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3367207 No.3367207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


any tips?

>> No.3367226

Wait! Anon! You DO have breasts!

They're just small!

>> No.3367237

OD on benzos. Call a psychiatrist and tell them you have an anxiety problem and a big job interview tomorrow. Then call a few more and say the same thing until you have enough.
If you really wanna be cool, jump off a skyscraper. That's what I always planned to do if it came down to it.

>> No.3367243

you missed the suicide dump. try looking for it in the archive

>> No.3367246
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I love that little baka

>> No.3367263

Yeah, don't. Seriously, its not all its cracked up to be.

>> No.3367268

i dont have anything left to od on. i was forced to throw it all away. i dont have any money either.

>> No.3367273

why not?

>> No.3367275

Just sleep on it, bro. You'll feel a little better in the morning.

>> No.3367282


>> No.3367288

ive been wanting to kill myself for over 3 months, every single day. my only reason for living is gone now, and life is worse than before and im worse than before

>> No.3367290

Suicide bro here, almost died once.
Try killing yourself with this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potassium_cyanide + sleeping pills.

>> No.3367295

lets have a /jp/ suicide meetup, like in NHK

>> No.3367297

OP, I'm curious, what was so bad in your life that you decided to kill yourself over it?

>> No.3367300

I'm eurofag ;_;

>> No.3367298

how am i supposed to get cyanide. all my medicine any anything i could od on was thrown out. even stuff like tylenol and aspirin.

>> No.3367304

are you a rich guy with a private island that can make me happy for one day of my life?

>> No.3367305

Japanese folktale goes that if you kill yourself with a nothing but a single focused thought in mind ("I want to be the little girl") you may come back as a youkai.

But don't do it.

>> No.3367308

As far as I know, you can buy some of it from those fuckers that buy jewelery/old coins etc.

>> No.3367316

If you're going to kill yourself. At least rape some lolis first or something. It'll also strengthen your resolve afterwards.

>> No.3367325

This is depressing. I'll never call anyone an idiot again.

>> No.3367331

To think that there are people who would kill themselves, when there are people who would be perfectly happy to be alive, except they met their end in tragedy. Man the fuck up, pussy.

>> No.3367341

Overdose on sleeping pills in a bathtub. Works every time.

>> No.3367336

i have no money

the person who was supposed to be my best friend treated me like shit for a long time, then i felt like worthless shit. when i told her i wanted to die, she basically said fuck off i dont want to deal with you anymore, but also i dont want you to die so i dont feel guilty. things have just gotten worse after that. and today, i talked to her for the first time in months because i really needed something, and she wouldnt say she cared if i lived anymore.

>> No.3367345

Ah, I see.

>> No.3367351

Boo fucking hoo, sounds like you're better off to not have to deal with an uncaring bitch.

>> No.3367356

Anyway, doesn't sound like you really want to die. If you really wanted to die, you'd fucking do it. What you really want is for people to tell you why you shouldn't. Which is fine, but find it somewhere where it matters, not on the fucking internet.

>> No.3367359

just go to bed. tomorrow, go read a book.

>> No.3367361

The girl was never there.
You're lost in a forest all alone.

>> No.3367362

Oh wow, she wouldn't happen to be a jewess would she? Women just want to use you anyway, definitely not worth killing yourself over. If you really want someone to talk to, I'd sure someone here would be willing to.

>> No.3367364

Don't kill yourself. Give me your address and I'll enjoy it much more.

>> No.3367367

You called?... I don't have a private island (yet) but I do have a swimming pool overlooking laguna lake... will that be sufficient?...

>> No.3367368

You know, just don't.

You would actually cause more grief alive than dead. I mean do you know how much just a random dead body costs to dispose of and all the other crap that has to be done?
Plus you add yourself to an already growing number of things that politicians and other assholes use to make us living folk want to off ourselves as well.

Just stay alive and stop being a burden.

>> No.3367370

Not as easily as you'd think if you're using OTC ones. If you're planning on overdosing using diphenhydramine (the most common OTC sleepaid), enjoy eating 1-3 lbs of that bitter shit and making your mouth and throat go numb and still only having something like a 50% chance to die. Odds are that the store won't even have enough for someone to kill themselves with.

>> No.3367371

1) Take Friday off work as a holiday or flex-day or cancel your shift due to "Looking after your mother"
2) Sleeping pills *AND* vodka.
3) Sock in mouth, gaffer over sock.
4) Two layers of plastic bag over your head, gaff at bottom.

You'll fall asleep and die from OD, and if you vomit, you'll die from vomit drowning.

>> No.3367372

Meant dead than alive but you still get it, damn its late.

>> No.3367377


Just off yourself then. I'm sick of people thinking their lives are over because of a failed relationship. Jesus christ.

>> No.3367380

Dude, go talk to a psychiatrist. Or if you can't afford one, find a priest or something, even if you aren't religious. I used to be suicidally depressed, but it really is something you can get over. You just need help.

>> No.3367387
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>> No.3367388

If you want to kill yourself, don't hang yourself. You don't want people to find you with shit and piss trickling down your legs.
Not the best way to die.
Easy way would be to just jump off a high building, that works the best and you won't even notice it, or plan b warm water in the bathtube and slash your wrists. You will just slide over, like falling asleep.
Or if you have a gun, into the mouth and shoot yourself. But be sure to do it right or you might not die and be a vegtable for life.

>> No.3367390


Friend got pretty messed from some sleeping pills a year or so back, only survived because she got her stomach pumped. I assume there're much better ways, but it its easy enough to obtain sleeping pills and bath water.

>> No.3367391

im fucked up beyond repair. even the psychiatrist says so. just because you have a hard time killing yourself, it doesn't mean you don't want to die.

>> No.3367393

Troll thread?

>> No.3367397

sup /a/

>> No.3367407

play cross channel

>> No.3367408
File: 73 KB, 600x750, 1252912905796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the person who was supposed to be my best friend treated me like shit for a long time, then i felt like worthless shit. when i told her i wanted to die, she basically said fuck off i dont want to deal with you anymore, but also i dont want you to die so i dont feel guilty. things have just gotten worse after that. and today, i talked to her for the first time in months because i really needed something, and she wouldnt say she cared if i lived anymore.

Jesus christ, you disgust me.
