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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33902370 No.33902370 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>33863323

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.33902655

What new release is everyone playing first tomorrow?

>> No.33902681

parfait remake

>> No.33902682

I haven't played anything that released this year and that won't change tomorrow. My backlog's not shrinking one bit.

>> No.33902686
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Reminder, 5 month delay one month before release so they fucked up really hard, game's doomed now.

>> No.33902915
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>Aoi Tokio
>Live in gf
God I can't wait for this month's suicide fuel

>> No.33902934

Giga new kamige, Parfait Remake.

>> No.33903012


>> No.33903062

Wagakino of course

>> No.33903125

I'm just hoping they're doing it to not get megacucked by Milk Factory.

>> No.33903249

Has no one here even read Sakuretto? I asked for your honest opinion in the last thread, yet you refuse to discuss it. So many people were saying they were gonna read it when it was shown to be #1 on getchu plot&overall quality ranking. Are all the plotfags dead?

>> No.33903299

I accidentally spoiled myself on the ending like a retard and lost motivation to read it

>> No.33903309

>heroine wants to cum together with MC and get nakadashi
>MC pulls out at the last second in all 7 H-scenes
>heroine gets angry and disappointed, keeps saying nakadashi is alright
>one time MC thinks it's his obligation to pull out because he's not ready to take care of her yet
I can't decide if this pisses me off or it's really cute. I bet he'll cum inside a bunch in the other heroines.
What I liked is how the first 3 scenes she was completely passive and did nothing to service MC. I never complain about "dead fish in bed" but this made me think that for the first time and I got bored. Then the next scene she took the initiative and even said he's always doing things, now it's her turn. Gave him a combined boob/blowjob and swallowed like a champ. The writer planned this the whole time.

>> No.33903316

>I asked for your honest opinion in the last thread
You asked about Rupekari not Sakuretto.

>> No.33903317

I hated it for all the same reasons I hated amazing grace

>> No.33903331

>You asked about Rupekari not Sakuretto.
No I didn't, this is me >>33899927.

>> No.33903680

I've read stuff by its writer before. The writer is awful. If you aren't new or basically have no taste anyway, you'd not touch it. Or you are like
who ended up trying it regardless.

I guess you could say that plot fags are "dead", because most "plot" games nowadays are written by writers where you need to be able to look past a whole lot of things.
Sakuretto is written by someone, who considers their readers to be 5 IQ, and explains everything many many times, often multiple times in a row. The narration is the definition of padding. They are also in general not too great when it comes to story telling.
Rupekari is written by someone who loves double standards and ruins everything with that. Usually the setup of the story and/or drama is already so bad, that it can't work. What pisses me off the most here is how fucking easy this could be fixed. This guy just needs someone to look over his work, and do some small fixes here and there and it'd be mostly good.

To an extend this was always the case. But people liking plotge usually don't have much of any active writers in the VN industry anymore. All went to LN.

>> No.33903960

I decided not to read it after i tried amegure and it wasn't my thing.

>> No.33904091

Do you think Sakuretto MC fucked his great-granddaughter later?

>> No.33904293
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are there more VNs that reference 2chan/4chan?

>> No.33904348


>> No.33904939

I can't wait to not be flooded with work anymore so I can read comfy nukige

>> No.33904971

literally hundreds

>> No.33905246

Okay LNfag.

>> No.33905386

Not him but LNs are great

>> No.33905404

> 20 volumes of isekai trash
> great
Lol fix your shit taste.

>> No.33905621

what vns scratch the itch left behind by phenomeno

>> No.33905662

Don't read isekai if you don't like isekai
Simple as

>> No.33905694

You’d think people into vns wouldn’t fall for the obvious pitfall of generalizing an entire medium, but I guess you in particular are just that retarded.

>> No.33905743

Wdym? Most of vns is moetrash.
Sure, name me some cool LN without isekai trash.

>> No.33905794


>> No.33905847

LNs being stupidly padded (20+ volumes of bullshit) and never actually ending is a good enough reason to avoid 99% of them right off the bat.

>> No.33905854

Only one? That's your limit of good lns? lol

>> No.33905882

>he says in the medium that birthed Baldr Sky and France Shoujo among others
I don't even read LNs but this is a terrible argument.

>> No.33905895

>stupidly padded
Are you talking about VNs?

>> No.33905908

Are you retarded? An overly long VN is nothing compared to a massive LN series. At least the VN ends.

>> No.33905912

Most LNs end before 12-15 volumes. These neverending LNs are a rarity.

>> No.33905928

>convince me LNs are good.
>btw I don't know nothing about LNs and don't play to read them either way
Lol fuck off. It's useless to talk to trolls like you.

>> No.33905942

*plan to read

>> No.33905951

>before 12-15 volumes
Way too long

>> No.33905959

LNs actually have better pacing than VNs lmao
They can't get away with shoving three padded out SoL scenes in a single volume without getting complaints

>> No.33905971

That's just as long as a 50 hour VN

>> No.33906005

Bullshit. That is way more text. VNs naturally take longer with less text because of voice acting.

>> No.33906042

Bet the actual game won't have any pregnancy.

>> No.33906167

Just do the math yourself. A 300 page LN volume is around 300~350KB.

>> No.33906197

Are you seriously using a filesize comparison between LN scans and a VN game? Please learn a little bit about file formats and computers.

>> No.33906204

Would anyone know how to get voices into Japanese text versions of Umineko and Higurashi? I want to keep the original sprites and backgrounds

>> No.33906205

>LNs actually have better pacing than VNs lmao
ah yes, dozens of volumes of nothing. such fantastic pacing

>> No.33906220

And that's longer than the average VN

>> No.33906226

No, idiot. Compare script sizes.

>> No.33906260

How new are you?

>> No.33906281

your average ln is about 200k characters and your average vn about 800k but there are lots of them that go way beyond that
grisaia would be about 9 ln volumes for instance

>> No.33906290

Can't compare scrip sizes because only VNs have thousands of moans.

>> No.33906296

>VNfags get insecure at the slightest mention of LNs
That anon didn't even say anything out of whack. It is indeed true that we have lost a lot of writers to LN medium and gacha.

>> No.33906321

>sengoku koihime
>3 million
there you go 15 lns

>> No.33906323

F/SN is 1,730,055 (surely one of the longest ones out there). That comes out to about 8.65 average LN volumes. So yes, a LN series is way fucking longer.

>> No.33906357

few ln series actually make it beyond five volumes tho cause people lose interest
if you take all ln series out there you'll definitely find that they are shorter on average

>> No.33906400
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Just read single volume stuff if you have problems with your attention span

>> No.33906482

No thanks. I'd rather read actual literature.

>> No.33906516

But pic related is literally trannyshit

>> No.33906543

Wow bro you have such a highbrow elitist literary standards and that's why you're in an eroge thread

it's more complicated than that if you've read the end

>> No.33906577

07th mod, you can pick og sprite and background in it if you're that much into that shit

>> No.33906626

personally i only care if the agenda is being shoved down my throat and the story is being pushed aside like with the literal tranny jacket in wonder egg

>> No.33906653

I read eroge for porn and don't pretend they have good writing.

>> No.33906664

You're reading kusoge then, moebuta.

>> No.33906747

Eroge for fun. Proper literature for real reading.

>> No.33906822

>(you), a high school boy, gets isekai'd into a magic robot which is created by a literal tranny magician and now you're forced to whore yourself out to old men day in day out.
This is literally the premise of this tranny LN lol

>> No.33906856

Picked up

>> No.33906885

Picked up.

>> No.33906907

Literally picked up

>> No.33906909

Stop fucking talking about LNs. No positive posts about them, no negative posts about them. I asked for a simple talk aboht the latest kusoge and you retarded plotshitters just aren't capable of talking about VNs. Why are you even in this thread?

>> No.33907051


>> No.33907182


>> No.33907244


>> No.33907274

wash yourselves

>> No.33907290

A scan on an ln is several tens if not 100+ mb, he obviously wasn’t talking about scans lol.

>> No.33907357

Got any recommendations?

>> No.33907369
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>> No.33907383

Amazing how LNtards trying to prove LN>eroge, but i haven't seen any actually good LNs recommended ITT, two titles aside. Lame and pathetic.

>> No.33907421

I don't know what KB stands for sorry.

>> No.33907423

so faces that convey expression well enough to be used in a range of scenes? i'm not denying it's bad but the alternatives are worse

>> No.33907436

I'm reading Genji Monogatari right now and its quite pleasant. It's like realist fiction before it was actually a thing.

>> No.33907455

You got it wrong. Something mentioned the word "LN" and retards lost their shit at this for some reason going on crusades to defend the honor of VNs by putting down LNs. No one is trying to prove one medium is overall better than the other except for you.

>> No.33907464

don't care about this discussion but you'll just call it shit no matter what anyone recommends

>> No.33907491

Start from LNs made by eroge writers

>> No.33907504

do you have any resources for classical nip? i stumble sometimes

>> No.33907566

Don't try. That shit is unreadable (it's technically Early Middle Japanese which is probably even worse). Just read a modern Japanese translation. It'd be like trying to read the original Beowulf script basically.

>> No.33907594

how different is it from the 遠野物語 for instance

>> No.33907646

here's a passage for reference
didn't find it terribly difficult but tripped on tenses sometimes

>> No.33907725

>mfw I can read this
I made it, bros. Thank you kkk and muramasa

>> No.33907727

ps3 sprites conveys emotions well, nothing wrong with them.
All i need is examples of good LNs without isekai trash.

>> No.33907759

>ps3 sprites conveys emotions well
no they don't and half the time they aren't as suitable for use in the multitude of scenes they appear in
one of beato's akuwarais looks like her face is melting in the ps3 version

>> No.33907770

>no they don't
Yes they do.

>> No.33907787

The daughter of a house in Kamigo Village went into the mountains to pick chestnuts and never returned. Thinking that she must have died, the people of the house held a funeral ceremony using the woman's pillow as a substitute, and a few years have passed since then. However, a man from the village was hunting and came into the area around the waist of Mt. The woman said, "I came to this place because I was kidnapped by a frightening person when I entered the mountain. The woman said that she had come to this place because she had been kidnapped by a terrible person. When I asked him what kind of person he was, he said that he looked like an ordinary man, but that he was extremely tall and his eyes were a little dark. He had several children, but if they didn't look like me, they weren't my children. When I pushed him back and asked him if he was really the same person as us, he said that his clothes were the same as in the world, but his eyes were just a little different in color. Once or twice in a city, four or five similar people would gather, talk about something, and then leave. If they saw food and other things being brought in from outside, they would go out to the town as well. In the meantime, the hunter became frightened and left, because he knew that the hunter might come back there soon. It may have been twenty years ago.

>> No.33907829
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Is there any option that actually changes something on high end pcs(graphically speaking)? Or is this just cope options for shitty laptops

>> No.33907846

missed the part about killing or eating them

>> No.33907890

fucking deepl!

>> No.33907921

My book has a few lines of what I assume are quoted poetry from the original text. In parenthesis following it, there is a translation in modern Japanese. The original text is extremely difficult to read (imo). It doesn't help that a lot of the kanji is apparently pronounced differently too. While I could infer some things about it, I couldn't imagine reading the entire book like this without suffering. I dug up some quotes of the original on the internet.


>> No.33907974

yeah that's not too hard

>> No.33908008

if you play in native resolution, no
if you play full-screen in non-native, yeah

>> No.33908030

feels older to me, yeah
i definitely want to learn all this stuff at some point though

>> No.33908134

If you ever do, you will be better at Japanese than like 99% of natives. There's a reason it was never translated into modern japanese until like the fucking 1800s despite being so famous/influential.

>> No.33908377

If you like chuuni shit try 9s, Wizard's Brain and D-Crackers. And in general, what ganres do you like?

>> No.33908423

lmao, what are you talking about 90% of Ln's are not 20+ volumes long.

>> No.33908481

I eat pretty much everything, just hate shit like hetare protagonists and love triangles because of them.

>> No.33908490

Modern standard Japanese was created in late 19th/early 20th century, nigger. Elites denigrated Japanese classics like it. It became popular when it was picked up by kokugaku faggots of edo period who were hell bent on playing up yamato spirit and downplaying Chinese influences.

>> No.33908588

Modern Japanese as a spoken language began in the Edo period. Yeah the Meijin guys formalized the writing system and stuff later, but the language itself is older than that.

>> No.33908701

Ok, those doesn't have this shit:
DADDYFACE, Bara no Maria, 耳刈ネルリ, "B.A.D." Beyond Another Darkness, Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon, 0能者ミナト, ミス・ファーブルの蟲ノ荒園, Usotsuki Mii-kun to Kowareta Maa-chan, Rengoku Hime, Read or Die.

There are a lot of cool ln's, those are just not getting animated because most people like isekai shit and shitty romcoms.

>> No.33908742

The base was just a dialect spoken by certain elites localized in a particular region of tokyo. But it underwent profound changes, especially in terms of vocabulary, when it was formalized in meiji. Many obscure kango became common words because of this.

>> No.33908903

I'm more interested in popular edo literature made by common middle class folks, which were later wholesale rejected during meiji as lowbrow and pleb tier.

>> No.33908955

I'm more interested in cute girls with huge tiddies

>> No.33908992

>Even in the 1960s I was still frequently advised to restrain my enthusiasm for the “vulgar” culture of Edo.
>A few years ago, the still healthy Kagoshima Juzò looked over some of my work and remarked that it brought back old memories.When he was young, he recollected, he had gone to the house of a senior colleague to borrow some Edo-period books printed with woodblocks. On his way home, he met the poet Saitò Mokichi, who immediately took him to task for reading such “insipid Edo trash.” Saitò’s influence left its mark: Kagoshima was for many years unable to appreciate Edo-period culture. Only now,Kagoshima noted, was he finally able to see its true value.
>Until the early years of the Taishò period (19121926) few Japanese showed much respect for Edo-period culture. As I have argued elsewhere, even men open and receptive to Edo-period culture--for example, the novelists Nagai Kafû (18791959) and Shimazaki Tòson (18721943)--were receptive only because they had come into contact with European evaluations of the subject.These men were, in fact, almost entirely ignorant of Edo-period culture. Even thereafter, only a tiny minority, a few pioneers, showed someappreciation; the prevailing opinion withinJapanese intellectual circles was similar to Saitò’s. Even fairly recently, such bias had not completely disappeared.
>Nevertheless,after the Meiji Restoration of 1868, governmental policies of modernization and westernization dictated a wholesale rejection of the preceding feudal era. Even the best elements of Edo-period culture were deemed outdated and vulgar and were thought to require prompt and thorough extirpation.
>When, for example, a school of fine arts was founded in Tokyo’s Ueno Park during the Meiji period, the Japanese government established a department of Western music but made no provisions for the study of traditional Japanese music. Today hardly anyone would agree with this policy,but it took many years before Japanese traditional music began to be regarded as equal in value to Western music. And it was not until after World War II that Japanese music was made part of the official public school curriculum.
Meiji upper class really hated edo culture lol

>> No.33909032

Thank you, going to check them out.

>> No.33909092

>were receptive only because they had come into contact with European evaluations of the subject
Asians are truly cucked

>> No.33911441

>LNs actually have better pacing than VNs lmao
LNs can never have better pacing considering they're sold 1 volume at a time with months or even years between them. That alone ruins any pacing the writing MIGHT have, which they rarely do. The only way to solve it is waiting for a series to end and marathoning the entire thing.
Eroge don't have this issue unless it's episodic garbage like 9-nine or shit that teases a sequel that never comes out. Usually you buy a finished game and even with some padding here and there you still have a tighter reading experience than reading shitty LN series over years or even decades.

>> No.33911547

what else have you read and liked

>> No.33911616

Use Lanczos2 over Bilinear. And Hardware instead of Software.

>> No.33911754

>Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon
>a 29 volume series with a 14 volume prequel and several spinoffs
>Usotsuki Mii-kun to Kowareta Maa-chan
>last volume released 6 years after the previous

>> No.33911928

I don't even get this pacing argument. LNs are usually a series and VNs are (usually) one-and-done. It's not like I read the first book of Harry Potter and wonder why all the problems haven't been solved or anything. Each book has its own adventure that's done within the book while hinting at something larger on the horizon.

>> No.33911976

>no route for Haruka Sora's girl
Lame, she was the cutest sub girl

>> No.33912010

I liked 坊っちゃん. It's so sarcastic that it makes you wonder if the author was really Japanese.

>> No.33912043 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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holy shit im slow as fuck, I just get it why she yells order and her artifact symbol is on her eye

>> No.33912113

That's why it's retarded to claim LNs are better. While each LN volume usually tells its own story, there's a bigger overarching story that drags on for years at a snail's speed. VNs are complete on release. It doesn't matter what the script sizes are or if one has tighter writing than the other despite the different format. One is complete, the other's not. And in the end modern writers are shit with few exceptions. So I'd rather read a 50 hour VN with padded scenes and unsatisfying ending than read a 50 hour LN series over 5-10 years with padded volumes and unsatisfying ending (or no ending due to cancellation). Fact is LNs are garbage and LNfags should fuck off to their own general, maybe over on reddit or discord.

>> No.33912127

I saw that. Go back, EOP.

>> No.33912160
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I am a JOP too, chill

>> No.33912174

>VNs are complete on release

If you compare something with the ideal scenario, you need to compare it with another ideal scenario. If VNs are finished as they are released, LNs are planned from the start till the final volume and are well paced.

That said, few are.

>> No.33912175

So the main heroine route order is locked huh? But it's exactly the order I wanted to read them in so it doesn't matter

>> No.33912327

Please learn what the word prequel means.

>> No.33912452

>nasu mentions how he wanted to release the tsukihime remake on pc but says his ego as a creator wants people to experience the game on a big tv with the best sound possible
this fucking guy

>> No.33912490

He can't stop me from using Yuzu.

>> No.33912560

Oh yeah, I'm sure everyone in Japan will play the switch version on a giant TV. Makes perfect sense, Nasu.

>> No.33912575

That shouldn't be the issue. A decade and a half and only the near side routes are in the remake. That's less than half the content of the original game and omits the better routes. Not to mention, no Sacchin's route, with her that'd be a third of what was promised. I don't even know what to say.

>> No.33912706

So they cut out stuff, huh. Makes sense. For them it's not worth it, if they can't milk it slowly into fate go as well.

>> No.33912722

Nasu defense force here, but they said they completely rewrote the two routes and at least doubled their size from the original game. It's two routes but it's a 45 hour game according to Takeuchi which is longer than the entirety of the original game.

>> No.33912777

But playing on PC, with a big screen closer to you as well as listening through decent quality headphones/earphones is better than any shitty home entertainment system.

>> No.33912806

45hours with voices all played. That's less than the original game would be with voices all played fully. If they voice every character, the original would be around 1.5x that time. I'd assume this will have a scriptsize of maybe 2mb.

>> No.33912832

They said the text of each route was at least double the original in length.

>> No.33913089

But you can just plug your computer into the TV.

>> No.33913104

I can also plug my PS4 into my computer screen and Nasu can't stop me.
Just kidding I don't have a PS4

>> No.33913236

comyu but don't read it.

>> No.33913263

Have a free (you)
(you) are worse than a middle school brat.

>> No.33913310


>> No.33913318

you could buy it?

>> No.33913319

lol poorfag

>> No.33913924

What does Parfait remake add? from the gameplay preview video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkqxMHuazp0&t=3s
it seems like there's nothing new, well except the updated sprites. I like they kept the original VA, but don't tell me they're just using the old recordings.

>> No.33913935

Anon... it's not a remake. It's a remaster.

>> No.33913953

kusoge confirmed

>> No.33914037

you'll be able to emulate it effortlessly anyway.

>> No.33914388

So what's up with Gikei? A bunch of naked girls everywhere but you can only fuck two in five h-scenes, who thought that was ok?

>> No.33914655

How the fuck can Sengoku Koihime be so long but still underutilise almost the entire cast

And its not a sheer cast size thing because SKM is shorter with more heroines but uses them all better

>> No.33914657

Wagahime out on Nyaa.

>> No.33914956

But who would want to emulate an all-ages kusoge anyway.

>> No.33915116

Nasu sucks and the Tsukihime Remake was always going to be shit like every other remake. But no one expected that fucker to release only half a game. Must milk his shitty multiverse even more haha.

I don't care about your autism. Okay, so Horizon is a SEQUEL to the other one. Still not right? Eat my dick.

>> No.33915140

It adds bad art.

>> No.33915233

Inre has been rapidly declining in quality since 46+1. At this point I have to assume it was just a fluke.

>> No.33915314

Any good recent incest games?

>> No.33915443

They actually said they were trying to get a Z rating. No explicit ero still but I guess that means there will be gore everywhere and stuff.

>> No.33915602

Sorry I can't think of any. It's all NBR shit now, or imoutos with huge tits or hags. Nothing good.

>> No.33915611

>13 years of working on the remake
>two routes
>console only
Man it must suck to be a Typemoonfag

>> No.33915632

I prefer BR and smaller tits, but i don't mind larger tits and NBR either. I'll take any recommendations I can get.

>> No.33915645

Trust the plan, it’s gonna be Nasu’s magnum opus

>> No.33915657

Suiren to Shion maybe? They're cousins though.

>> No.33915669

Meant for >>33915632

>> No.33915687


>> No.33915709

The last big ones were Aikotoba for BR imouto and Oneeyuu for BR onee-san. Orefuka had a decent cousin.

>> No.33915731

What about Hamidashi and koirowa? They have BR imoutos right?

>> No.33915791

The Hamidashi imouto is great but you might get turned off by all the talk about contraceptives.
Dunno about Koirowa, but it's a love or hate game because of the ex-gf. Not interested in that game.

>> No.33915855

>gore everywhere and stuff
The remake will probably be more explicit in that regard. The original game is pretty tame when it comes to gory CGs

>> No.33915885

>imoutos with huge tits
Why is this an issue?

>> No.33915970

Do you think Nasu remembers Mahoyo?

>> No.33916002


>> No.33916027

Probably no. They mentioned in the interview but said absolutely nothing about the talks of future parts to it (of course). It's a shame but oh well I suppose.

>> No.33916220

1. huge tits are disgusting
2. imoutos shouldn't be disgusting or have huge tits
3. the MC is 16-18 and the imouto would be at least 1-3 years younger. The perfect imouto is 12-15 and at that age most girls don't have tits that big. They're still growing/will never grow up because eternal loli

If you want tits then go for hags, osananajimi or whatever else like oppai kouhai. Imoutos have to be flat/budding.

>> No.33916239

wagahime status: not up

>> No.33916338

It's up on AB

>> No.33916807

Not that anon, and I hate to be that guy, but what is AB? Haven't visited one of these threads in ages

>> No.33916832


>> No.33916918

ah, duh, thanks

>> No.33916992

I know it's just a meme but has there ever been ant eroge that actually only got uploaded to AB? Feels like everything always ends up on nyaa or chink sites first.

>> No.33917040

To know that one has to be on AB, which most are not. ABfags claim that everything is on there, but I doubt that. Could be that some hard to get old games are only on there because they don't get seeded on Nyaa or only have dead links on ddl sites. New games are defo not exclusive to AB.

>> No.33917061

>ABfags claim that everything is on there, but I doubt that
it is when it comes to anime and yeah there's a bunch of older vns seeded there that are dead on nyaa but it's not even close to everything

>> No.33917085

i remember demonbane remake which got reuploaded by a nice anon a few days later
also jingai makyou win10

>> No.33917099
File: 194 KB, 1920x947, chrome_2021-03-25_21-58-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's worse is that not even everything new that releases gets uploaded, from last month only the most popular stuff like Clarias and Doukyusei were, you never see the small nukige like https://vndb.org/v29781 that could actually die someday if they're only on nyaa.
And yet every random translation gets uploaded, shows you who the site is for.

>> No.33917176

Looks like something that wouldn't get upped on many sites. What's AB's attitude towards "extreme" content like gore, rape, NTR, saimin, loli? Private sites are always anal about "extreme" content to not get shut down.

>> No.33917177

what site is this? Good UI

>> No.33917192

Follow the conversation, retard. I guess you just want to shill AB.

>> No.33917206
File: 655 KB, 1384x484, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's allowed, it's also allowed in GazelleGames, and since doujin games are fine there I uploaded a shit ton of loli nukige to get ratio.
I don't think private trackers give a fuck about that, they're already pretty shady to begin with.

>> No.33917246

its a fantastic site that ia so much better than nyaa, tokyotosho or anime sharing. AB is truly kami and has every single game under the sun.

>> No.33917274

it doesn't have the jp version of 相楽さん家の悦楽ライフ now shut ur trap

>> No.33917319

Masterlist satisfies 50% of my requests at high speed. I use animesharing or other sketchy sites when it fails me. I'm trying to download chuusotsu and otaku masshigura now but I can't find active links or seeded torrents anywhere.

>> No.33917334

Join AB ;^)

>> No.33917346

if I read a vinnie and its not on AB I make sure to upload it so do my part

>> No.33917361

I can't. That's why this suffering.

>> No.33917365

I know emp doesn't like loli or shota of any kind although that tracker isn't specifically for games/japanese stuff

>> No.33917367

I don't upload shit to private trackers since they're always so autistic about doing it right.
I do upload to nyaa sometimes though, but then get retards in the comments claiming it's a virus because I don't have a green name.

>> No.33917439

Nyaa can be really shitty when it comes to moderation. Not long ago some guy was uploading clearly malicious viruses and that shit stayed up for weeks. Nothing suspicious about every upload being an .exe file with the exact same filesize, even for games that should be only a couple hundreds MB. And recently there's a surge of uploads in Chinese. Really annoying. And as in your case some retards always write negative comments with fake info and shill their favorite seamonkey uploader.

>> No.33917510

>explicit gory CGs
>no sex allowed
Damn, it's really like I'm playing an American game!

>> No.33917526

Hiyori is truly an angel.

>> No.33917529

What kind of name is Shaon?

>> No.33917534

A chink name?

>> No.33917564

There can be sex/rape but it can't be actual porn of course.

>> No.33917602

If you wait a bit, I might upload them just to dab on the AB trannies.

>> No.33917762
File: 3 KB, 1498x19, EJkXSBtKZH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this then?
and an already patched masshigura can be found in the archive

>> No.33917881

ln fag is also a yurifag.

>> No.33917888

holy based

>> No.33917948

That torrent won't complete. It's super slow.

Do it bro

>> No.33917971

He's a trannyfag too

>> No.33917979

Here's Chuusotsu. It's the 1.01 from the torrent.

>> No.33917998

There are a lot of qualities yuri romances coming out in LN medium these days. They explore the concept of love, gender, sexuality and relationships in a way that you can't find in hetshit.

>> No.33918005


>> No.33918027

And here's Chuusotsu 1.5

If OtaMasshi's in the archive, get it there.

>> No.33918036

Are you from the cartel? Do you also watch vtubers?

>> No.33918051

you will never be a woman

>> No.33918052

Thanks bro. Yeah, I found masshigura in archives.
I guess I'll start chuusotsu after completing koinaku that I'm reading now.

>> No.33918077

>Are you from the cartel?
>Do you also watch vtubers?
now and then. But only a couple of vtubers like hoshikawa and mito.

You will never not be an incel

>> No.33918082

There's nothing wrong with yuri or yaoi in fiction (real ones are disgusting). Only trannyshit is always bad. The mentally ill can't love when they don't even love themselves. And tranny fiction cannot be good ever.

>> No.33918089

is gender bender different to tranny shit though

>> No.33918093

Fuck you. TSF is based.

>> No.33918102

Some gender bender fiction is meant to appeal to tranny sensibilities

>> No.33918136

you will always be a woman

>> No.33918137
File: 12 KB, 320x180, mqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn i want to hara-pan hoshikawa so bad

>> No.33918150
File: 2.44 MB, 1385x779, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch eroge vtubers.

>> No.33918156

Depends on the case.
>turned to opposite sex by magic
>crossdressing while dating opposite sex
>yaoi/yuri while pretending to have always been that sex when you haven't
>fiction that idealizes trannies and shows them in a way that's wrong like "I always was a girl in boy's body and now I got this simple surgery and it's all better now and everyone loves me and life is easy teehee. I'm 100% girl teehee"

>> No.33918162

Wow that is some extremely basic taste

>> No.33918175

Himari is the only one I know who unironically likes eroge and has actual taste instead of liking whatever Mainstream.

>> No.33918195

>actual taste
She likes NTR, humiliation and gore, nigga. She thinks dasaku's tranny route is the best thing of all time.

>> No.33918207
File: 2.15 MB, 1388x781, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just going through everything she's played and the first games were recommendations from her brother.

>> No.33918222

Why do you hate yourself?

>> No.33918229

I am looking for VNs with infidelity and divorce/breakup. I recently played https://vndb.org/v8012 and https://vndb.org/v27829 which while NTR VNs end with letting the guy divorce the wife which was very satisfying. I searched on VNDB but I think something like this doesn't always have a tag. The 2 other examples I found involved swapping. Do people have any recommendations?

>> No.33918239

>She thinks dasaku's tranny route is the best thing of all time.
I mean she ain't wrong.

>> No.33918249

Have any of you actually read this game? I've always been curious about it.

>> No.33918269
File: 918 KB, 2732x4096, EdTDBmXUMAcwmiy[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.33918276

sakura miko is one of the most popular vtubers out there and her favorite vns are clover days / hearts, subahibi, and yuzusoft

>> No.33918278

holy based

>> No.33918284

I'm actually liking it a lot. Really good characterization so far. It's just that the prose is too bland.

>> No.33918289

Mizuno is not a vtuber, retard.
Though she did give in to peer pressure and started streaming games, but at least some of them are eroge trials.

>> No.33918296

>There are a lot of qualities yuri romances coming out in LN medium these days.
who asked?

>> No.33918301

Now that's a Romeoge no one talks about. Is it even good?

>> No.33918322

I literally don't know anything about it. I've completed kazokei, cross channel, ima, jintai when it comes to romeo shit. I don't like the concept of kana imouto so I want to read otaku masshigura now.

>> No.33918396
File: 115 KB, 1299x699, Tsukihime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed to be rated CERO Z. So at least the gore shouldn't be an issue

>> No.33918415

All of you retards fuck off back to your containment >>>/vt/

>> No.33918418

I think no one played it because it was too buggy and unplayable.

>> No.33918804

Anyone playing the next big kamige https://vndb.org/v29300 ?

>> No.33918902

Read that as "Mahou Shoujo Shoumou Semen"

>> No.33919225

Parfait up. Ema is the one root worth playing right?

>> No.33919235

Asuka and rikako. ema's route is meh even though she is a good character.

>> No.33919245

Rikako's name also rings a bell but i've never heard of Asuka before. What makes her route worth playing?

>> No.33919254

Yui, Asuka, Ema and Rikako.
These routes are all complete and good, with rikako being done last better.
Rea's is a mess and Kasuri is boring. Ema isn't that good but it's worth playing for the context it gives to Rikako's route.

>> No.33919264

Are all of those routes writen by Maruto?

>> No.33919274

Dead Aegis is up, remember to install the patch:
And don't play the エピソード0 thing first, it has spoilers for the main game.

>> No.33919277

It's just pure moege done right with minimal drama. All the routes in parfait are very short and they don't really achieve much. Most of the fun is in commom route.

>> No.33919287

Japs are saying https://vndb.org/v30118 is pretty much a single heroine classic Smee game, I guess anyone disappointed about the lack of hags in the upcoming one should try it.

>> No.33919289

Any reasons to play that over the original other than the art change and maybe OS compatibility?

>> No.33919292

>It's just pure moege done right with minimal drama.
I mean Asuka's route. Rikako is the drama heavy route. You know how most maruto works have that one unique heroine/route. That is rikako in parfait.

>> No.33919298

Smile/Sumire != Smee

>> No.33919302

Yes I know, that's why I said pretty much.
Check the staff.

>> No.33919373

You can play the original on win 10 too

>> No.33919394

So only the art? No script changes, new routes or other additions? That's a remaster then, not a remake.

>> No.33919397

After you hack the exe

>> No.33919405

Post your 3x3 then, motherfucker. I bet more than half of your favs will be top rated circlejerked kamige.

>> No.33919421

Isn't she a heroine in giga's game

>> No.33919424

Yeah It's just remaking NN's art

>> No.33919438

>not hacking the exes of every game you play
Not gonna make it.

>> No.33919446
File: 442 KB, 1000x563, pic03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The updated art looks better than the original 00s art for me. I'll just go for the remake.

>> No.33919462

>Nekonyan still can't draw hands

>> No.33919467

What I would like to see is an NBR imouto that turns out to be BR, preferably after cumming inside or impregnation.

>> No.33919475
File: 327 KB, 1918x788, right_looks_kinda_creepy_though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A side heroine, but it's weird since it's only the avatar, the vtuber is some random girl different from the game's seiyuu, and they did the same with two other girls.
Already have another two planned and the new game in the Kiss series has animated sprites so I guess it's working out well for them.

>> No.33919602

I'll wait for the inevitable anime instead

>> No.33919645

Left model looks normal, right really does look creepy. I hate uniforms that push the tits like that - is that a belt corsage under them? and clothes don't cup breasts, shitty artists never learn.

>> No.33919783

Give me the most degenerate nukige that doesn't contain gore or necrophilia.

>> No.33919901

Sakuretto is what happens when braindead moebutas try to larp as plotge writers. It fails both as a moege and a plotge.

>> No.33920325

>do a heroine who's not my favorite first
>she turns out okay
>her ending is literally perfect and drives the message of the game home
>starting another route would ruin it all
This is why you always start with your favorite heroine. Shit. And then there's the issue of some heroines rooting for other heroines/their best friend to obsessive degrees so doing them first would feel like betraying the other girl who I'd have to do later. Some moege are cruel.

>> No.33920347

>these girls are supposed to be over 20

>> No.33920353


>> No.33920385

Thats why I only play kamige with harem endings

>> No.33920449

can only pick one

>> No.33920462

I reject your ultimatum and pick both, just like I pick both (or more if there are more than 2) heroines in my harem endings.

>> No.33920498

Lol, where did this month go?
I randomly opened Nyaa and was surprised to see new games uploaded.

>> No.33920967

Yayaya. Gonna do Himukai Chihiro first and then Dead OMEGA Aegis

>> No.33921155

Sounds like me in Sakura Mau Otome no Rondo. Just went along on feeling and stumbled onto the former president route. Then she turns out to be a former childhood friend and has huge complex over the protag fucking off overseas without a word and develops a hatred of men because of it. Not doing her route feels like dooming her to never resolving her issues.

>> No.33921198

Started Chihiro and damn it's got a real banger in the main menu. I could listen to this all day.

>> No.33921446
File: 1.05 MB, 1920x1080, 日向千尋は仕事が続かない_2021-03-26_12-09-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, it's definitely written by SMEE's writer.

>> No.33921481

And it's shit

>> No.33921518

I like the cringy type of humor, so suck my balls.

>> No.33922395
File: 237 KB, 500x895, 160887254797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead end aegis is kamige

>> No.33922475

>no origami
kusoge dropped

>> No.33922656

When will Wagahime be up on nyaa? I've been reading law and latin all day, I need something to relax.

>> No.33922673


>> No.33923042

Kurumi is so hot.

>> No.33923045

Maybe they implemented Denuvo like DMM English side

>> No.33923103

new art is shite for this reason alone.

>> No.33923157

>And don't play the エピソード0 thing first, it has spoilers for the main game.
When should i play it then?

>> No.33923279

Holy shit that's retarded. Who names it that way when it's not actually a prequel?

>> No.33923949

is wagahime already up?

>> No.33923997

11:24 PM JST
Wagahime status: not up

>> No.33924019

what a shitty day

>> No.33924144

All actually good eroge are up, no one needs your crap lol.

>> No.33924175

Left ones look like cheap chink versions
Eroge is dead

>> No.33924188

Wagahime bros... did we get too cocky?

>> No.33924271

It's apparently about what happened in Mars when Lisette rescued the MC, so I guess you can read it after they reveal whatever they're hiding there.

>> No.33924316

wagahime has denuvo

>> No.33924353

Kusoge confirmed

>> No.33924791

It's very likely that everything DMM is involved with will have that Denuvo spyware from now on.

>> No.33925031
File: 184 KB, 983x1400, panda_ookuma_791632386240815104_20161027_092723_img1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this girl

>> No.33925199


>> No.33925287

You are an invading EOP who spams stupid shit here for lulz anyway, so you can just go read some of your recently released trannylations.

>> No.33925347

They have Denuvo too, time to evolve into an OELVN bro.

>> No.33925485

Best girl

>> No.33925559

Women don't suddenly get saggy breasts, wrinkly faces, and hourglass bodies when they hit 20, anon.

>> No.33925761
File: 14 KB, 600x300, they fear us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave eop plz!!!
lol, we are all jops

>> No.33925820

why do the kamige always drop late? i remember clarias taking like three days as well

>> No.33925911


>> No.33926241

Hags are fine too. Very cute.

>> No.33926505

Did you know namaniku has a massive fart fetish? I suppose it was to be expected.

>> No.33926511

is this outfit canon?

>> No.33926544

>And then there's the issue of some heroines rooting for other heroines/their best friend to obsessive degrees so doing them first would feel like betraying the other girl who I'd have to do later
I know, but it feels good to do them afterwards. Lets them win twice in a way, first as the wingwoman and then as the heroine.

>> No.33926572

For me, it's nothing but a steady diet of pure JVNs and EVNs.

>> No.33927239

The masterlist is down for me, anyone got a mirror?

>> No.33927431

A B)

>> No.33927480

Working for me

>> No.33927661

Kamihime is up bros!

>> No.33927687

Holy shit it's real

>> No.33927764

erogechads....we're finally winning...

>> No.33927768

Of course it is. I would never deceive my /jp/ bros!

>> No.33928024

has there ever been a case where you guys thought an eroge was kamige but it's very low rated on EGS

>> No.33928057
File: 1.49 MB, 1920x1080, 日向千尋は仕事が続かない_2021-03-26_18-49-14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Fraiday my dudes

>> No.33928067

It depends on how loosely you use the term kamige, but yes I've played at least one game I though was dramatically better than the EGS score before.

>> No.33928102

I don't think so. Usually it's the opposite for me

>> No.33928104

what's it called?

>> No.33928130

D ~その景色の向こう側~

>inb4 shit taste
It's pretty unique and I like the scenario.

>> No.33928157

Those thighs can smother me all day long. That skin indentation uooooooh! Love the eyebrows, eyes and small breasts. Not sure the blond hair was the best choice for her.

>> No.33928182

We in there boys

>> No.33928186

nah, I would never make fun of one of my friends on the untranslated eroge thread for their taste. i was just curious. i've never heard of this game before though. interesting.

>> No.33928205

So now that the dust has settled - what's the verdict on Wagahime?

>> No.33928245


New mellow game upcoming.

>> No.33928262

>launch update

>> No.33928308

Better sooner than later to be fair.

>> No.33928339


>> No.33928374

>the rabbit
>only unaesthetically drawn big tits
>900p resolution
>ED undecided

>> No.33928656

my wagahime dl is almost complete
i'll see you guys after i finish the game

>> No.33928684

Just go back to /vg/ and tell them about your kamige

>> No.33928720

bro wait...i'm only at 25%...

>> No.33928949
File: 805 KB, 1280x720, 2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. I'll meet you on the other side...

>> No.33928957

I already got one ending

>> No.33929225 [DELETED] 

EGS and its users are shit tier so I dont consider them a metric to define kamige.

>> No.33929250

EGS and its users are shit tier so I dont consider them a metric to define kamige.

>> No.33929403

Would I like Sen no Hatou if I liked Eustia?

>> No.33929577


>> No.33929838
File: 19 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VNs where you get "abused" early. but then give ahegao left and right?

>Hard mode - No hypnosis bs, no ugly bastard, magic is fine tho.

>> No.33929999
File: 7 KB, 676x48, explorer_FOuT7be2EM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retarded or is this a winrar with a single iso (the whole game) and the other is in parts ( disk 1 & 2) I download both

>> No.33930173

>Am I retarded
It's probably even worse than that seeing as how you can't read Japanese despite trying to play a game in Japanese, can't even read and understand English and can't figure out what wav is. It's terminal at this point.

>> No.33930253
File: 30 KB, 1200x428, DeepL more like Deepfucking JOPS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how you can't read Japanese

>> No.33930283

Okay lads give me the h-code for Wagahime

>> No.33930304

I dream every night of strangling you retarded discordfags whose only purpose here is to make others mad. I hate retarded mods with burning passion for not permabanning your raid.

>> No.33930383

Trolled hard lmao

>> No.33930397

The trials didn't (particularly) need one, Textractor worked acceptably out of the box. They should be somewhere in the comments over at

>> No.33930399

Senmomo is dogshit. If you have shit taste you might like it but if you liked Eustia that means you probably don’t have shit taste.

>> No.33930415

You fuck off as well, back to the EOP general where you belong.

>> No.33930494
File: 75 KB, 607x339, 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it generally works but it's not pretty

>> No.33930539

It's just 1 autistic EOP, not a raid.

>> No.33930545

I guess we need to use Replacer for the names and for the [n]

>> No.33930568

Shut up queef. Get over the idolshit already and enjoy the rest of Senmomo.

>> No.33930616

what styler are you using? looks cool

>> No.33930648

Senmomo is good but don't expect it to be deep or thought provoking

>> No.33930665

It's an empty html page (taken from https://anacreondjt.gitlab.io/docs/texthooker/)) with a clipboard inserter browser add-on, font changed to Noto Sans CJK JP

>> No.33930671

Is there a reason why Ema calls the MC Jin instead of Hitoshi? It seems too blatant to be just an oversight.

>> No.33930735

Untranslated games are not allowed so we stay here, pseudo jop.

>> No.33930748

should filter out all the noise I think, paste into Regex Filter extension

>> No.33930793

>that VN rec chart
Half of that list is translated old shit, the rest is old shit and pretentious old shit by "kamige" writers. All plot, chuuni and gameplay shit, no moeshit at all. Explains why most JOPs end up with trash taste when they're told to follow these awful ancient lists.
