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[SPOILER] No.33795238[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

Shanghai.EXE thread? Shanghai.EXE thread.

WIP8 is out for those who aren't aware. You can now progress to the end of Heaven and challenge Yuyuko after opening all barriers and special doors. No chip, but she gives you either 5k zenny or one of 5 bug/error/freezefrags. Made a guide for Heaven area if anyone needs it. Those fucking barriers and doors are pretty damn cryptic. Remember to grab SHNecro's latest version. WIP5 and 6 cause save corruption after you grab addons which is something you really don't want, and seemingly random save corruptions have also been known to happen. I'd make occasional save backups just to be safe...

Latest build: https://gitgud.io/SHNecro/shanghaiexe/-/releases
Heaven guide: https://pastebin.com/wgV14W9W

>> No.33795267

This game is still a thing?
Neat, I guess.

>> No.33795370

Yeah, SHNecro's taken the reigns and has been continuing to develop for it. Most of the music, graphics, etc. for the postgame content had already been developed by the point that the game had been shut down by Capcom, so all he has to do is put everything together and code whatever needs to be implemented, a task thankfully doable for one person if need be. It's taking a pretty long time but the game is actually slowly getting closer to true completion. Which is great, because it'd suck for such a neat project that a lot of love was poured into to die just like that. A lot of Shanghai fans, including myself, were pretty pissed and really sad when shit hit the fan. Luckily SHNecro is based and saved it from becoming vaporware.

>> No.33797575
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I actually played up to halfway through the Heaven area and got hit by a save corrupt (that should be fixed by now, it was in like WIP5)
Kinda a bummer way to end my adventure with my wife Shanghai, but it was fun.

>> No.33802273
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Oh neat, I just got back into this game. I'm surprised the Heaven area is already done.
Also, I loved the scene in the OP. Devanon really nailed the sense of humor and the writing style so far has been in line with the rest of the game. Really excited to see this finished.

>> No.33802343

I was going to make a thread next month, but hey.

>> No.33804564

Why next month?

>> No.33804666

12 (Anniversary - I don't make those ones)
That or whenever I get around to checking the repository.

>> No.33807516

Yeah I know how that feels. Not with Shanghai fortunately, but I've had it happen with other things. I also saw a few people get hit by that bug and lose their saves completely. The bug itself is kind of SHNecro's fault because he made a quick fix to the addon system when he decompiled Shanghai in order to get the game working, but he ended up forgetting that he needed to change it in order to add new addons. Failing to do so resulted in crashing the game when saving(as presumably the game didn't know how to properly format the new addons into the save)which resulted in corrupted saves. With all that said, I can't be too mad about that(even though I never got hit with the bug personally it still sucks), since the project would be dead in the water without him. What I can say, though, is that there was perhaps a lack of foresight in those who did get hit by the save corruption. NEVER trust a game with only one save... with that said, still not their fault, although perhaps avoidable with a bit of foresight and preparation.

I guess this one'll have to do. Bonus points for the Heaven guide, I suppose. Those fucking doors are cryptic as hell.

Oh yeah, I laughed my ass off at that portion lmao. That's just like Yuyuko.

With that said, don't skip that segment right now, even if you know the code... you can miss out on the HP+500 he gives you. SHNecro tells me that you are supposed to be able to complete this segment even if you open the door prematurely, but some sort of bug prevents the Sage from ever appearing in Eien Square after you open the door. Presumably(though I can't guarantee anything)this will be fixed in future versions as, you know, he's aware of it and he seems to have a good track record of fixing shit when he knows about it. But I wouldn't take that risk personally.

>> No.33807542

Also, addendum: there are plans to add a save backup system in future versions, so hopefully there won't be any issues with save corruption in the future.

>> No.33809799

>Heaven guide
Is that portion finished?

>> No.33811975
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I mean, in my defense, I made it all the way to post-game without a single issue, so I sure as hell didn't expect it to suddenly corrupt while saving, something I've done countless times at that point.

>> No.33813577

Yeah well, like I said, not your fault ultimately. I'm just naturally cautious especially for something that seems vulnerable to me. It's all basically a result of my experiences where shit's had a tendency to go horribly wrong, so I've made a habit of making a metric fucktons of saves and/or backups so I have something to fall back on should something go wrong.

Kind of? The game is a WIP so things are kind of subject to change potentially. So there's that. I also planned to add ways to complete some things that are required to open the doors such as getting all PAs and such but frankly a lot of that is covered by the google docs guide so I'm not sure how much benefit there is to actually doing that. But, the story portion of the guide, guiding you through the requirements to complete the story, and the portion of the guide for opening the various barriers and secret doors and the goodies that lie behind them, invisible paths, PMDs and BMDs, and other secrets are all pretty much complete. So, aside from some extra addendums and anything that needs to be changed for future versions, it's more or less complete really.

>> No.33824883

>I also planned to add ways to complete some things that are required to open the doors such as getting all PAs and such but frankly a lot of that is covered by the google docs guide so I'm not sure how much benefit there is to actually doing that
!guide402JM was indirectly implemented into the docs, so just do your part. Someone will come along and add it to the guide. It's better for two people to do something and find something that the other missed than just one person.

>> No.33824938


>> No.33831001

I can't believe I didn't check there the last time fanart was mentioned. I get the feeling there was more, but it's nice to see a following of the game.

>> No.33831027

Not sure exactly what you mean. You mean that Guide/ShanghaiEXE made some sort of heaven guide himself, and it got implemented somehow into the google docs guide?

>> No.33831040

The guide leading from Pyroman to endgame was rewritten. Heavens guide is separate.

>> No.33832075

This thread got me playing One Step from Eden again.
Ironically the only reason I started playing that was because I was waiting for shanghai.exe to get completed.

>> No.33832120

I see. I don't come to /jp/ too often and only got into the game seriously within the past year, so I likely missed all this.

In any case, you're all welcome to add it to wherever you want. I'll probably add some more stuff to it eventually. I'll check back now and again for a thread and post it in the future as I update it.

>> No.33834672

Today happens to be the anniversary of MMBN anyway.

>> No.33834801

Allright, so, at the risk of being called a faggot which I probably will, let me inform you guys about some shit. One of Koki's original developers, Magia, joined the Discord server I'd made for this game some time ago. His English sucks, but we did managed to glean from him that he still had the development files for the game, and was willing to upload them for us. Soon after I posted them to SHNecro on the gitgud in a private thread so he could get that shit in the hopes it would aid him somehow in development. Prior to this, I'd already been planning in advance to recruit people from my server(currently sitting on about 250 members so it ain't dead)in an attempt to find people willing to help with the game. Well, I managed to find a few people(5 including myself but realistically probably 3 since 2 of them are too busy to help too much), who were willing to help. Back to the thread on the gitgud, SHNecro was happy with the files and we began talking about things he needed to help with the development of the game.

I got a small list of some things he needed doing from him, and we've been working towards helping him out a bit with a few things such as with writing, planning, and replacing some of the chip art. Probably the only thing I'm not sure needs any help or not is the music, since it all seems to be complete more or less. The list of what needs done, however, is bigger then all of that, and if any of you are interested in helping him out with getting shit done and making this game better as befits it's stature, and you have sufficient skill to aid in some way, you're welcome to join us. The Discord link is in the Heaven guide. I didn't want to strictly point it out, but anyone reading this guide and actually interested will want to know where it is. Keep in mind that SHNecro is prepared to do all the coding himself, but if you are a skilled enough coder, I doubt he would complain if you wanted to help. The gitgud is open to contributions, after all.

Things that need doing:
1. Orin's fight needs planning and spritework. Yes, there is literally just about 0 things done for her, unfortunately, in contrast to the most other things. SHNecro doesn't do art, so if you wanted to see that, he needs people to develop her fight.
2. Need additional viruses, both planning and spritework, for Heaven and Deepnet. A little added original content for those areas might spice things up a little bit.
3. As previously stated, the placeholder art(mainly chip art and the dark PA art, which were previously silhouettes of all the final bosses from Battle Network)also needs replacing.
4. Yuyuko needs a chip designed. We'd had some ideas about basing it on her Hisoutensoku spellcard: Cherry Sign "Sense of Cherry Blossom" but nothing is definitive yet really.
5. A secret boss which I won't yet reveal may need spritework and/or planning. SHNecro plans to finish her fight but could possibly use help with it. Not sure with what exactly just yet since the need to develop it probably won't be here for a while, but having some extra people around to help with that when it does come would be useful.

I'm sure there's more that needs doing if I were to ask him, but those are some of the big things that could use some work. I know it's a bit out of place to invite people here to a Discord server and such but it's in the game's best interest and subsequently everyone else who's interested in the game's best interest to spread the word that SHNecro could probably use a hand with help in developing a few things a bit as there's certain things he can't do well by himself that the game needs resources for.

Now that the wall of text is done, tell me what you all think of that.

>> No.33836671
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I hope they'll add more navis eventually because I wanna fight the frog.

>> No.33843613

Wouldn't get your hopes up, honestly, Suwako's already in the game as a style.

Then again, if you've ever checked Sanae's camera, it's clear she probably does exist... maybe they just never got around to doing anything with her.

>> No.33848431

Page 10? Not on my watch.

>> No.33849364

Nice- good luck anon.
