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File: 358 KB, 1600x900, 1613481151923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34058916 No.34058916 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>34013875

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EN: http://en.kancollewiki.net
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/

KanColle STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/KanColle_STAFF
C2 STAFF Twitter: https://twitter.com/C2_STAFF

Air superiority calculator/fleet builder:

Combat Mechanics:
JP: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%C0%EF%C6%AE%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6
EN: http://kancolle.wikia.com/wiki/Combat

Fit gun for BBs: http://wikiwiki.jp/kancolle/?%CC%BF%C3%E6%A4%C8%B2%F3%C8%F2%A4%CB%A4%C4%A4%A4%A4%C6#h7905b57

Equipment upgrade values: http://i.imgur.com/1JfCOmJ.png
Destroyer gun bonus: https://i.imgur.com/K7PxY6z.png
LBAS values: https://i.imgur.com/pd843oW.png

Useful Akashi upgrades table: http://akashi-list.me/

Drop and construction statistics:

Quest tracking tool (needs updating): https://www.kahr-noss.com/OoyodoQuestTracker.html

KanColle Viewer (JP): https://github.com/Grabacr07/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (EN): https://github.com/Madmanmayson/KanColleViewer
KanColle Viewer (KR): https://github.com/CirnoV/KanColleViewer
Electronic Observer (JP): https://github.com/andanteyk/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (EN): https://github.com/gre4bee/ElectronicObserver
Electronic Observer (CN): https://github.com/RadarNyan/ElectronicObserver-ML

-The February ranking rewards have been distributed. The new equipment is the Type 42 Air Radar Kai-II.
-Mogamin has received her Kai-II and Kai-II Toku convertible remodels. Kai-II requires level 80, 1BP, 1AR, and 2 new air mats. Kai-II Toku also requires level 90. Kai-II Toku is able to carry midget subs in exchange for smaller plane slots.
-Equipment presets have been implemented. They work in a similar way as fleet presets. 3 are provided for free, and you can expand them further with Dock keys (2 per key).
-Yahagi has received her Kai-II and Kai-IIB convertible remodels. It requires level 88/90 and 1 BP and 1 AR.
-The Type 21 Air Radar Kai-II has been implemented. Several CAs have received small buffs.
-Through Akashi's arsenal it is now possible to improve T21 Air Radar to T21 Kai-II, Zuiun to Zuiun M12, Zuiun M12 to Zuiun M12 (634 AG) to Zuiun M12 (634 AG/Skilled). It is also possible to improve 16inch Mk.6 and upgrade it to 16inch Mk.6 mod.2.
-9 new quests have been implemented. Hinamatsuri quests have been removed.
-New and returning furniture has been implemented.
-As of the Feb 28, 2020 maintenance, due to the ongoing DDoS attacks, measures have been taken that requires players from certain countries to use a Japanese IP address to connect to the Login servers. After getting to the start screen it's possible to disconnect from the VPN and continue playing without it. If you still encounter connection issues try clearing your cache and changing your time zone to JST. These countermeasures are temporary as of right now. EN EO now bypasses the block. Another possible workaround is using https://github.com/Tibowl/KCCacheProxy
-The following ships will receive another remodel at some point in the future:
-->Kai-II: Mikuma, multiple Type A DDs, some "relatively small" carriers
-->Kai-II side remodel: The rest of the Kongou-class; Shigure (could be Kai-III)

>> No.34058991
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>> No.34059114
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>> No.34059140 [DELETED] 
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Guess who got replaced

>> No.34059395 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 360x360, 1617434110459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's getting a K2 next.
Agano or Sakawa?
I need to prepare.

>> No.34059410

Yahagi and Mogami powercreep are real I can't imagine what kind of enemies for next event

>> No.34059411


>> No.34059427

Not having both at 90?

>> No.34059445
File: 214 KB, 1000x1611, 57590202_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I better be Shouhou, she's too beautiful to be mediocre

>> No.34059449

CLs have always been lowest priority for leveling to me.

>> No.34059464

Complete change in meta from torp/sub with occasional plane thrown in cruiser domination to pure gun cruiser domination.

>> No.34059501

Just pick one and keep using her for pvp, I don't think we are getting another one soon. Maybe at least 3 months for next agano Kai ni.

>> No.34059896

Fubuki is cute.

>> No.34060080

It's the opposite for me, CLs are among the highest priority for me because they don't level up naturally very fast and only a few can be used at a time.

>> No.34060137
File: 103 KB, 730x891, 72611771_p12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest

>> No.34060431
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The fact that only a few are used puts them lower on my list.

>> No.34060616

Why is Yura and Gotland together?

>> No.34061905

Yura's practically a seaplane cruiser.

>> No.34063143

So we are all going to keep Yahagi in B form
What about Mogamin?

>> No.34063339

The obvious answer is Toku

>> No.34063454
File: 179 KB, 848x1200, Eq4Hrl6U0AAGQsT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shimacowze and Hamacowze

>> No.34063550

For me, it's sendai kino

>> No.34064124


>> No.34064938

The most powercreeped class from 3 slots and nothing special, now 4-5 slots multiple gimmicks and good stats

>> No.34065145
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>> No.34065457
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>> No.34065725
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Nobody told me Helena was this hot

>> No.34066079
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Which Boat has the best "squeeze zone?"

>> No.34066151
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>> No.34066303

One of the axis fatsos probably.

>> No.34066366
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>> No.34067115
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>> No.34067227
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>> No.34067704

2-5% was considered the limit of overweight design by the IJN:

Tatsuta - 4% over nominal
Kuma - 1.5% over nominal
Sendai - 5.5% over nominal
Yubari - 14% over nominal
Furutaka - 11% over nominal
Aoba - 10% over nominal
Myoko - 12% over nominal
Takao - 8% over nominal
Mogami - 15% over nominal

>> No.34067855
File: 76 KB, 434x116, Screenshot_2021-04-03_20-49-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I just need a second Yahagi and Kumarinko.

>> No.34068314
File: 573 KB, 567x800, __hyuuga_mogami_ise_and_mikuma_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kumadano__e7bd52cb2336a4d28c6ba9e3b09ca2df[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, 15% overweight looks like this?

>> No.34068460

I'm going to have to pick Tenryuu

>> No.34068492

If they're only going to build overweight cruisers then they should have just designed them larger in the first place.
Oh wait...

>> No.34068619

Melonyodo is clearly the best

>> No.34068709
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>> No.34068764

What's going on there?

>> No.34068793
File: 193 KB, 810x2048, Euz398XVoAMtAkT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just boat (cat) girl things.

>> No.34068809

Kinda weird but ok

>> No.34068917

That is what you get when you develop Fisheritis and start skipping on armoring your cruisers in favor of more speed and guns.

>> No.34069137

I know right?
And by this logic the Takaos should look like Mogami and Mikuma.

>> No.34069182
File: 66 KB, 800x800, 12e3hz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the Mogamis should be fatter than the Takaos?

>> No.34069224
File: 598 KB, 935x1486, hyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the Houston doesn't look like that

>> No.34069269

She also looks like shit.

>> No.34069280

You look like shit

>> No.34069421

how many dupes do I need to keep to get a girl to get second modernization

>> No.34069628

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.34069629

Not enough speed autism.

>> No.34069641

The thing about japan is, the designers just straight up lied to their own government and admiralty, as well as foreign countries

>> No.34069655

W h a t

>> No.34069737

based schizoposter

>> No.34070113
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>> No.34070350

fuck off maol*ane shitter
oh, it's retarded

>> No.34070424

Nice gatekeeping

>> No.34070440
File: 622 KB, 680x355, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34070441

no fuck off

>> No.34071083


>> No.34071498
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Best Kraut

>> No.34071557
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>> No.34071612
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>Ebiblue drawing KanColle again

>> No.34072801
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>> No.34072957


>> No.34073186
File: 487 KB, 750x550, e9999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Johnston's been found

>> No.34073271

You're late, already posted.

>> No.34073353
File: 140 KB, 900x1200, 1617499560169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Tanaka know about it beforehand and made her a drop?

>> No.34073371

Yes, Tanaka supplies most of the money for these operations.

>> No.34073558

I have like 30 medals to turn into blueprints and a bunch of action reports but I can't remodel anything because I ran out of flamethrowers. what expedition can I farm for them?

>> No.34074141
File: 85 KB, 855x1199, EgpoeMeU8AE_vjO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can all agree that Hornet was the best shipgirl to come out 2020 right?

>> No.34074374

Are you burnjng flamers on LSC everyday?
Just clear dailies like usual and farm 2-1 if you are desperate

>> No.34074450
File: 125 KB, 819x1200, Richelieu Bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy easter! Post bunny girls.

>> No.34075302

Don't touch my personal stuff.

>> No.34075351

I will touch HER personal stuff

>> No.34075380
File: 358 KB, 640x890, __admiral_and_houshou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_imu_sanjo__1998eaff737e2bf813bb4cb9e67ec0bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34075594 [DELETED] 

Nice braps
disgusting braps, wouldn't sniff
Not very smelly but has a cute feel to it, the best of the 3

>> No.34075830

A shit.

>> No.34075986

I used most of my stockpile on friend fleet and then the rest on lsc trying to make zara a while ago. I haven't done dailies or even sortied to a regular map outside of new year quests since phase 1. is there no way to get them passively? I'm short on dev materials too but I managed to get back to 700 from expeditions.

>> No.34076228


>> No.34076469

nature can be scary , really scary sometimes

>> No.34077524
File: 888 KB, 2552x4021, __houshou_kantai_collection_and_1_more_drawn_by_magai_akashi__eb8ec4b2cf0e3cb24fbbdc9220b34d9d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hags trying to be all cutesy and young is pretty adorable desu

>> No.34077546
File: 300 KB, 1293x2048, EY8UsTIUwAAHvVT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houshou is no hag

>> No.34077612

This HagColle, 100% of girls are confirmed old hags.

>> No.34077745

At least finish your daily 10 sorties and other quick easy stuffs like pvp and construction chain with minimum mats. Exp 7 can drop flamer at 50/50 chance but i dont think it is worth.

>> No.34077876

I used to do quests with my undersea slaves but I don't even know what to do now with phase 2. I don't have much time to play the game any more I just want to keep up with new ship girls and finish events.

>> No.34078099
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>> No.34078220
File: 3.38 MB, 2591x3624, 83489404_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best duck

>> No.34078231

>a few large caliber hits structurally shits all over a burg ship
wow, what a surprise.

>> No.34078232
File: 198 KB, 581x850, Hatsuzuki Swimsuit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34078290

The biggest surprise is Hotel actually doing something.

>> No.34078334
File: 1.29 MB, 1611x2150, __yura_kantai_collection_and_1_more_drawn_by_eimusu_yassun83__6fb0df82b5c30cc4afadeaa593487ea8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34078343

Even then she was shooting AP at CVEs and DDs. Dumb hotel can't do anything right.

>> No.34079178

Jesus just look at zekamashi website for comp and sortie to world 1 or 2

>> No.34079636

>I don't have much time to play the game any more
We need skip tickets

>> No.34079778

Wrong kind of game. Does AL even have that?
(wouldn’t surprise me)
Anyway, you don’t play a strategy game to not play it.

>> No.34079929
File: 206 KB, 850x1133, KUNBON4PZHs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why she so cute.

>> No.34079964

You only need around 30 minutes to clear 10 battles, pvp and crafting.

>> No.34080369

An acquaintance linked to me some kind of "respectable commie website" and they had Tashkent as mascot or something like that.
Was not expecting that at all.

>> No.34080528

post it fag

>> No.34081792

What is it?

>> No.34083366
File: 572 KB, 2048x1800, EskXoEIUcCErzEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34084072

Well KanColle is a management game, not a strategy game. So I suppose there wouldn't be anything wrong with fast-forwarding through 1-5.

>> No.34084543

Yes everyone will skip/fast forward battle and rank points become inflated

>> No.34084876
File: 942 KB, 1280x720, __ikazuchi_akatsuki_and_hamakaze_kantai_collection_and_1_more_drawn_by_sugapi__sample-16a8ff81a9eab8f48f957a00ded8095e.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34085076
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happy easter anons

>> No.34085378
File: 139 KB, 954x1200, EyIMZeQUUAg6tKQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who knew Kinu was kind of nice looking?

>> No.34085419
File: 68 KB, 796x650, __kaga_houshou_and_kaga_kantai_collection_and_1_more_drawn_by_tachikoma_mousou_teikoku__ed249c499986cd4a489dd1ba6ba989b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34085573
File: 180 KB, 1190x1680, ErxiFmeUwAAKa1E.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What catchphrases would a talking Agano doll say when you'd squeeze her?

>> No.34085628

There's a snake in my boot!

>> No.34086246


>> No.34086652

I didn't fucking say it was a good idea.

>> No.34087352

And where would you have to squeeze to activate her voice box?

>> No.34087965
File: 514 KB, 992x1403, 1606984400061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Child like proportions.

>> No.34088106
File: 1.30 MB, 2160x3840, Ex6fcFCVgAAsooG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34089112

Event soon

>> No.34089335
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Atlanta drop when?

>> No.34089349
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Guess where they're going to hide the eggs.

>> No.34089449
File: 282 KB, 707x1000, 88907466_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is lewd.

>> No.34089465

Kongou the best mother.

>> No.34089718
File: 413 KB, 2452x1092, pbs_twimg_com_media_EyDuqX7U8AIvzVs_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34089861
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I'll take the jailbait one.

>> No.34089952


Medium scale

>> No.34090140

Old enough to be irradiated, old enough to be impregnated.

>> No.34090288
File: 2.60 MB, 1960x4463, 1590778762061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to sexually ruin her.

>> No.34090431

Wait, I just realized, where the fuck is Winter Event? Are they really gonna be pulling this 2.5 Events per year shit now regularly? 2020 we got Hinamatsuri , Summer and way to fucking late Fall but I guess you could blame it on Covid or something. What about this year?

>> No.34090483
File: 849 KB, 1000x1666, __saratoga_and_saratoga_kantai_collection_and_1_more_drawn_by_cnm__5cc8cd34bb0df749648bd6f6a3e8cb87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34090495

Very, very cute boy.

>> No.34090596

we're reclining

>> No.34090783

Winter has been cancelled permanently due to global warming.

>> No.34091182

Dead game, what do you expect

>> No.34091270

She is. The Nagara class are just not particularly interesting, they’re not bad looking though.

>> No.34091487

Isuzu is interesting for being the only Gold Kai Ni.

>> No.34091636
File: 271 KB, 850x980, __admiral_yuudachi_houshou_and_eustace_bagge_kantai_collection_and_1_more_drawn_by_aminji_liaoumen__6f1a7085e42f85194744175032ba2079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34091951

I can’t believe Hornet is a Jojo now.

>> No.34092015


>> No.34092027
File: 99 KB, 749x897, 1617581713260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's her stand?

>> No.34092044

I think she is pretty lucky she is kinda new and keep getting good roles, or nips are interested because she is a half sand nigger.

>> No.34092108

Hornet’s VA (Ai Fairouz) is also voicing Jolyne in Jojo Part 6: Stone Ocean.

>> No.34092776

I am not liking the looks of those Harukaze drop rates.

>> No.34092783

>medium scale
Easy event.

>> No.34092902

Natori and Nagara Kai Ni when?

>> No.34092931

Another OASW heavy event?

>> No.34092970

Beats me, I was referring to https://db.kcwiki.org/drop/ship/473/SAB.html, although looking again it might just be because the sample size is too small. The 120 S rankless Harukaze runs from last event are making me feel pessimistic again.

>> No.34093081

"""medium""" event where every map has 3 unlock phases.

>> No.34093098

Doesn't matter so long as it's only 4-5 maps which meets the requirement for medium. Git gud.

>> No.34093142

Yeah. Let’s face it, that’s the way it is lately.
I’ve got 50k bauxite. I am not ready for this shit.
My rule of thumb is: 50k bauxite for a small event, 75k for medium, and over 100k for large. And then fuel and ammo are 150% of that.

>> No.34093163

If they make the event simple with only 1 phase boss rush for every map people might complain they are lazy and uncreative. Guess you can't please everyone

>> No.34093174

The problem is EVERY map having unlocks.
I would not mind E1/E2 being simple and easy.

>> No.34093191

I'd take unlock phases on every map in exchange for only 1-2 TP gauges for the whole event. It was OK in previous events because I could just farm+clear but that only works as long as you have ships missing.

>> No.34093252

E1 and E2 are always simple and easy. Do you think roaming around clearing light SS, DD or CL fleets before nuking CA/CL hime is a pain?

>> No.34093317

Yes, multiple phases for something easy is a pain.

>> No.34093378
File: 874 KB, 2149x3035, 87742068_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34093460
File: 1.46 MB, 1447x1841, Kaga bikini back 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can Kaga-san be so cute yet so hot at the same time?

>> No.34093570

>1 map
>10 bosses
>100 nodes
>Each Boss drops its personal reward, a reward based on the number of bosses killed, and unlocks new shortcuts on the map

>> No.34093600
File: 280 KB, 850x1367, L5h0aW0p_d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34093622

Who is this? They're wearing Atago's uniform, but the waistline is far too small to be her.

>> No.34093899

She just lost some weight, that's all.

>> No.34094647

I sleep. Call me when Tanaka makes a large one.

>> No.34094735

That'll be the last event we get anon.

>> No.34094920
File: 170 KB, 800x689, 1617575616865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another case where I didn't read the quest fully and all progress was for naught.
True suffering.

>> No.34095080

fug i'm not reddy DDDDD:

>> No.34095162

oh great the time zone bug is back again this year

>> No.34095274


>> No.34095336

for some reason the clock my computer checks with thinks dst happens twice

>> No.34097246

haha imagine kiyoshimo breaking your penis just like that haha

>> No.34099374
File: 55 KB, 593x267, 1592800984870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the correct choice here? Minisub or seaplane?

>> No.34099406

If you don't have at least 8 SPFs to be safe I would go for it. Otherwise Subs.

>> No.34099488

I have 2 spare mini subs from nisshin event. SPF is more expensive and I am planning to make my 5th +10 spf

>> No.34102514

The answer is always seqplane.

>> No.34104227
File: 1.25 MB, 1072x1500, __kitakami_kantai_collection_drawn_by_zombie_mogura__2572af313571e2b0cfd7bead685b471c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when 40 torpedo tubes was a crazy remodel for a CL? Nowadays they all have billion torpedo tubes, ability to launch flying boat submarines, and other crazy shit like that.

>> No.34105377
File: 100 KB, 624x829, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I submit to this rfp

>> No.34105423

Idol Nagato when

>> No.34105976

This what?

>> No.34105983
File: 532 KB, 780x900, 57037645_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34106176

Lets see, I would go with
>12 38cm guns mounted Nelrod style all forward in French style (2 twins taped together) quad turrets
>at least 13cm of deck armor and 38cm of belt armor mounted following all or nothing principle
>turret face and top armor should be comparable to belt and deck armor though the side and rear armor can be lighter
>conning tower should be either armored against medium caliber (20cm and lower) or only splinter protected
>secondary battery of 10 x 2 navalized flakzwilling 40s in enclosed splinter protected turrets
>medium and light AA should be built around 4 cm/56 Flak 28 (i.e. Bofors 40mm before yanks made it more mass-produceable) and 2 cm Flakvierling 38
>speed should be at least 28 knots but preferably 30
>use 4 shafts like bongs and burgers did, 3 shafts designs might save bit off space but have major downsides, plus führer wants his boats wide so you might as well use that space for something
>4-6 seaplanes+hangar and 2 catapults
If the design ends up being too big downgrade the main battery to 3 x 3 or 2 x 4 and only then start thinking about removing armor. Then again my only real experience in ship design is in RtW and that game has turned me into a CA hating Nelrod and quad turret fanatic that refuses to use guns bigger than 16".

>> No.34106177
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>> No.34107186

I am not impressed

>> No.34107253
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>> No.34107397
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>> No.34107667

Is it really an autism test when the answer is to build a slow, lightly armored but massively overgunned monitor?

>> No.34107696

Shimakaze grew up!



>> No.34107712
File: 42 KB, 619x468, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it depends on what the requirements for a battleship are

>> No.34107859
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>> No.34107874

I put no armor on it. Maybe underpower it. Easy.

>> No.34107901
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, 1613077155916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasting weight on a conning tower

>> No.34107986

>laid down 1950

>> No.34108023

Hey, it's the date on the parent post. It's not my fault they're still following the treaty after all that time.

>> No.34108027
File: 917 KB, 1200x680, startrekiikhaaaaaan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Khanning tower?!

>> No.34108056

What are the odds of Helena getting raped by orcs?

>> No.34108247

What are you impressed with?
Gas chambers for propulsion?

>> No.34108352

Good luck trying to rape a gorilla in broad daylight

>> No.34108384 [DELETED] 

Why cant preteen rape be ok for us humans, but animals and apes generally consent to it around groups?

>> No.34108430

What a fuckin troll
I've done the opposite and specifically leveled my Akashi so people can get more XP when I leave her overnight

>> No.34108446

Yss anon,.now post more erotic MMD

>> No.34108510

This is actually super common on Kanoya. I love my server so much.

>> No.34108827

i like how 5-3 will let me pretty casually level there, until a ship is around 10k exp to either 99, or a kai2 level. then its taiha every fucking run

>> No.34108910

Me not that kind of orc!

>> No.34109239
File: 1.01 MB, 810x1012, [KancolleUma] Tenryuu Vodka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34109269

Nice pairing but shame about the atrocious art.

>> No.34109419

Zug zug.

>> No.34110070

Do burgers really? Imagine being so entitled that this bothers you

>> No.34110279

That's the danger of fucking virgins and letting them ride you with out prior experience.

>> No.34110442

Maybe she should practice with Takanami's penis first.

>> No.34110843

So go with experienced hags that have been fucked in every orifice there is then?

>> No.34110980
File: 1.57 MB, 991x1400, ah2g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34111673

>surprised that people born in an authoritarian state are entitled and greedy
Make you think

>> No.34111719

Why does that bother you so much, anon?

>> No.34111764
File: 128 KB, 406x245, 1553998480097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No mention or hint about burger at all but suddenly "hurrr you an entitled burger"???

>> No.34111766

Imagine being so entitled that not getting 1.2k exp from every pvp makes you cry on a image board

>> No.34111802

Anon, occasionally getting so shitfaced with your sister you start fisting each other doesn't count as experienced.

>> No.34111901

Who else would even be bothered by it

>> No.34111936

You didn't answer my question. Why does that upset you so much?

>> No.34111949

Shitposter is mad nobody is taking his usual bait.

>> No.34112357

spring event always has a new burger what will she be this year?

>> No.34112367

Mary or WeeVee.

>> No.34112535


>> No.34112627
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>> No.34112772

we won't get any new burger ships until washington surpasses AL washington in fanart

>> No.34112797


>> No.34112805

Enterprise. Every event until it happens.

>> No.34112817

did that KC PV from last year actually never get leaked?
it may be too early for E yet
unfortunately, zeco has made me actively not care about any non-carrier americans added to the game for years, so who knows. I already wanted to die when houston was meh, and then wash was also meh

>> No.34112829

I mean nigco copied AL washington nearly exactly, so aren't they the same ship.

>> No.34112860

maybe, maybe not
but as it stands Washington (and helena) are the first and only KC ships added after their AL counterparts to not surpass the AL version in fanart
I thought the real test would be E, but I am sure Zeco will knock her out of the park (he fucking better)

>> No.34112868

>but I am sure Zeco will knock her out of the park (he fucking better)
You mean konishi?

>> No.34112878


>> No.34112892

>would be E, but I am sure Zeco will knock her out of the park
Did you forget that Konishi already got Hornet?

>> No.34112927

Considering Hornet is like the least popular shipgirl in kancool.

>> No.34112986

take your friends ESL-kun

>> No.34112992

>Multiple Burger Destroyers
>Multiple Burger Cruisers
>Multiple Burger Battleships
>Multiple Burger Carriers
It's about time for a Burger Auxiliary, I think.

>> No.34113078

wanted kancolle ship additions:
Laffey 1
Laffey 2
O'bannon (make her a mick)
San Diego (make her a spic)
San Franscisco (make her nip-american)
just give us all the standards at once, or give us 'bama (also make her black)
San Jacinto
E (obviously)
Mama Langley

Also give more artists american ships, either hire new, good artists, or give the backlog to the DD artists if they want them

>> No.34113133

Cimarron would be a good pick

>> No.34113168

I just found a layout for a composite FCTF I made 3 or so years ago, so this is outdated, but I do with that kancolle had large fleet actions

>> No.34113255

The sad part is now that we’ve got Hornet we can’t tell him to stfu with these delusions.
That said it’ll be a while before we get E, because basically she has to not only not offend anyone, she has to wow everyone, and there isn’t a single thing that the entire fan base will agree on.
Enterprise is the unmovable ladder of Kancolle.
She can’t exist until there’s world peace or else whoever doesn’t like her will probably try to destroy the game. She’s just too divisive to live.

>> No.34113286

Enterprise has to blow away eight years of expectations, basically. Shinano has to blow away eight years of expectations. They're inevitable, but always never ever. It's great.

>> No.34113322

they have to knock it out of the park with not only her design (I have confidence in konishi, but he needs to make something on par with decisive battle zuikaku in design or better), but they also need to hit a grand slam by also getting her characterization right. This is what i'm afraid of. As it stands, the best characterized foreign ship in kancolle is Bismarck, and none of the americans have been great (like, yeah Sara is good, but her entire character can be summed up as "generally pleasant", E needs to actually be written well, none of this "incessant jerking off japan" shit you get out of most of the american ships neither, wash was a step in the right direction when they actually wrote her hating on SoDak, but they still bungled that characterization)

>> No.34113332

But we've known what Shinano looks like (and it's cute, CUTE!) for seven years?

>> No.34113336

They're going to use her getting thwacked repeatedly and then being dismantled as the basis of her character. And yes, she'll wank Japanese aviation.

>> No.34113343

>and it's cute, CUTE!
Not really

>> No.34113361

not only that, she'll also jerk off cardiv1 for some reason
I do hope we get a line where she doesn't even know who cardiv1 even are, but recognizes zuikaku, that'd be swell

>> No.34113395

Oh, right. She'll be an American Zuikaku. What was I thinking? Twintails, scrappy. Rivalry with Zuikaku, but somehow respectful of the Midway jobbers. I feel ill.

>> No.34113439

eh, scrappy works fine as a characterization for her
fwiw, there's a quote from Robert Jordan (nam vet, book writer) that I feel would be perfect for Enterprise characterization
>I had two nicknames in 'Nam. First up was Ganesha, after the Hindu god called the Remover of Obstacles. He's the one with the elephant head. That one stuck with me, but I gained another that I didn't like so much. The Iceman. One day, we had what the Aussies called a bit of a brass-up. Just our ship alone, but we caught an NVA battalion crossing a river, and wonder of wonders, we got permission to fire before they finished. The gunner had a round explode in the chamber, jamming his 60, and the fool had left his barrel bag, with spares, back in the revetment. So while he was frantically rummaging under my seat for my barrel bag, it was over to me, young and crazy, standing on the skid, singing something by the Stones at the of my lungs with the mike keyed so the others could listen in, and Lord, Lord, I rode that 60. 3000 rounds, an empty ammo box, and a smoking barrel that I had burned out because I didn't want to take the time to change. We got ordered out right after I went dry, so the artillery could open up, and of course, the arty took credit for every body recovered, but we could count how many bodies were floating in the river when we pulled out. The next day in the orderly room an officer with a literary bent announced my entrance with "Behold, the Iceman cometh." For those of you unfamiliar with Eugene O'Neil, the Iceman was Death. I hated that name, but I couldn't shake it. And, to tell you the truth, by that time maybe it fit. I have, or used to have, a photo of a young man sitting on a log eating C-rations with a pair of chopsticks. There are three dead NVA laid out in a line just beside him. He didn't kill them. He didn't choose to sit there because of the bodies. It was just the most convenient place to sit. The bodies don't bother him. He doesn't care. They're just part of the landscape. The young man is glancing at the camera, and you know in one look that you aren't going to take this guy home to meet your parents. Back in the world, you wouldn't want him in your neighborhood, because he is cold, cold, cold. I strangled that SOB, drove a stake through his heart, and buried him face down under a crossroad outside Saigon before coming home, because I knew that guy wasn't made to survive in a civilian environment. I think he's gone. All of him. I hope so. I much prefer being remembered as Ganesha, the Remover of Obstacles.

(hell you could take this exact paragraph, replace a few words, and boom, there's your fucking enterprise characterization)

>> No.34113484

Dojikko Tang though

>> No.34113489


>> No.34113507

USS Tang, ドジッ子

>> No.34113520

I fail to see the relevance but right on

>> No.34113621

Enterprise is Rachel from Animorphs.

>> No.34113649

enterprise didn't commit nearly so many warcrimes

>> No.34113750

It might be a neat if they made Enterprise a pacifist

>> No.34113784

She's just going to be an AL copy, just face it

>> No.34113795

eh, i'd honestly be fine with that, AL Enterprise (in the anime at least, I never played the game) is just about the only good characterization in that entire setting, from what i've seen

>> No.34113859

>Robert Jordan
Wheel of Time?

>> No.34113877

Tragically that's probably what'll happen.

>> No.34113883

Yes anon I agree

>> No.34113884

I mean like it or not AL gets a lot of of the characters right.

>> No.34113897
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yes, that's why it's honestly commendable that they got their face ship right
their E is done just autistically enough

>> No.34113903

Are we going into that discussion again?

>> No.34113919

Just look at the IP count

>> No.34113921

her personality should be captain kirk but an anime girl

>> No.34113971

She isn't even the face ship perse, she's just one of the majors. They just happen to more often get the personality right.

>> No.34114164

Steve is a blessing upon this blighted earth.

>> No.34114203

Actual Kirk or pop culture Kirk?

>> No.34114385

What is the difference?

>> No.34114462

20% kirk 80% shatner

>> No.34114522

See the issue is I fucking hate, and I MEAN hate Shatner because guess who got Tekwar instead of Duke 3D

>> No.34114576

See the issue is I don't know what those are.

>> No.34114602

How do you know about Kirk and not about Build engine games my dude?

>> No.34114629

It's 'he' anon

>> No.34114767

Oh, those. Okay but what does Duke Nukem have to do with Captain Kirk?

>> No.34114782

>he doesn't know about Tekwar
My sweet, sweet summer child.

>> No.34114822

I want /v/edditors to leave.

>> No.34114832

That's crazy. I don't even know what that shit is but you've already convinced me to hate it.

>> No.34114937
File: 204 KB, 850x1059, 2B112339-0CC5-45D0-9599-9E0E8ACD1CCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The queen.

>> No.34114946
File: 206 KB, 575x800, 1611065663506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather fuck another white girl.

>> No.34114962


>> No.34114968
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>> No.34115226

Built for corruption.

>> No.34115501

It is that one ultra-autistic Enterpleb that pops up every couple months again, their kind usually seem to be all about muh Murrica Fuck Yeah boatfu when or reeeing about how she shouldn't had been turned into lawnmower blades (which is something that I have never understood desu, that is significantly better fate for a warship than being kept around a rusting tourist trap).

>> No.34115544
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>> No.34115673

Museums are cool.

>> No.34115701
File: 148 KB, 413x413, 1545969170656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally get enough devmats to remodel Mogami and Yahagi
>need to get back up to 220 to convert both of my max Do17 before moving on to normal things again

I'm going to be running A2 and 41 until the end of time.

>> No.34115752

What type?

>> No.34115866
File: 150 KB, 827x827, __matsu_kantai_collection_drawn_by_hatsuzuki_527__c49cbc0e8bd9d8ce2a5c23e47736cf90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akio has the rona.

>> No.34115975
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>> No.34116176

I want to FUCK this.

>> No.34116205

wait behind me

>> No.34116215

This year we are gonna get following burgers: Alaska, Franklin, Sable, and Stewart (DD-224).

>> No.34116239

>Hating Zeco
Bad taste.

>> No.34116377

What will we get first, Enterprise or Tirpitz?

>> No.34116401

Enterprise, HMS Enterprise to be precise.

>> No.34116418

Tirpitz 2022
Enterprise 2023

>> No.34116457


>> No.34116698

You will never get Tirpitz or any other German.

>> No.34116712

Gneisenau by Zeco next summer event.

>> No.34116715

Just like we'll never get any American ship?

>> No.34116804

Shin'you's non-japanafied sisters as Jade-class CVLs later this year.

>> No.34116846

Pretty amusing that people clung to that so long given that we have had a boat handed to USN since the beginning and one commissioned into USN since '14.

>> No.34116867
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Now I'm also mad. Tanaka pulled that shit while HTML5 patch, and now he's doing it yearly! OSOI!

>> No.34116893
File: 160 KB, 922x804, 1477846817635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good times.

>> No.34116953

I wish to give her an heir.

>> No.34116962
File: 35 KB, 608x45, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't mind desu, less stressful and i have time to catch up with all the quests

>> No.34116999
File: 493 KB, 1826x945, asash+1534047469471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I have three(3) one time quests now and nothing to do.
Soon you will be the same and then what?

>> No.34117076
File: 97 KB, 620x1233, 85055106_p8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fubuki is so fucking cute

>> No.34117156

>Soon you will be the same and then what?
i highly doubt i'll ever get to this level. but if it comes to that i'd play idlecolle and do something else until there is new content. not like it will leave a gaping hole as i play kancolle on my second monitor while doing other stuff
>select all images with boats

>> No.34117574
File: 47 KB, 568x62, xd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I started less than two years ago

>> No.34117705

i'm quite lazy. finished the B132 today

>> No.34117925

It doesn't help I've been without work for a year now. God I love the CCP.

>> No.34118014

Drive I blame other nations on yours fault

>> No.34118128

xie xie, gweilo. i was neeting for over a year too but didn't put much time in my japanese flash game

>> No.34118156

I just want:
P47(Aztec Eagles) Probably the most far fetched
P51 would be nice, but I wouldn't miss it
P47 would be VERY nice
Thatch as a fighter squadron, even on F4F would be nice
McClusky as a dive bomber ace would be nice

>> No.34118173

When's the next maint?

>> No.34118180

When I say I had just gotten my doctorate in 2019, had a job lined up to start in japan in june of 2020. I wish. I WISH I was joking.

>> No.34118249
File: 35 KB, 550x43, 20210406_14113595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw started almost 6 years ago

>> No.34119819

Houston being meh makes me actually sad, same with wash, zeco did them dirty

>> No.34120594

Why play the game you're not playing

>> No.34121191
File: 352 KB, 800x822, __yahagi_kantai_collection_drawn_by_rizzl__5a6839c70b7f0bdef91cec7112d7ee56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe they got rid of Yahagi's midriff.

>> No.34121209
File: 79 KB, 400x553, media-EyRcHWlVoAAVFwj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chiyoda preorder bonus
>Isn't Chiyoda

>> No.34121214
File: 2.18 MB, 2000x2800, __jingei_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kiritto__947b78655e5bc36092ec347275422329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this girl so fat

>> No.34121302
File: 10 KB, 458x163, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not giving us tonnage limits was a mistake

>> No.34121398
File: 171 KB, 860x1200, EyTJk5DU4AE_juo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best couple.

>> No.34121459

my two wives

>> No.34121595

Ugly wives

>> No.34121646
File: 126 KB, 991x1400, __i_8_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ebifurya__f9c3547810e6744913dda87c58e3d768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexiest sub.

>> No.34121685
File: 659 KB, 2591x3624, __ashigara_kantai_collection_drawn_by_okitsugu__e6b5080393e6a370726b62b20c6a10c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.34121705
File: 195 KB, 866x1200, ExQEzCNXAAUp5GV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hag erotic

>> No.34121722
File: 97 KB, 752x1208, __ashigara_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ikarin__7780aa21303caf1ed23f5febdcf50cc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, love the hag

>> No.34121774
File: 131 KB, 679x1200, EotqWV-VQAA1FSK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34121951

war criminal

>> No.34121997
File: 152 KB, 841x1000, __yamato_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kasumi_skchkko__837202f20f3042bbb285d5caa64f9d79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's super cute.
Thing on the left is alright, I guess.

>> No.34122012
File: 1.32 MB, 1329x950, __ashigara_and_myoukou_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ototsu_kei__bf1e0b2464bf3a66dd2ab5e65ee5a818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34122274

Japanese and an auxiliary.

>> No.34122977

I thought Ashigara was known for her bubble butt than her tits. Was I told wrong?

>> No.34123160
File: 965 KB, 1200x849, 1562270047179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish that were me.

>> No.34123181

Which one?

>> No.34123347

Agreed. They also have some nice fanarts.

>> No.34123368

>Haruna can see through the 4th wall

>> No.34123383
File: 187 KB, 848x1200, __ashigara_kantai_collection_drawn_by_ishihara_masumi__a7d332a744cb8255584a8756d64ac3c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashigara has many assets

>> No.34123780


>> No.34124485

Who could possibly like this old woman?

>> No.34124494

He's drawing uma now.

>> No.34124523
File: 81 KB, 720x1024, ashigara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me. Not only she has a gorgeous body, she's a great cook.

>> No.34124585
File: 861 KB, 1088x1500, __ashigara_kantai_collection_drawn_by_u_yuz_xx__a795ff065dcb1ef332d07268445d8a94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old botes need love too

>> No.34124658

>old woman
are nips actually gay?
she can still undergo a theoretical max of at least 17 pregnancies

>> No.34124684

>a theoretical max of at least 17 pregnancies
Anon, botes can't get pregnant

>> No.34124689

what's the point of making sweet tender love to your warships if you can't even get them pregnant

>> No.34124707

Keeping the morale up and enjoying the moment

>> No.34124719

nah, whatever magic makes shipgirls a think should also let them get pregnant

>> No.34124791
File: 501 KB, 1000x750, 56635576_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34124823

Sorry, she's just fat. Too many crumpets

>> No.34125489

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

>> No.34125622

Most one time quests are pretty pointless and if you aren't collecting every ship you aren't going to be completing most of them.
It's understandable a lot of people would just ignore most quests in the game. You don't have to do them to play events.

>> No.34126085

shit sucks man. what kinda job was it and how did you get it? planned to go to japan for the first time last year but rona cancelled my plans

>> No.34127603

Anon you can't go calling a Kongo a cumpet just because it's true

>> No.34127803
File: 96 KB, 629x900, __ashigara_kantai_collection_drawn_by_kasumi_skchkko__5eb06a3d076d65f7a87c8a9e7c4a5d47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who could possible dislike this old woman?

>> No.34128024

HMS Trenchant

>> No.34128124
File: 1.08 MB, 992x1403, 20210123_172249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

