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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 52 KB, 348x500, 4569706665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3377004 No.3377004 [Reply] [Original]

So how many people here actually can read/write/speak Japanese?

If you can function in Japanese, how did you get to be able to do that? And why?

Also, here's a test for those of you who think you can do it because you translate some easy sentences people post on here:

-駅の自動改札機は、時々故障するらしく、修理しているのを見かける。(If you've never been to Japan, you probably have to look up 自動改札機)




Just a fun little test for those of you who think you are good in Japanese to find out if you really are ;-)

>> No.3377015


>> No.3377026

Go back to Gaia, retard.

>> No.3377033


I don't even know what Gaia is

>> No.3377039


Try this there, they'll love you.

>> No.3377041

Come on, someone answer some of these at least. I did the same thing on 2chan on the other day, and I was hoping other native English speakers would beat the Japanese.

(FYI - They did poorly)

>> No.3377046
File: 36 KB, 670x300, gaialol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Gaia. You'll fit right in there.

>> No.3377048


Looks like a huge breeding ground for faggotry, no thanks.

>> No.3377058

Which is exactly why you'll fit in there.

>> No.3377059


That person has no grasp of Japanese whatsoever.

>好きな人があります <--- Fucking seriously?

>> No.3377064

That's the least disturbing thing in that post

>> No.3377074

Well then, looks like you guys fail, and only like Japan either for the women or anime.

>> No.3377083
File: 26 KB, 322x288, 1238126970164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like Japan (...) for the women

>> No.3377085

>like Japan
Hahaha, no.

>> No.3377106


I sure would hope it is a gag that anyone actually likes Japanese women or Anime.

>> No.3377113

It's kind of annoying having to explain this all the time, but this board isn't about Japan. Few of us here actually care about the country.

>> No.3377117

So you really think those sentences are so hard you need a master to understand them? Ahahah oh wow.

>> No.3377118


Then why the fuck is it called "Japan/General"?

If you want a general discussion board that isn't about Japan, grow a pair and go to /b/

>> No.3377122

>Then why the fuck is it called "Japan/General"?
Moot trolling us. Go complain to him instead.

>> No.3377123


Nope, those sentences are pretty basic. I just know that there are a few parts of each that, when translated, will tell me whether the person actually understands the sentences or if they are using rikaichan/dictionary and fudging it.

Why don't you give it a try, if you feel so cocky, eh?

>> No.3377155

The board is about the media FROM Japan, not about the country itself.

>> No.3377160

Learn to sage.

>> No.3377165

1. The majestic enjoyment one gains from being ejaculated inside.
2. Much pleasure is gained from being ejaculated inside.
3. The pleasure of being cummed inside.
4. It is impossible not to feel pleasure from being cummed inside.

>> No.3377166

>Just a fun little test for those of you who think you are good in Japanese to find out if you really are ;-)
What do you mean if you really are? Are those examples supposed to be hard? Anyone who took Japanese classes for 1 year should be able to understand those sentences.

>> No.3377174


So go ahead and translate, I guarantee there will be a small mistake in each one.

>> No.3377183

See >>3377165

>> No.3377191


Don't acknowledge the unoriginal.

>> No.3377290

Sure I'll give it a shot. English is not my mother tongue though.

1. The station's turnstile(?) seems to fail from time to time and you catch a glimpse of it being repaired. (potential should be better?)
2. After pondering for a while, I ended up refusing his invite.
3. never seen or heard this construction with kara AND e. looks more like a typo than a trick
4. We have to cancel today's lecture(s) due to the circumstances concerning the instructor.

>> No.3377300

You missed Gaia.

>> No.3377313

Stop bumping your thread, OP.

>> No.3377318

Um I wasn't able to get any of those completely but I work and speak completely fine/functional Japanese in a Japanese workplace so uh


nice test br0s3f

>> No.3377333

I am a certified JPLT1 holder and I guarantee the correctness of this translation.

>> No.3377336


Pretty damn good for english not being your native language.

The third one isn't a typo, though the first time I ever saw a sentences with both から and へ right next to each other I thought it was wrong, too. Just so you know, that sentence happens to be one right off the JLPT I took not to long ago.

>> No.3377342

Reported for off-topic

>> No.3377359

I studied Japanese for 1.5 years at university. I still think it's possible after one year, IF you are allowed to look up kanji (I did have to look up 改札機 myself as you guessed).

As for 1, I still don't see why it's 見掛ける and not 見掛けられる, which would make more sense.

>> No.3377374

And also, what level JLPT was it? I was going to take level 2 next year.

>> No.3377392


That was off 1級, noted for the surprising use of から and へ together

>> No.3377421

It's pretty fucking confusing considering the particles usually mean "from" and "to".

What does it mean in the end?
Concerning the hospital, there's the danger of people spreading contagious diseases.... among themselves?

>> No.3377431
File: 142 KB, 250x302, JPyeah2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GJ trolling the whiny kids who don't realize the superiority of Japan, OP.

>> No.3377448


I'd say it's more like "There's a fear of this disease spreading from person to person."

Spreading isn't the best word for 伝染, but I can't think of a better english one at the moment.

>> No.3377478


It's important to note that the word 病院 (hosptial) appears nowhere in the sentence, so it should be left out of a translation.

>> No.3377484

Oh well, still a good while until I can take 一級 anyway. Right now the only practice I get is from dorama, games and the odd book I read. Should memorize more kanji and also find people to converse with.

>> No.3377488

infect from person to person?

>> No.3377494

Holy shit you're right. I misread 病気 for it. The meaning is much clearer now. To my defense I must say it's 1 am and I needed sleep.

>> No.3377496


Haha, totally understood.

>> No.3377512

Going to sleep now.

>> No.3377551

Yeah it's more of a weeboo board. I actually like Eastern culture, Japan in particular.

The morning musume et al threads are the only ones that ever seem to interest me. Touhou is a fun game but it seems like every other thread is talking this or some other random weeboo bullshit.

How did those of you who know japanese learn it? My vocab is at least 300 words now and I know basic grammar but it doesn't seem like I've progressed at al.

>> No.3377569

>The morning musume et al threads are the only ones that ever seem to interest me
Get the fuck out.

>> No.3377925 [DELETED] 

1. The station's automatic ticket machine breaks occasionally
2. After some thought, I declined his invitation.
3. That person's sickness may be contagious.
4. Today's lecture is canceled due to a situation with the lecturer.


>> No.3377931

1. The station's automatic ticket machine breaks occasionally, and is currently being repaired.
2. After some thought, I declined his invitation.
3. That person's sickness may be contagious.
4. Today's lecture is canceled due to a situation with the lecturer.


>> No.3377948

Kill yourself, retard.

>> No.3378029

Dear OP,
No one gives a shit about how good your Japanese is here. If you want people circle jerking over you, go to Gaia. If you want us to care, translate a good VN for us.

>> No.3378190

1. The station's automatic ticketing punching machine sometimes breaks, so you will see them being under repair at times.
2. After much consideration, he declined the offer to go out.
3. This disease may spread from people to people.
4. Since the instructor had other matters to attend to, today's lecture is cancelled.

>> No.3378211

Sure is sadlife elitist in here

>> No.3378280

Why bother translating your shit sentences when I'm busy translating 「満韓ところどころ」?

>> No.3378295

ITT newfags who don't know /jp/ is full of weeaboo.

Try /trv/.

>> No.3378750


>> No.3378865

ITT unsecure people got tricked into doing someone's homework

>> No.3378901

It's "insecure." Jeez! Do you even know English?

>> No.3379065

The automatic ticket machine of the station, It seems sometimes to break down, It is seen to repair.
After hesitating, It has declined his invitation.
This sickness might be infected from the person.
I cannot help lecturing to canceling the lecture by lecturer's convenience today.

>> No.3379078


>> No.3379080

why are you wasting that talent doing children's homework when you could be translating a VN for us?!

>> No.3379528


The train station ticket vending machine can be seen being serviced due to an occasional breakdown.

After some indecision, I ended up turning down his invitation.

It is feared that this sickness can spread from person to person.

Due to the lecture's circumstances, there was no choise but to cancel today's lecture.

>> No.3379555

I can read all of those. What now?

>> No.3379559

>I am the bone of my nihongo

>> No.3379569

Also; not the vending machine but the gate.

>> No.3379603

Not english native speaker here. Let me try.
I didnt look at the dic, so I could have mistaked some kanji.

1. Looks like the automatic ticket machine at the station breaks sometimes. I could see it being repaired.

2. After being undecisive for a while, i rejected his invite.

3. There's a risk of this disease spreading among people.

4. Today's class had to be canceled due to inconveniences with the teacher.

>> No.3379606


>> No.3379702

so that pisses you off huh? めもめも ...〆(。_。)

>> No.3379705

>Your favorite Anonymous that lives in Bangkok

>> No.3379721


>> No.3379893



>> No.3379897

Get out, nobody cares about you.

>> No.3380000
File: 23 KB, 415x311, 6764989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NO U. why you crazy korean always are in /jp/?
You should go to Korean board.

>> No.3380023


>> No.3380025

>Implying Bangkok is in corea

>> No.3380039


>> No.3380041

>Implying anyone cares

>> No.3380046


>> No.3380053


>> No.3380068


>> No.3380074

>hurr durr

>> No.3380092


>> No.3380110


>> No.3380114

Oh wait fuck I forgot to sage.

>> No.3380115
File: 22 KB, 400x309, lol korean7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill youself, crazy gook like this gook.

>> No.3380123

>Mommy he's won't give me attentions.

>> No.3380126

Supplementary sage.

>> No.3380133

Anti-Korean thread time?

>> No.3380136



>> No.3380139
File: 75 KB, 500x328, crying korean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One crazy korean keep "no logic korean post" for long time.
The Korean can not discuss, they just keep crying like this korean.

>> No.3380145
File: 83 KB, 450x321, 1242031001609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, crazy gook.

>> No.3380154

hurr durr

>> No.3380157

自動改札機 would equal ticketing machine. Heisig fags can tell you that and they can't even read shit. OP, you could've at least used harder sentences. /jp/ might be filled with retards, but even retards can figure out simple shit.

>> No.3380164

お前本当に脳みそないんじゃね? 2ちゃんで有名な在日荒らしのK糞みた

>> No.3380171
File: 36 KB, 375x500, a3ea2c02fe150122231a-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you don't buy ticket from that.

durr hurr

>> No.3380179

You have far surpassed my expectations.

>> No.3380182


>> No.3380188

>durr hurr

>> No.3380195

the japanese can change whatever they wish
makes no difference
their problem is china
japan now only makes design and sophisticated parts
assembling and simple parts went to china
there are japanese people who can not design
but those did not go to china
so japan will turn into socialism
to take care of the japanese people that cant design
money in exchange for nothing
having a neighbor like china
japan will be only a small island with good living
but no luxury

>> No.3380200
File: 247 KB, 1000x664, 1245114075558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

お前本当に進歩しないね。pic is korean beach.

>> No.3380201

Stop posting.

>> No.3380203


>> No.3380210


>> No.3380221


Anonymous of Bangkok being labeled a Korean?
Oh wow, looks like the Korean-hating troll is getting his comeuppance in the form of being trolled in kind.

>> No.3380326

You just didn't browse when he wrote Japanese. His Japanese look similar to Korean who live in Japan. Native Japanese can tell apart Japanese sentence written by Korean or other gaijin.

>> No.3380343 [DELETED] 

Saw this posted somewhere else...
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3380341

One crazy korean tried to behave as a specialist of Japanese culture. but nobody believes him. because everybody knows that Korean are liars.

>> No.3380383

GJ Bangkok, i had fun.

>> No.3380385
File: 38 KB, 336x450, lol korean3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol korean.

>> No.3380412

ITT Anonymous of Shitkok gets owned

>> No.3380421

>Implying /jp/ likes Japan

>> No.3380430

>hurr durr

>> No.3380476

are you really barbarian? you can not discuss?
I know your post is typical korean, and you DO NOT stop it.
Do you think that your bark is intelligent post to discuss?
You just propagandize that Korean can not discuss.

>> No.3380477


>> No.3380485


>> No.3380490



>> No.3380493


>> No.3380495
File: 130 KB, 500x339, lol korean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean also bark in 2ch. they write like "gaoooo". it is an onomatopoeia of lion or some monster roar.
They are really close to sub-human or barbarian.They really can not discuss.

>> No.3380501 [DELETED] 

I laughed out loudly.
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3380498

>Implying Misuzu is a corean.

>> No.3380502
File: 95 KB, 780x600, 俺.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My job is to stop Korean from propagandize Internet.
This is my picture.
I am very handsome and intelligent.

>> No.3380508
File: 369 KB, 498x600, beckhamandkorean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol typical korean. they always try to steal famous Japanese culture. Not only Japanese but also all world famous people are called Korean by Korean. David Beckham is called Korean by Korean. Korean really are crazy like this.

>> No.3380516


>> No.3380522
File: 16 KB, 430x245, lee (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this is Korean Beckham. Only Korean think he is handsome and popular like Beck.

>> No.3380531
File: 168 KB, 1100x800, 俺は左で韓国人はみぎ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left and Korean on the right. Korean is very busamen! Nippon banzai!

>> No.3380541
File: 75 KB, 475x356, koreanboys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Japanese are so poor. you can not write 右

Why you koreans keep daydreaming? All you have to do is seeing mirrors. Korean love to upload their pics, so, now everybody knows Korean are ugly.

>> No.3380558

I suck at Japanese, but I go to classes anyway just to get out of the house...

>> No.3380574

Where do you live? I am 180cm, 63 kg, and black belt in Tae Kwon Do. I also have Japanese girlfriend.
If you want to fight, then say so.
But you probably are hikikomori. I feel sorry for your parents.

>> No.3380582
File: 82 KB, 700x525, 1242619905899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever, Korean should go to Korean board.
You always are jealous of Japan. Korean post means nothing at all.

>> No.3380584

>Typical neet betrayer

>> No.3380600
File: 31 KB, 400x252, lol korean4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol typical korean. it also is seen in 2ch. They bark like you everyday anytime.

>> No.3380602

Yeah. I'm also starting college in about a week.

>> No.3381329 [DELETED] 

Fortune: You will have sex tomorrow.
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3381342

Black belt? Cool bro, I'm 3rd dan black belt, 184cm. Lets do this.

>> No.3381370


I have a wall lined with firearms. Wanna wrassle?

>> No.3381473


Sadly he's no Korean. What flows in his veins is filthy Thai blood, he just learned Japanese from the most prominent Korean experts on the language.

>> No.3381680

lol, I know you also are Korean. you bark too.

Are you 12 y/o? Writing natural Japanese is so difficult, and when you write Japanese, you show yourself without realizing it. it is so easy for native Japanese to know that Japanese text is written by Korean or other gaijin.
Even if Thai learned Japanese from Korean, they won't write like Korean trolls who was born and has been in Japan.
