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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33825962 No.33825962 [Reply] [Original]


previous thread >>33808857

>> No.33825969

>making a thread while the other one was still on page 9

>> No.33825974


>> No.33826136
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>> No.33826140

Guide: https://animecards.site/

>> No.33826284

decided to go on a silent period, i feel that using my mouth to speak my first language holds back my japanese learning

i won't speak in a month

>> No.33826348
File: 2.70 MB, 1868x1390, スクリーンショット 0003-03-20 午後6.35.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33826365

might as well just link your paypal. jannies dont mind

>> No.33826380

wanikaniman changed the game

>> No.33826548
File: 655 KB, 350x320, _.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is my type a woman

>> No.33826555

why dont ninjas in the world of Naruto do this all the time?
being ninjas and all, they should be masters of infiltrating places sneakily, so it should be easy to kill people in their sleep

>> No.33826556

why dont u start now?

>> No.33826557

ill never 4get u og this 1s for u


>> No.33826559

i thought about making one but all the copyright stuff is too annoying to deal with
baffled how nuke can show anime without any repercussions, or full audiobooks

>> No.33826564
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>> No.33826596

if u can understand shoplifters raw u know japanese, that shit was fucking impossible

>> No.33826651

Can someone give me Dolly's Sound Sisters deck? I can't be bothered to sign up for her site.

>> No.33826716

>watching youtube videos that feature 3DPD f*moids

>> No.33826734


inb4 glay more like gay

>> No.33826849

last 1 for og then its bedtime


hopefulyl shes there in the morning

>> No.33826903

I'm sorry. Pretty please?

>> No.33826908

just added 腰抜けくん and pig guy an episode later

>> No.33826976

he's so much better in the manga when you voice him yourself

>> No.33827099

might rewatch gantz o tomorrow again i cant get enough of it

>> No.33827105

u mean reread right

>> No.33827115

u mean 初年

>> No.33827119

no though i did recently finish the manga too

>> No.33827158

no way its been three days feels like it was just yesterday

>> No.33827175

considering she did make a few posts yesterday

>> No.33827176

dont think mutt has much room to talk about complacency or mastery for that matter

>> No.33827197 [DELETED] 

but ive turned over a new leaf im not gonna post anything explicitly rayciss anymore. actually i havent really much in a while not sure why i have the reputation still. some of the newer guys are not me and just as racist

>> No.33827204

matts a forever intermediate too

>> No.33827221 [DELETED] 

wow it's another women have no principles and succumb to peer pressure episode

>> No.33827273 [DELETED] 

cope harder

>> No.33827288

1/2 anime season
1 manga volume
maximum wanikani gains

every. single. day

>> No.33827304


>> No.33827306

what sort of delusions are you having you can't bully anybody

>> No.33827389

i probably have bigger tits than og (i am male)

>> No.33827390

I don't have a PayPal

>> No.33827398
File: 593 KB, 1280x720, 閃鋼のクラリアス.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a sweetheart

>> No.33827433
File: 23 KB, 552x483, 448477c2149f677c2dbfb280eb3940d423d628d4r1-552-483v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep well

>> No.33827434


>> No.33827435

dream of me

>> No.33827472

thats what ive been sayin the whole time

>> No.33827623

what's a good contemporary anime i should watch? less than 10 years old

>> No.33827866

don't have a ""waifu""

>> No.33827877
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>> No.33827956

dont know why youre comparing shonen like kny to seinen like hxh

>> No.33827989

The MadAjatter
Fuck I was going to buy my #glock19 gen 5 today but someone unfortunately bought the last one.

uhh bros?

>> No.33827998
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>> No.33828039

they let tarded people buy guns?

>> No.33828336

how old is agf again, 35? that's crazy old

it'd be pretty incredible.

>> No.33829416

thanks, im gonna study hard now

>> No.33829828

any tips? it drives me crazy, why do straight angular lines become more difficult to memorize and keep apart compared to more rounded lines?

>> No.33830005


>> No.33830191

You're a fraud. You get good at listening in around 2 years maybe even less.

>> No.33830272

so it's 2 years for neets and like 5 for wagies or what

>> No.33830320

mmm, no i dont think so

>> No.33830322

anyone here done the rrtk 450 linked in the moe guide? is it good? sounds better than the regular rrtk deck

>> No.33830324


>> No.33830645


damn is she the best at english of all of them

>> No.33830679

how can people watch that shit?

>> No.33830680


>> No.33830683

you dont see what immersion they do. some people put way more effort into studying and immersion little things like turning off the chinese subtitles

>> No.33830703

too bad shes 超ugly

>> No.33830761

kaito reencarnation has such dicksucking lips
why the fuck
bet he will be a slut now
(would be pretty neat if he became gon's love interest later on xD)

>> No.33830793

these learn english streams are nice because it gives you a sense of what it's like for other beginners

>> No.33830795

just doesnt have the came ring to it as dekinai

>> No.33830811

what in the FUCK is wrong with hxh fans

>> No.33830835

i am better at japanese than any of the hololivers are at english

>> No.33830852


>> No.33831095

if you could choose to orgasm for 10 minutes straight would you

>> No.33831384
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>> No.33831408


>> No.33831632
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fun stream, i had a blast

>> No.33831918

shes really cute

>> No.33831927

there is a lot of makeup there

>> No.33832334


fucking cringe video fucking cringe thumbnail fucking cringe mattfag
leave your early downvotes

>> No.33832496


honestly this kind of stuff makes me want to stop learning Japanese because of the company we all keep as anime draws more and more cringey fucks and almost everyone is "learning Japanese"

I sometimes wonder if I should take up Thai language or something else obscure

>> No.33832533

Tip for Absolute Beginners . . . From a Beginner.

Seeing for the first time the fact that a kanji could have so many possible readings intimidated me and made me put it off for a while. Recently (Since the beginning of this year) I decided to start again. I've realized something that has made Kanji study and reading so much easier. Associate the Kanji with the definition, not with the Japanese readings because . . . you're reading it, not speaking it. Theres no need to worry about how its pronounced, not now at least.

The time will come to worry about that sort of thing, but so far for me, thinking of reading and writing kanji as a completely seperate being from speaking and listening has worked. I know everyone learns different, so if you're struggling, give this approach a try

>> No.33832555

that's normal. don't worry about it. that usually happens for me when i don't "care" about a word, and then when i notice it in the real world i care and nail downthe meaning and reading

>> No.33832735

>Tip for Absolute Beginners . . . From a Beginner.
every time i read something like this i know im in for a treat

>> No.33832868

why are there basically no vns where (only) one of the heroines is a real trap

>> No.33832939

still can't believe after all those posts he made about being a proud virgin he went and betrayed us like that

shows he was just an incel with no principles all along

>> No.33833138

I know Joey seemed to highly recommend kissxsis, anyone use it to mine from? is the vocabulary useful?

>> No.33833578 [DELETED] 


>> No.33833591

my listening skills frustrate the fuck out of me, when dealing with a normal speed native speaker talking about something I can't predict, I feel lost

like this guy, I am catching nothing from this, are any of you guys able to hear what this street performer is talking about (cued up at 2:25):


>> No.33833792

polka is cute but i prefer elite miko
she gets so happy whenever the animations play its unreal

>> No.33833947

step 1: get the optimized core 2.3k english vocab pack
step 2: read dong-yoon's english grammar guide
step 3: start reading, playing video games, and watching english sitcoms while mining i+1 sentences

>> No.33834267

nobody cares you worthless scum

>> No.33834352

imported my first japanese only game back in 2005 but didnt even know hiragana back then, played it with a translation guide on gamefaqs and studied on and off for a long time just not giving any fucks

dont know when i seriously gave it a go prolly a little over 5 years ago when i stumbled over textfugu and wanikani

>> No.33834579

yeah it really wasnt that great in hindsight and it was never finished (same with many other projects by koichi) so i still checked out tae kim

>> No.33834632


will never read any of these

>> No.33834753

well it was tough for me, but you have 10 years more practice than I do

>> No.33834925

this is still the best cooking channel i've found

always impressed by how much effort he puts into the videos

>> No.33834941


>> No.33834990

don't care

>> No.33835061

i didn't get it first try but it was pretty easy after turning the volume up, 3 years here

>> No.33835140

how much have you consoomed

>> No.33835152

2 and a half years here got it all first try but i used headphones
nta but ~1200 hours maybe

>> No.33835175


>> No.33835241

i always click to 5 different timestamps for these videos you post, listen for 1 second at each, then close the video

>> No.33835247

see people say there’s no way to test peoples japanese skills online but transcription is definitely a legit way to test, good alternative to vocaroos

>> No.33835263

transcription isnt that a good way because you can rewind multiple times/slow it down until you hear it. the only way is a japanese conversation with a native.

>> No.33835264
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>> No.33835286

>you can rewind multiple times/slow it down until you hear it
if you suck this won't save you at all

>> No.33835292
File: 75 KB, 640x469, ajm5p01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets fucking gooooooooooooooo

>> No.33835306

even if you dont suck being able to transcribe something (after possibly multiple listens) doesnt even mean you can understand it, and especially doesnt mean you can understand it the first time, immediately, when you hear it, which is what's important. im sure people like quiz have enough knowledge to transcribe shit they dont actually understand.

>> No.33835309


>> No.33835310
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>No more useless words like "atomic energy"!
uhhh quizbros?

>> No.33835328

with the amount of homonyms how do you think they’d get the kanji right??

>> No.33835332

transcription will easily expose incorrect understanding you if you use the wrong kanji

>> No.33835348

mined 廃炉 and 堆積 from a fukushima documentary recently

>> No.33835349

in my experience if you don't get it after the second rewind you probably just won't get it
slowing something down has pretty much never helped me

>> No.33835362

yep animes fucking dead

>> No.33835423


>> No.33835427

cope harder

>> No.33835445


>> No.33835491

it was great at being dogshit i agree

>> No.33835492

this isnt real japanese the only real japanese is the quarter speed baby language that natives speak to me in between the 日本語上手s

>> No.33835498

if i'm allowed to cope for a second

>> No.33835552

you'd be crying in that situation too

>> No.33835558

quiz tomo

>> No.33835561



>> No.33835567

i wouldn't be there i'd be chillin with the local hoes

>> No.33835595

returd bros...

>> No.33835605





telephone shopping?

>> No.33835625
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>> No.33835671
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>> No.33835683

my take is
sentence cards as a beginner
once you read enough you can switch to vocab cards

>> No.33835695


>> No.33835714

dangerous pose

>> No.33835734


>> No.33835743

watch ranma as a kid
>damn shampoo is the best, she's so cute

watch ranma again as an adult
>damn shampoo is a conceited bitch, only akane has ranma's best interests in mind

>> No.33835748

Did you mean: アヘ顔ダブルピース

>> No.33835754

>watch tranny shit

>> No.33835757

no dumb uppercaser

>> No.33835764

i was quoting google

>> No.33835767

ye but shampoo is fuckin hot

>> No.33835794

is that why you hate og?

>> No.33835797

lmfao at the sword

>> No.33835804

if i were ranma i definitely would have boned shampoo a few times before throwing her in a ditch and marrying ukyo

>> No.33835809

youre fat

>> No.33835827

no i'm not

>> No.33835833


>> No.33835849
File: 8 KB, 252x132, 1616332386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao natives are ngmi

>> No.33835869

whats that from

>> No.33835906

i liked all girls in ranma
even akane, she grew on me later on

>> No.33835923

幼女戦記 12 Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur

>> No.33835924

its the authors fault if a native cant read it

>> No.33835940

how much harder was the 幼女戦記 ln compared to the anime? cause the anime wasnt THAT hard

>> No.33835949
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>> No.33835954
File: 21 KB, 976x135, 幼女戦.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

def one of the harder lns

>> No.33835959

i have no reason to cope, you're probably projecting

>> No.33835960
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>> No.33835970


>> No.33835972
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lowest common denominator detected
pic related is my current page you be the judge

>> No.33836001
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speaking of projection

>> No.33836006

i mean it isnt easy but i feel like any actual book would btfo it

>> No.33836015

yep animes fucking dead

>> No.33836042


>> No.33836051

if i record a vocaroo it'll just become a question of "you dont sound like a native" which im not claiming to lol

>> No.33836071

yeah shes hot

>> No.33836076
File: 46 KB, 600x359, 准教授.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33836093


>> No.33836096

its pretty common for 中学生 to read 吉川英治の三国志 (ive see a lot of 感想文 where people say this) and that's mostly way harder than that or probably any light novel

>> No.33836103

?? im only 7 eps in dont tell me shes a tranny or something

>> No.33836111
File: 530 KB, 508x966, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this gives me nice dopamine hits

>> No.33836137

yeah, i read the lord of the rings then which is basically the same kind of thing
it's obviously harder in japanese to read shit cuz of the kanji barrier though but id say anyone who is a "reader" wouldnt struggle with any LNs

>> No.33836151

i read ulysses when i was 15, didnt get jack shit though

>> No.33836204

will he finally address whether sentences should be on the front or the back?

>> No.33836219

yeah i just NEED TO FUCKING KNOW omg how will i go on without this information

>> No.33836235

i cant even immerse because i'm waiting in anticipation

>> No.33836248

i cant even fucking breathe until i find out i might just die of asphyxiation

>> No.33836251

it's literally the biggest question of our generation of japanese learning

>> No.33836280

desu natives kinda have no drive to read difficult things they are like
>wtf i had to check the dictionary five times this chapter this is unreadable

>> No.33836295

for me its this

>> No.33836302


>> No.33836314

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cant stop loving youuuuu

time passes quickly and chances are few

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii wont stop till im through lovin you giiiiiiiiiirl

>> No.33836317

i remember love

ah those were the days

>> No.33836325

this addon is fucking based wtf

>> No.33836326
File: 32 KB, 125x202, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone translate?

>> No.33836334

nice virus bro

>> No.33836453

tried playing little busters but the fake rpg battle shit made it too cringe for me

>> No.33836523

dont care

>> No.33836527

its 2021 i cant imagine new blood being able to play litbus and appreciate it

>> No.33836544

jamal could you give me a list of your least fav fns

>> No.33836555
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>> No.33836579

this isn't hard
whoever wrote the review is not a native, 13 years old, or has never read a ranobe before
if you think this is difficult you won't be able to read overlord, mushoku tensei or death march either

>> No.33836584


>> No.33836628



>> No.33836669



>> No.33836678

those reviews are complaining about the writing being convoluted, not about the japanese being difficult to understand

>> No.33836680

none of these really say that its hard to read from the perspective of the japanese itself, just that its written in a way that makes reading it a chore

>> No.33836682

shadda fuck up

>> No.33836697
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transcribe this in 1 minute without googling or i will accept it as your concession

>> No.33836698

let him have his cope moment

>> No.33836704
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threads in dire need of a proper dabbing


>> No.33836718

maybe you should learn japanese


>> No.33836727

do you know what 無駄 means
hes saying theres a lot of pointless shit that makes it longwinded and a waste of time

>> No.33836735


>> No.33836748

exactly, literal brainlet ln reader lol

>> No.33836749
File: 168 KB, 842x502, 1577187121126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe you should learn japanese

>> No.33836790

come back after 10k hours of reading

>> No.33836791

>hard to read means big words and not the structure of the prose
as expected of djt

>> No.33836816

there's a huge difference between "natives can't read this" and "natives find this a chore to read"

>> No.33836819

読みづらい doesnt mean "hard to read" as in "i find it difficult to understand" it means "i find it painful to read because it's a chore"
when djt says "hard to read" we're generally talking about the former because the latter is subjective

>> No.33836844

>tried paid japanese free talk for the first time
>can understand 100% but can only say 10%

is this real life

>> No.33836852

love self owns

>> No.33836859

nah its just ur life LOL

>> No.33836929

what's the word in japanese if i want to search for game guides/walkthroughs

>> No.33836930

paid the dude $6 and we talk about literally anything

>> No.33836938

do you think someone would 素直に say they could understand a bunch of the japanese? its just a cope, like djters do

>> No.33836976

thanks bro

>> No.33837028

this is true for game reviews by japanese amazon reviewers, so much cope

>> No.33837067

we're reaching quiz levels of cope

>> No.33837102

quiz finna get decimated

>> No.33837181


>> No.33837200

that's too 'free' man, too early for me

>> No.33837239

the person literally said it was hard to read and it had a lot of difficult words. the LN is probably shit on top of that so they're saying it in a negative light, its a cope to think natives are perfect at reading, and every book is easy when in reality theres tons of words the average native cant read

>> No.33837250

click here to uncripple urself


>> No.33837277

>its a cope to think natives are perfect at reading
its a cope to base your view on whether a book is hard to read on a few reviews when 99% of them dont say anything about it being hard

>> No.33837322

yah bunkos pretty ftw theres a reason hes my #1 prospect

>> No.33837333

can someone help me a bit on keigo?
im trying to figure out how i can sound more casual when talking. for example what are some "words" i can drop in normal conversation?

>> No.33837377

meet jamal, manlet pitchlet and dicklet

>> No.33837401

i thought this was n5 level

>> No.33837403

put ya trip on

>> No.33837407

i have perfect pitch

>> No.33837420

i had a dream last night where i was walking around osaka at night and this woman starts screaming for a police officer to come and then she points at me and i started running away because that bitch was crazy and the police officer was fast as fuck somehow even though he was an old ass man and it felt like i was running in slow motion and then I got caught and he said i was going to get deported and then I said "no im not lol" and walked away

>> No.33837529

these mean the same thing even after dropping the か? so what's the point of it

>> No.33837634
File: 72 KB, 354x511, unko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure he is shadowbanning people

>> No.33837654

even more mind blowing is if u watch her entire series and her analysis shes pretty high iq

>> No.33837810

if u arent at least actually friends yah

>> No.33837813

i doubt she knows more than 50

>> No.33837820

I don't see your message and I can't see my message in your chat so seems like it lol

>> No.33837866
File: 35 KB, 338x372, jwlIAR1oko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33837890

yeah doesnt show up, but the lets gooooooo from enrique showed up

>> No.33837895

actually, i mostly agree with you. that specific page wasn't that hard, but i dont know about the rest of the book. i was mostly just ranting about how djt has a tendency to claim everything is n5, or if you cant read a kanji thats even difficult for natives that you're shit at japanese

>> No.33837902

i don't know what djt is but cute feet

>> No.33837915


>> No.33837926

it says what it is in the picture u dumbfuck tourist

>> No.33837954

>if you cant read a kanji thats even difficult for natives that you're shit at japanese
why would you want to use natives as the measure for whether you suck? that's like feeling good about yourself because you know more about american politics than americans, when most of them dont give a shit about it or actively have incorrect understanding

>> No.33837976


>> No.33838001


>> No.33838002

its probably not even og because they claimed
>that specific page wasn't that hard
og wouldnt pretend to know how to read from an image

>> No.33838040

oh dno dntcare

>> No.33838105


>> No.33838259

recommend me a war/military anime where all the characters have proper military bearing

>> No.33838317


>> No.33838321



>> No.33838323


lets goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.33838327

what's a bearing

>> No.33838343

am i missing something here?
this person meet someone named せフレ or does せフレさん mean something else

>> No.33838346

the fact that japan still hunts whales really makes it hard to think of them as a first world country

>> No.33838352

why doesn't the kanji stats anki shit find my cards?

>> No.33838364 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 710x528, 1616341988848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33838370

there is a addon to do the most mature reviews first?
getting tired of seeing shit from yesterday to 3 months ago

>> No.33838373

the manners and stuff
i bet whales are tasty

>> No.33838375

thats rich coming from a specicist
im sure you dont mind pigs being put in literal gas chambers

>> No.33838410

not looking good for the butas itt

>> No.33838425

the ママカット protects them like a helmet on their ママチャリ

>> No.33838429


>> No.33838432

the only カット i need in my 単語集 is 姫カット

>> No.33838438

one more hour bros

>> No.33838462


>> No.33838474


>> No.33838499

damn only 2 for me

>> No.33838524
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33838566

so this is whats its like to wake up in heaven?

>> No.33838583

guys, i fell in love with a jp weather forecaster, she isnt a femcel and probably doesnt know me, what are my possibilities?

>> No.33838636

when does JLPT registration begin outside japan?

>> No.33838638

stfu esl

>> No.33838648


>> No.33838673

somewhere on 2ch theres a group of japs worshipping a tripfag in the daily english thread because he can watch harry potter without subtitles

>> No.33838680

2ch is dead

>> No.33838712


>> No.33838717

as a proud american, harry potter filtered me hard with all those british words they use

>> No.33838762

a bit fat but not busu at all, she even offered to met me if i go to japan

>> No.33838799

post a convo or something

>> No.33838813

its a sex board isnt it?

>> No.33838869
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bout 10 minutes into the first ep
so this is just onegai teacher but the alien is a classmate instead

>> No.33838876

yea it's also just as shitty

>> No.33838878

more like onegay teacher

>> No.33838891

haha gottem

>> No.33838913
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>> No.33838916
File: 852 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great, i will like it then

>> No.33838985
File: 10 KB, 592x926, ker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

75 new words a day is based?

>> No.33838999

100 is

>> No.33839033

what happens when you do more

>> No.33839062
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>> No.33839068

watch videodrome

>> No.33839097
File: 90 KB, 469x800, japanese capital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me laugh

>> No.33839123
File: 781 KB, 1920x1080, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels great being able to read hidden stuff like this

>> No.33839144

the end of the 1st episode is spicy af

>> No.33839164


>> No.33839187

woke up just in time for this fuck yes matt is about to kick yoga off his pedestal

>> No.33839189

handwriting is too bad can't read it

>> No.33839203


>> No.33839206
File: 774 KB, 1920x1080, 0006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep animes fucking dead

>> No.33839209

love seeing ur posts cause it gives me an ego boost cause of how retarded u are relative to me

>> No.33839243

i had issues w. her boobs they were pretty inconsistent like they are absurdly huge in that scene but then most of the time she looks sort of reasonable

>> No.33839248

rent free

>> No.33839253

its not rent free if ur post is literally in front of my eyeballs lmfao

>> No.33839258


>> No.33839270


>> No.33839292

oh. none of you faggots actually speak or care about the language. cool.

>> No.33839306

i dont care about the language but i do know nihongo

>> No.33839311

いったことない男 ぉl

>> No.33839335

rip quiz

>> No.33839336

care about me anime

care about me vinnies

care about me manga

simple as

>> No.33839337

no she claled me ikukotoganai otoko lmao

>> No.33839348

yeah can't make that up

>> No.33839369

quiz master collab with matt

>> No.33839379

matto would bait quizler into speaking japanese and then savagely own him in an attempt to take out his frustrations on getting savagely decimated at the hands of that 1 chick that interviewed him

>> No.33839427
File: 80 KB, 1349x780, 1604911556320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder to drop anki after the beginning and only pick it back up once you're learning autistic words

>> No.33839430

oh is it real has mattos content mill run so dry that hell resort to using quiz now lmao

>> No.33839434


>> No.33839435

qm destroyed...

>> No.33839439

yeah 1 problem with that chief once u drop anki its fucking impossible to start again

>> No.33839445

never experienced intration in my life

>> No.33839447

p much what i did

>> No.33839449
File: 21 KB, 200x196, 1616294213664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf even is 切る. im starting to think my watermelon skin is actually crippling me

>> No.33839452

stfu stop insulting matt you've already shit on him so much the past few years

>> No.33839499

u know if i was a faithful follower of matto vs japan id prolly be wondering why this dude is still talking about cards after 5 years instead of language acquisition lol

>> No.33839500

why not just make the reviews and delete the easy words?

>> No.33839509

will never forget 卒塔婆 cause it's in monogatari and senjougahara says 卒塔婆が卒倒しそう in her boner inducing voice

>> No.33839518

more like benjogayhara

>> No.33839558

quiz isn't even here to celebrate he's got a gf he plows every night now

>> No.33839566

matches both their positions in japanese ability

>> No.33839569

yea the deck i havent touched in months has 4500 words and when i tried starting it again i was getting 150-200 reviews per day (i had used the postpone addon to postpone the cards for months at a time so the reviews wouldnt pile up if i did ever come back to it) and i couldnt deal with that much so i dropped it again. even though my stats were fucking ass so i obviously hadnt acquired all the words in that deck.

>> No.33839584

i mean its just to learn how to use both, you dont need a sentence card for the word, "banana" "dog" or "suicide"

>> No.33839589

going to order 1000 bunkos and kill my internet until i understand japanese

>> No.33839597

yo make sure qolibri is all setup

>> No.33839603

was kind of a pointless video content wise

>> No.33839610

feeling pretty intrated rn

>> No.33839614

i still dont understand the point of sentence cards

>> No.33839628

being forced to the context every time assists you in acquiring the meaning

>> No.33839634

just read it on the back

>> No.33839639

artificial reading

>> No.33839642

yeah except no one does that

>> No.33839659

but thats exactly what i dont understand. if i wanted to read sentences id read them on the back or id read my linnies/vinnies

>> No.33839669

the point is forced and every time
if you rep vocab cards youll probably only read it the first time you see the card and possibly when you fail it

you don't want a vague recall of the context, you want to read the exact usage every single time

>> No.33839677
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>> No.33839702

u know who we havent seen in a while

lingo steven

whats that guy up to lately

>> No.33839705

personally i listen to the sentence audio on the back until i fully comprehend every moving part then i move on, but i don't want any of that shit on the front giving away the definition of my target word

i do this every time. if you lack discipline then you'll never be able to reap the benefits of embracing the best of both worlds

>> No.33839754

these are tough

>> No.33839757

>i do this every time
in that case you're the exception and not representative of 95% of people who use vocab cards
even quiz says in his guide to only read the sentence when you fail

>> No.33839759

wtf murakami is still alive thought he died for some reason

>> No.33839769

not if you're a wanikani chad

>> No.33839779
File: 2 KB, 193x89, anki_uRNAzwQ1zY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a chinese font?

>> No.33839783

its not vague if its a good card made out of a memorable context it was really surprising to hear him say that having audio and an image on the back doesnt make much difference when it massively speeds up relearning after a lapse and assists contextual reinforcement of the meaning its what lets you merely glance at the sentence while repping and remember the scene and feeling not to mention how vital it is to listen to the word every time you rep it you dont want to decipher a kanji compound visually all the time

>> No.33839796

how the fuck i use あらかじめ?
10 sentences and i dont get it

>> No.33839817

never had a problem with bunkocards but i do have a word from forvo or whatever

>> No.33839843

>its not vague if its a good card made out of a memorable context
you focus too much on context in terms of the situation or scene the word appears in
the point of sentence cards is to reinforce the exact usage within the sentence
you will not remember this by just recalling the scene, you need to read the sentence
>it was really surprising to hear him say that having audio and an image on the back doesnt make much difference
yeah i agree with you here

>> No.33839877

learned this real early on wanikani

>> No.33839880

how long is your context on average bet it takes longer than a card where just looking at the image and listening to the first second of the context audio is enough to trigger the memory of the whole scene

>> No.33839883

probably not

>> No.33839897

he only took that stance because he didn't want to give quiz any points

>> No.33839902

>if i wanted to read sentences id read them on the back or id read my linnies/vinnies
never get this argument you can just as well say yeah if i wanted to read words i'd read my lns and vns

>> No.33839903

kek, i thought both were different words, literal dekinai moment

>> No.33839913

matt is retarded and ignores the glaring issues with sentence cards and acts like the vocab card pros aren't significant
bro you aren't learning the language in anki why do you want to read the same sentence several houndred times?

>> No.33839923

think its just a serif font
check ima, easiest way to tell

>> No.33839927

>why do you want to read the same sentence several houndred times?
this has been answered multiple times pay attention in class

>> No.33839944

>matto really has reclined
this is why you need sentence cards

>> No.33839964


>> No.33839965

he's saying he's lazy

>> No.33840004

not sure what's funny, are you saying that you can recall an exact sentence perfectly word for word just because you remember the scene it appears in?
if that's the case hats off to you but it's not something people below 150 iq are capable of

>> No.33840008

he absolutely demolished your stupid fucking reasoning get fucked idiot

>> No.33840024

>ben shapiro DEMOLISHES ajatter with facts and reason

shut up autistic bitch lol

>> No.33840026
File: 994 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant believe they got away with this

>> No.33840038

no i'm tired of you dipshits saying dumb shit in response to proven methods and thinking you're smart or something but then some anon casually destroys you and you have nothing to say but i bet you or someone else will make that argument again i'm so sick of idiots posting here

>> No.33840052

the only people who made it either didn't use anki or dropped it after a year or two

>> No.33840054

>proven methods
bet you're about to recommend wanikani

>> No.33840056

dont think u know what it means to prove something

>> No.33840063
File: 66 KB, 699x588, 8f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33840064


>> No.33840074

>the only people who made it either didn't use anki or dropped it after a year or two

shut up wanikani shill

>> No.33840080

big win for sentence bros

>> No.33840093

yup switching to sentences, quizmaster wasted a year of my mining time with bad cards

>> No.33840097

you just switched? prepare for disappointment lol.

>> No.33840102


second lets goooooooooooooooo of the day

>> No.33840106

4bbc destroyed
he just can't stop losing

>> No.33840108

fallback cards are the way to go
even matt says to use both and shows he has a setup that can switch between them

with fallback cards i just dont have to open the anki browser and edit the card to do it but can toggle them during the reps

>> No.33840113

>yo guys what's good

>> No.33840135

>matt compared animecards to wanikani

>> No.33840146

>whats funny is you conveniently ignored all the crucial points i made

you guys gotta get off "philosophy" youtube. turning you dumb

>> No.33840156

>im not going to let you stealthily reframe the problem
except i didn't do anything stealthy i said from the very start that the exact usage within the sentence is the major pro of sentence cards you just refuse to engage with it and keep talking about the context of the situation the sentence appears in

>> No.33840160

cant listen to yogas english intonation

>> No.33840163

why does anyone think matt is still relevant

>> No.33840249

cause theres currently no one funnier to post about

>> No.33840258
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>> No.33840261

wtf why does this look so different depending on the font used 直

>> No.33840297

yoga > matt > quiz

>> No.33840327

think everyones reading too much into this
its just matt getting back at miniyoga for stealing his deck by stealing miniyogas vocab vs sentence article and making a video, right down to refusing to call them animecards lol

>> No.33840330

this is why you need to go back cross-boarder

>> No.33840332

i learned english from playing japanese games with english audio track.

why did my country force me to play these games in english? i could be fluent in japanese right now if my country hadnt tricked me into learning english.

>> No.33840336

you said
>you don't want a vague recall of the context, you want to read the exact usage every single time
which is stupid recall is vague if its a bad card matt said audio and image doesnt matter which is false vocab cards made without them are decidedly inferior this had to be pointed out because otherwise you could use throw those cards in to dilute the potential of vocab cards as a category and anecdotally justify how they only result in vague recall of the context and why reading the entire sentence word for word is necessary which simply isnt true

with a proper vocab card reading the definition and recalling the context is fast easy and sufficient

>> No.33840344

korone > okayu

>> No.33840357

lamy > korone/okayu

>> No.33840358

maybe you use more english vocab cards

>> No.33840364

yeah english dubs messing everything up for everybody

>> No.33840377

luna > pekora > korone >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> coco > kanata

>> No.33840402

why do you hate kanata?

>> No.33840421

she is coco's lapdog

>> No.33840427
File: 3 KB, 328x156, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33840436

damn so this is simplified? looks better

>> No.33840460

wait so ive been writing 今 wrong the whole time?

>> No.33840507

i hate vns because somehow i always get locked into the most boring route with the least amount of content and i hate looking at guides/spoilers

>> No.33840563
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>> No.33840588
File: 505 KB, 2048x2448, 82618568_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33840595

chaika has a very recognizable face

>> No.33840676

where's the threadwars? just going to let wanichad win without any resistance?

>> No.33840726
File: 163 KB, 1536x906, 562c6cc361edba0e62a918a785429d7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanithread wins with filedeleted

>> No.33840903

>no read >>33839628
yeah i used context in that post, i had to switch terms later because you used the term context limited to the context of the overall situation while i used the term context with regards to the other words in the sentence
>anyway i dont know why youre making a big deal out of remembering the "exact" usage of the word "within" the sentence
because knowing 怪訝そうな顔 is better than knowing 怪訝

>> No.33840992

feel it out

>> No.33841085


>> No.33841087

so wives dont get jealous

>> No.33841100

that kinda sounds interesting any more details?

>> No.33841117

its just more pseudo attractive girls. "oh look at my cleavage", but actually theyre ugly.
really, most women are ugly. 90% of women are ugly.

>> No.33841126

yea but if u want someone to watch the weather it needs to be cloudy w. a chance of titties

>> No.33841145

essentially the original idea was to make a 3d version of The Oregon Trail within anki but modified for learning but that would require an addon to render 3d graphics so i've gone with an ascii version

the learning aspect of the game is more hidden and the game slowly progresses as you rep your cards, if a card is suspended it will say "_____ has been suspended due to dysentery" etc just to spice things up

the idea isn't fully flushed out yet so don't judge it too harshly and if you have any ideas im open to suggestions

>> No.33841167

if you use software to learn japanese youre ngmi

>> No.33841176

that is honestly the most tarded idea i've ever heard from djt

>> No.33841178

this reminds me of the time this black tv reporter was receiving complaints and got kicked off for being "too sexual" when she was just well endowed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W1yML1eecho

>> No.33841188

built for bwc

>> No.33841209

are you also ngmi because you used the internet to post that?

>> No.33841212

sry can't today

>> No.33841312


>> No.33841329

it should be illegal to let ugly women voice cute anime girls

>> No.33841408


>> No.33841471

lot of false positives here

>> No.33841477

pretty much agreed as long as u actually clean urself and take care of urself im sure i can find something about u attractive

>> No.33841495

the only good makeup is a vividly colored lipstick

>> No.33841497

black people and natural hair is yet another social issue apparently

>> No.33841498

we both know this 幻想 image of me you have can't translate into real life, and thats getting past the fact you arent the kind of person id want to know irl in the first place. you'll be much happier as long as the 新og様 does her duty

btw gonna cripple the dreams of the retards who keep posting early threads

>> No.33841522

return (wearsMakeup || hasHadPlasticSurgery) ? ugly : beautiful;

>> No.33841578

oh yeah and the most common shit of all lately; blow-up doll lip fillers

>> No.33841585

more like lipsdick

u do know that itd be starting from square 1 for both of us in that case not just me and theres no guarantee we could stand each other for more than 5 mins

but i suspect everything would flip and ud become enamored with me and id become repulsed by u

>> No.33841590

not even into feet and id lick hers instantly
so 感謝 for the pics

>> No.33841715


shut up old man

>> No.33841730

og is literally an oldfag to djt by the time dilation of zoomers itt

>> No.33841736

thats my old woman watch ur mouth

>> No.33841744
File: 195 KB, 843x1199, ca8147470d22f19c18f2cda0793a1d93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33841750

also u use 2010 as a reference cuz thats when u literally finished high school lmfao every1 does that its part of getting old

and as u get older 2010 is gonna seem like the absolute fuckign best time to be alive (tho it wasnt cuz 2010 was ASS)

>> No.33841771

gonna rep some Text Vocab Cards

>> No.33841773

i graduated in the 2000s and the 90s were better in every aspect

>> No.33841777

is that the context of the sarah thing lol

>> No.33841781

youve got a real sad life fat fucking neet nutjob with no employable skills running out of lottery money spending all day getting owned in a thread which hates you youre going nowhere fast woman

>> No.33841788

i was one of those early memory developers so mine are more vivid from the age of 3-12 or so than jr or hs which is more of a blur. so for me early 2000s was the best time to be alive

>> No.33841789

no she was translating urusei yatura

>> No.33841792


the 1890s

>> No.33841791

i also wish i finished hs in teh 90s

>> No.33841795

what's the difference between 愛してるんだよ and 愛してるだよ?
i don't understand the point of adding ん. don't they both just mean i love you?

>> No.33841864

get a job get a man and gtfo lol

>> No.33841866

what i want u to do about it is hurry up and go run around and do whatever to squeeze out whatever ur tryin to get out of whats left of ur 20s and then come fucking settle down w. me and just watch anime and remember the good old days till we fucking die

>> No.33841899


>> No.33841905

>going to school at all
kids these days

>> No.33841912

working on 2/3 of those and i will be outta djt soon enough がまんしてくれ

>> No.33841933

true in my day we had to go to school kids nowadays just fuckin get on zoom and get goatsed by their classmates all day

no u wont ur fucking mine forever

>> No.33841938


>> No.33841943

how do I delete all production cards from a deck?

>> No.33841948

i wanna man

>> No.33841970

and of course zoom is an NSA botnet, so kids these days literally have no privacy. im glad im done with school and university already.
we truly live in a distopia

>> No.33841978

nobody cares cocksucker

>> No.33841981

>im glad im done with school and university already
done dropping out you mean lmfao

>> No.33841987

unironically dropped out of college bc of zoom

>> No.33841998

the program? wat

>> No.33842010

a feel guys wont understand is that when you arent single you arent hot shit anymore and it kinda sucks whereas guys actually gain social value by being in a relationship. i prefer being adored from afar than dealing with an actual relationship where the doting dries up and you are advertising to everyone who's dick you are currently sucking. guess its different with marriage but thats horrifying for other reasons

i know im a vain メンヘラ no need to remind me

>> No.33842023

not the only reason but it was the straw that broke the camels back

>> No.33842050

im on my way to getting a solid degree why the hell would i want to drop out
glad the whore is finally admitting to being a whore

>> No.33842052

maybe you should get a job and a degree if you want social value

>> No.33842055

I minored in Japanese at University out of sheer spite for Spanish. The professor convinced us to spend a summer in Japan for the first half of our senior-level courses. I was feeling pretty good, managing to not offend anyone, ordering food like a champion, giving and getting basic directions like it was my job, riding the clockwise yamanote line for a whole day before figuring out a counter-clockwise line existed just a few steps away, you know- playing the real exchange student cultural jazz.

Anyway, I picked up a copy of pokemon green from the yellow submarine like the flippin stud I am. Held on to it for a couple months, got back to the states and fired it up, ready to take my relationship with Nihongo to the next level.

Didn't work out. Japanese rejected me and I went back to studying Mary-san's love lore for some intellectual comfort food.

>> No.33842061

so basically being with someone makes u feel guilty that u cant just show ur ass to every1 like u want to or

>> No.33842066

its based how out of all the losers in this thread the biggest loser of them all is the only (known) female poster lmfao

>> No.33842069

>you are advertising to everyone who's dick you are currently sucking. guess its different with marriage but thats horrifying for other reasons
what are you even talking about bro

>> No.33842075

>riding the clockwise yamanote line for a whole day before figuring out a counter-clockwise line existed
absolute fucking 田舎者

>> No.33842081

*nuke chan pulling the paper away*

the fuck

>> No.33842088

new fag

>> No.33842092

degree has no real social value unless you a complete tool. everyone and their mother has a degree whereas dropouts who make it big are lauded.

replace job with career or cause and i'll agree on that point. wish i was rich enough to just get into get into philanthropy to justify my existence.
its easiest to think of it like i'd make the perfect idol because id never be with anyone not even secretly and all my fans would be my lovers and then when im about to his the wall i get a nice front page memorial about my pretty face splattered on the pavement from my penthouse balcony

>> No.33842095

been here longer than u, meisou doesnt post anymore and the other people that have made claims are likely trannys

>> No.33842099

anyone know any good audio card decks

>> No.33842104

epic cope for the only dude willing to venture into the rotten landscape that is ur cunt kicking ur ass to the curb

>> No.33842108

ur own

>> No.33842109

cards have audio in yu-gi-oh

>> No.33842115
File: 65 KB, 1115x416, ajxQroOBvS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33842117

i left him and even gave back the ring but you can think im lying if you want idgaf

>> No.33842121

don't think you've heard of morbido guy if you think she's the biggest loser

>> No.33842123

stop trying to emotionally manipulate people

>> No.33842135

using anki is cursed but using premade decks are blasphemous

>> No.33842139

i dont understand this statement

>> No.33842143

morbido guy is ftw

>> No.33842148

i mean i understand being sick of all the outstretch ed arms of boys that just wanna drag u down in a sense cuz u dont want no boys hangin off of u but ur sayin some real stupid shit here and i hope u get ur mind at least right enough to consider the poor guy who has to peel ur broken face up off of the concrete

>> No.33842149

hey why am i a loser??

>> No.33842159

who is morbido

>> No.33842162

no you didnt

>> No.33842165

you know exactly what youre doing youre not some victim

>> No.33842191

wtf no way
always imaged him as a 20代 semi lean white middleclasser

>> No.33842192
File: 23 KB, 400x455, ocd-cycle-400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i have ocd and recently i can't stop syncing my anki deck religiously even though i know nothing has changed

>> No.33842196

sure thing big guy

>> No.33842199

wish i was american so i could pull this move

>> No.33842215

anymore. it's been well documented that people who lose weight always balloon back up eventually though

>> No.33842218

lmふぁお i can picture it

>> No.33842228

not if they take up a sport and stick with it
can't wait to go swimming once the pools are open again

>> No.33842230

acquired 拝領

>> No.33842231

see a psychiatrist

>> No.33842237

what you call menhera and emotional manipulation , i just call having an imagination and a desire to live by own terms
when did i say i was victim lmao. i resent that, i know its all my own problems wtf are you projecting?
if you think a woman has any other value from men (and other women by social proxy) you are deluded. its all just different ways of imagining sex but as an idol you dont have to actually be a literal whore and i mean you can get talented enough at the entertainment shit you are doing

>> No.33842254

tf are they going to do lol

>> No.33842258

tell you to stop using anki

>> No.33842264
File: 67 KB, 529x708, nev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the guy

>> No.33842265

give you drugs you can sell to kids at your anime club

>> No.33842266

thought og was leaving forever

>> No.33842276

im just waiting on my boat to hong kong, but ive been posting only a few hours every other day lately

>> No.33842289

just realized im probably going to accidentally learn chinese lol. that will really piss you fags off

>> No.33842291

that was a good attempt at saving the thread but i think it's time to pull the plug

>> No.33842292

that only applies to stuff you just learned

>> No.33842299

slow your roll. i was talking about a hypothetical fantasy version of myself extrapolated from my personality. i literally think killing yourself outside of honorable reasons seriously fucks your karma like nothing else

>> No.33842301

he probably did lol

>> No.33842307

you didnt accidentally (or otherwise) learn japanese so im not too concerned

>> No.33842308

if by "learn" you mean the same way as you "learned" japanese then we dont consider that to count anyway

>> No.33842319

>killing yourself outside of honorable reasons seriously fucks your karma
if djt was a village you'd be the...

>> No.33842321

wow that 3 day vacation made things worse

>> No.33842324

not change ur font is only going to hurt u
also stfu chinese are cool languages

>> No.33842325

imagine how mad djt would be if i could speak it well but not read single hanzi lol

>> No.33842341

you have a duty to the boys to hate me on principle, even i understand this

>> No.33842353

>isolated bug people

>> No.33842359

cant imagine wanting to know for anything other than martial arts desu. chinese speakers are in the billions but by and large arent worth interacting with. but like the mountain hermits training in obscure arts are obviously gonna be an exception to their normal personality

>> No.33842362

>sequel to a book isn't available digitally


>> No.33842374

the latter people you describe are mystical voodoo dipshits not worth talking to. among the billions of normal people there's probably some smart ones with interesting things to say. far more interesting than japs anyway (western europeans and their diaspora are still the most interesting)

>> No.33842378

does that pic count crippled japanese by weebs bc that doesnt count

>> No.33842386

the only chinese worth talking to live outside the mainland or canton

>> No.33842392

whatever im just sick of it every time i open djt im forced to see your posts and i cant fucking take it its in my nature to automatically start thinking of solutions to fix/alleviate issues and it kills me to see problems i cant work on and resolve call me a fag i dont care its so much better when its someone you dont know at all because youre not reminded of that shit again and again

>> No.33842396

mainland chinese internet is really interesting you're just a buneng

>> No.33842401


>> No.33842405


>> No.33842406

ur a fat piece of shit i cant imagine ingesting that many calories at once let along eating that much putrid garbage

that would be like eating all of ogs posts in the last hour

>> No.33842415

recommendations for free visual novels?

>> No.33842420

chinese martial arts are a scam

>> No.33842421

the funny thing is i'm severely underweight lmfao
i'm 5'11 130lbs

>> No.33842443

no actually i think that is actually pretty based but futile on djt. i mean when i got here i was just as seething as you are at the state of the thread and went on cringy rants so. its hard to hate you completely cause you are just a younger me on the rag
post the sewer oil vid and the article about how some of the tainted poop fried food got exported to taiwan lol
outside of china, yeah

>> No.33842444

dunno im a skelly and i can eat 5 mcdonalds burgers in a sitting and still be hungry

>> No.33842445

assuming you dont pirate then check steam i think narcissu is free

>> No.33842462

core 2k deck with voices sentences + sentence cards

>> No.33842464

in ten years you will be full on hippo

>> No.33842465

i wonder how much money yoga is making per month

>> No.33842468

thats always a fat guy cope a weight advantage doesnt matter if you out of shape and your bodyfat % is woman-tier

>> No.33842471


>> No.33842473

people got their narrative before they knew his motivations and they are just going to run with it and ignore the evidence

>> No.33842476

everybody's been telling me to put on some weight my whole life maybe they'll finally be happy

>> No.33842479

ppl r fucking retarded

like in this last week theres been a dumb rumor going around that robinhood doesnt have ur shares for stocks in ur portfolio which is just actually not true despite rh being bad for other reasons

yet the low iq hive mind reddit retards got baited into transferring their accounts to other brokers and locking up their ゲームストップ shares for next week in the process lmao

>> No.33842485

him and matt make around $2.5 per patron

>> No.33842487

Japanese - The Dark Souls of Languages?

>> No.33842488

the reason no one gives a shit about this kind of japanese is that 1. it’s only spoken in this kind of ugly gay media and not actually goof media 2. you will never hear anyone in real life speaking like this even if they’re not speaking to a foreigner or to someone who’s low level. at no point walking around 渋谷 will you overhear a conversation that sounds like this shit.

>> No.33842492

it's the pornhub of languages

>> No.33842493

>t. has his groceries delivered

>> No.33842497
File: 648 KB, 2000x2200, fsi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are games that are harder than dark souls whereas japanese is objectively the hardest language

>> No.33842499

literally can't stand jamal talking about stalks after he made that guy eat old grandma manko to pay his rent

>> No.33842504


>> No.33842505

what does that have to do with anything

amazon dropped someone elses package at my door and i went over to my neighbors house and personally handed him the box not even a little worried and i dont own a single face mask

>> No.33842511


>> No.33842517

theres a difference between being healthy with weight and being a bipedal pig
hell just compare a sumo to a regular guy of the same weight to understand what i mean

>> No.33842518

this show looks so awful i watch a ton of retarded sol shit but i can't stomach this

>> No.33842527

>there are games that are harder than dark souls
ummm no sweaty

>> No.33842532

robinhood banned me for making too much money on daytrading lol. its ok i was done with that shitty crap anyway and bought a rickenbacker with the money.
>i dont own a single face mask
more proof you are a certified shut-in

>> No.33842536


>> No.33842538

most toho on lunatic is probably harder

>> No.33842540


>> No.33842543

your loss

>> No.33842545

the added ん feels like someone is answering someone or responding to something.

>> No.33842547

1 thing thats annoying about the jp dubs on netflix is that i can often hear half the fucking sentence in english before the dub audio for that same sentence starts

>> No.33842550

threadly reminder 500 most common kanji make up 80% of newspaper reading and you are misappropriating your time and energy

>> No.33842558

yeah but something from the other 20% will still show up in literally every sentence lol

>> No.33842559

that's an utter useless stat

>> No.33842561

> it’s only spoken in this kind of ugly gay media and not actually goof media
enlighten us with what goof japanese media is then

>> No.33842562

fuckin hate books like that

>> No.33842573


>> No.33842574

reading right now

>> No.33842576

ur dumb as hell rh didnt ban u for breaking finra rules maybe next time trying having more than 25k in ur acct to daytrade

also ofc i spend nearly all of my time at home i am old thats we do ppl go to work and go home except https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJ_p4nActyo

also why r u tryin to fuck with me is it bc i didnt respond to ur complete garbage posts earlier ? well they fuckin sucked

>> No.33842577

Japanese is the Judaism of languages

>> No.33842578

>Her flid is not weafling.
felt a tingle in my dick

>> No.33842586

she's working through minna no nihongo bro it's happening

>> No.33842588

contrived example, and in english no less

>> No.33842592

do you have one of these for 90% or 95%?

>> No.33842597

yeah but its obviously easier to continue learning and infer things from context and "just read" once you have reached that 80% comprehension level.

>> No.33842612

日 一 国 会 人 年 大 十 二 本 中 長 出 三 同 時 政 事 自 行 社 見 月 分 議 後 前 民 生 連 五 発 間 対 上 部 東 者 党 地 合 市 業 内 相 方 四 定 今 回 新 場 金 員 九 入 選 立 開 手 米 力 学 問 高 代 明 実 円 関 決 子 動 京 全 目 表 戦 経 通 外 最 言 氏 現 理 調 体 化 田 当 八 六 約 主 題 下 首 意 法 不 来 作 性 的 要 用 制 治 度 務 強 気 小 七 成 期 公 持 野 協 取 都 和 統 以 機 平 総 加 山 思 家 話 世 受 区 領 多 県 続 進 正 安 設 保 改 数 記 院 女 初 北 午 指 権 心 界 支 第 産 結 百 派 点 教 報 済 書 府 活 原 先 共 得 解 名 交 資 予 川 向 際 査 勝 面 委 告 軍 文 反 元 重 近 千 考 判 認 画 海 参 売 利 組 知 案 道 信 策 集 在 件 団 別 物 側 任 引 使 求 所 次 水 半 品 昨 論 計 死 官 増 係 感 特 情 投 示 変 打 男 基 私 各 始 島 直 両 朝 革 価 式 確 村 提 運 終 挙 果 西 勢 減 台 広 容 必 応 演 電 歳 住 争 談 能 無 再 位 置 企 真 流 格 有 疑 口 過 局 少 放 税 検 藤 町 常 校 料 沢 裁 状 工 建 語 球 営 空 職 証 土 与 急 止 送 援 供 可 役 構 木 割 聞 身 費 付 施 切 由 説 転 食 比 難 防 補 車 優 夫 研 収 断 井 何 南 石 足 違 消 境 神 番 規 術 護 展 態 導 鮮 備 宅 害 配 副 算 視 条 幹 独 警 宮 究 育 席 輸 訪 楽 起 万 着 乗 店 述 残 想 線 率 病 農 州 武 声 質 念 待 試 族 象 銀 域 助 労 例 衛 然 早 張 映 限 親 額 監 環 験 追 審 商 葉 義 伝 働 形 景 落 欧 担 好 退 準 賞 訴 辺 造 英 被 株 頭 技 低 毎 医 復 仕 去 姿 味 負 閣 韓 渡 失 移 差 衆 個 門 写 評 課 末 守 若 脳 極 種 美 岡 影 命 含 福 蔵 量 望 松 非 撃 佐 核 観 察 整 段 横 融 型 白 深 字 答 夜 製 票 況 音 申 様 財 港 識 注 呼 渉 達 

just learn these kanji and you understand 80% of newspapers lmao

>> No.33842630

yooooooooo i just acquired fossit

>> No.33842632

dno why this is so surprising to anons itt
almost like they’re coping for their japanese studying obsession/autism

>> No.33842633

i bully you cause i thought we were friends but you clearly are made of glass like most egotists
plus the point of that example isn't "only learn 500 kanji" its to show that you don't need to sperg out on 3000+ to comprehend japanese. plus furigana is a very common outside of jouyou
>which is why you shouldn't stop there as (You) suggests
oogesa, the only point is jerking off to kanji levels is ngmi mentality

>> No.33842634

80% understanding is a misnomer since in those 20% of words you dont understand is probably what the topic is about so you probably dont understand it at all

>> No.33842641


>> No.33842644

these examples were created with the intention to make it as incomprehensible as possible by someone with an axe to grind.something randomly generated would be more accurate but even then its not apples to apples with japanese

>> No.33842646


>> No.33842649

>ngmi mentality
i'm sure you're very knowledgeable about this queen ngmi

>> No.33842652

how can u sya were friends when u repeatedly say ud never want to meet me and that ur gonna in not too long ghost me forever

im already moving onto girls that r a bit more stable like the other thread girl shes cool

>> No.33842657

cope and not even good cope you are just making shit up about a language you dont understand in the first place lol

>> No.33842658

80% understanding is a fiblewaper since in those 20% of words you dont understand is probably what the humpalum is about so you probably dont understand it at all

>> No.33842659

great advice from someone who is literally unable to read

>> No.33842703

but what about for word readings

>> No.33842705

if i were a feminist i would say thats you male chauvinism talking but i dont consider that a bad quality it means you have a soul and arent completely ruined like jamal
download it and give it a look you might be surprised how intuitive monolingual study can be from 0 japanese (after kana obviously)
filtered by monolingual i see

>> No.33842712


>> No.33842724

>download it and give it a look you might be surprised how intuitive monolingual study can be from 0 japanese (after kana obviously)
why are you wasting your time with this garbage i thought you already knew japanese literally all you have to do is pick up a book and read while looking up words

>> No.33842739

why are you balonzing your time with this shawuzles i thought you already knew japanese bublarly all you have to do is pick up a book and read while looking up words

>> No.33842748

dont know how much i can stress how filtered you are gonna be if you believe you know japanese with no grammar or sentence study if you actually go to japan or talk to japanese people. and inb4 why would you that cope doesn't make you dekiru

>> No.33842752

This is like the three riders to hell. If you want to actually become a dekinai without any possibility to turn back then this is your way to hell.

>> No.33842762

how many words can you understand in the GoT novels without looking them up esl? youre still fluent in english

>> No.33842791

i don't even know what to respond to this ur just fucked lol

>> No.33842833
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, hakujin-san.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post just makes me sad you're in the perfect position to make it but instead you feel obligated to do some useless grammar study for first-week students absolutely ridiculous

>> No.33842839

im not even close to competent in my studies and honestly even im baffled how i misheard that. i can only blame my general incompetence with languages you can tell from my native english

>> No.33842856

as if u arent completely ruined too *plunges tongue directly down ur throat*

>> No.33842907

i dont disagree but not for the reasons you think. im actually like half a book away from being done with grammar but im so fucking useless i cant be bothered despite sitting in my room all day.

after you get the basics im not against switching to immersion, reading, and output to top yourself off despite what you all think

but its such a fucking scam to try to immerse from teh start, shun all basic grammar study, and create arbitrary barriers to start outputting when its gonna add at best a year or two to your advancement and at worst filter you out of japanese entirely

>> No.33842922

i shopped exclusively at hot topic from ages 13-16 so kind of right on there

>> No.33842928

u dont know japanese so what do u know

>> No.33842950

imagine talking about the latest linkin park amv at hot topic with ur crush

>> No.33842955

i wish chester were still alive bros

>> No.33842970


>> No.33842996

imagine having a crush

>> No.33843000

not a big hybrid theory fan?

>> No.33843003

actually went back into hot topic recently but they didn't have a single blondie band shirt despite having the fucking ramones

>> No.33843024
File: 304 KB, 1400x1750, nihongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too bad this is $44 or i would immerse in it

>> No.33843026

and taking her to that weird store at the mall that sells dragon statues and buying a sword to impress her

>> No.33843040

lmfao i bought my a fucking dragon orb at one of those places when i was a teenager

>> No.33843044

you have good taste in women dude

>> No.33843051
File: 305 KB, 600x900, 7cd7578471fa0288c6f2470196d64013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you think of this? i'm thinking of buying one

>> No.33843057

my dad*

>> No.33843058


>> No.33843061

i bullied kids who like crawling in my skin back in school

>> No.33843064

you think that you can read if you learn those kanji isolated? my son, you have to learn words after that.

>> No.33843073

i'm a 25 year old virgin with social anxiety and i'm a neet but god gave me a 8 inch dick

lol son of a biscuit box

>> No.33843079

i had a cool vietnamese friend who was into linkin park and was urban swag as hell

>> No.33843099

heres what il ltell u if u make it to being a wizard ull stop having social anxiety

ull just be over all the bullshit and ready to just naturally mate with the first girl that doesnt look at u with eyes of disdain or scorn and itll all work out for u

and the dick size will just be a plus

>> No.33843107

get a job
buy a woman
problem solved

>> No.33843115

it's about girth my man how much is it

>> No.33843125

tfw you were born too late to buy a slavic bride but too early to buy a robot one

>> No.33843128


>> No.33843147

all women are for sale just hold up some racks and watch as they fight each other tooth and nail for who gets to let u buss in their mouth

>> No.33843179

havent read the thread in hours anything funny from og?

>> No.33843240

I can't even imagine life without social anxiety pretty sure im just perma crippled now

once I get close a girl I feel totally comfortable with them 1 on 1 but i've only had that type friendship once in my adult life and she went back to china lol
social anxiety stops me from getting a job but I have about $10,000 in apple stock right now
idk how to measure girth but its definitely not pencil so probably 6inches(i can't fit it inside a toliet paper roll when hard)

>> No.33843249

imagine wearing that shit that looks like saved by the bell

>> No.33843253

here >>33842748

>> No.33843279

i think its cute og wants to wear music artist t shirts tho reminds me of my youth when i wore my children of bodom and pig destroyer black t shirts

>> No.33843287

thats the prevailing vibe dude. one of the few nice things about this climate
really nice rhythm. the groove is so late 70s early 80s

>> No.33843302

this is what it looks like on a person btw

>> No.33843314

remember that one time djt got horny for an astolfo cosplayer cuz i'm getting a déjà vu

>> No.33843315


>> No.33843326

btw dont remind me that tohji is just a spoiled brat kid with daddy money

a lot of the yung rappers these days r

>> No.33843364

this is literally everyone who makes it. basically either that or they get adopted by a rich j.... oooh almost baited me there

>> No.33843367

the one with a dick bigger than a monster can

>> No.33843381

my sweat literally fucking smells like mcdonalds after eating all that shit

>> No.33843397

typical djt. weird thing about astolfo is he looks like a twink really i mean hes muscular and stuff and not trying to be a girl or anything.

ya ninjas are gay

>> No.33843406

id adopt u but only cuz i wanna see u shine

i wouldnt lock u up and make u clean the house

fast food is terrible every time i ever ate it id burp the shit for days bc that shit doesnt digest

>> No.33843414

metallic is gay

>> No.33843418

lmao at the holofags and wannicunts in their dead premie thread acting like its better than this one. they probably posting here too anyway

>> No.33843422

wotd: 叡智

>> No.33843426


>> No.33843432

unpopular opinion

i thought this album was good


and i thought the drumkit sounded great

>> No.33843437

see i told you >>33843426

>> No.33843440

watasi mo

>> No.33843442

i mean poor rappers just rap about killing cops and doing statutory rape so its not surprising only the rich ones make it big nowadays

>> No.33843451


>> No.33843469

its prolly cuz i like punk and a lot of the themes lyrically r about wasted time and lost youth which overlaps pretty good while it still sounds like metallica riffs

>> No.33843470


>> No.33843471

>i wouldnt lock u up and make u clean the house
you dont know much about me clearly id rather do that than wage it out. 悠々自適
good timing on that one, acquired

>> No.33843479

wtf i thought zelda was a kids game???

>> No.33843483

you dont like punk since you dont like blondie you fucking poser. alt rock doesnt have punk roots you are thinking of prog

>> No.33843495

if youre an ugly female, just become a comedian

>> No.33843498


>> No.33843503

and then get bunko to marry you

>> No.33843516

fate worse than death

>> No.33843534


>> No.33843535

>the text scrolls automatically
hate these parts

>> No.33843547

but dont u wanna travel and play ur stupid bass and shit ? i wanna see u do that u can clean my house later and id make u do it like anime where instead of using a useful tool u just run around bent over with ur ass up pressing a rag down

excuse me just bc i like a lot of things doesnt mean i dont like punk i am sXe after all


>> No.33843573

remembering when this came on https://youtu.be/CWxJRnPNiuk and i just jumped straight into a nearby mosh with my camo pants and steel toe boots only to get rag dolled around by a pachinko of bodies

>> No.33843601

??? yeah i can usually recognize it within a few seconds

>> No.33843602

well itd still be fun to play our guitars together

musical households r typically the happiest after all

>> No.33843639

post your rarest kanji

>> No.33843651


>> No.33843656

>> No.33843657


>> No.33843658


>> No.33843707

oh women are dumb so that makes sense thanks

>> No.33843708

women of every race have short legs

if you want an 脚の長い gf then find yourself an 男の娘

>> No.33843711

if u learned to accept women for what they are instead of hating how they arent like men, you'd be as happy as bunko is gonna be

>> No.33843718

am i retarded for using shi for し instead of si?

>> No.33843719

im very happy

>> No.33843730

no but you're n6 for using shi

>> No.33843746

its weird how anime legs got longer and longer in the 90s and then suddenly they jsut abandoned that shit

>> No.33843757

i didn't know u could fail an IQ test


>> No.33843761


>> No.33843764

i only store music in flac format

>> No.33843770


>> No.33843772

ive probably seen rarer ones than this but this is the weirdest one recently

saw it as 彳む (たたずむ) in 野火 i think

>> No.33843773
File: 61 KB, 500x511, c2a7cabc851b4311c1deb17029e8278f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naoko takeuchi defined the leg game for the 90s so once sailormoon was forgotten they reigned it in

>> No.33843798

damn sailor saturn is ayy lmao-tier there

>> No.33843801

>>true but asian legs are particularly short compared to other races.
that's probably largely due to them just being short in general

smaller people have shorter legs than taller people

>> No.33843808

none of them have 尻臀

>> No.33843810


>> No.33843815

stuff like utena had legg and lots more

rayearth was leg city

it wasnt just sailor moon it was the entire 90s

>> No.33843816

i used to do this but i ended up with a multi-tb hdd filled with nothing but music so i converted it all vorbis one day to free up space

>> No.33843820

>you smell fish and look up and see sailor saturn's purple manko bush

>> No.33843830

you wish you had a purple manko?

>> No.33843851

what do u mean thats a good thing *pinches urs*

>> No.33843855

hate utena, shit should have been 12 eps not 40

>> No.33843858


>> No.33843862

whats worse hiraitegoma or menkei?

>> No.33843865

just consuming media from the jump doesnt guarantee that youll get the basic daily life shit in a timely manner. a book like minna no nihongo is good only for that. watching anime and reading LNs does not guarantee youre going to get shit that comes up in daily life other than ohayo oyasumi and itadakimasu. its for people who want to actually communicate and not be hikineets

>> No.33843873

menkei bc i have to side w. my girlfriend thats just the rules

>> No.33843875

lets see paul allen's wanikani level

>> No.33843876


>> No.33843885

this just looks ridiculous

>> No.33843887

yeah do this if you want to take a million years to learn readings lol fuckin dumb

>> No.33843895


>> No.33843963

nah but if you search the forum for japanese dub or something or ask in the japanese thread on there youll prob get it

>> No.33843968

why can i read anime but feel excruciating pain reading a random tweet in the wild?

>> No.33843979

dunno what that is

>> No.33843983

just go to japan and buy the movies

>> No.33843991

japanese tweets are harder to understand than military speak

>> No.33843994

twitter isnt japanese

>> No.33844007

you decorate your room with it if you're a gay teenage loser or an adult with the aesthetic sensibility of one

>> No.33844009

esl kun

>> No.33844030
File: 93 KB, 720x703, bd23148f868a8901abb5e970453f51fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33844035

if you find out then post the links here cuz i wanna dl that shit too

>> No.33844038

this dude would definitely appreciate a nice dragon orb

>> No.33844062

theres this old website that has quite a few dubs it seems

>> No.33844070

anigay inst beautiful anymore, zannen

>> No.33844072

damn what a badass

>> No.33844090

damn, i create 40 cards per episode
this language is infinite

>> No.33844092

its too bad he was uploading all of the shittiest movies ever in the worst possible quality
>flv encodings

>> No.33844098

hxh is amazing but goddamn if it doesnt have some boring af arcs.

>> No.33844114

it sure isnt


>> No.33844123

greed island could have been amazing the myster behind it alone had me so hyped before they went there and barely used the game mechanics and it turned out to just be a real island

>> No.33844154

hxh is very down to earth and realistic. thats why they introduced a wish fulfilling sister that can do anything

>> No.33844161

yuritena caused more lesbianism and tranny shit than even sailormoon and also i sleep on shit with explicit h scenes. i could tell this show was trying to corrupt me at a young age

>> No.33844184

utena never had explicit h scenes unless u mean whatever implied thing happened off screen w. the brown ppl

also its ur hero ikuhara tho dont u realize he was corrupting u with sailor moon lol

look how u turned out for the proof

>> No.33844196

lets look at the facts we have og who watched sailor moon and we have sarah lmao

sailor moon doesnt have the best track record with white girls does it

>> No.33844215

as long as they don't make so many idc

dno how drones find the time

>> No.33844229


>> No.33844230


>> No.33844232

>sailor moon doesnt have the best track record with white girls does it
i dunno this was pretty epic

>> No.33844238

it takes 7 minutes to make 40 anime cards

>> No.33844256

theres actually quite a lot of movies with jp dub but you have to download the whole 35gb bluray for it cause nobody ever rips anything but the original audio

>> No.33844267

and how long does it take to review those new words over the next few weeks

>> No.33844272

why not just watch japanese movies instead you fucking retards

>> No.33844283

oh im well aware of ikuhara's shenanigans but it was more reigned in and not central sbtext as it was with utena
>no h scenes
i dunno i remember seeing guys eiffel towering chicks in their car or soemthing and i turned off my screen
i grew out of the stupid shit quickly though unlike sarah and most other white girls of that gen. i mean i still like it despite the gayshit not because of it and the homos were always tragic warnings jokes okama

>> No.33844286

sometimes you want something different but you still want to maintain your ajatt streak

>> No.33844309

gonna dl the matrix bluray might upload a jp dub rip of it if anyone wants it

>> No.33844318

sarah failed at making mac and cheese for her husband twice on camera lmfao

>> No.33844323

narcissu is a little difficult as a first VN..

>> No.33844324

stop projecting your corruption onto the rest of world. you are just a bad person

>> No.33844332

it takes 10 secs to carpet bomb an anime

>> No.33844338

im interested

>> No.33844341
File: 52 KB, 960x540, EQTRwF0WsAAEGvP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does 聞いたりmean? tried feeling it out myself but it didn't work

>> No.33844347

what an utter failure of woman. well i guess she is taking care of her broken nekomancer which is commendable but she's doing it in the wrong way cause he needs tough love

>> No.33844348

i remember fapping to ice skaters on tv before i had access to internet porn

>> No.33844373

they're so feminist and progressive that he stays home and does nothing all day. truly a beautiful future

>> No.33844392

I did >>33803508

>> No.33844404

you want the world to be this bad because it gives you the ultimate cope trump card for everything

>> No.33844415

>even the president of the united states had an intern suck his dick
and it was a major scandal. although going for politicians is low-hanging fruit

>> No.33844420

do you think angela merkel has male interns eat out her pussy?

>> No.33844428
File: 282 KB, 1280x720, sarah mccheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33844434

i dont want it to be that way and very much so

it was only a scandal because that particular instance they got caught

but for every time they get caught how many hundreds or even thousands of times do u think this goes on where no one gets caught

why do u think women suddenly come out of nowhere to dogpile on abusers after the weinstein shit

bc it just goes on and women take it bc no one will listen to them anyway

>> No.33844435

dont remember this shredding so hard

>> No.33844443

>just become a translator bro

>> No.33844449

ur file name im fuckign dead lmfao

sarah "ez mac" moon

>> No.33844450

too soon bro don't joke about that after jamal made that guy eat grandma pussy to pay his rent

>> No.33844452

wow look at all those numbers

japanese translators sure are smart

>> No.33844457

isn't she only like 40 why are her face bones already melting away? bitch needs to get on bone supplements

>> No.33844459

maybe who knows sexual misconduct does indeed go both ways

>> No.33844476


>> No.33844479

tranny delusion. thats not how most women operate. she'd hook up with a young intern at best and leave her husband or something stupid like that

>> No.33844481

what's funny is you can become famous and rich and ur bf is still just gonna cum all over ur face and take a pic that eventually gets leaked to the whole internet. poor jlaw. had to reveal the nature of women

>> No.33844482

she did the math on mac n cheese
thanks sarah

>> No.33844486

dont understand why they had to have the fake languages in mushoku shits annoying

>> No.33844487

i dunno what about that teenager asia argento fucked
then again hes pretty fuckin gay for meetooing her desu

>> No.33844507


I, too, translate "-chan" as "my love"

>> No.33844508

btw sarah should be a good reminder that any of u guys can get u a cringe ass woman they r out there

i mean theres documented instances of women perpetuating sexual misconduct toward their subordinates so yah in fact it does happen

its just bald old fat guys with lots of money and influence are much more likely to do bad things

>> No.33844509

how i feel about some of you useless neets here

>> No.33844511


i just started turning on the english subs for those bits

>> No.33844527

from the thumbnail i can see why that one anon thinks she's a man. but more likely the ugliest unstable white girls are drawn to weebdom

>> No.33844531

it all has to be some big joke

>> No.33844534

also the font for the subs is mega ass

>> No.33844537

ngl this made my dick tingle a little

>> No.33844550

pretty sure 80% of this thread is learning japanese for escapist reasons and just want a jp wife while living in japan (or just want to escape into media and have a waifu)

>> No.33844559


i was crossing my fingers like if he says "im gay" after this long silence from eating her shitty mac and cheese this guy will has redeemed himself immensely

he didnt tho and i cant bear to watch anymore of this cringe power couple its too painful

>> No.33844562

what is it with you and anecdotes its obvious men do so much more often its not even worth thinking about unless you have something more substantial to back it up.
she edits these videos,what level of femoid autism does it take to not know you look like shit and to do something about it?

>> No.33844569

most of them r gonna have to settle for a weeb girlfriend

>> No.33844577

my wife better not like anime

>> No.33844578

yooooo hey og i got a job for u lmao

>> No.33844606

>i cant bear to watch anymore of this cringe power couple its too painful
you are following the nekomancer rulebook so im glad you are realizing where your perspective on things gets you (impotence)

>> No.33844609

got sick of reading the subs

>> No.33844610

my friends gf likes anime and she's just normal, think its a western thing that liking anime as a female means u must be a freak

>> No.33844615

if my wife couldn't make mac and cheese i would mail her back

>> No.33844620

the gf(male) are more woke and annoying than the cringe girl whose worst traits are probably hygiene and proper autism

>> No.33844623

not settling for a whiteoid especially one into anime

>> No.33844630

it is steaming hot, how can he even taste anything?

>> No.33844631

probably but the normal ones are asian

>> No.33844666

its the same as the たり~たり pattern but they drop the second たり
so it means "listen and stuff"

>> No.33844674

how do you not know how to cook at a basic level especially her generation? like you naturally spend time watching and helping cook in the kitchens as a kid right? its the most fun place to spend time in your own house usually and kids naturally want to get involved in stuff

>> No.33844678

plenty of women r actually terrible at making food

oh thats another thing her and og have in common besides being corrupted by ikuharas anime

>> No.33844679

no たるs held

>> No.33844681

200 IQ, she is trying to get her husband to eat healthier and lower his blood pressure. but he demands salty food like a retard

>> No.33844696

lol shes siding w sarah u cant make this shit up

>> No.33844697


>> No.33844702

not a lot gets to me here, but calling me fat and dissing my cooking is up there

>> No.33844712

gonna make my wife wipe my ass

>> No.33844719

well now i have to taste ur cooking so i can right this wrong


>> No.33844726

mushoku tensei was pretty good, solid 7/10 show with some good animation. prolly in the minority here but the mc being an old fat otaku that wants to fuck kids was kinda nasty.

>> No.33844729

who is og?

i don't remember this character being around last time i was here in october

>> No.33844731

main thing i miss about having a gf is having someone cook food for me im so fuckin lazy i just cook gigantic pots of sauce freeze it all and then eat the same thing for a week

>> No.33844730

i can just post my results, its a self-own if you cant tell tasty food from appearance alone

>> No.33844739

u clearly havent watched enough anime bc if u had ud know thats exactly the trademark of fucking death food

>> No.33844749

salt is a vital human mineral, your body wont allow you too much of it but its easy to fuck up shit by not getting enough

>> No.33844754

i don't get the mentality of some people in 4fags

they watch stuff they hate
they regularly use sites they hate

for example, this sarah woman. you keep talking about her. i only know about her because of you fags that can't stop mentioning her

reddit -> those fags that post there, take screenshots and know everything about it call you (someone who doesn't go on reddit at all) "reddit". many such cases

why do you occupy your mind with shit your hate? moshikashite u niggas actually like them but want to fit in so you pretend to hate shit while still bringing the subject up.

>> No.33844759

anime isnt real dude

>> No.33844763

i get that, i am a great cook but when it comes to me eating alone whats the point? i am fine with cold cuts or a salad

>> No.33844764

excuse me ?

>> No.33844778

when she says cold cuts or a salad she means eating an entire tub of ben and jerrys and eating nutella out of the jar with her bare hands and then after licking her fingers off without wiping she types a post

>> No.33844779

you dont understand the purpose of this place and should go back

>> No.33844781
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>> No.33844784
File: 57 KB, 900x900, markys-himalayan-pink-sea-salt-coarse-1S-7076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought my gf some of this pink salt shit so would add more salt instead of saying its unhealthy for me
god women are so fucking dumb

>> No.33844801

yes, i do.

>> No.33844802

i forgot about her dry ass desert lips

>> No.33844803

never heard the expression "_____ is someone you love to hate"?

>> No.33844807

the feet kill me every time

>> No.33844813

>complaining about sara not knowing the importance of salt even though she is a woman
>he does not know the importance of salt o quickly close wounds
fucking 1st worlders lmao

>> No.33844822

man og is kinda cute

>> No.33844825

does that work on axe wounds

>> No.33844834


>> No.33844840
File: 249 KB, 1200x1200, Haagen-Dazs-Spirits-Collection-Ice-Cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on keto but nice fantasy
>ben and jerrys
you are such lowclass trash
i have deep lip ridges, no amount of moisture fixes that shit look at any pic of angelina jolie

>> No.33844844

whats even the point of her being asian if she cant cook

>> No.33844845

watched the snyder cut today and got no japanese in might read a manga or something now

>> No.33844849

No matter the wound it works, the thing is
since it will speed up the closing wound process it will also hurt like a bitch on bigger wounds
and i really mean it, LIKE A FUCKING BITCH but still if you wanna close your wounds quickly, stop bleeding
its a good choice if you can bear it

>> No.33844858

what am i supposed to be coping with exactly?

>> No.33844860
File: 24 KB, 1122x135, 1590625224660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a bot? does it also like ur guys activity?

>> No.33844861

imagine being called lowclass trash by somebody who binges ice cream

>> No.33844870

yeah i am a häagen-dazs man my self

>> No.33844874

oh btw og this reminds me

put all ur money into vgac its a spac set to merger w. 23andme and will prolly 5-6x ur money in a year if not quite a bit more even longer term

its also on sale close to nav so u basically cant lose more than like 5% if the merger doesnt go thru

>> No.33844880

i am a foot-up-your-ass man myself

>> No.33844886

i dont binge icecream, but on special occasions its my favorite dessert

>> No.33844888

lol didnt even notice the image

>> No.33844889

what service as a software substitute is this?

>> No.33844893

acquired obsequious

>> No.33844902


>> No.33844906

felt out ラッパ飲み

>> No.33844932

yeah her gimmick is posting like a 2-3 word phrase and still having it be wrong

>> No.33844935

what do u mean i dont eat ben and jerrys i dont even eat ice cream cuz its just full of sugar and is trash for u in the 1st place

btw im sorry but if i see u eating ice cream w. alcohol in it i have to uphold my sXe vows and smash ur face in and it goes double bc i love u

>> No.33844956

i really like nirvana (lol) does anyone know any japanese bands that give off the same vibes?

>> No.33844962

i sure do


>> No.33844968

its not alcoholic you dipshit its only flavor. god could your dick go any limper?

>> No.33844981

anki is free, open source and runs locally on your computing device.

wanikani is proprietary software running on a server, using your data in whatever way they want

>> No.33844985

why the fuck would u want alcohol flavor if theres no alcohol thats like all the taste of shit w.o any of the benefits wtf

>> No.33845001

not bad, thanks I'll go check out their other stuff

>> No.33845007


>> No.33845013

jamal is like the ex-town bicycle who suddenly found jesus and starts policing the length of your skirt
benefit of alcohol is the flavor and antioxidants. way to reveal what a degenerate you are when your relationship with it is just to get shitfaced

>> No.33845022

just mined 話題

>> No.33845025

what do u mean thats exactly what i meant by benefits good job exposing urself as the one who gets shitfaced which we already knew bc uve gotten drunk and posted up a frenzy before

god ur so fucking easy also go clean urself up *flips ur skirt back down*

>> No.33845063

i don't think a single catholic girl at my church had a skirt that was regulation length

>> No.33845066

muh data

>> No.33845067

don't you think you'd notice me drunk other than one time in almost 6 months since i post almost daily? one rum & coke fueled night does not make me a drinker

>> No.33845074

stout flavor ice cream sounds pretty gross but the other 3 sound good
pretty cringe of the jman to not be able to appreciate the taste of liquor desu

>> No.33845080

doesnt this just solidify that when u drink its to get shitfaced then ?

>> No.33845093

im straight edge the only taste i appreciate is of a breath of fresh air with my pure human temple

>> No.33845097

same, but you looked like a dork if you didnt roll it up though. they normally are almost down to the calves
no i have a drink a few times a week. usually a tom collins or a shot of whiskey in my tea

>> No.33845099

>benefit of alcohol is the flavor and antioxidants
if you want antioxidants, just eat real food.
nobody with an IQ higher than 80 drinks alcohol for antioxidants.
the flavor part is probably true, but if youre an adult, why does it have to be alcohol free

>> No.33845107

oh so ur a drinker then and u just told us a bold faced lie here >>33845067

ive got u on the ropes now baby

>> No.33845108

you want to be good so bad, its brings me a lot of pity
its doesnt but in that example jamal was being retarded as usual when even kids can eat that icecream

>> No.33845110

>you are such lowclass trash
haagen-dazs costs the same as ben & jerrys here
theyre both middle class

>> No.33845111
File: 90 KB, 602x602, main-qimg-a0807e986daf2f61c332e1e41c5e50b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might cop something like this for self defence and general vigilante activities

>> No.33845120

key word 'drunk', retard. why you can't separate the idea of having a drink from being drunk? stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.33845121

>>no i have a drink a few times a week.
you have a problem

>> No.33845123

*pours balvenie 17 double wood*

>> No.33845125

yeah it brings you pity


ur falling apart at the seams (for the high iqs its a reference to the og doll posted here >>33844781)

>> No.33845136

we werent talking about drinking to complete inebriation tho no amount of polluting ur human temple is acceptable

>> No.33845150
File: 27 KB, 292x66, Screenshot 2021-03-21 19.23.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not strictly about the price

>> No.33845166

alcohol in moderation doesn't pollute shit you cringey faggot. go back to your bong

>> No.33845169

i still move around enough and change positions thruout the day i dont just sit in my dx racer gaming chair lol

btw ill tkae a pic of my leg 1 of these days

>> No.33845174
File: 545 KB, 733x904, 1596186216683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33845186

is the dx chair comfy or is it just a meme
thinking about getting a new chair

>> No.33845192

why can't you go a week without drinking?


>> No.33845193

im not an weak asiatic like you, so i literally feel nothing from a single drink, usually takes me a good 3 to even get a buzz not that i do that for than a few times a year

you are are the moral equivalent of the nouveau riche

>> No.33845194

*cracks open a can of beer*
time to read a vinnie

>> No.33845201

secret lab is better but i generally don't like gaming chairs

>> No.33845213
File: 62 KB, 728x728, rSLP9wVg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33845225

ur like 10 pounds im sure u hold alcohol like shit and a couple shots of mikes hard lemonade knocks u out for the night dont give me that shit

imagining carry ur drunk passed out disheveled ass up off the couch up to bed

>> No.33845228

a weapon to surpass metal gear

>> No.33845229

>why can't you go a week without drinking?
who says i cant? i didnt say i always drink every week. it might be a month or two before i get around to buying a bottle of something. i intentionally drink whisky for the health benefits i didnt really like much at first
or maybe some people arent prone substance addiction like you and you should turn your projector off

>> No.33845242

imagine the damage og does after a can of strong zero

>> No.33845243

>i intentionally drink whisky for the health benefits
health benefits such as me smashing ur teeth down ur throat as to break the spell alcohol holds u under

>> No.33845246

ur posts are a little too real maybe you are a rapper lol

>> No.33845253
File: 741 KB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo why she all nakey

>> No.33845257

i have eds retard, i metabolize the shit out of everything to an annoying degree which means even headache pills dont have much of an effect. let alone a few drinks of alcohol. if i couldnt handle it rather than a mixed drink id have a beer or something

>> No.33845265

this song just started playing in foobar2k when u replied to me


35000 songs and it picked that 1

it means something im sure..

>> No.33845282

>i intentionally drink whisky for the health benefits
alcohol kills germs. ur smart

anime will find any excuse to show a girl's jiggly bits

>> No.33845285

dunno what this alcohol debate is about and dont care

>> No.33845297

then you have nothing to say and shouldnt post

>> No.33845310

u have eds and i just have regular ed

we really r 2 peas in a pod here

>> No.33845318

og and jamal are cripples?

>> No.33845319
File: 713 KB, 1920x1080, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime will find any excuse to show a girl's jiggly bits
so it seems

>> No.33845326

team nekomancer 2.0 in the making

>> No.33845348

i forgot about those but dang

its still a good show im gonna maintain this till i die

>> No.33845353

two 1500 post threads im proud of everyone

>> No.33845362

it wouldnt have happened without me and og

>> No.33845370

my h-eds is more of a quirk than a gimp. i guess it the reason i have weak ankles and wrists maybe but it doesnt really affect my life negatively other than drug resistance if i had to go to the hospital or something

>> No.33845379

>its still a good show im gonna maintain this till i die
yeah its like the modern anime that im used to

>> No.33845383

it is but its also a throwback to the good old days

also shut ur mouth

>> No.33845389

oh but i do scar like a motherfucker forgot about that. dont cut yourself kids

>> No.33845396

well im glad bc i dont know if i can handle another one of these routes ive done with terminally ill girls i cant take another one


>> No.33845405

love the scene where they all get drunk unknowingly

post it anon

>> No.33845411

i think i'm just too old for this shit
age + booze = hardened brain

>> No.33845415

shes a fUCking cutter

the seisyun underage drink thing is ftw as hell

>> No.33845434

yeah i enjoyed it in orange road recently, great show
