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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 294 KB, 535x303, Setsuna_Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33696 No.33696 [Reply] [Original]

Today when I was at the gym, I was listening to the second Gundam 00 ED "Friends" on repeat for about an hour and a half. I knew it was really loud, but figured the gym's music was louder so I didn't bother to turn mine down. I was just finishing up on leg workouts when some Japanese guy taps me on my shoulder. I take out my earphones and ask him what he wants. He asks me if I was listening to Japanese music and what artist or whatever. Figuring that's it's all okay because he's Japanese, I told him and he was like "oh, thanks". He walks over to his friends and while I look over from the treadmill, I see him jerking his head in my direction and the others start to laugh. I immediately grabbed my things and drove home with tears blinding my eyes.

Has anything like this ever happened to you, /jp/?

>> No.33777
File: 37 KB, 771x198, 1203637576636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you should go to /fit/ instead of the gym.

>> No.34130
File: 102 KB, 432x640, 1203639611744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ho

>> No.34174
File: 18 KB, 640x440, 1203639797889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33715


>> No.33718

hahaha oh wow

>> No.33724

Hahaha owned.

>> No.33729

I lol'd

>> No.33731

I lol'd

>> No.33733

This is why we supress our power level and that is why you fail, fucking newfag.

>> No.33734

paranoid much

>> No.33736

Nope. Though I think I've had some close calls sometimes.

>> No.33737

I don't think you go to the gym. Enjoy your insanity.

>> No.33738

HA! Faggot.

>> No.33739

Thanks for a great laugh.

>> No.33741

That's what you get for not hiding your power level. And going to a gym.

>> No.33749


>> No.33752

Why do we have so many newfags here that will quickly believe anything you type?

>> No.33761

would be boring if we didn't at least pretend to

>> No.33766

hahahaha fag

>> No.33768

Maybe if you have replied to him in japanese, he would not have made fun of you.

>> No.33769

Setsuna is not Japanese.

>> No.33772

Fucking lol'd. HAHAHAH

>> No.33754

That'll teach you to leave the house, fgt

>> No.33784

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.33775


>> No.33795

Wii Fit can't get here soon enough.

>> No.33811

Stop laughing guys, I really don't think I'm leaving my house ever again.

>> No.33845

So? I'd fucking lol if I was in Japan and I caught some Nip listening to Dragonforce. Or Tupac.

>> No.33859

Because music is restricted by geographic location.

>> No.33863

>>So? I'd fucking lol if I was in Japan and I caught some Nip listening to Dragonforce.



>> No.33880

Those are pretty general music genres.

>> No.33873

Nobody's heard of Dragonforce except nerds and nobody listens to Tupac anymore. IT WAS AN APT COMPARISON!

>> No.33888

Never admit to Japanese things being yours.

Remember, whenever you're caught in public listening to Japanese music: "I don't have a CD player, so my friend lent me this. I don't know where it's from." When you foolishly wear a shirt with an anime reference on it and get caught: "All my shirts are dirty, so I borrowed one of my roommate's--why? Does this mean something?"

Also, reactions to memorize:

"Annimay? That's Japanese cartoons, right? Like Pokeemahn."
"Mengah's comic books from Japan, right?"
"Who's HaROOhee?"
"A cartoon about kids killing each other? That's sick."
"Is Ultraman is sort of like Power Rangers?"

>> No.33902

Gundams listen to Dragonforce.

>> No.33898


>> No.33938

"A pedophile? Here?"

>> No.33948

Japanese people love to laugh at foreigners even when in in foreign countries. Ever take a college level Japanese class taught by an actual Japanese person? They spend half their time laughing at you. They think you're backward, and strange. They don't like you. No Japanese person is ever capable of feeling anything but amusement or fear and anger towards a foreigner. Give up your dreams.

>> No.33973



Negima was REAL, GOD DAMN IT!

>> No.33976

They hate us because we take their women.

>> No.34011

They all wish they were white, so they take out their rage on the white man by laughing.

>> No.34018

take the women, nuke them, make them better than they could ever be without whitey, then forgive them for trying to conquer us, like the good people we are.

Of course they laugh at us.

>> No.34031

I live with 5 roomates, two of which are japanese.

I hide any and all trace of me being weeaboo. They know I've been to japan, but that's as far as I tell them.

Especially since one of them is a cute rukia-style girl who tend to leave her panties laying around, I snort at them like coke whenever I get the chance.

>> No.34057

I am asian, never happens to me.

>> No.34072

1/10 try harder fag

>> No.34113


how is that even considered a troll post?

learn your memes

>> No.34142


>> No.34144

Japan should have been deemed the 51st State of America and forced to learn English.

Then I wouldn't be waiting three months for a fucking UBW installer.

>> No.34151

Take her panties, you may get her route.

>> No.34160

I don't think you live with any women. Enjoy your fantasy.

>> No.34156

I loled

>> No.34164


Lucky cockwipe. I hate you.

>> No.34190

Any post that is obviously fake and created to elicit a response is a troll. It's possible that you have a narrow definition of a troll. Though, more than likely you're a newfag moron.

>> No.34192


And therein lies the truth of the matter. Our mighty American cocks.

They're jealous.

>> No.34203

Nah, just a narrow definition.

>> No.34207


>> No.34217

nobody will ever believe that, u know?

>> No.34256


lying online =/= trolling

I can say I'm 12 feet tall, it's bs, but it isnt meant to piss anyone off.

It's quite lulzy that you dont even know what a troll is and then call others newfags.

>> No.34267


>> No.34288

well, she has a bf who could kick my ass, so I'm not really in a good position.

The dude in the room next to hers claims she's a noisy fuck, but I my room is on the other end of the flat sadly.

>> No.34297


No, you take the ugly AIDS-infested sluts what you consider "hawt" by your shitty Amerikkkan standards and merely believe you take their women. But judging by the idiocy of your post you've probably never even been to Japan to experience how worthless you really are to them, let alone taken a single female.

>> No.34322

Sarcasm. Learn it.

>> No.34389

But my Japanese teacher is actually married to a mootxican. And she's a kinda nice person to talk with.
