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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3402505 No.3402505 [Reply] [Original]

I just fapped to my 12 year old sister.

Fuck you /jp/, look at what you've made me become.

>> No.3402515

Post pics of either the semen or your sister.

A vidid description of her is also good.

>> No.3402512

What are you talking about, we didn't tell you to wank off to your sister.

You're the pedo here, brah.

>> No.3402519

pics or it didnt happen

>> No.3402521

>12 year old sister

Go on...

>> No.3402532

is she hot?

>> No.3402550

You got it wrong, we helped him to become a troll. Of course such thing is also stupid.

>> No.3402576

I have a 12yo sister too, but whenever I look at her I can't help but feel disgusted. /jp/ doesn't teach you to like 3d. OP, you're strange.

>> No.3402595

>/jp/ doesn't teach you to like 3d. OP, you're strange.

I know. I don't even like 3D either, but all the loli fapping I've been doing has warped my mind.

>> No.3402626

tell us about it :3

>> No.3402640

at least you arent gay, congrats

>> No.3402650

12 years old isn't THAT bad.....

Look at it this way, you could be jacking it to a toddler. There are some that get off to toddler.......porn.

>> No.3402659

Yeah, but she only turned 12 like a month ago. She doesn't even have tits yet.

>> No.3402658

You're a horrible brother and I hope you realize that.
It has nothing to do with /jp/, either, you sick fuck, so quit trying to place blame on others. It's you who is a disgusting pervert.

>> No.3402657

It's a downward spiral. First you start liking lolicon doujins, then you're watching the real stuff. I've seen it happen every single time. Lolicon truly is a disease. It infects that part of the brain that tells you children aren't sexy.

>> No.3402663

>You're a horrible brother and I hope you realize that.
But I do, Jonesy.

>> No.3402664

There is nothing wrong with jerking off to a toddlers.

>> No.3402665

all this loli/pedo shit comes from a desire to corrupt the pure with your tainted self

you are beyond help, friend

>> No.3402668

That's what they all say. 14 isn't bad. 14 isn't bad. Hey, this 13 year old looks just as good as that 14 year old. 13 isn't bad. 12 isn't bad. 11 isn't bad....

>> No.3402670

Incestuous, pedophile, and 3D? You're sick man.

>> No.3402675

>She doesn't even have tits yet.
All the better.

>> No.3402678

Are you going to rape her?

>> No.3402685

I blame liberalism. They don't want any laws against porn, so everyday is hardcore porn day. Everybody gets desensitized to it and search for harder stuff. Fucking liberals. Ruin everything, like your president. NO GOOD

>> No.3402693
File: 59 KB, 512x384, lolidisease..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember OP...

>> No.3402691

Why would you fap to 3D?

>> No.3402699
File: 78 KB, 640x480, lolidisease2..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember OP..

>> No.3402702

No. I can control myself.
I think.

>> No.3402708
File: 226 KB, 756x756, loli haet buttsekcs..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember OP, screaming and tears mean NO.

>> No.3402717

>fapping to something not 2d
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.3402718
File: 32 KB, 285x161, loli haet buttsecks..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3402729

Remember OP, if your life ever gets really shitty, you can rape her and then kill yourself. At least that way you'll have some excitement before you go.

>> No.3402732

I had my sister suck my dick once and I tried having sex but it wouldn't go in.

I was 11, she was 7.

I blocked it out of my memory until now. I wish I hadn't remembered.

>> No.3402736

>it wouldn't go in
push harder

>> No.3402738

I don't want to cause harm to others. I feel dirty fapping to her.

>> No.3402745

You aren't harming her by just fapping. Also, I don't suppose you'd be willing to share the pictures? You can censor her face or something

>> No.3402746
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>> No.3402752

/jp/ - Sister rape & Pedophilia/General

>> No.3402757
File: 122 KB, 522x930, 1242954045123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you fapping to 3D and not to me OP? Your sister isn't as good as me.

>> No.3402763

>You aren't harming her by just fapping.
Of course, but I feel incredibly ashamed. I was fine fapping to 2D lolis, but this is completely different.

>> No.3402776

Robot here, what the fuck is wrong with this board?

Back off I go.

>> No.3402782

I fapped to my 7 year old sister when I was 12, before I discovered 4chan

What does that make me?

>> No.3402810

It's okay since it was before /jp/ taught you all the faults of the real world.

>> No.3402842

I never got the whole imouto fetish. Doujins and stuff are one thing but real life? Little sisters are annoying little pricks.

I'm not sure about Japan but in America little sisters are not sweet little imouto who call you oniichan.

>> No.3402846

Okay I laughed. I imagined someone hiding behind a piece of paper with that image trying to imitate her voice with those words.

>> No.3402843

Raping her is the easy part. If things go badly, this is where you come to form your plan for hiding her in a foreign country, or come the very worst, disposing of the body.

>> No.3402849

They're not in Japan either.

>> No.3402850

Sounds like you don't have a little sister.

>> No.3402855

I tried to have sex with a 5 year old when I was 8.
I was doing it wrong, tho.

>> No.3402861
File: 47 KB, 480x352, loli maek psedo..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3402865 [DELETED] 


Depends on the sister and her personality. And how you treat her. If you're normal, she'll be normal, and you'll butt heads, the way things are supposed to be. But you have to be different.

>> No.3402866

Remember that McDonald's thread? Yeah, that's right.

>> No.3402868


I have four older sisters and one younger sister.

I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.3402869

2D lolis makes you falsely believe that 3D lolis are the same.

>> No.3402872


Depends on the sister and her personality. And how you treat her. If you're normal, she'll be normal, and you'll butt heads, the way things are supposed to be.

You have to be different. You have to be nice and caring. You have to make her feel like she needs or wants you.

>> No.3402877
File: 261 KB, 800x600, loli loev pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay OP.

>> No.3402881


But Tomoyo has always loved lolipedo.

>> No.3402888

You have to seize the moment she becomes sexually curious. That can be from 11 to 13.

Too early and you ruined it forever. Too late and she's a whore.

>> No.3402899


To put it bluntly: She's a nigger. She listens to shit music like Soulja boy,she speaks ebonic,she thinks its cool to be ignorant and all that other stuff.

She's a fucking nuisance.

>> No.3402901

Okay, thread has officially scared me. I'll stick to 2d, thanks.

>> No.3402914

It's your fault for raising her the wrong way, you know.
Niggers aren't born, they're made.

>> No.3402913

She loves Sakura, only fake Tomoyo likes other Loli.

>> No.3402929 [DELETED] 


Bad roll. You have to get an introvert or nerdy type, and that doesn't go out of her way to fit into a crowd.

>> No.3402939


Show her she's a nigger, the way you see her. Don't hit her, though. She's still young enough that you can fix it with the right approach.

>> No.3402941

How can you guys like 3D lolis?

>> No.3402944

They're normalfags.

>> No.3402950


Opportunists. I wouldn't go out of my way. But if I had the right kind of sister, I'd go for it.

>> No.3402958

Fapping to your prepubescent sister is not normal.

>> No.3402959


I've been trying to rehabilitate her for years now and nothing is working. I think its her nigger friends.

I give up at this point.

>> No.3403008

I'm 12, what's this?

>> No.3403010

I wish mine was cute.

She's far from it.

>> No.3403019
File: 64 KB, 800x600, 1245402871848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah...nnn...o..nnn y-yoo w-www...ood..n't f-fff...ap t-to... m-mmm...e w-www...ood y-yoo?

>> No.3403034

I fapped to my niece the other day. It felt good.
I was guilty the first time i saw here again, acting cute and pure like allways. But i fapped to her again, and i felt better.
Don't worry OP, soon you will feel nice about it. As long as you dont harm her, its ok, i would never hurt my niece, im not a bastard, just a sickfuck.

>> No.3403041

Not after I kidnap you; I wouldn't need to.

>> No.3403045
File: 23 KB, 250x251, HNNGGGGGGGGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3403053

The Anons of /jp/ have a respectable gay community and we resent that comment.

>> No.3403098


"Sir we are detecting incredible amounts of daw, what should we do?"

>> No.3403315

well at least you aren't gay

>> No.3403320

Prepare our main gun! The long smooth hard one!
Prepare to launch the white sticky homing torpedoes, and brace for impact!

>> No.3403446

How old is she?
