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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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339591 No.339591 [Reply] [Original]

If you haven't payed for legitimate imported copies of the Touhou games, simply get the fuck out of the fandom. We don't need you.

>> No.339597

I haven't played any. What do I get?

>> No.339599
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ITT cirnofaggotry

>> No.339601

Nothing ventured, nothing lost.

>> No.339602

Well then

>> No.339603

Every Anon should agree with this, even if it goes against our nature.

>> No.339610

I thought Immaterial and Missing Power is free to download.

>> No.339612

I would if I knew where to fucking get them.

>> No.339600

its not like zun makes enough copies to sell to everyone that wants one

>> No.339614

No sir, I believe it is you who needs to get the fuck out.

>> No.339615

There are games?

>> No.339616

If you cant 1cc normal mode with default lives, simply get the fuck out of the fandom. We don't need you.

>> No.339623

ZUN does not want your dirty gaijin money

>> No.339624

Every Anon should agree with this.

>> No.339625

>If you cant 1cc hard mode with default lives, simply get the fuck out of the fandom. We don't need you.

>> No.339626


Every single game in the series is in stock

ZUN makes new copies whenever more are needed. He doesn't make them "limited edition." They are and will be available for a long, long time.

>> No.339630


>> No.339631
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>> No.339632

I pirate Touhous mercilessly, hoping that Zun will become too poor to make anymore fugly frillygirl faggotry. BUT I CAN'T STOP PLAYING!

>> No.339634

>>339625 >If you cant 1cc lunatic mode with 1 life, simply get the fuck out of the fandom. We don't need you.

>> No.339649

>If you cant beat extra/phantasm modes with 1 life, simply get the fuck out of the fandom. We don't need you.

>> No.339638

I looked for zun at c72

I was going to buy MoF but I couldnt find the faggot

>> No.339640

broken page is broken

>> No.339643

reminds me of some translation team making high quality installers.

>> No.339652


>> No.339654

You know, if ZUN got some kind of digital distribution going I bet a lot more anons would actually buy the games.

>> No.339666

loads for me

>> No.339678

it also allows you to pay fuckhuge import fees

>> No.339672

Why the fuck would we pay for a digital copy.

At least buying allows us to have something physical.

>> No.339674

Does ZUN accept beer as payments? What brand does he like?

>> No.339688

Order a copy and Zun himself burns it to CD-R. He has that much time to spare.

>> No.339681

leeching NEETs who claim to love touhou but don't give a cent to support it should leave the internet and die.

>> No.339683


>> No.339687

Erm, can't find shit, Captain.

>> No.339701

the game is sold for 1500 yen at comiket
since the dollar is weak against the yen, and small handling fees, it's sold for 18 dollars at paletweb
SAL is 6 USD. This is reduced if you buy a large shipment. This is not too bad. Overall, it's cheaper than a dinner date for two at TGI Fridays.

>> No.339696

Does he accept blowjobs?

>> No.339697


>> No.339711


>> No.339713

I've DL a few of them,considering I like them getting a legit copy from Japan is on my "to do" list.

>> No.339719

People on /jp/ eat out?

>> No.339725

how much would dinner for two cost?
does it cost the same thing as dinner for one but doubled ?

>> No.339728


just search for their specific names

>> No.339731

Gotcha, chief.

>> No.339732

with my mom, yeah

>> No.339738

although paletweb is cheaper and they give you freebies

I got two touhou pencilboards, and two random animu pencilboards

>> No.339755

i need to get more touhou pencil boards

i only have the alice and youmu group ones

>> No.339874
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Bump as this thread's message should stay on the front page

>> No.339886


>> No.339889
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>> No.339897
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>> No.339925


So basically, that suits me fine.

>> No.339921

Use airmail

>> No.339936



>> No.339950

Back when Touhou was still cool we didn't accept people who had ever bombed or focused in Lunatic.

>> No.340262

And in Perfect Cherry Blossom, you scrolled uphill both ways?

>> No.340279

Oh god I fucking loled.

>> No.340302


I see what you did there

>> No.340314


First great Lol'd tonight

>> No.340325

Why would you bring this thread back?

>> No.340321

Back in my day, men were men, and women were women.

>> No.340337

Why would you not?

>> No.340374
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Because no one cares.

>> No.340413
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I bought some from Paletweb (they gave me those badges for free), others from Comic Toranoana in Akihabara (they have a whole section of their store dedicated to touhou crap, fuck yes). Official Touhou products are by far the easiest doujin products to get a hold of ever. I have other touhou stuff but by other circles (mostly music).

This said I don't care if people download, as long as they actually fucking play. The only great thing I miss is touhou megathreads in /v/ when /v/ didn't suck where people helped you on spellcards that raped your pooper. I like a fanbase of bullet dancers not meme followers.

Same with VNs, and translators that demand that people get legal copies. For example you can find copies of Tsukihime , however the going price for it second hand at the moment is like 35,000yen and they know people will pay for it. Recent stuff and the most mainstream stuff is easy to get online, the rest however is almost impossible save for going to japan yourself and scanning through second hand eroge stores. Seriously, I like buying when I can but there is much more of a barrier with VNs and groups shouldn't carry fansubber ethics over.

>> No.340597

I'd try it in 1cc, if I knew what the fuck that meant.

>> No.340612

1 cubic centimetre

>> No.340618

1 credit clear

>> No.340641


Does that just mean no continues?

>> No.340644

And pay $50 in CUSTAMS!?

>> No.340654
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>> No.340655


If your duty free limit is really shitty paletweb offers to underdeclare goods for you.

>> No.340665


>> No.340674

You know, after you lose, the option that says "I may have lost, but let me finish the game all the way through like a fucking MARINE instead of giving up entirely!" It means you didn't have to make that choice.

>> No.340701

continues are for pussies

>> No.340717

I once ordered a Silver Forest CD from a store in Akiba, but I feel kind of stupid paying more in shipping than on the disc itself.
