping touhou away is probably the only reason he hasn't deleted it yet. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd like to see /jp/ to drown in its own shit.

>> No.3413007

fuck off.

>> No.3413015

They have not hope now they have started this spam bot posting shit. I will be glad to see them ground into the pavement.

>> No.3413024

Sup, OP? Stop trying to start raids and board war with these threads. No one is falling for it.

>> No.3413027

He doesn't read my emails. Or he does and chortles while deleting them.

>> No.3413029

So sorry not the OP perhaps it was you?

>> No.3413032

You're an idiot for not realizing it's some guy from /jp/ trying to start board wars.
Also, you cant english.

>> No.3413033

bug him in IRC then

>> No.3413041

Bun is full of people who hate the current /jp/ and 4chan in general. Do you really think they'd want more users from here? It's not like everyone on /jp/ hasn't already heard about it. I'm not sure how you can be so blind to an obvious attempt at getting 4chan to raid them.

>> No.3413044

>full of people

>> No.3413047

Whatever you say Bun dev

>> No.3413049

Bunbunmaru is shit

>> No.3413054

tread them into the dust

>> No.3413055
File: 40 KB, 662x563, 1253523653600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how you get /b/'s attention.


>> No.3413056

They aren't looking for new members.
They just want their secret club where they can take it easy.

>> No.3413229


>> No.3413255


>> No.3413257

And why would you want to do that?

>> No.3413418

fuck you assholes
