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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3385304 No.3385304 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3385310
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>> No.3385311
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>> No.3385319

Post more, faggot.

>> No.3385317

Isn't she a nazi?

>> No.3385343

Stab her, fuck her, eat her.

>> No.3385345



>> No.3385407

That's Ishima Kaigen from Hanachirasu, i think.

Yuke, Kaigen big body~

>> No.3385416

Also, this.


>> No.3385421


Is he fucking her? That's just mean.

>> No.3385703

why would you do that? ;_;

>> No.3385729


She had it coming.

>> No.3385739

source? this made me rock hard

>> No.3385741

Why can't you go somewhere else?

>> No.3385742

godammit, they better translate Nitro+ games quick, there's quite a few I want to play.

>> No.3385760

blame mugen

>> No.3385807


>> No.3386047

Foolish gaijin, you can't kill Kaigen. She just doesn't die.

>> No.3386747

I want to embrace her, what is wrong with me? ;_;

>> No.3386764

Nothing. And if there is something wrong with you, you're not alone.

>> No.3386767

I fapped then I felt ashamed. Then I fapped again.

>> No.3386773


>> No.3386774

If embracing her is wrong, I don't want to be right.

>> No.3386791

Quick summary of this game?

>> No.3386826

2 faggots have so much homolust for each other that they try to kill each other.
Faggot #1 kill faggot #2 after their duel filled with faggotry, he decides to join his lover in death but IMMORTAL LOLI hijack happen, she steal faggot #2 body to make him the new emperor of her new zombie filled Japan.

Faggot #1 won't take this shit since he thinks faggot #2 belong to him and decide to recuperate him.
In the end everyone die except the immortal loli who doesn't die when she is killed.

>> No.3386833

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.3386831


From the cover and it looks like Rurouni Kenshin, but darker and with a trap protagonist. Needs a fucking translation now.

>> No.3386829 [DELETED] 

I do not like this one bit.
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3386838

Homolust aside this sounds awesome.

>> No.3386856
File: 1.51 MB, 1697x1200, 4605242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not this shit again. Kaigen is not a loli, deal with it.

>> No.3386858

she looks like the one girl from sumaga

>> No.3386861

Oh man, I surely hope this will be translated... Eventually.

>> No.3386863

Sumaga was released after Hanachirasu. Just saying.

>> No.3386867

They both have a rather standard design. Delicious, but standard.

>> No.3386868

Sorry, Kaigen is a loli.

>> No.3386887
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No. She's way too developed to be one. Not to say anything about her age.

>> No.3386914
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loli confirmed

>> No.3386923

if she has breasts it means her hormones have kicked in, regardless of head proportion.

>> No.3386920

So, she's from Hanachirasu? Or Sabato Nabe?

>> No.3386918

Not with those tumours.

>> No.3386931

Both. Well, actually, Sabato Nabe consists of three games, and she's in one of them.

>> No.3386943

Loli is not "Is it DFC or not?" It's the overall appearance.
A character can be DFC without being loli and viceversa.

>> No.3386952

Her breasts have to be larger than the allowed maximum for loli classification.

>> No.3386956
File: 106 KB, 800x600, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Seriosly, there is something wrong with you if you see a loli in, say, this picture.

>> No.3386969


>> No.3386972

Oh, right, this is /jp/ after all. Nevermind.

>> No.3386973

No, this picture does look like a loli. Previous, not so much.

>> No.3386975

Are you stunned by our keen observational skills?

>> No.3386976
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>> No.3387045

She's not loli, she just looks like a normal Japanese body type to me...

>> No.3387054

thats called loli dude

>> No.3387059
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>> No.3387065

>loli dude
No, that'd be shota.
