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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 331 KB, 826x643, Yume Miru Kusuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3395239 No.3395239 [Reply] [Original]

So I figured you guys are the people I should be asking about this; What Visual Novels should I try out? I'm still very new to the genre so anything is fine really. I've played Yume Miru Kusuri, Kana Little Sister (I liked YMK much more than this, though I still enjoyed it), and the demo for Katawa Shoujo, I enjoyed it, but I know you guys hate it, so I don't know why I even bothered to type this out Thanks in advance, guys.

>> No.3395240

Tsukihime, Ever17, Clannad, in that order.

>> No.3395247

We get this question every day, and it's getting really fucking annoying now. Learn to use the archive.

>I'm still very new to the genre
Visual novels are a medium, not a genre.

>> No.3395248
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This should be next on your lineup.

>> No.3395252

Have you considered lurking more and not simply expecting everything to be spoonfed to you?

>> No.3395253

Baldr Sky
Saihate no Ima
Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai

>> No.3395255
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>> No.3395257


>> No.3395258
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Saya no Uta

>> No.3395262
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>> No.3395271
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>> No.3395277

Support JAST USA, localizations, Nitro+, etc

>> No.3395280

I remember asking this question when I first came to /jp/, everyone was really helpful and friendly at the time

>> No.3395282

/jp/ has changed.

Also, read Cross Channel. Expect neverending manly tears.

>> No.3395283

Since then we've had a thousand more threads exactly like these and we're getting sick of them.

>> No.3395284
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>> No.3395285

>Visual novels are a medium, not a genre.
My bad.
Thanks for all the answers.

>> No.3395286

/jp/ - Recommendations & Translation requests/General

>> No.3395288

Just finished True Remembrance earlier, and I quite liked it. I'd also suggest most of the other short VN/KVNs like Narcissu, Red Shift, and the stuff from al|together festival '08.

>> No.3395291

read a real book.

>> No.3395292


>> No.3395294

Ironic really, all over the internet google is the point of reference when one is about to do a simple websearch, unaware of the hazard we contribute to adding about 7 grams of CO2 to the atmosphere. That's pretty serious business right there.

>> No.3395295


That looks like bottom of the barrel shit

>> No.3395298

Those are the best visual novels available in English

>> No.3395301

Seconding this motion.

>> No.3395302
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>> No.3395305

Asou Twins is hardcore fappage, man. I literally came several times within the first 10 minutes.

>> No.3395310 [SPOILER] 
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Wild Androgynous

>> No.3395311

That is just your opinion.

EGS disagree with you.

All the games listed there is in EGS.

>> No.3395313

Taimanin Asagi is the best
watch the H anime too

>> No.3395314

Not really looking for fap material, just a good/compelling story.

>> No.3395324

Then read a book.

>> No.3395325

A pair of lesbian twins are about to be split up due to a divorce. How will they cope? Drama, etc. I'd say it's worth it.

Although, if you are looking for a good story, I'd suggest Ever17, Kana ~Imouto~, Saya no Uta, or Cross Channel.

>> No.3395329

How dare you say that? "Jewel Knights Crusaders", "Silver Chaos" and "Pretty Soldier Wars" were one of the best piece of literature ever written.

>> No.3395332


>> No.3395333


But just from looking at any of those titles i can't muster enough interest to chect them out.

>> No.3395335

I think you might have motivational problems. Try scattering your sight over the picture and frame into one of the names, and then learn all you can about that title.

>> No.3395337

>Not really looking for fap material, just a good/compelling story.
Then what in the fuck are you doing playing visual novels? There's a reason 95% of them have porn in it. You're probably one of the people who think Umineko and F/SN are DEEP.

>> No.3395338


Well I just looked at Silver Chaos and i think i'm being trolled

>> No.3395348

You're put off of a great story just because it happens to be yaoi? I guess you're not very comfortable in your sexuality.

>> No.3395349
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Why is everyone on /jp/ so angry?

>> No.3395350

Hmmm looking at dark translation blog I want to read blindfold girl but can't find a torrent for it. Anyone can help me improve my searchfu?

>> No.3395352

because of KS devs

>> No.3395355
File: 152 KB, 500x500, get-out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you make shitty threads and use shitty /a/ reaction images.

See picture.

>> No.3395358

It's what makes /jp/ /jp/.
You get used to it, and then /jp/ doesn't feel the same without the anger.

>> No.3395362

You can buy it from here

>> No.3395369

I just like a good story is all. I have a ton of other stuff for fap material.

>> No.3395371

Read a book.

>> No.3395373
File: 76 KB, 640x480, Sage_field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so sage, /jp/?

>> No.3395374


>I just like a good story
See >>3395325
This anon's got the right idea.

>> No.3395377

I do read books, but I don't see the point in restraining myself to just one medium.

>> No.3395380
File: 2.77 MB, 3600x1920, recommendationlist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3395383


>> No.3395389

Books generally have good stories, so why not read them instead? VNs are more for cute girls and fap material, made to satisfy the ronery. And no, F/SN does not have a good story, nor is it well-written.
Because /jp/ is a slow board and sage is useful. Go back to /a/.

>> No.3395393

I saw some japanese live streams of Maji de watashi ni koi shinasai. Looks pretty good, I don't have 100 bucks to drop atm though.

>> No.3395399

Yeah, except the only reason you think VNs don't have good stories is because Type-Moon is all you've played.

>> No.3395405

Some use them for studying japanese, because japanese must hate deaf people and don't put japanese subs in anything for me to read :(

>> No.3395416

I still don't understand why don't you trust me... Here are some numbers then:

Prison Battleship has a very good 77/74 rating
Gangrape Club with a respectable 70/70
Discipline has a whooping 80/76
And Bible Black has a great 80/80 rating.

You should trust /jp/'s recommendation more often, Anon.

>> No.3395419

Same goes for Ever 17, Umineko, Cross Channel, Clannad, and all the other shit everybody praises so much. They might be entertaining to read, but they do not have great stories. If you think a VN is a masterpiece of literature or anything of the sort, then you're probably one of the same people that think Neon Genesis Evangelion is deep and amazing.

>> No.3395426

Oh my bad, the 80/80 Bible Black is the portable version. The PC version (which is the one translated into english) is 78/77.

>> No.3395430

Let the book recommendations commence!

>> No.3395429 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3395436

EVA is not deep at all. I think Hokuto no Ken is deep and amazing though... so... yeah...

>> No.3395439

Yeah, and so what? Even if VNs are lacking in writing, they have art, music, and choices, which greatly enhances the experience.

>> No.3395443

rapidshit it if you do get it dood

>> No.3395444

I know that, I never said VNs are shit, I just said they don't have great writing.

>> No.3395445

I think Cross Channel and Saya no Uta have great stories. They're not masterpieces of literature, but they are masterpieces nonetheless. Also, I don't think Neon Genesis Evangelion is deep and amazing.

>> No.3395451

I don't agree with this list at all.

>> No.3395452

"Writing" and "story" are different though.

>> No.3395453


Just because you've moved beyond mainstream titles onto more obscure ones doesn't suddenly make the entry-level stuff bad. I browse /mu/ as well so I know your kind. those who try to come off as being superior just because they've gotten bored with the mainstream stuff. It might make you feel better about yourself, but there's no logic behind it

>> No.3395464

>Writing 5/5
Stopped reading there.

>> No.3395465

personally i think the music is what makes VNs better than books. even if the writing is average, the music can set off the mood better than any writing can. art helps with that too.

>> No.3395467
File: 474 KB, 625x561, 1252782038994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Protip: sage!=anger.

If you think we are all angry here.
You need to go back to /a/.

>> No.3395476

go fu*k yourself

>> No.3395478

>If you think we are all angry here. You need to go back to /a/.
Learn to write

>> No.3395484

can a masterpiece book give you a boner?

>> No.3395485

You make a valid point, but your grammar is so bad that I don't want to accept it.

>> No.3395493

/jp/ can't take it easy, it's an accepted truth

>> No.3395497

somebody write a stupid starters guide to VNs so we can just link it to topicz durha

>> No.3395499


Sorry about the mistakes. Been doing too much if else loop.

>> No.3395501

Thanks for all the answers guys, and I am sorry for making a thread that apparently shits up your board, I'll be going now.

Thanks again.

>> No.3395505

I was linking to EGS to troll OP.

I seriously can't believe those fapping/sex romp games score that high.

>> No.3395508

>Just because you've moved beyond mainstream titles onto more obscure ones doesn't suddenly make the entry-level stuff bad.

I don't, in fact Clannad and Ever 17 are in my top 5. I enjoyed them a lot, but it was mostly because of emotion, not because of the writing/story. It's not like the writing is bad either, but it's still a lot weaker than most literature. It just annoys me when people think VNs are life changing experiences with brilliant writing, because I doubt they have read any books outside of highschool.

>> No.3395517

you're so deep man

>> No.3395549


Oh, i wasn't contesting that, I don't think anyone believes that VNs are better written than masterpieces of literature. You just came off as being one of those "It has an english translation, time to start hating it" type people

>> No.3395567


I'm just wondering why it's always YMK and KS.

>> No.3395571

Not at all, I don't think popularity has anything to do with quality, I've been bringing up those titles because most people are familiar with them.

>> No.3395576

Not better written, but I think there are some VNs with stories comparable to "real" literature.

>> No.3395578

Most talk about VNs in /a/ and /v/.

>> No.3395579

ITT: Opinions

>> No.3395590

Maybe visual novels aren't better written, but I think they are more immersive which lends to the 'life changing experience'.

>> No.3395595

>ITT: Opinions

Wow, I never would have guessed. Feel free to share why you think VNs are undeniable masterpieces of writing, though.

>> No.3395616
File: 37 KB, 800x600, washingmachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gotta agree with this anon here.
The writing is meh compare to book but they have two things that book doesn't have.
Music and CG.
So the comparison isn't really fair.

>> No.3395618

I still dont know why people think cross channel is good

>> No.3395625

I don't particularly care to say why I think it's good because it'll just be another useless opinion.

>> No.3395626

I can't read books due to the lack of music. It's hard to feel things with just text.

>> No.3395629


>> No.3395632

because preachy, contrived bullshit is DEEP

>> No.3395639

You could always play fitting music while reading, I guess.

>> No.3395644

Wondering that myself, but I'll have to finish it before I say anything about it. I highly doubt what they're referring to as good has started yet.

>> No.3395650

Cross Channel is pretty lame to me. Week 3 and I'm not very interested. All the sex, comedy, and perversion just ruins it for me. Can't take it seriously.

>> No.3395651

Do most of you play them in japanese? I would be impressed if a lot of you can read kanji.

I'm not sure if I should pirate or buy any yet though.

>> No.3395658

I didn't really think there were that many people who thought it was good.

>> No.3395667

>Do most of you play them in japanese?
Only about 5-10% of us. I wish more of us did, then this place might be a bit more interesting instead of talking about the same 30 or so translated VNs forever.

>> No.3395669

I taught myself Japanese from the computer. Once I got the basic idea of things I started reading manga and Japanese sites for practice. Moved on to VNs from there, though I still have to look things up from time to time when I'm uncertain. I can't write or speak it well, but I can understand it okay.

>> No.3395672

It is one of those few rare VN where the ending can rival that of Ever17 ending.

The first few weeks of cross channel is just like your usual generic harem VN but the ending will blow you away. I found myself ctrling past the ero scenes to get to the ending later part of the game.

>> No.3395675

>I would be impressed if a lot of you can read kanji.
I read some VNs in Japanese, but my kanji isn't very good, so I usually have Translation Aggregator to help me out.

>> No.3395678

That's not very encouraging. I thought Ever17's ending was where it was weakest.

>> No.3395681

The problem is that there is only like 5 major translations a year and maybe 5 more smaller ones. Shit gets stale.

>> No.3395683

Ending? You call that an ending?
It ended and I am still waiting for the real ending

>> No.3395686

When I was talking about Ever17 ending, I meant Coco route.
I personally hated the feel good end myself.

>> No.3395687
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>That's not very encouraging. I thought Ever17's ending was where it was weakest.

>> No.3395691

If you think CC's end is great you have shit taste. Period.

>> No.3395694

Hey /jp/, are there any VNs where the male protagonist turns a lesbian straight just for him? Is there one where the lesbian settles being with you because you won over her crush?

>> No.3395698

Probably. No translated ones, though.

>> No.3395699

If you have nothing that great to do in life, study japanese, then we can all be playing better games instead of the same old shit.

>> No.3395735

That's fine. I'd just like to see if they actually exist and get the names of some of them.

>> No.3395745

>Hey /jp/, are there any VNs where the male protagonist turns a lesbian straight just for him?
Fate/Stay Night

>> No.3395746

>study japanese

Too hard, I gave up several times when trying to learn it.
I'd translate like 6 hours a day if I knew Japanese.

>> No.3395762

If you have 6hours a day, you can learn all the hiragana, katakana and kanji in 1year.
I don't think japanese lesson run more than few hours a day in elementary school.

>> No.3395777

All the links I've found online were confusing for a complete beginner such as myself. If there were an easy, guaranteed way to learn Japanese online, I'd put a lot of time into it.

I just don't know where to start.

>> No.3395784

Instead of learning Japanese, learn something useful like Spanish or German.

>> No.3395786


>> No.3395806

It's not about the time. There's a difference between getting yourself to study (tough for lifestyle NEETs) and enjoying yourself translating mediums of entertainment using skills you already have.

>> No.3395821


You will love this site or hate it. This method is working great for me.

>> No.3395825

Simple enough. Some things you might not get or might not remember but you learn as you read.

>> No.3395851

How long do you need to get to listening -> speaking -> reading stage for those of you who have master the language?

Or do you guys go straight to learning to read?

>> No.3395879

I'm going listening + reading then speaking. Japanese is easy to speak anyways.

>> No.3395884




It's like I'm really Japanese.

>> No.3395891

You're probably refering to that mana transfer scene. That's not cool, bro. I want to know about a VN where the protag turns a hard lesbian straight for him. One that had no interest in him from the start. I guess Saber kind of fits that, but she was Bi, and therefor not hard lesbian.

>> No.3395930

No, he was trolling.

>> No.3396032

What's that thing with the cards that you use to memorize hiragana and shit?

>> No.3396039


>> No.3396042

I wasn't trolling, I was joking. There's a difference.

>> No.3396062

Nevermind, I remembered, it was Anki.

>> No.3396053 [DELETED] 

No, there was a site with a program. Might have started with an A.
