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3359319 No.3359319 [Reply] [Original]

Rider is the best servant when it comes to mana transfers.

>> No.3359332

inb4 Iskander

>> No.3359339

translation in year 2020

>> No.3359352

A bit optimistic aren't you?

>> No.3359349

Double that and you might have an accurate date.

>> No.3359363

Gorgon thread? Sure, I'll have it.

>> No.3359364

That will never happen.

>> No.3359386

She's my delicious Gorgon waifu.

I'm well aware of what she can/will do to me, you don't have to remind me.

>> No.3359393
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Rider is the best servant when it comes to love and sometimes killing.

Mai waifu.

>> No.3359398

Having sex with Rider would probably make you cum in like 10 seconds, so yes, that is true.

>> No.3359401

i find it odd that rider didn't get any scenes in the first game, but i guess FSN is trying to be a novel that happens to have visuals, hot girls, and sex rather than a visual novel

>> No.3359414

I'd fap beforehand so I could display some more stamina. The absolute last thing I'd want to do is disappoint Rider, to the point of working her with my tongue if my wang failed.

>> No.3359420

Enjoy the best 10 seconds of your life, followed by your immediate death from not satisfying her.

>> No.3359422

If you're having sex with Rider then the only thing she probably wants is your mana, so being able to cum early and a lot is a good thing in this case.

>> No.3359437

If all she wanted was your mana she could get that by draining you of your blood.

If you're having sex with her, she must really like you, and have high expectations of your virility.

>> No.3359470

She'd cut your tongue off before you had the chance.

>> No.3359471

It is downright ungentlemanly to disappoint a lady like Rider in bed. She's a gorgon, a centuries old creature who could have forced herself on some of history's greatest men. You should at least do your best to make sure she enjoys the affair. It's your manly duty, bro.

>> No.3359496

If she were cutting off my tongue, she'd have done it before we assented to doing the nasty together.

>> No.3359510

who's Rider?

>> No.3359526

Best thread ever.

>> No.3359536

Just make sure you don't kiss her, or she'll just bite it off.

>> No.3359550


>> No.3359564

What exactly is she doing in that picture?

>> No.3359566


All Gorgon threads are good.

They're intellectual and sexy at the same time.

>> No.3359575

What's this? You're admitting she's sexy?

>> No.3359590

>Rider would probably make you cum in like 10 seconds

They don't call her Rider for nothing.

>> No.3359599


>implying that the fatal attractions of the Gorgons have been unknown to me thus far

I was going to reactionimage for a second there but nah.

>> No.3359605

Rider would probably drain you of all your body fluids, literally

>> No.3359616
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I'm mildly butthurt at the Gorgons for making my life a merry misery while playing God Of War.

>FFFFFFFFFFFFF STOP TURNING ME INTO STONE I'M TRYING TO GET SHIT DONE *wiggles thumbstick on the PS2 controller furiously*

Many a sleepless night they caused.

>> No.3359630



The chains of Ares/Athena have huge range. Learn what attacks work at what ranges.


>> No.3359631

I don't get it. Explain why they call her Rider.

>> No.3359638

Because she has a unicorn, duh.

>> No.3359642


>a winged stallion

>> No.3359645

Not seeing how that would make you ejaculate in a matter of seconds.

>> No.3359648

Well you're a faggot then.

>> No.3359656
File: 173 KB, 640x368, repeatthatonemoretime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I am?

>> No.3359669
File: 146 KB, 528x757, sample_192df090352b847820025c5df0d86512fcfe56d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Shirou realizes his lust for men.

>> No.3359673
File: 401 KB, 752x1062, sample_192df090352b847820025c5df0d86512fcfe56d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3359689

And now, everyone has turned to stone. Thanks a lot.

>> No.3359685
File: 201 KB, 756x1051, sample_192df090352b847820025c5df0d86512fcfe56d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hands off that chthonic monster, Sakura.

>> No.3359700
File: 205 KB, 803x1181, sample_192df090352b847820025c5df0d86512fcfe56d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh god what have I DONE


>> No.3359701

u petrified?

>> No.3359706
File: 1.89 MB, 2497x3528, 6c826d69f174c3e436cc4cab3dd9bd02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the other way around?

>> No.3359713

Sakura is public property. Carry on.

>> No.3359714

I don't touch that stuff.

>> No.3359738

As you wish, citizen. Just remember that reproduction is your civil duty.

>> No.3359746

Do I have to reproduce with her, though?

>> No.3359747 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3359771

As no other female on Earth is willing, yes. Otherwise, prepare for reprocessing and absorption by the Main Core.

>> No.3359786

That would be preferable to copulating with such a filthy woman.

>> No.3359818
File: 377 KB, 800x912, 1ef3d282b9bcbdfdc83d7a6e6eca0b44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no other female on Earth is willing

There are a few.

>> No.3359833

A much better choice than Sakura, when it comes to genetics.
