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File: 309 KB, 1280x720, DeadendAegis_trial_2021-03-04_02-11-30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
33526795 No.33526795 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>33487447

This thread is for the discussion of untranslated Japanese visual novels.

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.33527008

New game with Metawo art and a DenKare song for the OP? Hopefully it won't be something super short like SaDistic BlooD.

>> No.33528830

Is there any news on Vulthoom? Fuck.
Also, how "hard" is Senshinkan compared to K3? I found the difficulties of K3, DI and Muramasa were mostly overrated with the exception of parts of sentences and stuff that's fun to research, but I heard Senshinkan was a cut above.

>> No.33528867

Not really? I think senshinkan is easier than some segments of KKK.

>> No.33529421

Sometimes I'm playing a nukige and an h-scene happens thats just so ridiculous or stupid that I can't fap to it. Like its not that its bad, its just so stupid my dick turns off. Anyone else have this happen to them?

>> No.33529537

Was playing Sansha Mendan and Marika went HYOHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII in a scene. I burst into laughter and closed it.

>> No.33529550


>> No.33529645

Couldn't take it, man, especially coupled with the faces they make during the cervix punching and the metal BGM. Shit's hilarious.

>> No.33529676

>image looks cool
>it's just magical girl nukige

>> No.33529740

I hunger for denpa and utsuge recs. Feed me.

>> No.33529760

Denpa is dead. Thus reality is an utsuge.

>> No.33529865


IMO the hardest parts of Muramasa are direct passages from older works/poetry. The only difficult part about the main text is the density of obscure words.

>> No.33529888

The only part that I considered myself somewhat lost at was the Noh theater.

>> No.33529996
File: 1.26 MB, 996x1199, 1614862204976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the cowtit trend


>> No.33530109

top > middle > shit > bottom

>> No.33530134

>that transition from SOUL to soulless
I do prefer bigger tits though

>> No.33530172

The new artist is really good, but I dislike how they follow the current trend of making the hair flat and giving everyone the same doe face. Where did the sexy tsurime go?

>> No.33530398
File: 22 KB, 414x165, unmei yohou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows how to fix this? game is 運命予報をお知らせします

>> No.33530403

Do what the window tells you to.

>> No.33530452

Works for me.

>> No.33530919

I'm too computer illiterate for this one, lol.

>> No.33531186

Stop using this horrible retarded eop abbreviation you faggot discordtranny

>> No.33531333

-he writes in the language of EOPs

>> No.33531352

If you don’t even know how to google for a missing dll file, you’re not “computer illiterate,” you’re a literal fucking subhuman retard.

>> No.33531400

That's rude to EOPs. They call it KKK. Only discordtrannies call it K3.

>> No.33531499


>> No.33531683

What game?

>> No.33531805

but I already did that, and it still doesn't work

>> No.33532855
File: 229 KB, 1024x576, the heroines sister is not amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the time he acts like your typical moege MC, the other characters talks way more often than him. Hell, the VN starts off with him trying to figure out how to confess properly to the childhood friend main heroine, despite they holding hands each morning to school and described being so lovey dovey that their friends already viewing both of them as the perfect couple. Whether the MC actually acts deredere back to the childhood friend or not on screen depends on the choice that you made.

>> No.33533028

That sounds good to me. I will now play your game.

>> No.33533071
File: 31 KB, 256x300, 95054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a word for this "type" of heroine, ultra bonus points if she has white hair

>> No.33533476

Just finished Clarias. Glad I didn't buy this shit holy fuck, probably the last Baldrhead game I'll be playing since they clearly lost their spark.

>> No.33533505

>they clearly lost their spark
They never made good shit to begin with. you liked baldr sky because you played it as a young newfag

>> No.33533516
File: 50 KB, 256x359, Deep One.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this good?

>> No.33533547

No, I liked baldr sky because the story was 6/10 but the gameplay was good and plentiful. Same shit for Heart. Bringer and Clarias are just objectively fucking shit

>> No.33533579

Muramasa's prose ain't hard to read but it is just unnecessarily dense and redundant with a lot of tangential descriptions and infodumping.

>> No.33533601

I want to try muramasa, but scared of infodumps. Obscure kanji is whatever, since i'm using textractor anyway.

>> No.33533647


>> No.33533664

very average, there was a shitstorm because the game is unfinished and ends with telling you to buy part 2 which they then of course never made. The IP is a dmm gacha now, not sure how the stories are connected.

>> No.33533681

Clarias’s combat is better than any of the baldr games. I can understand being underwhelmed with clarias’s story but all you do in baldr fights is spam the same combo you labbed in training mode over and over. At least clarias forces you to pay attention in battle.

>> No.33533682

I still have no idea what game this is.

>> No.33533704

Why? Wanna suggest looking up all obscure shit from muramasa by radical search? Rofl. You die.

>> No.33533783

It's literally just 2d sekiro.

>> No.33533801

Sekiro’s a good game.

>> No.33533820

You are “computer illiterate” if you think the way to fix a problem is to download a .dll file.

>> No.33533841

It's not even infoumps. The narrative prose just doesn't know when to shut up or where to focus. It's like the writer just carelessly wrote whatever came to his mind.

>> No.33533859

That does work sometimes though.

>> No.33533885

>t's like the writer just carelessly wrote whatever came to his mind
That is exactly what happened because he goes on giant rants about sword techniques.

>> No.33533972


>> No.33533984

>scared of infodumps
Lmao just ctrl them and you'll lose nothing most of the time

>> No.33534097

Here I thought she'd have small tits. Disappointing. At least they have good form and look nice.

>> No.33534112

That game works for me but I don't have that dll anywhere on my system. Must be something else.

>> No.33534113

This part was annoying in hanachirasu desu.
I prefer not to ctrl anything, unless it's H or some shitty route in moege. If i start to ctrl or skim, i just drop, cause no point in reading something i don't enjoy. Althrough, i kinda want to skip second half of hiyori route in sakura moyu instead of forcing myself to finish her shitty route, so i had to stall whole thing.

>> No.33534297
File: 25 KB, 256x180, 37483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High Amount of Bad Endings
I played some of Minato Carnival vns, and they are usual pretty wholesome, is this a fake tag or they just went chaotic in this?

>> No.33534320

They're mainly joke bad endings/really short

>> No.33534561

How many days do you guys take to complete a VN?

>> No.33534642

A VN can be long anywhere from 1 hour to 60+ hours. What a dumb question.

>> No.33534878

But you guys are JSLs who read slowly

>> No.33534932

That doesn't change the point. If you read slowly and take time to appreciate the backgrounds, the CGs, sometimes replay a voice or two, then a 1 hour VN will still take 2 hours at most and a 60 hour VN will still take 50 times longer than the other one.

>> No.33535157

Months, sometimes years.

>> No.33535379

This. I was expecting something cool like Sorceress Alive but even the Denkare song sucked.

>> No.33535624

1.5 MB per week. I only read one or two hours per day.

>> No.33535628

It's a cool nukige though, at least play the trial before judging, it spends some nice time stablishing the setting and characters instead of jumping into the sex.
Do you guys just assume every nukige is shit or something?

>> No.33535674

If I get invested in the setting and lore I'd prefer it not to be nukige because nukige things happen in nukige games.

>> No.33536124

What things, they have sex a lot? How does that ruin anything? If anything it's a good way of making plot eroge, actually incorporating the porn into the story and making it a major part of it instead of just having a couple of badly fitting h-scenes that come out of nowhere.

>> No.33536134

where's this from?

>> No.33536152

GIGA was not satisfied with getting kamige of the month with Clarias, they want March too


>> No.33536200

>even the Denkare song sucked
Delete this blasphemy

>> No.33536209

If it's actually a nukige, then sex is first everything else later. That's the very definition of nukige. Not "has a lot of sex". That doesn't matter. That's why for example Rance games aren't nukige.

>> No.33536346

If it's not because of it has a lot of sex then why do you assume this game fits your definition of nukige? If you haven't tried if you don't know if the sex is first or not, looking at the webpage only tells you it has a lot of it.

>> No.33536399

Not everyone replying to you is the same person.

>> No.33536625
File: 843 KB, 1280x720, bg_game05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a nukige have a Mahjong solitaire minigame?

>> No.33536772

Why not? Doing simple tasks to get a fap reward is a typical ero game.

>> No.33537376
File: 209 KB, 800x600, ahoge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33537447

Wait that's the gameplay in the "serious war" mahou shoujo?

>> No.33537520
File: 776 KB, 1280x720, bg_game03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know I just found it exploring the trial files.
I imagine it's just some side minigames.

>> No.33537596 [SPOILER] 
File: 934 KB, 1367x818, 1614894432454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It also has a lot of thumbnails for CGs that aren't in the trial in-game.
Seems like a decent amount of content considering the numbers in the filenames.

>> No.33537601

>releasing on the same day as wagahime
why even bother

>> No.33537618

I'll try the game. I'd already checked it out and I could go for some despair.this month.

>> No.33537779

It looks better than Majihime.

>> No.33538574

I can't believe they made a genderbent historical game then made only 2 heroines, neither of whom are genderbent historical figures. How did the people who made 46+1 go so wrong?

>> No.33538600

>Has minigames
Interesting. Though the less appealing part of is having only three heroines. This is the kind of game to go all out with 4-5 heroines with both normal and henshin designs and also go all out with 4P 5P scenes in true nukige fashion.

>> No.33538619

How long are routes in Kizuna Kirameku Koi Iroha compared to common?

>> No.33538682
File: 501 KB, 1920x1080, obs64_2021-03-04_18-08-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean it might not be that kind of game, this first battle scene is longer than the first h-scene and that h-scene felt like it was necessary for the story, not really fapable.

>> No.33538744

Gikei looks better than wagahimeshit ngl

>> No.33538813

What are some good VNs on vita? That are exclusive to vita and that are not.

>> No.33538828

Wagahime haters already seething I see.

>> No.33538831
File: 2.39 MB, 3072x1824, 21446fc802f030f2ed069e37b41f56c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After Dead Days aka Kino Days I thought Yourou was going be at least good, but it was just barely mediocre, and that asspull at the end of route C...

Well at least now I'm going to go to Erewhon with grounded expectations.

>> No.33538851

cope retard schizo

>> No.33538893

For Vita I bought the limited edition of this


Also on PC but playing on Vita is max comfy.

>> No.33538932

Is it okay if I read this before the prequel?

>> No.33539069

It is a sequel of Nachsten Phase so try to read that first. Not imperative but recommended.

>> No.33539278
File: 162 KB, 800x600, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This part is like 3 levels of parody at once the fuck.

>> No.33539494

Oretsuba on vita (and ps3) has an exclusive route that's pretty good.

>> No.33540165

Hm the text is all fucked up. It either shows an empty textbox or "y @ z". Running it with Locale emulator fixes it but is there another way?

>> No.33540379

basing expectations on the company instead of the staff seems like a pretty bad idea.

>> No.33540425

If it gets fixed by locale emulator then put your system in jap locale

>> No.33540852

The art is atrocious though...

>> No.33540855

It's been in JP locale since installation 6 years ago.

>> No.33540995

why do you need another way if it works with locale emulator

>> No.33541257

I want a VN where a guy has the ability to time travel a month into the past. He uses it to confess to and fuck girls in his school. Then one day when he's bored and can't think of a girl to seduce he confesses to and spends all night fucking his sister. Then in the morning he wakes up and realizes he can't time travel anymore and now he has to live with the realization that he's in a relationship with his own sister he can't possibly get out of it.

>> No.33541971

I would read that.

>> No.33542225

You sure a nukige like that doesnt alreadt exist?

>> No.33542432

I would sell a few organs to see this premise done by a kami drama writer.

>> No.33543094

Is the sister imouto or onee? That makes a huge difference.

>> No.33543174
File: 20 KB, 400x389, why-not-both.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just have a choice where the protagonist chooses who to fuck his older or younger sister then wakes up with the consequences.

>> No.33544383

to the anon looking for https://vndb.org/v2540 I managed to get a download for it and installed it but can't see if works because it looks like it requires flash. whats the best place to upload it?

>> No.33544939


Still super cute though. Hope someone figures out what these kinds of heroines are actually called, because I like them too.

>> No.33544945


>> No.33546100

Nervous sweating.
The folks over at the /t/ abandonware thread use anonfiles but mega would work just as well.

>> No.33546791

>find doujin game
>first screen is a huge warning that it requires Flash to play
>Flash is still installed

>> No.33546969

Which guide should I use for doukyusei?

I used an older one and got stuck a few days in.

>> No.33548238


I'm glad the king is still alive and posting.

>> No.33548358

Not surprising. I keep seeing his idiotic posts about NTRge all the time.

>> No.33548373

Yeah but he's like 45 years old right now.

>> No.33548453

>30 VNs in 10 years
Not very impressive

>> No.33548529

What about it? Older users exist, me included. Is this another case of the dumb "You should stop doing/liking X once you hit [arbitrary age] because" argument? Sorry, all people get older and they may still like the same thing they liked 10, 15, 30+ years ago.

>> No.33548676

Nice cope, manchild. You don't grow up specifically because you play VNs all day all night.

>> No.33549252

I really liked the Dead End Aegis trial.
It's a continuation of Black Cyc in spirit and smells like my kind of kamige.

>> No.33549258

It's kinda lame to jerk off to schoolgirls instead of spending time with your family.

>> No.33549436

Sounds kinda based to be honest

>> No.33549456

Except i'm gonna kill myself at 30. Hope to finish all kamiges by then.

>> No.33550465

What are you even trying to say, esl-kun?
Now THIS is cope. You’re not going to kill yourself and more kamige are going to come out after you’re 30.

>> No.33550477

Industry gonna be dead by then.

>> No.33550567

I only got into otaku media at 20, when I gave up on trying to be a normalfag. I definitely see myself reading VNs until I die.

>> No.33550588

Yeah yeah we'll get kamige when all kami writers have already left this medium and no one who is decent at writing wants to work on VNs(they'd rather work on LNs or self-publish their subculture novels).

>> No.33550809

and still alive

>> No.33551165

But we have meme writers like maruo, niijima, fuyuakane tom...

>> No.33551541

Time passes way faster than anyone thinks it will. If you're a 20 year old zoomer making fun of older people still liking anime, VNs etc for whatever reason, watch out, you'll be 30 in the blink of an eye.

>> No.33552978

Alberto Guernica is the best character in Clarias.

>> No.33553092

>all these oldfag boomer consoomers who never tried to make a VN to contribute to the scene

>> No.33553111
File: 233 KB, 1024x576, cheering up the teacher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good that the side characters actually gets a spotlight inbetween all the attention to the main heroine. Poor teacher though, repeatedly having a failed love life while watching two of her students acting like a newlywed.

>> No.33553167

If you didn’t grow up in japan, you have no hope of making anything worthwhile. Focus on tasks your genes are suited for.

>> No.33554276
File: 227 KB, 1280x720, themotherfuckingcentralterminal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love these dorks

>> No.33554837
File: 762 KB, 1920x1080, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a good vn for this mood?

>> No.33554969

Go back to djt, retard.

>> No.33554978


>> No.33555438

haven't touched clarias since finishing the first two chapters...

>> No.33555532

I missed out on Genjitsu ga Mietekita bros.

>> No.33555589

Just read it now and blogpost about it.

>> No.33555603
File: 325 KB, 1920x1080, 1589646270142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. I'm playing with a guide and first clear the bad end which seems to be holding back your urges and ...no fucking?

If no fucking lolis is bad end then the message of the game is clear...

>> No.33555627

This shouldn't be a surprise.

>> No.33555650
File: 323 KB, 1920x1080, 1609977455373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we can see cute Kotori ride a wheelbarrow.

>> No.33555697

Just finished chapter 1 at 2 hours 50 minutes, this time playing normally instead of skimming through. And actually reading the tutorials the battle system is quite complex, nothing like Baldr Sky.

I didnt even know you could switch partner mid-combo for an extra attack.

>> No.33555720

Don't you sometimes feel like you wanna use your Japanese skills to be admired and treated as a god by eops? I wonder if you could start a new religion with this.

If I translate KKK will I become Hajun?

>> No.33555854

Enjoy then. The bad end caught me by surprise and got a good chuckle out of me, I was just trying to make the protag become the good papa he wished to be.

>> No.33555992
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, 1587456636762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paraphilias are a hard lot...

>> No.33556028

If you dedicate months of your life to EOPs without financial compensation you will turn into a poo-in-the-loo mutant cripple with mental problems that feeds on worms and rats, yes.

>> No.33556051

Clarias feels like muv luv unlimited except Extra and Alternative don't exist

>> No.33556110

I can eat worms together with sakura matoi

>> No.33556320

I'd say it feels like a normal Team Baldrhead game before you unlock the true route. I'm used to having a grand and long route at the end and the game feels kinda incomplete without it.

>> No.33556374

I'm used to their games having routes in general.

>> No.33556395
File: 1.94 MB, 1280x720, DeadendAegis_trial_o49OrSTTT6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for reminding me about this game. I checked out the trial and it seems really promising. The setting is so cool. I hope it lives up to the hype.

>> No.33556396

Varies from game to game. For example Duel Savior didnt have a grand final route until Justice. Mia route may have been locked as final route in the base game but was hardly grand.

>> No.33556792

Just got Clarias in the mail. Normally it would be time to get cracking, but I need to finish this one game first.

>> No.33557017
File: 57 KB, 256x363, 35574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MC has no sprite
>MC is "ordinary"/no personality
>MC has no voice
>Men's don't have voices either
This starts quite weird, but I guess shit will hit the fan pretty hard, and I will cry when I see Touko getting gangbanged.
Hope it at least has a real good ending like in Dead Days

>> No.33557113

It's a nukige retard, all that's normal.

>> No.33557143

>Dead Days and Yourou don't exist...

>> No.33557188

Why you literally don't know how a nukige works?

>> No.33557200

Wow this game seems to have extremely light censorship in the CGs.

>> No.33557460
File: 287 KB, 1920x1080, 1612944734445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf Camembert and Ginger Eel? Weird combo after getting drunk...

>> No.33558109


>> No.33558181

But now I want to know if ginger works well as a seasoning on eel? Do we have any /ck/ anons in here?

>> No.33558399

What do I have to read to become the king of the general?

>> No.33558409


Eat lots of ginger eels

>> No.33558893

>the battle system is quite complex
Not really unless there's 10 layers of unlockable gameplay I completely missed.
>I didnt even know you could switch partner mid-combo for an extra attack.
lol. So you never experimented with the simple gameplay at all. I can't take your "complex gameplay" seriously when you didn't even know about switching.

>> No.33558955

i've been using the one on galgame wiki from 2018. it isnt perfect but im on the second week thus far and everything has worked out. near the end there's a split for the three pairings of girls that you can't do together: misa/miho, ako/mako, and natsuko/kurumi

you'll want to find a good map too with everything labeled. i use the one on 同級生if

>> No.33559177

Are you guys memeing or is Deadend Aegis trial ver. actually good? The OP looks like one of those Lilith nukiges.

>> No.33559234

kill yourselves you tasteless faggots, takei is a billion times of a better artist than sumeragi. just look at the latters oeuvre, its all trash. do people simply dont mind ugly faces? the only reason nanairo doesnt look bad is because it has the old god tier silky colourists working on it, but this remake doesnt have that luxury. if you want to see how takei's art looks like with these colourists, play the dragon knight 4 pc remake, and realise that takei played in a completely different league

>> No.33559255

It's good, I don't know if it'll change but there's been more battles with aliens than porn and they're pretty fun, art's great and I love the main girl's VA and her screams.

>> No.33559276

>remake doesnt have that luxury
But it does retard, the remake was practically developed by Silky's, you didn't watch any of their streams?

>> No.33559583
File: 1.09 MB, 707x669, 000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're familiar with Black Cyc titles, they usually do a great job at voice casting and directing for extreme content. The main girl is great.

Takei's recent doujins are pretty ugly if you ask me. I'm a fan of Dragon Knight's aesthetic but I'd take Sumeragi + Silkys modern flavor over current Takei any day.

>> No.33559920

How Japanese people talk about moege
>The kiss scene is executed in this perfect moment where she spectacularly fails to keep up her sincere/mature facade and it coincides with the unprecedented levels of dere she displays towards MC. The gap is so heavy it bewitches the protagonist to involuntarily make a move and steal her first kiss.
How western moebutas talk
>cute girls buhiiii

>> No.33560007

japs dont speak english

>> No.33560184
File: 162 KB, 640x1136, yui gacha takei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His works on the gacha games looks alright though

>> No.33560305

For Black Cyc only played Mindead Blood, I remember it was a great title with lots of ero but also heavy on the plot and branching scenario/endings. If Deadend is similar to that could be worth checking out.

>> No.33560514

Fuck off, racist.

>> No.33561730

I had no idea since I've only played Justice. I can see Clarias get the same treatment - a new version that adds a final route. Not fighting Grim Dragon and interrupting the ceremony was very anti-climactic.

>> No.33562272

How does clarias stack up against baldr heart? I was planning on making it my first untranslated VN (with some help from machine translation) but now I'm considering playing baldr heart instead.

>> No.33562365

Clarias is better. Heart is not bad but feels disappointing after Force and Sky.

>> No.33562382

force was unplayable and the final route ruined sky

>> No.33562396

Horribly shit opinions.

>> No.33562575

this thread is so fucking insufferable hope you retards enjying eating your own shit down there lol
never liked you guys since i joined back in summer

>> No.33562598
File: 56 KB, 640x480, v2-5ab6403dbd168f6e15cf10b134e6ba37_720w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Force is kamige and the title that propelled the Bladr series popularity, getting ported to Dreamcast, PS2 and even got animated SFW OVAs

>> No.33562747

Black Cyc games always had those sort of card mini games as bonuses. I remember there was one in Extravaganza as well.

>> No.33564672

Clarias has a much worse story than baldr heart, it doesn’t feel like a finished game at all. It’s a shame because I like the generally lighthearted, jokey mood of the writing itself, it’s just that the plot doesn’t go anywhere and a lot of 伏線 are never recovered. The combat, on the other hand, is better than anything baldrhead has done before. I think it’s worth a playthrough just for the battles. That doesn’t really put it above heart for me though.

>> No.33565937

I think that's because westerners are taught to approach any fiction from a certain reddit point of view so they don't know how to talk about moe.

>> No.33566470

What is reddit point of view even?

>> No.33566508

Excessive focus on overall themes and message.

>> No.33566523


>> No.33567017

lmao at you thinking nips have high iq discussions about moege they're even more braindead consumers than western people

>> No.33567854

Heart is way fucking better. Clarias is so unfinished the only way I'd forgive them is if they spend 2 years patching it with actual content

>> No.33567865
File: 237 KB, 500x895, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33567953

God I wish there was a Date a Live game with ero

>> No.33568104

Tsunako is going to sue?!

>> No.33568121

>The kiss scene is executed in this perfect moment where she spectacularly fails to keep up her sincere/mature facade and it coincides with the unprecedented levels of dere she displays towards MC. The gap is so heavy it bewitches the protagonist to involuntarily make a move and steal her first kiss.
Which VN?

>> No.33568175

Just wait for Senkou no Clarias EXE.

>> No.33568295
File: 920 KB, 822x1200, 16126891071456874148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dudester reading Lolicon Yamemashita reminded me of something. I'm searching for a game with a legal loli, who gets really angry when people treat her like a child or point out that she's a loli. I'm reading a manga right now with a really cute legal loli, and though I usually prefer true lolis, it got me in the mood big time. The sister-in-law in Lolicon Yamemashita was quite close to that.

>> No.33568315

The Kurumi one is really blatant.

>> No.33569159

>How Japanese talk about eroge
>The kiss scene is executed in this perfect moment where she spectacularly fails to keep up her sincere/mature facade and it coincides with the unprecedented levels of dere she displays towards MC. The gap is so heavy it bewitches the protagonist to involuntarily make a move and steal her first kiss.
How Western retards talk
>Muh prose. This is life-changing kamige, but the porn ruins the pacing and should be removed. But keep the rape and NTR. Ahh why are there no new kamige, I'm sick of high school romcom and porn, give me isekai chuuni action and nice purple prose! And give me a well-written black bisexual transgender MC, I'm sick of bland self-insert pedos.
Guess I'm Japanese now.

>> No.33569733

That's just cartelspeak
>What the fuck is this moege? Where are my thought-provoking and life-changing themes? Where are philosophy quotes and wikipedia articles? Why aren't characters randomly philosophizing about bullshit?

>> No.33570256


Lolis good

>> No.33570279

Shut your mouth, hagtard.

>> No.33570302

Yes, and cartel (plus a bunch of anons ITT) are Western retards, so it's correct.

>> No.33571254

They did that with Baldr Heart EXE now that I think about it. Clarias is still better because you need to clear three shit routes to reach the great final one in BH.

All Clarias needs is harem route to further elevate the kamige status.

>> No.33571871

What is the opposite of cartel these days? Tokocord?

>> No.33572041

Just shut the fuck up. Please. For the love of God.

>> No.33572066
File: 175 KB, 1024x576, 17436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nekonade Distortion

>> No.33572094

Already on my backlog, but does mommy really complain that much?

>> No.33572237

Fuck you, trashbag. Discords are the future.

>> No.33572252

won't be able to unsee this when i jerk off to them

>> No.33572336

That's good right?

>> No.33572357

not sure yet

>> No.33572368

I already jerk off to Kurumi a shitload so that would be a good thing to me. Please tell me the voice is similar.

>> No.33572404

Check the samples friend.

>> No.33572502 [DELETED] 

I came to ruin your thread too.

>> No.33573152

Shit, she doesn't sound very similar at all. Talk about a wasted opportunity. If you're going to plagiarize, you might as well go all the way.

>> No.33573178 [DELETED] 

This thread is now mine

>> No.33573192

You forgot the main heroine

>> No.33573394

who would she be modeled after tho?

>> No.33573931

this is a big stretch desu. i don't see it

>> No.33574356

the new doukyuusei is so easy with easy mode, why do people even need a walkthrough

>> No.33574552

Heart EXE was just some bonus shit with more pointless fairies and gameplay

>> No.33574858

Is Baldr Heart playable in Windows 10 x64? I remember reading somewhere the Alphapatcher programs don't work in x64

>> No.33574911

top is the biggest stretch but for middle and bottom i'd be very surprised if they didn't take inspiration
or maybe the designer just watched date a live at some point and subconsciously took some elements

>> No.33574920

Yeah, I haven't actually read it yet but i installed and ran it two days ago

>> No.33574946

kurumi is almost a copy there's no fucking way that's not intentional

>> No.33574994
File: 1.20 MB, 1156x1488, 2021-03-06-181713_grim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They copied her style of speech too. Disappointingly, it doesn't seemed like they copied the psycho/crazy part which misses the appeal.

>> No.33575111
File: 324 KB, 1920x1080, 1607726379850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can people stop banning me? I can't claim the thread otherwise.

>> No.33575204

Did you use the Alphapatcher?

>> No.33575216

The only way to become king of this thread is to go back in time 5 or 6 years, and murder all of the crossboarder that don't know how to take it easy.

>> No.33575281
File: 10 KB, 243x119, 53485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what Alphapatcher is, I installed the game, ran the updater.exe from pic related for ver 1.01, put the cracked exe on top and it booted just fine

>> No.33575285
File: 513 KB, 798x596, 68465454132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this still coming?

Adobe set their code to stop flash player from working on January 12, 2021. If you already have flash installed, the temporary fix is to set your system time to before that date.

It's not perfect but I got https://vndb.org/v2541 to boot up this way.
The only problem now is finding the bonus content update patches because all the mirrors are long dead. RIP holyseal

>> No.33575642

Is Himawari to Kyoukai no Nagai Natsuyasumi an iyashikei game?

>> No.33575849

Not really, but Hina provides enough iyashi

>> No.33576035

Everytime I feel like rereading something I'm reminded by how many unread vns are still out there and it makes me feel like it would be a waste of time. FeelsBadMan

>> No.33576107
File: 1.35 MB, 1152x720, erewhon_RWH4mLVZOi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im guessing the one that doesnt get picked will get gangraped 24-7.
fuck I actually like both,

>> No.33576165

I wouldn't be surprised if both do regardless of which you pick.

>> No.33576272

Have never reread a vn

>> No.33576346

I feel like such a failure anytime I take a hit from one of the scrubs in Clarias.

>> No.33576418

i only re read g senjou no maou, only the true route though. Was still a fun read.

>> No.33576661

i've seen this kind of plot before in 憑夜ノ村, but that was more like a nukige version

>> No.33576697

Pick 稀世良 or you'll regret it.

>> No.33576791

Taking a hit is ok, getting critical stunned feels bad man.

>> No.33577619

Shit did anyone else have a problem with glitchy/buggy sprites on Clarias during battles? Maybe it's because I'm using win 7 (don't make me spin up a Win 8 VM or something). Kind of hard fighting invisible enemies.

>> No.33578017

Can't install because Windows Defender is blocking the AuthTool.exe and for some reason the exclusion option is not showing up, I hate this OS so fucking much.

>> No.33578820

going through the kon su route in tokyo necro and i just heard the necropolis track, actually a powerful theme

>> No.33579027

Just finished Summer Pockets RB with 95% records completion, leaving some troublesome pingpong records
A very good upgrade from the original with Shimapon cracks me with so many laughs
New route wise, maybe Shiki > Shizuku >>> Miki
Character wise, Shizuku is the best too complex so her route seems a bit drag but still good though
The only thing missing is extra Ai route, which should be able to get expanded from the Shimamon ending

>> No.33579332

Erewhon has the "Literary Adaptation" tag on vndb, but does it actually have anything to do with the Erewhon book besides the title?

>> No.33579595
File: 294 KB, 1633x503, bad taste.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody please tell an indecisive loser what to play in while he waits for wagahime.

>> No.33579615


>> No.33579620

Can I finish it in time for Wagahime? I heard it's pretty long. Please assume I am VERY stupid and also only read like 1-2 hours a day max.

>> No.33579640

gun knight girl, because im reading it as well.

>> No.33579642

>comes out in 3 weeks
If you can only handle a couple of hours of moon a day then no, you probably won't. It's long and its full of edo period nipspeak that people who only read moege won't immediately recognise.

It is, however, a very good game.

>> No.33580076

Managed to install after a restart but for some reason the 1.01 crack didnt work for me so had to search for patch/crack 1.05. Now it works.

So EXE didnt add new scenarios or lewds for the main heroines? Because +3GB is massive for just some fairies and stages. Baldr Force EXE (Hell mode) was only 700 MB.

>> No.33580422
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>> No.33580436

virgin road should be fine

>> No.33580501

I think I had some of the sprites looking a bit transparent on the demo, but nothing on the full version. The only weird thing I had there was tha sprites taking too long to disappear when I switch characters, but that mostly happened when Lugh had to retreat (so it was in character I guess)
Heart EXE was just you clearing missions and interacting with some new FEI, which just came down to learning how they became such and then fucking them. Last Survival is also over 3gb and that only has a few H scenes with no other dialogue. Most of the space is taken by the gameplay portion.

>> No.33580567

Where can I download Draculius? Everything I've found is dead

>> No.33580716

Isn't this the game where you always end up with the childhood friend?

>> No.33581490


>> No.33581632
File: 495 KB, 652x660, 21269ce7ba5166377a7dca43ce957906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah the game heavily wants you to take her route, I will have to do both eventually to get the true ending, I just prefer doing the "bad ones" first to get it out of the way

>> No.33584766

Doing the bad ones first makes me lose interest in the game.

>> No.33585919
File: 156 KB, 1001x779, rabu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking finally

>> No.33586235

Ended up fixing my problem by switching to wine instead. I guess it was just some buggy VM thing.

>> No.33586244

Thank you for being patient, they have autism

>> No.33586614
File: 228 KB, 1024x576, the friends help MC skipping school so he can take care of his sick childhood friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't finished it yet, but given that the childhood friend gets almost all the screentime and choices always involved her in one way or another, I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case.

>> No.33588191 [DELETED] 

i will take this thread over today. Yesterday I failed.

>> No.33588385

There's a few scenes, especially when she gets picked up by police because they think she's a lost child.

>> No.33589027

Is there any "required reading" for Oretsuba? Not in the "Oh, you totally have to have a philosophy degree to understand Subahibi, bro" type way, but in the "There are a lot of references to this specific piece of media, so familiarity might make the experience more enjoyable" type way.

>> No.33589121

Who is the absolute nigger that uploaded the new Orcsoft/Dwarfsoft game to nyaa but only the CG set? Kill yourself and upload the game.

>> No.33589738

Is that a fucking miyuki reference?
Never thought I'd see one nowadays.

>> No.33590332

Can someone upload that new Orcsoft game for me? Girlcelly is slacking like a bitch

>> No.33591045

Links dead, but I found h-suki.com
Pretty nice

>> No.33591186
File: 369 KB, 1280x720, shelly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so dumb. I love her.

>> No.33591281
File: 148 KB, 1280x908, 1612613620077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can download the Tsui no Sora Remake? It's not on sukebei.

>> No.33591380

It's included in the Subahibi 10th Anniversary edition. It wasn't sold separately

>> No.33591389
File: 72 KB, 256x348, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of shit looks right up your valley.

>> No.33591390


This came out recently and no one talked about it. It doesn't only add NG+ but also has this Boost system. Doesn't sound too interesting or useful considering the game is already easy enough. Patch is only 8MB so no arena mode addition... Clarias is now at a 73 on EGS.

Look again, EOP. "終ノ空"

>> No.33591418


>> No.33591587

People mentioned that patch in previous threads, but yeah it didn't seem too noteworthy.

>> No.33591745

>Clarias is now at a 73 on EGS.
muh kamige

>> No.33591937

I-it's okay bros... Clarias might have been a failure... But we still have Wagahime coming out this month... It's going to be fine...

>> No.33592277

Ratings don't matter.

>> No.33592304
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, さくらの雲*スカアレットの恋_2021-03-08_02-41-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"......" indeed

>> No.33592331

Gikei >>>>> wagahimecrap

>> No.33592372

Nice. I'll put that and KimiAru at the top of my backlog.

>> No.33592385

Today I will remind them

Shelly is better than Lugh. She is also main heroine and the one with more event CG

>> No.33592452

too few heroines

>> No.33592722

2 heroines is fine if the routes are good and long, but only 5 h-scenes with only them while the rest get teasing naked CGs is pretty shit.
Like how are they putting in something like
but not letting you fuck her?

>> No.33592786

I’m honestly surprised it’s not lower.

>> No.33593047

This. Clarias sold great and will probably get a sequel along the line.

>> No.33593145

Fuck MinatoSoft and the pleb-tier dogshit they puke out.

>> No.33593500
File: 402 KB, 1920x1080, Renna_questioning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished the bad end of Genjitsu ga Mietekita today and... the fucker just fucking dies?!

Going to continue with Aoi Route tomorrow. Looking forward to Maki route the most. As I expected the games message is literally that when you try to act as a good father it leads to ruin. It's a bonafide pedophile fantasy and I was hoping for at least a bit of hopeful message concerning child care and combatting paraphilic disorder and not showing the reader that when you pick up this game you are already a fucked up individual and indulging in your paraphilia is a worthy reward.

On another note. I started reading Kikokugai and ended up in Chapter 4 now. It's quite difficult with all the Chinese rando info and martial arts lingo. Dr. Xie ist a real man though and the best character solely based on his demeanor.

Lastly I started rereading Saya no Uta to see if I missed smth reading it in English years ago. So far it feels like the easiest Nitroplus Game to read. The language is quite simple.

If I can I buy the new Orcsoft Game tomorrow because someone told me to test it for them.

>> No.33593521
File: 5 KB, 196x101, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's rude to think of your girlfriend.

>> No.33593545

Mesu literally means female you toxic cismale.

>> No.33593549

Is it an accurate assessment though?

>> No.33593616

Yes, I also get very offended and quit the game when a heroine starts moaning and talking about the protagonists 雄の匂い

>> No.33593624

Eh not really, she wanted to back off from the first time. She was seducing hard beforehand, but once she saw the dick she got scared. First time I saw a handjob which was allegedly so bad that the protag had to finish it himself.

>> No.33593671

Aoi route is considered the best so you could leave it for last.

>> No.33593706

You pleb. As long as she has a solo scene that's enough. Heroine's pleasure is more important than self-insert's pleasure. Just imagine you're the tengu mask.

>> No.33593728

>Shelly is better than Lugh
Objectively false

>> No.33593753

I mean for all you know it could end with just that CG and a couple of lines which is worse since you just end up blueballed.
I image there's a reason why they're saying there are only 5 h-scenes, if it had a full-on tengu mask masturbation scene I would count it as one.

>> No.33593755

nice blogpost hapa. how about settling on 1 game instead of 4+
>buying a game for your faggot friend totopo
buy yourselves some rope

>> No.33593773

Nice derail out of nowhere.

>> No.33593999

It's up on hentai-sharing.

>> No.33594191

It's the truth.

>> No.33594231

Its much sweeter when you leave the best to last.

>> No.33594245

Lugh? More like Ugh.

>> No.33594339

>GIKEI only has 5-h scenes
>Only one of those is threesome
Wtf why so few and a good chunk of those were already spoiled in the gallery. No doubut it will be better than wagahime because Minato soft is shit but still feels like wasted potential

>> No.33594414

sorry about the delay anon but I've posted it here

>> No.33594428

>No doubut it will be better than wagahime because Minato soft is shit
After what we know about Gikei, and the quality of Miburo, I would not bet any money that Gikei is good at all, let alone better than Wagahime. It's like they know what their audience liked about 46+1 and have decided to not do that for any of their future games.

>> No.33594501

No modern eroge with so many characters can be good anymore, wagahime and gikei will end up fucking up something.
The good March games are going to be Yukiiro Sign and Dead Aegis.

>> No.33594517

What a weak retort. At least say "Lugh? More like loo." She's still infinitely better than that bland Sherry.

>> No.33594525

>No modern eroge with so many characters can be good anymore
The Koihime Musou remakes were fine and that was just 2 years ago

>> No.33594569

That's example doesn't work. Remake != new series.

>> No.33594599

They were remakes but they added about 20 new characters on top of the 50 or so that already existed and rewrote the main stories.

>> No.33594601

Lugh is a generic tsundere no wonder she sucks

>> No.33594702

all the heroines in clarias are mid, just like the game.

>> No.33595054

should I read cartagra before kara no shoujo?

>> No.33595170

its not required but i would, I had fun with it and it shares some side characters so its nice to have knowledge on their past going into kns at least.

>> No.33595804

Thanks, you're a godsend. I've appended a link for the 1.01 patch to the post.

>> No.33596478

can you drop this whore midway through her route and instead go with Ai?

>> No.33596499
File: 143 KB, 1025x608, nagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>White haired girl is best girl
Every time

>> No.33596558
File: 281 KB, 1920x1080, main.bin_DCg5Lsca3r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33596679

Wait, what happened to C's Ware properties? I know that ELF's got acquired, but what happened to them?

>> No.33596722 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.95 MB, 1280x720, 1615191870845.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her route was also the best by far

>> No.33596787

While I dont know specifics I know Nagi route is true route, knowing how Giga rolls it is probably required to go through the others first like in the other games. Are there multiple endings per girl? I dont mind running through the game multiple times to level up the FEIs.

I did that in Dive1 and ended up getting all the endings at 96 hours, filling every scenario chart node.

>> No.33596829

How do you guys play your Win95 age games? Virtual machine?

>> No.33596852

>knowing how Giga rolls it is probably required to go through the others first like in the other games
>Are there multiple endings per girl?
Yes to both

>> No.33597026

Last is harem

>> No.33597147

32 bit games mostly work fine in Windows 10. May take some slight hacking but usually no big deal.

>> No.33598938

Yeah, and sometimes the routes I am least interested turn out to be a pleasant surprise, so its a win-win situation

>> No.33599224
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, chikan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe all the chuunige writers just left for nukiges.

>> No.33599369

It's still a bad example. That's like saying "manga/LNs with huge casts can still be successful, look at the Naruto / SAO spinoff/reboot." You're just taking something with an already existing fanbase.
We'll see how successful Wagahime will be, but no doubt some of it will be due to Majikoi fame not because of its own merits. Other new games with gigantic casts would surely flop. People who still want that play gacha, not eroge. Eroge are downsizing casts more and more because that's more profitable at a lower development cost.

>> No.33599674

>We'll see how successful Wagahime will be, but no doubt some of it will be due to Majikoi fame not because of its own merits. Other new games with gigantic casts would surely flop.
If you are going to dilute it to 'games with gigantic casts are all flops except when they are by companies that have previously made gigantic casts, whether its an actual sequel or spinoff or not' then its pretty meaningless simply because new eroge companies don't pop up often at all. Gesen-18 have announced their biggest cast Sengoku game yet, Milk Factory is still making successful games with more heroines than Gikei is going to have, same with Eushully and Alicesoft and so on and so forth.

Games with huge casts are still being made, and are still selling. The market still exists. Its not often that a company that has never done a massive cast game makes one but thats because eroge companies have to really stick to an audience to survive nowadays, not because there is no audience for that. By your own logic, Wagahime will attract Minato-soft fans and be fine with its large cast and Gikei will attract 46+1 fans and be fine with its large cast.

>> No.33599757

To add to this, Yumemiru was formed in 2019, released a 20+ heroine game, and it sold enough to exceed their expectations, even if it wasn't a massive hit. Not a sequel, not a spin-off, not an IP adaption, brand new company. Saying all games with large casts fail nowadays is just wrong.

>> No.33599773

Wagahime is going to be the best VN in over 10 years, I can't wait

>> No.33599956

To be fair, Yumemiru is under Nexton which is used to making games with large casts. Like the aforementioned Koihime Musou.

>> No.33601948
File: 624 KB, 1024x1728, fucking coward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fucking confess already, coward.

>> No.33602385

New companies do pop up all the time, but they're mostly doing nukige and short single/duo heroine games because it's cheaper and easier. Only few existing companies make games with huge casts, some which you mentioned. But again your examples are not good. Milk Factory games sell because they're nukige focusing on oppai and they also use the gimmick of basing designs on existing characters; fanservice. Eushully does huge casts, but they haven't been REALLY successful in years. Labyrinth Meister might be their last chance to regain consumer trust and they're making this sequel because it was their last selling game so it's easier to milk existing fans. Alicesoft are ancient and have always had several bigger series or new games so people will buy for sure. And while Dohna Dohna wasn't kamige, it was miles better than the last few Eushully or Baldrhead games. They're consistent. Sengoku games have a huge fanbase so again, pretty much guaranteed not to flop. Gikei is a special case because their previous game disappointed and this one baits with a bigger cast for possible future games. This can go either way depending on how buyfags treat them after Miburo.
Yes, those games are still made and there is a market, I didn't say otherwise. But it's a very niche that's dying. Less companies make these games and they more often than not disappoint players. And like I said, many who want big casts switched to gachashit or even LNs.

>> No.33602726

Sakuretto, the game which won the ranking for best game of 2020, and best scenario of 2020.
4 fucking H-scenes in one hour? Are you kidding me?

>> No.33602784

Idk why it won either, yonagi was a lot better.

>> No.33602938

The writer clearly hated the h-scenes and romance and put little effort into making then fit, I guess the correct way to "appreciate" it is to just skip them.
I read some posts on 5ch saying that the bad reputation Laplacian had with their previous games made a lot of people not bother with it, the ones that do tried it agree it's better.

>> No.33602999

People always talk smack. That said, given the Sakuretto writer, I'd bet on Laplacian any day of the week.

>> No.33603794
File: 225 KB, 691x160, erewhon_lhaMxU6aHF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh right this is a ClockUp, almost forgot, they really hit you with all at once

>> No.33604578

Yonagi is overrated. Sakuretto if anything is underrated.

>> No.33604595

dude how can you confess in your room or the rooftop those are such lame places. it needs to be special and romantic

>> No.33604787

getchu #1, was it supposed to get #0 or what?

>> No.33604817
File: 7 KB, 749x115, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda noob at Seya, is this suppose to be a choice?

>> No.33604897

No, it only tells you the right choice. But the stars might mean something, check the header above where the studio's games are listed.

>> No.33604918

Kill yourself walkthroughfag. You can't even realize the star has a meaning which is surely explain on the page.

>> No.33604971
File: 19 KB, 1596x89, msedge_uFG4eIpNYv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah im retarded, thanks bro

>> No.33605044

The stars are unlockable choices. The walkthrough adds them just in case.

>> No.33605296

This obscure vn has a pretty nice soundtrack
