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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33886039 No.33886039 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/
Previous thread: >>33874429

Jannies should delete the other thread because it's shilling.

>> No.33886065

round 2
now we'll know if jannies get paid by wan crabs or not

>> No.33886072

gonna 賛成 with that

>> No.33886092

Japanese is hard :^(

>> No.33886097
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>> No.33886113

if it's hard you're doing something wrong

>> No.33886122

Sorry for being stupid

>> No.33886143

it's ok i'm stupid as well

>> No.33886544

It's not hard, it just takes time investment. It takes time investment to learn anything.

>> No.33886553
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>> No.33886558
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Guide: https://tatsumoto-ren.github.io/blog/table-of-contents

>> No.33886568


>> No.33886576

Good thing the gun isn't loaded

>> No.33886614

How would you know

>> No.33886662

Things that are boring and take a lot of time investment are hard.

>> No.33886680

Because I used to not know any Japanese at all and now I can read easy manga like shonen and some casual seinen and simple light novels like Oreimo or simpler visual novels like Summer Pockets and through the process of getting from where I was to where I am now I learned that the actual process of learning is incredibly easy it just takes time.

How hard is it for you to learn a single word? It's not hard at all, right? You just have to repeat that task 30,000 times which takes a lot of time. How hard is it to learn a new grammar point or a new kanji? It's the same. The actual process of learning Japanese is incredibly easy, just time consuming.

Even I know that. If you can't understand that then you must be doing everything the hardest way possible or you are new. I'm pretty sure even my biggest haters would agree.

>> No.33886690

If learning Japanese is boring then you need to stop whatever you're watching/reading and find something new to watch/read.

>> No.33886739

then don't do it dumbass give up

>> No.33886760

why are we even counting threads

>> No.33886783

why do anything

>> No.33886831

Originally I didn't but og and others kept accusing me of being 4bbc so I started using a trip.

>> No.33886880

Hard to get excited about this OP when wani is based enough to have all those backlinks. You need to include them as well if you want to compete.

>> No.33886979

lets go

>> No.33887007

This thread is going to be deleted. You're wasting good posting material.

>> No.33887059


>> No.33887207

you gf finally giving you permission?

>> No.33887252

here you go, it can take as long as 10 years:

you really need to change that line, it's just ridiculous and makes you seem like you have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.33887314


>> No.33887386

I mined some tips hopefully it will be yaku ni tati

>> No.33887518







>> No.33887564

disappointed she made no mention of hpv and the importance of contraception, esp considering she is an av actress lol

>> No.33887584






>> No.33887689

japanese people are way behind the rest of the world when it comes to sex ed

>> No.33887700


>> No.33887714

realistically chances are basically everyone that does AV has herpes

>> No.33887746

yes but im thinking its like 90+% in porn

>> No.33888022

what are the std rate in jp vs western countries?

>> No.33888184

what are they about what format do you use ive been making a few myself

>> No.33888296

have you licked her pussy yet

>> No.33888555


>> No.33888718



>> No.33888795




>> No.33889346


>> No.33889490

don't really know what the hate for jannies is all about outside of them not doing their job right sometimes. they are literally volunteering to help with the site people who complain about them use

>> No.33889531




>> No.33889579

i tried to apply for jannying djt but they rejected me because i said that i want to ban all tripfags.

>> No.33889675

when did he say that?

>> No.33889791

anacreon is like john. he doesn't know japanese, but has memorized a lot of shitty advice given out on djt.

>> No.33889814

doesn't that go for pretty much the entire thread

>> No.33889949

genuinely wanna do one of these and see how well i do but i have no mic so i can't

>> No.33889981

don't have a phone

>> No.33890172


>> No.33890476
File: 3.65 MB, 2000x2708, animu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what went wrong?

>> No.33890519

how come there's one of these for anime and vinnies but none for lns or manga?

>> No.33890557

gave u a view but idk if it counted cuz i block cookies and as many scripts as possible on that site

>> No.33890638

lns are trash and manga is timeless

>> No.33890833

i can kind of relate to that which is why i never look up the seiyuu

>> No.33890914


>> No.33890948 [DELETED] 

i've been reporting wanikani posts in general for advertising but janny does nothing

>> No.33891028

thx but i was wondering about the audio

where did he say that? i'm guessing he's talking about yoga

>> No.33891588

Anyone got silly tricks for remembering Japanese words/kanji, etc.? Shit like how 車 looks like a car.
>月曜日 has a bunch of "circles" or "square" sections, which look like breasts, and I'm reminded of 月曜日のたわわ
>火曜日 has the kanji for fire, and Tuesdays are "autumn" days
>水曜日 has the kanji for water, and water is used to put out fire, thus putting out Tuesday and going into Wednesday.
>木曜日 has the kanji for tree, so you do studying on Thursday; since it reminds me of 本日 and books.
>金曜日 means that you get paid at the end of the work week.
>土曜日 has a simple kanji, and "do" makes it sound stupid, and I do stupid things on Saturday
>日曜日 double kanji for sun, so it's easy to recall "Sun"day.

>> No.33891621

was happy when i saw 朝鮮 because i thought the second kanji is a new one but it's just azayaka

>> No.33891656

please be a reddit post

>> No.33891661

death note has a certain feeling about it that i've never seen again in anime and I don't really know why
even though the entire second half of the show is ass i can't help but like it

>> No.33891981

any posts worth reading

>> No.33892092

his wani reps

>> No.33892094

janiturd only cares if you post nsfw images which will get deleted in 30 seconds

>> No.33892192

by the time you get even halfway through, japanese will be so normal for you that it's no longer gonna feel like anything to brag about. it's just gonna be words.

>> No.33892193
File: 1 KB, 148x74, cIzYKbhCFZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this dialogue is genius, if you know japanese you know what im talking about

>> No.33892210

it's just a regular play on words, lad, nothing special to talk about

>> No.33892345

everytime i have meltdown in djt its like

>> No.33892401

i loathe opening discord so if you want to shake me once and for all closing this board and going to discord is a pretty good way to do it

>> No.33892403

become a security guard you only need to get a really simple certification

>> No.33892421

the only reason why you dislike discord is because hxh guy ended up exiting your discord group

>> No.33892429

he was the only chat worth reading

>> No.33892437

based and fancy

>> No.33892463

imagine willingly to talking to that degenerate

>> No.33892498

>jamal will talk about music with his lgbt friend but won't stream anime for the djt watch-party

>> No.33892500

feel it out

>> No.33892546

average meaning N7 or N8 level since no one here is ever going to get above that

>> No.33892557

you live a very sad life

>> No.33892625


>> No.33892626

kill yourself faggot

>> No.33892688

thats for yall to decide id show up for the matrix tho

>> No.33892733

haha how can you be angry at an environment you helped create lmao

>> No.33892738

i didn't get banned from anywhere else except red which i never used anyway

>> No.33892760

i did i just had a temporary account to talk to jamal for a second

>> No.33892776

did you really make an account just to talk to him about music

>> No.33892787

you don't have to do anything you just enter a name

>> No.33892868
File: 103 KB, 1270x694, white_pig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33892954

qm called him out on this ages ago

>> No.33892968

i'd rather forever be hiraitegoma than perpetually ironic like jamal

>> No.33892974


>> No.33893007

watasi no kata

>> No.33893028

are you implying blacks aren't criminals?

>> No.33893033
File: 12 KB, 719x71, qm jack shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33893035

you all are so sad imagine living like this for years rather than trying to uplift each other.

>> No.33893055


>> No.33893056

*drops barrels*

>> No.33893072

im still fond of when he said he wanted to be the guy who wipes down the loads in the soa pods
its painfully clear you lit this fire because you hate japan and dont want anyone to learn japanese or interact with yellow people

>> No.33893111

if you unironically shill against going to japan and making friends with japanese people to speak to them you dont want anyone to make it and i dont want to hear your cope

>> No.33893120

dont care about japan or japanese people

>> No.33893229

you are preparing for a 5 year long space ride to the new earth. you may bring

1 manga series
1 anime series
1 visual novel
1 game

what are they?

>> No.33893271

ijipan atui

>> No.33893277

i suggest you visit a shrink

>> No.33893281

lol, reminds me of that simpsons bit

>> No.33893284

this one?

>> No.33893299

if you keep arguing like this, you are gonna go tranny someday

>> No.33893316

who is this guy? i heard he killed himself for the bully

>> No.33893317


>> No.33893325

dragon quest if i had to pick only one maybe 5

>> No.33893331

konohana kitan
doom eternal

>> No.33893337

this is basically how it feels to read or listen to japanese as a beginner

>> No.33893342


>> No.33893371


>> No.33893374

native level

>> No.33893377

doesnt really matter cause id be bored of whatever i bought within a month

>> No.33893380

you said it was on sale at 250 what is it now on clearance? lol

>> No.33893393

You can feel the mastery slipping through sometimes

>> No.33893395

very native level masu at the end right there
jamal is a dekiru after all

>> No.33893398

yeah the wohle market went red for like the last 3 weeks so its dragged it down to fire sale prices

when it bounces expect to get hella rich !!!

>> No.33893413

whenever jamal feels like flexing his level i just remember my little lum sippin tea post telling him "oh honey oh sweety" and watching his heart break and i feel a lot better

>> No.33893416

stfu you spoiled retard

>> No.33893425

DJT no minna san, did you already colonize your waifu?

>> No.33893429

ive made like 2k cards on investment terms

>> No.33893430

i came from nothing i got it all myself

>> No.33893445

getting lucky in the lottery lmao give me a break, a hard worker same as og

>> No.33893446

just 1


>> No.33893449

bro have some self respect

>> No.33893452

i bought calls when he said that 責任取らせてもらう

>> No.33893506

i never said i worked hard i just said i got it myself

also true i at least worked on a boat as my grunt work job before i realized i could get money on the puter

og did 3 months in a strip club with black dudes looking at her ass while she served them drinks and prolly made nothing doing it

>> No.33893536

it continued its downward trend since then? lol

>> No.33893546

black guys either dont go to strip clubs, or there werent enough in my town cause honestly dont member anyone not being white

>> No.33893547

are you stupid
look at the charts

>> No.33893548

a 10 dollar stock 6 months is currently trading at about 150 bucks and was trading at over 300 bucks almost 2 months ago

no matter how u look at it its actually upward trend zoom out squiddo

>> No.33893551

huge cope

>> No.33893568

and by the way the tips i made at that place make me feel guilty to this day.

>> No.33893569

i just hope ur willing to wear 1 of them uniforms for me in the future

>> No.33893577

>a 10 dollar stock 6 months
yeah back when only intelligent investors owned that stock

>> No.33893578

holy shit og was really a stripper? sasuga ne

>> No.33893584

times have changed no one cares about the reddit aids stock anymore its time to put your cash in a well perfomring index fund

>> No.33893586

you worked at one of the most disreputable establishments out there i dont care what you did youre a filthy whore whats your excuse for being less than human

>> No.33893588


>> No.33893589

such as

>> No.33893603

there are none they r all getting shorted to fuck if they contain gamestop cuz lmao

its fine u can be slutty just for me we can even get 1 of those poles ill swing on it too

>> No.33893608

>1 manga series
>1 anime series
darker than black
>1 visual novel
>1 game

>> No.33893610

too easy

>> No.33893612

this is even stupider advice than meme stocks. this house of cards is collapsing with no survivors right fucking quick and lmao at morons who invest like you

>> No.33893613

what did you wear?

>> No.33893651

*buys property in metropolitan areas years before the populations and prices exploded*

heh... nothing personal kiddos

>> No.33893655

the absolute state of white women

>> No.33893656

moe what do you do for work?

>> No.33893704

this but i inherited it

>> No.33893705

hard game

>> No.33893729

i wouldnt call it hard
but it is hard to get into if you dont play those types of games

>> No.33893734

my only working regret is that i didnt do the au pair thing before i turned 25, that would have been a nice way to travel the world and make a little money

>> No.33893741

i do ive beaten civ on deity many times still got btfod pretty hard

>> No.33893770

wtf i get btfo by civ 5 deity but i can grow opm provinces into gps and wreck house on eu4 on very hard

>> No.33893780

man you really do have a god complex. i mean im not judging i can relate to that

>> No.33893803

jamal is just trying to bump the price back up so he can limit his losses

>> No.33893814

in the mood for some garbage smut might go for

>> No.33893818

no, jamals smart enough to know peasant money wont do shit for the price. but true believers do it for free

>> No.33893819

4x plays differently from grand strategy

>> No.33893835

still can’t grasp って言って

>> No.33893844

post sentence

>> No.33893858


>> No.33893865


>> No.33893873

gaijins trying to sound japanese are like trannies trying to look like women

doesn't work

>> No.33893879

yeah this is cope

>> No.33893883
File: 425 KB, 1394x1400, Character_Case_Book_2_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao jamal and og

>> No.33893890

using the word gaijin outside of japan doesnt work

>> No.33893924

Current thread: #2761

Previous threads:
>>33885395 #2760
>>33874429 #2759
>>33864098 #2758
>>33850134 #2757
>>33839846 #2756
>>33825962 #2755
>>33808857 #2754
>>33800167 #2753
>>33785909 #2752
>>33772036 #2751

>> No.33893928

i dont simp for jamutt though i constantly am undermining his position here

>> No.33893943


>> No.33893957

you probably dont know my posts well enough and assume im the one defending his lack of japanese

>> No.33893971

why would i think that? i just assume youre the stupidest angriest one in the room

>> No.33893973

you constantly look like you're flirting with him you dumb whore. you completely lack self awareness.

>> No.33894009

theres just too much to micromanage lol its much simpler in civ just pop manage and focus on science output pay civs to attack each other with luxuries and just wait it out till you eclipse them in research then carpet nuke the living fuck out of them

>> No.33894025

what does that have to do with jamal?
im not responsible for what you people imagine in your twisted delusions especially when he makes up his own lore about me.

>> No.33894029

i held half of my position all the way from 350 to now and its fine theres just star of david sorcery going on right now its not even worth looking at the ticker till something starts happening
the volume is still low

>> No.33894041

cant feel out ナユタ

>> No.33894044

likewise it doesn't matter if you think you're undermining him if no one actually feels he's being undermined you dumb whore.

>> No.33894053

eu4 is a lot of things but it but too much micromanagement is not one of them
ur just not used to the mechanics

>> No.33894057

yea hes got you dominated in the marketplace of ideas

>> No.33894060

can u guys not call my girlfriend a whore

shes actually a nice girl

>> No.33894084

pretty sure ive cause a huge hit to his reputation here but whatever youll all suddenly forget those posts and cope

>> No.33894099

how so?

>> No.33894108

if everyone forgets those "hits" then there is no hit. you keep pivoting to your intentions while i'm spelling out how you're actually perceived.

>> No.33894156

didnt happen till you prove it which you wont do youll just double down on projecting as always

>> No.33894168

bet i could delete my first settler and still destroy noob girl

>> No.33894171

same but i dont have anypost filtered

>> No.33894172

its because they are making no fucking sense its normal to not follow it. the takeaway is "proclaim the opposite of anything og says at all costs"

>> No.33894173

perception is what matters if you're trying to undermine someone though. if no one feels jamal has been undermined (including jamal himself) then he hasn't been.

>> No.33894189

you dont speak for djt faggot and same goes for the rest you "we"ers

>> No.33894192

when you come home from a long day of work and you have to catch up with 2 fucking threads

>> No.33894193

why would someone who calls themself a friend want to undermine me

i can tolerate bipolarity but i dont always understand it

>> No.33894211

i made a couple posts

>> No.33894220

no one has chimed in with the opinion that your flirtatious shitflinging has successfully undermined him. why do you think that is? maybe it's because no one perceives it that way.

>> No.33894235

>proclaim the opposite of anything og says at all costs
that must be what it seems like when you are always wrong

>> No.33894239
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>> No.33894245

>18 million views for the most generic pop song ever
maybe its cause of eva

>> No.33894249


>> No.33894252

detective conan(because of how long the manga is)
one piece
Drakengard 1

>> No.33894262

because the sooner you are downgraded to the status of jester the better. people taking your seriously is why this place is cancer but id also accept djt dying outright

also dont think i called you a friend either. might have said "i should be friendly to jamal since everyone acts like im sucking his dick anyway" which still seems to be the case
>flirtatious shitflinging
the imagination of men when it comes to this shit never fails to amaze me. could stab him in the balls with a rusty icepick and you'd all claim it was foreplay

>> No.33894275

how much i need to be 2 weeks in japan?

>> No.33894280

its pretty clear you want to fuck jamal from how you talk to him, you dont reply like that to anyone else

>> No.33894287

she's fucking obsessed

>> No.33894291

>because the sooner you are downgraded to the status of jester the better. people taking your seriously is why this place is cancer but id also accept djt dying outright
most oldfags already do this you fucking newfag

>> No.33894313

og just doesnt "get" djt does she.
its sad folks. women cant ever understand men.

>> No.33894314

if your legs aren't flexible enough to seiza for more than 5 minutes you don't know japanese

>> No.33894318

kowakunai wake naiiiiii demo tomanaiii

>> No.33894323

all true

>> No.33894324
File: 375 KB, 1024x1536, ドラゴンボール_1_210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33894328

>yeah except i also want to fuck quiz, moe, 4bc, ruka, and any other namefag
wow we know you're a whore but i didnt think it was that bad

>> No.33894329

first of all sweetie

u dont have the power necessary in iq or nihongo to step to me regardless of whatever perceptions u have


>stab him in the balls with a rusty icepick

could we do this ?

>> No.33894340

the feeling is mutual since you all think im here for dick after all this time

>> No.33894341

not liking this new taitei thing not posting any

>> No.33894349
File: 670 KB, 805x453, 1612887930832.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this prolly isnt og but i'd still pork her

>> No.33894362

i wouldnt

>> No.33894366

i mean why else would a girl come to a boys club

>> No.33894368

yea u prefer being the pork in the relationship moebuta haha

>> No.33894382

well if i had to say one nice thing about whoever that is she has a nice mouth

>> No.33894386
File: 450 KB, 1024x1536, ドラゴンボール_1_211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33894387

gettin a semi rn imagining her making racist tirades in a trailer park drawl

>> No.33894391

lil jamal is waking up

>> No.33894406

because i hate being in social groups with women especially online. also i like nihongo and japan. also i like 4chan culture not that this place is a good example

>> No.33894415
File: 790 KB, 2048x1536, ドラゴンボール_1_212-213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thread is now clean

>> No.33894417


>> No.33894420

huh never seen og talk about nihongo and japan

>> No.33894423
File: 271 KB, 1280x1476, 88649481_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw this is canon

>> No.33894429

maybe you should transition already faggot hahahahahaa

>> No.33894430

these motherfuckers will sponsor literally anyone

>> No.33894500

am i gonna be stuck in intermediate hell if i never look up any words i dont get lol

>> No.33894503

you sound like you might be trans, maybe consider becoming a man?

>> No.33894556

can i honestly say i dont want to fuck people i've never even met? yes i can honestly say that lmao

>> No.33894563

nobody will give a fuck dude lol

>> No.33894564

>you dont know much about groups of women online. they all post themselves at their worst or its men saying they are women posting their ugly selves and we all have to applaud and say everyone is beautiful and healthy at every size
uhmm hunnie this is what women usually do

>> No.33894569

i only hang out w. mixed groups who r all ugly nerds

and old

>> No.33894623

i listen to the sentence audio every single time

it's free comprehensible input

>> No.33894654

*minority i meant
suffragettes were a fringe movement most women hated them

>> No.33894658

i wanna man

>> No.33894663

you also forgot to add "know" in there lmao do you have brain damage or something, how do u fuck up every sentence you write

>> No.33894667

you will never be a man

>> No.33894683
File: 2.49 MB, 500x324, 1614045881091.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somewhere beyond the sea
somewhere waiting for me
my lover stands on golden sands
and watches the ships that go sailin'

>> No.33894692
File: 227 KB, 760x1200, デスノート_1_045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33894700


>> No.33894714

neither will most of you little boys

>> No.33894715

men are too kind hearted and decided to listen to their wives, sisters and mothers but we were taken advantage of, we could never have expected this from the people we trusted and cared for

>> No.33894724

menhera he

>> No.33894726

remember that time women shamed men for not wanting to go die in some gay war that was already won lol
women are so fucking annoying

>> No.33894739

yea pretty gay. hope some women got punched for that

>> No.33894749

except most women didnt want the vote? it was a fringe movement. progressive men saw it as a political tool to advance their bullshit and im sure some (((money))) was involved by some banking types

>> No.33894760

here's your white feather you fucking coward

>> No.33894785

haven't cringed this hard in a while

>> No.33894786

i'm actually the helicopter pilot guy lol

>> No.33894809 [DELETED] 

imagine some fat entitled princess trying to shame you cuz you dont wanna risk your life for them and your jewish country

>> No.33894819

then you should know ww1 was far from won when the white feather thing was going around and women were enlisting en masse as field nurses and getting imprisoned and executed by the enemy and shit.

>> No.33894850

ur fat

>> No.33894860

goes to show that neoliberal capitalists have stopped at nothing to push institutional change to increase the supply of labor and pad their own pockets. modern leftiststs and even communists are just neolib tools

>> No.33894862


>> No.33894865

imagine being held accountable for what 4% of women wanted 100 fucking years ago funded by political interests.

men are such trash they can accept responsibility for anything just play the victim blame fucking women lmao

>> No.33894872

>imprisoned and executed by the enemy and shit.
sure but if we are being honest here france and britain shouldve lost ww1

>> No.33894881

og can you take your complaints elsewhere this is a mens thread

>> No.33894894

moe on fire rn

>> No.33894903

just fell asleep in my chair

>> No.33894919

yeah but thats another matter i mean youd have to defect to the other side but you should still fight either way the future of europe was at stake.
you dont blame the kids for being urchins when the parents arent doing their duty. same goes for women. without strong men it all collapses

anyway i do take responsibility for my own life i am aware of my situation as a used goods and unmarried at my age and overly opinionated and prideful. thats my problem though

>> No.33894926


>> No.33894938

>da joos
back to /pol/ schizo

>> No.33894939

i wish moe was on fire rn

>> No.33894943

look up when the US entered ww1 and then look up when the war ended lol other countries like britain yeah it was used before the war was won

>> No.33894947

yea theyre too stupid to be on their own still not my fault when any dumb idiot in the world hurts themselves

>> No.33894951
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>> No.33894953

started reading some full color ecchi manga that looks pretty good but got bored within half a volume

>> No.33894957

thanks for the concession

>> No.33894964

holy sh1t

>> No.33894973

it is when your people are your responsibility as a man and member of your community and race. opting out still makes you a loser

>> No.33894978

og would you have sex with me please

>> No.33894981

all made up cuck bullshit that doesnt benefit me

>> No.33894984

agreed moe is a loser

>> No.33894993


>> No.33894997

loser talk

>> No.33895001

id rather masturbate

>> No.33895006

dont care about any community

>> No.33895007

only if we are married and i dont know you sorry

>> No.33895027

i mean i think we can end this derail right here. this is all you need to know about these kinds of men

>> No.33895029


>> No.33895033

>your responsibility as a man and member of your community and race
shut da fuck up what century are u from retard

>> No.33895038

are u implying u never fucked that guy that dumped ur ass

>> No.33895050

i mean youre a failure of woman its trash like you that make me say dont care i only want to concern myself with the well being and interests of deserving people

>> No.33895052

a century that gave a damn
nor saying that, but fucking up with one relationship isn't an excuse for carte blanch depravity going forward

>> No.33895062

based bro

>> No.33895065


>> No.33895070

Water in the fire

>> No.33895071

reminds me of those women that had anal with their ex bf but then refuse to do it with their beta boy husband

>> No.33895074
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>> No.33895075

dont worry i have every intent 2 grow old and more wretched w. u

>> No.33895086

you only include yourself in that category of "deserving people" at the end of the day because your a narcissistic child and its the typical cope of a coward who doesnt want to stand for anything but himself

>> No.33895096

anal is stupid i wouldnt want her to do it but if she wanted to do it wed talk about it and if she just said shut up and fuck my ass id do it and feel bad about it but at least try to enjoy the nut

>> No.33895101

wheres the uncensored kaifuku jutsushi ep aaaaaaaaa

>> No.33895102

youre only lashing out cuz these guys dont wanna be your slave or puppet and dont give a fuck about you

>> No.33895115

why do guys want to pressure you into anal when there is already a place that was made for it wtf is wrong with you people

>> No.33895121

>talking about anal rather than just doing it

>> No.33895125

the entitlement is endless

>> No.33895135

ok that is partially true but if you all were my puppets and slaves i would put you on the right path and make sure you lived your lives properly cross my heart

>> No.33895140

how about you go join the army then tough girl

easy to call other people cowards etc. when you aren't the one having to put your life on the line

>> No.33895154

put yourself on the right path first hypocrite

>> No.33895157

anal is my fetish, like 95% of what ive jerked off to the last 10 years has been anal

>> No.33895165

analcrayons got experience

>> No.33895172

why would someone drop out of college twice? from the same degree? as a japanese major?

>> No.33895173

women dont belong in infantry you idiot but i am not opposed to putting my life on the line when i finish training kickboxing and muay thai later this year.
its a work in progress but im trying

>> No.33895176
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>> No.33895177

make a 取引
he can play with ur 尻まんこ if u can play with his first

if he says no u then can just say no back

>> No.33895180

she's not very bright

>> No.33895201

if he accepts thats a lose/lose who wants to play with a guys asshole ugh

>> No.33895215

what can i say girls wanted me to fuck the other hole. usually they're pretty drunk or high but i'm not gonna say no or "talk about it" lmfao

doesn't feel different to me so idc

>> No.33895216

yeah you are the worst kind of person and need to be purged

>> No.33895231


>> No.33895248

bet og just lays there like a dead fish and waits till youre done

>> No.33895250

>nooooooo i only want equality when it's good for me!!!!! everyone who disagrees with me needs to die!!!!!
literal child

>> No.33895257

would force my ass onto ogs face until she suffocated

>> No.33895261

many women lol

both men and women have butts so it's kind of a common ground

>> No.33895266

man you have no idea im an ice statue irl you all get to see my playful side cause im online

>> No.33895267

for sure lol

>> No.33895275 [DELETED] 

i never asked for equal rights retard. not all women are jewish political activists

>> No.33895284

>da joooooos
oh no not another one
your containment board is that way >>>/pol/

>> No.33895295

no wonder your boyfriend dumped you

>> No.33895298

must be hard moving those 100 pound thighs lmao

>> No.33895303

anki was boring but at least it didn’t make me want to quit japanese

do not take the immersion pill

>> No.33895305

never done any of those things

>> No.33895308

wotd マグロ女

>> No.33895317

tried watching compelling content mate? lol

>> No.33895321

thats not why i left him

>> No.33895326

the key is anki + content you actually like and are willing to pay attention to. rather than just random shit in the background all the time

>> No.33895338


>> No.33895345

the key is porn

>> No.33895346

why bother replying to people who are ngmi just let them do their idiot cards

>> No.33895351

u need to have happy sex


>> No.33895352

stop using racist and sexist language

>> No.33895360

feel harder

>> No.33895367


>> No.33895377

first time i felt sorry for og

>> No.33895388

>t. coomer gen-xer
happy sex is where your husband gets off any time he wants it so he doesnt think you are holding out on him. the duration and your own pleasure is irrelevant. its your duty as a wife

>> No.33895396

yep im thinkin og needs to be mindbroken

>> No.33895403

i knew it women don't orgasm

>> No.33895405

man id back u arc ur back with a smile on ur face i guarantee it

u just havent been with the right boy

>> No.33895406

well you just gotta have faith it works after a few thousand hours

>> No.33895408

we need to match make og with that 25 year old virgin guy with the 8 inch dick
oh wait thats me

>> No.33895421

God she is hot

>> No.33895420

make u arc ur back*

nah she needs to have a boy that throws her around and flips her over every which way while talking nasty to her

>> No.33895422

you're gonna throw it all away for a used up whore?

>> No.33895425

seriously its hilarious how retarded marriages and realtionships when the solution is almost always "you arent giving him as much sex as he wants"

either cause the woman expects it more regularly and feels unwanted because she let herself go and she disgusts him now, or because she's being frigid and only giving it up once every few weeks or less.

it almost always stems from that and all the extra stuff is just bullshit cope to explain how dissatisfied you are with the fact he can't fuck an attractive hole often enough

if you are having sex 3+ times a week you are a happy couple end of story

>> No.33895451

if u think sex is just about the dick in the hole u really are missing the forest for the trees

or maybe i was just good at it

>> No.33895453

og is incapable of love
wonder why

>> No.33895454

>its your duty as a wife
how is it possible to be this dumb

if you ever got your fantasy "trad con" relationship where you were married off to some guy you're not attracted to and had to put up with being essentially routinely raped by him (forced to have sex against your will), you would hate it and beg for the suffragettes to come save you

>> No.33895459

cuz before you love someone you gotta love yourself *sips beer*

>> No.33895461

shes like 12 bro

>> No.33895471

basically og is the type of girl that doesnt like boring sex and would rather be roughhoused and beat up and fucked in an alley

shes actually super selfish and isnt capable of giving and only desires to be taken

>> No.33895488

even now she only trains in "martial arts" so she can get utterly destroyed by some guy and bc her time spent training was shown to be for nothing somewhere in her fucked up animal instincts thats a signal that this is a suitable mate and shell start getting wet af

>> No.33895504

idk why you retards are still arguing with her its obviously what she wants

>> No.33895508

25% true

>> No.33895511

thats why i just write erotic fanfiction instead

>> No.33895530


>> No.33895546
File: 423 KB, 1150x2048, EBrn3dSUwAAIROD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why you should take the gay pill

>> No.33895547

lol theres still 2 threads

>> No.33895552

your wife is irish she probably knows what i'm talking about and is therefor based

>> No.33895560

in my head cannon anacreon and seafoam speaks are the same people

>> No.33895574

my wife is american but i get what you mean. yeah honestly she's probably the most rightwing, racist, traditional person i know

>> No.33895634


>> No.33895641

Married to the money

>> No.33895689


>> No.33895697

don't like mussing my hair actually

>> No.33895715

うらかた 【裏方】

>> No.33895735
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>> No.33895747

well im still gonna run my fingers through it

>> No.33895754


>> No.33895770


>> No.33895790

lmao seethe trannoid and/or homosexual

>> No.33895806

neither i just have a triple digit iq

>> No.33895818

wish i could live were all the women are like analcreams wife and our community meetings are about how to keep the undesirables out and homeschooling while drinking wine and eating the snacks everyone made

>> No.33895828

so i'm pretty physically tired from today and i just tasted my cum, it wasn't bitter it was just salty those gokkun interviews lied to me

>> No.33895832

yeah, the 110 sandtrap

>> No.33895836

>drinking wine
drug addict

>> No.33895842

try tasting some other guys cum and compare the flavor

>> No.33895849

gonna need a volunteer

>> No.33895850

weak effort daizubouya

>> No.33895863


>> No.33895871

if you drink alcohol past the age of 25 you are a manchild

>> No.33895893

reminder that analcum thinks flying witch is harder than steins;gate and that cummaster mixed up d and b

>> No.33895905

reminder i don't care

>> No.33895963

just nutted to a futa cumming in a glass

>> No.33895965


>> No.33895982
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>> No.33895990
File: 119 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you in 3 days. till then pic related

>> No.33895991


>> No.33895995

you look like a huge loser coming back after your tantrum yesterday trying to get banned lol

>> No.33895999

wish og would get drunk and say nice things about jamal again so i could feel like my parents have a healthy marriage

>> No.33896003

you look like a huge fagget every day also what are you talking about (dont care so dont answer)

>> No.33896007

except that wasn't moe you fucking retard

>> No.33896021

yes it was lol

>> No.33896030

it was him

>> No.33896082

the fat chick with the 10 vibrators? coulda swore that was moe

>> No.33896084

tfw too low iq to get this tweet

>> No.33896085
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>> No.33896088

like half of women? ya idiot

>> No.33896090

yea i would never be in the part of the internet to get one of those pictures let alone actually saving it

>> No.33896099
File: 310 KB, 888x671, 1602419971084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33896103

Yo wtf nekopara is hard as fuck. tons of vocabulary that never gets taught in genki 1 or 2

>> No.33896119

most political parties in most democracies have extended periods of popularity and unpopularity but japan's LDP has been consistently more popular than its competitors for many decades

>> No.33896134

just learned 注文

>> No.33896135
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>> No.33896139

japan has been ruled by the same party for almost the entire post-war period

>> No.33896148


>> No.33896149

since no one's giving a real answer; the japanese know they have something worth conserving still. as soon as the twitter idiots get brainwashed enough and the old people die off they will think that they want japan to change and it might shift with woke culture

>> No.33896165


>> No.33896168
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>> No.33896173

hopefully japan doesn't get cucked in my life time
i'm glad the olympics won't have foreigners

>> No.33896177

learning nip just for this weather reporter at this point

>> No.33896182

sorry moe i confused you for another name fag

>> No.33896193

weather news fanbase is going the way of holofags and i dont like it

>> No.33896205

weather reporting board when

>> No.33896227

how does the chat integration for this channel work anyway? its a news channel, so theyre supposed to report on the TRUTH, but anyone could go into the chat and spout bullshit, like "yeah its totally snowing here right now"

>> No.33896239

does anyone have the furby pic

>> No.33896263

cute. also polite formal japanese is music to the ears

>> No.33896266

japan doesnt understand the world outside of japan so that doesnt make them capable of understanding that they have something worth conserving u basically invalidated urself there and proved that u dont know shin japan lol
japan just loves to do the same shit over and over bc thats what theyve always done and thats what perpetuates the "preservation"

>> No.33896333
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>> No.33896339

i cna read that im actually pretty good with stuff for kids like that

>> No.33896364

let's hear you do it at anime speed though w/ cool voices. i know you can do it brosama

>> No.33896377

if u want me to do stuff like that ill start a fiverr

>> No.33896392

>if u want me to do stuff like that ill start a fiverr
i knew jamal doesnt have any money

>> No.33896398

this reminds me of this one flash animation

>> No.33896409

its more like when theres demand i want money its only natural

otherwise ill just do what i want when i want bc then im just enjoying myself

also yea all my moneys gone i lost it on gamestop currently leeching mcdonalds wifi

>> No.33896410

if you don't meditate everyday ur not gonna make it sorry simple as that

>> No.33896418


>> No.33896419

have u seen my legg

its official i am not black

>> No.33896424

shit thread, fucking retards

>> No.33896435


you don't know japanese

>> No.33896469

ur really mad lol

>> No.33896473

1+1 is 2

>> No.33896478

dont think theres a single namefag who speaks japanese if you discount anacreon (native speaker)

>> No.33896487


>> No.33896489

power of ajatt: https://youtu.be/BsygUZcKF3E?t=323

>> No.33896495

fortunately speaking japanese is useless

>> No.33896497

are you sure?

>> No.33896506

speaking japanese is what allows u to understand japanese

if u cant speak japanese u cant understand japanese

u can only merely decode it

reply to this post with ur best copes

also accepting all concessions

>> No.33896518

i actually kinda started to like tkyosam lately

>> No.33896529

id like tkyosam if he took care of his weight

ur right im a bit rusty now bc its been a while since i spent considerable time among little yellow ppl

>> No.33896535

>since i came to japan 13 years ago
yeah no shit, if you immerse in japanese for 13 years, you'll be fluent. shit, i havent even learned english for 13 years.

>> No.33896538

i've tried to watch this like 4 times but I instantly close it when he starts talking lol

>> No.33896542

japanese people only think poop and farts are funny (not even joking)

>> No.33896553

do japanese girls fart a lot? that might be a huge deal breaker for me

>> No.33896559

so mute people cant understand their native language

>> No.33896582

i mean everyone should fart like 15-20 times a day but japanese ppl will hold their farts because it will bring shame to their family if they toot and they will have to cut their stomach open and release their final fart

mutes speak sign language

>> No.33896593

damn this 復習 was pretty different in the manga

>> No.33896599

nah i know someone who is mute and doesnt speak sign language because he never learned it

>> No.33896608

how does being mute work are their vocal chords Fucked or something crazy like that

>> No.33896611

nice dekinai post bro

>> No.33896624

>mutes speak sign language
but if they can hear they can understand normal language too

>> No.33896626

last page. time to make the thread before wani gets to it

>> No.33896632

just mined 例文

>> No.33896635

there are different reasons for being mute, you can be mute-deaf, or your vocal chords can be fucked, or you can have psychological problems

>> No.33896636

most mutes have some psychological or neural block. pretty rare actually if you aren't also deaf or mentally deficient

>> No.33896641

what frequency lists do you guy use for yomichan

>> No.33896644

ok then they can speak in their head or convey their thoughts by writing or typing bc they know the language

i mean i know ur just trying to win the game so ill give u a pass but do know that if u cant write or type in real time in response to someone speaking japanese to u then u still cant understand japanese if u dont speak it

>> No.33896653

visual novels one

>> No.33896655


>> No.33896660

it's hard to have vocal cord problems bad enough to prevent you from at least using one of those speaker boxes. most people desire to communicate so badly they'll resort to sounding awful before going completely mute

>> No.33896661

if you allow me cope for a second
sometimes my ime recommends something in the first spot before i finish typing but when i press space/tab it chooses something else

>> No.33896669


>> No.33896672

that guy is sick of his shit

>> No.33896679

i hope he fucks with the wrong yellow guy who just pulls out a switchblade and pops him like a fuckin fat whitoid balloon

>> No.33896688

i might be japanese cuz i chuckled at this lol

>> No.33896691

what if i can do that but i sound like og. obviously i cant only be limited to understanding what im personally capable of saying cuz that doesnt even apply to natives

>> No.33896694


>> No.33896697
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>> No.33896701

you laugh at every joke your daddy makes so not sure we can draw any conclusions there except that youre a fag

>> No.33896713

>tfw u itch ur balls

>> No.33896721


>> No.33896719

learn english

>> No.33896746


>> No.33896755

nuke is a racist boomer shithead

>> No.33896762

og when i write something really spicy

>> No.33896766


>> No.33896777

cope granted

>> No.33896782

how good is steve kaufmann at japanese

>> No.33896798

hes better than matt

>> No.33896802

i used to defend him but hes genki book horrific

>> No.33896815

more proof old men can't learn a new language :(

>> No.33896822

he sounds like a chinese person speaking japanese

>> No.33896828

my 50-year-old mother learns spanish from her co-workers. there is no excuse to shut your brain off just cause you old

>> No.33896837

what vn

>> No.33896838

his use of でしょう is so annoyingly bad

>> No.33896839

and yet his japanese is leagues better than yours will ever be, even if you study it for 15 more years.

>> No.33896840

i like how he pronounced チームメート there. huge power play

your mother is not an old man (i hope)

>> No.33896847

taking estrogen so i can learn japanese

>> No.33896854


>> No.33896858

i got uncomfortable when he started talkin about his musuko

>> No.33896866

whats n

>> No.33896874

my nihongo is already better

>> No.33896876

*raises musuko*

>> No.33896880
File: 23 KB, 1065x194, rs4680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're GG you can't learn japanese

>> No.33896885

lmao i don't think trannies get to be dekiru or at least i've never met one. they are all autists like digibro probably exceptionally dekinai.

>> No.33896887

wtf are you talking about. he is better than you dekinais

>> No.33896896


>> No.33896898

cafe stella

>> No.33896901

he isn't tho lol

>> No.33896909

looks like technical jargon cope

i only complemented him wtf is ur problem

>> No.33896918

jamal and anacreon cant hold a realtime conversation let alone work as a professional interpreter

>> No.33896919

when someone is selling a product and claim authority through their language ability to sell it then its fair game in my books to criticize them

>> No.33896922

hes ok hes functional for sure like i said i used to defend him but hes a polyglot and his japanese was prolly better in the past hes kinda cringe now

>> No.33896923

this is what djt always does to make themselves feel better, pretends that someone who is much better than them at japanese is actually really bad

>> No.33896925


>> No.33896928

hilarious how djt sees an old white man with an unapologetic accent and think they aren't self-owning by acting like he isn't fluent from that alone. absolutely ngmi, 95% of you

>> No.33896931

this is an og post lol

>> No.33896933

og shut up before i lay u back and make u think of england

>> No.33896946

inb4 3-5 concurrent djt threads

>> No.33896947

please stop, i don't want to actually know how bad a japanese you are it's ruining the fun

>> No.33896949

disregarding his accent hes just sounds like he picked up a shitload of bad habits and never unlearned them

>> No.33896952

steve kaufmann probably knows like 8 languages better than anyone in djt knows japanese

>> No.33896955

is it possible to play VNs on one of these https://youtu.be/rWAywVaMXQE

>> No.33896962

if u want me to ruin the fun u can always show us how bad u are at japanese by rewriting ur post for us in japanese

>> No.33896972

deshou posts are especially funny also the fact they think it's og even though i just got her banned

>> No.33896974

such as? go ahead and point out 3 mistakes he made a lot in that interview.

>> No.33896976
File: 630 KB, 819x456, n52abBCRpQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels cool to be able to read hidden shit like this

>> No.33896986

vns are made for pentium 2 computers with 64 megs of ram so prolly if it runs windows

>> No.33896987

he can probably read anything with relative ease because he also knows chinese
just doesnt care about sounding perfect or making perfect sentences as long as hes understood

>> No.33897021

there's a lot of H releasing this friday
gonna spend at least 100 $ this weekend

>> No.33897032

90% of the time all you have to do to shut djt's claims that someone is shit at japanese is to just ask why and they'll come up with a couple of vague reasons and can't give any examples

>> No.33897034

he speaks mostly in katakana

which is fine bc hes functional

>> No.33897036

why are japs incapable of designing websites, there must be something inherent in their brains that tells them that using 2 point font looks good

>> No.33897047

i already said he doesnt use でしょう correctly at all but people who dont know japanese will claim that hes actually right

>> No.33897049


>> No.33897054

ogs so bad at japanese she thinks shes shutting ppl down when they just dont care to go through the trouble to watch that vid for more than 30 seconds and rewrite half the things steve says to be less awful

>> No.33897055

how is he not using it right?

>> No.33897058


>> No.33897068

atleast post links of what you're buying

>> No.33897073

very simple, everything kaufmann says sounds like something a faggy sissy boy would write on his Twitter wall
is that the mood of the conversatoin? not a tiny bit, you can't actually speak proper spoken Japanese

>> No.33897075


>> No.33897078
File: 951 KB, 1280x720, 1594129741340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol is this guy supposed to be a parody of hard boiled detectives

>> No.33897082


>> No.33897083

pretty good

>> No.33897093

u actually memorized it and typed it by hand instead of pasting it

yikers lmao

>> No.33897095

thanks for proving all you have is vague reasons with no examples you complete dumbfuck lmao

>> No.33897097


>> No.33897100

kaufmann worked as an intepreter for companies. you fapped to vinnies after getting home from your wagie job. see the 大違い?

>> No.33897103
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>> No.33897105

lets turn the chessboard as buttler would say

og why dont u show us instances of steve using good japanese and why

>> No.33897111

every single sentence he used is perfect japanese

>> No.33897112

man every time u come at me ur just wrong, you should give up after getting 0 points w/ 10 tries

>> No.33897120


>> No.33897134

because the other speaker has no idea about his life yet he says shit like ちょっとビール飲みに行くでしょう as if hes asking confirmation and any native person would just think "? how should i know wtf you were doing with your son"

>> No.33897135
File: 94 KB, 870x647, 1590516009984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

steve has been #vettedbyanative and the results were not good

>> No.33897139

care to point out any specific examples and why u think so maybe u could break them down for us grammatically so we understand why they are good

what do u mean the original doesnt have a typo in it ive read that paste a billion times in the last year i know what it looks like

>> No.33897150

shouldve said daze instead

>> No.33897153

not sure why you think you're talking to og but you should really shut up when you shilled for nama sensei but act like this guy is only barely getting by or something

>> No.33897159

thats meisou

>> No.33897161

no idea who/what og is but I don't know if steve's japanese is good or not, I just know you guys aren't making a good case for it being bad

>> No.33897164

i mean nama sensei told it to u str8 nama

he conducted business daily in japanese


>> No.33897166

just stop, you're embarrassing yourself with this level of cope and goal post moving.

>> No.33897173

dont know what to tell you, >>33519858 was the first result on warosu and i just changed a couple words

>> No.33897185

he has barely spent any time on nihongo since then so i don't see why this is relevant
if anything he will be worse now

>> No.33897186

painfully obviously not a native self own if you believe so

>> No.33897196


>> No.33897198

>care to point out any specific examples and why u think so maybe u could break them down for us grammatically so we understand why they are good

do you even understand what language is. you can say why a sentence is wrong, not why it's right

>> No.33897206

care to point out what exactly makes it so obvious?

>> No.33897209

to japs, 外人 will always be bad at japanese because they have an accent

>> No.33897210

what are you on it's a massive win for jamal
some anon is buying him porn

>> No.33897220


>> No.33897222

>ill take this as ur concession
can you stop saying this cringy shit

>> No.33897224


>> No.33897228

my fave thing is 箱入娘 reminds me of og

>> No.33897235

i dont care whether i can sound like a native, i just want to communicate when needed. you think they're going to talk to a white person and go "wow i almost thought they were japanese but their accent is off so they must be a foreigner"

>> No.33897236

oh shit here we go again

>> No.33897246

first quiz then bunko now jamal. really is no point to be here anymore when only imouto knows japanese and only posts menhera shit

>> No.33897248

no idea what you're talking about

>> No.33897250

dont forget your pitch reps fellas

>> No.33897256

i dont care about communicating with japanese people

>> No.33897260

Here we goooo

>> No.33897267

he unironically convinces himself he wins every argument he gets into. his djt personality is a big part of his life, so I don't blame him for this cope

>> No.33897270



>> No.33897271

if i didnt win u guys wouldnt still be coping with how u lost simple as

>> No.33897289

>his djt personality is a big part of his life
very true

>> No.33897297

I cant believe og wiped out quiz and is aiming for jamal now

>> No.33897298

fun fact, Japanese people are the most powerful race on the planet

>> No.33897300

he doesn't need to convince himself, it's just a fact

whenever jamal seems wrong, it's really just that the people he is arguing with are too ignorant to understand why he's right

>> No.33897306

>tfw fuji apples are named after 藤 and not 富士

>> No.33897308

you can tell jamal wrote this because of the linebreak

>> No.33897309

very true

>> No.33897313

so true!

>> No.33897315

i dont get dragged down into things like arguments

i dictate and u cope simple as


>> No.33897319
File: 609 KB, 695x516, mkvsBPWceH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of the coolest pictures i've ever seen in my entire life

>> No.33897320

all three of them are better than you

>> No.33897321

austrian here, timestamp?

>> No.33897323

jesus jamal even samefags

>> No.33897329

i never figured out what a tri gun is

>> No.33897332

that actually wasn't jamal

it was me

>> No.33897335

you must be new here

>> No.33897345

funny how she doesn't respond to this while claiming we never point out what's wrong lol

>> No.33897346

dunno about that but it has the coolest eyecatch

>> No.33897347
File: 231 KB, 396x525, Hand rubbing intensifies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The password for the files just happened to be nkf. Neat

>> No.33897349

Based og killing the thread so we can read more

>> No.33897350

another day of the muppets prostrating themselves before me

means i did something right and they cant cope lmao

>> No.33897354

トライガン? more like トラニガン

>> No.33897364


>> No.33897365

What does zitto animal mean?

>> No.33897368

everyone knows who is the one coping here lmao

>> No.33897372


>> No.33897412

the scripts i made

>> No.33897420

something something og

>> No.33897438

why did you get a gf

>> No.33897442

nice bro

>> No.33897446

djt existing now?
waste of time not even funny anymore
djt a few years ago?
motivating and very fun

>> No.33897447
File: 7 KB, 262x331, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top: before djt
bottom: after djt (animecards)

>> No.33897449
File: 168 KB, 482x373, XlxXkQU82q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this cat in trigun

>> No.33897465

all we have to do is kick out a few prominent namefags and djt will get intensely better

>> No.33897466

fug, another 100 or so and you'll have doubled me

i used to blaze through anime all day every day but back then i wasn't learning nihongo and now that i am i don't have the passion to do that anymore

>> No.33897473

it would just get immensely slower

remember when jamal disappeared for a few days last year? there were like half as many posts as usual and a good chunk of them were just speculation over where he had gone and whether or not he was dead

>> No.33897476

yeah funko's out and things are already looking better

>> No.33897485

probably the saddest thing i've seen on this thread is moe's daily anime watching drop down to 1 episode per day and his djt posting increase to all day every day

>> No.33897487
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>> No.33897488
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>> No.33897493

not at all

>> No.33897499

lose weight and try again

>> No.33897502

disappointed by how short and non-graphic this weeks rape in kaifuku jutsushi was

>> No.33897504

gmi (if not already)

>> No.33897505

i mean there were 2 threads today and the one i chose to post in became the dominant one

funny how that works huh haha

>> No.33897506

didnt feel but a twitch

>> No.33897515

lose a few years and try again

>> No.33897518
File: 145 KB, 480x700, 1594846105378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember

>> No.33897519

og can be 34 or w.e that bitch was from higu cuz she gets utterly fucked in the end

>> No.33897521

<_< u posted in both threads tho

also pls dont post in wani shill threads in the future

>> No.33897525

is this nozoki ana? the art was great but i got sick of the honeydicking and cockblocking so i dropped it a few volumes in

>> No.33897529

yea idk man i watched a few dozen episodes this week despite my busy schedule

>> No.33897533
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>> No.33897534

you got a job now?

>> No.33897538

only cause she flinched first in a battle of wills

>> No.33897543

>study nihongo on and off for ~2 years
>still haven't got the will to move on from doujins
am i never gonna make it, lads?

>> No.33897546

no she lost cuz shes a stupid bitch w. autism

>> No.33897552

that's more like it

>> No.33897555

looks like you watch a bunch of different shows at once. do you feel this helps you watch more?

i've always just done one show at a time.

>> No.33897557

>study nihongo on and off for ~2 years
idk sir

>> No.33897558

moe is still a babby in college

>> No.33897562

taking ls all day isn't easy

>> No.33897572

a-anon, onegai...

>> No.33897575

moe doesnt go to college but his mom does

by busy schedule he meant in between eating and jacking off

>> No.33897580

yeah fair match up when you win 100 times in a row without supernatural help except in the one time loop where a magic demon alien freezes time after reviving your opponent every time you win

>> No.33897581

moe why did you delete your guide?

>> No.33897593

probably i just watch what i feel like and if i stuck to 1 shit thing i would just drop it or watch less

>> No.33897594

sounds like a cope

>> No.33897596

not moe but i always watch around 4-5 shows cuz variety makes it easier to watch more eps per day

>> No.33897597

yea it is

>> No.33897608

just read 侍女 as 待女

>> No.33897611

>by busy schedule he meant in between eating and jacking off
nice projection there

>> No.33897613

i will post more if the off topic bullshit goes away

>> No.33897615

listening to an old avenged sevenfold album there's just nothing in japanese that hits the spot like this

>> No.33897617

kinda funny cuz i am eating rn

but jacking off is a lil chotto

>> No.33897621


>> No.33897631

dude just watch some anime errday
thats all i can say

>> No.33897633


>> No.33897638

you don't do anything productive with your time

>> No.33897640

it is fucking bullshit how they deleted the wrong thread, that was up and running and established before this lame shill thread even started

>> No.33897642


First line of today, and this is the shit they can't teach you. That's 斑 not 村!

You're gonna mess yourself up bad if you assume you know what shit means. I'm lucky my instincts kicked in and I double checked. It made sense as village, too! Just a bit...off.

>> No.33897648

Which ones do you recommend? I already started comparing the subs of the anime I watch to the sound I hear as I wanted to ease myself into the whole ordeal a little bit, but that's definitely not the same as watching without any subs.

>> No.33897655

lol i used to like them
i find the lyrics corny tho

>> No.33897657

maybe not but my days are nice

if u want to make the next thread make sure it appeases me and ill let it survive

>> No.33897671

What's the context, anon?

>> No.33897675

>this is the shit they can't teach you.
who is they?
>It made sense as village, too!
it doesnt

>> No.33897695

I put a lot of work and heart into the posts I made in that other thread, I'm done contributing, fuck this itazurnenko shit or whatever it is, not going to go there either

sick of the bullshit

>> No.33897708

Why is に so fucking universal bros, it's used for a shitton of stuff. It's giving me a lot of problems.

>> No.33897716


>> No.33897719

Pretty Sandwich (美女サンド)
A few years ago, I apparently translated「ああもう、また変なこと考えてるし・・・!」as "Argh! Stop going there, brain!" and I want to go back in time and pat my overworked, underpaid self on the back. #wastranslating

>> No.33897726


>> No.33897732

based tranny

>> No.33897738

Does anyone have the raws for the first Lupin manga? I can only find a handful of raws for the other series, e.g. Lupin Y.

>> No.33897739

thats actually not bad

at least not as bad as her mac and cheez

>> No.33897742

that's fine tho

>> No.33897756

I understand that sometimes the translation needs to be less literal, but holy cringe

>> No.33897759

if it isnt here or on nyaa you wont find it and most of the stuff on nyaa is taken from here anyways

>> No.33897764

im native

>> No.33897775

>wanikani level 60
>not in jlpt

wani chads, i kneel

>> No.33897780

there's a village in the defense!

>> No.33897798

Sadly it isn't on there. Still, I recall someone on /a/ posting the original Lupin manga (although it was an english translation) - it was missing almost half of the volumes, but it was still something. Where could he have gotten it from?

>> No.33897816

防衛 isnt a place

>> No.33897830
File: 100 KB, 1180x576, Screen Shot 2021-03-24 at 4.36.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33897833

>he thinks ni is used only for literal places as in towns, settlements etc and not any location in general

>> No.33897838


>> No.33897849

except 防衛 is not a location you fuckin retard if anything it would be 防衛ライン or something

>> No.33897854

same. then i remember shes poor and her life sucks

>> No.33897855

shouldve stayed in the kitchen

>> No.33897856

i have to keep the core deck along with my cards?

>> No.33897863

防衛 is not a location which is why 防衛に入る is not a movement but a change of state

>> No.33897870

cant wait till i marry og and she makes tweets like this

>> No.33897872

cringe for using poor as an insult

>> No.33897882
File: 98 KB, 455x512, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33897892

>he stll has these rigid definitions

except the verb changes the meaning here, it's like you're complaning that "food" isn't a place when "i am eating food" means what it means
you can still say "there's sugar in my food", for example

>> No.33897907


>> No.33897912

>except the verb changes the meaning here
>"there's sugar in my food"
that isnt a place either it's an object

>> No.33897915

this was my mental image of jamal when i thought he was fully asian

>> No.33897917

what rigid definitions 防衛 isn't used that way simple as now shut da fuck up and read more

>> No.33897918

steins;gate is pretty cringe, i don't want to watch that

>> No.33897929

she cant read so theres not much hope of that

>> No.33897935

the only bad thing about seirei no moribito so far is that i have to skip the op every time because im too used to the full song

>> No.33897936

thats kinda like but im a lot more white

>> No.33897939

really hope this isn't og again it's getting out of hand

>> No.33897942

just add mined words to your core deck

>> No.33897947

seriously now, anon? you really think the japs use just を for objects? what about "X ni suru" then? you translate it as "doing X", you aren't going to literally think of it as "going in the direction of X"
japanese is a lax language, if you don't realize that you're literally ngmi

>> No.33897955

lol who actually pays this woman

>> No.33897960

im talking about the english word food referring to an object not a place, not sure what that has to do with japanese lol

>> No.33897965

I wish

>> No.33897966


>> No.33897967

lax language doesn't mean you can use a word in a way it can't be used just because it sounds right to your eop ear

>> No.33897969

evidently a small and shrinking group

>> No.33897971

>not sure what that has to do with japanese lol
we're literally discussing the usage of ni in >>33897642

then there must be a village in the defense, eh?

>> No.33897975


>> No.33897977

>then there must be a village in the defense, eh?
do you actually think thats what it means or what

>> No.33897982

>then there must be a village in the defense, eh?

>> No.33897990
File: 16 KB, 549x491, 03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still imagine him like this first impressions stay forever

>> No.33898000

thought it was a reddit post

>> No.33898005

i was being sarcastic, did you even follow the conversation? i'm saying it means that there's "an uneveness in the defense", or better than a literal translation, that the defense isn't perfect, that there are weak spots etc. pick whatever fits

>> No.33898014

>Translator, He/Him
jesus christ

>> No.33898025

DeepL translates this correctly and doesn't need "she/her" in it's twitter bio

>> No.33898026

if u put ur pronouns in ur twitter bio u deserve to be punched in the face

if u have a twitter bio u deserve to be punched in the face

>> No.33898031

>download core 10k to avoid making cards and just import them
>deck doesnt have words <3000 core
wtf is this shit?

>> No.33898043


>> No.33898056

if you have a twitter you deserve to be punched

>> No.33898060

don't neglect reading

reading gives you a lot more bang for your buck, and has the huge advantage for people at low levels that the activity runs at your own pace

manga (ideally with full furigana) is great (you'll want to aim to read least 1 volume worth per day)
vns are also an option but it's very difficult to find stuff (especially good stuff) at a suitable level when you suck, whereas there's tons of (relatively) easy manga to choose from

i personally found watching anime really frustrating as a beginner due to all the pausing and rewinding i had to do in my attempts to understand what was being said
if you're going to watch anime, for now it's probably better to just rewatch raw shows which you've already seen once before with english subs (this is to be done as a supplement to proper reading of course)

>> No.33898066

just do core2.3k then either get rid of anki or start mining

>> No.33898067

incredible advice we have a nihongo mastar here

>> No.33898087

I've been tackling the original Patlabor manga, but I already got filtered at the first chapter of the first volume because of stuff like pic related, so I got kind of demotivated. I might switch to Yotsubato, that should be a much easier read.
>if you're going to watch anime, for now it's probably better to just rewatch raw shows which you've already seen once before with english subs (this is to be done as a supplement to proper reading of course)
Nice idea, I've already been thinking of that. I guess I could tackle non non biyori after I finish the third season.

>> No.33898091


>> No.33898101
File: 169 KB, 354x366, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the image

>> No.33898106

this one?

it's on ab

>> No.33898118

4 years in and i still don't know the difference between 状態 and 事態

>> No.33898120
File: 308 KB, 449x472, zY2DA4DUPD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how i picture moe

>> No.33898128

>it's on ab
thanks but i'm banned from there for life because of ciaran

>> No.33898129

my foot is getting hourikomud right up your ketu no ana

>> No.33898144

Yeah, that's the one.
>on ab
What's ab?

>> No.33898147

Was this sentence written on a dare? How many bits of grammar that always trip up translators can you fit in a single line!

>> No.33898150

>synonymous words only exist in my lenguage

>> No.33898159

事態 is a 悪い状態

>> No.33898182

he's only racist against whites

>> No.33898190

punch me daddy

>> No.33898203


>> No.33898211


>> No.33898253

the kanji look different
think the pronunciation is different too idk

>> No.33898271


>> No.33898296

I want to be able to have such a teacher like me as a person.

>> No.33898307


>> No.33898320

itiban wa yai

>> No.33898324


>> No.33898338

did you misspell やすい or something?

>> No.33898346

you've just gotta accept that there's gonna be shit you don't understand for as long as it takes you to get fluent, there's no way around that

there's no way to get good without reading and listening to a ton of japanese, and that necessarily entails reading and listening to a ton of japanese which you can't make heads or tails of along the way

if you keep at it though, eventually the scales will tip in favor of you understanding the majority of what you read/hear, and the amount of lines you can't understand will become less and less

maybe consider, like with my anime suggestion, re-reading a manga you've already read in english before (this time raw)
alternatively, read the manga adaptation of an anime you've already seen in english (you mentioned non non biyori, so maybe try that)
if you already know what happens, not understanding lines shouldn't be such a big deal

>> No.33898353

new fag

>> No.33898367

private anime tracker

>> No.33898370

you don't know japanese

the advice you're giving are things you're still currently doing and you haven't made it yet

you have no right to give advice

>> No.33898372

oh no

>> No.33898380


>> No.33898385


>> No.33898390


>> No.33898392

i mean whoever wrote that isn't wrong this is awkward to convey

>> No.33898405

owned lol

>> No.33898406

i want to be the type of person that sensei will like

>> No.33898408


>> No.33898413

don't ask here or on other public forums for starters
ciaran was giving out invites to random djt anons and when the staff found out they banned him along with everyone he invited

>> No.33898418

just ask ciaran for one. he'll give you one if you transcribe his samurai drama

>> No.33898429

Are you certain the entire 14 volume raw set is on ab?

>> No.33898431

ask ciaran

>> No.33898432

khatzumoto is the best gaijin to ever speak japanese

>> No.33898435

in other words, you need to personally know someone with an account who is willing to put their neck out for you

if you get yourself banned, the person who invited you can get banned as well as a punishment for bringing a shit user to the site

>> No.33898440

yea transcribe my latest clip and ill give you 1
has to be 100% correct though

>> No.33898442

I guess you get banned by not seeding?

>> No.33898452

the 愛蔵版 version (which is compiled as 3 volumes) is

the normal 14 volume version isn't

>> No.33898462

I haven't heard of the collector's edition existing, but that should be it, I guess.

>> No.33898483

how do you even begin to understand these

>> No.33898486

i checked dlraw and the 愛蔵版 seems to be up on there too

>> No.33898499

idk just listen to a lot of japanese

>> No.33898501

small time compared to jidaigeki

>> No.33898519

That's not it, those are the collector's edition for aizouban and shin Lupin, not the original series.

>> No.33898523

it is a jidaigeki tho
theres just puppets instead

>> No.33898525

i do but https://streamable.com/enasx4

>> No.33898528

>those are the collector's edition for aizouban
aizouban is the collector's edition, isn't it?

>> No.33898532

lets gooooo

>> No.33898546

anyone got any subs for this?

>> No.33898548

>no subtitles
cant understand it

>> No.33898551

isn't it for kids

>> No.33898564

Fucking hell, don't know how that slipped my mind, but based on the cover it doesn't look like it's the original. Still, I could give it a try.

>> No.33898566

i wouldnt say its exactly for kids

>> No.33898578

no, but if your ratio falls too low your download privileges get revoked

there's also a hit and run system which will revoke your download privileges if you incur too many of them

mostly you get banned for being a retard like ciaran, trying to fake your ratio, trying to/threatening to dox other users, or just pissing the staff off somehow (probably the fastest way to get yourself banned)

>> No.33898590

anon, can you advise me an n3-4 friendly geemu? like misao? anything will do

>> No.33898599

youthful lads like jidaigeki and can feel the roman in it even if they dont understand all of it
you never played pretend battles and shit as a kid?

>> No.33898614

from what i remember, ff1 was pretty easy (it was also boring though so i dropped it)

>> No.33898619


>> No.33898621
File: 59 KB, 640x440, ec6a953b-710a-4a9b-80ee-93250bd47772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33898628

nah we threw stones and beat each other up with sticks

>> No.33898638

i know a guy who streams ff1 speedruns/randomizer like 3 or 4 nights a week for the past like 5 years

guys a madman

>> No.33898660

iirc, no
you will also need to be able to read nihongo without the crutch that is kanji

if you can handle imouto posts you should be ok

>> No.33898689

here we go... i guess

>> No.33898704
File: 402 KB, 1024x986, prri2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33898716


>> No.33898764

i never find angles like this very tasty cuz shes a skeleton

>> No.33898801

see >>33882223

>> No.33898824

hanahira is ok but quite boring

>> No.33898831


>> No.33898841

corpse party

>> No.33898853

flyable heart

some of it sucks but overall it's quite good and the language is about as easy as you can hope to find in native media made for adults

>> No.33898862

in dq11 all the kanji words are written with furigana so they're very easy to look up, but even if they didn't have it you could do something like https://streamable.com/h3jall

>> No.33898864

im of the opinion visual novels are not for dayones so ur gonna have to pick 1 for urself since thats always the best policy anyway

otherwise just play videogames where u can have fun playing the game : )

>> No.33898870


>> No.33898872

second game is basically anki

>> No.33898881

many thanks, bros

>> No.33898889

i am a shitter but here we go
では早速 ビジュアル スタート
this is the point where i give up

>> No.33898919

just give the boy an invite

>> No.33898932

i dont want an invite i just wanted to try and transcribe it for fun

>> No.33898962

learning japanese to a very high level takes at least 4 to 5 years
it cannot be done quicker

>> No.33898968

read nukige today

>> No.33898974

uh based?

>> No.33898984

unfortunately i was joking and i dont have any invites cuz im banned, but nice try (altho u only got lines 2 and 4 right)

>> No.33899009

yeah like 4 or 5 years after u already know japanese

>> No.33899012

not him but is the first line
im curious

>> No.33899025

epic 故事4字 moment in this one

>> No.33899032


>> No.33899055

i wonder if i have a ab invite

if i do or enough boner points to buy one ill hook u up keeran so i can right the evils of the world

>> No.33899058
File: 10 KB, 349x98, anilist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the narrator's voice sounded really familiar, so i check anilist to see who it is
of course its the unassigned field

>> No.33899061

and hes a 解説者

>> No.33899113

i dont really need one i already dled all the anime i would ever watch anyway

>> No.33899133

but i dont care lol
i could easily get another inv if i wanted

>> No.33899139

well like it takes a few years to learn japanese normally but then to go to a high level from there prolly does take 4 or 5 years of really bein in the thick of it using it everyday in everything u do

>> No.33899145

and i would report you again lol

>> No.33899148

cope in hell

>> No.33899152

and you wouldnt be able to tell what account was mine

>> No.33899157

post an audio clip

>> No.33899166

ab has hidden tracking to deal with this sort of thing and no one knows how it works, I would just tell them to look into potential alts of the previous account
like i said before i'm friends with a moderator on there

>> No.33899177

i could easily just use a vpn only for ab simple as lol

>> No.33899184

its obviously just ip

>> No.33899188

lol you think they haven't thought of vpns

>> No.33899191

>no one knows how it works

>> No.33899193

also meant to type the only unassigned

>> No.33899196

le elite ab hackzors got ahold of ur mac address bro its all over

>> No.33899199

you dont know anything about computers lol

>> No.33899202

theres many ways to fingerprint a browser user to identify them with seemingly meaningless data
how do you think ad tracking words

>> No.33899206

based anime but idk who that is either

>> No.33899217

and theres many ways to completely eliminate all of the info your browser sends to websites

>> No.33899235

literally all they'd do is check my accounts that they know about on other torrent sites and see if that ip is using ab wow such technology

>> No.33899239

yeah private tracker skids are the worst oh well its not that good of a tracker its game selection is pathetic

>> No.33899243

people still use torrents in 2021?

>> No.33899250

oh yeah, i remember some guy was giving out invites on this thread, and i reported him to the admins
he got banned? lol

>> No.33899255
File: 218 KB, 804x470, namehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats weird if you go to the animes page and then go to charaters it should show it like this

>> No.33899265

yea its fucked up they did that to a cool guy givin ppl stuff and he also is a nihongo knower

goes to show how ungrateful the peons here r and why they deserve nothing
