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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.43 MB, 1680x1050, Aion0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3407518 No.3407518 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from >>3402680

EU -> Spatalos
/jp/ legion name will be "Phantasmagoria". Message Sayori ingame for an invite.

NA East -> Zikel
No legion name announced yet.

NA West -> Vaizel
Apparently will have a /jp/ legion named "Bloodline".

>> No.3407552

Nothing for NA East? So ronery ;_;

>> No.3407564
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>> No.3407565


No Yuka on Spatalos, CROATIA?

>> No.3407569

Seriously, stop playing this awful WoW clone.

Play a more original and interesting MMO.

>> No.3407571

Wait what the game is out already?

>> No.3407572

Just a quick question: Is this still in Beta? All I see on NCsoft's site(s) are preorder links.

>> No.3407574

>insulting without a sage.

>> No.3407576

It say's preorder but it's pretty much official.

>> No.3407580

There are original MMOs? I bet they only have 20 players.

>> No.3407581

But I made her. Yuka, I'm sure of it.
I also reserved Battler for a friend.

>> No.3407591

Theres no europeans servers on that listing.

>> No.3407599

If there were 20 players I wouldn't feel so lonely playing those original games.

>> No.3407603

there is, my char is there

>> No.3407605

Can you use a name in japanese?

>> No.3407606

It might me a Wow clone or whatever you call it, but the main reason i hate wow i that it's full of trolls,orcs,undead,gnomes etc... They're all ugly as hell and the world too is ugly as hell. Aion is food for my eyes.

>> No.3407611


>> No.3407616


>> No.3407618

Anyone else playin Asmo on Vaizel?

>> No.3407619


my bad, sorry

>> No.3407623


>> No.3407629


>> No.3407630

God damn the new Aion website is fucking awesome.

>> No.3407634

So how much would it cost playing this? I'm considering giving it a try if it's cheap.

>> No.3407635
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So I hear Asmos are more popular then Elyos?

>> No.3407638

So was PVP ever looked at again? Is it going to be any good?
Also are /jp/ people going to be PVP types or are they all only interested in being carebear lolis?

>> No.3407639

Are you from US or EU?

>> No.3407642

"every god damn LET TEH BODIES HIT THE FLOOR CRAWLING IN MY SKIN kiddie is going to play asmo"

I 2nd that

>> No.3407646


>> No.3407647


I am disappoint, this is not our Yukari.

>> No.3407653


And no, I did not intend for them both to be named that way, I just couldn't come up with anything better at the time.

>> No.3407660


What am I watching?

>> No.3407663

As far as I've searched.
If you want it the cheapest it's 50$ on http://www.shopto.net/PC/GAMES/PCAI03-Aion%3A%20The%20Tower%20Of%20Eternity.html

But If you want it on time without a box just the key then http://www.g2play.net/store/Aion-The-Tower-of-Eternity-EU.html

That the cheapest I know of.

Theres also http://www.gamecards.eu/games/goods/76

>> No.3407673
File: 237 KB, 709x333, oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the meantime, let's amuse ourselves.

>> No.3407674


20€ for 60 days.

>> No.3407683

Can't you just buy it straight from NCsoft? I did that for my second copy.

>> No.3407685

Wait a minute, does that mean he bones his now-young grandmother?

>> No.3407686


Thank you Croatia. Let's see if I have some spare money somewhere.

>> No.3407692

How is the PVP?

>> No.3407698

20euros for 60days


srsly guys?

>> No.3407699

You need paypal for all of it, well you can use a creditcard too but I'd use paypal since it's safer. But Shopto.net is a very trusted site I have a creditcard there for preorders. I've spent over 300€ on g2play so far their okay. I didnt get a single thing from gamecards.eu since it tends to be more expensive then g2play.

>> No.3407706

Well I think it's a okay price, considering that you pay 50€ for stuff like Infamous that lasts like 40ish hours. So far the only games that are worth the money on a PC or console are multiplayer games or MMOs or jRpgs.

>> No.3407719

Help me think of a character name for my male warrior

>> No.3407726

Am I the only one on Azphel? :(

>> No.3407727


>> No.3407729


Geserik (the Vandal).

>> No.3407733

But this game looks just like lineage2. read:shit

>> No.3407736

20 minutes to go.

>> No.3407738

For what? I thought release was 22nd?

>> No.3407739

Osaka Bancho

>> No.3407741

It doesn't

>> No.3407742

It's pretty funny that you say that because my current reserved character's name is Uguu. I'm just trying to think of a better name or maybe I will just stick with it.

>> No.3407744

pre-order headstart.

>> No.3407747

Thors. Thorfinn. Askeladd.
Headstart for those who preordered starts in 20 minutes. Official release is on the 22nd.

>> No.3407754


>> No.3407763


>> No.3407768

>I can't afford it, it fucking sucks

>> No.3407782

corean man is too poor for playing games with other people on

>> No.3407790

What? So the game isn't yet another free korean grindan game? Don't tell me you have to pay fees too?

>> No.3407795


>> No.3407797

So, it is the usual time for the spawning trolls?

>> No.3407803

Someone please tell me if the PVP is any good or not. Last time I'll ask.

Also is there no NA East group at all or what?

>> No.3407839

It's PvPvE, a new concept. Three factions, one is controlled by the IA, that will fight alone or join one of the other existing factions.

>> No.3407842

Any IRC groups for the different servers?
And are these /jp/ only or are they /v/ or 4chan in general?

>> No.3407845
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The PvP looks like DAoC 2.0 to me. That's from just what I've seen/read.

Pic is a fortress undersiege. The white and red are player names.

>> No.3407847

The pvp's one of the main selling points of Aion. There's gay RvR if you like that kind of crap during sieges and shit and there's also solo/group pvp in the abyss (basically a big zone where you get "abyss points" for killing other people, and with the abyss points you can buy pvp gear). The abyss isn't like a WoW battleground though, it's a normal zone with monsters and shit so there's incentive to go even when you don't just want to pvp.

If you played vanilla WoW, it's basically that all over again. Which is gonna be awesome.

As for the balance, it seems to be relatively well balanced, but you can't expect TOO MUCH out of balance in a MMO. Some classes will have advantages over some other classes.

>> No.3407854

/jp/ only

>> No.3407856

Look here you fucking nigger. I probably got more assets than you and your families together. I fucking own a business.
I just don't find the idea of paying for a shitty grindan korean mmorpg interesting.

>> No.3407863

The Thai mafia isn't a business, bro.

>> No.3407872 [DELETED] 

Take the mainstream shit out of /jp/.

Fucking hypocrites.

>> No.3407867

Oh and I almost forgot;

yeah, the NA people all seem to be playing with people they know already, which means they've already picked a server, so I don't think we'll be seeing each other much.

I was forced into Zikel Asmo by friends, there's one or two Zikel Elyos that I've seen in this thread + the last two and a few Lumiel I think? No legion being organized though.

>> No.3407874


>> No.3407876

This game only further proves that Cryengine is a piece of poorly optimized shit.

>> No.3407880

It runs perfectly for me maxed at 1600x1200.

>> No.3407881

Well if NA East is completely disorganized what abot NA West? Any organization?

>> No.3407882


Server status here.

>> No.3407884

It looks exactly like Lineage2 from the OP screenshot. read:shit.

>> No.3407886

further proves that you've never played lineage 2 you fucking faggot. l2 looks like shit compared to this.

>> No.3407887

>I can't afford it, it fucking sucks

>> No.3407891

Eu login died again, well that was expected.

>> No.3407895
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Sure it is, faggot.

>> No.3407899
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Blah I'm the queue 21 minutes to go... 1232/1232

>> No.3407911
File: 264 KB, 711x659, Aion0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well... fuck

>> No.3407918

ouch, both perento and spatalos are full.Can't even enter the queue.

>> No.3407921
File: 263 KB, 500x500, YEAH!!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in.

>> No.3407923


This does not belong at all.

>> No.3407927

So what's with the game? You have to buy it, but have to pay fees for it or are the servers free?
Answer fucking now or GTFO >>>/v/

>> No.3407935

reading comprehension, you fail at it

>> No.3407940

please wait 18 hours
position in queue 4018/4018


>> No.3407941

Is there a deadzone for rangers? (A zone where you can't use ranged attacks, IE if enemy is in melee no bowshots.)

>> No.3407949


No, you can point blank shoot. Honestly once you get your bow say goodbye to ever using a melee weapon again.

>> No.3407950

no but you won't get caught in melee anyways

>> No.3407954

So... every server is getting hammered to death with billion hours queues and it's just the headstart (~400 000 people). I'm pretty sure it's not going to be able to handle the official release in two days.

Deadzone has nothing to do with the range where you can't shoot, it's the range where your enemy is too far for you to melee and too close for you to shoot.

No, Aion doesn't have that.

>> No.3407965

And it looks like ass.

>> No.3407990

hahaha owow faggets do really pay money for games and then for be able to play those games?
wow what a bunch of losers we have here, sure further proof that /jp/ == /b/

>> No.3407993

/jp/ is just pathetic.

Take this to /v/; this MMO is far too mainstream and western to be here.

>> No.3407994

troll harder, bub

>> No.3407998


>> No.3408009
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Good start.

>> No.3408026

thats a better position than most of us have

>> No.3408027


Took me 2 minutes at most to login and steal some names. Feels good man.

>> No.3408042

Still waiting on my preorder.

>> No.3408052

I sure hope they plan on getting better servers.

>> No.3408074

fffuuuuu perentoooo

>> No.3408089
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Feel free to add me into a group Yuka level 4

>> No.3408111




>> No.3408117

Those eyes, they scare me.

>> No.3408118

so was it Asmo or Elyos on Vaizel?

>> No.3408119
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Trade Plainsman shield or dagger for a book or any good cloth armor

>> No.3408128
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>> No.3408139

So is this guild going to be made up entirely of little girls?

>> No.3408193


>> No.3408220

This is bullshit! It jumped from 1 hour to 2.5

>> No.3408229
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Almost there!

>> No.3408241

Thank you for your patience!

>> No.3408244

make them all L2 loli dorfs

>> No.3408255

Dont believe the counter, I was 21 minutes and 2 minutes after that I was in.

>> No.3408256

Will give it a go when there's a trial. Can't trust the Koreafags to make anything that isn't a mindless grind.

>> No.3408264

the trial is just over

>> No.3408501
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i tried to harness the fabulous

>> No.3408517

Stop making these threads you pieces of shit.

>> No.3408532

Just shut up and hide the thread. Much less headache for us all.

>> No.3408536 [DELETED] 

How about you kill yourself.

>> No.3408545
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Well EU -> Spatalos -> Elyos

My name is Yuka add me.

>> No.3408565

Fuck, it's just impossible to download the client.

>> No.3408601

I'm starting a Japanese legion on Asmodian Zikel when this fucking 5 hour queue ends...

>> No.3408618

Reported for faggotry.

>> No.3408625
File: 354 KB, 1280x1024, Aion0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is awesome!

>> No.3408665


>> No.3408683

Aion, a poor man's WoW.

>> No.3408686

A bit silly to report yourself

>> No.3408693

I thought the monthly pricetag was the same.

>> No.3408725

Don't you mean the opposite?

>> No.3408735

Aion is a good looking Ferrari
Wow is like a old trusted car that always runs but costs the same to maintain as the ferrari

>> No.3408774

Perento, actually. Though it looks like my game froze, just as I hit 100 in queue ;_;

>> No.3408775

I finally got in. Everyone is welcome to add Saaya as friend.

>> No.3408779

/jp/ - WoW Clones/Faggotry

>> No.3408788

With $15 more a month you could go out to eat (alone) two more times. Why waste the money?

>> No.3408810

Because that would involve going out.

>> No.3408812

Christ, at least /bun/ plays good MMOs like DFO and soon VS.

>> No.3408816

Is that some invisible tea pouring?!

>> No.3408826
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>> No.3408832

[ ] good
[ ] MMO

Choose one.

>> No.3408837

God I raged the shit out of me when it started laging I died 3 times...

>> No.3408859

DFO is awesome bro, I played the Korean CB.

>> No.3408910

Is Aion Japanese or Korean?

>> No.3408932

It's Korean, with english subtitles, and an awesome japanese voice cast that includes some pretty awesome and famous seiyus.

>> No.3409001

I'm kind of put off now. So far I've seen about 15 Touhou characters running around..

>> No.3409040


>> No.3409212

Well I just bought this shit. Do I have to download the client before I can make my character or whatever?

>> No.3409227

I'm on Vaizel Elyos, name is Uguu. Anyone else on there? I played for a bit when it first opened but had to do real life stuff. I will be back on tonight sometime.

>> No.3409229

EU -> Spatalos
/jp/ legion name is "Phantasmagoria"

Write you names so I can invite you.

>> No.3409244

What server are the majority of you on? If it's EU, is there a lag problem when playing from the US?

>> No.3409320

ITT people think WoW introduced anything to the genre but legions of squawking idiots.

>> No.3409327

All of the Europeans are on Spatalos, the Americans are all spread out.

Yes, you will get lag if you try to play on an European server as an American. In fact, I'm not even sure how playing on European servers as an American works.

>> No.3409451


>> No.3410355


What race?

>> No.3410372


>> No.3410978

Made a priest called Verthandi. Zikel, Elyos side.

>> No.3411004

Be warned, there's no one on Vaizel besides meme-spewing faggots.

>> No.3411050

>thread still exists
>janitor's obviously been to /jp/
Janitor = WOWfag confirmed. No wonder he doesn't come here much.

>> No.3411060

Is there a way to try this out without having to buy the game?

>> No.3411067

Someone added me just because my name is Primula. I should have came up with a different name.

>> No.3411457

You got what you deserved.

>> No.3411579

NA West> Vaziel
Looking for Bloodline legion folks

>> No.3411731

Should've done this during beta. Your only choice is to either buy the game or watch videos on youtube.

I just want to know how it would run on my machine.

>> No.3411740


>> No.3411781

How are you gonna get time to play your Touhou games, lurking on /jp/, watching your favorite anime and taking a wank while playing this?

>> No.3411799


Multiple monitors and multitasking.

>> No.3411827
File: 139 KB, 674x720, arararagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.3411863

who is this man

>> No.3411937

After 11 hours, I think I'm done with Aion for tonight. I took my time to read quests, collect shit, and craft. Because of that I only made it to level 13 but I'm satisfied.

>> No.3412003

after reading about the fees, this thread is no acceptable on /jp/ anymore, and I urge everbody who's thinking the same to report this cancer back to /v/

>> No.3412016

20€ for two months is hardly something big, it like buying two pizzas...

>> No.3412035

I always thought /jp/ was a little more loose with their money than other boards. Almost everything on /v/ is free and even the free stuff on /jp/ gets bought by people.

>> No.3412038

Because the real deal denizens of /jp/, not your wannabe normalos buy food like pizza amirite?

>> No.3412044

$40 bucks for 3 months isn't anything too glamorous either. In all actuality, seeing as I could spend most of my free time playing it's a pretty good fucking investment, with 40 bucks I could get 2-3 decent meals in a day and that would be it.

>> No.3412057

I'm playing for free on a private server (Infinite Aion), and even considering the bugs (quests don't work and other things) this game looks good, but wow is it grindy. And like wow, except more shallow and less budget.

>> No.3412087


Of course the game is grindy, but even my little sister can play this game for hours and not get bored. I'm pretty satisfied right now with what I'm getting compared to other MMO's.

>> No.3412124

This just shows how degenerate societies in the west have become. We are entering the beginning of the greatest depression and societies outcasts spend money for being able to play games over the internet.

hahaha owow, not that I complain, I'm just saying you are signing your death sentence

>> No.3412155


If you haven't been keeping up, which you haven't, it's already over.

>> No.3412157


>> No.3412165

Whats whit the few poor/greedy/whatever guys that dont want to pay a sum that they spend in a day while doing stuff that entertains them for like 15 mintes?

>> No.3412179
File: 87 KB, 399x392, kona_oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's already over

It hasn't even started yet because of the global cover-up regarding the financial and economic system. But even if you paint over your mildew covered room, it's still covered with mildew.

>> No.3412204

Says some anonymous who prolly is over invested in gold bought at a high.

Sorry you fail at trying to tank the recovery with your posting doom and gloom in the internets for who knows what fucking reason.

>> No.3412212

>spend in a day
/jp/ level faggets don't go out and therefore don't spend any money
Why should I pay money for a pizza if I can get bread for much less which will last out for half a week or more.

Must be 4 years since I last spend money for fast-food or drinks. I pity all of you wasting money for poisoned food. Have fun with your aspartam, former part of the C weapon programm of the US military.

>> No.3412219

owow because I'm a goldbug amirite? Don't have enough resources for gold, remember gold is only good for wealth preservation, where's no wealth, why buy gold?

>> No.3412223

Sures is samefag in here

>> No.3412229

Are you mad or something, Watson?

>> No.3412242
File: 485 KB, 1280x1024, Aion0012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well If anyone is interested in the EU spatalos guild just write here.

>> No.3412247

OMG we are all gonna DIE of STARVATION!!!!

>> No.3412255

I can't play the EU version since I live in Amerikka


>> No.3412277

typical american
note how it can't spell its own country's name

>> No.3412281

Well you can buy you'd have 300+ ping and lags.

>> No.3412306

hmm but over 30+ mio amerikkans are already dependent on food stamps, government funded while the US are in fact bankrupt and on the road of defaulting. Increasing the money supply and some booking tricks won't help you if a significant amount of people are unemployed and with both foots in debt, which again will cause the tax income to plumment, that again causes higher spending of non existenting money, and not backed by future tax revenues anymore.

A downward spiral into total depression.

>> No.3412309

So, what are /jp/ guilds like? Is it going to be a bunch of meme-spouting imbeciles or will it be tolerable?

>> No.3412313


If previous /jp/ guilds in other games are any indication, it'll be fine for a week or two then devolve into meme-spouting imbeciles.

>> No.3412329

Which you hope force into reality and to profit off of somehow by spreading bullshit and outright falsehood on the Internet.

You're a retard, buthurt muslim or idiot slav.

>> No.3412335

Does anyone want to make a Vaizel(west) Elyos legion with me?

>> No.3412336

hurrr duurrr I am a stupid vodka addled slav.

>> No.3412365

Interested in the game, however I have a few questions

How time consuming is it? Farming - Easy to get what you need/want? Easier than WoW?

Something you can pick up and play? Is it going to suck my life away?

>> No.3412377

You are a prime example of a carefully and skillfully domesticated slave, living in their imaginary world, a cave built on lies and burried under them.
The controllers predicted that decades ago in theirs writings as how the public will soon only believe what they will tell them through government (in the US the corporate fascist state) regulated channels, in fact most importantly the televison networks owned by a handful of big monopolists funded corporations with the same special interests and shareholder connections.
But whatever man, believe in your road to recovery, because it won'tt ake much longer until the next crack will open up the silly imaginary patchwork from your masters in law.

And don't give me tinfoil, that's just how the world is being run, always was and always be.

>> No.3412396

Yea man whatever you say. Troll is a trollish troll talking shit.

>> No.3412407

MGIMO finished?

>> No.3412430

MMOs to me are like a enhanced version of 3d custom girl, all I care about are girl models and clothes, so I'm quite content with the private server for now. Hopefully they'll implement class change and campaign quests before abandoning it.

>> No.3412435

Your point?

And btw this is now more /jp/ related than your MMO.
The turn-around in japanese politics, from the point of view of the Empire you could easily call it betrayal on the highest level (one of the high-tier figures in the party is a "911 truther"). I'm expecting some huge backlash on that, either a scandal that will shatter the foundations of the party or something much more sinister.

>> No.3412734

Legion alive and kickin on Spatalus

Whisper either Yuka, Sayori or Melty

>> No.3412746

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
You said it, dawg!

>> No.3412854

This is >>3412335 again. About to go to bed so I will just post my info here:

Uguu on Vaizel(west) Elyos.

I am interested in joining or creating a legion to play with /jp/ people. Contact me in game if you are interested. It's starting to get ronery ;_;

>> No.3413021


>> No.3413508

So I just got here.
Looks interesting.

Where can I get the client for the game?

Don't tell me I have to fucking 'buy' the client.

>> No.3413632

Have we decided on a legion name for NA East?

>> No.3413639

Anyone on /jp/ playing on Zikel for NA East?

>> No.3413646
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>> No.3413656

Is there any place where I can buy the 30 days gamecard code (so that they send it to me via email) without the damn Paypal, just with the card?

>> No.3413657


>> No.3413666

Reimu on East here. Anyone on Zikel?

>> No.3413667
File: 510 KB, 1280x800, Aion0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macros are awesome. Use them!

>> No.3413675

EU card? or US card?

>> No.3413708


>> No.3413719

g2play.com accepts credit cards, gamecard.eu maybe?

You can also just go to the main website and buy there with the credit card.

>> No.3413725

I'm getting this wednesday. I'll see you around then.

>> No.3413732

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
I wonder this as well.

>> No.3413740

I didn't quite figure out the deal with moneybankers on g2.
I'll try the official site, I guess.

>> No.3413744


>How time consuming is it? Farming - Easy to get >what you need/want? Easier than WoW?

Getting to max level takes around 3 months if you play hardcore (from what I heard). Crafting takes a lot of time, but I have no idea about drop rates yet. It's certainly harder (read: more time consuming) than WoW if you want to get your levels maxed.

>Something you can pick up and play? Is it going to >suck my life away?

That depends on the person. Personally I can't just play an MMO for 30 mins and log off again.

>> No.3413745

Which side and how many are we?

Elyos in my case.

>> No.3413749

I wish I was a NEET so I could play all day with you guys.

But then again; I'm a student who's already low on money as it is.
Without money form the government, I wouldn't be able to work as little as I do, and without studying I wouldn't be able to live in the cheapest place in town that isn't overly shit.

See you guys in a couple of years when I can sit a home growing my neckbeard while minings for golds.

>> No.3413757


>> No.3413769

Will they just give me the down loadable content and key I can use or I have to wait for another 3 days for them to ship the DVD to me?

>> No.3413771


>> No.3413773

>Easier than WoW?

Is that even possible ?

>> No.3413800

hahaha no you will be wage-slaving your student-loans back because the economy won't have any jobs for you. Not that you will be ever able to pay them back. No offense, just pity ;_;

>> No.3413804

I just got this game... I used to play FFXI, so I really wish I could play this with a pad. I never did like using the keyboard that much.

Bitching aside, Aion seems pretty easy to get into (Lv. 3 Priest now). I'll have to see if I can get in a legion or something.

>> No.3414248

This game is available on steam if anyone wants to play right away.

>> No.3414306

Tutty ;_;

>> No.3414388


>> No.3414415

Recent WoW quitter who has seen r14 and vanilla KT. How does the game look ? I'm thinking about a take-it-easy mmo for this year

>> No.3414423

Good thing I haven't taken any loans and have a little bit saved up, then.
