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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 73 KB, 800x600, finnwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3379567 No.3379567 [Reply] [Original]

Just how large are Luvia's large Finnish breasts?

>> No.3379583
File: 315 KB, 512x582, 1251672812518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too large, that's for sure

>> No.3379593

But they're so delicious. Don't be jealous.

>> No.3379596

>fat blobs

>> No.3379612

Maybe Rin's are just too small?

>> No.3379622
File: 41 KB, 640x480, badboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reflect upon your actions, blasphemer!

>> No.3379624

Large enough.

>> No.3379626

I regret nothing.

>> No.3379636

No official measurements, right?

It's a shame. We can only guess how large they are.

>> No.3379668

If Luvia is bigger than Sakura, is that a good thing or a bad thing?

>> No.3379674

Like all her assets the size is a secret.

>> No.3379681

The first loli I ever thought of cumming inside.
Thanks for the memories from Sakura Wars 3!

>> No.3379693

The important question is, how tight is her Finnish vagina?

>> No.3379726

It's like trying to move a Russian tank along a fjord road.

>> No.3379753

Not as loose as Rin's.

>> No.3379761

Only in /jp/ are C-cups "large".

>> No.3379765

Why does Japan love Finland so much?

>> No.3379786

How do large Finnish breasts feel like?

>> No.3379794


As tight as her wallet (which isn't tight at all (she's a slut)).

>> No.3379817


>> No.3379827 [SPOILER] 
File: 30 KB, 377x598, a66049311a2d84df0ca52962707c9360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you could only trace inanimate objects, like swords.

>> No.3379832

Her wallet is pretty tight, actually. She saves money as much as possible.

>> No.3379833

Goddamn those are some long fucking arms

>> No.3379844

Better to hang on to his whore with.

>> No.3379839

Well, except when she's buying castles or mansions or whatever because she can't stay in the dorms.

>> No.3379843
File: 358 KB, 1124x1600, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really though my heart is big enough for both of them lets not fight.

>> No.3379847


>Goddamn those are some long fucking hilts

Swords don't have arms, silly.

>> No.3379878
File: 271 KB, 1184x1598, fcbb0762f5d04baf1582b7fe29b25cce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However it's not as big as the gap between ruvia's legs.

>> No.3379891

Stop it. She is a pure woman, saving herself for marriage.

>> No.3379901

>Aoko Aozaki
Oh the irony.

>> No.3379913
File: 105 KB, 481x1300, d62192fcd0f08a63e9153499bb408568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wish she was a slut so I could see some sugoi action in mahotsukai.

>> No.3379919

she is

>> No.3379921

She's every bit as much of a slut as Luvia is.

>> No.3379942

then why is she such a virgin?

>> No.3379949

She isn't, she just pretend to be.

>> No.3379966

Even if Aoko isn't a virgin I'd bet that no man survives to tell the tale.

>> No.3379999


>>Why does Japan love Finland so much?

Finn-fag here. My guess is that "Finurando" is very much like Japan in some respects. It is a distant country and secluded from the rest of Europe (just like Japan from the Asia). The language is exotic and has no relations to any other language in Europe except Estonian (and Hungarian, for chrissake). Then there is of course the fair amount of Scandinavian blondes that are extremely rare/extinct in Japan. At least I would get bored with those darkbrown/black copy-pasta haired, squinty eyes and mongoloid faces. Really, it is no wonder they like to draw bug-eyed characters with hair streaming with the spectrum of a rainbow.

>> No.3380005
File: 124 KB, 600x800, eilacross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And Finnish girls are best.

>> No.3380012

You're thinking of Touko.

>> No.3380055 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 636x489, 1174675944327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. This is the real reason.

>> No.3380093

then why will there be no sugoi sex in her VN?

>> No.3380095

why the Groke? why?

>> No.3380106
File: 136 KB, 750x1061, 1252723899741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3380112
File: 14 KB, 300x250, finland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noooo, nottto Frinlanduu!

>> No.3380118

Holy shit an actually NEW Luvia image I never see?
Fukk'n saved.

>> No.3380119

Because Nasu is a troll.

>> No.3380120

Also, by anyones standard, finnish women are, on average, a full 15% more desirable than other Scando, Ugric or Slavic girls of the same age and relative build. This is due to a combination of demure, and slightly submissive/shy personalities, combined with clear, distinct features, pale skin and a very melodic sing-song dialect that is just honey in your ears. Doubly so when speaking (accented) english or swedish. (Note: I am not finnish. I'm Sámi/Estonian jewish)

>> No.3380140

>demure, and slightly submissive/shy personalities

>> No.3380132

>slightly submissive/shy personalities
Which Finland is that? The one I live in seems to have a feminist dictatorship.

>> No.3380137

Don't worry, it's going to get reposted in every Luvia thread from now on.

>> No.3380153
File: 102 KB, 843x1200, 8cf5742e7b36e6637c49391deced12d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same pictures every thread.

>> No.3380158


>> No.3380165

Pig disgusting politicians and college feminazis ≠ Average finnish woman. Look harder brother, give them some credit. They're out there.

Luvia is not real. Also, my statement was not an absolute.

>> No.3380177

>Luvia is not real.
You hurt my feelings.

>> No.3380181
File: 294 KB, 730x800, 2948356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3380186

>Luvia is not real.

>> No.3380190

>Luvia is not real.


>> No.3380197
File: 532 KB, 988x1142, 5016098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3380202
File: 281 KB, 1073x1511, 1490726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3380212

I live in Luvia feels bad man

>> No.3380213

Holy shit, never knew she was finnish...
Makes me kinda proud to be a finfag

>> No.3380215
File: 531 KB, 988x1142, 4361051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3380224

What's with the slav runes?

>> No.3380226

I kind of feel sorry for Rin. She's always getting beat up by Luvia.

>> No.3380236
File: 107 KB, 480x640, 5870416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3380239

That's because Luvia is superior to Rin in every possible ways.

>> No.3380248
File: 4 KB, 360x360, 4292778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3380251

This is also pitiable.

I can see a strange appeal in Rin's flaws.

>> No.3380258

Need this mod for patchcon.

>> No.3380276

Even the most poorly drawn Luvia fanart is still a thousand times better than any Rin fanart.

>> No.3380283

You faggots only like her because she hasn't had enough screen time to ruin her character.

>> No.3380337

Worst joke character ever.

>> No.3380339 [DELETED] 

I know who you are. I saw you in school. :)
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3380364
File: 104 KB, 572x800, drill works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Кто матом ругается, тот хуёво воспитан

>> No.3380399
File: 25 KB, 240x365, 1252986826840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3382178

How did this thread possibly reach 69 posts and 17 image replies omitted when the first reply pretty much said everything there is to say?

>> No.3382196

Because Rin vs. Luvia.

>> No.3382197

The Type-Moon fanbase can create huge discussion about pretty much everything.
You don't even have to try anymore.

>> No.3382374

>17 image replies

That's a lot for Luvia!

>> No.3382387

Luvia doesn't have a servant right? But what if she had one?

>> No.3382391

Girl with established character and background vs. Girl that is pretty much fanservice?

>> No.3382406

Here's how a TM faggot can start a 200+ posts thread.

>> No.3382408

Think of a stuck-up bitchy servant who happens to be Finnish.

>> No.3382420

More like Player 1 color vs. Player 2 color.

>> No.3382445

He must be talking about males after all.

>> No.3382446

Player 2 has a nice rack.

>> No.3382453

Like Gustav Mannerheim?

>> No.3382473 [DELETED] 

Copypasta. :[
> Save the English language on the Internet: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE

>> No.3382540

Kalevala has all kinds of heroes, Kullervo fucks his sister and Ilmarinen makes himself a waifu of gold.

>> No.3382541

>Luvia's large Finnish breasts

I am missing something badly... Luvia - Finnish?

Anyhow, Finnish breasts are pretty much same, finnish faces are not.

>> No.3382551


>> No.3382552


>> No.3382557

Yes, she is Finnish. And she as large breasts.

Thus, her large breasts are also Finnish.

>> No.3382570

I'll be right back.
Prowling Finland for average breast measurements.

>> No.3382576
File: 27 KB, 460x299, david-caruso-horatio-cain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, once type-moon added her you could say Rin was finnished.

>> No.3382596


>> No.3382603

okay, i lol'd a little

>> No.3382631

Then only things left for myself to ponder are excactly who, and from where.

This finnfag does not play enough VN's
