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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 297 KB, 399x396, hitousensoku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3404701 No.3404701 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread no longer bumping.


3 in the morning tier.

>> No.3404718

Anyone else up for a match?

>> No.3404738
File: 96 KB, 481x496, 1d0191913924617d1c691589b494af174f559610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone up for a Suwako mirror game? I can host if someone is up for it.

>> No.3404753


>> No.3404770

Hostan US West

>> No.3404781

Ok so

I got the rars for this game. Do I also need to have SWR installed? If so, will it work even if I have it english patched?

>> No.3404787

Too laggy yeah.

>> No.3404789
File: 228 KB, 600x733, 310ede7b6030d707f8ad3adb4cea776992a4dea2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow god damn, that was like playing in the Maxtrix.

>> No.3404790

Sakuya fails in lag.

>> No.3404796


Sorry about randoming. I just happen to like when some high tier chooses random and I am able to win at least one, it also helps me train my Cirno against different situations, not playing main it means they aren't used to it and it becomes easier. I won't do that again.

>> No.3404798


GGs Sakuya player. Seems like lag defeated us in the end.

>> No.3404800


Rehosting. Hoping to have some Suwako mirror matches.

>> No.3405067

GGs. Suwako is fun ain't she? ;D

>> No.3405096 [DELETED] 
File: 421 KB, 525x788, c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suwako is so damn hard to maneuver, pressing dash on the ground is really dangerous. She is easier to move in the air.

This is the fist time I play with Suwako, very hard.

GGs Do not pursue. That's it for me today. Good... morning?

5:00 a.m.

>> No.3405103
File: 421 KB, 525x788, c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suwako is so damn hard to maneuver, pressing dash on the ground is really dangerous. She is easier to move in the air.

This is the first time I play with Suwako, very hard.

GGs Do not pursue. That's it for me today. Good... morning?

5:00 a.m.

>> No.3405117

Good morning Nipah, don't let the bed bugs bite.

You know, I am starting to think you need to stay still (and running away instead of forward) with her since a lot of her stronger/more useful moves requires her to be stationary to use (like her anti-air boulder, which turns into water stream if you tries to move, her curse cloud, etc so annoying). She drains spirit too fast while in the air though. The flying + ring throwing doesn't work up against someone who can graze continuously.

>> No.3405151


Hmm, I think that you can use the water column + rings + dives but I had no idea how to cast the water column and I couldn't dive reliably since I didn't know how much she goes forward. The 22A in air is a life saver.

>> No.3405582
File: 322 KB, 700x700, ddc6ed180b9efca9c0e569bd4f7e486c4138de19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
East Coast
Its-too-damn-early-for-this Tier

>> No.3405769
File: 268 KB, 600x702, 2366f8fb087a2a57ad45856a6b7562b61dd57907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Water column is 214B/C (C hits more and last longer). That combo works rarely since you're way too vulnerable to projectiles (none of them have graze frames), while all your attacks can be grazed. Any character with a decent B/C spread will knock you out of the air like nothing/punish you like no tomorrow.

>> No.3405855

Ore wa bampu.

>> No.3405924
File: 103 KB, 850x680, sample_0ff359265befc545c4f1c7c4ad7b8985af0ee546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for cutting it short, but I really should get some breakfast before I get a headache.
Smashin' good show, though!
Does this mean im playing in the big leagues now?

>> No.3405936

GGs Dust

Incredibly evil rabbit you have there. I can never find a way for my Cirno to get close to her.

>> No.3405949

Ah, yes. Ive learned from Nipah to play evasively against Cirnos.
Your Reimoo was quite evil as well, I'd say we're about evenly matched with those characters.

>> No.3406131

Mada mada...

>> No.3407227

bump for someone to host

>> No.3407293
US west
lolimew on my /jp/???
irc tier

>> No.3407315

Yeah, a 1 second delay time just isnt gonna work. shame, i'd have loved the hard practice.

>> No.3407317

gg dustbunny, I thought you might have joined from irc

>> No.3407322
US west
irc tier

I need more RAM ;_;

>> No.3407366

I'd be willing to play, even though I utterly suck at the game. Bumping for a host if you want to play someone who equates to a training dummy that retaliates.

>> No.3407386
Shit tier, US West

>> No.3407391
File: 3 KB, 321x63, message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, what does this message mean? I keep getting it for some reason every time I try to connect to a match

>> No.3407401

Bump for hosts.

>> No.3407451

Might as well play a few matches., Finland

>> No.3407466

I keep trying to connect but it doesn't seem to be working, I also get that message but I think its just the game saying its trying to connect.

>> No.3407526

gonna try to host this time, doubt it will work EC
utter shit tier

>> No.3407550

Not working for me.

>> No.3407555

FFFFFFFFFF nevermind, I wasn't connecting because it was the wrong version, whoops. Well bumping for hosts, ultra shit tier utsuho here willing to play anyone.

>> No.3407557

Make sure...
1. You are using version 1.03, it will say it on the top left of the soku window
2. Your firewall isn't blocking the program

>> No.3407566
US west
irc tier

Iku, Cirno, Marisa

>> No.3407590

when I try to connect to you I just sit there with it saying connecting. probably a firewall thing, which I unfortunately can't fix.

>> No.3407593

ggs Lolimew, thanks for using Random Select with me.

>> No.3407601

It means you can't connect.
GG. Okuu seems to be your best character, so try to learn how to use better and learn how to move after wake up/okizeme. (D+arrow keys).

>> No.3407622
Hostan Canadia

>> No.3407649

GGs The Idler, I have to go to eat, thanks for the games as always, also sorry for the reall really awful last three games, I just lost all my ability to play for some curious reasons.

>> No.3407662

GG, sorry for the lag in the first matches, I had some other gameservers up at the same time, and since I have ADSL, well...

>> No.3407678

Are you already using version 1.03?

It might be because I was already playing against someone else. If I'm already playing and you try to connect, it will reject you if you're too far away. I guess it's to prevent laggy spectators for ruining the game for the players.

>> No.3407695
Meh tier, Canadaland

>> No.3407716

Alright, I'll try hosting for now.
US East
Waiting for LURK to finish downloading tier

>> No.3407723 [DELETED] 

just updated to 1.03 so it should be working, also you can spectate in this one? cool.

>> No.3407731 [DELETED] 

just updated to 1.03 so it should be working, but I didn't know you could spectate.

>> No.3407728

Not working

>> No.3407734

just updated to 1.03 so it should be working, but I didn't know you could spectate.

>> No.3407759

u'all mad

>> No.3407760


>> No.3407764

port 10800

>> No.3407773

Can't seem to connect

>> No.3407776

Still nothing. Forward your bloody ports.

>> No.3407777

Silly me, I haven't patched to 1.03 yet.
Excuse me.

>> No.3407783

still hosting

>> No.3407785

...Funny how that was the first thing I asked you when I couldn't connect.

>> No.3407792

I thought we were referring to 10.3 or whatever the first fighting game was so that we had all characters. Fuck you man, I owned your puppetmaster by being extremely cheap.

>> No.3407806

so you can find a opponent easier.
( it's a chat btw. )

>> No.3407813
File: 20 KB, 1285x106, Derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DERP, vvav, it's fowarded.

>> No.3407855

GG Rabbit-box, tired of getting my ass kicked.You gotta teach me how to use Youmu's 5C properly. I know there's a way to cancel the slow start up but I never really figured it out.

>> No.3407865

Good games LoliMew, I really like playing against another Youmu. Being on the receiving end of 3[A]->623B/C is fun to see sometimes. I would like to do more Youmu mirrors another time if you're up for it.

>> No.3407885

Oh, I actually never used 5C both matches. The trick is in 2C, which is similar to 5C but it has slightly more delay in exchange for being able to high jump/dash cancel earlier. In fact, 2C was nerfed for UNL.

>> No.3407890
up for a few random select games.

>> No.3407898

So are you gonna rehost?

>> No.3407909

Thanks, hopefully I can use this effectively when I feel like playing again.

>> No.3407942

No problem, I'm definately not the best Youmu out there but I'm happy to discuss strategy and tricks with her.

>> No.3407969

Need someone to play with while talking with them? go here
its a chat that was made for TouHou games.
please take a look.

>> No.3408034

Thanks for the games, some of your moves got really annoying :P

>> No.3408040


>> No.3408182 [DELETED] 

Trying to host again. EC

>> No.3408191

Trying to host again. EC

>> No.3408281 wc


>> No.3408356

Bleh, too laggy. A lot of my inputs weren't even working.

>> No.3408453

Hey AoA, very good games, and sorry for only playing with Suika, but I'm really trying to improve with at least one character, I'll see for the rest later. You're still better than me with most of the characters, probably Suika included haha

>> No.3408481

GGs, sorry I have to stop.

>Suika included
Oh no, I only won that one time because 80% of that fight was in Typhoon, I had a little more HP and we both dial-A'd the whole time. Speaking of typhoon, in the second Iku fight when both of us had little health, it came just at the perfect timing for you when I wanted to finish with the dial-A + spellcard.

loliball is driving me insane. It even counters myon bash? (not that I had any chance with MY Youmu anyway) If I block, I can't punish you (I must do something wrong), and should I jump over it, you'll attack me from behind (oh I hate facing in the wrong direction).

I got Alice more often than I wanted. I'd really like to replay with a specific Alice picture using the dash attack past the enemy now (which I did with her much more often than I wanted), but I can't find it anymore.

Komachi, too. Hmm, that spellcard makes spirits. What do they do? ....Nothing. Can't I make them explode?.... 22BC maybe.... eh no, that's not it.

Yukari was probably the only character random select didn't let me play with....

Still loooking for that Alice picture NOT hitting Reisen.

>> No.3408487

Need someone to play with while talking with them? go here
its a chat that was made for TouHou games.
please take a look.

>> No.3408488

>Komachi, too. Hmm, that spellcard makes spirits. What do they do? ....Nothing. Can't I make them explode?.... 22BC maybe.... eh no, that's not it.


>> No.3408490

>Komachi, too. Hmm, that spellcard makes spirits. What do they do? ....Nothing. Can't I make them explode?.... 22BC maybe.... eh no, that's not it.
2C. Instant guard crush if they block all the spirits, 3k damage if they eat it.

>> No.3408493

Thank you, but I think it's too late now.

>> No.3408525

Loliball is punishable with most of the characters, but the timing is quite hard for some of them. With Youmu, I think that 22C works, if someone can confirm that'd be nice...

Also, for Komachi's spellcard, I thought 22C made the spirits explode, but if that's not the case, they just follow and hit, you just have to try to know down your opponent when he's near them (probably?).

But, yeah, your Alice is pretty strong. Hell, I always saw her as the hardest character to play.

>> No.3408576

For Youmu's counter to loliball, I meant 66C.

>> No.3408690

>But, yeah, your Alice is pretty strong. Hell, I always saw her as the hardest character to play.
I'd say Remilia or Suwako. I tried to main each at some point (favorite characters) and they just gave me headaches. How the heck does Remilia fight someone who just runs away and shoots bullets when her flight is so limited?

>> No.3408741

Need someone to play with while talking with them? go here
its a chat that was made for TouHou games.
please take a look.

>> No.3408760

I'd be wiling to play if someone else was, but unfortunately I can't unfuck my firewall so I can only really play through hamachi.
Network name: /jp/ - Hisoutensoku
Network pass: NEET EC
utter shit tier

>> No.3408770
File: 171 KB, 581x700, 1253352555124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suwako is harder. At least Remilia still have perm. graze and blood sucking grab, Suwako got neither a grab or a perm. graze

>> No.3408823

Just ask for a host instead. Hamachi is such a hassle. (fyi, if you can't connect normally, hamachi won't save you)

>> No.3408838

been trying that trust me, also beats me but sometimes hamachi just works for some reason, even when it shouldn't. I would try to join if someone hosted, although my money's on me not connecting.

>> No.3408872

Did you make sure you open both your firewalls (unless you got more than that, for what reason I dunno)? You know you got a firewall for your internet, and a firewall for your computer, right? I can test host for you if you want to try and connect. I won't be actually playing though.

>> No.3408931

firewall on my computer is fine, but since I can't access the networks firewall I can't do shit there. also tried joining failed to connect.

>> No.3408969

Apparently someone else joined, and I thought that was you. What internet connection are you using? If you own your internet connection (assuming you're not in campus/etc), you can go to your internet settings by typing (might be, etc depending on your modem). I can't help you on hamachi, I uninstalled it long ago and am too lazy to reinstall it for you ;).

>> No.3409010

its some verizon router, that they forgot to give us the damn password to access, so we can't do shit with it until we get that password really.

>> No.3409028

Usually it's admin/admin, or admin/password. If all fails, press and hold the reset button on your router for 15 seconds or so, and it will reboot and reset back to admin/password

>> No.3409251


Don't do this, it will erase your config and you will have to call tech support.

>> No.3409308


Nipah~ ♥ tier. Warming up.

>> No.3409311

wasn't gonna try that, since for any old router it would work, but seeing as how there's probably something in the programming on the verizon routers that says yes this person gets this internet service, I ain't fucking with it.

>> No.3409325

FFFFFFFFFFFFF- can't join, as usual.

>> No.3409425

You keep desynching, is something wrong?

>> No.3409453

Yeah, it's probably time for me to play some.

EU hos-tan:

Everything but WC is go.

>> No.3409613
File: 174 KB, 500x750, ccf1a5600823198a5ed85017a5404df8e06c812a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hostan US West


>> No.3409822


GGs Remilia. I had little chance against you in the very beginning, you are more experienced, at least I won against Reisen.

>> No.3409830
File: 245 KB, 850x601, sample-0cb92d34782160d544fe161d2d71ea95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a few battles perhaps?!

>> No.3409836


Strange, you are the only one who it constantly desyncs. Those constant freezes were a real killer.

>> No.3409841

Rehosting >>3409308

>> No.3409856
File: 110 KB, 622x518, Remi_0393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You had more of a chance than you think. You should work on mixing up your approaches; I was getting a lot of undeserved damage out of you just because at times you seemed to be stuck in a loop of actions. GGs, was fun.

>> No.3410098

GGs Nipah. Fun as always. Seems like I can only beat your Cirno with Suwako on first match, dunno why.

>> No.3410107


Youmu and Suika are my repelents. I have to turn off music and concentrate fully in the game to match any of those. Suika with constant rapid fire spam and Youmu excessive speed are deadly for the poor Cirno.

And to think I tried to main Reisen back in Hisouten, I don't remember any combo now.

GGs Do not pursue.

>> No.3410120 [DELETED] 


It's because that on the first match you stay away from the corners, that and yellow deck, I can't push you to the corner with traps and lack of iceberg and katamari.

>> No.3410135


It's because that on the first match you stay away from the corners, that and yellow deck, I can't push you to the corner with traps and lack of iceberg and katamari. That deck is reserved for people that I can't push to the corner, it relies on running around and setting traps.

>> No.3410150

Hehe I gotta start saving replays. I don't remember what I did half the time.

>> No.3410234

GGs, Su. Using low attacks against Suwako is pure idiocy.

>> No.3410307

Same to you, Thrillo. At first I kept my mind cool, then I started raging, harder and harder, started giving up, and at last it started to flow.

Well, the thing with Suwako, as I see it, is that you can punish every damn shit she does if you don't think it over over 9000 times before deciding to do this or that attack. I'd say Suwako is the hardest player for newbies, no doubt. Btw, I saved the last match where you were using Patchi. Suwako's dangerous 8A (for both the player and the opponent) slipped right between Patchi's 1st alt.236C. If you had done a 236B instead the outcome would've been different.

>> No.3410347
File: 460 KB, 800x600, 93d65f2e55e5fdc518d5b8381c9f75d4f9981ad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably why Suwako is lowest tier. I'm Suwako main and I'm still losing over half the matches. I win most Suwako mirrors however. ;D

rehostan US West

Delicious Shanghai

>> No.3410348

What really gets to me is that she can escape pretty much every pressure for free, using her lilypad, her invincible dash or just her tiny stature.

AND btw you can cancel stuff from her j2a (and j8a?).

>> No.3410560

GG DNP. I got something to do, reason why I stopped right there. I kept on screaming "you damn frog" every time you hit me with that frog sculpture thing.

>> No.3410583

How are you finding Youmu's 2C?

>> No.3410616

>she can escape pretty much every pressure for free
Her dash makes her extremely vulnerable since her dash is ALWAYS the same distance. Unless it's really well positioned or your opponent doesn't expect it, most of the time you'll get punished heavily for dashing.

GGs Lolimew. I was so close in catching up to you (when we first started it was 0-2, then it was 1-2... soon it will be 2-1!) Stone frog is decent, but I wish it was better since it has no graze frame. It does pretty nice damage/chip damage though, and it protects me from being punished for j.2C.

>> No.3410728

US West

Remilia-za-chainsaw tier

>> No.3410769

Err yeah, I give up. I bet it's gonna play like Matrix while inside Matrix. What's with your comp lately? It wasn't like this before.

>> No.3410800

Er, I just now connected it to the internet, and just now started up SWRS; my compy chugs a bit on programs that barely started. I'll play arcade for a bit then try again.

>> No.3410815

Really really useful. Pretty good to use for okizeme.

Sadly, I just got my ass kicked by a better Youmu player from mizuumi for a tournament. Then again with his Suwako...then again with his Suika.

I need someone to face...I just changed my deck with his help and I want to try it on someone.

>> No.3410826

I'm eating right now, Give me about 35 minutes or so and I'll host.

>> No.3410849
File: 544 KB, 900x800, 1252296905306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The third standard enemy you kill in stage 1 tier

>> No.3410904

Dammit lolimew, you're connection is poor.

like you're mom

>> No.3410914

Sorry dude but...the lag is huge. I don't know why...

>> No.3410919
File: 313 KB, 700x728, 5859d10eb01f0d7e4d88cd34361eee8559122e76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Delicious Alice

>> No.3410920

Actually it's my sister, who is fucking playing some online game.

>> No.3410922


Of course you could be a Eurofag. I'm US Midwest.

>> No.3411024

Rehostan, hopefully I'll get to play a round or two without slowdown.

>> No.3411090
US Midwest

>> No.3411104
File: 255 KB, 498x700, utsuhogrin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ggs, though I really wish I were good with mai nuclear waifu.

That suika mirror match was insanity. I was gritting my teeth the whole time.

>> No.3411110

Nipah~ ♥ tier.

>> No.3411130

Really? I have no idea how to play Suika except bomb spam and runs around. I only know how to play Suwako, Okuu, Marisa and Alice. GGs anyways.

>> No.3411172

That IS how you play Suika.

>> No.3411194


GGs Shiki, you should cover yourself more.

>> No.3411205


You're Cirno just keeps seeming to have more openings than she actually does.

>> No.3411219

hosting, WC

>> No.3411220 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 640x480, taiko-not-amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3411238

I'm sorry, but I don't know what's up with my connection to cause the horrible lag. Hopefully we can play again later.

>> No.3411246


LoliMew it's too laggy, I just played somebody else and it was fine. Maybe it's your side.

>> No.3411269

Rehosting >>3411110

>> No.3411279
File: 36 KB, 465x379, marisa, remilia - 1219123151438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
US East

>> No.3411416

GGs mr. katakana. I've had enough of losing. The Marisa matches were fun.

Now to go stifle my tears because I feel worthless and my main continously got perfected.

>> No.3411417

GGs, NGH. Picking up Marisa, she has fun things to play with, but why are all her old cool combos gone? ;_;

>> No.3411456
File: 72 KB, 799x666, 1193946886530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rehosting. Please don't rape me so hard, my ass and spirit's a bit broken.

>> No.3411481


GGs "profile1p". Perhaps I should have played my stronger characters, but I guess the lag cut things short.

>> No.3411482

ggs my komachi is terrible

>> No.3411500
File: 76 KB, 343x322, 1200269417481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean that you don't even main her and you played like a veteran?
Pic related; replace the box with a controller and "Donate" with "Why?" and that's me during our entire netplay.

>> No.3411550

Ragequit. Every single QCF I tried to do was misread. WITHOUT FUCKING FAIL HOLY SHIT

>> No.3411558

That was weird, Mr. NO HE CAN'T. Did you drop, or were you booted somehow?

>> No.3411559

Not to mention that Forward,Down, Down+Forwards would appear at random without any attempt to do them and that you would ALWAYS end up where I wasn't blocking. Holy shit that was rage-inducing.

>> No.3411564

>implying Shiki can't connect the dots on a toohoo
oh wow

>> No.3411576

I know how it feels. The gamepad I'm using has worn down to the point that I can barely shoryuken on it, so 95% of the time my Vampire Kisses turn into the CQF attack.

>> No.3411583
File: 542 KB, 838x806, 1231581394140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3411587


But we at least agree that he couldn't ever beat Yukari, right?

>> No.3411591

GGs Do Not Pursue. Stay out of the corners, they are deadly if you aren't Suwako or Youmu.

Satoko Cirno is the best Cirno, traps are fun.

>> No.3411595

Rehosting >>3411110

>> No.3411596

Rehosting. DNP, wanna match up?

>> No.3411605

Depends on how close he could get to her with a knife.

>> No.3411610 [DELETED] 

Oh, why not. I haven't play you in a while. You host or me?

>> No.3411609

GGs Nipah. I had enough Touhou for one night. I'll start learning more complicated combos with Suwako soon...

>> No.3411622

I was gonna join, but YourAllWeeabooFags took my spot ;( I'll play tomorrow or something, my fingers are sore.

>> No.3411632

Kill yourself.

>> No.3411641

I played her a little in SWR, but she's pretty different in this, I just try to do old stuff and it works.

>> No.3411664

GGs dont know why there was some lag near the end of the last match, was probably me though

>> No.3411670

GGs Noblet3mp. Giant Catfish? Seriously? I think your Iku could definitely work on adding j.2A to her repertoire, it's extremely strong when used well.

>> No.3411712

Rehosting, probably the last time for tonight.

>> No.3411721

yeah about the catfish as soon as I saw it i thought to myself WTF? dunno why it was even in the deck but it's out now

>> No.3411742

Good games.
I'd play longer but I need to get some work done.

>> No.3411836 [DELETED] 


I can't stand your lag rAya.

>> No.3411849


I can't stand your lag rAya. It may be easy to spam bullets with Suika in lag but Cirno requires surgical precision.

>> No.3411856

Rehosting >>3411110

>> No.3411954

Bump for players.

>> No.3411990

No players. /jp/ doesn't play worthless weeaboo shit

>> No.3412002

GGs Magister. It's a bit laggier than last time (I think), but it's also storming like crazy outside and my lights are flickering now and then, so I better wrap up.

I don't know what to say, I mean, are you taking it easy on me? What I learned from Krad420 is that Marisa's 66A seems almost unfair, since he often had frame advantage against me even on block somehow.

>> No.3412005

GGs, a.a. Shit, I know I cheated you on some of those, I'm just throwing random ass projectiles and hoping you run into stuff. I gotta figure out what I'm doing with Marisa, I wish I saved replays more often...

>> No.3412027

ggs Namegoeswhere

Would you believe I like to call Peaches my main?

Would you believe that I've never ran Iku before?

Would you believe I've never been at one with Reimu as much as I was then?

Also, my Marisa's ASS FU style has grown weak and soft, unlike Marisa's rock hard flying ass.

>> No.3412030

GGs ZenbuWaWeeabooDa. I had a surprising amount of fun with Komachi.

>> No.3412040

I could feel the delay was a lot stronger than last time, yeah.

>Marisa's 66A seems almost unfair

Naw, that's Krad's specialty 66A lagtic maneuver. 66A is negative on block, but it's just hard to punish in netplaybut it's Krad so he can get away with itstop dodging me for this TOURNEY, Krad. I really don't understand Marisa, much less the new way she plays, so I'm flailing pretty hard. "2A 3A 5C oh shit he grazed forward uhhhhhhhh do I SHORYUKEN? nah switch sides try again until he doesn't yeaaaah", that kinda thing.

>> No.3412042

Also, you BETTER BELIEVE that when I KOed you with Sanae's fireworks, I shouted, a la the dude from Bionic Commando, "NAILED YA!"

>> No.3412047



>> No.3412050

1. I believe it, she played well, but switching places FUCKS OVER artillery strategies.
2. Really? Yours was pretty good. I liked the Thunder Breaks you did.
3. Read your SICP today?
4. Marisa>Marisa, I don't care what you say.

I appreciated the Yuyuko match; I don't get many,
so I lose a lot.

>> No.3412065

I had no artillery strategies that round. I was at the end of my rope and plum tired.

Also, that fucking Youmu vs. Yuyuko match was retarded, in that I had NOTHING.

I play Yuyuko usually like an annoying action game boss and if I start losing, I just think "What would Yuyuko do?" And then I don trollface and try to troll for the rest of the fight.

Naturally, you're Youmu was able to best my down+B, down+C combo. Without that, I am nothing.

>> No.3412077

>Marisa>Marisa, I don't care what you say.
Hurr butthurt in denial. Marisa raped Marisa that match. No questions bro. Cry some moar.

>> No.3412079

Rehosting >>3411110

>> No.3412094

Also, naturally, any "thunder breaks" or whatever you call them I did were purely by accident. I was largely just trying to figure out the moves. She doesn't play like Peaches.

Once I found out Disco Inferno could air juggle, well, shit, I was ALL OVER THAT MOVE LIKE BULLETS ON TOOHOOS

>> No.3412105

I call her 22B/C "Thunder Break" because of Great Mazinger. I saw an episode today and I still think it was awesome.

>> No.3412125

Also, I think it is just adorable how Frogger's froggy eyes are busted out of her hat on springs in her lose image.

Same with Alice's doll hanging itself.

>> No.3412130

I don't know what Great Mazinger is but it is clearly weeaboo shit for the sorts of worthless weeaboo fags who play Touhou fightan.

>> No.3412145

"But I do not want to go among the weeaboo."
"That is not possible. Everyone here is quite a weeaboo. You must be one too, or you would not be here."

>> No.3412150


I'm watching Youtube videos now and it looks as manly as 80s era giant robot animu can be.

Which is a lot more manly than POST 80s era giant robot animus. I approve...

Still weeaboo shit though.

It goes without saying that I am also the weeaboo who just spent three hours playing toohoo fightans.

>> No.3412182

someone test please;

>> No.3412209

Well, I guess it's working at least. Sorry, not interested in playing right now.

>> No.3412210 [DELETED] 

Holy fuck yes thank you whoever joined.

Hours upon hours of this port forwarding bullshit and it works now.

>> No.3412215


It's very much appreciated. It was quite difficult port forwarding a network that uses two routers.

>> No.3412262

Haha, Good games Nipah. I'd like to stay for more but I have class early tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed my new Youmu themed decks.

>> No.3412264


GGs Rabit box, fun matches. Youmu is as deadly as always. At least Satoko-Cirno can stand a bit against her.

>> No.3412279

Actually, I was quite suprised how well you could contol the wakeup game with Cirno now, with the Glacier throw into Ice car. I really got brutalized in my first game and had to change tactics for the second one. Your play style was really different though for my counter deck and lolattack deck.

>> No.3412343


Yeah, too much pressure from Youmu in the following matches, I was practically blocking most of the time. I felt back to traps.

Rehosting >>3411110

>> No.3412748


ZomB, you rapist. GGs.

>> No.3412752

Rehosting >>3411110

>> No.3412753

GGs. Still having a little bit of trouble maneuvering with Suwako... You've gotten better since we last played Nipah!

>> No.3412768


What are you talking about? Most Suwakos I fight are easy compared to you. I was thinking positively "hey, isn't it Suwako... but it's ZomB, maybe I have got a chance!" and then... Frog god x ice fairy rape ensues.

>> No.3412915

Most suwakos you fight also aren't ZomB... her movement has a lot of nuances to get used to.

>> No.3412972 [DELETED] 

OP here. I just found a far superior board without morons so I'm leaving Retardchan forever now:



>> No.3413163
File: 2.33 MB, 675x2740, 387618689c9e2a58d53322206d735e2084a7b341.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP here. I just found a far superior board
>Not Nipah
What the hell are they trying to pull?

Anyways, any Suwako players still awake? I'd like to do some mirror training

>> No.3413174

I do, but I live in Australia and my university has shit internet.

>> No.3413185

That's a pain. Shall we try either way to see if the lag is bearable?

>> No.3413210

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
I saw this earlier today on here...

>> No.3413278

Alright, can you host.

>> No.3413325
File: 66 KB, 600x800, 1252469224864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hostan US West

>> No.3413426

Any other AU players around?

>> No.3413647


NEET tier.

>> No.3413670

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
I laughed out loudly.

>> No.3413674
File: 236 KB, 1000x772, 1243811996358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NEET tier
This means good or bad tier?

>> No.3413691
File: 60 KB, 615x332, 1228977189686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Hungry and mildly depressed after fighting that one guy from yesterday" tier

>> No.3413692


Average tier. But you never know.

>> No.3413840

Wake up neets.

>> No.3413876

Still hosting.
...kinda lonely...

>> No.3413905


>> No.3413921


Weird, I can't join you. Check ports.

>> No.3413931

Looking for a working host.

>> No.3413957

I might be up for a few rounds but I can only host on hamachi + I'm in britain so west coast players usually lag out the balls for me.

>> No.3413962

Look no longer!

>> No.3413990

Sorry, bro; too laggy. It's EU, btw. You from WC or what?

>> No.3414003

I'm in england, shouldn't be laggy but I had something up in the background. You can try rehosting to see if closing it helped if you want or try hamachi.

>> No.3414052

Rehosting >>3413647

>> No.3414059

ggs Nipah.

>> No.3414069

Fucking 6CC pussy Suika. Sorry, there's no point in this.

>> No.3414076

Hey, good games. I guess you don't like to play against Suika ;_;

>> No.3414083

Wow. First ragequit player I see on /jp/. Good job, asshole. Learn to play.

>> No.3414084



I have nothing special against Suika as a character, but spamming the best move in the game so shamelessly isn't fun.

>> No.3414098

Low tier Suika looking for host, preferably one who will not quit after 2 games.

>> No.3414105

Alright, I'll use someone else than low tier Suwako. Sorry about earlier. If you want, host if still up, but only if you want to.

>> No.3414107

I dunno, loliball is pretty damn punishable to most characters. Who are you playing as? You just gotta beat a Suika up enough times for doing random loliball before they stop altogether and start thinking about stuff.

also combos

>> No.3414111


Sorry Nitori, it's too laggy. I know how frustrating must be to play Sakuya in bullet time. I could see through every knife.

>> No.3414124


Forgot my GGs. You aren't as low tier as you advertice. Playing random and playing good, it must have confidence.

>> No.3414129

I've been playing Hisouten for over half a year, that's not the problem by me. I was using Suwako, you know, the character who can't punish for shit, other than ground blockstring. Believe me, I have no problem being beat to death by other players, but when it's loliball spamming, why should I bother?

>> No.3414137

Rehosting >>3413647

>> No.3414156

Yeah apparently my connection's sucking right now. Sakuya doesn't do so well when knives are coming out at half their speed and you can tap dash to get rid of the lot of them. That and no soul sculptures popping up in my hand until right at the end of the match, hnng.

>> No.3414168

Holy shit.

>> No.3414192


GGs Su. Kinda laggy, wasn't it?

>> No.3414195

I thought WC bros were still asleep. Danger, danger.

>> No.3414196

Suwako gets f.5A on Suika for free if you block loliball, she shouldn't have any trouble at all, if you just let them kill themselves.

>> No.3414239

US West
"This time I'm actually hosting" tier

>> No.3414275

US West
Somehow my IP decided to change overnight.

>> No.3414286


>> No.3414287

Yeah, it's a shame. I usually host, though.

>> No.3414321

That's sounds too good to be true. If the height is right then I'd have a pretty easy 2,5k dmg combo.

Anyhu, EU hostan:

Training with Suwako, if someone plays cheap then I'll just have to be a bitch with either Patche or Tenshi. It's a free choice.

>> No.3414343

Cheap being something you haven't learnt to counter yet or cheap using suika's missing purple power card at every possible opportunity?

>> No.3414412 [DELETED] 

Good game Su, I was just testing my University's net connection as well as my mettle without a pad. It's remarkably difficult to dash and do proper inputs. I'll have to play you later again.

>> No.3414603


>> No.3414625


Enough Suika for me. GGs. Youmu and Suika are my repelents. It gets tiresome to block all the time and wait for openings.

>> No.3414627

Hey great games Nipaah, you're really a though Cirno player. At first I was winning games because we were playing with "brute force" without thinking too much (at least I was), so I had the advantage of playing with Suika which is clearly OP, but as soon as it became at bit more tactical, I kept losing over and over again. Also I couldn't find any good way to punish your ice rocket, as well as your 66C. But I had a lot of fun, thanks for playing.

>> No.3414636 [DELETED]
beginner random select

>> No.3414662

Also, do I spamm loliball? What [>>3414069] said did hurt me pretty deeply.

>> No.3414673


Uuuh, yeah. I even started to expect it very often. To the point I punished most of them and after that you seemed to do 66C less.

>> No.3414681
beginner random select

>> No.3414714


>> No.3414727

The thing is, I knew you were going to punish it and I tried deseperetely to avoid that with some 623B or 236B, but my joystick wouldn't allow me to do so everytime. Also I need to get a gamepad.

>> No.3414729

Why so butthurt?

>> No.3414737

Sure. I got tiered at the end, so it's good that you ended it.

>> No.3414743


>> No.3414757

Don't play dumb.

Also, real bald pigs blah blah use keyboard.

>> No.3414782

GGs. OH MAH GAWD, DAT IKU SPELLCARD. Swirly death for either 3 or 4.
Loved the Komachi match, and those last few were fun too.
You are just a little bit better than me, so I was frustrated, but not hopeless.

>> No.3414801

Well, actually I'm not playing dumb, I wasn't even talking to you, that's why I didn't understand what you meant with that post. Maybe you're that guy I beat only two times, that didn't even try to counter my playstyle and that ragequitted immediatly because I was "spamming loliball"?

I have nothing against you, if you're him, but honestly it's useless to try to insult me or anything now. Also I'm still learning, so I was really asking for advice (I was serious when I asked if I spammed loliball, I want to correct my flaws, and spamming one attack is obviously one).

If you're not the guy from before, just what the hell do you want from me?

>> No.3414805

>Also I couldn't find any good way to punish your ice rocket
That move generally isn't punishable when blocked.

>> No.3414820

still waiting for a player.

>> No.3414864


>> No.3415058

Okay, forget it. Also, should start a new thread since this one reached the post bump limit.

>> No.3415060

First time trying to connect to netplay, how do I make it so the IP input isn't set up as How do I correct for part of the IP that is just 2 digits? Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong...

>> No.3415091

From the netplay menu, either choose the second option and use up/down to change the digits, or just Ctrl+c (i.e. copy) the desired IP first, then choose the fifth option.

>> No.3415095

And if you want to connect, copy the ip and use the 5. button in netplay menu. If there are only 1 or 2 digits, doesn't matter.

If you are hosting copy ip:port ( usually 10800) and hit the first button in netplay.

>> No.3415229

gg, AoA, random is quite fun. i suck at most characters, but its nice to try them.

>> No.3415262

GGs, me too.
Even though my problem isn't so much sucking with all characters, it's trying to input 623 and 421. Those misinputs really killed me when I played Sanae and are the reason I didn't use Yukari's parasol spin (but it's so good) as often as I'd want to.

The lag was a bit extreme. Even the character select was hard enough and any kind of okizeme (on my side, don't know about you) was impossible with the sudden speed changes.

Also... Marisa's broom gives invincibility? 623, I can't even think of using that so much and you input that so fast too (even on wakeup). Don't I have to hold 6 about half a second first before the 23?

>> No.3415286

>Don't I have to hold 6 about half a second first before the 23?

no, i dont think so, just input it fast.
