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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3394180 No.3394180 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/.

Do you have any dreams for the future? Is there anything you wish to achieve with your life? Or have you given up trying to achieve anything, and will you just take it easy and try to enjoy life as much as possible before you inevitably die some day, leaving nothing behind, as if you never existed?

>> No.3394186


>> No.3394191

Kevin stop getting busted for pissing on the walls of Home Depot.

>> No.3394201

But why would Kevin do such a thing? I thought he was better than that. ;_;

>> No.3394225
File: 58 KB, 500x500, 1a3f16cb43f2ee46fb6b52212da45814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I watched CCS, I've had fantasies about being the owner of the Clow cards and wandering around as a vagrant stranger, showing up at random weddings and making flowers rain from the sky over the newlyweds, stalking a young couple in the park and using glow when they kiss, random things like that.

I mean, even if it's the power to change the world, I think doing little things to make people's lives happier is a much better use of the power. Even if it's a thankless job and no one remembers me when I die, those few people will never forget how the lake lit up with fireflies on their first date, or how their favorite flowers fell from the sky in such a multitude that the ground was covered.

Does that count?

>> No.3394233

1. Getting my masters degree.
2. Learning kanji.

I still try to relax and enjoy myself as much as possible though.

>> No.3394365

So if you had your master's degree and learned kanji, you'd be able to die a happy man?

I'm talking about long-term. Like, is there anything you would like to have done before you die?

>> No.3394371

Kill the worlds population thrice, but thats not happening without some heavy old-school USSR contacts, so fuck that shit. Ill just die and thats that, okay?

>> No.3394414

Have a stable job I don't hate my guts doing, and a decent enough wife that won't divorce me after a coupla years.
I know, what can I say, I'm a dreamer.

My reserve plan is hitting up one of those russian brides. As long as I have a job, which I fucking hope I'll have by my 40s, they should be happy enough to marry even me for the citizenship in the country I'm in.

>> No.3394418

I can't control how or when I'm going to die. For now, I'm just focusing on achievable goals.

>> No.3394432

After I'm done with university, I want to serve as a medic in the armed forces for the minimum term to make myself a little bit of money and earn some good karma points. After that, I dunno. Still kind of holding on to the idea that I'd be able to get a job in Japan and settle down there. But korea would be fine too

>> No.3394433

I'm trying to achieve a dream.

No really, I can't seem to dream at all due to how late I go to bed. I haven't dreamed in years. I'll never make it to Gensokyo like this!

>> No.3394447

I don't really have anything I want to do. I could die right now without a single regret.

>> No.3394455

I dont have any realistical dreams. Or should I say that my dream is to live an easy-going life without worrying about anything?
And I want to go to a comiket at least once.

>> No.3394468


I go to bed early, and I still don't have dreams.

>> No.3394475

The only "real" lifelong goal I have is to find a job that doesn't suck dick, and to at least be able to survive living alone in an apartment or something.

Life is pretty dull.

>> No.3394478

My dream is to be a real life Lex Luthor. Or prevent some of the ways the Earth will be destroyed (Sun becoming red giant and then exploding. Random asteroids coming towards Earth, etc.)

>> No.3394487

>and will you just take it easy and try to enjoy life as much as possible before you inevitably die some day
Is that supposed to be a bad thing? Most people want to live like that.
>leaving nothing behind, as if you never existed?
I have news for you. You might be a child in Africa dying from hunger or the president of USA, still in the long run the humanity as a whole will just go extinct leaving nothing that will last forever behind, as if it never existed.

>> No.3394510

I need to learn to draw decently first. Then I'll have a quiet life drawing short comics to entertain myself while I go for my day business.

>> No.3394511
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Of course. To be honest, I don't actually care about 'leaving something behind' myself. I just used that wording because people are more likely to respond to exaggerations.

But, isn't just living your daily life without really doing anything special boring? Don't you want to do something you can later look back at and think 'wow, I remember when I did that...that was so awesome'?

>> No.3394514

I want to write books and make vidya gaems.

>> No.3394523

> Do you have any dreams for the future? Is there anything you wish to achieve with your life?

Plenty, I did achieve some things I wanted, but there's many things I still want. I doubt I could achieve them all in my lifetime, but I don't think a lot of goals are necessary. I don't know if I'll be able to die "a happy man".

> Or have you given up trying to achieve anything, and will you just take it easy and try to enjoy life as much as possible

I already am taking it easy, I think this is a fine life too. Isn't being content with your life a form of happyness too? Taking it easy does not mean you can't move towards some goals or that you have to stop contributing in any form to anything.

> before you inevitably die some day, leaving nothing behind, as if you never existed?

I'm sure I left plenty of things behind and will continue to do so until I die or something happens to me, but I don't think many are truly important or affect the world too much, at best they affect thousands of individuals. If you consider the passing of time and the vastness of our world, nothing is truly that important.

>> No.3394592
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Dreams? I have plenty of dreams. Most of them are impossible due to procrastination,lack of motivation and confidence.

So for now I'm just content with getting by day to day.

>> No.3394658

I see no value in procreation or traditional family format. So I'll just focus on returning my parents' investment toward all these 20 years of (pretty) stable middle-class family life by taking care of them when they stops to function properly.

For amusement, right now I'm interested with visual novels and books. For creative output or personal value so far is drawing for KS.

>> No.3394668

I dream of a future where /jp/ doesn't have threads like this one.

>> No.3394679

A real KSdev?

>> No.3394731

Indeed. Confirmed KS dev.

>> No.3394735
File: 220 KB, 851x475, 1234002986995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is good, and I will accomplish my goals!

>> No.3394746

You need to draw better.

>> No.3394755

At very least I want to become a great concert pianist.

>> No.3394793

Why do Emi sprites have different style from other characters? It looks like she was drawn by another person.

>> No.3394819

You should see this >>3394323

>> No.3395000
File: 127 KB, 808x1184, 1241722324473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, as far as I know, every heroine is drawn by a different artist or something.

>> No.3395148
File: 223 KB, 496x496, pick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this all of the ambition /jp/ has?

>> No.3395154

Stop your fucking meta shit.

>> No.3395166

I'm going to make the best FFT-ripoff with touhou added EVER.
