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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 473 KB, 1707x2048, EZps-vKUEAAi4Rg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33664387 No.33664387 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.33664390
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>> No.33664391
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>> No.33664392
File: 255 KB, 1400x1000, EwFZwd4UcAMv2AG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really love my clown wife !!
ヴァンパイア cover when

>> No.33664394
File: 211 KB, 1077x1523, EwCHE3WVcAUqum1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664395
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>> No.33664397
File: 1.30 MB, 2926x4096, EwNQC_aUcAEvQ00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Lamy!

>> No.33664398
File: 476 KB, 657x752, 1611406247858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33664402

Dead hours.


>> No.33664403
File: 157 KB, 1183x1152, Efpsa8kVoAEQ85y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.33664406
File: 260 KB, 1980x1080, 938C969C-9542-45F5-B951-B7B69136464F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Submit to Mel !

>> No.33664407
File: 332 KB, 1756x2215, EuGQLqiVkAAXc5t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does /hlg/ like Kerin?

>> No.33664408
File: 2.79 MB, 260x560, akipeekaboo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my oshi very much!! She loves you too, Anon!!

>> No.33664409
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, fan2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love our winning son!

>> No.33664410
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>> No.33664411
File: 136 KB, 1000x1412, dork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664414
File: 152 KB, 710x704, 1615333849756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my CEO!

>> No.33664416

I want Lamy to breastfeed me

>> No.33664418
File: 53 KB, 164x133, chrome_DBaLNkRf33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>korone will never play stick of truth or south park 64

>> No.33664419

>the maid is brown

>> No.33664420

>watch Ina
>slip into a coma

>> No.33664422
File: 736 KB, 1920x1080, 【朝活!】Please Talk me How to learn Japanese【アルランディス_ホロスターズ】_007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Japanese like this

>> No.33664426
File: 86 KB, 2039x1447, EqWmkeMVoAE6_7I.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stream was maximum cute coco

>> No.33664428
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>> No.33664430
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>> No.33664431

couldn't tell if it was just shitposting but i think it was more that they thought she was basically camwhoring

>> No.33664436
File: 355 KB, 2048x1506, lamy korone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33664439

he's showing one of the biggest dumbest kanji

>> No.33664440

The dumb music makes me sleepy.

>> No.33664441
File: 141 KB, 800x800, canvas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lamy ass

>> No.33664444 [DELETED] 

Wrong thread homosh@rt

>> No.33664445
File: 6 KB, 303x42, 1615463322139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33664448
File: 1.52 MB, 1366x768, Mel glance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664451
File: 23 KB, 522x522, 1596290438804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664455

>tell oshi watch towa
okayu you fat fuck, watch tippy

>> No.33664456
File: 417 KB, 1686x673, ironmouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664457

I thought this was pretty obvious. The average college age Japanese person knows less Kanji than people think. Look at Noel who has a fucking college degree struggle with kanji. There's a reason why JSL's usually encourage learning only around 2000 kanji. Also, that's not even taking into account the large amount of kanji/vocab that can just be replaced with the hiragana (like かわいい vs 可愛い)

>> No.33664458

Blame the Chinese.

>> No.33664459
File: 318 KB, 1069x1500, yande.re 595900 sample cleavage garter gore_(white_gore) hololive murasaki_shion skirt_lift thighhighs witch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.33664460 [DELETED] 

Wrong thread h0moshart

>> No.33664462

Being a fandead is a hell of a ride.
Feels good to have a vanilla oshi...

>> No.33664468
File: 620 KB, 2048x1462, EwJ2vaIVkAQLBJK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute idol CEO !!

>> No.33664470

Murasaki Shion yo

>> No.33664471
File: 301 KB, 1920x1080, big eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>towa big

>> No.33664473
File: 14 KB, 213x202, worriedfren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zero results

>> No.33664474

literally who fag

>> No.33664475
File: 1.97 MB, 1366x768, Sora no Woto - ep5 saluting the watchtower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch towa

>> No.33664476

Alright. I don't watch homos, I don't like to see posts about them. But those whores better stay away.

>> No.33664477

sans hate en...

>> No.33664478

NND was fucking great back then, but then the tsunami hit and it never really recovered. The post-tsunami period was really where I kinda stopped following NND because I got too frustrated with it and Premium status didn't really help, either.

>> No.33664482
File: 33 KB, 413x388, smugzion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664487

Same, feels good being a Kenzoku

>> No.33664488 [DELETED] 

Wrong thread homoshit

>> No.33664489
File: 201 KB, 482x174, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33664490
File: 537 KB, 1302x1500, 7707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sion premiere soon yo...

>> No.33664497
File: 1.20 MB, 1240x1753, 1615420516485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33664502

Good job Mel !!!(^∇^)

>> No.33664504
File: 596 KB, 1920x1080, 1603491779919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that her g-spot?

>> No.33664506
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>> No.33664511

Not just any college degree, but a hard science degree, so that's already more kanji than a normal person would have had to learn. DESU she probably forgot it all after graduating, though.

>> No.33664513

When is Luna going to study spanish?

>> No.33664514
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>> No.33664517
File: 2.17 MB, 896x537, 1607467066613.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664523

>sion premiere soon yo...
I think she's trying to tell you something.

>> No.33664524
File: 553 KB, 780x1060, 1613752290823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooo you're my best friend

>> No.33664529
File: 701 KB, 904x1800, 1614214470121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to give Noel my seed. What do I need to do to be able to do so?

>> No.33664532

what's that below wanikani

>> No.33664533
File: 269 KB, 2048x1359, haachina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you stick your dick in her hair tendrils is it like docking

>> No.33664534

>JOPs literally have to do reps if they want to keep kanji fresh in the head
you can't make this shit up

>> No.33664535
File: 150 KB, 1386x925, 1607639740356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sheepposting with Watame stamp of approval.

>> No.33664544

>there are not many fundamentally good people in this world
Ina... who hurt you...

>> No.33664546

>Aruran tells people duolingo is shit for learning Japanese while Ina is literally streaming herself using it
uhhh based?

>> No.33664550

They read all the time to stay literate

>> No.33664553


>> No.33664555

why the fuck am I learning 6000 Kanji then
what the fuck

>> No.33664559


>> No.33664560

it's Anime. during this stream, he's asking what foreigners use to study and these are the things people are telling him, he also is asking why they want to learn and someone said "for Kpop...."

>> No.33664561
File: 260 KB, 400x400, 1610481607186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664568

It's kinda weird that my kanji knowledge is better than what a lot of holo's know. I guess playing chuunige payed off. I always feel like i write bad jsl japanese, but i can't say that anyone ever acted around me like i'm a gaijin at least online.

>> No.33664570


>> No.33664571

Haachama is back and so are swimsuits

>> No.33664573

She doesn't have a choice, Duolingo is Hololive approved. Other methods like WaniKani would have to go through manager approval (and would also be an expense)

>> No.33664574

Pizza dad is the only homo I'll ever watch cuz he's based as fuck.
Viva italia!

>> No.33664575


>> No.33664576

To become Chinese.

>> No.33664579


>> No.33664580
File: 172 KB, 803x1070, cham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish

>> No.33664581

her FFXIV guild

>> No.33664584

>why the fuck am I learning 6000 Kanji then
Because you're a retarded burger, anon.

>> No.33664586

he's not wrong and pretty much everyone knows it. The difference is that duolingo is easy to turn into stream content. Ame has shit on duolingo before too.

>> No.33664588

pay up

>> No.33664591

if you want to read books or eroge there is pretty much no way around this. unless all you're interested in is watching anime and manga with full-furigana.

>> No.33664593

My wife, Towa, is a Chinese.

>> No.33664596


>> No.33664599
File: 1.03 MB, 1180x841, Holo Party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664601


>> No.33664602
File: 791 KB, 1440x480, Flare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33664604
File: 1.57 MB, 1205x971, BIGPLANS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664605

How does the average chinamen know 10 thousand different symbols? Like the average person is pretty fucking dumb how the fuck does an entire giant nation know this shit

>> No.33664607

>Hasn't tweeted and hasn't streamed
Is she that pissed about the schizoarc getting cancelled?

>> No.33664610
File: 131 KB, 1920x1080, EvMNaxuVkAoE6lY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sheepposting Ha-Ha!

>> No.33664614
File: 1.33 MB, 1403x992, 1596103998885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664617

you think they can actually read?

>> No.33664619

chinese education
also tons of brainwashing

>> No.33664625
File: 344 KB, 612x1044, 1596371048839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664626

Ina didn't know about handwritten kanji search?

>> No.33664629

If you see a kanji you can't read you can just pull up a dictionary
Or even better, use an app to read it for you
We don't live in the 19th century anymore, anon-kun.

>> No.33664631
File: 974 KB, 833x815, tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they live there and have no choice

>> No.33664637
File: 220 KB, 1751x1243, 243653745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same expression

>> No.33664640

Probably one of the reasons they're so retarded in other ways. They have to spend most of their schooling just learning their garbage language.

>> No.33664641

I thought they simplified it.

>> No.33664651
File: 640 KB, 675x647, 1598038975887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33664652

She's getting redder.

>> No.33664654

Pay 1,300,000 yen and you can probably get a one-night stand with her. Her enko rates are high, after all.

>> No.33664655


>> No.33664656

why is this lizard blushing in the last pic?

>> No.33664658

did you not realize after the 3000th Kanji that you would never use any of them? Even of the 2000 most frequently used I dropped a good portion of them that are just for names because everything is voiced. Even in most media, names are in Katakana anyways.

>6000 kanji
in what fucking world

>> No.33664659 [SPOILER] 
File: 324 KB, 480x401, 1615501624501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664661

Need to know stroke order for that

>> No.33664662
File: 242 KB, 502x538, 1604688363896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how the fuck does an entire giant nation know this shit

>> No.33664664
File: 220 KB, 1135x1258, winku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664666
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>> No.33664667
File: 249 KB, 1124x1858, 1602278989523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haatons I miss her so much...

>> No.33664672

Glad I wasn't the only one who thought she was doing this premiere to vent something.

>> No.33664673
File: 145 KB, 336x337, 1575902074769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself

>> No.33664677

>anons two weeks into reps giving advice

>> No.33664680

cute lizard

>> No.33664681

it has the "ignore stroke order" function thank fucking god

>> No.33664682
File: 27 KB, 128x128, 1590079270222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haachama doko?

>> No.33664683
File: 2.01 MB, 2116x3858, f873714452eecd465eefb2ad05d2ff278f0fb0108854d2dc9b5457dc8e5d96f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are (You) better at Japanese than the tako?

>> No.33664684
File: 36 KB, 357x381, 1614443325224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to scrape the warosu archives for /jp/ with a script? I get stopped at the cloudflare protection even after trying toying with Selenium options? I need to get my Watame images.

>> No.33664686


>> No.33664692
File: 311 KB, 495x495, 1611412517697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664693
File: 34 KB, 301x333, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664694

Noel just pretends to be retarded. Besides college only preps you for field specific kanji.

>> No.33664696

Chowa was something else

>> No.33664700

>YWN adopt Artia and make her eat cat food out of a pet bowl

why live

>> No.33664702

chink all literally sounds the fucking same

>> No.33664703

>how about no
incredibly based yogurt

>> No.33664706
File: 674 KB, 690x876, angry ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do I get if I am?

>> No.33664709


>> No.33664710

ENTER Knight-cup

>> No.33664713

What science? Noel doesn’t sound like a particularly smart person nor good at math. Why doesn’t she just get a science job too?

>> No.33664714
File: 248 KB, 459x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon please dont let Sheepposters ruin the image of the real Watamates!!!!
Sheepposters are evil while Watamates are nice!!

>> No.33664718


>> No.33664721

Isn't Ina an N3? This is beginner shit.

>> No.33664724

Kuzuha's sister...

>> No.33664730

First time I’m hearing of this, surprised Sora did so well there despite that.

>> No.33664737

>science job
They do at one point, but that's a lot of politics to get there

>> No.33664739

Define fundamentally good. All the holomen are for sure.

>> No.33664741
File: 1.23 MB, 1725x915, 1591902543630.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664742

Not yet.

>> No.33664746

What was the Christmas Miracle?

>> No.33664747

That's because there are 4 different tones (6 in Cantonese) so you can say the same word with a different tone and the meaning is different. So yes you're hearing the same words over and over, but the tone is different so they have different meanings.

>> No.33664749
File: 928 KB, 1080x1478, 1610822037227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664751

didn't know pizza dad frequented the djt thread

>> No.33664753

Shut up fridge or I will pull the plug.

>> No.33664754

>noel already awake
Didn't she just stream a while ago

>> No.33664757

She has never outright stated in what, but going off anecdotes she has shared it's most likely chemistry or something related since it involved lab work
Her dream job since she was little has always been radio host, the degree was just a compromise because it wasn't a plausible career at the time, and she has always been fond of science as well

>> No.33664758
File: 44 KB, 464x644, 1608847030133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watame saved Christmas for anons

>> No.33664763

no I didn't stop to think at any point I just mindlessly consume Kanji and rote memorize it

>> No.33664766
File: 110 KB, 640x580, oofnwxdqoqz41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664767


explain this sheepposters

>> No.33664769

She really loves streaming and hololive, doesn't she ?

>> No.33664771

Chinese sounds so ugly or maybe that's just their voice

>> No.33664772


>> No.33664784

>Noel doesn't sound like a smart person
She's probably one of the most intelligent holos. She's learning English very quickly even with Duolingo while also being pretty much an expert when it comes to audio knowledge

>> No.33664785
File: 3.70 MB, 320x347, 1594554960020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just sheepposting. I see nothing wrong with it.

>> No.33664787

Coco is an otaku? of what?

>> No.33664788

Damn, Birdkun gets to have all that to himself?

>> No.33664789
File: 926 KB, 4096x4096, EwI4nZyVkAAVR0X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664792

Hologirls loves reddit... I should like it too...

>> No.33664794

I want to fuck Watame's shithole

>> No.33664796

A sheep that's posting, what's the issue with it?

>> No.33664797
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, rh21gsihxgm61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone superchatter her and asked when she will post on Reddit again. She did.

>> No.33664799
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, 1604116624212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it going to be good? Will usseewa become the new king?

>> No.33664802

Like oshi like fan

>> No.33664805

>it's most likely chemistry or something related since it involved lab work
I bet you that it was something in medicine not chemistry. Lab work is done by all branches of science but Noel being a woman makes it much more likely she was doing some form of biology, so medicine

>> No.33664806

you can pass those fairly easily if you only study the things those tests cover. just because someone is N1 doesn't mean they are fluent it's just more likely for them to be

>> No.33664809

Reddit is "good" for popular people only.

>> No.33664812

I hope not.

>> No.33664813

Another EOP clipwatcher tier list...

>> No.33664814

literally me

>> No.33664815

Shion doesn't have any bad covers

>> No.33664816

We lack nousagis....

>> No.33664817

She didn't say, but it wasn't anything something she wanted to do anyway. She got the degree, but a BS by itself is nothing. To get into a good science or engineering job, she would have had to enter a professor's seminar and pursue a Master's in addition to making the right friends via networking, but she went straight to working in a non-career path at some company. She basically did the dumbass thing of getting a BS and not having any plan after that.
By the time Sora came on the scene, it had stabilized, but I had left already.

>> No.33664820

It's Chinese itself, no matter who it is it sounds like people speaking backwards.

>> No.33664819

it will be shit, she doesn't have a strong voice

>> No.33664822

When did this song come out? I swear I’ve been hearing it more lately.

>> No.33664823
File: 39 KB, 179x161, 1609155743812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664824

How long has Ina been learning jap?

>> No.33664826
File: 1.87 MB, 700x700, 1609276297494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need more membersheep for the BIG PLAN pls understand

>> No.33664828
File: 1.02 MB, 715x1000, 1446477983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't open.

>> No.33664831

Why not? It's a good song
Like 4 months ago

>> No.33664834

Ussewa is the new King. Envy Baby is the new Ussewa.

>> No.33664838
File: 2 KB, 124x124, 1603844487904s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many sheeps

>> No.33664839

Longer than me...

>> No.33664840
File: 433 KB, 2000x1500, 1615502426015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss haachama

>> No.33664841

I hope it does, more importantly I want Suisei to do an official cover of it

>> No.33664842

hiding feets = cant' draw feets

>> No.33664843

How come Aruran's english is so good?

>> No.33664848


>> No.33664849
File: 917 KB, 1735x1097, 1607154150053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sion yo!

>> No.33664850

i miss haato

>> No.33664851
File: 27 KB, 630x205, Lackpapa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supportive Papa.

>> No.33664852


>> No.33664856

thanks Miko

>> No.33664857

Please join INNK with AZKi chowa...

>> No.33664859

Sheeposting endeared me to watame, just seeing her dumb face lightens up my mood, it made so I eventually started watching watame, and well...
So keep at it with the Hondas and smart fridges

>> No.33664860

It's not

>> No.33664861

Came out like late October

>> No.33664862


>> No.33664863


>> No.33664865

Sorry squidfags, that was me.

>> No.33664866
File: 9 KB, 444x425, 1611321808649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read too much eroge, I can read pregnant instantly...

>> No.33664867
File: 6 KB, 340x116, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so tired of these fucking horses please
I can't escape them

>> No.33664870

he has some educational experience and he takes learning seriously

>> No.33664871
File: 571 KB, 795x1615, cocopekor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664873

it already is, fittingly enough Flare released the last cover of King the day before it, the King is dead, long live Usseewa

>> No.33664874

She's an expert in audio knowledge and picks up eigo well because of context clues and prior exposure, but when it comes to everything else she's kind of a retard. She's intelligent, but in the book smart kind of way.

>> No.33664877

Chemistry is pretty popular among women, I genuinely don't know why but careers related to it have a higher ratio of women compared to other STEM degrees

>> No.33664878


>> No.33664880

The fuck is "SE"?

>> No.33664881
File: 474 KB, 700x700, biz alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Watame's big plan is to crash Japanese currency and raise the value of american dollar
I kneel watamates.

>> No.33664884

>not ARS

>> No.33664886
File: 465 KB, 572x701, 1608176198581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too...

>> No.33664889

Sweden probably

>> No.33664890
File: 335 KB, 472x398, Usada Pekora.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not detect any particular reason to post Usada Pekora right now.
Peko posting time comes later. Now is the time for reps.

>> No.33664891
File: 795 KB, 1440x810, 1599131578048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664892


>> No.33664894

Are we watching the same stream?

>> No.33664900


>> No.33664903

I always see it written as SW wow I'm fucking retarded

>> No.33664904

Is she you oshi at least, or you just like to shitpost?

>> No.33664906
File: 127 KB, 1080x444, 20210306_122959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will never top THE cover

>> No.33664908


>> No.33664910

Ina's so fucking boring

>> No.33664915

Are they too fast?

>> No.33664916
File: 95 KB, 554x1200, 1578213659012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664918

Sing It Twap...

>> No.33664920


>> No.33664921

>It's not
Dude what are you on about? Nips can't into english and this dude manages to translate on the fly and maintain conversation with his chat.
That would explain it, yeah. He seems pretty serious and smart.

>> No.33664925
File: 154 KB, 322x315, 1595623060309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664927

Hey, that was me a month ago. I listened to her songs and bought her goods, but never actually membered her until way later. Weird shit.

>> No.33664930

That's the point

>> No.33664931
File: 2.43 MB, 1280x720, 1615066691174.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664933

Bros, Ina is so cute.

>> No.33664935
File: 1.10 MB, 1500x1500, 1610651061342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which holo would provide the best karaoke date?

>> No.33664943

deepfake was a mistake

>> No.33664947

Noel and it isn't even close

>> No.33664951

Jesus I lost my shit at the aloe one

>> No.33664952

STEM people are notorious for being illiterate regardless of language. You don’t need a thesaurus to be a computer janitor.

>> No.33664953
File: 189 KB, 927x1078, 1615127836629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664954

Beat up a pineapple!

>> No.33664957


>> No.33664958

sora but we already had one recently it was fun

>> No.33664959
File: 773 KB, 2892x4096, __houshou_marine_hololive_drawn_by_tonarikeru__66ed7eeb21273ad1a3ffb03da38dbdcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drunk karaoke date with Marine...

>> No.33664960

>ceo of SEX
>no secsu
fuck off

>> No.33664961

Who will release an official KING cover first, Danchou, Kaichou, or Hime?

>> No.33664964

He barely speak in a comprehensible manner. But yeah he can translate and explain stuff

>> No.33664966

Not a single word from her anywhere in 2 weeks and then she comes back with one of my favourite songs. I really don't know how to feel about Shion.

>> No.33664968

this is so bad yet also extremely cute

>> No.33664969

Mel is learning and speaking English !!!(^∇^)

>> No.33664970
File: 606 KB, 1022x652, Soda stream onegai....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664974

too much EOP shit lately... I want a 100% japanese holo

>> No.33664975
File: 2.87 MB, 1424x868, 1606382474701.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664978

Flare cover onegai

>> No.33664980

Cope, us STEMGODS make more money than web devs and all of you other low class job cucks

>> No.33664981

Mel is... active? wtf

>> No.33664985

how would you localize おはかーぷ?

>> No.33664986
File: 46 KB, 463x603, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33664987

noel isn't a good singer at all wouldn't someone like suisei be a better candidate?

>> No.33664988
File: 319 KB, 583x818, 1614616484750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame is 100% japanese and is VERY proud of it.

>> No.33664990

You're entirely correct, but in her case since she was working in labs and shit, so she'd have to at least know how to read labels. I suppose they could have always have had furigana, though.

>> No.33664998
File: 40 KB, 414x439, 5934862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still 0

>> No.33665000

Ayame is kind of rude

>> No.33665001

His pronunciation needs a bit of work and he needs to speak more fluently, but aside from that he's very good.
He's not just repeating words without any sense or meaning behind them like you see some other holo do *cough* suisei *cough*

>> No.33665002

No, because unlike suisei, noel's singing is pure SOUL

>> No.33665005

Miosha, so she can grope me.

>> No.33665010

Why would you want someone who is a "good" singer when you could sing with someone who sucks as much as you.

>> No.33665011

Good suckening!

>> No.33665012

Why are so many flarefags also watamefags?

>> No.33665013


>> No.33665015

Idk, belmonds seems pretty based for me.

>> No.33665016

What in the fuck is Shion's problem?

>> No.33665019

Mel, it's time to show your fluency!

>> No.33665020

Noel 100%

>> No.33665026
File: 689 KB, 1280x1829, the PRIDE of Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask and ye shall receive.

>> No.33665028

she still plays western videogames

>> No.33665029


>> No.33665030

Noel would be the most fun

>> No.33665033

Last time chat asked Towa to do an english only stream she said she wants to a do a Japanese only stream where you can't use any loan words.

>> No.33665035

Mel please suck me off good

>> No.33665036
File: 480 KB, 551x720, 212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(You)r favorite one, in my case it's summer color Festival

>> No.33665041
File: 101 KB, 338x322, 1602534086514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if this becomes reddit? I don't feel so good Ms. Sheep...

>> No.33665042

Bakatare, funnily enough it doesn't seem like many elfriends or watamates give much of a shit about FBK

>> No.33665043

>sheep poster aren't watamates

Today you guys got destroyed again

>> No.33665044


>> No.33665047
File: 2.23 MB, 1920x1080, 1593389999886.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665050
File: 214 KB, 1078x808, ハートだ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOUL is a universal concept and Noel is simply the queen of SOUL

>> No.33665051


>> No.33665052
File: 963 KB, 2508x3541, EwCqCVHVoAEIoeC_jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33665055

It is nice Mel practicing ! Maybe soon English only or English lesson stream !? Would be very very fun !!! ( ´∀`)

>> No.33665056

Just wheelbarrow them

>> No.33665060

I dont know because I dont want to sing or do anything like that with people

>> No.33665061
File: 664 KB, 881x772, micdrop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665062
File: 279 KB, 480x480, q83XXZbMA8bf-QPU16voDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665067


>> No.33665068

I'm inclined to say Korone. Sure her voice isnt the best but she is cute as fuck when she sings and she honestly sounds like a great laugh when she has had a few to drink.

>> No.33665070

made for filipino bigg cock

>> No.33665076

copying kizuna ai

>> No.33665077

Nips can't make good video games.

>> No.33665078

Toppest kek

>> No.33665082

They can... they can't just make good consoles though

>> No.33665085

I dont know man, they're still the best at making fighting games

>> No.33665087


>> No.33665091

Nier is good

>> No.33665093

>only jap streams
>no western games, only jap ones
who are you looking? a turbonationalist?
also, you will never be Japanese

>> No.33665097
File: 27 KB, 300x364, Kizuna Ai cosplay Aqua saying fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you look at that, I've still got the shitposts I've saved back then!

>> No.33665108


>> No.33665109

Because she doesn't stream 8h+ everyday and half of that is comfy superchat reading and

>> No.33665111

I said good games, anon.
Nier is good at being melodramatic garbage on top of being a bullet hell lite, I agree.

>> No.33665116
File: 1.21 MB, 2560x2160, 43534554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only gura and calli

>> No.33665118

Neither can anyone else.

>> No.33665119
File: 38 KB, 429x421, 1610334984725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we being raided by sheepposters? This thread doesn't looks seems like it'll be good.

>> No.33665120

yes yes and thank god for that dodged a bullet there

>> No.33665124

I like Etrian odyssey a lot

>> No.33665127

Why is towa having intresting stream ideas?
I thought shes a dumb apex whore

>> No.33665129

Just the same fags that are always here. They have just reverted to Watame posting for now.

>> No.33665131
File: 354 KB, 1398x2048, botanpolka3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your family ties..

>> No.33665134
File: 305 KB, 428x487, 1604164108444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah I haven't seen any sheep around

>> No.33665137

>fighting arent good games
t. Shitter

>> No.33665138
File: 211 KB, 1920x1080, 2FB6A24D-5EBC-4D85-866F-44693BED468E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon whole world will submit to Mel !!! Ha ha ha !!

>> No.33665146

what is a good game for you? bethesda ones?

>> No.33665150

She chooses to be a dumb apex whore

>> No.33665152

I can't believe Watame made sheepposting canon

>> No.33665153
File: 438 KB, 480x401, 1610981076092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chill out fag, take some chips

>> No.33665154
File: 3.17 MB, 2508x3541, 1595653893809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally understand why do I like Ina so much, her mouth makes a beak just like my oshi's

>> No.33665156

Kys menhera cat poster

>> No.33665161

probably already did

>> No.33665167
File: 343 KB, 506x383, 1609936270942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb menhera cat poster

>> No.33665173
File: 60 KB, 771x785, gosling 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665177

Nene... please stop with the English stream titles...

>> No.33665185

Says Lamy, who won't do anymore utawakus and hammered dulcimer streams and has a narrow view of music.

>> No.33665190

>fubuki menhera
I don't get it.

>> No.33665196

Smart tako

>> No.33665197

I like Pac-Man.

>> No.33665199

at least sheepposters can be funny sometimes, sad cat posters are always terrible.

>> No.33665200

My headcanon is still that towa only streams apex with males to kill all her viewership so she can quit

>> No.33665201
File: 2.41 MB, 2300x4480, c4b3ca410d55d3b76ceef1afc3c694f4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apex whores saikou!!!!

>> No.33665204
File: 1.83 MB, 2700x3499, nene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, keep doing them

>> No.33665208

highlight of the week

>> No.33665210
File: 184 KB, 1150x1235, EvrjDNmUcAE4u-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has some bright ideas sometimes.

>> No.33665213

Shes a stupid cat

>> No.33665214

She's a huge /m/ chad and loves V3, so for me she'd also easily be the best.

>> No.33665219

If Towa was going to quit she would have quit last year and she wouldn't have eventually gotten closer to the other girls.

>> No.33665220


>> No.33665224
File: 47 KB, 503x548, 1615337740835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The posters anon, not fubu himself.

>> No.33665226

Watame is sheepposting on r.ddit
Watamates, the charade is over. We know you are the sheepposters

>> No.33665227

All they need is to drop the kanjis and use spaces. Look at undertake in japanese, all hiragana and the holos managed to read everything and understand it

>> No.33665229


>> No.33665231

>never streams
>says she's "busy"
>joins the tournament
>all of the sudden has all the time in the world to stream for 5+ hours a day
I hate this bitch

>> No.33665234

I wonder how they feel about being the number one reason nobody talks about Watame here anymore?

>> No.33665236

>doesnt do utawakus
Hello, based department?

>> No.33665248

>The composer of Usseewa is younger than Sion


>> No.33665249
File: 614 KB, 1080x1325, 1597392802772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665251

To be fair, Undertaker has the benefit of being a game so it's easy to get context.

>> No.33665254

And then returns to play apex for the rest of the week

>> No.33665257

She said being called a cat hurts her feelings occasionally

>> No.33665259

just filter the word homos
if i cant see them they dont exist
just like aliens and the government

>> No.33665261

Worldwide Kapu!

>> No.33665264

Your oshi has never put out anything even half as good as もぐもぐYUMMY!
How does that feel?

>> No.33665270
File: 173 KB, 868x1228, EqPkHO-UwAA8m_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her smelling like an actual dog

>> No.33665272


>> No.33665273

I dont care its my headcanon
She obviously hates streaming and is only sticking around to get cloud

>> No.33665275

Yeah, I don't particularly mind that she doesn't do utawakus, but playing the hammered dulcimer was something unique to her. It's a shame she isn't capitalizing on it because of her autism, though.

>> No.33665277

You will never pull off a good falseflag post
How does that feel?

>> No.33665284
File: 142 KB, 513x453, 1590068532209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665285

Anon... That's not Lamy's channel... If you were a real yukimin you would recognize that the profile picture is wrong...

>> No.33665287
File: 357 KB, 1206x1040, 1609476207994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then plays with flowers.

>> No.33665291

The worst shit she does is announcing streams like maybe an hour or two ahead
I have no idea how towafags put up with that
The recline isn't surprising

>> No.33665292

worst of all after playing apex for 4 hours she plays even more apex offline its insane
i cant see why anyone defends her

>> No.33665296
File: 130 KB, 1242x1388, 1610935268528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based SOULbros

>> No.33665299

>giving him (You)s
Good enough for you faggot.

>> No.33665302

Oh I was confused as to why he brought up Lamy, what a dumbass

>> No.33665305

Thanks /v/!

>> No.33665306

Towa probably didn't do 9/11

>> No.33665307

Endless Legend, Civilization, Stellaris, Distant Worlds Universe.
Those are good games.

>> No.33665308

She has a life

>> No.33665310

That trigger her allergys

>> No.33665312
File: 57 KB, 373x491, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe Red Heart has 2.4 million views and they're literally all me.

>> No.33665313


>> No.33665316

Doesn't matter if the profile picture is wrong, because if you were a real Yukimin, you'd know that she literally said that she likes Noel's singing because of SOUL.

>> No.33665319
File: 159 KB, 1280x1760, 1614286274074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33665320

Not a chance, miko has already stated how kossan smells really, really nice

>> No.33665322

I wish towa flew into a building

>> No.33665323
File: 18 KB, 339x330, pndp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grand strategy autist
Of fucking course

>> No.33665325
File: 19 KB, 125x125, pepelonis5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got at least 5!

>> No.33665328


>> No.33665329
File: 15 KB, 281x328, 1602367975976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess I can swallow this pill.

I even used to watch some watame streams, but

>> No.33665335
File: 435 KB, 504x749, 1602637259373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665336

When nips talk to each other they don't have subtitles to see which Kanji is being used. Needing kanjis is just the oldfags circlejerking about muh tradition and not wanting to admit they wasted decades memorizing useless chink runes

>> No.33665338

She has a life outside of Hololive so her schedule can be affected by it plenty

>> No.33665339

Not him but Aurora 4x, Total War Series (Rome, Medieval, Medieval II, Shogun II, Attila, Warhammer and Warhammer II), Command and Conquer Series (Tiberian Sun, Tiberium Wars, Red Alert, Red Alert II, Generals), Masters of Orion I and II, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, Civilization Series, Hearts of Iron Series (especially Darkest Hours and HoI III, fuck HoI4), Victoria II, Endless Space and Endless Space II, Supreme Commander (especially with Forged Alliance), Company of Heroes and Company of Heroes II, Rise of Nations, Rise of Legends, Age of Empires II and III, Stronghold and Stronghold Crusader, Dawn of War I (especially with Ultimate Apocalypse mod) and Dawn of War II, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Rimworld, CK II, Transport Tycoon, Zoo Tycoon, Empire Earth, Age of Mythology, Anno series, Tropico III, Tropico IV, Tropico V, Halo Wars I and II, Blitzkrieg I and II, Commandos Series, Silent Hunters Series, Battlefleet Gothic Armada I and II, Wargame Series, Steel Division 1944 and II, StarCraft (especially Brood Wars, fuck SC II), Warcraft II, Warcraft III (Not that reforged shit), X-COM Series (UFO: EU, TFTD, Apocalypse), Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, Star Wars Empire at War, Men of War series, Dungeon Keeper, Europa Universalis III and IV, Crusader Kings II and III, Cossacks, Sins of a Solar Empire, Black and White 2, Creeper World series, Evil Genius

>> No.33665340

What she said about Noel's singing can't be simply reduced down to "muh soul" so whatever retard

>> No.33665346

4x trash isn't grand strategy.

>> No.33665347

Is Mel... actually... trying?

>> No.33665348

But it literally can be. Retard.

>> No.33665351
File: 20 KB, 210x240, 1598868582843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665352

Yeah you're right

>> No.33665358


>> No.33665360

Towa is at least likeable, Fubuki is a bitch and the most annoying faggots like to avatarfag with le sad cat

>> No.33665362

Pure copium

t. /djt/

>> No.33665363


>> No.33665364

I'm not an autist the tests have confirmed it.

>> No.33665365

Holy fuck, you are so annoying, this thread is nothing special and you are acting as if faggots posting images of a sheep killed your family.

>> No.33665368
File: 343 KB, 422x379, 1609516894313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665369

True she needs to play her 5 hours of offstream apex

>> No.33665373


>> No.33665378


>> No.33665379
File: 552 KB, 780x1060, 1613752290823.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

End your life onegai

>> No.33665380

True. I mean, kana came around because women and other people thought writing solely in kanji was kinda retarded. Not wrong there.

>> No.33665381

Does anyone understand what this anon means by good as a result of his list? There must be some sort of pattern.

>> No.33665384

I want to marry Coco and have her sing me to sleep every night!

>> No.33665385

How is towa likeable shes a useless bitch that lies to her viewers and hates streaming

>> No.33665390
File: 25 KB, 512x512, flat,800x800,075,f.u2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This mothefucker right here literally makes Flare's pantsu to soak WET each time she sees him. What the fuck, what does this stupid meme skeleton has that I don't?!

>> No.33665391

s-she has a life...

>> No.33665394
File: 309 KB, 1500x1500, 81867070_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw she even went as far as putting on cream and lotions on-stream a few times
Dog really fucking takes care of herself, top hag material
Wonder if the 444 spam pushed her into it

>> No.33665396


>> No.33665398

Yes, because these games are actually good.

>> No.33665401

But coco is ass at singing anon...

>> No.33665403
File: 25 KB, 540x540, 1603784191322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The raid is real.

>> No.33665404
File: 1.57 MB, 907x995, fancy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665409

I don't know if I'm glad that Towa has a life outside of work or if I should feel bad that she's not as dedicated as her co-workers who devote their lives to hololive. Tough decisions every day with Towa. I love her so much.

>> No.33665413

Dont forget he also boned Kanata 341 times

>> No.33665416


>> No.33665417

Kill yourself

>> No.33665421

Nice smelling boxing dog is cute.

>> No.33665422

This chubby loser boned Kanata hundreds of times on stream and everyone likes him even more for it.
He can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.33665427

I don't even know if this thing is a meme, but it definitely seems like a thing Japanese people would use. In particular, Watame.

>> No.33665431
File: 291 KB, 343x357, 1601322644539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey friends, let's watch more streams and post lest epic menhera cats, ok?

>> No.33665435
File: 1.08 MB, 721x620, 1608658532000.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa mama is dedicated to her co-workers at least.

>> No.33665436
File: 16 KB, 239x274, 1607753096392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has my Friend done to be considered a bitch? Besides the cat thing.

>> No.33665439

isn't the person who made KING also super young? like 17 or something?

>> No.33665446

If towa is busy having career outside of hololive she should better have something going soon since not long until she drops to tripple didgit viewer numbers and than she wont be profitable anymore

>> No.33665448

Here is a cute clip of your oshi!

>> No.33665460

Sub-30% bodyfat.

>> No.33665461
File: 141 KB, 298x252, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Towa streams, even if it's Apex.

>> No.33665465
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 0002.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665468

Only reason i hate on fubuki is that she isnt menhera enough

>> No.33665472

Towa's been here before, all she has to do is stop entering tournaments far above her level, she still gets good viewership when she sings.

>> No.33665474

Love you too, anon

>> No.33665480


>> No.33665481

Permaban anyone who has ever posted on /v/ /pol/ /tv/ /fit/ /r9k/ /mlp/ /x/

>> No.33665482

I just realized the background is made up of assets from the Unity store. I thought they looked familiar.

>> No.33665484

She only hates her viewers and management in the end

>> No.33665491

>tfw the Holy Imperium of Pekoland will never be canon

>> No.33665493


>> No.33665495

I'm a proud black nousagi.

>> No.33665503
File: 132 KB, 692x621, 1609254941516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's 444444

>> No.33665504

I bet you masturbate to Matsuri crying

>> No.33665506

>tsunami hit and it never really recovered.
I just realized that it's already ten years since tsunami

>> No.33665507

Nothing really. Local schizos blew the cat thing up a lot and keep jerking themselves to the pasta from 5ch schizos.
FBK is a stubborn, headstrong girl who genuinely doesn't give a fuck about some things, but I'm yet to see her be wrong about said things.
Also, cover tacitus trap bullshit also plays into it.

>> No.33665511

Why /x/

>> No.33665514
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>> No.33665515
File: 8 KB, 146x245, you could have stopped this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665516

“Strategy” games where you feel really smart for beating up brain dead ai or, if you’re actually in the minority that plays against real humans, memorizing build orders and slamming them into the other guy’s build order.

>> No.33665517

that feelio when im not Sans and boning Kanata for 30 hours straight

>> No.33665518


>> No.33665519
File: 305 KB, 509x605, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's time for teletubbies
it's time for teletubbies
it's time for teletubbies


>> No.33665520

She would be a perfect addition to ホロスターズ

>> No.33665525

I dont get it why she enters tournements above her level then pulls down her team and then fucking cries about it like what did she fucking expect or is her head so far up her ass she thought she was good?

>> No.33665529

I can't believe Luna posts on my Georgian axolotl breeding blog

>> No.33665531

Kanaria is like, 18.
Ado is asserted to be born in October, 2002.
Yeah. It sucks how time just seemed to fly by.

>> No.33665534

I'm dying for a CK or HoI holo marathon so I can see nips recreate Japan's greatest warcrimes live on stream.

>> No.33665535
File: 197 KB, 532x633, 1604273774317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right behind you

>> No.33665536

Don't compare mlp to those shitholes never again

>> No.33665542

Shion just has big plans right?

>> No.33665545

Me too... we should be friends.

>> No.33665546

Fuck off lard

>> No.33665547

very few holos have original models for their 3D environment. Roberu's 3D debut messed up the rigging, but they still managed to give him an original stage(that's actually based on fanart). Suisei also has her own stage that was also reused for Rikka, and they also have that general idol stage they use for every girl's 3D debut now.

>> No.33665551

kys fatass

>> No.33665554
File: 1010 KB, 2591x2591, 84747071_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just outing yourself as a newfag anon
Just go enjoy her streams and call her かわいい now and then, you're better off not knowing

>> No.33665559
File: 127 KB, 920x1202, ufo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33665563 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33665565

but Marine loves /x/...

>> No.33665566

I can just imagine a guy from Humans Fall Flat running up to her, grabbing her ass and pulling off stage.

>> No.33665568
File: 55 KB, 351x354, Blade Runner old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the tsunami happened on my last year of middle school and I still remember following the news on the internet every day to see the evolution of the situation
Ten years ago already...

>> No.33665570

No theres the problem
All the crybabies in hololive are kinda unintresting and none of the girls i like have emotional breakdowns

>> No.33665572

fukin xenos took my finger

>> No.33665578

You look like shit and your lifts are even worse. Post body. You won't because you're a pathetic bitch.

>> No.33665580
File: 157 KB, 850x1123, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiranui Flare?

>> No.33665582


>> No.33665581

Old /hlg/ yes
Idk about now too many newfriends.....

>> No.33665583

there is nothing bad about coming from /r9k/, they dont even hate women anymore because they either went MGTOW and/or gay, or they became trannies

>> No.33665584

you tell me

>> No.33665587

Is Towa-chan good for you?

>> No.33665588

Which holo is having sex RIGHT NOW?

>> No.33665593

I still stand by that chowa had the largest moe gap among holos

>> No.33665595
File: 230 KB, 310x385, 1615124999536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe this many /keto/ are assblasted over this simple post

>> No.33665600

Of course, kerin is a genuine shitposter, his APEX content eh.. not so much

>> No.33665603

4 as in "shi" or 4 as in "4人"

>> No.33665605

>Post body
Stop trying to spread your homoerotic tendencies to other boards /fit/fag.

>> No.33665604

At this point her plans are larger than Antares

>> No.33665606

Which holos don't have original songs?

>> No.33665607

my oshi with me. she's under my desk right now while I type this post

>> No.33665610

>but they still managed to give him an original stage
Roberu's bar is also made up of unity assets and the platform is the same watame got for her night fever stage

>> No.33665613
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, Chocoballs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33665616

Honestly neither of the groups sound like a good time.

>> No.33665619
File: 2.79 MB, 1280x720, 1592423342206.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33665620
File: 300 KB, 541x565, 1608364752803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ARE gonna watch Himesama's English lesson, right anon?

>> No.33665621

mgtow anons are bro as fuck tho

>> No.33665623


>> No.33665625

No towa is poisionous
Dont touch

>> No.33665627
File: 208 KB, 1040x1404, 1590537191821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa is medicine for the soul.

>> No.33665633
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, Abayo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tensai banpire...

>> No.33665634

I recognize that draque casino song

>> No.33665636
File: 110 KB, 1469x790, 2011.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have the seiyuu/musician/etc google sheet people were using.

>> No.33665637

She feels really great right now, yes

>> No.33665638

Jealous of Aqua

>> No.33665640

Someone post that Roberu clip!

>> No.33665644

I wish I was Nose...

>> No.33665645

she is barely intelligible in japanese, her english are just fart noises

>> No.33665648

When did this happen? I can't believe my oshi just got smooshed by Choco-sensei.

>> No.33665650


>> No.33665651


>> No.33665660

Yes, Danchou will see her viewership go down massively and quit Duolingo and Reddit, wondering what she did wrong,

>> No.33665662


>> No.33665664

I wish that was me. Molest me Choco.

>> No.33665665
File: 499 KB, 498x466, 1611046863337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choco got a real handful there

>> No.33665670
File: 827 KB, 720x1280, 1615442132477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horsefuckers own the thread. Your oshi plays with horses it and loves the horse pussy. And so will you.

>> No.33665672

Are they drunk? What is going on? Aqua especially, I can't understand her movements.

>> No.33665678

Ita at 4 fucking am
If she wants me to watch she should stream at literally not 4 am

>> No.33665680

the bottles were at least, it just seems a bit convenient that unity would have an asset that close to the art

>> No.33665683

Your eigo is just shit, everyone who is genuinely fluent can easily understand this.

>> No.33665687

I am sexually attracted to Maruzensky, Grass Wonder, and Super Creek.
I also want to pat Urara on the head and one day win Arima Kinen with her.

>> No.33665702

Based fucking taste

>> No.33665703

hello CET bro.....

>> No.33665706

why the duolingo arc?

>> No.33665707


>> No.33665711

permissions to pretend that they care

>> No.33665713
File: 1.59 MB, 1920x1080, 1602713130703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33665717

Atlus permissions when?

>> No.33665718

Yeah, I know that. Just wanted to see what crazy narrative they could come up with.

>> No.33665724

Do people on 2chan and 5chan larp as knowing English in the EN threads, similar to what WE do?

>> No.33665725

Why cant she always be like this?

>> No.33665730


>> No.33665732

luna english only streams are pure gold so yes

>> No.33665740

Mel's mels have like 5x bounce applied, Jesus.

>> No.33665742

No, I don't support EOP pandering but I'll gladly leave a dislike

>> No.33665744
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>> No.33665743
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>> No.33665746

So I get that "Usada" means "rabbit", but what does "Pekora" mean?

>> No.33665748

i don't think so, anon

>> No.33665750
File: 359 KB, 1920x1080, 1603111404868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33665751 [DELETED] 


>> No.33665752

What is the cat thing?

>> No.33665755


>> No.33665757


>> No.33665763

No one in that list died in tsunami, right?

>> No.33665765
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>> No.33665770


>> No.33665771
File: 1.71 MB, 1280x719, magic coming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatto catto returns.

The only good games with any kind of budget in modern times are from nips. Rare died in the early 2000s and Valve died in the early 2010s. Everything else is casual garbage made to appeal to normalfags. Japan still sometimes accidentally makes something good, although it doesn't feel that way lately because From has contracted George R. R. Martin's illness.

/r9k/ is all "women" and simps vying for their attention now. It sucks because it used to be a fun place to talk about autistic data.

>> No.33665773

I can understand the fascination with Ina's anus.

>> No.33665774


>> No.33665775

They need permissions to use Duolingo? For real?

>> No.33665776


>> No.33665778

long story short, she is a fox and don't really want to be called a cat

>> No.33665779

she is my oshi so yes of course

>> No.33665785
File: 462 KB, 1990x2048, 1605363851620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She moves so girly I have trouble relating her body to her voice

>> No.33665788

Thats fubuki she is 1 million subscriber vtuber

>> No.33665789
File: 491 KB, 588x720, 237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell down picture

>> No.33665792

There's nothing in her twitter or Fanbox

>> No.33665793


>> No.33665794

Honestly, if what everyone reported about her here is true, she is the Lamenters equivalent among holos, not Kanata.
I don't know how I feel about what you posted though.

>> No.33665795

Kusa Fushigi is my favorite

>> No.33665797

Wheelbarrowing a hololive talent...
Joking about someone dying...
I don’t recognize /hlg/ anymore

>> No.33665799

Its the other way around retard

>> No.33665800

simping for real women is one thing but simping for trannies is just fucking disgusting man. if you're gonna be pathetic atleast simp and worship the real fucking thing

>> No.33665803
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>> No.33665804

Not gonna lie, it's nice to come home from work to be greeted by mornings with Lamy and I'm not a Yukimin [Spoiler] though I'm enjoying her and her content more and more

>> No.33665807

why is Matuli so cute?

>> No.33665809

What about the paywalled section?

>> No.33665811

Japanese autism have no limits, but better safe than sorry, i suppose

>> No.33665815

I wish 2013 r9k was still around

>> No.33665816
File: 1.14 MB, 686x876, 1592979205809.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33665817

I know that felling... I don't KNOW who Akua IS anymore...

>> No.33665821

my tako knows more nihongo than you

>> No.33665823

So is this true or what?
Maybe one of her friends is talking about it?

>> No.33665824

>Suisei being nervous and fucking up her build
>Amemiya just being mean going for the full clear cheese

>> No.33665827
File: 1.74 MB, 1920x1080, 1603111404868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665828

Where the fuck did you people came from?

>> No.33665829


>> No.33665830

>the era when it was mostly data autism and shitposting/gaming meetups before everything went full retard with >>tfw no gf
i miss it

>> No.33665832

oh yeah well does your tako have a penis
checkmate nerd

>> No.33665833
File: 583 KB, 771x557, 82837381661836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's Fubuki, my cat, forgive her she gets uppity every now and then

>> No.33665835
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>> No.33665840
File: 552 KB, 537x705, 1609017173694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it means she's hungry

>> No.33665839

Nice spoiler anon but yes lamys regualr morning streams are really nice
I wish she was my oshi

>> No.33665844



>> No.33665845
File: 176 KB, 482x482, EaO7mR2UMAAARXJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, sex is no more.

>> No.33665847

how Tokyo Ghoul situation resolved??

>> No.33665848

Open wide, you're getting a big spoonful.
At the start of her last ASMR stream Fubuki mentioned she doesn't like being called a cat all the time since it feels people are disregarding anything she's saying. She's fine with it in context though, like if she does cat noises or somthing. On this tweet she tried to show how to draw fox ears but a good chunk of JOPs replied with cat jokes instead.
Here's a subbed version of it.

>> No.33665849
File: 44 KB, 426x450, 1609903708142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to porn thread on 2ch
>it's all shit
how do we save erolive....

>> No.33665850

So anons with gacha-addicted oshis... How do you deal with it? I don't know why but it makes me incredibly sad when I see them get addicted...

>> No.33665851

>he doesn't remember that time we did a supacha rain on FBK
>he doesn't remember the arc that started right after that which involves the second point
It's kind of familiar.

>> No.33665852


>> No.33665853

But can you do this?

>> No.33665855

Abe-san don't look...

>> No.33665858

What in the goddamn happened during her Undertale streams

>> No.33665862

Minato Aqua is NOT black

>> No.33665865

I recall more the threads where people shared wizzard stories
I think there wasnt even the robot in place back then

>> No.33665867

What about /b/?

>> No.33665869

Post proof faggot

>> No.33665870

I still want to believe Subaru is only pretending to be addicted to granblue so she can fit in with the other gacha addicted girls.

>> No.33665872

we fucking need comiket
>It got delayed

>> No.33665876

>it's all shit
theres some decent stuff

>> No.33665877


>> No.33665878
File: 399 KB, 463x839, 1607343959997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could but abe didn't let me in...

>> No.33665883

I wish there was a genuinely menhera holo. Like legitimately someone completely mentally fucked up

>> No.33665887

>Your oshi
>Post Membership

>> No.33665886

true, she is yellow as the stars on Chinese flag

>> No.33665890

I think she fought him 5 times back to back when she got to him and then startet a paszifist run

>> No.33665891

kys newfag

>> No.33665892

Easy for her.
I haven't talked to anyone aside from my relatives in years and they're not Japanese.

>> No.33665893

Fubuki... She even does her art reps, so this is a serious blow. Oddly enough, this falls under racism if you think about it. It's like calling Towa an angel when she's an akuma.

>> No.33665895


>> No.33665898

>couldn't even break 30k on his CR cup perspective
he's done....

>> No.33665899
File: 3.44 MB, 1313x2048, 1597239956670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come be healed in the morning chat

>> No.33665900

She killed Sans, then someone said his lines change if you don't progress but kill him several more times again, so she killed him again and again and again. And the chat started rooting for Sans instead. Pretty fun times all in all.

>> No.33665901

Hololive EN Orange

>> No.33665903

Mr. Koro
Can't afford one

>> No.33665905


>> No.33665907

i don't use those boards but I hope more people come from them.

>> No.33665909

I don't think Cover would hire anyone that far gone... It'd have to be someone borderline who goes over the edge during their stint at Hololive.

>> No.33665913
File: 997 KB, 2789x3900, EvLaGQdVkAA4Iym.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's asalamy time!

>> No.33665914

I'm not sure because the version I have was an older version I had accidentally saved. I'll try to find the final revision.

>> No.33665917

>Can't afford one
Do your ARS reps

>> No.33665918
File: 247 KB, 1250x1350, __shiranui_flare_and_sans_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kukie_nyan__2537fa69052cc73188e6f5920879a749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665919

Subaru is nowhere near addicted to gacha, she doesn't care about collecting or meta. So far she's just enjoying the game for the story and only spends money on the characters she personally loves.

>> No.33665920


>> No.33665924

Anyone get the Rushia stream from this morning? Was going to watch it after work and now its private.

>> No.33665927
File: 11 KB, 387x134, 1_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665940


>> No.33665944

Nice bait, you caught a bunch of retards with it

>> No.33665947

I want to make Subaru play FGO... But the game is unrelenting to new players, so maybe not.

>> No.33665949
File: 25 KB, 363x331, matsuli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will marry this menhera.

>> No.33665951
File: 445 KB, 505x632, 9b07a7895f2741a732973c51519abd971f87470bd036a3ce867e27e3149898e8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey faggots thanks for all the (You)s

>> No.33665955

Same although i only need my menholo to have fits of rage and crying outburts and i would be very satisfied

>> No.33665956

Rushia is fucked up, like, as a professional I could get her on some lesser medication.
But that wouldn't be fun and fandeads are good enough for her, she's not going to stab anyone soon.

>> No.33665957
File: 23 KB, 731x263, 5C4C04C8-3F68-40A7-A4D6-AE132F32AAA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mel is second level.

>> No.33665960

Forgot to paste my link kek I should go to sleep

>> No.33665962
File: 9 KB, 361x213, chrome_IFCoDLRfws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33665963

the streams he's done since are some of the most disliked videos on his channel....

>> No.33665964
File: 538 KB, 715x1000, 1615493404360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu Catsudan stuff 1/3

>Deep voice
Okayu's voice is a little deep from just waking up. She got up at a normal hour, like usual, but took a nap sometime in the evening. She's mentioned it before, but she usually avoids this for singing streams, or starts with lower key songs. By the time she realizes her voice has finally warmed up, she's through most of the superchat.

Okayu's new fridge arrived the other day, and it's massive compared to the old one. She got it as part of her plans to improve the Nekomata Inn for all the frequent guests it receives, and she always felt the old one had a hard time just holding everybody's drinks.

>Other differences
Okayu's old small fridge made her have to crouch down every time she wanted to grab things out of it, but now she can do that while standing; she likes this. The chilling is also different. Okayu had to fiddle with the temperature of the old one too much, and it'd end up trying too hard and freezing the contents inside; she calls it a bit of a klutz. The new one works fine on the default level, keeping the contents perfectly cold without freezing them(She still likes putting ice in her drinks though).

When the deliverymen took Okayu's old fridge, she realized that she no longer had a place to put her microwave. Before then, she had been able to keep it on the top of the smaller fridge, but the new one was far too tall for that. It horrified her, but she had to put the microwave on the floor for now, but she'll get a shelf or rack for it soon.

The lowest compartment on Okayu's old fridge was for vegetables, so she put her drinks there on the new one for a kind of test-flight. It ended up freezing everything. That's another difference from the old one. She's just lucky that she only froze some beverages.

>Takoyaki party
SM-OK had an old promise to have a takoyaki party that was made before lockdown, since they'd never had one together before. Before lockdown ended, Okayu wanted to have a practice run at it, and made some herself; it was delicious. She prefers it with a crispy outside, also with beni shoga inside. Food you make yourself tastes great, but cleaning up afterwards sure is a hassle.

Okayu doesn't mind if people leave without helping with the cleaning, but she does feel like the people who help afterwards are really good people. She also has a weird problem with trash on the tabletop, so she keeps a trash bag nearby. Somebody calls her a Type A(A GATA), but she makes a lame joke and says she's a stag beetle(KuwaGATA). She doesn't have any kind of meticulous method to cleaning, she just throws away trash when she sees it.

When Okayu did her remodelling the other day, she brought her(heavy) bed to the same room she uses to stream. She feels more comfortable having a PC nearby when she needs it. Since that room had only really been for her bed and Temari's food and water, it's just become a vacant room. She's not sure what to do with it, but she'll make it a guest room for now. Somebody suggests making it Temari's room, but Okayu says Temari seems to eat and drink a little less frequently if they're not in the same vicinity, so it might not be a good idea to separate their rooms.

>Independent cat
This doesn't mean Temari always likes to be spoiled though. She spends most of her time in her tower, or rolling around in the sunlight on a nice day. Their relationship has space, but it's important for Temari that she always has the ability to come over and get attention. Okayu would say Temari only wants to be spoiled for about 2 out of every 24 hours. She's the type that values her time.

>> No.33665965
File: 882 KB, 850x1200, 3e9a06f07d052bb5b60fa7c83501812f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so have you ever told someone irl that you love a vtuber? Like a friend or family member? If so how did it go down?

>> No.33665969
File: 3.04 MB, 2560x1440, lamy11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

day 5 without Botan

>> No.33665968
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>> No.33665970


>> No.33665971

Lamy is suffering withdrawal.

>> No.33665974


>Dangerous cat
Temari can be a time bomb when she's being pet. Okayu warns people not to fall for her trap when she presents her belly. If you fall for it, she'll grab and bite your hand, then kick at you with her legs; Okayu says this is her most painful attack. Taiga, on the other hand, seems to prefer tackling as his method of attack, but Temari might be too small to do this. Taiga overall seems calmer, probably because he's more of an adult. Cats are all very different, just like refrigerators. While Taiga is the tackling type, Temari is the combo type.

>"Then what type is Okayu?"
She already said it earlier: she's a stag beetle(same pun from earlier). She doesn't really do anything. Actually, the truth is that her ears can grab things, like a stag beetle does. It's her Neko Guillotine attack. It has a low chance to hit, but it's a 1-hit KO!

>ASMR mic
Okayu ended up asking Noel about the fabric part in her mic that seemed to be coming off, since Noel is knowledgeable about ASMR. She said that the part was important, calling it something like a "Pop Guard", that it often comes loose from ear-cleaning, and that it would be better to leave it as is. Okayu's glad she decided to not try and remove it. Okayu will keep using this one until it's time to replace it.

>Dummy head mics
Okayu didn't even really know about these until chat brings them up; her's is only ears. She thinks they sound interesting, but is surprised at the price point. She kind of remembers Korosan talking about buying one though.

>Time flies
Okayu's surprised that 40 minutes have already passed. She asked for topics to talk about on twitter because she figured she'd run out again quickly. She feels that since Jump King she's gotten real bad at keeping track of time.

Okayu's been using the wire scalp massager she got as one of her presents. It feels really good and gives her the shivers; she just ends up screaming by herself most times. Chat wants ASMR of it, and she says their ears will explode. Someone asks her to do it, and she says she'll just look gross to everybody, but does it anyway. She makes sure to walk a bit away from the mic before she does it because she doesn't want to be too gross though. It's very cute; here it is: https://files.catbox.moe/uuyj7a.mp4 . She jokes about having a segment where she uses it every stream, but that'd it'd stop working by the 4th stream. Not everybody might enjoy the feeling though. Temari got mad when she tried to use it on her.

>Onigiryaa time
At 50 minutes, Okayu finally finishes her topics. She extends the talk by 30 minutes for this, and changes the BGM.

>Childhood consoles
Okayu plays lots of SNES games, but she mostly played the N64 and DS when she was a kid. A friend recommended her the SNES when she was in highschool, and she took a liking to it, playing most of it in high school or as an adult. But as a kid, it was mostly N64 and DS. She in particular remembers playing a lot of the Tamagotchi shop game for DS.

>Small character love
Someone comments that Okayu seems to love small characters like Tamagotchi, but she feels she only really loves Sumikko Gurashi and Konpen-chan in particular.

>OKBR thoughts
Before the OKBR vs SENPAITACHI collab, Okayu had the off collab where she brought Botan to her house. She'd always seen Botan as the cooler older sister type, but realized she had some parts of her that felt like a little sister too. In particular, Okayu likes seeing her cute reactions when she bullies her. As for Lamy, Okayu always thought of her as very light and fluffy, but she has a real open nature to her. She's also very easy to talk to. Even though they don't have a long history, Okayu feels like the two mesh with her and Korone very easily in and out of streams.

>OKBR's leader
Leader? There isn't one. Rather, there isn't really a need for one. Everybody on the team is far too free-spirited for something like that. There's not even a designated tsukkomi. Some people think of her as the leader, but there really isn't anything like that. On the other hand, she thinks of SENPAITACHI as mostly just leader-type people(well, maybe not Ayame). While SENPAITACHI may have a straight, square shape to it, OKBR is more circular, or formless like flowing water.

>> No.33665977

>basically feed homeless
>that's how they pay you back
Not cool, anon.

>> No.33665979

feels bad man....

>> No.33665980

All me np bro

>> No.33665984

She's back tomorrow!

>> No.33665985


>Funniest Kamuy scene for Okayu
As far as the anime, it's the scene with the weird man in the hospital when Nikaidou gets his new leg. As for the manga, it's the scene with Umakichi making a bunch of strange hand signs.

>Fan talk
Okayu talks a little about the meet that Subaru did with her fans recently. Okayu did something similar shortly after she debuted, and thought it was a lot of fun. They're a bit difficult to arrange, so she'd like to do one again if the opportunity arises, but has no plans currently.

>When does spring begin?
Okayu doesn't really know how to tell when spring starts in the city. When she lived back in her small town in the mountains, it would snow in the winter, so she could tell it was spring when the snow stopped falling. Apparently sakura start blooming in spring, so that's a good sign. The easiest way is to remember that winter ends in April.

>Accidental fan
A fan mentions they got into hololive by accidentally opening a video on youtube, and Okayu says she feels that's rather common. Sometimes she gets into new music just through autoplay playing something she never listened to before. By the way, Subaru didn't immediately fall in love with Golden Kamuy at first glance like she did with Prince of Tennis and Inazuma Eleven. She ended up watching more on her own and eventually started to like it. Okayu was moved by this, Subaru getting into an anime all by herself. She feels like she's left the nest on her own. This must mean it's truly spring. Spring begins the day Subaru leaves the nest.

Okayu used to play the guitar. She played it from middle school through high school, but hasn't really played it much as an adult. Lately she's been messing around with the Kalimba she got as a present while sitting on the sofa though. It's fun just to mess around with.

>No Okakoro collab
They've actually been talking about their next collab recently. Rather than Okakoro, they've been having Okakoro plus 2 with SMOK and OKBR. Seeing all the posts asking about Okakoro today though confirmed her thoughts that it's not quite the same as just the two of them streaming. It's a strange feeling for them, seeing as they talk almost constantly when they're not streaming, they don't really feel the defficiency that everybody else does. They are talking about it though.

>"I'm only 15 right now. Will you wait 3 years for me?"
She'll wait. "Bouya(boy)", she'll be waiting for you.

>How many tissue boxes?
Not quite 100, maybe 70-80? More if she adds all the toilet paper she got too.

>Songs you've been listening to a lot lately?
King Gnu's "Sanmon Shosetsu" the most, after that is Ado's "Gira Gira". Okayu has a habit of playing songs she likes over and over, until she gets sick of them, and that's what she's doing with the first one right now. She thinks it's a great song, but she thought they had a female singer at parts, and was amazed to find that it was the same male vocalist. She thinks it seems real difficult to sing herself though. As for vocaloid music, she listens to all kinds.

>Today's meal
She forgot yesterday, but put up a pear just after the end card. Today's takoyaki though. It might be russian roulette takoyaki though. Who will today's victim be? Perhaps one has wasabi, or maybe only one actually has octopus in it.

>"Did that Bobby toilet/tissue paper arrive alright?"
It arrived just fine. It made her feel nostalgic and sentimental just looking at it. Bobby will always be with us; in our hearts and in our toilets.

>Old boy
Another superchat wants to be called "bouya" by Okayu too, even though they reckon they're quite a bit older than the one earlier. Okayu wonders how old you have to be to not be considered one anymore. She says thank you to her 25 year old boy.

>DK tomorrow
Okayu's plans have changed a bit, so DK 3 starts tomorrow. Plans have gotten a bit ambiguous for Saturday, so she feels safer pushing it forward. Expect a long stream.


>> No.33665986
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>> No.33665987


>> No.33665988

>fandeads are good enough for her
She's crazy to rely on parasocial relationships like this.

>> No.33665990

Do they have any OC in there or is it just resposting twitter images?

>> No.33665991
File: 563 KB, 1164x1093, 1604226157848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing ARS trick for 5$

>> No.33665993

if someone replaced the bat winged heart with a spinosaurus outline would anyone notice?

>> No.33665996


>> No.33665998
File: 462 KB, 680x564, 1596367412563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one, (you) little slut

>> No.33665999


>> No.33666001

Is choco even posting any on her sub channel?

>> No.33666002

Will she eat Mike Tyson's ass?

>> No.33666009

take your meds

>> No.33666011
File: 88 KB, 960x572, EuKIfIxUcAIL_zB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what will happen when she's back.

>> No.33666013

>ywn be loved as much as Flare loves Sans
Why even live...

>> No.33666014

Why is this blanked from my memory? Aqua 3D I haven't seen and Choco singing which she never does.

>> No.33666015

She's back tomorrow!
The relationship for her goes both ways, she is insanely reliant on her fandead

>> No.33666016

He said he was poor

>> No.33666019

12 hour off collab

>> No.33666021

she maybe streams ARK once a month on there

>> No.33666023

Thanks anon

>> No.33666024

Pekora's roommate's feet smell like natto.

>> No.33666025
File: 9 KB, 447x226, korone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666026


>> No.33666029

>Ina duolingo nihongo reps
>Pochi duolingo eigo reps
They should collabs and learn nothing.

>> No.33666033

No but I don't care about the content. I just want the membership

>> No.33666040

what does natto smell like?

>> No.33666041

Why can't Towa get better?

>> No.33666044


>> No.33666046

Beware below this post.


>> No.33666051

>are all very different, just like refrigerators
You better be paraphrasing

>> No.33666052
File: 343 KB, 2048x1152, 353535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miko Miko Miko!

>> No.33666054


>> No.33666057

>choco singing

>> No.33666058
File: 328 KB, 983x1400, EwFXlYaXEAYfP7q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikoti sex...

>> No.33666059
File: 1.08 MB, 2319x3541, EvUChlmVkAQraZy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NoeRami collab at 22 tonight. Drinking and playing a game.

>> No.33666061
File: 339 KB, 1400x1089, 1612612296664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If a holo were tasked to "kill the hololive universe" who could pull it off? Coco is OP and counts as cheating.

>> No.33666064

i know... but still, you must be voluntarily poor to not have 5$ to spare once a month

>> No.33666065

>kill the hololive universe
the fuck does that mean?

>> No.33666068


>> No.33666069

These things feel so good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leHJkszDuj4

>> No.33666072

Cool story, onigiriya.

She doesn't know about the KU100? And here I thought Noel told everyone about them when it was on sale.

>> No.33666076

>we could've gotten NoeLamy ASMR training has it not been for the state of emergency

>> No.33666077

holy shit she actually did

>> No.33666078

I wanna go karaoke with Noel and Choco

>> No.33666082

Thanks as always
>She's also very easy to talk to. Even though they don't have a long history, Okayu feels like the two mesh with her and Korone very easily in and out of streams.
Sounds about right. Fuck that manager who didn't want her to collab with anyone.
>she thinks of SENPAITACHI as mostly just leader-type people(well, maybe not Ayame)
In the end FBK ended up in a different group and Ayame just isn't there for anyone. And MioSuba just became 'the other side' of OkaKoro for SMOK. A bit sad for SENPAITACHI but in the end I think it's for the best, SMOK has been absolutely incredible lately.

>> No.33666084

One day

>> No.33666085

Noel is stronger than Coco in the alternative canon.

>> No.33666086

how is she supposed to tweet something if she's dead?

>> No.33666089

Not that anon, but it's a cape comic thing. Might be Marvel only, dunno if DC had them.

A What If variant where for whatever reason, said character needs/wants to kill everyone else in their universe.

>> No.33666092
File: 1.40 MB, 1000x1403, c835d740446dfc9f9e0c5ececf94acc7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are japanese women so perfect...

>> No.33666099


>> No.33666100

Yeah I told my girlfriend Subaru that I love her

>> No.33666103

Towa isn't real

>> No.33666105

Korone is the only god like being in the holo universe, even if she is just a dog god

>> No.33666106

Can you faggots decide if you want to use hololive or ホロライブ?

>> No.33666107

Nothing particularly interesting then since it's fucking Clubhouse again. I thought that arc was over.

>> No.33666108

You can't get more perfect than Yamato Nadeshiko.

>> No.33666109

They're not. You just don't understand them.

>> No.33666111

Towa/Lamy next week onegai...

>> No.33666112


>> No.33666114

because you never met one in person which allows you to idealize them

>> No.33666116

am frog!

>> No.33666118

MVP of the thread

>> No.33666119


>> No.33666122

Haachama is unironically the strongest Holo. Even the chinks didn't dare to fuck with her.

>> No.33666124


>> No.33666126

>Lamy teasing that she'll be collabing with someone she hasn't before next week
Are you ready for Ramirez on meme review?

>> No.33666127

Kizuna Ai...

>> No.33666129

Rushia, easily. Necromancers are the most powerful race ever.

>> No.33666130

I've looked up a powerlevel autismo site for L*l* once and it gave me cancer, never want to look at that shit again.
I'd rather anything of that kind regarding holos was on /vt/, not here.

>> No.33666131


>> No.33666133

is korosan's grandma doing okay?

>> No.33666135


>> No.33666137

Thanks Anon! That's about what I expected.

>> No.33666138

I got blister on my cock because you guys can't stop horny posting.

>> No.33666139

I sure hope if it's a collab with Coco that it's not the other type of collab she does. So meme review is the least destructive.

>> No.33666140

Japanese women are ass
Imagine being only 160cm AT BEST as a woman
Fucking pathetic who would want to have kids with that?
No wonder japans birthrates no sane man would ever think "yea ill fuck this midget and curse my children to carry the midget genes too"
Only use for japanese women is as onaholes since then their lacking size is actially a positive

>> No.33666143


>> No.33666145

ホロライブ, nostalgiafags are missing the point.

>> No.33666147

Lamy's voice is already ASMR, so she doesn't particularly need training in using her voice, but maybe on the equipment front.

>> No.33666148

Rushia or Ina

>> No.33666151

Imagine the superchats from a Lamy and Coco shaving stream

>> No.33666152

oyabun... she could use the boost...

>> No.33666153


>> No.33666154

imagine tier bro...

>> No.33666155

Oh no towa will ruin lamys voice by making her a smoka addict

>> No.33666156


>> No.33666157
File: 58 KB, 720x1018, 1602287412449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't ever insult minato aqua like that again

>> No.33666159
File: 327 KB, 466x444, 1608208938865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666160

It's the amongus collab with Coco and the other girls.

>> No.33666163

Pretty sure nostalgia wasn't the reason it happened...

>> No.33666164

You're probably right

>> No.33666166

sounds like a roastie cope

>> No.33666168

Isnt she fucking dead?

>> No.33666169


>> No.33666171

Lamy va a hacer una colaboración con Desu wa y va a ser el mejor stream del año

>> No.33666172

This is the single most boring combination posible, add Ina and it might just be a sleep inducing RTA

>> No.33666173

That collab is this weekend

>> No.33666175

Felt like a long time ago that they connected, but nothing ever came out of it. Oyabun... please do something.

>> No.33666177

I don't fucking know
that's why I'm asking

>> No.33666178

quite bold of you to assume i want kids

>> No.33666179


>> No.33666180
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>> No.33666181
File: 67 KB, 454x532, subaru8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why was the chicken bitch so mean to Subaru?

>> No.33666183

pochi sensei getting filtered by alveolar flapping

>> No.33666186


>> No.33666188

>thinking about genes over anything else
Didn't realize we were living in 2221 now. Do you even love your oshi?

>> No.33666190
File: 2.62 MB, 1280x720, noel.1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coco is OP

>> No.33666191

It's Holotalk

>> No.33666192

This weekend, believe it or not, is happening before next week.

>> No.33666193

I can't understand japanese grammar for shit, it's too damn complicated. Not even kanji is filtering me this hard

>> No.33666194

>Okayu Fridge
>zero jokes
very disappointed in this thread

>> No.33666195

the homoshit discord has gone off the rails they're saying robertroos 3d got 200k live viewers if you count billibilli

>> No.33666196

This isnt english

>> No.33666197

Alive enough to bantz with korone

>> No.33666199

She was getting spammed during the sports festival last I remember. They just don't hate her enough to wheelbarrow her if coco isn't involved.

>> No.33666200

I'm already a hapa mutt, I will go for a Jap girl.

>> No.33666203

post the logs j_god

>> No.33666204

>Imagine being only 160cm AT BEST as a woman

>> No.33666205

>new IP

>> No.33666207
File: 139 KB, 830x1370, 0rhqtv9n1j961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watashi wa kaeru!

>> No.33666208

Absolute shit taste

>> No.33666209 [SPOILER] 
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1615508706971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't understand japanese grammar for shit

>> No.33666210
File: 271 KB, 2048x1499, 1605719472746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora seriously has the power to disappear everything from the holes in her hair where she places carrots. Those are unironically black holes that lead to another dimension

>> No.33666212

I dont know people were saying she was feeling really down about her grandma but thats months back

>> No.33666215

why are americans like this

>> No.33666216

Pochi-mama's accent in English is interesting. I like her Japanese, so this is interesting.

>> No.33666218

is this reverse psychology? do you want us to use short girls as onaholes?

>> No.33666219

you know why it's called "alternative" because it has nothing to do with reality

>> No.33666220

Not him, but I'm literally thinking about horse eugenics all fucking day and how to maximize profit to meet certain goals. It's kind of bled over to how I view women now, but yes I do love my oshi.

>> No.33666222

Can't you find a more constructive way to post than baiting?

People don't usually make jokes about Okayu being fat. I guess because she seems to be cool with it.

>> No.33666223

I like Lamy!

>> No.33666226

but I'm from bhutan

>> No.33666227
File: 180 KB, 1475x1311, EwJ6UBIVoAgNCm_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She directly references the fridge talk from earlier.

>> No.33666228

¿Quién mierda es Desu wa?

>> No.33666229

they are not
>extremely short
>most of them are flat
>virgins with no experience
>some of them don't go outside much
>they speak Japanese and live in Japan, you will never impregnate them

>> No.33666230

Me too friend

>> No.33666236
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>> No.33666237

There is no other reason to stick with "hololive" then. The mods are over their little episode, so whoever makes threads can just switch back.

>> No.33666238

I just realized that Okayu probably has clearer pronunciation compared to other holos when singing

>> No.33666242

>lamy talking about the apple tax for supacha
why do they do that anyways?

>> No.33666243

What happens when it sucks in another carrot?

>> No.33666244

>skinny is a bad thing
id rather them be a twig than a landwahle or ((thicc))

>> No.33666245
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>> No.33666246

My oshi is my oshi so yes but no matter what i cannot ignore the absolute dishonour i would bring upon my bloodline by tainting it with small people genes
Therefor i will not ever concoder having a jap girl mother my children also my oshi wouldnt be a good mom

>> No.33666248

I love Lamy, but she scares me.

>> No.33666249

nuevo? como

>> No.33666250
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>> No.33666254

When she doesn't forget the lyrics or get tongue-tied, sure.

>> No.33666255

No sense of tact as usual.

>> No.33666256


>> No.33666257

the flat ones are shit but some have big boobs like noel.

>> No.33666259

The last part of last one is bad if true, everything else is fine.

>> No.33666260

that's just some random dragon though

>> No.33666264

>It feels really good and gives her the shivers; she just ends up screaming by herself most times.
lewd cat...

>> No.33666268

Sounds absolutely perfect save for the last part.

>> No.33666270

what the hell am i watching?

>> No.33666271

>virgins wih no experience
https://files catbox.moe/w2eh6w.mp4

>> No.33666272

Can you read?
I said short womens only use is being a onahole
Well i gues theres other uses but primary

>> No.33666273

Everything but the last point are great

>> No.33666275

Noel is literally a prime breeding onahole, but she's not making usage of those genes. Shame on her for dishonoring her family.

>> No.33666276

Damn, anon you better be like carrying in your veins the blood of Oda Nobunaga or something to want to protect it that much.

>> No.33666278

Yes I am Brazilian. Yes I WILL impregnate a Japanese woman and have hafus.

>> No.33666280

mistress luna hitting her piggies

>> No.33666284

depicted: failed marriages

>> No.33666286


>> No.33666287

No self-awareness, no self-control. Saw Usaken office and went thermonuclear malding out the ass.
Subaru is collateral damage.

>> No.33666289

I'm fine, sank you!

>> No.33666292

Lamy's mouth tracking is too good. You can see her enunciating.

>> No.33666294


>> No.33666295

Me too !
I wish lamy used by scales to make a bag

>> No.33666296

I mean she goes out of her way to welcome the menhera and despite that she still throws a tantrum because PEKORA SENPAI is not the one asking her to join.

>> No.33666297

Papa and Mama love her so much it's pretty cute.

>> No.33666298
File: 149 KB, 316x283, deadchammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>member Coco last year
>announces a hiatus to protect herself not long after
>member Haachama recently
>announces a hiatus after getting her HaatoxHaachama streams privated
I feel like I wasted a whole ton of money

>> No.33666299
File: 2.36 MB, 1797x2456, 1613795155161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i WILL fuck Towa

>> No.33666300


>> No.33666303

why don't the japanese know what t is

>> No.33666305

How do scalp massagers even work? Isn't that just like being headpat or holding your tightly to your chest or you letting your stress in her chest or lap?

>> No.33666306

Please member Coco again

>> No.33666307

Finally someone gets it
I bet japanese womens hips arrent even wide enough for proper childbearing

>> No.33666313
File: 10 KB, 326x359, 1583872291569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have to get past him

>> No.33666317

Everything about Ramiez's L2D is fucking absurd.

>> No.33666319
File: 371 KB, 1080x1866, 20210311_163345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I'm going to hurt myself. What currency is CA? Canada?

>> No.33666321
File: 163 KB, 619x756, 1609476842060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666324

>Member a Holo because I liked her content in the first few months, had high expectations.
>Doesn't do it anymore because autism

>> No.33666325
File: 964 KB, 1500x1800, 1601411213265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i WILL fuck Bibi too

>> No.33666326

>virgin with no experience
how is this bad a thing? better to be a virgin with no experience than a whore rode the carousel

>> No.33666329

Enjoy raising sozial outcasts

>> No.33666331

Around elves

>> No.33666332 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 317 KB, 2048x1895, 1615509315259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33666334

Please member Luna.

>> No.33666335
File: 189 KB, 1280x773, 1483298054967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All good things

>> No.33666337
File: 547 KB, 2705x2100, 1595698368033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666341

bibi is a guy?

>> No.33666342

stop giving Cocock your money!
give her your virginity instead

>> No.33666346

If you fuck Tow your kids will come out with autism...

>> No.33666347

Member Shion. It's a strangely erotic feeling being a member of someone that never streams, and when she does, in the back of my mind I know it won't last. It's like an abusive relationship and I love it

>> No.33666350

I'm going to pound him hard every day until he gets pregnate.

>> No.33666352

he's a spic, they were already social outcasts

>> No.33666353


>> No.33666354

You posted the wrong photo, Risu...

>> No.33666355
File: 71 KB, 640x522, arng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666356

No they're Californian dollars.

>> No.33666357

That's kinda fucked up anon

>> No.33666358

Nice meme noels only value is being able to produce more fuckholes like herself but literally no value when it comes to male offspring

>> No.33666359


>> No.33666361

>straight porn
So who's mad now?

>> No.33666362

Mother of god

>> No.33666364


>> No.33666368


>> No.33666371

A fucking leaf.

>> No.33666369

why does she have 2 buttholes?

>> No.33666373
File: 725 KB, 1280x720, 1610912047350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>extremely short
Which is a good thing. Women are supposed to be short. Women like men to be about 8 inches taller than they are.
As opposed to fat?
>>most of them are flat
Do you think you're at Hooters drinking beer with your frat mates? Most anons either don't care about breast size or they specifically like flat chests. Large breasts and an attraction towards them is associated with r-selection or a fast-life history strategy (i.e. the spray and pray method of having lots of unprotected sex with strangers and dying young, hoping one of your many fatherless children grow up to do the same). Does that sound like anons? Men who care about having a wife and raising their kids and planning for the future don't care about breast size, because they are smart (or intuitive) enough to know it's just a secondary sexual characteristic and doesn't really matter.
>>virgins with no experience
As women should be. A woman becomes less attractive the more sex they have. You don't marry whores. No one wants to be the 7th guy to stick his flag in the dirt.
>>some of them don't go outside much
Women aren't supposed to and neither does anyone here.
>>they speak Japanese and live in Japan, you will never impregnate them
Temporary problem.

>> No.33666375

>Wire Scalp Massager
Like this?

>> No.33666377

True. If you breed male offspring with her, they'd probably also turn out to be African refugees.

>> No.33666378

>Which is a good thing. Women are supposed to be short
Stopped reading there, off yourself manlet

>> No.33666379

>talks about her nipples all the time
>posts the poop chute
Useless treerat...

>> No.33666382

Enjoy cumming in a fucking ashtray keko

>> No.33666385

Nanolish is best English oh yes.

>> No.33666386

I like that Lamy never tries to hide her boobs in her default costume

>> No.33666387

why are the other 3 assholes sealed

>> No.33666390
File: 460 KB, 773x1000, 88375134_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33666392

El bibi...

>> No.33666396

>tfw Pochi-mama can't hear l's if they're at the end

>> No.33666398

I have no mouth and I must scream...

>> No.33666399

>Discussing 3DPD

>> No.33666401
File: 79 KB, 600x754, 1600495615926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666403
File: 31 KB, 258x376, 1599192752450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666405

>that reaction to seeing sans
noelbros... i think we lost

>> No.33666406

Looking after Twap and the kids...

>> No.33666407

What is this?

>> No.33666408


>> No.33666409

>tfw dont want kids nor feel like dealing with shit like marriage
feels good to like women from a distance but keep to myself and indulge my hobbies

>> No.33666411

That's how good ASMR feels.

>> No.33666412

why is risu a slut?

>> No.33666414

Towa is so fucking useless she would die during childbirth

>> No.33666416

she was raised in a red light district

>> No.33666417

>muh breeding
>muh optimnal eugenics
hilarious coming from the fuckers who are more mentally fucked than holos themselves

>> No.33666418

>Lost to a fictional skeleton

>> No.33666420
File: 1.53 MB, 2828x8000, peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666422

Do NOT take my Rushia away from me.

>> No.33666423

Gens 0, 1, 2, and 5 don't appear to be particularly strong. Presumably the answer is someone from Gamers, Fantasy, Force, or Myth. That seems to be where most of the power is, but there are some pretty huge gaps in knowledge.
If I had to guess I'd say either Calli or Ina depending on what Ina can actually do. At the very least, there are very few if any holos who could 'beat' Calli.

If we're being autistic anyway, who is stronger between Mio and Korone? They're both canine gods, right? Is a wolf god stronger than a dog god?

>> No.33666426


>> No.33666427

Why would you select for height, anon? Let me hear your wisdom. Are you hoping your descendants will one day all be 9' tall and unable to walk?

>> No.33666429

And you fucks questioned nakirigumi all this time...

>> No.33666433

>implying you guys aren't all the same

>> No.33666437

>Which is a good thing. Women are supposed to be short.
You are so full of shit
Your sons will be failures and grow up to be cucks just because you like fucking dwarfs

>> No.33666442

Are gen 2 fags the most cucked fanbase?

>> No.33666443

Is this real?

>> No.33666445
File: 162 KB, 850x1387, 2d211007946a60f3fccdaab72e5f2ee8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all the best girls in hololive have purple hair.

>> No.33666452

At least my genes are hot shit

>> No.33666453

Wolf God is strong in both fantasy and in real life as she controls fate and fortune.

>> No.33666454

what does ramys real voice sound like?

>> No.33666455
File: 575 KB, 2500x1412, __shirakami_fubuki_natsuiro_matsuri_akai_haato_aki_rosenthal_and_yozora_mel_hololive_drawn_by_hoshimachi_suisei_artist__98c62176606109dba69df269e706b85f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strongest gen

>> No.33666459

>women arent supposed to be tall
>women are supposed to stay in the kitchen and listen to the man at all times
>women's only job is to tend to her husbands and childrens needs
>they arent supposed be outside
how is any of this bad

>> No.33666467

Be glad mental health is a meme in Japan, in any first world country she would've been fixed ages ago and she would be a soulless normie working at the bread factory.

>> No.33666468

Koro-san is a mutt with quad ears and that makes her weaker in my headcanon

>> No.33666471
File: 286 KB, 356x562, 1614920978532.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi hlg. I mentioned this before, but I was considering messaging Noel or C* to buy a pair of her socks. I'm going to man the fuck up and do it, the worst thing she'll do is ignore me or tell me no.

What's the best way to word my message without sounding incredibly kimoi? Of course it's going to be written in nihongo.

>> No.33666472

Switch Miko and Peko and then it would be correct

>> No.33666473

Nene peak orgasm

>> No.33666474

>I guess because she seems to be cool with it.
it is precisely why shes cool with it that we should make jokes. you make fun of someone for their defects and theyre okay with it means its teasing, if they arent okay with it then its bullying

>> No.33666475

this but orange hair instead

>> No.33666476

>and unable to walk
Now thats a dead giveaway for a manlet
But no dwarf-kun people just enjoy seeing their sons grow into real men

>> No.33666481

If that's actually Risu then I can't believe I want an Indog gf...

>> No.33666483

Socks, now.

>> No.33666486

Iirc she has a smell fetish so she would understand.
Ask c* though, leave Noel alone she has enough with the kimoi EOPs on her chat.

>> No.33666487

What the fuck does risu have to do with a random picture

>> No.33666488

Only thing i dont agree withnis the first one agree on the rest
But forcing your kids to be tiny is just cruel and immoral

>> No.33666491
File: 168 KB, 800x450, E93E9E36-8BD7-44B1-B7D6-6B93B2775764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666493

セックスプリース (Socks please)

>> No.33666495

>without sounding incredibly kimoi?
Bro you're trying to buy a girl's socks with the implication that you want to sniff her feet while you jerk off. Just state as matter of factly as possible that you'd like to buy her socks and would like to know her price.

>> No.33666500

Ask C* to skip manager bullshit and just tell her you found some cute socks you think she would like

>> No.33666501

She's a brown slut with puffy brown nipples.

>> No.33666502

At least go full tism mode and be as creepy as possible
Maybe she even mention you and be very disgusted by you wouldnt that be hot?

>> No.33666503

>without sounding incredibly kimoi
I don't think there's a way to ask someone for their used socks in any language without sounding like a freak.

>> No.33666506

How can you type this when Nene is the most powerful being in all of existence in all realities across all planes?

>> No.33666507
File: 251 KB, 900x675, 1615009307999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else feeling the burnout from hololive?
It's starting to get boring to be honest.
I'm planning on taking a break for a week and seeing what happens

>> No.33666511

Please keep us up to date on this anon.

>> No.33666512

that's Risu

>> No.33666514
File: 484 KB, 1448x2048, EsQT9Y4UwAUKsPu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really do love Suisei

>> No.33666516


>> No.33666519

Do it but dont have high hopes i took a break for a few months and i didnt go through a second honeymoon phase

>> No.33666520

please come back shion

>> No.33666525

I think you misread what he's trying to buy.

>> No.33666526

anyone else feeling the burnout from seeing copy paste posts?
anon cant come up with anything new its starting to get boring to be honest
im going to filter some pasta for a week and see what happens

>> No.33666527
File: 12 KB, 448x91, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even these people know they're just baiting for subs with these clips

>> No.33666530


>> No.33666535

Anon is such a useless bitch for never streaming

>> No.33666538

Imagine the supacha if Shion took a 9 month hiatus.

>> No.33666539

>>there are very few if any holos who could 'beat' Calli.
Bill and Ted did it, and they're just as special as the holos

>> No.33666546

Look up how this shit when girls sell these is called, then ask her whether she's interested in *termname*.

>> No.33666547

Slightly deeper, watch any shishilamy collab and you hear it when she's scared

>> No.33666551

Good chance she makes fun of you in a zatsudan

>> No.33666553


>the worst thing she'll do is ignore me or tell me no.

Or block you, in fact if only you could send her a PM at least it will not be an embarrassment for her to answer it.

>> No.33666554

Oh, did she pick that motif because she likes fortune telling then? That's neat.

Nene has a lot of protagonist energy, I'll give her that much.

>> No.33666556
File: 2.21 MB, 3233x4096, EqqYq_eVQAA2WSg_jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King and Queen.

>> No.33666560
File: 2.58 MB, 364x312, miko.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell us how it goes, we're here to support you either way.

>> No.33666563

Explain to this normal person why is Holoshit so popular.

I've never been here much, but from what I've seen, you retards used to be autistically infatuated with 2hu. You repeated the same jokes and lines ad nauseam (the one anon that wrote paragraphs about Remilia or something having smelly feet), but it was charming, and organic, if you will. You know that these people are genuinely autistic, and there's nothing wrong with that.

On the other hand, the Holoshit craze seems forced as fuck. They say /pol/ is full of glowies, but at this point I'm willing to belive /jp/ is overrun with corporate shills too. Advertise the fuck out of MP4 waifus on a board know for its autism, and eventually some retarded whale will bite and start simping on their streams.

Pic related is /jp/'s catalog, sorted by reply count. 3 out of the 4 top threads are about *corporate* vtubers. Besides, the archive is full of Hololive threads, it's like it's the only thing people are talking about. The bottom row (11th to 14th thread) are what I was talking about in the first paragraph.

You know, maybe it's not forced, it's just that they made the 2D equivalent of Twitch thots, so the kind of people whose dick shrivel up at the mention of "3DPD" women can cream their pants with some Live2D or "3DVR" broad instead. Or maybe it's this decade's equivalent of MLP, where the retards who watched the show and liked it couldn't shut the fuck up about it (>inb4 we get a containment board for vtubers too).

It's not that I hate them completely, I guess the sheep has a comfy voice, and the rabbit doing retarded shit is funny, and Haachama or whatever is her name eating her own vomit gave me a little bit of an erection, but I can't see why people are fanatically foaming at their mouth over the whole thing. This kind of reaction is more appropriate with young zoomers going apeshit about some Fortnite e-celeb, or basedboys shitting their pants about the new Marvel movie, but it's completely out of line with the """"culture"""" this God-forsaken hellhole has.

I suppose that it all went to shit when the English streamers were introduced? Not only the whole thing went mainstream (and thus to shit), but it also lost its authentic Japanese brand of autism. Not to sound like a SJW, but there's absolutely no way for a gaijin to imitate Japanese-ness, it's like putting ketchup on shaved ice. Just look at the western whores doing ahegao faces on social media. How can you look at them, and at the people who enjoy that shit, and not think that the Nazis were right in thinking that subhumans do exist?

Or maybe I just don't like the HoloEN girls' personalities, I guess they may be trying too hard to be "le wacky girl I'm such a degenerate xD" and it's fucking cringe. I never really found any of them particularly funny, but the ones that did get a chuckle out of me, I'm not interested in watching their other videos.

You know, maybe the real difference between obsessing over 2hus/other fictional characters and Holothots, is that the former are just inanimate characters, not people. When you sperg out over a character, you may like their design, their personality, their backstory, the lore of the world they're in... but the latter, vtubers, are ultimately *people* trying to masquerade as characters. It's disturbing because it resembles a cult of personality. Reddit-tier idolatry. And yet there's nothing to that person, but an avatar, and some mediocre commentary, and the occasional screech and funny noise and desk-bashing. Not that I could do better, but it's depressing, what the fuck.

>> No.33666565

That's not the correct format you fucking twat

>> No.33666566

This is a perspective problem.
Hololive specializes in recruiting menheras.
The only exceptions to this are Sora and Azki.
The reason you don't perceive them as menheras is because you are similarly fucked up and don't notice their problems...
But if you start improving your mental healthy you will slowly find it harder to watch most of them.

>> No.33666568

Watch her larp stream with her fat overweight clown friend

>> No.33666570


>> No.33666573
File: 1.45 MB, 2400x1500, 1610805816370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666575

Thanks Lamy, very cool.

>> No.33666576


>> No.33666577

>normal person

>> No.33666578

Holy shit I am not reading that, good luck with whatever it is you're doing, hope it goes well or not.

>> No.33666582
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, 1600758170623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666583

>reddit spacing

>> No.33666584


>> No.33666585
File: 264 KB, 2000x2450, lamy8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elf drunk collab stream please

>> No.33666588

Fuck you im perfectly healthy in the head
Imply again that im as dumb as towa

>> No.33666590

dont bully poruka...

>> No.33666591


>> No.33666596

>his oshi does ASMR
>his oshi does shitty 10second videos to bait views
imagine having someone so pathetic as your oshi, am I glad my oshi does none of those and is actually entertaining

>> No.33666597

Is this kopipe? I don't recognize it

>> No.33666599

You actually wrote all this shit out and not once did it cross your mind if anyone was gonna read it

>> No.33666601
File: 508 KB, 1828x2048, 1611804640221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taiga please save this thread.

>> No.33666604

god i wish my oshi did asmr again

>> No.33666605

Flare showing more affection towards a freaking 2d skeleton than she has ever done towards Noel. Hopefully this finally clues people in that NoeFure is fake as fuck and people stop taking it seriously.
Oh, and /u/fags BTFO.

>> No.33666606

I hate women and i hate that hololive is succsessfull

>> No.33666609
File: 277 KB, 1292x2014, EnUuT4NVEAAgVy6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.33666610


And Suisei doesn't like you guys, just give up on her, plus it's too obvious she has a boyfriend, chase after girls that are alone like ... Towa...

>> No.33666611

Isn't it that they don't have anything to offer you know and that you need something else?
Hololive is more of a mainstream entertainment and starting point.
Having a high number of subs is not always a good thing and dilutes the relationship you can develop with them and at the same time the freedom they have.
It could also be that you are a bit healthier than before and need to find new vtubers who reflect your changed views.
If you can understand japanese you should try to find smaller vtubers who are closer to your liking and mindset.

>> No.33666612

>pic related
>no picture
is this pasta?

>> No.33666614
File: 3.32 MB, 3464x3464, Sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder hololive is Sora's harem

>> No.33666615


>> No.33666616

Is the Alternative video still down?

>> No.33666617

Hey, /vt/ here. Can you please stop letting Kiara live rent free on your heads?

>> No.33666618

This question comes up every thread and even the Holos themselves have answered it (at least Noel, Coco, Kanata, Shion have addressed it). Pink Rushia is the commonly accepted "strongest" member of holopro. This is because pink Rushia has awakened the next stage of her necromancer abilities and has near total power over light and dark magicks, as well as increased potency of her already formidable necromancer powers.

>> No.33666619

Not sure if the motif was intentional, but it could be since she's liked doing fortune telling stuff for a long time now.

>> No.33666621

Next time don't tell him, it's better if he thinks the opposite

>> No.33666623

Reminder that most of those girls stopped tweeting after the date scene started and most likely masturbated to it.

>> No.33666625

Nah, I'd rather die alone

>> No.33666626


>> No.33666627

I like women but know my place over them as man, and I love that Hololive is successful but am worried we'll lose comfy days with our Holos as they continue to grow and their audiences get less personal.

>> No.33666628

Im confused too since i dont regotnize it but its probably crossboard pasta

>> No.33666631

God I wish

>> No.33666632

Now type it again without a horse cock in your mouth

>> No.33666634
File: 389 KB, 488x492, 1598364061183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that anon got the picture from reddit
it's a picture to promote an onlyfans
onlyfans from some american whore
BUT her porn videos have no sound which is suspicious

70% that's NOT the treerat

>> No.33666635

My oshi promissed asmr but then forgot about it for half a year

>> No.33666636

Ask her through Canan and give us updates. Try saying that you'll buy it for 300,000 yen. With a price that high, she might cave.

>> No.33666637

Normal people watch for entertainment, I watch because she’s a good person.

>> No.33666639
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not finished yet present for Anya

>> No.33666643
File: 113 KB, 656x768, 1612812344905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucks to be you I guess

>> No.33666647

>throw bait
>anon bites

>> No.33666648

King and her mistress.

>> No.33666651

She's been doing this since before most of the people posting here have been alive, she would 100% just assume it's bait and ignore.

>> No.33666652

wrong thread h-

>> No.33666657

Is Pochi a hag or not? I keep getting conflicting answers.

>> No.33666658

Migo please stop streaming that horse game...

>> No.33666668
File: 1.44 MB, 450x472, 1418045345974.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33666669


>> No.33666670

I love miko!

>> No.33666675

needs wider hips

>> No.33666676


Where are the wierdo eyes?
Its anjas only appeal

>> No.33666682


>> No.33666685

am I supposed to know who the girl on the right is?

>> No.33666686

My oshi wondered what she was gonna do at night on twitter and I semi-seriously answered ukelele. She did an ukelele stream. I fucking love her.

>> No.33666688

Oh no another anon fell victim to uwus faggotry

>> No.33666687

She is 33

>> No.33666696

She actually gives a fuck about ID? I thought it's only lofi she cares about.

>> No.33666699

>bruh moment

>> No.33666701

I want to see her do other content too, 35P. I'm glad she's excited and has crazy reactions at least...

>> No.33666703

she literally made reine

>> No.33666707

Soda loves us

>> No.33666709
File: 1.05 MB, 1062x1500, 85176588_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, just a random doujinshi artist.

>> No.33666710

Based. Sans is 1000% better than Noel will ever be.

>> No.33666711

she's a famous artist on deviantart

>> No.33666713

No its fine if newfags like you just shit up the thread it cant be much worse anyway

>> No.33666715
File: 302 KB, 2094x2547, 1612667235655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666716

Gold ship from the horse girls gacha game.

>> No.33666719


>> No.33666723

>he doesn't know

>> No.33666725

With my cum

>> No.33666727

I wonder if we’re already too far gone...

>> No.33666729


>> No.33666732

he? i'm actually a girl, thanks.

>> No.33666733


>> No.33666737
File: 109 KB, 600x800, EtaqK94VcAAAKog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want my oshi to do ASMR too...
it's not fair...

>> No.33666745

And i'm a horse

>> No.33666748


>> No.33666751
File: 317 KB, 1700x787, Clipboard09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666753

>Noel is getting a billion clips now
I don't know what to feel

>> No.33666761

way too much makeup

>> No.33666764


>> No.33666771

Wait ! Korone wants to do a watchalong for A Clockwork Orange ?!

>> No.33666777
File: 354 KB, 2048x1448, EwDwWINWQAMtczz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oshi is entertaining, does ASMR, does bait videos AND is very cute. She can do it all !

>> No.33666778

But Suisei likes her fans

>> No.33666781

That's a man

>> No.33666782
File: 30 KB, 313x378, 1615322921725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666783

Why do other holos not have morning streams?

>> No.33666785

son hit 150k subs

>> No.33666789

I meant ASMR stream, she's been putting it off
just like the totsumachi

>> No.33666790

Yep make it more creepy than a close match up.

>> No.33666791
File: 655 KB, 2319x2872, 76259641_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666794

>just hit Diamond in APEX
hell yeah, hope Aqua or Astel stream ranked soon

>> No.33666795

Your oshi is also fat and depressed haha

>> No.33666796

i like to fap to my oshis asmr she's said some pretty interesting lines

>> No.33666798


>> No.33666799
File: 546 KB, 807x704, 1614641463662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666802

she's too shy to do ASMR, if she had a smaller audience she might.
same reason most holos stopped doing asmr, cause the audience is too big now.

>> No.33666803

Theyre all sleeping

>> No.33666810

Reminder that Anya hates how big the rigger made her tits

>> No.33666811

y-you too

>> No.33666813

Fucking neets

>> No.33666814

she's also a whore and FAT

>> No.33666816

I'll member Lamy for a John Wick watchalong also her ASMR is good

>> No.33666819

I will go to japan and i will have sex with your oshi!

>> No.33666821

jesus christ flare just get the bone already

>> No.33666831
File: 224 KB, 848x1200, WgIDIdG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does someone like Korosan even exist?

>> No.33666832
File: 375 KB, 1500x893, ファン数ランキング(1ページ) _ VTuber ランキング - ユーザーローカル _ 人気バーチャルユーチューバー ランキング (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666834

Well she should get over it and try and make the best of things.

>> No.33666835


>> No.33666837

I guess I hate myself so let's go through your reddit spacing word salad.
2hu audience isn't remotely as big as the hololive thread that overtook the entirety of /pol/ in posts per hour at its peak, so it's clearly and obviously an influx of other people, mostly /a/ who cut their anime hours for a superior medium or /v/ who moved from normal streams to this.
They are a superior option to 3D thots, indeed, given that when looks are mostly out of the picture (as all girls look good enough) personality comes to the forefront, and middle-aged Japanese women pull off their characters surprisingly well, in some cases coming from their genuine personality being very likeable.
>This kind of reaction
There is kind of a "finally something that isn't shit" thing happening on imageboards and it indeed is a pretty big thing all around, but, I don't know what reaction you're talking about.
EN was actually yet another stroke of Yagoo's godly luck or whatever, the cast was inoffensive on both fronts, with the shark getting the ball running pulling enormous EOP subscriber numbers and if you want someone adapting the Japanese stuff, Ina pulls it off better than some of the JP girls. All in all, HoloEN could be bigger if they took more risks, but they played it safe and I can't really say it damaged anything in any real way. Also, one of the HoloEN girls shat on the "vtweeter" leeches popping up on twitter in a spectacular fashion, so there's that.
For the final comparison to 2D characters, ultimately, you're hard pressed to find anime with characters that are remotely as fleshed out and attractive in their different ways as vtubers, there pretty much are no girls in Hololive you wouldn't like at least somewhat if you'd start watching their respective streams. Company policy of basically not having any internal drama and avoiding external stuff if possible also helps with the entire "wholesome" thing going.

>> No.33666840


>> No.33666841


>> No.33666842
File: 1.88 MB, 1660x1393, EoeufLvUUAArApc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea how he managed to make them that big while looking at the reference.

>> No.33666843

never having a child at 36 years old

>> No.33666846
File: 50 KB, 643x251, 1600185132648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been put of the loop since 5th gen started minecraft due to fucking university and Covid making all my professors go brain dead.
Knowing the objectively shittiest streamer is Matsuri, what is the spiciest stream you'd recomend so far?

>> No.33666852
File: 89 KB, 528x601, 1612241011491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just had to embrace the oppai loli life, but alas ids are dumb

>> No.33666853

Moona slaughtering niji big guns too

>> No.33666856

You're on the wrong board.

>> No.33666858


>> No.33666859

What? That's not how L2D modeling works.

>> No.33666861


>> No.33666862

Why would people do this? Collectors?

>> No.33666863


>> No.33666865

global went to the new board /vt/, you should probably check them out, it might be more welcoming to (you)

>> No.33666869

Some have ASMR mics just laying around but then bring it out for shits and giggles, like how my oshi did a fishbowl SPACE utawaku. She sang Mika Nakashima's FIND THE WAY directly in my ears and it was nice. If Pekora could find a good way to meme with it, then she might be more inclined to use it, I think.

>> No.33666870

Congratulations on having the worst post in the thread

>> No.33666872

Same people would be taking selfies at a funeral

>> No.33666873


>> No.33666874

Get fucked Danchou, you just got NTR'd by a 2d sprite.

>> No.33666877

You got it. It's hard to hate Hololive. It has it's downs like everything else but it's brought more joy into my life than a lot of things. My oshi and the girls are the main draw, their personalities shine through, especially when a lot of them suck at games.

>> No.33666878

>Choco has more subs than Hinata
how times have changed holy fuck

>> No.33666879
File: 184 KB, 1280x1280, EwNTeNwVcAE6Ukm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33666880

Why are you replying to pasta anon?

>> No.33666882

uuoohh pochi laugh
AHhhhh ayame giggles

>> No.33666884

so is Cover going to get permissions or will they be doing duolingo and uma musume for eternity?

>> No.33666885

onyo heaven

>> No.33666886

This blows. R.ddit gets a whole raft of Holos while we get stuck with treerat.

>> No.33666887

>noel lamy booba collab tonight
I coom

>> No.33666888
File: 9 KB, 727x102, lamy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666891

There's a good variety of games being played by the girls lately anon.

>> No.33666892

>huge tits
>losing to a fucking skeleton
How can noel cope with this?

>> No.33666894
File: 248 KB, 445x204, ARK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666895

>I guess I hate myself
Literally in my post.

>> No.33666899

Monster Hunter Rise at the end of the month, be patient.

>> No.33666901

So this is the old battlefield....

>> No.33666903

The duolingo permission are new. RBC tried them a couple months ago and got nuked.

>> No.33666906

Shut up retard, they have plenty of permissions and they stream what they want, if you don't like it fuck off cause it's not going to change.

>> No.33666907

Holy new shitters

>> No.33666910

Mate... I was ready to ignore your shitty global image, but holy shit you really did the worst post in this thread. I refuse to believe a human did this, it must be some sort of learning ai focused on writing the worst posts imaginable.

>> No.33666912

Why don'r you just make a game for them to play?

>> No.33666913 [SPOILER] 
File: 59 KB, 379x861, 1615512482299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post cancelled memberships

>> No.33666914

I know but why are you fucking stupid?
Literally anything else is a more usefull way to spend your time

>> No.33666918
File: 183 KB, 593x500, fs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666921

>he's mad that people shit on his terrible post

>> No.33666922

Shit, you're right. He's getting something like 8k/1k. What happened?

>> No.33666925

anon is a whore

>> No.33666926
File: 325 KB, 1280x720, c67[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leHJkszDuj4

>> No.33666929

not him but you have to go back

>> No.33666930
File: 437 KB, 438x428, ArkWomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these women will never kidnap you and force you to play ARK
Why live

>> No.33666931
File: 1.28 MB, 1240x1754, EjB4sfJU8AA8ZkC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High level of autism combined with being a westaboo, a comedian connoisseur, and somewhat of a sports fag

>> No.33666932

Moona having more subs than Lulu is a disgrace

>> No.33666933


>> No.33666934

What situation? Just woke up.

>> No.33666935

fucking whore

>> No.33666936

If you genuinely think I'm stupid, what the fuck do you expect me to say?

>> No.33666939

are gosling posts cool again?

>> No.33666940
File: 10 KB, 300x162, shionyo....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33666942

he pissed off fujos by living with(and probably fucking) a female liver

>> No.33666943

He was heard in the background of Rindou Makoto's stream, screaming

>> No.33666945

Fucking EOPs, they're so desperate to run jokes into the ground they're even registering Japanese twitter accounts and tweeting cringe in Japanese. They ruined Hololive. I feel bad for the perfect JOPs, who I aspire to be like.

>> No.33666946

God, that guy got absolutely SHIT on lmao

>> No.33666947

only during specific events, AKA okayus birthday stream and soras date

>> No.33666953

>Holy new shitters
What are you talking about dumbass?

>> No.33666955

>go to scat thread on 2ch
>it's all shit
well i don't know what i expected....

>> No.33666956

God i hate you

>> No.33666957

I never hated gosling posts....

>> No.33666959

I'm going to watch the EN 6th month anniversary collab and there is nothing (You) can do to stop me!

>> No.33666961

I've unironically talked with a cosplayer who got asked this before and what she did was just go buy a pack of socks from target and sent those. 頑張ってください.

>> No.33666963

Like ≠ want to marry

>> No.33666965

In moderation and images not sourced from Global

>> No.33666966

You'll never be a man.

>> No.33666968

because you can't even afford one membership?

>> No.33666969

finally, a reply to mario webms by rabid suisei fags

>> No.33666970
File: 430 KB, 2048x1366, EwIOiFlVEAIjIt2_jpg_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33666971

I dont know stop being stupid and go do reps or stream

>> No.33666975

Shit Noel cosplay
Tits are too small

>> No.33666977

>seething tranny

>> No.33666978

Good luck trying to get into their lobbies / party anon.

>> No.33666980
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1603467174463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you be my gf???

>> No.33666983

me in the fountain

>> No.33666984

that's fine, i would watch it as well but i only care about watson

>> No.33666986

3d trash

>> No.33666988


>> No.33666991

Which holo is going to play the MH demo today

>> No.33666992

didnt ask

>> No.33666994

Lamy baited 1.5k people into leaving because they thought she was going to start reading superchat but she ended up talking about how she would be like if she was a man, shared that she used to do rock climbing, and talked about her asthma and how to avoid developing it

>> No.33666995

>that one indie in there

>> No.33666997

because of the beggars I finally gave in and gave them a try... I like them but I'm not a homo though.

>> No.33666998

>6th month anniversary
I don't think it works that way. Anniversaries are annual

>> No.33666999

*cums all over your face*
now what?

>> No.33667002

Nice! Enjoy the Dive Trail reward after the season ends!

>> No.33667005
File: 656 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20200813-165440_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow how the fuck did you guys come to hate global this much?
There was some dislike when I left but holy shit, I just posted the image because it was the only one I had and I got it from /tg/ and anons seem to simply hate me for it. What happened mates, these threads used to be one of the only fun things in this site.

>> No.33667008

>talked about her asthma and how to avoid developing it
my understanding is that symptoms lessen when you're an adult

>> No.33667010

>6th month anniversary
This what happen when you fuck horses and consume your own cum

>> No.33667015
File: 329 KB, 1378x2039, Evuz5BlVoAIWS2M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cutest.

>> No.33667014

>You can also develop asthma from smoking

>> No.33667019

Blurred me in the left

>> No.33667020
File: 297 KB, 378x440, 1592199449451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subaru was the first to get cancelled

>> No.33667023

kek mio thinks i will stop at 1 baby

>> No.33667024

>okayu gosling
I missed these

>> No.33667025


>> No.33667026

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not my niji oshi!!!!!!!! FUCKKKKKKKKK knowing how perverted she is i bet they are fucking 24/7 FUUUUUUUUCK

>> No.33667027

I've played 50 hours of apex within this week... this is depressing

>> No.33667031

Don't even think of replying to the global larper, fags.

>> No.33667033

>Don't starve together
I'm sorry anon

>> No.33667035

This isn't your discord chatroom faggot

>> No.33667037

Alright anon, if you're gonna bait, do it right. Explain each of the cancellations if you want to truly earn your (You)'s.

>> No.33667040
File: 132 KB, 1010x755, Evwwl2PUUAIZ3yN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks man. Also I'd totally recommend trying to get Okayu to do the fan meetings. I didn't get in but it looked like it was a lot of fun for anyone who did.

>> No.33667042

who are you fooling pulling this antagonistic shit?
get the fuck out of this thread, nigger

>> No.33667043
File: 685 KB, 700x988, __shirogane_noel_hololive_drawn_by_athenawyrm__be24b760355672817365e1c8d41df09f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel becomes your girlfriend, but also has to get breast reduction surgery.
Would you still take her?

>> No.33667044

2D husband > 3D wife

>> No.33667050

This is the anti thread faggot, get used to it

>> No.33667051
File: 43 KB, 552x425, 1613368133766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reach Predator to play with Towa

>> No.33667052

Why is the sky red

>> No.33667056

The coupon/gosling thing became a dead meme the second crossboarders got their hands on it and ran it into the ground.

>> No.33667057

Hey, we also have the entirety of EN. And Mel.

>> No.33667060

Horsefucker bros lets go back and eat our cum in Global...

>> No.33667062

Tokyo Ghoul is plowing lolibaba oni pussy which was known since like, 2018.

>> No.33667063
File: 10 KB, 345x148, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33667065


>> No.33667066

Go back

>> No.33667067

new outfits soon, brother!

>> No.33667068
File: 364 KB, 2002x2048, __akai_haato_hololive_drawn_by_haruyuki_yukichasoba__04db5066446389244147161b29da650f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cutest
Okayu is not even in the top 5 cutest holos.

1. Haachama
2. Sora
3. Miko
4. Subaru
5. Korone

>> No.33667069

they were all hype memberships even though i barely watched them + ASMR
the indie i got scared and abandoned after i joined her minecraft server and language barrier screwed me because i wasn't meant to start building immediately

>> No.33667070

why is it an issue now?

>> No.33667072

But anon, Risu is the best!

>> No.33667074

Fuck off when gen 5 mc startet global was already cancer but you wouldnt know

>> No.33667076
File: 425 KB, 543x613, 1604599452734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blood of her enemies
First they said that women were bad at video games. Then Minato Aqua proved them wrong in Mario Kart.
Then they said that Women were bad at fps. Then Minato Aqua proved them wrong in Apex.
Now they say nothing. They fear her; like a force of nature, a dealer in thunder and death. And in response she says, "Pogu Pogu".

>> No.33667078


>> No.33667079

Of course.

>> No.33667083
File: 801 KB, 736x553, chrome_oyRZe2rWSl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33667082

Ignore them they're obessed with this place they're also easy to spot
Keep doing what you used to do anon

>> No.33667084

show me your butthole risu you brown disgusting imp

>> No.33667085

What should I stream?

>> No.33667087

Luna is doing a English learning stream too? What the hell

>> No.33667088

She's Anya from holoID gen2. I don't watch her though.

>> No.33667089


Opinion immediately discarded. At least you have Korone and Subaru there though.

>> No.33667091


>> No.33667092


>> No.33667093
File: 81 KB, 312x305, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33667094
File: 51 KB, 741x463, sssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33667095

>no mio
end yourself

>> No.33667097

Rock climbing or bouldering?
People often mix the two up, so that's why I'm asking.

>> No.33667098

There must always be a whore in Hololive but Haao is on hiatus

>> No.33667101
File: 685 KB, 597x721, 1608725474102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mikochi is eroi

>> No.33667105

Fuck off towa

>> No.33667108

Anything to get closer to her brother.

>> No.33667109

wtf lamy is a climbingfag?

>> No.33667110

>that spoiler
anon what did you expect when you don't even know basic jap?

>> No.33667115

There was a period of time where Shrine Maidens were traveling prostitutes...

>> No.33667118

the 35p told me miko wasn't a slut...

>> No.33667120

She specifically said bouldering. I didn't know what it was so when I googled it I assumed it was just a different term for rock climbing.

>> No.33667124

is she feeling more alone nowadays? I've noticed her yuri-baiting & ero-talk went up by a lot

>> No.33667125

Always two there are; no more, no less. A master and an apprentice

>> No.33667126
File: 804 KB, 800x3753, 3D Superchats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. Koro...

>> No.33667128
File: 136 KB, 1080x2152, 20210311_174557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chammers, what the fuck happened to you...

>> No.33667129

Haachama is the cutest little girl in the whole wide world

>> No.33667130

She would be pregnant by the weekend.

>> No.33667131

Nippon reps

>> No.33667133
File: 244 KB, 543x475, 1610854560774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will cocochi stream again in the next 10 hours? or can I peacefully go to sleep?

>> No.33667135
File: 154 KB, 710x711, 1611183382639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve diarrhea for an entire week.

>> No.33667136

>eat our cum
What happen in global?

>> No.33667138
File: 239 KB, 689x1200, EtDHmlXUcAMzAF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33667141

what the fuck is wrong with medieval japan

>> No.33667143


>> No.33667145

That's a lot of money for an indo.

>> No.33667147


>> No.33667151

it depends
i've been hearing a lot more lewd comments lately too, i guess that survey she did kinda surprised her herself

>> No.33667152


>> No.33667154
File: 18 KB, 360x344, 1614774471449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33667158

Oh shit, that's kinda cool. Did she say how long ago she was doing that? It's a great way to be physically active.

>> No.33667160 [DELETED] 

Coco and Haato.
Technically also Sephira but that's because she deleted her channel...

>> No.33667162
File: 581 KB, 1415x1000, __kiryuu_coco_and_amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_himu_hifumi__95b1df67d6d4ccc57bcf114ba3571f68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33667164

global shit? always has been.

>> No.33667168
File: 13 KB, 801x213, chrome_6KEcOs4Y6V.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post only based memberships

>> No.33667171

Coco and Haato.
Technically also Sephira but that's because she deleted her channel...

>> No.33667174

I wondered about this too, tbhdesu. It feels like we went through a rush of collabs and events with her leading up to birthday and new 3D and suddenly it's been solo streams of mostly horse gacha and the one slither.io stream. There's definitely been an uptick in the eroi... Might also just be age starting to get to her biologically.

>> No.33667178

They unironically love eating their own cum and they had an Anon who fucked a horse

>> No.33667184
File: 943 KB, 1169x652, subaru1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Subaru
>be nice to your guest
>invite them to your company
>they refuse and say they would rather be talking to Pekora
why are they mean to the duck?

>> No.33667190

Why would you do that to her

>> No.33667192


>> No.33667194

Subaru is the most unlucky holo but she's always shining
How does she do it?

>> No.33667195

they shill their makaimura, at least possibilities are not 0% anymore

>> No.33667199

I don't think so. She mentioned she did it as a substitute for sports because her asthma was so bad.

>> No.33667202

She deserves it.

>> No.33667204
File: 42 KB, 519x350, duckrabbitmain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she should just rotate 90 degrees, then those people wouldn't even know the difference!

>> No.33667205
File: 544 KB, 1965x1891, EuDN6fZVoAALyht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33667206

That's just kiara. It's painfully obvious that she just used subaru to get closer to Pekora.

>> No.33667212
File: 254 KB, 1127x1423, 1615513956260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33667214
File: 90 KB, 2000x1200, EujWE8KXIAE_jrT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33667216
File: 507 KB, 638x776, nichijoushuba3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Duck is suffering...

>> No.33667218

If that's the case, then that must be a longass time ago meaning she must not be doing anymore. Sucks.

>> No.33667221

Most thread communities become diluted over time, but we have become more concentrated in such a relatively short amount of time. In a way, it is quite impressive.

>> No.33667222

a-at least i membered....

>> No.33667223

Oh no, I was just about to post it but I can't now?

>> No.33667224


>> No.33667225

haha it's l*l*'s sister

>> No.33667226

>Anya spending her birthday morning in Roberu's chat

>> No.33667229

HIKAKIN's big brother is SEIKIN!
Its gonna get them angry!

Isn't it attractive? This BODY!
Isn't it cute? This FACE!

GIRLS & BOYS drooling all over!
Its not tasty! Pekora's thigh meat,

Please take care of even such a Pekora!

...why is it not tasty?

>> No.33667230

So when's that SubaPeko collab? Was it actually a thing even or someone just said it here and people assumed it was a thing because nobody else watches Pekora?

>> No.33667238

Somehow I want to see rock climbing anime

>> No.33667239

Global went to shit within it's first week.
This place got raided endlessly basically the entire time you were away. After the first time a globalfag dropped a "rrat" here using it as narrative it became a "spot a globalhomo and call him out" game all the fucking time.
Global is all but dead now so hating them doesn't change much, but picking up pieces of their garbage "culture" is still a no go.

>> No.33667241

Kiara should join Oozora Kensetsu. Subaru will treat her better than Pekora.

>> No.33667242

she will schedule a stream as soon as your asleep and you will wake up after its ended

>> No.33667244

Everyone is mean to her, Luna I think is the only holo that hasn't bullied her.

>> No.33667246

way to waste all the images you idiots. Now how am I supposed to post towa?

>> No.33667247


>> No.33667248

Yeah probably not. I don't think she does any physical activities besides the occasional RFA stream

>> No.33667254


>> No.33667255

i WILL marry your oshi

>> No.33667259

She is the protag of Hololive. No wonder she likes kirito so much.

>> No.33667260
File: 121 KB, 685x725, 16158592177519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33667261

post links

>> No.33667262

Subaru being the lab rat for pekoland sounds like the perfect collab.
Pekora laughing, Subaru screaming OMAEEE every time she dies, then Subaru crying after stream because Pekora is a bitch. The usual.

>> No.33667264

She's used to other holos pulling weird shit. She can take it. I'd like her to form a meaningful bond with someone already though.
Nah, it looked like a legitimate episode, Kiara just lacks self-awareness and got overcome with emotions.

>> No.33667267


>> No.33667268

what's she so smug about?

>> No.33667275

She got the last image slot

>> No.33667276

Hurry the fuck up anon, there aren't that many eggs left.

>> No.33667277


>> No.33667281

A subatomo here said it might have been rescheduled because Shuba's internet got fucked last week and she also got food poisoning? Not sure about this though, I don't follow the Duck too close.

>> No.33667280

Moona is Subaru's imaginary friend, she's not real.

>> No.33667283

Please understand, I need to farm more (you)s

>> No.33667288

neither is Subaru, it's time to face reality...

>> No.33667289

does anyone have this but with other holos?https://streamable.com/chvsqa

>> No.33667292


>> No.33667298

wtf I'm a wrestler now

>> No.33667299


>> No.33667300


>> No.33667305

Watching Snowpiercer for Lamy!

>> No.33667307

I don't see Miko there.

>> No.33667308

EL Lamy comes to you in the night
You have been marked
Now your only hope is to beg your would be assassin for mercy
How do you save yourself?

>> No.33667310

Why sully this thread with such shit? Delete your post and try again.

>> No.33667311


>> No.33667314


>> No.33667317

Where do Aki's hair portals connect to? It's clearly not her head.

>> No.33667319

Mate did you even watch the stream? That entire part was like two minutes long. They had tons of fun together. Also Subaru got some of her own bullying in there too.

>> No.33667322

Getting killed by my oshi sounds like a dream come true

>> No.33667327

Sheep hands type this post

>> No.33667329

tell me i'm not going crazy
streams have been really mediocre lately, right? they feel like a show thats in the middle of a really boring arc right now.

>> No.33667335

oh i'm laughing she could go for sexy but cute? no way

>> No.33667338


>> No.33667339

That's just you getting bored of vtubers.

>> No.33667342


>> No.33667344

there was one last season

>> No.33667345

i don't watch EN but fuck why is more so sexy?!

>> No.33667346

We all know Pekora is only a warrior without the voice chat. Just like with Korone she'd just get nervous with Subaru. Though of course Subaru loves Pekora's pranks so much she'd just ask her to not hold back.
If it was actually a real thing they did have to reschedule it because last week's been only studio streaming for Subaru. Food poisoning was this week but she's fine now.

>> No.33667351

>haachama isnt cute
ok retard

>> No.33667352

That was me, and Subaru gave no info about any collab. I assumed that it was supposed to happen during the week her internet shit the bed. Gotta go ask the nousagi about it.

>> No.33667353

You're only a little crazy the new youtube rules are fucking with them but is not like holos are creative enough to blame youtube for their lack of new content.

>> No.33667357

Blonde cousin it

>> No.33667360

If you weren't a coomer then maybe you will see how cute she really is

>> No.33667363

How many times has Flare rubbed herself with the Sans plushie?

>> No.33667364

No Shion and Haachama will do that

>> No.33667365

she looks like she enjoys the company of men with darker skin than her

>> No.33667372

Here's a thing nobody will tell you, anon. Both threads are equally shit. But depending on which one you post it, you will end up thinking that your shit smells better than the other one.
Everything wrong on Global is apparently either the fault of this thread or SEAniggers or Discordfags or whatever the narrative of the day is. In contrast, this place goes shit very frequently and almost killed a third of /jp/ yesterday due to some stupid shit.

>> No.33667373

>Error only has 3.7m views
It should be at 10m, minimum.

>> No.33667376

Why does Suisei call herself cute when she's more of a cool girl?

>> No.33667377

No? I'm enjoying them a lot more lately.

>> No.33667378


>> No.33667379

You are not smart, sorry. It’s okay though, the vast majority of people are not smart. In fact, half of all the people you see are below average intelligence.
If you accept that you are one of these people, you will have a better life. Understand that you are easily manipulated - and stop trusting anything you see in media. Don’t give money to any cause or organization either. Assume you’ve been outsmarted - and you’ll get taken advantage of less.

>> No.33667380

what the fuck? did he get banned from twitch or something

>> No.33667384

Try pochi

>> No.33667388

What a shitty, uneducated take.

>> No.33667389

I kind of feel it but I don't normally have time for many holos. Just not enjoying the current arc for my oshi. Out of the last 14 streams, 7 have been horse pussy for my oshi, and three were celebrations (count down, birthday, 3D).

>> No.33667390

It's normal if there are some boring arcs if you've been watching them for about 2 years.

>> No.33667393
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 1613346056510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33667397

I suppose yellow is darker than white

>> No.33667400

Towa has the best name in Hololive. It just so fun to say. Towa. Towa. Towa. Just try saying it out loud right now anon. Compared to Korone or Kanata. Both of which have that hard K sound. Towa just rolls off the tongue. Starts hard and ends soft just like all good things in life.

>> No.33667403

we both know they didn't, a poorly translated clickbait clip is all you need.

>> No.33667406


>> No.33667407

People should be focusing on Black Sheep instead...at this rate it will take over 2 more months for it to hit 1M. No new Twappi covers until then.

>> No.33667408


>> No.33667409

Miko is always boring.

>> No.33667410

Did they finally increase the ARS price? I'm sure it was only 50 before.

>> No.33667411

too wuh
To WA!

>> No.33667412

I prefer Ayame or Sora

>> No.33667413

Tfw this thread still arguing about global vs hlg when I just want to talk about Marine's ass pimples

>> No.33667417


>> No.33667418

Hololive has been in recline for six, maybe seven months. I've been thinking it's time to move on.

>> No.33667421


>> No.33667424

The only reason he didn't get renewed is I can't transfer him over to my new card (youtube won't let me), but he got membership and I wanted to keep supporting his insane autism especially his swingy luck

>> No.33667428

I just want a holo that does ASMR regularly but has small tits

>> No.33667429

This has always been the best place to discuss Marine's ass pimples

>> No.33667436

I think "Nene超進化! Super Hyper Ultra Ultimate Deluxe Perfect Amazing Shining God 流派東方不敗 Master Freedom Justice Ginga Victory Prime Strong Cute Beautiful Wonderful Champion Galaxy Baby 最高 勇者王 天元突破 無限 無敵 無双 NENEMAXMAXMAXSTORONG NENECHI!" rolls off the tongue better

>> No.33667437

*cums inside murasaki shion*

>> No.33667438

I honestly don't watch much holo anymore, i mostly focus on indies now instead

>> No.33667442


>> No.33667445
File: 156 KB, 296x375, 1606334032691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33667449

I used to watch Polka all the time, but now I can't even remember the last time I watched a stream of hers, it's been months.

>> No.33667450

Youtube fuckery + Cover's incompetence is a dangerous combination that is holding back a lot of the talent.

>> No.33667451


>> No.33667453

I disagree, she was doing very well with a great game rotation in January through most of Feb. GTA Online collabs have been lots of fun. Just not a fan of gacha and watching horse races I have no investment in doesn't interest me either.

>> No.33667454


>> No.33667458

All those things they're saying about Towa...are they true...?

>> No.33667460

Fuck off phone posting then

>> No.33667462


Because she is cute.

>> No.33667465

i live in new orleans

>> No.33667466

Ok who told Lamy she was cute today as well?

>> No.33667467

100 cute facts about Towa:
1. Towa...
2. Toi...
3. Arigatowa...
4. Toriyama...
5. Torre...
6. Toiwan...
7. Topio...
8. Tower...
9. Twiangle...
10. Tokyo tower...
11. Za towa...
12. Town...
13. T-pain...
14. Tonga...
15. Tortellini...
16. Twintails...
17. Twap...
18. Tonegawa...
19. Tawo...
20. Toaw...
21. Towsformer...
22. Twenty...
23. Twamalamadingdong...
24. Tunguska...
25. Twintower...
26. Tokugawa...
27. Towatanic...
28. Tannu tuva...
29. Towawawa...
30. Twilight sparkly...
31. Towel.....
32. 54 6f 77 61 2e 2e 2e...
33. Tinky Winky...
34. Timbuktu...
35. Twapper...
36. Tarantula...
37. Twak...
38. Trololo...
39. Tortilla...
40. TMT...
41. Towei...
42. Tovarishch...
43. Tovalski...
44. Twapapilla...
45. Towameraden...
46. Towasama...
47. Twat...
48. TOKTWD...
49. Tokugawa Ieyasu...
50. TOW missile...
51. Nenene...
52. towander wall....
53. Tokusei...
54. Twanisha...
55. Touta...
56. Towelie...
57. Towanda-tootsie-pop...
58. Towato...
59. TowaTei...
60. Tout-tout...
61. TMD...
62. تووا...
63. Tw...
64. Τάουα...
65. TOW...
66. Twinkie...
67. Tokoyammer Taiwan...
68. とあるトワ...
69. Towawawawawawa...
70. Towo...
71. Tabletennis...
72. Twerp...
73. Towapeko...
74. Toona...
75. Trinidadntowago...
76. 746f77612e2e2e...
77. 01010100011011110111011101100001...
78. ...ɐʍoʇ
79. тσωα...
80. Trowa...
81. 70w4...
82. t๏ฬค...
83. towa...
84. ƬӨЩΛ...
85. ๏w...
86. 𝔱𝔬𝔴𝔞...
87. Tango Oscar Whiskey Alpha...
88. Towautism...
89. 東和...
90. Това...
91. 永久...
92. Permanent...
93. Toyota...
94. स्थायी...
95. Постоянный...
96. Twapi...
97. Two...
98. Towasamalove...
99. Towa Baby...
100. Towasamawin...

>> No.33667469

But they only say "Towa..."

>> No.33667471

Has the horse ferver ended yet?

>> No.33667474


>> No.33667475

It's true... all of it

>> No.33667479 [DELETED] 

I got banned for 7 DAYS from ALL BOARDS because I typed homoshar*? What the fuck uwu? You will never be a woman and homoshar* will never penetrate your anus no matter how hard you defend them on this God forsaken site. Fucking power tripping transexual meido. I hope you bleed when you dilate tonight.

>> No.33667478


>> No.33667482

Ask again in a month

>> No.33667484

kill sans

>> No.33667486 [DELETED] 

Hope you die in your sleep today

>> No.33667490

I like being a stable grown adult that doesn't instantly burn myself out on my hobbies like you people. It's the same thing they've always done, you just are even closer to them

>> No.33667492 [DELETED] 

owned HARD

>> No.33667493 [DELETED] 

Hello, Based department? Yeah, this post right here.

>> No.33667495

She's not cute

>> No.33667498

>tfw havent touched the horsecock girls ever since i rolled for oujo horse and the slav looking white haired one
>seeing lamy's stream today for it is tempting me to get into it seriously, especially since she has the same horses while i dont have suzuka

>> No.33667499

>burned out
Only EOPs get burned out easily

>> No.33667502

Watch Mori

>> No.33667504 [DELETED] 

Maybe the mod just want us dead

>> No.33667505

It's just starting

>> No.33667508

You guys will help to make sure Calli draws something fun

>> No.33667510

how do I say yakuza in japanese?

>> No.33667511

>burn out
there might be one or two days where im too tired to watch streams or whatever but im always watching the girls or doing my other 95% of the time anyways

>> No.33667514

It's ok, Anon. I'm not enjoying the current arc for mine either.
Marine has:
>dropped weekly movie dates
>dropped Rimworld
>rarely does oekaki so it may as well be dropped
>Song covers, onegai. The Song of a Broken/Loved Youkai Who Loved a Human was fucking last September and she won't do anything more like her Bloody Stream utattemita for whatever reason
At least she has her zatsudans and game streams, and seems to be getting into retrogaming more.

>> No.33667516

Yea, Tempura...

>> No.33667520


>> No.33667521

Those are views, you illiterate EOP. Go back

>> No.33667523 [DELETED] 

The homos own this thread, we have no choice but to kneel

>> No.33667524


>> No.33667525 [DELETED] 

You can say Towa got aids from her boyfriend without consequence here.
But if you imply anything bad about homos you'll be instantly banned. Because they're allowed to be posted like holos, but you can't talk bad about them unlike holos??
Very nice meido

>> No.33667526


>> No.33667528

Was still hoping she would be back to doing some book reading and her earlier stuff, but I guess it's time to move on.

>> No.33667530


>> No.33667535

You should go back to Nijisanji thread. This is EOP thread.

>> No.33667539


>> No.33667540

your eigo rep....

>> No.33667542

Fuck off, SEAnig.

>> No.33667545

The only cool and stoic Holo is Mori

>> No.33667544

ヤクザ or 極道

>> No.33667546

you don't even know english

>> No.33667549


>> No.33667551

I'm sad she dropped Rimworld, me and my friends were really enjoying those streams as autistic fucks who enjoy simulations, 4x, grand strat, etc. I usually catch her utawakus so I understand your pain there.

>> No.33667552

>new IP
>absolute garbage post
Like clockwork

>> No.33667553

Easily the biggest disappointment in hololive. Only got in because of her past. Just imagine the girls that got rejected over Polka.

>> No.33667554

I did on the simulator someone here posted, wasn't that hard at all.

>> No.33667555 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself uwu

>> No.33667562

Like a Dragon

>> No.33667564

Those two aren't even close to being as cool as Ryugasaki Rene.

>> No.33667567

It's called the secret nijisanji discord

>> No.33667569 [DELETED] 

30 days ban here.

>> No.33667573

rip suisei...

>> No.33667577

but... すいちゃん was supposed to be 今日もかわいい。。。

>> No.33667578


>> No.33667579 [DELETED] 

No one cares about Towa here. All her penniless simps already went to their own thread to circlejerk.

>> No.33667581

imagine letting a literal (((sekrit))) discord choose what gets to be posted in your thread and try to get rid of opinions that might put nijis in a "bad" light. even though these threads have no moderation at all except for stupid shit atleast its better than their thread

>> No.33667583

i joined the secret nijisanji discord and people were erping in public

>> No.33667586

It was fucking great and made me get back into it. That said, I'm holding onto a little bit of hope since she uploaded that recap video, so fingers crossed.

>> No.33667589

Dying girls are cute

>> No.33667591

Why do SEAnigs end their posts here with full stops? They're triggering me so hard I wanna kill somebody...

>> No.33667594

Sorry guys this was my fault

>> No.33667595

Look up at the sky. It burns!
Onion ring, oh onion ring... eaten by someone... or something...

>> No.33667596 [DELETED] 

why doesn't the faggot just tell us to fuck off then, oh wait because he's also the nijinigger mod and that means having to kick them off the board as well

>> No.33667597

Fucking honey didn't do squat.

>> No.33667601

i just want (You) to know you're missing how cute lamy is being right now

>> No.33667603

i miss our EN posters

>> No.33667604

lamy thighs uuuooohhhhh

>> No.33667609

Jesas. Be more careful with that massive shlong ok?

>> No.33667614

how come all of the girls have messed up throats all of a sudden?

>> No.33667616 [DELETED] 

Lol keep seething bitchboy. Homochads run this thread. Your oshi is a fucking used up roastie e-thot whore who uses you for money.

>> No.33667617

Lamy what are you doing why are you being so sexual suddenly

>> No.33667618

Fuck Lamy

>> No.33667620

Lamy I remember when showing your thighs used to embarrass you

>> No.33667621

>ZR when tuned in
Thanks anon

>> No.33667622

I will...

>> No.33667623

Could've been worse I guess

>> No.33667624

why do these girls always have throat pains/problems?

i talk a lot too and my voice is fine

>> No.33667628

MUH FUCKING DIIIIIIIIIIICK, thanks for telling me to click her anon

>> No.33667629

there are 9 kiara threads on /vt/ right now

>> No.33667630


>> No.33667631


too many oral creampies from their boyfriends

>> No.33667635

I was just memeing, but that's hilarious if it's real. Funnier than the secret holo cytube

>> No.33667636


Probably some holiday coming up that they want to spend with their boyfriends.

>> No.33667637

Self proclaiming that she's cute doesn't mean she's actually cute

>> No.33667638

Ramie is a whore.

>> No.33667640

its almost as if they scream, sing like retards, and have to put on a fake voice most of the time... truly a mystery for the ages...

>> No.33667641


>> No.33667642

>Fuck Lamy
god i wish

>> No.33667646

Holy shit Botan, do something already, your wife is so horny she's showing off the goods to strangers.

>> No.33667647

I thought Lamy doesn't have fangs...

>> No.33667648

vitamin lamy... where do we get it? her spit or breast milk?

>> No.33667649

Is that pollen?

>> No.33667651

Stop giving the EN managers characters

>> No.33667652


>> No.33667653

its legit true, ever since their thread got raided and they got shat on here

>> No.33667654

I warned Suisei about this. I wanted anal but she wanted deepthroat.

>> No.33667655

you don't think secret discords are real? I'm in a few of them. some of them even have the actual vtubers in them. the vtubers never are active though because the servers are full of creeps.

>> No.33667656

yeah, never using that western shithole, ever.

>> No.33667658

She doesn't want holos to die. It's obvious she doesn't want to be responsible for any trouble she might cause from stuff like aqua having a mental break and beating Pekora to death. She got upset at Botan dying and since people don't like her save scumming, she doesn't want to stream what is essentially waiting for cute little hololive avatars to die horribly.
If she does it again she'll want to be better at the game so she can actually not get everyone killed but I don't know if she will.

>> No.33667659


>> No.33667660


>> No.33667663

>33. Tinky Winky...

>> No.33667664


>> No.33667665


>> No.33667666

why is there no Hololive Vietnam?

>> No.33667667

Doesn't apply to Suisei since that slut only streams 10 hours a month.

>> No.33667670

Callie's breasts are incredibly mesmerizing.

>> No.33667671

The homoschizo ends his posts that way. Just look at every post below yours and see the pattern. That faggot's ban was already finished/evaded it seems

>> No.33667673

>that one guy who modded Matsuri into L4D2 and only just got a "Please remove this this is against Cover's TOS" response from her

>> No.33667674

It's also pollen season

>> No.33667677

Will Mori give Anya tits or will she be accurate to the original design?

>> No.33667680

absolutely fucking based

>> No.33667683 [DELETED] 

>because I typed homoshar*?
Made me check.
Not once did someone say that in the thread, probably because its treated as a spam word that. However, there was some unrelated anona who was avoiding the filter just to spam it as well.

I think this other anon who had nothing to say about hololive one way or the other might have gotten you in trouble, though I'm not sure how.

>> No.33667684

Cover WILL sue your ass

>> No.33667685

They are drawn so wrong though.

>> No.33667687

I took a long break after /vt/ came into existence because I hated it and I thought the /jp/ thread was dead. But lo and behold we're all still here so I got back into hololive.

>> No.33667689

I wipl never forgive china

>> No.33667696 [DELETED] 

Fucking kill yourself, you brown, third worldler dicklet. Stop shitting this thread already, you're so dumb anybody can see through your faggotry

>> No.33667698

>the absolute state of fagsharts

>> No.33667700


>> No.33667702 [DELETED] 

oh hey, sounds like reporting for trolling outside of /b/ actually worked for once

>> No.33667704

Mori wants people to have fun with Anya's feet

>> No.33667706

Meanwhile Aqua once streamed Sekiro with a mod of herself.

>> No.33667707

Another really good thread!

>> No.33667719 [DELETED] 

uwu fears the smart fridge

>> No.33667720

i have no complaints honestly

>> No.33667723

that's pretty hot

>> No.33667726


>> No.33667727

too comfy for my tastes

>> No.33667729


>> No.33667736

Honestly wasn't so bad.

>> No.33667737


>> No.33667739


>> No.33667743

Luna, Noel or Nene?

>> No.33667746

I want akai haato's big puffy anus on my face

>> No.33667747


>> No.33667749


>> No.33667750

for me, it's koone

>> No.33667751

El Lamy
Drunkest chuuba in the west

>> No.33667752


>> No.33667754

Lol he's fucking pissed

>> No.33667756


>> No.33667757

>94. स्थायी
This reads STHAYI
The correct one should be तोवा

>> No.33667760


>> No.33667761

