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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3408162 No.3408162 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, any other NEETs get really paranoid. Lately, I'm starting to have nightmares where my landlord steals my computer, game consoles and TV and leaves me an eviction notice even though I already have given her post-dated checks and gotten receipts for them all already. I also feel like everyone is plotting against me, and I just have a sinking feeling in my gut all of the time... I feel really bad, and for no reason at all. What should I do? The isolation is making it worse, but I have no where to go, no one to see. I do freelance/contract work over the internet, and I make better money doing that than if I were to get a shitty service/retail job.

>> No.3408178

In the past few days I have dreamed that I've been killed by a blonde loli, my sweater and a piece of cheese. We'll not talk about how paranoid I really am though.

>> No.3408181
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Quiet will come for you soon, brother.

>> No.3408183

Pic related, OP?

>> No.3408196


>> No.3408200

Fantasize about your landlord turning you into a girl, locking you in his basement and raping you everyday until you're a cock-crazed slut.

>> No.3408209

Not a NEET but I've been paranoid my entire life. I look over my shoulder ever few minutes even when I have my back to a wall. My room is laid out for maximum defense from the window/door. Everything on my computer is encrypted to an unnecessary degree, even innocent files. I think I should probably see a psychiatrist about it.

>> No.3408214

You should consider hooking up with a with a doctor or a psychiatrist, and work out an evaluation of your case. If this is something that's constantly been worsening then it's not anything that will simply "work out" by itself. Falling into the evil circle of substitution can be a grave matter. It's not a weakness, OP, but it can be a serious hindrance in your life if you ignoring it; but don't be ashamed of it, show strength and take the matter seriously. Get help.

>> No.3408221

Get a hobby that requires you to go out now and then. Based on your picture I'd recommend photography. Buy a decent camera, go to some photography class and then head for some anime convention to photograph cosplayers. You get an opportunity to talk to people both in class and at conventions. Inbetween you can photograph your figures and dakimakuras and whatever otaku shit you have at home.

And if your landlord grabs your stuff just show the photos as proof of possession to the police. Win!

>> No.3408223

Please. The OP sounds like a nice quiet person. Suggesting he go to cons?

>> No.3408230

If nice and quiet people went to cons, cons would be a lot better. Hence, the OP can't be a nice and quiet person.

>> No.3408233

>I do freelance/contract work over the internet, and I make better money doing that than if I were to get a shitty service/retail job.
What kind of work?

>> No.3408234

It seems like they would just get drowned out by the obnoxiousness of the stereotypical con-goer.

>> No.3408262

It sounds like a nice idea, it's attractive, sure, but it's somewhat naive to believe that a person who has lived in isolation his entire grownup life (?) can simply walk out of the door and open up to his surroundings. Just because it would be relevant to some hobby interests doesn't make the plan more solid. It could be a good practice AFTER sorting this issue out with an expert on the field. Psychiatrism is not to be underestimated, men who reject its importance dig their own grave. Psychological treatment services are just as important as physical ones.

Say, I should be capable to socialize with and trust other people; with the right mindset everything should be fine, right? No, that's not the case for everyone, especially not for the OP.

>> No.3408289

It could be that OP is suffering from chronic sleep deficit. I'd recommend stepping away from that comp and lie down on the bed with a manga or book. You'll wind down naturally that way and fall into sleep more easily.

Another trick is to tell yourself you don't want to dream those dreams when you lie down. Works for me, and when I forget that routine I still wake up early in the nightmare because I'm much more aware it's a dream.

>> No.3408326

When you say you feel really bad, what do you mean exactly? Is it more like you're sad or that you're experiencing anxiety.

>> No.3408329

Bad dreams and nightmares are the least of OPs worries as far as I can tell. There's little concrete to say about the cause of various dreams. One can analyze them and find different curious patterns, but it is of zero importance when conducting the matter with a psychiatrist.

OP, it sounds like you are developing or have developed schizophrenic paranoia of some degree. This is a serious mental illness, a psychosis you only can heal be getting your ass to the closest psychiatrist department asap.

>> No.3408335


Read about the symptoms, OP. Is this something you recognize in yourself?

>> No.3408358

Buy Guns... Lots of guns... They keep me comforted.

Visit /k/ There are lots of people like you there.

>> No.3408364

cause self diagnosing mental disabilities is something the mentally disabled can do.

>> No.3408395

American shit culture. It may give you some sort of peace of mind, but you'll never be cured, your mind will still be in chaos. Guns don't heal you, it's just equipment that makes killing easier. If you believe people are out to get you for no special reason, you're just being extremely egocentric. The kind of people no one likes, can you even stand yourself?

>> No.3408402

Oh fucking please. If OP is aware enough to realize that he's being paranoid, then he is very able to figure to some degree what the cause may be. There's no harm in awareness.

>> No.3408451 [DELETED] 

I'll consider it, but I have to work up the courage first.

What's a decent camera for around $150-$200 or less? There aren't any conventions or anything where I live, I think I need to move somewhere else, but I'm so lost I'm afraid of taking the first steps.

Programming/software development. Mostly iPhone shit right now. I've got some skills, but it's the only thing I have going for me, I feel so pathetic in everything else in my life.

I sleep around 8-9 hours a night. I used to have bad insomnia, but lately I get enough sleep.

Anxiety, tight chest, sensation of feeling like I'm falling off of a building, fear whenever I leave my apartment.

I don't hear shit, I don't have any imaginary friends, or any friends for that matter. I don't talk to people, real or otherwise.

I need to get my firearms license, and where I live, that's expensive.

>> No.3408459
File: 432 KB, 1424x1068, cirno_coke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll consider it, but I have to work up the courage first.

What's a decent camera for around $150-$200 or less? There aren't any conventions or anything where I live, I think I need to move somewhere else, but I'm so lost I'm afraid of taking the first steps.

Programming/software development. Mostly iPhone shit right now. I've got some skills, but it's the only thing I have going for me, I feel so pathetic in everything else in my life.

I sleep around 8-9 hours a night. I used to have bad insomnia, but lately I get enough sleep.

Anxiety, tight chest, sensation of feeling like I'm falling off of a building, fear whenever I leave my apartment.

I don't hear shit, I don't have any imaginary friends, or any friends for that matter. I don't talk to people, real or otherwise.

I need to get my firearms license, and where I live, that's expensive.

>> No.3408911

There are different types of paranoia, and there's different degrees of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia isn't only about hearing and seeing stuff that's not real, that's just the worst case that's most distinctive with this type of psychosis. Being schizophrenic paranoid means that you imagine that people plot to harm you, you can't trust anybody but yourself, you believe everyone else is sick but yourself, you get easily vengeful, you never let go of insults and bad experiences, you believe it all resolve around you and you alone; that sorta thing, in short - deceiving yourself. Sounds familiar?

>> No.3408922

I had a dream the other day where I got caught masturbating, does that count?

>> No.3408927

And lots of angst.

>> No.3408934

Dreams are irrelevant.
