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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[ERROR] No.33521798 [Reply] [Original]

hello, how is everyone doing? everything going fine?

>> No.33522161
File: 101 KB, 1271x901, 06618029b2b6c5f4131be1d120b5a048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its increasingly hard to take it easy please take it easy for me /jp/

>> No.33522168

I can't take it easy when others aren't taking it easy so please take it easy for my sake too anon

>> No.33522564
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Usual I guess, after making a lot I lost half of what I made trading cryptos, but I am still fine so whatever.
Here where I live they are still going strong with corona-chan madness saying they want to lockdown all the country again, while of course at the same time fucking up vaccination and not investing in hospitals. So basically instead of actually fixing the problems they just make life impossible and shift blames as usual.
Not that it changes much for me since I am turbo-NEET fufufu, but it still bothers me that I can't travel.
Why? Board is not that bad anymore.
It got very easy to filter the undesiderables now.
This, you have to take it easy for everyone's sake. It's collective easiness or nothing!

>> No.33523147
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>Here where I live they are still going strong with corona-chan madness saying they want to lockdown all the country again, while of course at the same time fucking up vaccination and not investing in hospitals
Hue Hue BR

>> No.33526020

My country is a corrupt nightmare and I think about killing myself every day because I don't know what value I contribute to this cursed earth, but as long as I keep moving forward and taking care of myself, future me will have an easier time and not be quite as sad as I am.

>> No.33526133
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Not Brasil but frankly we might be at the same level at this point.
Don't think about killing yourself for the mistakes of others anon, either migrate or change your life in a way so that you independent.
I think everyday about migrating to Japan but since for now I can't even exit my city(lol) I am just focusing on minimizing contact with everything that doesn't work here.

>> No.33526155

You are all lovely and I hope you all have a lovely evening.

I hope you all love yourselves, and if you do not I hope you are able to soon.

Unironically, god bless.

>> No.33526272
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after this endless hell of existance my mind and heart are both gone

my feelings are ok though

>> No.33528725

I went to bed and woke up early.

>> No.33528922

good boi

>> No.33530583

I feel the same way anon, God bless you too

>> No.33530987

Just move lmao

>> No.33531133

Amazing how, within a span of a mere year, this board has went to complete shit.

>> No.33531157

So is mine. Both my birthplace and my adopted country. I feel your pain.

>> No.33533999
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I will continue trying for the collective easiness, thanks, really.
y-you too anon

>> No.33538817
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You saved me anon

>> No.33543258

Do you have family? friends? pets? Even if it's just pets you can contribute to their happiness.

Also I don't know if you're a fellow burger who pays too much attention to politics (admittedly like I did in the past) or you actually come from a shithole, but my advice for the latter would be the same on top of doing what you can to get by. And don't pay attention to trolls like >>33530987, just filter them.

>> No.33543352

You could also take up some sort of hobby involving creating something, and that be what you contribute.

If you have any art talent, you could draw or paint or make graphic designs (of 2hus or anything really). That works for me.

>> No.33544233

If that's the case then I can see where he's coming from. It often feels like this country's going down the shitter, and it doesn't help that we're leading the western world, so a lot of the bullshit that goes on here gets exported to other countries. It makes me feel disillusioned at times, and in a way I feel partly responsible for it all just because I'm a burger. Out of all the banter here I wonder how many foreigners genuinely hate us. Especially so if it's tied to a post of a 2hu, or any anime girl in general really lol. Dwelling on that gets me down, and makes me want to move to another country such as Canada and pretend I was never one of those stupid arrogant mutts.

>> No.33544308

Anxiety has taken the best of me.

>> No.33544362

That requires either a lot of money or a lot of sacrifice. A lot of people can't even move inside their own country.

>> No.33544393
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I cried this week, other than that it's been pretty okay. I might finally migrate in April and stop being a neet. I also have been studying and writing and reading too. Today I dodged a bullet and jumped off a possible grooming scheme.

>> No.33545009

>Out of all the banter here I wonder how many foreigners genuinely hate us.
I've traveled a fair amount and it varies. Most of the hate is just from the idea that we 'enable' our government to do all the wretched shit it does, but truthfully very few populaces in this world make their government answer for anything. If any other country were on top we'd be fortunate if they were only as bad as we are.

...That said, even I have a hard time not hating my fellow Americans sometimes.

But yeah, as fucking depressing as it is, you're better off accepting that you solely don't have any fucking power at all when it comes to the course and direction of America. No one man controls these tides, some just appear to by riding them.

>Today I dodged a bullet and jumped off a possible grooming scheme.
Do tell.

>> No.33545157

I had joined a fairly recent loli community and the admin refused to do something about the obvious teenagers that were posting dumb shit. Among other questionable decision making from the admin, I decided to leave and withdraw the people I had brought with me. At least I made a new contact who also smelled shady stuff going on in there.

>> No.33545358
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Alcohol consumption has increased to abnormal levels in the last few weeks, but otherwise just usual NEET life and vidya.
Least I don't go to sleep at 9am in the morning anymore and have seen the sun for the first time in 9 years today.

>> No.33546263
File: 6 KB, 445x514, 2dGmniJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to kill myself on a daily basis. Financial pressure, family issues, loneliness, high amounts of anxiety. It's all too much for me to handle.

Drawing has done quite a bit in relieving some stress for me, but I get too distracted from all the issues happening around me so I end up leaving a lot of stuff unfinished.

>> No.33547016
File: 36 KB, 662x468, Rozen.Maiden.full.22515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all gonna make it in the end anon
one way or another if you know what I mean
your precious waifus are waiting for you on the other side, and will wait forever, so there's no need to rush, just take things easy
meds helped me a lot, made me also kinda of a junkie not gonna lie, but my GAD (general anxiety disorder) is gone and you have no idea how nice is sleeping deep sleep when you want how you want
wish you all anons the best- you are a NEET or maybe contemplating on being it? you are my friend!

>> No.33547677

>...That said, even I have a hard time not hating my fellow Americans sometimes.
LOL I feel that way somewhat often too, but you're right. It sucks having no real influence in the bullshit that happens, but it is what it is I guess. It's nice having some foreign friends because I can dwell on those posts too often and forget how things can really be. Thanks for reading all that drivel, it's nice being able to get that off my chest to someone that understands lol.

>> No.33548325
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>meds helped me a lot
I really wish I could see a doc or something because I have no healthcare right now. But, what's somewhat helping me is weed. I guess that counts.

>> No.33549041

it's okay hopefully the US gets nuked within our lifetime, hang in there until then anon

>> No.33549540

Can we please keep /pol/ tier shit out of this thread? All NEETs are equal, US, third world, doesn't make a difference.

>> No.33549768
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If it was too much to handle you would have killed yourself already. Just take it one day at a time

>> No.33550510
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I guess

>> No.33554757

>All NEETs are equal
That is a political statement by itself, maybe you should keep your equality bullshit out of this thread and let us complain about our lives in peace lol

>> No.33554858

No, we shouldn't keep "equality" out of it. As others have said here I get depressed and demoralized from foreigners who hate me and want me dead just because I'm American, even though I've personally done nothing to wrong them I hate the government more than even they do.

Fuck off back to /pol/ or /int/ or whatever cesspool you come from where you blame some boogeyman for all of your problems with no regard to how it makes others like me feel.

>> No.33555063

Not going to happen. What does have a chance of happening is for that giant supervolcano in Yellowstone to erupt and cover at least half of the US with ash and soot. It's more probable and it is bound to happen eventually. It'll cause calamity and mass destruction around the United States for sure.

>> No.33555131

Yes, and like a nuclear war the entire world (or at least northern hemisphere) is fucked, not just the US. Or is this more evolution from banter to actually wanting people you never met dead over things they have no control over?

Don't feed trolls, dude.

>> No.33555146

it will probably cause worldwide ice age aswell since the amount of ash and other shit it will erupt in air, or atleast that's what i read/heard at about supervolcano's, not really done research about it.

>> No.33555468

You may be the very low percentage of the good kind of american NEETs. Doesn't have anything to do with /pol/. You do well to not mention that shithole.

>> No.33555688
File: 84 KB, 369x600, AFDB1F8B-1457-4E26-8C95-ED50191DCF56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve started drinking just so I can fall asleep at a reasonable hour and wake at a reasonable hour.

My father has done this for years and I feel somewhat uncomfortable about picking up the same habit.

I had to quit weed for work and fuck do I miss listening to music while high. Songs just arent the same now. It’s been good for me though, not spending all day every day just stoned daydreaming anymore.

I’m not drinking close to as often as I was smoking but it definitely feels like I’ve traded one vice for another.
