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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3388255 No.3388255 [Reply] [Original]

What is this?

/jp/ has started on a project to translate the visual novel Hatsukoi.

Are you in need of translators?

Of course! Anyone with knowledge of Japanese (and English) is welcome to join in and start translating with the simple and easy-to-use REtrans™ Web Interface.

What is the length/progress/ETA?

The total length of the content is approximately 32k lines. We have translated a little over 5% of that as of this post. At our current rate of ~180 lines a day, we'll finish sometime in March of 2010. But the more translators we have, the faster everyone can enjoy the results! If we get to 300 lines a day, we'll finish before the end of the year.

Translator interface

Old threads

Official site


Lite Version
Hacked exe for Lite Version

>> No.3388265

So is this a Moe game ?

>> No.3388271

It's beyond moe. You could call it noe.

>> No.3388282

Then I won't be playing it.
I don't have anything aginst Moe but I just can't play Moe novels.

>> No.3388286

It's an incest story, you should know what to expect. Though I hear it does it very well.

>> No.3388288

Who's editing it?

I just glanced through the translated portion, but I've noticed several sentences with missing punctuation.

>> No.3388290

Incest ?
I'm suddenly interested in this game.

>> No.3388297

You just found that out? Jesus, learn to vndb or something.

>> No.3388303

Pronounced 'vun-dub'.

>> No.3388304

then please be an editor.

>> No.3388310

Since you noticed it, why don't you fix it?

>> No.3388312

Is there an IRC channel for this, or is it being done completely via 4chan/the REtrans interface?

>> No.3388324

I.. I'm sorry OP. ;_; I forgot to bump the previous thread this morning and it died off by the time I got home. I'm so worthless.

>> No.3388348

And that's why you're not the project manager.

>> No.3388357

Bumping for my question again. Is there an IRC channel for this, or is being done only through 4chan?

>> No.3388356


..I see how it is. I guess I'll close this thread and 'forget' about bumping it from now on.


>> No.3388389

I'll keep the project moving along, but you (and everyone else) should/can bump the thread too, to ease my job as well. I have to maintain the REtrans system too.

No, yes. I asked about setting up a board for it several threads ago but noone expressed interest in that.

>> No.3388437

Well, does REtrans have an option that allows you to view previous edits?

For instance, this section of text:

You have to know more than just twirling the stick! There is no point if you're not having a straight back and cleanly twirl the baton while looking cute

This entire section sounds awkward, especially the second part. And while I would change the wording to something along the lines of:

You have to know more than just how to twirl the baton! There's no point if you don't stand straight and cleanly twirl the baton while looking cute!

Probably not the best way to reword it, but (to me) it sounds much better than the original. However, if someone later wants to go back and edit this further, will they have access to the original text?

Also, a few of the translated sentences that lack ending punctuation are also lacking ending punctuation in the Japanese text. Any idea if those are errors, or perhaps something else going on in the text?

>> No.3388442


Also, lost my train of thought in there somewhere. Ignore the "And while".

>> No.3388579

We do keep changelogs internally, but currently they're not accessible to the public and stored in a format more suitable for backup/recovery. However, if you desire, we may consider adding a revision history feature to the system. Note that the original untranslated text is always available to view.

The originals are pretty much as-is from the script files, so any lack of punctuation is probably inherited from the original script.

>> No.3388649

why dont you use assembla.

>> No.3388791

>paid service
Do not want.

>> No.3388963

I'm in favor of there being an IRC channel for this project.

>> No.3388977

just use the tlwiki

>> No.3389015

what for?
there's nothing wrong with the current interface

>> No.3389147

I'm back to working on Anzu. Guess you really do need more help after all, but it was a fun week playing other VNs.

>> No.3389275

It's only a paid service if you want privacy options.

>> No.3389289

Whoops. I often got lazy with punctuation throughout the translation.
Only 1600 lines of fixing to do

>> No.3389315

I'm uh ... I'm doing the same thing. Primarily because I'm preserving the Japanese punctuation, all the …… the 。and of course the 」

If you want, I'm only 100 lines into Anzu so I can already easily change things.

Do we want standard English punctuation? Do we want to preserve Japanese punctuation? I remember the mess with " being unrecognized, is that still the case?

>> No.3389330

Yeah it's also I thing I'm confused about. I've been retaining the 「 」 but I realized that there's no period at the end of them. However the narration text has the 。Also I've been keeping the Japanese ellipses but they are damn excessive. Seriously I can understand 3 or 6 like this ...... but 12? ............ Should I get rid of some?

>> No.3389338

I like em but lets see what other people want. I enjoy preserving the Japanese punctuation because I need to think less but if it's going to bother people we should figure out the look of this before we get finished and screw our editors.

BTW thanks for translating 1600 lines.

>> No.3389342


And this is why we need an IRC channel.

>> No.3389345

Oh, also, we still have a need for someone who has even the bare minimum recognition of kanji to change the names in field 9. Seriously, all you need to know is what kanji represents what name, no other experience required.

>> No.3389348

So why don't you guys have an IRC channel already? All it takes is joining a non-existent channel

>> No.3389354

Probably because the project doesn't suffer much without it. Seriously, I think preserving the Japanese punctuation (which is what's been happening so far) is fine. It's my opinion that lack of proper English punctuation won't hurt the story.

>> No.3389357

Well, I figured it would be best for the project lead to say something about it.

I'd be up for it, though. I'd assume on Rizon since that's where all the other 4chan crap is.

>> No.3389371

I like the person who's been translating lines with limited Japanese, it's cute. They get a bit of it wrong because of lack of context but it's fun seeing a few lines here and there roughly translated.

>> No.3389449

Some of these lines contain spaces before the text begins. Any particular reason for this, and can they be taken out?

>> No.3389583

>I'd be up for it, though. I'd assume on Rizon since that's where all the other 4chan crap is.

Yes, that is just what this project needs: people from the rest of 4chan, along with the entire Rizon ghetto! Oh, the joys of moderating a bunch of translation beggars and "Hey whats ur favorite anime? EXCKS DEE" e-friend-seeking chatfags. Productivity will surely increase tenfold.

polite sage

>> No.3389640

Only the ingame text is being translated.
Not bothering with the rest because first, it's trivial to change a limited amount of occurrences and two, it might break something.

>> No.3389717

1. If you read some of the previous threads, others have expressed interest in keeping the original Japanese punctuation, and unless anyone here strongly dislikes the Japanese-style quotes etc., we should leave them as-is. This will also mean (slightly) less work for our translators.

2. Standard English double quotes work in the system, but the engine crashes in some relatively common and somewhat subtle cases involving their use. Please see point (1) above; this is another reason for that.

3. Regarding the ellipses: also see point (1).

4. >>3389449. Leading spaces will show up as padding. This engine does not support any sort of formatting beyond furigana, so e.g. to align something in the middle of the text box you will need to pad it with spaces. Their presence, for now at least, should correspond to their presence (or lack thereof) in the original text. We'll probably need to reformat the scripts afterwards, to break up long lines into multiple lines, etc.

5. No IRC channel currently exists, and >>3389583-san explains quite well why we wouldn't benefit much from one. It's also worth mentioning that, for us, (text) boards are a cheap resource to acquire. On the other hand, moving the discussion off-site may reduce the visibility and thus apparent ownership of the project to /jp/.

I think that's all I have to say for now. Ask if you have anything else.

>> No.3389729

I've been wanting to help you guys for a while now.. but.. I'm a bit worried about mistranslating stuff.

So, will that be all right? Or will I get bitched at for doing that?

>> No.3389768

>On the other hand, moving the discussion off-site may reduce the visibility and thus apparent ownership of the project to /jp/.
I don't think it's as much of a question of ownership as it is a question of motivation. It seems to me that it is much easier to maintain a project if it keeps ties to a community. Of course, it's possible to establish a formal group and build up a community around that, but that requires a lot of extra work.

However, you also must consider the problem of fucking retarded janitors and moderators running around deleting anything which even resembles productivity (and ignoring all of the troll threads, of course).

>> No.3389779

Both. There are others doing some editing anyway. I suggest you start on one of the files that noone else has done anything with yet, like COCO.

>> No.3389780

mistranslate away. It's not a big problem and I for one won't yell at you. Unless of course your experience with Japanese comes exclusively from babelfish in which case well ...

I just got done cleaning up some of the text in Anzu that were mistranslated but it's not hard work and it's easier having something to work with than nothing.

>> No.3389799

>>>3389583-san explains quite well why we wouldn't benefit much from one
But everything he mentioned involves outsiders coming in, which if you don't want you can always make it a private channel.

>> No.3389814


I'll start (mis)translating things then.

>> No.3389850


Good points, though I think you're overestimating the problems quite a bit. Considering that the channel name would be mentioned only in /jp/, and probably only the people interested in working on editing or translation would join, we'd have what? 10 people?

But regardless, it sounded like there were 2-3 people in the thread who had interest in actually editing the text. I would imagine that it would be much easier to co-ordinate things in a real-time environment rather than via /jp/. It would be a hassle when you have 2-3 editors going back and forth over a particular line because they don't agree on how it should be edited.

Division of tasks would be easier with an IRC channel. You could actually see a concrete number on how many people are interested on working on what. If an editor is uncertain about how a certain line should be edited, he could say something in the IRC channel to either get feedback there or have another editor look at it.

I still advocate either an IRC channel or some other type of real-time communications. If there's a personal issue with Rizon, there are different servers that could be used.

>> No.3390008

If you or anyone wants to setup an IRC channel for this, go ahead and post the details here (I suggest #retransintl), although I won't be the one responsible for managing it --- I have enough to do already, but if time allows I might join.

>> No.3390764

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3391202

one more bump for the day

>> No.3391512

Would you slap a bot in there to log the channel 24/7 and publicly publish every word of it over http? Because if not, /jp/ is superior. The archive allows someone who has just discovered the project and is interested in helping out to catch up on everything they've missed. If someone joins halfway through the project and wants to know why something was done a certain way, he or she can simply search the archive, as opposed to asking on IRC, which would distract multiple people(and possibly risk rehashing once-settled drama). There's a reason that pretty much every non-clusterfuck open source project uses a mailing list with a public archive for project discussion and real work, relegating their IRC channel, if they have one, to tech support and faggot quarantine duties. Even though this project seems to have more in common with 2ch's projects than with those of the OPEN SORES COMMUNE-ITY, the point about having an open and searchable history of discussion and debate still stands.

>It would be a hassle when you have 2-3 editors going back and forth over a particular line because they don't agree on how it should be edited.

Indeed, that would be quite the hassle with IRC, what with the two hour flamewar that it would inevitably devolve into. Disagreement in real-time chat goes off the rails and into "NO U" territory with frightening speed, and on IRC it has a tendency to suck half the channel into the catfight before all is said and done. And WHEN all is said and done, regardless of which medium is used, an edit war is likely to be resolved the same way in both cases: by either a "Hand of God" decision from the project lead(which requires the presence of the project lead) or some form of vote(which likely cannot be done in real-time due to someone being asleep half a world away).

>> No.3391515

>>3391512 cont'd
>Division of tasks would be easier with an IRC channel. You could actually see a concrete number on how many people are interested on working on what. If an editor is uncertain about how a certain line should be edited, he could say something in the IRC channel to either get feedback there or have another editor look at it.

All of that can be done here. As opposed to saying "I'm going to edit X for grammar now" on IRC, one could simply say it here. As opposed to saying "How many of you guys are translating and how many of you guys are willing to edit?" on IRC, one could simply say it here. As opposed to asking how a certain line should be edited, one could simply(ry. In fact, because anyone is free to contribute what they may without consulting with whoever is on IRC, you wouldn't even be able to get a concrete number just by a show of hands on IRC, nor could IRC prevent two translators or editors from focusing on the same thing.

Also, as much as I'd like to believe that /jp/ could be one of those rare groups that could stay on-topic in a project-related IRC channel, I have a strong feeling that the opposite will happen within a relatively short period of time.

"Sugoi Monogatari" by Aniki: Cliff Notes Edition:
I don't think an IRC channel will truly add anything to the project. I also think it stands a good chance of impairing productivity in the long run.

>> No.3391760


Bumpin' for truth.

I firmly believe that a link to the archive should be made a sticky...

>> No.3391783

So how is the game and which platform for?
Sorry for asking but I was for 3 weeks without internet thanks to my ISP

>> No.3391810
File: 19 KB, 350x400, anzu_all.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best incest game I've played and that's sayin a lot because I've played a lot. /jp/ took that idea and is rolling with it at a phenomenal rate. It's for PC.

Details here for the non adult PS2 version (which BTW I am already buying)

>> No.3391838

hmm so /jp/ wants to translate a pc eroge? doesn't sound much possible to me ...

>> No.3391854

considering over 1700 lines have been translated so far I'm pretty sure it'll happen.

>> No.3391857

>trying to use /jp/'s laziness against it
>Thinly veiled disbelief
>Odd grammar


>> No.3391864

Calling it an incest game is kind of going overboard. It's a game with an incest route, which is surprisingly good and really only because other games drop the ball so hard when it comes to incest routes.

>> No.3391892

I found Hatsukoi underwhelming on the whole, the imouto route being one of the only two decent routes in the story (the senpai's route looked like it could have been good, and it certainly took an unusual direction, but they dropped the ball on it near the end). If we're talking Rune games, I liked Purely more.

>> No.3391944


That's why there has to be someone in a managerial capacity. I know that it sucks, but if you want to have a consistent voice and style for the whole project, you'll have to decide on a head editor. If he wants to be pro about it, he'll select a style guide (and I beg you, use Western punctuation), modify it to the needs of the project, and have the other editors use it. That way you don't get into disagreements over stupid shit like serial commas.

The one thing that pisses me off about translated VNs is grammar errors and style problems. I had to stop playing Kira Kira about midway through the first chapter because I couldn't stand the script problems, and I wound up mentally editing it like crazy instead of reading the story.

>> No.3391953


Ahaha. Look at that number disagreement in the start of the second paragraph. God I suck.

>> No.3391960

I don't care how you translate it so long as you make it readable and accurate, really.

>> No.3393022


>> No.3393029

Mind if I join?

>> No.3393033 [DELETED] 

Saw this posted somewhere else...
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3393207

I've been behind schedule lately.
I'll be sure to get to at least line 2000 by the end of today
Just be a translatin in mah material sciences lecture

>> No.3393697

Go ahead and jump right in. What will you be helping out with?

>> No.3394461

Damn some of the lines are starting to repeat
copy pasting sure is annoying...

>> No.3395234


>> No.3395457

Line 2000 of what? There's more than one script... and I do believe we past cumulative line 2000 a long time ago.

>> No.3396287

Common. Nobody else seems to be doing it for some reason. But I'll be able to finish it in about 1 more month at the current rate (unless someone jumps in, then it'll be even faster).

But yeah someone please do Anzu too, then we can at least get a full route in by the next month or two

>> No.3397529

bampu pantsu~

>> No.3398337

I guess a lot of the ones who would know how to translate don't want to run over each other.

also, bump.

>> No.3398339

Anzu is the only route that is really worth anything.

>> No.3398491

Hence why it's the first to be worked on, following Common.

>> No.3398507

How about doing a real game? Not in for boring shit like that.

>> No.3398522

Nobody's forcing you to read this.

>> No.3398563

Yes but to translate.

>> No.3399148

Morning bump. Had a 12 hour sleep, fuck year.

>> No.3399154 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
This site rocks.

>> No.3400430


>> No.3402045


>> No.3403602

Wow, this thread is still here.

>> No.3403949


I keep it up when I can. I managed to let the last thread die though so it would be nice if others would bump it now and again too..

>> No.3404348

Bump before bed.

>> No.3404580

ANZU 116/5616
B 0/76
C 0/127
COCO 14/4937
COMMON 2177/6754
D 187/187
E 0/12
KARIN 0/4486
KOMOMO 14/7127
M 11/24
P 7/7
S 0/650
V 21/21
YUSUMI 20/4435
TOTALS 2567/34459 7.449%

Average rate 152.965 lines/day

We seem to have slowed down... NEED MOAR SPEED!!!

>> No.3404593

Once October hits, we won't see these threads around here anymore, just like always, /jp/ style, eeeh

>> No.3405472


At the end of the day a decent amount of lines will still have been translated and is welcome for any other group to have a nice head start in translating it.


I imagine it being September doesn't help since a lot of people are back at university and such and are still adjusting to their new work/schedules. Unfortunately being a bumpfag is all I can do.

On that note, bumping this. Just woke up not even 4 hours later.. hopefully I can get back to sleep soon enough or else I'll feel terrible later on tonight.

>> No.3405901

What do you mean, it's Eternal October now?
