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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 114 KB, 440x623, aion-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3393761 No.3393761 [Reply] [Original]

NA Aion preselction. Fucking server congestion, couldn't log in yet.

I said Lumiel last thread but as it's the unofficial RP server I'm switching to Zikel. Anyone else gonna play there?

>> No.3393795

I hope you don't choose Elyos on Zikel, or at least without having a semi large guild/group of friends. Or you're gonna get ran over by the Asmos there.

>> No.3393880

The name Rin on Spatalos was already taken. Which of you faggots was it?

>> No.3393883

Shit. Too late ;_;

>> No.3393894
File: 34 KB, 500x581, nyoron_burichan_then.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody stole my nick... Time to quit this shitty game.

>> No.3393900

Got in and reserved "Saaya" and "Cisa" for myself on Spatalos. I always have one character named Cisa, and I want to use Saaya but it's always taken.

>> No.3393908

shit is this game any good

shitties thing though is my country for some ridicilous reason is part of Europe...

>> No.3393914

Yeah, it sucks living in Turkey.

>> No.3393922

Downloading godamn update, I hope my name isnt taken EU spatalos probably...

>> No.3393927

Why would you play on the US servers?

>> No.3393929

I can understand Mabinogi and all them cutesy, overly kawaii games, but how the hell is Aion /jp/ related? And i dont mean this as DOHOHO REPOT YU AZ, but why the fuck would you play this? WoW with 5 more tittie sizes? Instead of flying lions you have flying unicorns? Come on now, when are you going to fucking get real and realize this refurbished shit just doesnt cut it.

>> No.3393946

USD is cheaper than the fucking EURO

>> No.3393952

The proper course of action is to make a dummy character, log in and threaten the person who stole your nick to delete their character.

>> No.3393973
File: 3 KB, 210x218, pretend_45006357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The person who took my nick is a GM of a quiet famous european guild.
In short, shit sux.

>> No.3393975

You can criticize it all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that it still does its job, which is to entertain people, very well. It DOES "cut it".

>> No.3393986
File: 6 KB, 125x125, bammbammiceland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whoops small mistake on your part


>> No.3394002

In your, and apparently many other peoples mind yes, but im more after the final thought of "what the fuck". You know that feeling you had when you read your first VNs? And after going through all those sexromps to get your hands on that one actually touching and interesting story? Its like sayinf that the function of police is fighting crime, instead of social control and protection of property. Mutually inclusive? I think not.

DISCLAIMER: I have no fucking idea what im rambling about

>> No.3394050

Neither do I. The simple fact is that games (usually) are made to entertain. If you're not entertained by it then find something else that works for you, let the players alone and stfu. It's THAT simple and if people could could figure it out the world would be a better place.

>> No.3394052

I don't know; I'm not going to play Aion because I'm busy playing WoW already, and I'm certainly not going to start over with something that's the same shit.

On the other hand, I'm intending on trying out DFO, although I doubt I'll end up playing much. Been too lazy to bother getting a key yet though.

>> No.3394105

Successfully reserved my name, thank god.
Looking forward to Sunday.

>> No.3394133

Aion is another example of how Koreans can't make anything original.

They take a selling game (WoW in this case) and just replace all the models with the same generic "realistic large breast" bullshit. It's happened before and the only reason you idiots are buying into this now is because it happens to be a WoW clone.

You can give WoW all the shit you want but the fact is it's still selling and that's only goddamn reason you are playing this.

>> No.3394173

We know. It's all recycled generic shit with a few stolen features.

We don't care, we just want to have some fun.

>> No.3394188

Well if that is the case then I have said my piece on it.

On another note is anyone else on /jp/ waiting for FFIV online?

>> No.3394196

Tried to get Rin on Triniel, but it was taken right away. I managed to get Tohsaka and Horo, at least.

>> No.3394200

Take this shit back to /jp/

>> No.3394337


>> No.3394773

Got my name on Lumiel. I came soon after.

>> No.3394782

i'm playing Zikel.

>> No.3394788

this shit free?

>> No.3394789

I hope you aren't on Elyos side...

>> No.3394794

Koreans know that they dont need to be original when theres no need to in the first place.
Aion is better than WOW graphic-wise.

>> No.3394808

FFIV? Don't you mean XIV? Yeah, if it's easier to play than XI, it might be a great MMORPG, thanks to the FF universe. Wait and see. It can be shit as well.

>> No.3394886

I tried to take Cloud and Sephiroth on Azphel, to no avail. Oh well, got the names I wanted anyway.

>> No.3394903

Yeah. They give you some free Ipods in your E-mails as well.

>> No.3394908

Poorfag here, I fucking hate every single one of you.

>> No.3394912

I'm just wondering why this game is so hyped up.

I'll probably try it when it hits the bargain bin like every other game this company makes.

>> No.3394913


You're not missing much.

>> No.3394917

Because it's like every other Korean MMO.

>> No.3394918

make private server

enjoy lv5 with no attack or items

>> No.3394920 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 640x480, 1252781311345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZUN !barYV1VtIA

>> No.3395278

never heard of mabinogi

>> No.3395376


Holy shit, half of the servers are locked to Elyos only. Why do people chose Asmo?

>> No.3395396

Because they're furfags.

>> No.3395401

Bitches don't know bout being blessed by the heavens.

>> No.3395403

Anybody still looking for a server I'm Elyos Siel.

And I didn't get Rin on Siel like I did in OB but I should have expected that. I took Primula instead which is all I could come up with at the time and now I only half like the name.

>> No.3395428

After picking out my names (taking up my friends extra slots is quite a nice method) I decided to play with the name available option at the character creation. It disgusted me to see that nearly every unoriginal faggot has claimed their apparently awesome names. From Reimu to Cirno, Cloud to Sephiroth, nearly every single name I could think of was taken and the pre-selection for the server had only been up for 3 hours at the time. I already feel like EU-Spatalos is suddenly a shithole.

>> No.3395446

Why do people choose Spatalos? There are many other EU servers.

>> No.3395458


There's 4 "English" servers. 3 of them are going to be overrun with Spanish/Swedish/Russians etc. Spatalos has the highest amount of UK players from what I can see which is the only reason I'm rolling on it.

>> No.3395469


Sorry, I meant 5 English servers. 1 is RP so I kinda forgot about it.

>> No.3395487 [DELETED] 

Any news on nuce patch?

>> No.3395491

Any news on nude patch? I want my naked loli.

>> No.3395492

If you really want a nude patch, you are a huge faggot.

>> No.3395498

So far on NA servers we have people at
Zikel, 2.
Lumiel, 1.
Triniel, 1.
Azphel, 1.

Forming a /jp/ legion is impossible.

And EU servers everyone's going to Spatalos anyway. Just so you know, I envy you guys ;_;

>> No.3395502

Which one is a roleplaying server?

>> No.3395507

I'm going to Gorgos. RP servers usually have less kids running wild and it's not like there are people actually roleplaying other than a few.

>> No.3395509

To those on Elyos side on Zikel, I pray for you all. A lot of the Asmos that I know are going to swarm over or stomp you guys, some Elyos Legions are already starting to abandon ship after trash talking unfortunately. I would be playing but I've got more important stuff to worry about.

>> No.3395511

I wish we had janitor.

>> No.3395512



>> No.3395519

Already created mai waifu on Telemachus. Also got a second character on Spatalos in case I ever get an urge to play there.

>> No.3395532

>9 GB
>Pay to play

Fuck that, I'm not downloading something so big and paying for it when it's just another shitty Korean MMO. Maybe if it were smaller and free I would consider it.

>> No.3395541


Comrade ;_; How could you not roll your waifu on Spatalos?

>> No.3395546

>9 giga
>so big

>> No.3395552

Downloading at 450 kB/s, yeah, it's pretty big.

>> No.3395596


Remi or Remilia?

>> No.3395603

Because someone already took that name. My download crashed few hours before the start of preselect and I had to download the entire thing all over again. I was lucky that my friend was kind enough to register names that I wanted on both servers for me, but sadly Remi was already taken 30 min after they opened Spatalos ;_;

>> No.3395610

Remilia of course.

>> No.3395655


Insert screenshot of my character screen with a character called Remilia here.

>> No.3395936

Couldnt get Exia, shit sux. We should have been able to keep our beta names if we pre-ordered before the first one ;[

Azphel player reporting in.

>> No.3396237

I was looking at the download being 9 gigs and all, which isn't much but considering my current max d/l speed is 180kbps, I was thinking of just buying the box release.

But then I saw it was 49.99 and thought " a couple days of waiting can't hurt." So yeah I'm gonna give this game a shot.

>> No.3396280

já sæll, íslendingur..

>> No.3396394

Got my name reserved on Lumiel, see you all Sunday?

>> No.3397466 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3397465
File: 1.81 MB, 2339x3307, 1_07_10_18_Poster_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3397494

Got Alicia and Lenneth on Vidar, I am a happy man.
Well, being a frenchfag, it's not like there's a lot of (good) competition. Might join an English-speaking server later on.

>> No.3397519

System reqs?

>> No.3397528

Don't you have to buy the game either way?

>> No.3397531

Minimum System Specifications:
Microsoft Windows XP SP2
*2.8GHz CPU or equivalent
NVIDIA 5900 Ultra with 128MB RAM / ATI x700 with 128MB RAM or higher
**15GB Hard Disk space
DVD-ROM drive
Direct X 9.0c (6/2008 update)
Sound Device
Broadband Internet Connection

Recommended System Specifications:
Microsoft Windows XP SP2 / Vista
*Dual Core CPU 2.0GHz or equivalent
NVIDIA 6800 with 256MB RAM / ATI x800 with 256MB or higher
**15GB Hard Disk space
DVD-ROM drive
Direct X 9.0c (6/2008 update)
Sound Device
Broadband Internet Connection

>> No.3397535

For once it's nice to be European.

>> No.3397541

Then this will have to wait until Nov-Dec when I will upgrade my 6 years old system to the level to be able to play both Mass Effect, F3 and Dragon Age.

>> No.3397543

>Mass Effect, F3 and Dragon Age

>> No.3397559

Both Mass Effect games

>> No.3398132

I also created two characters on Spatalon: Spica and Miir. See you guys there the 20st.

>> No.3398154

Another online RPG? Is it good?

>> No.3398167 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3398182

Same as all the others. It is newer so it has better graphics.

>> No.3398186

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
Wow. This board is so cool!

>> No.3398210

So the box set 50$. If I download it, will I have to pay the same sum?

>> No.3398464
File: 453 KB, 1280x1024, Aion0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit? Seriously, I was expecting better graphics, even Perfect world looks better, except char models maybe.

>> No.3398499

There's a mod that fixed the terrain textures.

>> No.3398508

Everybody loves fapping to character models, why would you care about the backgrounds anyway.

>> No.3398602

I like how Elyos are not balanced to Asmodians.

I am an elitist faggot and I will enjoy partying with other elitist faggots, us all being as effective as possible, steamrolling other faggots who "play games for fun" and killing groups of Asmodians 3x our group size. Whichever server I join will have Asmodians ragequitting.

This is going to be beautiful.

>> No.3398615
File: 14 KB, 317x367, baw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even play the game but i sense strong baww in you my friend

>> No.3398636

/jp/ - grinding/general

>> No.3398653
File: 184 KB, 1280x1024, 1_AION2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah some of the textures are not so pretty. Apart from that, the game can look very good.

>> No.3399694


Was a link to it ever found?

>> No.3399727

We will be getting ready to play about this time tomorrow!

>> No.3399748
File: 11 KB, 480x299, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good man

Going to try it on private server to determine if I even like it before I buy it.

>> No.3399836

But everything is balanced so yeah

>> No.3399861

>aion private server

Enjoy your non-existent gameplay and wasted time.

>> No.3399875
File: 237 KB, 1280x1024, Aion0009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spend hours in those char generators and still suck. Is there a guide or something on desinging coherent faces? Also, what the fuck, no custom preset saving?

>> No.3399879

What the hell, my CPU isn't even 2 years old and I don't have the minimum system reqs? Fuck this bullshit.

>> No.3399885

I think she looks pretty cute.

>> No.3399889

No credit card so I couldn't preorder and every single shop around here is out of preorders so I can't get into preselection+headstart tomorrow ;_;

Oh well, I'll play on the 22nd and grind my ass off.

You have tons of experience with 2D, choosing what your waifu is gonna look like shouldn't be that hard.

I also spend hours when creating my char in Aion, but that's just because I want her to look as pretty possible.

>> No.3399890

can you play dorfs?

>> No.3399894

Enjoy paying a lot of money for something you'll play two weeks at most.

>> No.3399897

Yes. You can make lolis too.

>> No.3399900

How? My computer is 5 years old and I can run it (somewhat) fine. The only bottleneck is my 1gb of ram, but that just means I need to close everything else I'm doing when I play.

>> No.3399907

loli dorfs?

>> No.3399938

I'm just happy it's nothing like the character customizations in Oblivion. Derp.

Looks pretty good to me. I too use to make them with blonde hair with a hint of pink, plus green eyes.

>> No.3399973


Funny, I've been playing it for well over 3-4 months. Fuck yeah, Chinese Aion.


You can pretty much create what you want. Most people either make midgets or complete monstrosities that always seem to make me smile when I see some 10 foot guy with tiny legs and a huge balloon head, an afro and some pink rosy cheeks.

>> No.3399984

Just flip through the different faces until you find one you like and then maybe just change it a bit.

>> No.3399986
File: 303 KB, 231x592, zenith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reserved my name and everything but I still don't know if I should redesign my character.

>> No.3399998
File: 81 KB, 1280x1024, aion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your character design thread?

>> No.3400006
File: 100 KB, 1280x1024, ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably be using my character design from Open Beta. Decent size (not stupidly small like most characters) and looks awesome running around beating the shit out of things.


Awesome, I'll give you a message ingame when the head start begins.

>> No.3400024

So, 4 initial classes then a fork at level 10 to choose between two upgrades? That's a bit poor.

>> No.3400032
File: 58 KB, 1280x800, remi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the best I could with what I had.

>> No.3400033
File: 388 KB, 1920x1200, Aion0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I olev this haircut.

>> No.3400047

You're cheap, hiding your ORIGINAL slider positions like that.

>> No.3400049

How so? It's pretty normal for the first stage of a game.

Aion has 8 (counting only the final upgrade, not the first four)
Ragnarok Online had 6 (if you only count the final upgrade, not novice and first class) before Comodo and then Rebirth
WoW had 8 (9?) before DKs

>> No.3400060

on Zikel with a ton of friends.. got the names Csiko and Chi.

>> No.3400065

WoW had 8 each side when it was good, 9 when it became medicore and 10 when it became utter shit.
But before I derail this thread: back to AION

>> No.3400070

>with a ton of friends
I though we were getting a /jp/ legion.

I know, we are too few for that ;_;

>> No.3400079

The torrent for the beta is slow. Any direct download that doesn't involve paying a subscription fee?

>> No.3400112

You're good.

>> No.3400120
File: 178 KB, 1280x800, Aion0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remaking my Saaya char. What do you guys think?

>> No.3400170

Archer reserved as a Ranger herpderp

>> No.3400173

My recommendation: http://www.filefront.com/14444739/Aion-Open-Beta-Client/

If it's too slow for you, try:

You need to register for the second one, though. It's free if you just download.

>>3399998 here

That's pretty much what I went for, too. Well, it's pretty close at least.

>> No.3400193
File: 203 KB, 770x759, Aion0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair 44 is best hair.

>> No.3400202

>to determine if I even like it before I buy it.
Do you even read posts?

>> No.3400206
File: 549 KB, 1680x1050, teedus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yes, obligatory

>> No.3400219

no time for love

>> No.3400225

Point is that all the private servers allow you only to create a character and explore the game world, but that's all you can do. No NPCs, mobs and other ingame content.

>> No.3400236

To the people who want to try it before shelling out 50 bucks, try with Chinese Aion. Download the client, register and you can play for 5 hours for free. Google it.

>> No.3400238
File: 191 KB, 1280x800, Aion0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3400239

Now you're just making shit up

>> No.3400248

Looks a bit plain.

>> No.3400250

No, I experienced it myself.

>> No.3400279

Make their chins rounder and shorter. Everyone has the same chin.

>> No.3400299
File: 167 KB, 1260x744, Aion0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.3400302

Oh god please no.

>> No.3400308
File: 163 KB, 1280x1024, ruwtab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3400322

She looks a bit like Suzume.

>> No.3400324

Can't you make a loli in this game?

>> No.3400327

Is /jp/ going to make a guild somewhere?

>> No.3400331

You can.

>> No.3400357

I don't know about the NA servers but the EU friends are befriending on Spatalos

>> No.3400370

Count me in. I'll find them soon enough. The guild's name is probably going to be something like Bawson's Creek, or Japanese Birds, etc.

>> No.3400378

People on NA servers are few and scattered. Unless we all go to one server, attempting to make a legion is futile on NA region.

>> No.3400402

Has everyone's copy shipped yet? My CE is scheduled to arrive on Monday.

>> No.3400425 [DELETED] 

Someone make a loli and post here here

>> No.3400429

Someone make a loli and post her here

>> No.3400434
File: 632 KB, 1920x1200, Aion0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3400440

EU-Spatalos, final and the only destination

>> No.3400455

I've downloaded the Open Beta client to see if this runs on my PC or not, but looks like I'm having some problems with my video card (blinking black textures, lol RADEON 9200). Maybe I won't be able to be with you guys, see you later or next time damn, but I wanted to play with you guys on Spatalos so much

>> No.3400459

I like that haircut too, but after using it I didn't like it from the back so much.

I went with the very long ponytail which I believe is hair 33. I wish more hairstyles were as long as that one.

>> No.3400465

Spatalos, but which faction?

>> No.3400478



>> No.3400565


>> No.3400575

Enjoy being a copy of 99% of your server.

>> No.3400586

Even better.

>> No.3400591

Actually, I just said that randomly, but I wish what I said was true.

>> No.3400598

I just bought a second collector's edition for my sister. First time I will ever play an MMO with someone else.

>> No.3400619

Haha, the smallest chest size is still fucking giant tumors.

>> No.3400645
File: 17 KB, 237x256, 1246322524360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying most people here have 2gb of ram or more.
no wonder why all the butthurt.

>> No.3400664

My 2 year old laptop runs this game fine so I don't see what everyones problem is.

It's got laptop dual core 2ghz with an 8600m and 2 gigs of ram.

>> No.3400669

Anybody got a link to download the japanese client?
plaync.jp doesn't like foreign IPs and I can't find a proxy stable enough to download the whole fucking thing.

>> No.3400691

People like you need an "ingrown breasts" mod. Where instead of breasts growing outwards they cave inside the body.

Fuck being flat, go into negative breast sizes!

>> No.3400719


And why are you trying to get the Japanese client? Would you prefer having to read Japanese all the time while playing?

>> No.3400725
File: 610 KB, 1920x1200, 19-09-2009 23-26-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, you don't?
Also, multitasking.

>> No.3400734

Just to grab the voices. I'd simply get the voice pack, but as far as I know it doesn't have the cutscene voices (even though said cutscenes suck, but hey what the hell)

>> No.3400753

For Japanese voice acting - http://letspalapala.blogspot.com/

Female seiyuu include Kana Ueda and Ai Nonaka.

>> No.3400759


>> No.3400770

Wait a second. The voice pack includes cut scenes?

>> No.3400776

don't know if it was already mentioned but /v/ decided lumiel for elyos and zikel for asmodian.

>> No.3400781

It did, but one of the patches broke some of the voice ordering. Right now, the cutscenes and tutorial voices are in English until the Japanese client is updated to the American version.

>> No.3400790

I'll wait until the next moonspeak release. October 13, was it?

>> No.3400807
File: 170 KB, 595x730, Aion0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like it?

Also, Hong -> Elyos Spatalos?

>> No.3400818

Eeeeeww. What are you, GAY?

>> No.3400823

It's rinnosuke ;_;

>> No.3400831
File: 9 KB, 493x402, 1251691519103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"do you like it?"

>> No.3400832

Rinnosuke looks classy and intelligent, and what's with this jock?

>> No.3400844

It's called manly

>> No.3400958
File: 632 KB, 1380x1800, compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ishalgen texture fix

poeta texture fix

>> No.3400973

Holy crap. Is it easy to install these?

>> No.3400983

its drag and drop. just keep a backup of the original and you'll be fine

>> No.3400996


Why is there two downloads and what do they each do?

>> No.3401075
File: 1.33 MB, 1680x1050, 1252767964755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3401078

As they say, one's for poeta and the other's for ishalgen.

There is no universal mountain/terrain texture, so it's custom made for these two zones.

>> No.3401097

who made these?

>> No.3401099

Oh god.

>> No.3401175


should expect a few more to come out for different zones, maybe a howto also

>> No.3401230
File: 365 KB, 1280x1024, Aion0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are my two characters.

Also, for those playing on Spatalos, shall we start a /jp/ Legion?

>> No.3401248

You have my axe.

>> No.3401268

and you have my bow

>> No.3401299

>White hair

why you do this? ;_;

>> No.3401309
File: 870 KB, 1280x1024, zenith.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remade. Looks a lot better.

>> No.3401351

Is that a server name, and why is it called "wasteful"?

>> No.3401373

I'm confused. Do you have to buy the game to play this?

>> No.3401380

Dem ears.

>> No.3401396


>> No.3401397
File: 160 KB, 323x594, 1252767935321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best female character I've seen ingame.
Very beautiful in my opinion.

Which server are you playing on?

>> No.3401412


>> No.3401427

fuck, thats awesome. Finally I can play with hong.
It's like I really have a friend now ;_;

>> No.3401429


>> No.3401431

What the hell is wrong with her eyes?

>> No.3401441

It's called make-up(thick layer of eyeliner)
Real girls use this in case you didn't know.

>> No.3401446

pig disgusting

>> No.3401456

buta iyarashii

>> No.3401457

Suggestions for /jp/ Legion names on Spatalos? My friend and I were going to make Violent Semen Inferno but that was just for us.

>> No.3401464

I sure hope not everyone is max level by the time I get my game.

>> No.3401468

what is keeping you from reserving your name?

>> No.3401480

I already have my names, had Croatia reserve them.

But I'll have to wait until 25th for it to be shipped.

>> No.3401484

I'm in for a /jp/ legion on Spatalos.

>> No.3401485

Enjoy your name being reported and deleted.

>> No.3401490


Most faggots will be 1-25 by then. The 'hardcore' people who sit at home all day doing nothing but grindan will probably be 30-35 with may the odd few people getting to 40. There's really no rush really, I'll be playing it for a few hours each day but I won't be sitting on it 24/7.

>> No.3401492

thats what you say now...

>> No.3401497

A bunch of guys playing as girls in a Korean grinding game? It's like I'm in Hotglue again.

>> No.3401499

I am wondering what the best EC alternative to Lumiel would be, but everyone seems to be spread out in random servers.

>> No.3401502


I couldn't care less. I fucked with Blizzard with guild names too and I had a laugh getting friends joining it. Maybe we could try Hot Glue since that was Mabinogi name used before it turned to shit and renamed to Derp.

>> No.3401512

What about the Japanese Birds that were mentioned before?

>> No.3401513


I've played Chinese Aion before and I know what I'm getting into. Apart from the initial rush to get out of the first 2 zones I'm in no hurry and neither is my friend who is a casualfag.




>> No.3401514

I usually don't play for more than 3-4 hours a day either, so yeah, I hope there will still be someone to level with ;_;

>> No.3401520

I like that name.

>> No.3401522


>> No.3401525


You'll be fine. Most people will still be relatively low and you wont want to group until you at least get out of the starting zone anyway.

>> No.3401527

east nigger coast
a minority of fags

>> No.3401534

What about "Why is Aion so shitty?" as the guild name? May be a bit too harsh, though.

>> No.3401544

and way too long.

>> No.3401555
File: 278 KB, 1600x1200, AionWallpaper11_1600X1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, what character comes to mind when you see this.

>> No.3401567

It all makes sense, KSDevs are AionDevs.

>> No.3401570

It looks like legion names can be up to 32 characters.

>> No.3401572

Calling East coast players.
Shall we gather at one server? Or everyone is playing with friends and can't easily change servers?

I'm currently on Zikel with a friend but I could try changing servers if another is decided.

>> No.3401579

Just enough for

>Japanese bird cooking spaghetti


>> No.3401588

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSVwK77IzHY - Never listened to the credits song but it turns out it's awesome.

>> No.3401589


a prostitute in a CSI?

>> No.3401595

If would be nice if there was one particular we gathered on, but if not I'm just going to stick with the people Iw as going in with anyways.

>> No.3401619

Didn't expect it to be this good.

>> No.3401620

Nobody is deciding anything so I'll take the lead.

Does anyone have any objection about gathering at Zikel Elyos side? If not, let's use that server.

>> No.3401625
File: 265 KB, 1680x1050, Aion0186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i find the illustration art as seen in the credits?

>> No.3401667

Fine with me but doesnt sound like there's enough of us on the EC here to matter.

>> No.3401672

Nerine on Vaizel, bitches.

>> No.3401725
File: 494 KB, 1680x1050, Aion0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory my character post, Emiya was just a random reservation.

>> No.3401744
File: 466 KB, 1680x1050, aionhurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choose your destiny.

(And yes that's supposed to be a slightly older version of Illya)

>> No.3401762


Why not just name her Irisveil?

>> No.3401785

Tsukihi on Vaizel.

>> No.3401820

Amhran on Vaizel.
I guess thats 3.

>> No.3402162

gib moni

>> No.3402214

>Lithuanian Hungarian Greek Turkish Danish server

Can someone explain the meaning of this choice?

>> No.3402228

where the fuck are the BR?
israphel or azsomething

and fuck
the pinoys are on nezekan

>> No.3402248

Everyone hates the Danes.

>> No.3402254

The BR and Pinoy will be on all servers begging for your shit.

>> No.3402259

Don't worry, the Turks will just disconnect all together one day.

>> No.3402351


Those are just 'community' choices, nothing official. Most of those folk speak English and Spatalos contains the largest English/UK player base compared to other servers.

Also legion names so far:

Hot Glue
Japanese Birds

Any other suggestions? I'll make the legion the moment I get to Sanctum.

>> No.3402394

>Hot Glue
>Japanese Birds

Both are shit. Avoiding you guys like the fucking plague.

>> No.3402402

You maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad

>> No.3402405

ahaha, oh wow.
Get the fuck out.

>> No.3402431


Spatalos is the only even partially "unofficial english speaking server" most of mixed nationality legions rolled there

>> No.3402470


Then why don't you stop being the internet tough guy and suggest a name? I personally hate meme related names but I'm just going off the suggestions we've had so far.

>> No.3402489


Name it - Dirk Diggler & the Funky Bunch

>> No.3402496

He's just trolling. Also Japanese Birds is fine, otherwise there's "hahaha.wav", "Ore wa nippon", or "Stole The Precious Thing". But we should try to find more ideas and make some kind of poll.

>> No.3402549


The dot wont work in legion names I believe. More suggestions are welcome though.

>> No.3402569

Bump limit reached?

>> No.3402674


Yep. Went past it a few posts ago.

>> No.3402690


>> No.3402696

Seems so. Made a new thread >>3402680

>> No.3402809

I'm quite happy with either as long as it is something I know of that will make joining easy.

>> No.3402837

WoW 4 year fag here. currently installing Aion now... is it much better than boring old WoW?
