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33659959 No.33659959 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>33606251

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.33660308

>playing that stupid card game on the muv luv fandisc where you have to battle all the characters
>finally beat Tsukuyomi and Meiya
>unlock their h-scene
>fucking diamonds
Holy fuck that was 100% worth it. That's a keeper.

>> No.33660501
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I love one piece swimsuit.

>> No.33660818

Why are there so few incest NTR VNs...

>> No.33661285

Incest with mommy where the dad gets cucked isn't common?

>> No.33661803

I want the son to (initially) get cucked

>> No.33662370

You NTR people are weirdos.

>> No.33662940

egs down ?

>> No.33662960

you probably got ip blocked

>> No.33662997
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I liked nanairo a lot, and this is funny sometimes, but jesus christ it is also boring as fuck, are the h-scenes hot at least?

>> No.33663057

huh there's ip block ? shit

>> No.33663146

It takes a while to get going, the rpg stuff isn't that great

>> No.33663181


>> No.33663428

if you liked nanairo why arent you just reading more kazuki fumi?

>> No.33663451

>Clarias at 72

>> No.33664052

How "bad" is Mojika? I want something mature and dark but not totally hopeless. I'm just getting Fraternite vibes from it and I don't like it...

>> No.33664082

I should actually finish a route before I solidify my opinion of it, but I'm having a ton of fun with the game so far.

>> No.33664310

What are some VNs with sad plots that also have a lot of sex? Doesn't have to be a tragic nukige, but that's what I'm thinking of.

>> No.33664328

What's the name of this one? お願い

>> No.33664377

princess evangile

>> No.33665782

More than people? Gods?

>> No.33666633

Look up the character name in vndb.

>> No.33666770
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Why is this cg so arousing?

>> No.33666823


>> No.33666827

Hajimete no Kanojo, shit was so sad I had to drop the game for a while

>> No.33667006

Maris aka exposition-chan is so cute. Even Towa says she knows everything.

>> No.33667476

Niijima finds the way

>> No.33667522

>the review with top rating is 80

>> No.33667572


>> No.33667755
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>> No.33667839

EGS shitters are irrelevant and Clarias is still kamige. Clarias 2 soon.

>> No.33667871

it’ll be the Baldr Sky to Clarias’s Baldr Force

>> No.33668155

Clarias isn't a game you should think too deeply about, if you expect an epic isekai plot you're obviously going to be disappointed, that being said the game is just fun, its fast paces and never really gets boring, for me the plot was interesting not becuase it had an interesting plot, but because the game's voice acting, amazing art, stellar gameplay, cute characters and fun writing made the parts of the plot that are supposed to be hype actually hype. the final boss theme alone might be worth playing the game for.

gameplay wise its really fun if you can get into the system, i recommend playing very hard mode, its not the deepest combat, since once you learn to "get" it it becomes a lot easier, but its always fun and feels satisfying

if you think deeply about the plot and thats the only thing you care about, yeah you will think its a mess, post an angry 4/10 vndb review, but if you don't you'll just remember the fun time you had playing the game, and in the end thats why we all read eroge anyways

>> No.33668673

>if you think deeply about the plot and thats the only thing you care about, yeah you will think its a mess
A lot of games are like this. But there's a reason we're reading eroge and not novels, production values are super important.

>> No.33668678 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33668898

Pretty based, actually

>> No.33669029

Any VNs with nothing but kana?

>> No.33669073

The butler from France Shoujo (plus to the suffering, he talks reaaaal slow).

>> No.33669321

Any moege with NTR? Or at least something that has a strong moege feel for 3/4 runtime and suddenly becomes NTRshit after that.

>> No.33669333


>> No.33669374

No NTR. It's a thriller. I just want something that goes like your average yuzusoft or toneworks moege for most of the runtime until the surprise NTR.

>> No.33669408

Why do you want something like that?

>> No.33669421

I just want to feel strong emotions. That's why I want a huge moege setup before NTR meme. I want to fall in love with moe cuties before they betray me and turn into sluts.

>> No.33669499

I don't have anything like this. But knowing about ntr beforehand gonna weaken your reaction anyway.
Maybe you just need to read something hype or just some nakige/utsuge instead?

>> No.33669556

>But knowing about ntr beforehand gonna weaken your reaction anyway.
You're right. The surprise element will be lost but I believe the process can still produce strong emotions based on how deep I connect with girls.

>Maybe you just need to read something hype or just some nakige/utsuge instead?
Nah. I read those things. I want some fresh and new avenues for strong emotions. Normal nukiNTR don't seem to work on me. I've had this fetish for a long time now where I imagine NTR afterstories for moege routes in my mind. I just want to see how that would turn out in reality.

>> No.33669568 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33669728

Does Tick Tack count? Thanks to time-travel shennigans, you can sleep with your girlfriend's mom in the past and cuck her dad.

>> No.33669762

That's netori. Different from NTR.

>> No.33669771

Doukyuusei 2? I remember people were pissed at elf for including NTR on that game. I don't know if it's true or not though.

>> No.33669776

Yeah, I didn't see your clarification until I posted that.

>> No.33669794

I doesn't exist because it would quite literally be false advertisement.
But if you just want cute moments before the NTR isn't that most ntrge anyway? stuff like Hajimete no Kanojo where you play a route from the MC perspective and only get hints that something is happening until the end and then you play again from a different perspective showing everything that was happening behind his back.

>> No.33669817

Man their legs are great.

>> No.33669971

Are there like anything worth reading from old navel stuff?

>> No.33670077

What's considered old?

>> No.33670084

In Clarias lost against Baron in the Tournament semifinal and instead of game over the story continues, what happens if you win? Im guessing the story plays the same and you get extra exp and maybe a badge?

>> No.33670103

speaking of navel is https://vndb.org/v10680 any good?

>> No.33670174

It's one of their best.

>> No.33670195

How come France Shoujo is marked as 50+ hours on vndb, but the EGS median is only 20 hours?

>> No.33670203

Never use VNDB novel length

>> No.33670214

I've heard that France Shoujo's length is overestimated because of it's massive script size, which is due to a lot of copy & pasted reused text.

>> No.33670248
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>> No.33670267


>> No.33670293

EGS is how much people actually play a game. Vndb is a theoretical full completion time. There are quite a few games that have a drastically lower playtime than what their length is. It basically implies, people don't play the entire game. The longer the game, the more common this gets, especially with loads of copy and paste. Also the shittier the game, the more common this also gets. (some ensemble stuff)

>> No.33670298

thanks anons gonna read it next

>> No.33670322

>Vndb is a theoretical full completion time
No. vndb is just based on how the VN is advertised. it just has 4 categories(very short, short, long, very long) based on how the VN is priced and marketed. It doesn't use script size to theoretically calculate time.

>> No.33670330

What is it about? comedy? are the routes any good?

>> No.33670338 [DELETED] 
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Has anyone here played France Shoujo? It supposedly has 48 endings and 114 H scenes

>> No.33670347

That's nonsense. Why? Because I've added plenty of times based on script size before, and the idea in general is to compare based on a few examples in terms of length. Yes, some are a bit wrong, but for the most part it's serviceable. In the end a DB everyone can use will always have some issues, especially with something like length.

EGS playtime is actually only useful if you know how to read it, and is completely pointless when things are more special/long. (like France Shoujo) It's pretty on point for short works (~10hours) though. There's math reasons for that. The shorter a work, the less an early drop influences the average. (i.e. you drop a 10 hour game after 5 -> 7.5 hours, a 50 hour game after 5 -> 27.5 average) People also generally remember their reading time a lot better for short works, and are less likely to drop it. "it ends soon anyway"
France Shoujo is probably just a very heavily dropped game, where people give up fairly early quite a bit.

>> No.33670352
File: 76 KB, 640x480, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone here played France Shoujo? It supposedly has 48 endings and 114 H scenes

>> No.33670380

It's just majikoi for JOPs

>> No.33670428

The main heroine is so popular that she won the character poll third time in a row.

>> No.33670430

Sounds cringe

>> No.33670444

Tsuriotsu poll or some broad eroge heroine poll? Does she even have an actual route or is it oretsuna tier shit again. I am just wary of anything jackson is involved in.

>> No.33670451

Because they skip the voice acting so their times are off and are not a real stat of the length. The real length is listening to all the voice acting and always using skip option to fly through reduntant content when required.

>> No.33670476

Comedy, trapge. Luna route is the best, Ursule second best, Mizuho/Minato trash by noname writer, no need to read them. Also read Ursule after-story, but not Luna after, you supposed to read hers after you finish spin-off.
Actual route, jackson only did prologue here and prologue is very different in tone.

>> No.33670482

>Tsuriotsu poll or some broad eroge heroine poll?

>> No.33670515

Now this is my type of girl.

>> No.33670536

Jackson fucked off after writing prologue. These days I think higashinosuke is overall a better writer than jackass's son. It's unfortunate he's just overshadowed by that lazy fuck's reputation.

>> No.33670570

Jackson writing is too dense.

>> No.33670652

You mean his narration? yeah he likes to focus a lot on describing movement, facial expressions, mood of a scene etc like a novel. if you go beyond prose there's nothing special about his writing and in fact extremely flawed. Even his conversations are pretty meh except for the fact that he uses dialect/realistic speech patterns. Combine this with the fact that he's lazy and half the time he's no idea what the fuck is he even writing or he just gives up or does a weak conclusion.

>> No.33670665

>describing movement, facial expressions, mood of a scene etc
Pretty much this. Don't like that shit. Higashinosuke dialogues is real deal. Going from tsuriotsu to other eroge feels weird, dialogue lines looks too short.

>> No.33670740

>Pretty much this. Don't like that shit
I wonder maruto and jackson argue about this irl
Maruto seems to be firmly against writing VNs like a novel and he used this as a plot point in saekano too.

>> No.33670927

I never lost that one but did you get an event CG after the battle? If you didn't then that's what's different. It usually doesn't matter, there's a really hard battle later that I've only won once with Yakumo and nothing in the story changed.

>> No.33670996

Yeah, got the Baron CG afterwards. I guess it is like Baldr Sky where there are small dialogue changes but the outcome is the same.

>> No.33671253

>dialogue lines looks too short.
For the best. That's not how people have conversations.

>> No.33671314

There's middle ground between musicus tier dialogues which border on literal tirades and stuff where they just talk in simple one liners. No one cares about realism in VN convos.

>> No.33671327
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It depends on what you want to say. If you have a lot of information to convey, you need longer dialogue.
If the dialogue is essentially empty, it can be short as fuck without an issue.

>> No.33671452

>get to a point in the story where the writer wants to introduce drama
>he does it in a way so mind numbingly stupid that the drama falls completely flat and I'm just in awe of how fucking dumb this is instead of being invested
it keeps happening

>> No.33672194
File: 125 KB, 997x779, ななついろ★ドロップズ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a bitter sweet ending

>> No.33672388

dumbest post i've read in a while

>> No.33672864

not exactly 3/4 but tra-blu/triangle blue is close

>> No.33673017


Here, a moege where you can get cucked by the obligatory male best friend character out of the blue near the end of a heroine route

>> No.33675106

For you Clarias people out there, what playstyle/characters have you been using for battles? I've stuck to Towa and Shelly as attackers thus far. Shelly seems good at basically everything and has no real downside. Her sword has insanely far reach and with maxed out blades on the normal attack, you get insane crowd control ability. I recently got the upgrade to her strong attack that extends its range. Using that after her normal attack combo clears almost the entire field because of its knockback, gives you a ton of breaks, and probably even kills a few enemies. Crazy good. Against bosses, she's excellent as well. The main thing is just that you usually want to position yourself so that the knockback from her strong attack hits the boss against a wall and not too far away from you.

I like using Towa a lot too. He doesn't feel as overpowered as Shelly, but he's godly at getting those critically needed breaks in short windows. I think his dash has the shortest distance out of all the characters which initially seems like a bad thing, but it's actually perfect for sidestepping attacks and immediately charging back in to get a break and open up a combo. His strong attack seemed kind of shit at first, but actually its great after you get the upgrade that increases its movement. It gives you a shitload of movement on that move and it becomes perfect for getting critical breaks. It's saved my ass on a ton of fights so far.

Of course, I abuse the fuck out of 交代. This system honestly seems kind of overpowered (wouldn't be surprised if it ever gets nerfed). I didn't get it down perfectly, but on some bosses you can definitely abuse 交代 to do an infinite combo. You would have to time the attacks correctly, but a lot of enemies will become breakable if you hit them with a strong attack. You could open up a normal combo with a correctly timed break, juggle the boss around for the bit, and time another strong attack correctly to get them to falter and open up the possibility for another break. At this point, you can just 交代 to the other character (which gives you a free attack), get the next break and continue. Because cooldown for 交代 is so short, nothing is stopping you from doing this infinitely until the enemy is dead. Of course not all bosses are easily breakable like this, but a lot of them you can just 相殺 until you get another break.

Some other things I have observed so far (feel free to tell me if I'm retarded or not). Lugh is exactly the kind of character I am shit at (slow, big hits) so I didn't try to learn her moveset or use her much. She seems like she would be good for mobs, but I cannot imagine her being viable against serious bosses. She's way too slow and her dash is shit. Maybe there's some upgrade you can do to make her usable dunno. Yakumo seems 100% viable for everything. I didn't put a ton of time into her because I was already used to Towa and Shelly, but I like her moveset. She has an insane amount of movement during attacks which would let you pull off her strong attacks with very little risk of being punished. Someone can correct me, but honestly Camus seems like absolute shit. Her gun is weak as fuck, her normal attacks suck, and her one advantage (being able to shoot from far away) is not actually an advantage at all. Perhaps I just have no idea how to play her, but she seems absolutely useless in battle.

One other observation: is 魔法 useful at all? I wasted a couple of points into magic to just try it, but I really regret it. 必殺技 always seems more useful in every instance. Maybe it depends on the character though.

>> No.33675200

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention this but I recently realized that abusing 交代 is perfect for keeping your 魔痕 (or whatever it was called) under control. Because of the way this battle system works, getting into long battles (shitload of mobs or strong bosses) will wear down your 魔痕. That makes you really easily breakable and in a lot of cases getting broken is a ticket to instant death so you can't afford a hit at all. I lucked out by picking the team skills that recover 魔痕 when you switch characters and its turned out to be a lifesaver. You can just 交代 to keep that shit at reasonable levels. Honestly for this reason alone, the solo battles in this game are way, way harder imo even not counting how 交代 lets you extend combos.

>> No.33677357

>Ended up playing some Amayui again because the sequel is coming in like two months and because Tenmei was just shit for me, also because i lost my save file anyway due to other reasons

And all this has only made me feel that end of May, where quite some stuff gets released even if C99 was cancelled, feels so far away, I kind of hunger for new shit already.

>> No.33679471

If nothing else, Eushully games can be fairly chill grinders. Just a bit sad, that they don't get close to their older games, and usually mess things up because they don't have the staff who designed the originals anymore.

Amayui is one of those. You have way too many big rooms with enemy spawns in them. Because of how control works, you can't really go in, and as such fight at the door. The control idea was from himegari, and worked around the idea that the rooms are fairly small and it's more a dungeon exploration esque game. There was one map that had a bigger room with spawns in there, but you weren't supposed to enter it, but block the one exit and circle around it to win. You also had all kinds of abilities to help you with splitting up your characters, which in amayuis maps isn't working that well with the layouts and door combat.

Sometimes I wish they'd play their old games to know how to make a newer one. Bigger isn't automatically better. Not like I expect much from another Meister game, but hope dies last I guess. Because Himegari's concept was great. Though it was still grindy as fuck, but alas. That's Eushully.

>> No.33681353

Anyone knows where I can get Yosuga no Sora? I tried AB and it doesn't seem to work, and nyaa only gives me English versions (unless I didn't see correctly).

>> No.33681434

If you want the Japanese version it's a good idea to also search using the Japanese title.

>> No.33681456

Did any of you play https://vndb.org/v29403
Any good?

>> No.33681506

AH! I figured out what I did wrong. I was on nyaa but the game is actually on sukebei. I think I found it. Thanks a lot anon!

>> No.33681784
File: 425 KB, 1920x1080, さくらの雲*スカアレットの恋_2021-03-12_16-21-50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is this artist's ridiculous obsession with male gloves. The MC took one of them off for foreplay fingering, and then put it back on for insertion.

>> No.33683567
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>> No.33683577

It’s foreshadowing

>> No.33684101

There's room for both. Hello Lady leverages hyper unrealistic dialogue that's more maximalist in a really fun way. Maruto games have shorter lines that feel more "realistic" to me in terms of the language used. However, I feel like Maruto games are written more like plays than your average VN, in that a lot of events occur "off camera", and because of this, there's a lot of indirect exposition reconting stuff that just happened.
I especially love how this is used at the end of WA2 IC, where Haruki confesses to Setsuna that he cheated on her with Kazusa completely offscreen. We instead just see the part that's truly important, her reaction afterwards.

>> No.33685229

I did realize that its much better if you play it gradually instead of taking it all in one sitting. Sometimes I do still have hope maybe because the alternative is nothing at all, or maybe because it was such a good concept and nothing else in the industry scratches it. It reminded me that as far as I know, Alicesoft's Dai series is dead and there hasnt been anything else that scratches that other, conquering itch of mine.

>> No.33685252

I guess there was Tenco's Eiyuu Senki for conquering but that one is not only pretty linear but also they switched to gacha after GOLD

>> No.33685648

Aside from the obvious Sengoku/Kichikuou Rance and Eiyuu Senki, you've got all the gesen-18 games and there are a handful of other conquering territory eroge out there, of various quality.

>> No.33685698

Oh right, maybe thats something to look at

>> No.33685852

Did anyone manage to pick up https://vndb.org/v2064
It was posted on on AS 3 years ago but the free links are dead.
Also, are there any good repositories for old games out there? The sanic list was decent when it was alive.

>> No.33685949

Nice spoiler tag abuse, retard. Go back to /v/.

>> No.33686976 [DELETED] 
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>> No.33687190

You aren't wrong. My mistake was I tried playing it in hard mode, and Amayui hard mode is just really badly balanced. Everything turns into door combat, even these defense missions where you have objects to help you out. They weren't rescaled for hard, so basically did nothing.
Getting equip was also super important (to get element spread and power boosts), but then there'd be something where you need several drops of an enemy that only exists once, in one map and won't drop it guaranteed either.

It just.. wasn't fun. If you chill more with normal mode, it might work better. I played Kami no Rhapsody like that, and did finish it. (though I don't think I got the best ending)

>> No.33687807
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But it's adorable to see MC try to help her studying. Also I'd rather have a small animal like birds or hamsters as pet instead of something that can ruin your house the moment you turn away for a few seconds.

>> No.33687885

I'm more shocked that Leaf just had a number that you could call them. Is that what eroge companies did back in the day?

>> No.33687950

Personally I kind of have grown past the idea of playing hard or etc mode because of my pride and just focus on what difficulty is enjoyable for me, better that than burning out. I am not sure if Rhapsody even had different endings other than the heroine pick(which they probably realized didnt make sense in hindsight and may explain their decision to just have Fia outright telling Avaro to just go bang everyone in Amayui)

>> No.33688073

I started OreTsuba and the MC is intolerable levels of cringe. It's painful as fuck to follow him around.

>> No.33688368
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This fucking guy

>> No.33688428

Personally I absolutely love the way dialogue and 地の文 are combined in WA2. The descriptive text usually forms a narrative on its own that is 'woven' throughout the scene. This allows Maruto to end scenes with 2 different climaxes. One being the climax of what's actually happening in the story, and the other one being the descriptive text resolving in usually a great cheesy line. it's certainly not unique to WA2 but Maruto nailed the execution a lot of times during the game.
A great example of this is at the 見せ場 in Chiaki's route where Maruto goes full kino mode and also uses a great CG 差分 at the same the climaxes resolve.

>> No.33689091

I was actually talking about the buildup to kiss scenes. For me saekano kiss scene is my favorite kiss scene of all time based on the absolute teasefest of the build up alone.

>> No.33689126

Is that from parfait?

>> No.33689151

Yeah. Rea's route.

>> No.33690939


>> No.33692744 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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Just finished the Trial, and I'm enjoying it so far

>> No.33692760

Just finished the trial, and I'm enjoying it so far

>> No.33694609

>I then end I never could bother finishing a route on Renai Royale but got curious and checked the gallery
Read Yuna's route you shitter.

>> No.33694668
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Why is she so jaded in the sequel?

>> No.33694928

Is it good? I got annoyed at the MC crying about his ex, dropped it right before the Christmas festival during common.

>> No.33697304

nothing unhealthy about a bit of skinship with your sister

>> No.33697722

Not the same person but:
Its a classic gakuen battle charage with power levels and stuff. I'm guessing that would be why.
If you like what you see, you'll probably enjoy the game.
I liked it. Its a cool game with cute heroines, kinda interesting sub characters and good music.

>> No.33697854

Don't forget to play the FD for the best girl route.

>> No.33698363

All-ages kusoge buddy. This is エロゲ スレ.

>> No.33699031
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feel like westernoids would absolutely lose their shit over the blatant pro-japanese ww2 propaganda in this game if it ever got translated

>> No.33699047

Femdom hater detected.

>> No.33700203

Miel games are available on steam.

>> No.33700512

Honestly I'm kind of surprised vietnamese people haven't started a radical religion dedicated entirely to killing americans

>> No.33700579

I enjoyed every route except Kotori's (that felt incomplete).

>> No.33701049

What else would be the true route of Rewrite?

>> No.33701135

Well I wasn't sure if you just meant Terra, Moon, or Moon + Terra.

>> No.33701236

I consider them both a single true route, seeing as they are both post-heroine route unlocks and are directly connected to each other.

>> No.33704815

Princess Evangile. Odd for an OP in this thread, since it's fully translated along with its fandisc

>> No.33705064


>> No.33705071

I know it was on the charts for wannabe JOPs trying to learn Japanese like forever ago.

>> No.33705088

fair enough
i could see the way it talks about nationalism getting on certain people's nerves
>07th mod let you switch between original and console script for both jp and en versions.
and what release would this mod be useful for, if the steam version is already using the old script?

>> No.33705166

Does anyone have a full save for https://vndb.org/v19453?
Lost my saves to a shitty corrupted drive and I want to play now with the dlcs.
Sagaoz and seiya have no saves.

>> No.33708437

friendly reminder that this is also the エロゲ thread, just because a title has been translated doesn't mean you can't post about it here

>> No.33710782


>> No.33711642

Explain further

>> No.33714469

Eh the reason I'm asking is because when most people say a heroine is lewd, she's usually a masochistic whore and that does nothing for me. Personally I like heroines who enjoy sex and are passionate without being a pathetic masochist.

>> No.33716042
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>> No.33717053
File: 11 KB, 518x79, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I read these before Yonagi? Does it matter?

>> No.33717175

You need need to have read all three of them several times to begin to understand the themes presented in yonagi.

>> No.33717190

Same setting is code word for "company was lazy so they reused background assets"

>> No.33719711

You can just have a guide open and only check it when you get up to a choice rather than memorising it beforehand.

>> No.33719740

yeah but i take the risk cause playing without a guide is just too much of a pain especially in games that have no skip to next choice option
i zoom in to 300% so i can see as little of the page as possible and scroll down when a choice comes up

>> No.33720142

>MC flirts back with the childhood friend
Example please

>> No.33720310

She had a lot of spanking scenes and she is the only one who goes heart in her eyes for you.

>> No.33721020

Yakumo is fun for getting critical breaks because you can teleport out of the enemy's attack if you do it right. It looks cool. I still have yet to even touch Camus much. Maybe on the next playthrough.

>> No.33721414

imagine caring about spoilers lmao

>> No.33723950

someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning

>> No.33723964

Yuna Fandisk
Yukiiro Sign (but in 9 months)
Mahou Shoujo plotge
Maybe 日向千尋は仕事が続かない

>> No.33724428

Maybe Dead End Aegis. Definitely not wagahimeshit, it's minato garbage with terrible designs.

>> No.33730878

To be fair, the first press editions and limited editions are usually two different editions, with the first press basically being the game itself (with maybe DLC or a soundtrack) at the normal price and the limited edition having all the goodies at usually 10k.

>> No.33732013
File: 282 KB, 1920x1080, 冥契のルペルカリア__2021-02-25_17-46-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33732909

Imagine if someone filled out the char list for Rance 10.

>> No.33732967

I have it downloaded, but I don't want to play it so soon before the kamige release.

>> No.33733004

Going to a character page and adding "makes an appearance in VN xx" takes a few seconds.

>> No.33733030

It's not like they created all those entries, they're all heroines from the company's previous games.
What's retarded is counting some minor meta cameo as "Make an appearance", the character isn't actually in there so all it does is pollute searches.

>> No.33733510

Tomefure kind of does this too, but less egregiously I guess, just due to it being so late in the game. Lots of screaming about wanting to get pregnant but no actual pregnant sex, unless you count the last scene where there's no visible difference.

Weird fetish, Zen, but you do you.

Does it at least have the good comedy though?

>> No.33734106

The H-scenes spam was made enjoyable by the prophetic nature of the first 3/4 and the gradual descent into depravity.

>> No.33734108

Don't ask about djt here.

>> No.33734218

low quality bait

>> No.33734318


>> No.33734337

No, I don't participate in faggot discord shit. Fuck off.

>> No.33734361

the post wasn't asking you to participate though can you really read japanese

>> No.33734382

Yes it was. Don't be idiotic. Anyway, I apologize for derailing the thread and you should stop too.

>> No.33734720

i guess this is the general where people discuss their VN headcanons

>> No.33735069 [DELETED] 

what about faggot discord shit run by an eop faggot? discord.gg/aKS5r7T

>> No.33735124


>> No.33735192

So same as Tomefure. Alright then, I'll read it and delete Harem Game 2. Nothing worse than all the H-scenes being filled with impregnation talk without it leading anywhere.

>> No.33735243

They're still hot but the lack of actual pregnant cgs is disappointing.

>> No.33735398

Tomefure is a great game. You got an incredible deal there.

>> No.33736314

Is this crackable? Or do you actually need to pay?

>> No.33736379

Have any of you played 檻姫~極嬢の未来は俺のモノ~

I've seen almost nothing about it. A little surprising for a Clock Up game with Rubi-sama art.

>> No.33736712
File: 1.83 MB, 1400x996, 0131b17f95368994289520fef96ea7cd4a72ac396c1d1d2069dc0b1c75638a89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more Rusalka pics

>> No.33737514

tsuriotsu or tomefure

>> No.33738198

if you have to choose it's tsuriotsu and not even close, but i would never compare them

>> No.33738308

These are so different, why are you comparing them?

>> No.33738852

Damn it, I hate it when I misread an H-scene and cum too early before it actually ends.

>> No.33740386

It's a nukige about taking girls from high positions in society and fucking them into your cockslave. Pregofags would probably like it since there's that in there too. You even have a 3P with your daughter after she's born. Not as a loli though.

>> No.33740804

>You even have a 3P with your daughter after she's born

I know what I'm playing next.

>> No.33741836

anyone can upload https://vndb.org/v1141 pls?
俺たちに翼はないunder the innocent sky.

>> No.33742577

Fuck off retard

>> No.33742706

>game is hardly difficult to find
>is fully seeded
>master list already on thread
Children are not allowed to post here.

>> No.33743279

Manakashi made me yuri-pilled.

>> No.33743305

But the otokonoko in that is the best

>> No.33743464

Does Nijuuei absolutely require the VM treatment?

>> No.33743852

Just check the masterlist bro
