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3408401 No.3408401 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3408411
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>> No.3408417

I grow weary of Badaboom and Wild Words.

>> No.3408425

But Aya's bombs are overpowered as fuck.

>> No.3408424

On the other hand, I never get tired of Nitori.

Since you get more than you pay for with her, she's like an investment that keeps on giving.

>> No.3408431

/r/ the comic where Cirno melts.

>> No.3408434
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>> No.3408446
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>> No.3408462

Omchicken is god tier

>> No.3408471

I cleared both the Extra Stage & Story Mode first with the Aya.

And I don't play as her very often.


>> No.3408494
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>> No.3408516
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>> No.3408531


>> No.3408533
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>> No.3408534

Marisa has 40 charisma.

>> No.3408546
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>> No.3408556
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>> No.3408568

I guess you can count Witch as a Sorceress, when it comes to D&D. Epic level sorc + some decent equipment = no problems achieving 40 CHA.

>> No.3408575

Marisa is a normal human though, so she'd be a Wizard, no? Maybe Alice could be a sorc.

>> No.3408580 [SPOILER] 
File: 874 KB, 778x1200, 1250703129554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So hot...

>> No.3408584

She drinks magic, which turns her into a sorcerer temporarily.

>> No.3408592



>> No.3408617
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>> No.3408633


>> No.3408634
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>> No.3408651
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>> No.3408658

Sorcs are not far from the whole "normal human" thing.
Alice is a wizard with a focus on transmutation school.

>> No.3408667
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suddenly Marisa seems more reasonable

>> No.3408699

Full doujin download link? The gallery.gensokyo.org link on the Touhou wiki seems to be dead.

>> No.3408732

Seconding this.

>> No.3408733

Marisa has friends all over Gensokyo. It's no big deal to her if she doesn't see a particular person for over a week because she has plenty of other people to hoang out with.
To someone as ronery as Koishi though...

>> No.3408757
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>> No.3408778



>> No.3408791

Thanks, bro.

>> No.3408794


>> No.3408825


Thanks a ton.

>> No.3408868
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>> No.3409093
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>> No.3409117
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>> No.3409127

40 CHR: The alternative to a DC45 escape artist.

>> No.3409131

Wait, why CHR and not DEX?

>> No.3409134

wizards can do everything in DnD

at level 20 they can pretty much change reality

>> No.3409143 [DELETED] 

Since marisa is a 'sorceress'.
Though we had already established in an other thread that Marisa os more of a wizard.

>> No.3409150

Since marisa is a 'sorceress'.
Though we had already established in an other thread that Marisa is more of a wizard.

>> No.3409158

Hardly. They have they limits, plus the whole "Mystra balancing the Weave" thing. Well, until the weave got fucked.

>> No.3409163

Because Marisa can crawl up their arseholes without needing a broken 3.5e build?

>> No.3409172

Bleh boring

Enjoy your shitty new characters, I have my SDM

>> No.3409191

Well, she is more of a wizard, but if people insist that she has 40 CHA, she must be a sorc.

>> No.3409201

SDM seem to be pretty unoptimised builds, are you sure they're not just a drama fag party?

>> No.3409204

I like both

>> No.3409205


Dual-class wizard/sorceress.

It's possible in Gensokyo, alright?

>> No.3409211

CHR isn't about magic you fool, its about invading touhou's crannies.

>> No.3409261

That was great, besides Omchicken I've also already read Ennui's and Winter Scenery's comics. Any other gag manga artist as good as those? Comedy is the best theme for Touhou doujins in my opinion.

>> No.3409283

I prefer the semi-serious theme which Touhou itself actually uses

rarely any good doujins in that style though

>> No.3409301

I'm not picky as long as it's done well.

Most porn and action-oriented ones are pretty shitty though.

>> No.3409303

Even if it does, it's too damn silly to work.

>> No.3409315

Last time I checked, you need to be divinity to get the Alter Reality feat.

>> No.3409335

You eat gods in their own realms at that level in Mask of the betrayer

>> No.3409376

Eating a dead god does not give you any divinity.

>> No.3409386

CHR is about magic or dialogues. DEX is about anus attacks.

>> No.3409395
File: 170 KB, 1024x768, nwn2main 2007-10-09 19-24-01-92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believes in himself and does the impossible

>> No.3409400

1. Don't eat actual gods
2. Not in their realm.
You eat a small part of the dead and powerless god. That will still come back later, because you can't kill him permanently.
And if you are talking about Evil end, it's entirely different thing.

>> No.3409401

I thought CHA was for the lure and DEX was for the kill? Monks will still rape your invoker ass though.

>> No.3409449

Prove it.

>> No.3409452

>Monks will still rape your invoker ass though.
Good luck with that. Timestop.

>> No.3409450

I lol'd at the part where you gave the githyanki children to the illithids.

>> No.3409467

That's right, go ahead and run.

>> No.3409501

You didn't get any powers or anything.. In fact, you don't get anything,, outside of better understanding of the hunger, from devouring in the first place, it all goes to the Faceless man.
Plus, he was powerless.

>> No.3409527
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I did mean the bad ending

>> No.3409590
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OP here. I had a badass Flame Genasi wizard.

I also raged that Elanee is the only love option instead of Neeshka just because Bioware ran out of time to add it in vanilla.

>> No.3409637


>> No.3409648

lol run
When the time stop ends there will be meteors falling on your head, the air will be poison, and the floor will be lava.

>> No.3409667

Epic level spell-casters were on the same ground as gods back in the day, Karsus actually ascended to the godhood with his magic. He immediately lost control of his powers, fucked up, ruined half of the world and pretty much died. After that, Mystra forever cancelled all the 10+ level spells for humans. Now even people like Larloch (level 42 or something by the old rules, 30+ by 3rd edition, has a 40 demi-liches and an army of undead to serve him) can't deal with gods without very special circumstances. Time of troubles is one of them, Spirit eater is a very special and a very limited another.

>> No.3409686

When you have time stop, you won't need anything else.

>> No.3409692

>When the time stop ends
You cast another one.

>> No.3409736

I really enjoyed killing that bitch sorceress in the nwn2 near the end. No one else betrayed me, even Sand who I only used for the parts were I needed him. I just hated that fucking sorceress from the beginning, I wish you could have just killed her right then.

>> No.3409749

Trying to use mass fowl in mask of the betrayer always crashed my game.

>> No.3409758

>level 42 or something by the old rules, 30+ by 3rd edition
3.5 ed. rules
Wizard 41
Archmage 5
I hope you patched it.

>> No.3409840

Looks like baldy and Larloch will go along pretty fine...

>> No.3409952

Er, who? You lost me

>> No.3410093

What for? It's not like anything will be left alive in a large radius around you.

>> No.3410104

Monks have a rather serious SR. You shouldn't stop with half-measures.

>> No.3410128

Yeah, Marisa is a Wizard, not a Sorcerer.

>> No.3411674

