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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 40 KB, 256x368, 2227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3397280 No.3397280 [Reply] [Original]

Did I miss this thread, or does /jp/ not care for this.

>> No.3397284

You could always search the archive to find this out, so you must be advertising it.

>> No.3397302

That's a pleasant surprise.

>> No.3397313


>> No.3397315


>> No.3397337

all I have is mdf, sorry

>> No.3397346


>> No.3397352 [DELETED] 

Saw this posted somewhere else...
> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3397361


>> No.3397362

MU/MF link to game? I remember it's 6gb+ and non-h.

>> No.3397364


>> No.3397382


>> No.3397385

Last time I looked I could only find the ps2 version.

>> No.3397388
File: 168 KB, 514x659, kaka_slp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3397397 [DELETED] 

Are you for real?
> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3397403


Found a torrent. 7.78GB and only 6 seeders though.

>> No.3397412

Megaupload links on the last page of the thread

>> No.3397424


Jesus, is this some kind of Crysis of the VN?

>> No.3397425


>> No.3397427

Lots of VNs are around that large.

>> No.3397429

The MU link is smaller, it's 5.31gb.

>> No.3397433
File: 15 KB, 1440x21, awse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3397438

>中央値 26
>平均値 26
>中央値 55
>平均値 50

Doesn't look like it's worth the bother, guys.

>> No.3397440

Not even Clannad is that big... i expect it to be at least half that long for that size.

>> No.3397443

>Based on the replies in that forum source, that upload is just actually a compressed version of this same torrent we have here at HF.

>> No.3397444 [DELETED] 

Password: kpoeira

>> No.3397447

I'm disappointed in you Anon.

>> No.3397450


>> No.3397455
File: 58 KB, 500x346, Capoeira-in-the-street-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit is so cash

>> No.3397456

Clannad is 5 years old though. I'm referring to recent VNs.

>> No.3397458

I don't give much to lol opinions. I will look at it and decide myself.

>> No.3397459

Can Syouko kill Servants?

>> No.3397462

You are a retard.

>> No.3397467



Wait wat? Now someone tell us why we should care about this game, and why transfags waste their time with shitty games like disney?

>> No.3397471

WTF? Why did this got translated then?

>> No.3397475

Fuck that rating, only 2 people voted for it.
It can't be accurate.

>> No.3397478

Because people usually just translate what they enjoy and think is manageable, over things that almost everyone agrees is good.

>> No.3397479

Is there a megaupload download manager I can use? Firefox isn't cutting it.

>> No.3397481

The other rating has a lot more votes, and it's still a terribly low 50-55

>> No.3397487

hahaha owow and then why did only two people care to vote for disney?

>> No.3397488

Wait, why are we hating this now?
>Aoishiro PC Visual Novel Translation Complete!
oh, i see.

>> No.3397489

Oh wait I must have misread, it only has 6 votes. Seems not even the Japs give a shit about this game.

>> No.3397491

Use the torrent faggot, wait 2 weeks like the rest of us.

>> No.3397492

Options and encyclopedia aren't translated, fuck this shit.

>> No.3397493

If by more you mean 5 then yes.
Even then the 3 of them voted the game as 50.

So it's probably an average game at best.

>> No.3397496

Keep in mind this is a YURI game. I'm quite sure lots of pricks on EGS downrate it just for this "reason".

>> No.3397498

Stop that. I know you're trying to be funny or something but it's just annoying.

>> No.3397500

Oh yeah, I'm sure a bunch of perverted Japanese eroge-playing guys just hate yuri.

>> No.3397502

>average game at best.
/jp/ loves average games
>Cross Game
I see no problem why we won't like it too.

>> No.3397503

There's a create your own scene option? Wtf?

>> No.3397505


>> No.3397506


lolno, I don't have the patience.

While we're on the topic of shoujo ai and yuri visual novels being translated. How about that sono hanabira ni kuchiduke wo?

>> No.3397507

>Cross Game

>> No.3397508

Cool story bro. By the way the pc version is the translated one and got 26 on EGS.



>> No.3397509

whoops, mispelled. i meant Cross Channel. Sorry.

>> No.3397510


>> No.3397512

Kill yourself.

>> No.3397515


>> No.3397516

No idea, last update was end of May. No idea what CountPacula is up to.

>> No.3397517

Hey look on the bright side, all of them are probably not nonvirgin sluts since there's no dicks involved.

>> No.3397520

My, aren't we all really angry today?

>> No.3397523


>> No.3397524


>> No.3397525

>Two manga adaptations
>Aoi Shiro for Windows was the number two top seller in its first week of release in Japanese PC game sales.

Yes, I know, popularity doesn't mean anything etc... But still, at least it doesn't look like your random unsold game.

>> No.3397526

sup transfag, next time just stick with translating what /jp/ actually wants to play.

>> No.3397533

How much did they give FSN?

>> No.3397534

>non sequitur


>> No.3397540


>> No.3397546

>As you can tell from the current banner, Aoishiro is the one of the main reasons I started translating yuri material, so I think it will remain special to me.
So the motives to translate are personal or novelty reason, "my first yuri vn ever". Not because of the game's popularity or objective rating or OP song by Rita and Haruka Shimotsuki.

>> No.3397549

Who cares? That's how people should translate - whatever they like.

>> No.3397552

>Herpderp, I look at EGS scores but fail to look at the actual votes themselves because I'm a fucking imbecile.
It has 2 votes, one at 50 and one at 2. The 2 vote is literally just the guy whining, "good story and visuals but since I'm upset about something I'm going to vote it a 2"

The game is around 60-70, Akaiito was better but it's not for PC.

>> No.3397553

>That's how people should translate - whatever they like.
I agree.

They just shouldn't like garbage.

>> No.3397554


If you decide to spend so much time translating then at least choose a game with some quality. Period. Otherwise nobofdy will take you seriously.

>> No.3397562

What if your "first vn ever" also happens to be a good game? Keep denigrating it without having even tried it, that's the /jp/ attitude. "LOL I HATE EVERYTHING, ALL GAMES ARE SHIT XDDD".

>> No.3397564

People translate stuff as a hobby. Why should they prioritize popularity over what they personally like? It's not as if they're trying to sell it.

>> No.3397565

I don't think translators give a shit about what you think about them. If I was going to translate something, it'd be something I liked, even if everyone else thought it was shitty/average. You guys forget that you're starving dogs being thrown a bone.

>> No.3397567

Anything you haven't heard of before has to be shit, right?

>> No.3397571

VN translators should charge money, like most porn translators.

>> No.3397575

Did you even read the post to which you're responding?

>> No.3397576

Go to that blog and complain over them not charging money for the translation then.

>> No.3397580

hahaha owow it's like I'm really on a government funded news channel defending fascism policies.

Now look at this, faggets defending a 26 rated game on EGS. This board cannot become more ridiculous anymore. Finally that's the bottom, enjoy your stinking stay.

>> No.3397581

All the low votes are "This isn't like Akaiito, what the fuck." and the others are 70-79.

>> No.3397583


>> No.3397589

Who's defending it other than that one tripfag? I'm just defending the translator. I have no interest in the game.

>> No.3397592

I think I'll pass this one.
Less than 10 people cared enough to vote for it on EGS and they voted it low
Yuri but Non-h ;_;

>> No.3397600

All of you are faggots.

>> No.3397606

The first and last reason are understandable, but the second reason is retarded.

>> No.3397617

So, uh... Since this thread seems to talk about the translation patch, does it change the menu too?

>> No.3397628

Why? If the game is good, more than a couple of people would take the effort to vote highly for the game. Especially for one that's apparently a bestseller. Not three.

Low number of votes means indifference. The majority of people that played it didn't care enough about it to rate the game.

>> No.3397629

>That's how people should translate - whatever I like

>> No.3397631

Nope, no image editing as far as I can see.

>> No.3397635

To anyone who has actually PLAYED the game...is it worth it?

>> No.3397642

I can't wait until Balder Sky gets translated just so it can be trolled with such furor.

>> No.3397646

But Baldr Sky is actually good.

>> No.3397649

Too late, it was already trolled.

>> No.3397659

My point is that it's stupid to judge the game without playing it and also stupid to complaining about the translator translating what he likes when he's doing it simply as a hobby.

>> No.3397662

Is this how the future will be like? For every VN that will be translated there will be shitstorms, trolling and faggotry?
I remember the whole voting faggotry some time ago, just horrible.

>> No.3397664

They're all just butthurt fags who can't do it themselves so they Troll the ones who actually can.

>> No.3397666

That's because they were moved to TEARS. The story was so DEEP and TOUCHING, they were depressed for a whole YEAR after that, and they didn't want to think about the game anymore. Remember that feeling after playing Kana? Well that's it, except TIMES TEN.

>> No.3397667

furfag detected

>> No.3397676


And now tripfags,transfags and silly namefags: GTFO

>> No.3397684

>Is this how the future will be like? For every VN that will be translated there will be shitstorms, trolling and faggotry?
Yes, was and always will be. Trolling is a genuine self-regulation by the community so it's easier once you can accept the fact. If certain topic dies because of trolling etc that means the topic doesn't worth discussing around here.

>> No.3397686

Bumping a thread which proves /jp/ is no better than /a/.

>> No.3397716

Come on, you are on 4chan, everything is shit here. We are gods fucking shithouse.

>> No.3397725

It's EGS, for one you're seriously overestimating it's weight and popularity (not many people use it as you seem to think) and you're misjudging it's population. There are barely any otome games even entered into that database, does that mean that they're not popular and don't sell? No, they sell fine with different crowds. Here's a hint, its had near a 100 thousand posts on a certain popular board.

If you don't like this game because it has no eroscenes or anything, that's understandable if a little silly considering most story-focused games have pretty mediocre eroscenes. But to go, HERPDERP EGS IS MY GOD is completely retarded. I realize I'm getting trolled, but I get annoyed when people throw around EGS as if it's really very important! Do you people see VNDB this way?

>> No.3397718 [DELETED] 

It's EGS, for one you're seriously overestimating it's weight and popularity (not many people use it as you seem to think) and you're misjudging it's population. There are barely any otome games even entered into that database, does that mean that they're not popular and don't sell? No, they sell fine with different crowds. Here's a hint, it's had near a 100 thousand posts on a certain popular board.

If you don't like this game because it has no eroscenes or anything, that's understandable if a little silly considering most story-focused games have pretty mediocre eroscenes. But to go, HERPDERP EGS IS MY GOD is completely retarded. I realize I'm getting trolled, but I get annoyed when people throw around EGS as if it's really very important! Do you people see VNDB this way?

>> No.3397728

lol, christfaggotry

why don't you go impale yourself on your beloved cross, fag

did you enjoy getting raped by your priest

>> No.3397737

Due to the rising popularity of VNs, more and more /a/ people have migrated over to /jp/. This has further polluted our userbase with trolls and senseless idiots who don't know how to google.

Each time a high profile release comes out, VN popularity goes up. Releases like Shuffle and Cross Channel attract more people. To compound this, anime adaptations like the Umineko anime have served to create masses of people experiencing VNs for the first time due to curiosity in the original work.

>> No.3397758
File: 49 KB, 389x308, ror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Releases like Cross Channel attract more people.

>> No.3397760

I know it's hard to understand for some people, but god even loves useless people like you.

>> No.3397769

>Each time a high profile release comes out, VN popularity goes up
This is why I will never translate anything. I wish people would stop feeding this terrible fanbase.

>> No.3397776

>lol my secret club, i don't want other people to find out.

>> No.3397778

No anonymous... You are the fanbase.

>> No.3397780

Of course I love myself. What are you talking about?

>> No.3397782
File: 80 KB, 626x480, 36b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Releases like Cross Channel attract people from /a/

>> No.3397786

You know what happens when things become popular?


>> No.3397790

VNDB is a reflection of the uninformed, adjunct, and dependent English-only fanbase.

The opinions of the English fanbase matter a great deal less than those of EGS simply because the English-fanbase hasn't played as many games. This is of course due to the limited pool of translated games from which to choose from.

Comparing VNDB and EGS is like comparing some random joe reviewing a movie on IMDB and a professional review by a major publication.

>> No.3397797


But I want more. I want days of 24/7 shitposting when the patch comes out. I want raids on /m/ as payback for ever discussing the game. I want any BS (heh) thread here to collapse under shitstorms, trolling and shouts of "why is OP so bald?" I want Gundam tripfags to roleplay their characters raping and murdering the girls from BS.

I don't even want to hear the screams of BS fans. Screams mean there is still some spirit left in them that is yet to be crushed. I just want to hear the ethereal sound of total despair.

>> No.3397800

>EGS is a professional review by a major publication.
I'll just assume you can't actually read Japanese and pat you on the head.

>> No.3397801

Everything popular is shit?

>> No.3397802
File: 88 KB, 500x375, 125318277870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3397804

>from which to choose from.
You invalidated your post right here.

>> No.3397809

>implying /b/ was ever good

>> No.3397811


I played it and it's worth it.
At least check votes on vndb

>> No.3397815

If it has any social aspect, yes.

>> No.3397822

inb4 people call you a troll

>> No.3397832

Usually i check /jp/ to see if something is wroth playing or not.
But because there is only trolling and no real person who played the game here i will just go ahead and see myself.

>> No.3397843

Imagine Tsukihime.
Now add more demons.
Now turn everyone into a lesbian.

There you go, that's Aoishiro.

>> No.3397871

I wish English translations of VNs would halt in favor of encouraging more people to learn Japanese. That way, we could foster a great community that is both devoted to the medium (shown by the incredible effort it takes to learn a language) and not limited by what small amount of games fan and professional translators hands to it on a silver platter.

This would in theory foster a more selective community that has the potential to rise to the level of a Japanese fanbase's knowledge. Most of the idiots and trolls will have been weeded out because they don't bother to learn the language.

>> No.3397887

>Most of the idiots and trolls will have been weeded out.
No. No they won't have.

>> No.3397889

i downloaded this because of the thread last week, but it keeps crashing at random... also the translation doesn't cover the menus for some reason. it probably works fine on Win xp, but I'm too lazy to transfer the files to my old computer. currently using Wndows 7.

>> No.3397904

How about we do a public VN burning, praise the pure blooded /jp/ Man, send back the newfags to /a/ and only talk japanese around here now?

>> No.3397915

I agree with this. Pity it will never happen. VNs will just get more and more popular, and /jp/ will get more and more shitty.

I fear the day VNs are as popular as anime.

>> No.3397922

Why not follow the advice of that troll that was posted a while back and make a board with a CAPTCHA consisting of kanji? That way only elite, sophisticated people such as yourself will be allowed to discuss VNs.

>> No.3397924
File: 56 KB, 550x550, reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Impossible in Amerikkka.

>> No.3397930

what does this have to do with anything
stop trolling

>> No.3397940

I beg to differ.

Just take a look at the several Baldr Sky threads we've had in the past few weeks or so and you can easily see the increase in quality compared to threads focused on English translated VNs.

Hell, take any thread with the purpose of discussing untranslated VNs and you can always see that most posts are of relevant discussion. Sure, there is a minimal amount of trolling and people begging for translations, but these posts are in the minority.

>> No.3397947

>Continually staring at her, my face got a little red.
which is obviously supposed to be
>her face got a little red
when you look at the context and next few lines

This wasn't edited very well.

>> No.3397952

I must admit, you got a point there.

>> No.3397976

My point still stands or are you saying that the people that bought and play this game don't use EGS?

I also disregard EGS ratings but if a game was voted highly by 100+ people it's a good sign, there must be a reason why they found a game good. The opposite is also true, if there are no people voting for that game that's not a good sign, e.g., the game didn't attract enough motivation for a player to vote for it or was plain forgettable.

We could argue the case for this game by saying it's niche but you yourself said it yourself. This game is popular. Why the lack of votes then? Are they made up of people from a different segment that is ignorant of EGS?

>> No.3397990

It's time to stop trolling now spin-doctor. We are talking about a shitrty game, 26 score on EGS. Even your random G-Coll game had better ratings. Those are facts, silly. Facts. You know what that is?

>> No.3398007

>I wish English translations of VNs would halt in favor of encouraging more people to learn Japanese. That way, we could foster a great community that is both devoted to the medium (shown by the incredible effort it takes to learn a language) and not limited by what small amount of games fan and professional translators hands to it on a silver platter.
That defeats the purpose of translation for everything. Translation process exist because each party can't understand and communicate to each other--forget working harmoniously or becoming one community. Expecting someone to learn new language is like expecting them to learn to draw, write, or compose music from scratch, which is very unlikely to happen for people at age 20+.

Most translator do it for personal reason too, like practicing their language skill etc. It's not like their only purpose is to pander to community.

Your ideal is similar to Shii, which is one of the reason why he left VN translation scene.

>2. A large minority of translation projects these days are being produced specifically by pirates, for pirates, and a great majority of people who play fan translations have pirated the game. This disappoints me because it runs counter to my vision of American and Japanese fans working harmoniously. I could snub the pirates and limit my translations to those approved by publishers and artists, but I'm not gp32 and I know my website does not have that sort of influence on the 4chan crowd.

Quite a lol.

>> No.3398019

Has nothing to do with trolls trolling the games, but fantrolls insisting of spamming the frontpage with their shitty imagereashuuns and random topics.
See 2hu and neko for proof. Those faggots only get what they deserve, in fact a kick in their fatass from the selfregulating board-conscience. But I bet that's like two steps ahead of you.

>> No.3398035

>I've always been more interested in religion

>> No.3398036

>American and Japanese fans working harmoniously

I wonder if Shii's dream willever come true... lol

>> No.3398060

>This disappoints me because it runs counter to my vision of American and Japanese fans working harmoniously.
hahaha owow what do we have here? Butthurt over reality son of a hippie pairing, raised in upper middle class thinking he know's everything better because wannabe cult-leader.

Jesus ...

>> No.3398069

Trolling aside, that proposal is unnecessary. Examples like Baldr Sky threads are proof of this. English speaking fans who know Japanese can still converse about untranslated VNs in English and that does indeed happen. If people wanted to discuss in Japanese, they would go to a Japanese board.

The point is that of an ideal English-speaking community possessing a level of Japanese skill sufficient enough to read untranslated VNs. This community would still speak English to each other, but read the actual material in Japanese.

A comparison would be like that of Latin and Ancient Greek translators of classical texts. They don't speak to their editors and peers in those languages, but instead speak their own native tongues.

>> No.3398112

I think there's alot of people here that can play VNs in Japanese. Whenever we have a "what VN are you playing thread" it's full of untranslated Japanese VNs. So yeah, you already had your community, it's called /jp/.

Look at the Baldr Sky threads,
Look at the Love Plus threads.
Look at the Hatsukoi and other incest games threads.

It's just that it's sharing space with other /jp/-related threads.

>> No.3398116

Stop calling Hatsukoi an incest game.

>> No.3398122

Shii is actually some kind of libertarian and was a huge Ron Paul supporter during the election primaries.

And now he's joining a monastery? wut

>> No.3398126

But it is... Isn't it?

>> No.3398133

It has like eight different routes, one of them is incest. It's also the best one, but yeah.

>> No.3398137

I wonder if monasteries allow H-doujinshi. Maybe he could share his hentai collection with the other monks.

>> No.3398141

There's a decent amount of Japanese readers (or maybe more of them use Atlas than I thought), but it's a low percentage. Probably something like 10% of us.

>> No.3398152

>And now he's joining a monastery? wut
AFAIK he recently got huge interest over the role of religion in society. Suddenly playing pron games loses its charm, I guess.

>> No.3398159

First and formost, the biggest difference between my ideal and his is that I don't give two shits about pirates. It's an inevitability; it's going to happen whether people like it or not.

With this taken out of the picture, my ideal is very different from Shii's. Where his motivation for limiting translations' accessibility and fostering an "elitist" community are for the sake of combating piracy, the motivation of my ideal is to create a community of higher quality.

My idea of quality entails relevant and cohesive discussions, lesser amount of trolls, and a strong commitment to the medium. The entry point being a high hurdle makes it more difficult for new people to enter into the fanbase. Only those that are truly devoted and interested will put in the time necessary to function at the same level.

And in a way, I think this ideal community already exists, albeit in a microcosm here on /jp/.

>> No.3398165

You know, you're completely right. I realized this as I wrote my last post.

>> No.3398172

The problem is, this decent community exists in the cesspool of trolls that is 4chan. I wish we could all move to /bun/ or some other board.

>> No.3398173

Most people can't be asked to learn a foreign language to play VNs, though you consider this a good thing. If you tried that I think you'd end up with a tiny, elitist and incestuous community.

>> No.3398175

Sound like a reactionary move. Society became corrupted and degenerate, that's happening often and in cycles. huge and harmful contraction inclusive, but I doubt he will find real satori in organized religion ....

>> No.3398177

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
So fucking tired of this.

>> No.3398178


That's all fine and swell but learning Japanese is no walk in the park and let's face it. Most of the resources on the internet that claim to help you learn Japanese suck complete ass.

Don't even think about asking /jp/ for help. You'll get 1-5 helpful posts and the rest is LOL SAGE REPORTED GET OUT OF HERE I MEMORIZED 600 KANJI IN AN HOUR XD.

>> No.3398183

Filesharing is in essence, communication, and human do it naturally so I agree with that.

>the motivation of my ideal is to create a community of higher quality.
It's best to leave /jp/ as it is to the scaling problem. For higher quality community I already have my preferences by hanging out directly with the vn translators and oelvn creators over some IRC channels.

>My idea of quality entails relevant and cohesive discussions, lesser amount of trolls, and a strong commitment to the medium.
You can't rely on janitor or the anonymous masses for this.

>And in a way, I think this ideal community already exists, albeit in a microcosm here on /jp/.
I found some outside /jp/. 4chan is not that big you know. They're vocal but actually can't do anything worthwhile if it's a long-term project (see all those failed vn projects).

>> No.3398190

What's with all the trolling? Take it easy, enjoy some Aoishiro futa.

>> No.3398192

All you need is
A basic grip of the grammar (You can't tell me you haven't seen Tae Kim mentioned here before)
Anime to watch
Manga to read
VNs to read

It couldn't be any fucking simpler. It just takes time.

>> No.3398196

The last point you made is probably part of the reason why the English-speaking community that are able to read Japanese stick to places like /jp/. Because the numbers are so low, they are forced to stay in larger, more active communities, existing as a small subset of the greater community of trolls and dependents.

That is precisely why I think it is such a good thing for more people to be encouraged to learn the language. As more and more people learn the language, the community will get larger.

Who knows, it might even reach an idealized point where there's always a sizable pool of people trying to learn the language. People at different levels will reach literacy at different times, allowing for fresh entrees into the community at a steady rate.

>> No.3398201

True, also to be a proper drawfag, all you need is:
A basic grip of the visual vocabulary (line, form, depth, light and shadow, color) and laws (composition, unity, tone, semiotic etc)
Pencil and paper
Videos and books about art study
Collection of artworks as references
Training from life drawing
Posting your work and gain feedback even the harshest one

It couldn't be any fucking simpler. It just takes time.

>> No.3398202


I know this already but what I'm saying is what's easier for one person might not be easy for another.

Expecting everyone to learn Japanese is just kinda silly.

>> No.3398203

Learning a foreign language isn't that hard. It just requires commitment and patience. And /jp/ already pretty elitist, you know. The only difference is that in it's current state, that elitism is largely unwarranted.

There are better ways to improve the board, but I'm certain that if more people would put forth the effort to learn Japanese, we'd have a much nicer community here.

>> No.3398209


>> No.3398211

Sounds pretty stupid, at least if you don't want to understand that the ratio of speakers to non-speakers will alway stay at the same asynchronous level.
In that sense, stop your forced collectivism.

>> No.3398214

It wasn't "easy", it took me over a year of spending most of my time reading/watching raws. I think you just expect to become fluent overnight or something, though.

>> No.3398216 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3398220
File: 589 KB, 800x950, 5176308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.3398240

A year to learn a language? And when you started, all you had was a basic grip of grammar? That's insane. With a romantic language that might be possible, but... You've got to be some kind of fucking genius.

>> No.3398242

Just because a process isn't hard, doesn't mean it's fast. That's why I mentioned patience.

I just meant that if you're willing to spend the time, you'll eventually learn. It's not an insurmountable wall, and it doesn't really require any rare talent or skill. It's something that's well within the grasp of the majority of people here. They may not ever be able to become truly fluent (I probably never will be), but they'll at least be able to read with the help of a dictionary.

>> No.3398247

Over a year to get where I am to now, which is enough to read and understand decently the majority of VNs. I didn't mean I'm fluent, though my wording may have been bad.

>> No.3398251

The question is, do people want to dedicate that much time learning Japanese? Personally I do not feel that spending years learning a language so that I can play untranslated VNs is worthwhile. Many of the good ones get translated anyway after all.

Playing VNs has taught me some basic Japanese phrases though, such as "your cock is so big", "my pussy is hot" or "I'm coming".

>> No.3398261

>do people want to dedicate that much time learning Japanese?
"Learning" Japanese for most of us just means reading raws and such. It's doing things we'd be doing anyway, just on ultra hard mode which gets easier and easier as time goes by. Within a few months you can be reading fairly simple manga at a decent speed.

>> No.3398263

>The question is, do people want to dedicate that much time learning Japanese? Personally I do not feel that spending years learning a language so that I can play untranslated VNs is worthwhile. Many of the good ones get translated anyway after all.
No. Only dedicated minority would do that, which is good for the elitists group so they won't have problem with scaling.

>> No.3398285

It's also easier to read an untranslated VN than say, a manga of the same level. AGTH lets you copy the text wherever you want, so if you have good listening comprehension you can get over not knowing the kanji.

>> No.3398302
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>> No.3398310

I respect your decision, of course. Really, I'm quite aware of how silly it is to devote so much time to such a questionable hobby.

As long as you contribute to discussions in a meaningful way, you're a good poster in my book. However, knowledge of Japanese gives you both more opportunities to contribute and a greater inclination to take those opportunities. Thus, I consider it a good thing. That's all.

>> No.3398324
File: 252 KB, 899x1104, wakasugi_0149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3398351

The easiest and *best* way to ensure quality is to have a moderation team which is willing to throw out permanent bans when deserved, in my opinion.

>> No.3398356
File: 65 KB, 816x656, genki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That voice is "genki", huh?

>> No.3398361

TL note: genki means (adj-na,n) health(y), robust, vigor, vigour, energy, vitality, vim, stamina, spirit, courage, pep,

>> No.3398362

Why are you nigger already playing?

>> No.3398370
File: 78 KB, 800x600, 2009-09-1913-45-141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice chest shot.

>> No.3398380

Why...? Last weekend somebody mentioned that patch would be finished this week, so I downloaded the game to be ready.

>> No.3398394
File: 93 KB, 816x656, geh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The translation seems kinda wacky.

>> No.3398396
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Untranslated menus. Untranslated encyclopedia. This is hardly complete.

>> No.3398397
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>> No.3398405
File: 89 KB, 800x600, 2009-09-1913-59-451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best character found and confirmed.

>> No.3398408
File: 94 KB, 816x656, log.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked into backlog and saw this.

>> No.3398412

>Untranslated menus. Untranslated encyclopedia. This is hardly complete.
Is this terminology page the encyclopedia? http://www.solelo.com/aoishiro/pc/terms.htm

>> No.3398414
File: 106 KB, 925x711, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got this working on windows 7?

>> No.3398419

>Explanations for some of these are in the Term Dictionary in the game, but since that is not translated, I've included what might be some helpful terms here.
Only some.

>> No.3398420

What's wrong?

>> No.3398425

sound like the sentence is just incomplete, was there something before that?
people whine because it takes ages to make a patch when the text is completed, I don't think it has to be 100% perfect to be released
you know people have a hardon for japanese skill names, at least they inserted both.

I'm not playing this but from your screens it looks fine, aren't you a bit too much nitpicking?

>> No.3398426

Line-break problems, and you can't see it from that screenshot but voices are displayed for the wrong lines. For example, there's only two voiced lines displayed there, yet you can trigger voices for three.

>> No.3398431

>sound like the sentence is just incomplete, was there something before that?
No, there wasn't. And I realize I'm nitpicking, but this is pretty sloppy translation job. Also, I'm not >>3398396

>> No.3398447

>people whine because it takes ages to make a patch when the text is completed, I don't think it has to be 100% perfect to be released
It's been available in partial releases for ages now, I have absolutely no problem with that.
I have a problem with calling it a complete translation when it's not, opening up the game and finding out that the main menu or isn't translated is just irksome. It's especially confusing when some menus are translated and others aren't.

>> No.3398452

maybe he just didn't find a way to hack those parts

>> No.3398455

I'm still not sure if I should download it or not. It's a huge size after all. Any more reviews?

>> No.3398459

The game itself is fine.

>> No.3398460

Lesbians, demons, demon lesbians.

>> No.3398473

Sadly, this alone is not much reassurance.

>> No.3398476
File: 158 KB, 800x600, 2009-09-1914-25-161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, what choice do I make? There's like five billion bad ends in this game.

>> No.3398481

These labels are quite generic, aren't they? But well, I've seen the list of chars from the translator's web, so I think it is be worth a try in the end. The monk looked cool ;) and I finished Umineko VN some time ago so I need a new VN dose.

>> No.3398483

The translation page has a walkthrough.

>> No.3398485

i got it working... had to set compatibility mode to windows 2000

>> No.3398490

It's just been translated, I doubt you'll find any reviews.
From what I can gather, you'll find it decent if you really like the things it builds its appeal on (yuri, meladramatic folklore, etc), but otherwise just think it's badly written.

>> No.3398514
File: 153 KB, 800x600, 2009-09-1914-38-121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an in-game flowchart, that's pretty fucking awesome.

>> No.3398529

The game kind of reads like an early MG Title.
It is english, but kind of strange, like something is wrong but you don't know what.

>> No.3398533

Momoko wants to fuck the shit out of Yasumi.

>> No.3398536

Early MG titles were not like this, early MG titles were mustervate or become lily.

>> No.3398548

So to the people that's playing the game, what are you're impression so far? Good? Bad?

Not sure if I want to download a 7+gb game.

>> No.3398552

Why do you ask people for lol opinions. Just let it run and go out, once you are back it will be done. Might take maximum a day, install and see for yourself.

>> No.3398556

Not everyone have bandwidth to spare.

>> No.3398559

Game is interesting. Translation is pretty bad

>> No.3398561

I'm still in the beginning, but it's nice so far. Nothing incredible, though.

>> No.3398564
File: 125 KB, 800x600, 2009-09-1914-53-521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Production values are impressive, there's lots of things I wish other VNs would have. Don't know about the story yet though, I'm not very far in. It's decent so far.

>> No.3398575

As with Chaos;Head, the lip synch is troubling me a bit, but oh well. I'll probably get used to it after a while.

>> No.3398623

Not bad, since the start of the Thread 70 people jumped on the torrent.

>> No.3398630
File: 147 KB, 816x656, screen3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really like the school-uniform designs, but art is nice.

>> No.3398648

Which one of them is the player?

>> No.3398655

None of them.

>> No.3398660

She's not in that picture. She's the black haired girl here >>3398564

>> No.3398662

The girl with short blueblack hair.

>> No.3398664

>Expecting someone to learn new language is like expecting them to learn to draw, write, or compose music from scratch, which is very unlikely to happen for people at age 20+.
Is this science fact?

>> No.3398673

She looks like a tsundere

>> No.3398685
File: 128 KB, 800x600, 2009-09-1915-34-481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And holy shit, Yasumi eyes afterwards look fucking yandere as hell.
