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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3369897 No.3369897 [Reply] [Original]

Hay, /jp/

I'm in an Intro to Japan class this semester, and I need to come up with an idea for a group project by Wednesday. It can be about anything in/from/about Japan...anything! I concluded that I need to come up with the idea because most of my group are fuckwits an one's a weeaboo. Gimme some help /jp/, just start throwing out random ideas. Let's try to steer clear of KAWAII SHOUJO, 'kay?

>> No.3369902

Talk about the Akihibara stabbing spree

>> No.3369906

Talk about the Visual Novels.

>> No.3369912

Talk about Japanese birds.

>> No.3369916

You concluded that you needed to come up with the idea despite not having one, and then you ask others for help? Good conclusion.

>> No.3369921

Talk about Dawson's Creek.

>> No.3369935

⊂二二二( ^ω^)二⊃ ブーン

>> No.3369937

>I'm in an Intro to Japan class this semester, and I need to come up with an idea for a group project by Wednesday.

Then get to it instead of wasting time on /jp/ sheesh

>> No.3369943
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>group project

>> No.3369978

>group project
>Intro to Japan class

I'm glad I didn't have anything group related on my first year.
We started 21. The worst of the lot dropped out in a month or so, but there was a /b/tard who even dared to show up to the final summer exam (very low attendance, failed, etc.), so he quit too.
Now we're only 9 left.

Look forward to the higher levels, OP.

Also; make a project about trains.

>> No.3370007

>make a project about trains.
Trains are for faggots

>> No.3370013



>> No.3370033

Japan wouldn't be the same without trains, so at least it's relevant.

I don't know how good a project about junior idols would be.

>> No.3370075
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>a project about junior idols would be.

>> No.3370156

Make it a project about groping on trains.

>> No.3371506

Everyone wants to be ALL about PC now so it's in the news. Look at the effect of ani,e on the culture, and all the cry to ban it.

>> No.3371515

Get off 4chan and do your own brainstorming and homework.

>> No.3371517

Make your project about how lolicons are not pedophiles.

>> No.3371521

Fuck your shit. I don't care about a lot of things posted by Anon, but god damn, if you don't like trains get the fuck out of here. I'm not kidding.

>> No.3371529

I think it's a fair bet that a lot of us here at /jp/ are both.

>> No.3371539
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Do it about karoshi.

>> No.3371553

>Make your project about how pedophiles are not pedophiles.

>> No.3371560

Ahh living the good life

>> No.3371562

>Implying lolicons are pedophiles.

>> No.3371575

Do it on Comiket.

>> No.3371589

Spoilers: Lolicon is the word for pedophile.

>> No.3371595

Lolicon = Lolita complex =/= Pedophilia

>> No.3371605

Lolicon = Lolita complex = Pedophile

That's how it's used in Japan. That's what the word means.

>> No.3371610

>That's what the word means.
Then explain how a toddler can be a lolita.

Oops, you can't.

>> No.3371621

You're obviously a troll, or severely lacking in intelligence. For one, pedophile is gender neutral, while lolicon is not. To imply they are synonyms is very incorrect.

>> No.3371639

Is this so hard to understand?

>> No.3371641

I don't see how that changes what I said, you're still wrong.

>> No.3371644

Well I haven't come to any good ideas by myself, but one kid wants to do Japanese sports, because he knows nothing else. One girl wants to do anime (don't get me wrong, I'm a fan, but I don't feel like standing in front of 30 peers for a half hour talking about about LAWLNARUTOZOMG). The other two are black.

Thanks for the encouragement, and I love the idea about trains/transportation.

>> No.3371653

>in Japan
>it can refer to actual or perceived pedophilia and ephebophilia

>> No.3371660

Pick one:
Tsutomu Miyazaki
Unit 731
The importance of lolicon in modern Japanese culture
The history of KIWAMI and its most influential derivative material
Western stereotypes in Japan, citing Cheetahmen 2 and Magibon

>> No.3371664

All lolicon is pedophilia, not all pedophilia is lolicon.

>> No.3371666

People also confuse pedophilia and ephebophilia. That is because they are reactionary morons.

>> No.3371683

Pedophilia involves children. Lolicon can, but does not have to.

Drawn characters don't have a physical age, so they can't count as "pedophilia". Many older girls (especially in Japan) try to look very young, which fits with lolicon but not pedophilia.

Neither is a subset of the other, despite the large degree of overlap.

>> No.3371692

Group project? Could you be more specific on the guidelines?

>> No.3371698

Justifications for Hiroshima and Nagasaki besides the war.

>> No.3371710

>Implying you need to justify nuking someone instead of just doing it for fun.

>> No.3371716

That entirely depends on how you are defining pedophillia.

>> No.3371729

"The presentation must be accompanied with the following:
-Visuals: PC based or tangible objects
-Handouts: Outline of presentation
-Presentation is to be 15-30 minutes long"

He said that the presentation can really be about anything, but needs to fit into that time slot, and all five members of the group must participate. Other than that, there aren't many guidelines, so long as the topic has something to do with Japan.

>> No.3371733

Do it on how Otaku and NEET are viewed in Japan. Make sure to talk about Densha Otoko and explain how they can change if they wanted to. It'll make you sound smart.

>> No.3371734

Do it on the problems face by the eroge industry.

>> No.3371738

Five members, huh? Wear different colored spandex and discuss justice, love, and courage.

>> No.3371748

Okay. I have a somewhat serious suggestion. Why don't you try something Yakuza related?

>> No.3371768

Talk about the xenophobic behaviors among the Japanese.

>> No.3371812
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Another good idea; I'll pitch these to my group tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestions

>> No.3371839

screw yakuza, do bosozoku. way more manly

>> No.3371841

Baseball in Taisho era Japan

>> No.3371851
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>> No.3371901

sadly, that's more or less me.
