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33527241 No.33527241 [Reply] [Original]



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Previous thread >>33428680

>> No.33527350

Is it just me or does SD feel way longer than any of their other games

>> No.33527367

Somebody tagged it on vndb as >50 hours, meanwhile Lamento was 30 - 50 hours. I guess it was in a production hell for a reason

>> No.33527379

I'm definitely not complaining but damn it's a lot to read.

>> No.33527390

Hopefully it'll be worth all the time I'll waste on it

>> No.33527684

How long are the side routes?

>> No.33527815

Fujieda's route is 15 hours long, fitting for MC's brother-true route

>> No.33527880

>15 hours
fucking speed readers

>> No.33529015

My japanese is that good sorry sis

>> No.33530329

>taisho alice ep 3 got released in english
>SD is still the current FOTM

>> No.33530534

>Yurika got aged up to 20
>snow white spams you with "Dude, bro etc"
Can't wait for our 40 year old Towa who talks like a middle aged american prostitute and Rei who uses "they" to refer to himself, sisters!

>> No.33530546

That shit stopped being a thing after episode 1.

>> No.33530558

I stopped caring about TaiAli once I realized the author has a brother fucking fetish.

>> No.33530597

Pathetic, fucking brothers is the best

>> No.33530713

You're making it sound like TaiAli got english release was fast and clean and didn't take 5 years and meme 2017 eng release to become a reality

>> No.33530914

If only

>> No.33530918
File: 52 KB, 800x600, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so unbased, fucking your brother is the best

>> No.33530984

Terrible post

>> No.33531168

If only he also thought so. Why is getting into his pants is so hard

>> No.33531534

Anyone know any really fucked up situation CDs? I want something that will traumatise me

>> No.33531587

I just started with episode 1 and while it's annoying, it's really good so far. I finished Cinderella's route and it was great.

>> No.33531966

Most people are ignorant to the subtle things that make this world sublime.

>> No.33534180

post fujieda aaaaaa

>> No.33534459

Post Madarame's bad end too. No scat jokes allowed.

>> No.33534545

this. Please he's the only route I give a fuck about I need to see it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.33534946

Delete your post.

>> No.33534981

This is bait

>> No.33535227

He's shit! Shit!

>> No.33535240

He gives Towa exactly what he's asking for the whole game.

>> No.33535297

I'm sorry, maybe if Yurika was an STD-ridden whore, I'd be interested.

>> No.33535456

Try this one out and let me know how it goes.

>> No.33535685

Sorry Yurika may be a whore but she uses
a protectionn

>> No.33535729

I wish she could fuck Ryoshi too

>> No.33536081

I found an old otome named shiratsuyu no kai for about 8 buckaroos.
Did anyone play this? how bad is it? I kinda like horror and otome horror are rare.

>> No.33536190

Someone here must have because I remember them talking about how it was a disappointing kusoge.

>> No.33536773

the price traumatized me

>> No.33536851

For that price we should be able to touch the guys.

>> No.33536884

I like how the section about the price doesn't explain the price at all.

>> No.33536895

Wish I could rec something actually traumatizing but all I can think of is the usual rape/confinement stuff and I don't think that's traumatizing at this point...

>> No.33536942

It's absolute shit and I wouldn't tell you to play it if you got it for free let alone spend 8 bucks on it. It's not even the fun trainwreck kind of bad it's the blatantly unfinished kind of bad. The "horror" boils down to maybe 30 minutes of suspense at the start and then the rest of the game is nonsensical characters angsting over nonsensical shit while the nonsensical haze of a plot is there in the background.

Hey that's me.

>> No.33537305

>slow damage 78% translated
go faster bitch

>> No.33537319

>beta testing

>> No.33537325

isn't all this shit being done alongside the translation

>> No.33537361

I don't think JAST USA knows that desu.

>> No.33537371

Delaying hype is part of marketing, right? Please look forward to it.

>> No.33537382

Name one case.

>> No.33537396

i just thought it was common sense. maybe like, the translator finishes a route, then an editor comes in and checks it, and so and so forth

>> No.33537449

So it was that kind of kuso.Thanks for saving my 8 bucks anon. Better spend them on dlshit.

>> No.33537470

She's too busy shitposting and bitching on Twitter.
SD releasing in May is a no no I guess...

>> No.33538631

No...check how other companies do status updates like mangagamer they definitely don't do that

>> No.33538867
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>> No.33539070

It's like findom, the feeling you're getting ripped off is part of the thrill

>> No.33541795
File: 187 KB, 530x670, 9246270554142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally MADE to be jarred.

>> No.33541929

hope they make one for the others so i can make a madarame jar

>> No.33541954

Delete this.

>> No.33541955

If Mink got one, so can Madarame.

>> No.33544162

I'm getting filtered by the 心理 part. Choosing the wrong answer multiple times is making me feel retarded.

>> No.33544193

It's okay to be retarded, that's why there's quicksaves.

>> No.33544355

Scat sister..

>> No.33545949
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>Visual novel too hard that even N+C had to put up a mini guide
Damn is SD just one big pleb filter?

>> No.33545987
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>> No.33546106

SD truly kamige, for this alone. Cute chibis too

>> No.33546242

Now this is helpful.

>> No.33547520

There's already a guide in the fucking game, how much handholding do fujos need?

>> No.33547727

Fujieda doesn't have a mad ending?
I think he has

>> No.33547995

>route diverge is decided from chapter 1
Huh, I had no idea. Only on chapter 2 though.

>> No.33548266

Dark Souls of BL eroge

>> No.33549959

Which games did you put on mangagamers survey?
I know there's no hope, but still, I asked for yoshiwara and mebiusline. Ultra c too. The writing ain't that hard on that one, just these cultural things I missed out.

>> No.33550195

mebius as well, 24-ku and shingakkou. Sadly, all of them have about 0.5% chance of being localized

>> No.33550691

LoveDelivery stands a chance actually. Active company, mebius got switch port, meaning no seiyuu rights involved.
Mangagamer finding N1 JLPTrs is the issue.

>> No.33550861

what's the one otome company that makes a shit ton of threesome oriented games

>> No.33550868

Sounds like Kalmia8

>> No.33550922

otomedachis, recommend me the best 18+ Otome you've ever played.
Extra points if the drawing style is top-tier.

>> No.33551016

There's a person on Tumblr (re)translating mebius, but the game never got much attention outside of a few people who were already into mebius. Heck, even finished Russian translation(which is a very high quality and clearly made with a lot of effort to the point of having a massive dictionary for all the in-game terms) is very obscure compared to many other bl translations. So I guess I'm just afraid it won't get enough attention for MG to consider it.

>> No.33552148

If mangagamer can't get their shit together and release a relatively short game like lucky dog1 for years, imagine how long will it take to translate it from the scratch. Just learn russian sis

>> No.33552205

LD1 is in eternal hell due to MG realising the translator was just MTLer waaay too late. If only they actually looked for somebody who actually knows language baka

>> No.33552227

What? Tell me more, lmao

>> No.33552296

Are they legit retarded? It's been years since they bought it, couldn't they have actually read it?

>> No.33552333

An anon said here before, the problem with LD1 is bc of the programming or something? Maybe the problem lies with the seiyuu rights as well. Only half of Luchino's route is untranslated how long will it take to translate?

>> No.33552476

It wasn't officially confirmed ofc, but around a year ago somebody approached Good Haro about LD1's situation. She said they're "going over the old stuff" or something. It was also around the time translator stopped regularly updating their blog and never posted again since. Looking over the translations again, even I can see some MTL-worty sentances and awkward grammar, so I think that's what actually happen. But JAST's editor confirmed the translation is making a slow progress on the side. I still have no idea why they never posted any updates on this project, it's the only recent MG thing to never recieve an update lmfao

>> No.33552639

I think the game was picked up half-heartedly, without much of a fanbase or many invested potential customers, it was always destined to be secondary project at best. MG loves buying them fan tls, so they saw it as an easy opportunoty. But I guess even they couldn't overlook the truth after a while
Nah, seiyuu rights were never an issues here(if they were, they weren't severe at all) and programming...it's a game from late 2000, no retrarded engine or any other dev quirks, so I really see how it would be an issue. Now I think about that, MG use the "programming excuse" once in a while when asked about troubled projects...Like I said, the translator most likely got a boot and project is in limbo now, getting translated from scratch

>> No.33552710

*I really don't see

>> No.33552953
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>> No.33553814

>79% translated
bitch. hurry up. go faster. i know you see this

>> No.33554021
File: 55 KB, 606x1280, photo_2021-03-05_16-24-18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33554603

Brother fucking fetish is great. Younger brothers only though.

>> No.33554629

Was it leaked from otomechink? Based if so. Fuck chinks.
I just wish I had the game.

>> No.33554640

i love otoutos...

>> No.33554644

These are just full-completion saves?
Can't people just unpack game archives with otakutools or something? Am I out of touch?

>> No.33554696

It's the new trend on otomechink to preven people getting their stuff easily, it seems.

>> No.33554767

someone post them on hitomi ehentai.
fucking chinks

if it's 90-95% by the end of this month, we are in a good way... We will have it by the end of spring.

>> No.33554922

Man, why do they even care, shouldn't they worry more about getting gulag'd for their hobbies.

>> No.33555357

I can't unpack this shit. N2System doesn't work with otakutools or I'm too retarded. Someone post them here, please.

>> No.33555654

Fuck. I didn't know otomechinkfags had reached THIS level of autism.
Can we assume that the leaker couldn't open it either and shared it publicly to find a spark of hope on the internet?

I don't have idea how that site has survived so many years without being DMC'd by nips, but the fact that the users still alive for sharing gay porn is beyond my understanding.

>> No.33555672

Risking your life for Towa porn is something only a hero would do

>> No.33556818

I'd go to Gensokyo if I could fuck Towa

>> No.33556920

>no sd yet
>can't even get the cg
>no osts as well
>only some character songs available in chinktube (shitty quality ofc)
>can't hack otomechink
>our only hope atm the eop translator to speed the fucku up

what happened to us sisters
how low we fell

>> No.33556971

>what happened to us
speak for yourself, I fullcomped it 3 days back

>> No.33556994
File: 19 KB, 595x577, 1605837166838.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a screenshot of 100% CG gallery or you're a kuso liar.

>> No.33557000

don't give people false hope, this shit only works if you have the game already

>> No.33557063 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.37 MB, 1279x721, 1614988047992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ant-sized fujieda CGs just for you anon

>> No.33557084

I kneel. Also cute healed slut.

>> No.33557154

If someone doesnt leak this shit soon I'll buy it next week and leak it myself. I dont want to play the english version anyways

>> No.33557187

do it anon, otherwise I have a feeling JOPs will be forced to play eng version because nobody will upload jpn in time. What a hilarious possibility

>> No.33557280

The fact that the music hasn't been leaked year blows my mind. It's always the first thing that comes available in pirate sites.

>> No.33557298

blvn scene is already small as it is. The majority of nips keep things to their own circle, the chinks only keep their sekrit DL in their circle and EOPs are either waiting for the TL ver or also keep it to themselves and their close friends if they know japanese.
Blame discord desu

>> No.33557314

Don't blame me, I just found the link on dumblr. And maybe some lucky fag with the game can make use of it and share the CGs here or somewhere else.

>> No.33557502

lesson learned: never trust dumbler

>> No.33557584

>make perfect design
>ruin it with generic haircut few CGs in

>> No.33557599

>he didn't even keep the glasses
His later design is cute too but I feel a bit robbed

>> No.33557752

Don't worry, merch and everything else will likely use his non-spoiler design. It happened with Ren.

>> No.33557840

Well, I wanted the file since I saw it on otomechink and thanks to this I now know that those turbo autists are not willing to give the actual pics without forcing others to buythe actual game. What's the point of sharing if they're goign to pull the buy-the-game card? Fuckers.

>> No.33558093

Now you know why even chinks hate OD.

>> No.33558852

Taisho Mebiusline, Lkyt and Dystopia no Ou

>> No.33559027

Are there any concerts worth watching for idolshit or /blog/ series? So far I’ve seen Chiral Night, the recent Hypmic shows, and have at least one Utapri concert somewhere.

>> No.33559084

All UtaPri concerts are great.
Tthere's also a B-Project one which is worth of for THRIVE songs.

>> No.33559102

>no h-scenes with his glasses on

>> No.33559196

How the fuck could they do this to us?

>> No.33559485

>Still haven't gotten my Stella tokuten copy
Bros.. I've gotten memed again..

>> No.33559960

I was going to shitpost about JOPs not having jobs but we're in a pandemic and none of this garbage is worth it

>> No.33560269

Wow Wizard's route surprised me. I can't wait for the last episode!

>> No.33562288

Oh, didn't know SD vocal ost were on youtube already. Hope the rest of the ost will be uploaded as well

>> No.33562482

finally in decent quality (had to listen to them at that chink website)

>> No.33562586

Playing through Snow White's route. I think I figured out the twist Alice has multiple personalities so his mom keeps him in the house 24/7. He meets Yurika once and now he's obsessed with her. The game is about Yurika showing that she loves all of his personalities and everyone is always brothers because she has a canon incest fetish

>> No.33562628

Same, the yt uploader is a total chad and deserves more subs/views

>> No.33563384

I don't think there's an existing way to extract the in-game ost. The files are .npk which are different from Nitroplus's usual .npa files. I tried quickbms on them but it didn't work. Dunno if chinks have already figured it out but otherwise it might be a while cause someone will have to write a script to unpack it.

>> No.33563511

Pretty sure Lamento and TnC osts were extracted by somebody on Tumblr back in the day, so I think it's possible somehow. Have to agree tho, .npk format is retarded

>> No.33565463

Why is there so much healing I wasn't mentally prepared for this

>> No.33565734

If she has a canon incest fetish, how come she never fucks her actual brother? Checkmate

>> No.33567039

Because Yurika isn't a rapist.

>> No.33568024

Red would like to object

>> No.33568225 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 1603x817, 1615043445835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33568238 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33568252 [SPOILER] 
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aids free and healed

>> No.33569938

>80% translated
hurry up you fat bitch!! i'm shitting and farting in my diaper!!

>> No.33570030

calm down, madarame

>> No.33570295

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.33570340

Is she doing like 1% every day? Can't she just finish it in about a week. I doubt that Jast has already redrawn the dicks.

HURRY UP MOTHEFUCKERS I wanna play the dystopia slut.

>> No.33570680
File: 146 KB, 828x1142, yh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks did it again sisters

>> No.33570930

what's this mean

>> No.33570941

oh it's >TASUKETE (help)

>> No.33571065


>> No.33571316

am i wrong

>> No.33571369

you're right but it's still funny

>> No.33571384

i'm guessing in context it's actually "save me" though

>> No.33571637
File: 52 KB, 512x512, 901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his smile and optimism: restored

>> No.33571650

It's not fair.

>> No.33571701

they already hurt me with ken ga kimi...

>> No.33571749

SD scat agenda is going too far

>> No.33571770

If you're desperate, that red haired slut's route was 90% translated in VNR a few years ago

>> No.33572538

>one new CG per character
I was hoping for a definitive release with the Kuon no Chigiri content but it's better than nothing.

>> No.33573398 [SPOILER] 
File: 29 KB, 286x286, 1615067278588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dystopia no ou will be released on the 30th of april. Some line art they posted

>> No.33573422 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33574400
File: 197 KB, 1041x1500, EvbDDN_UcAAYlk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is almost everyone a Madaramefag, not talking specifically about here but most SD fanart/fanartists I've seen so far favor towards Madarame.
Are nips unable to let go of "the shiki" they want whatever is closest to it?

>> No.33574466

He only exist BECAUSE Shiki was popular and Mink had some dedicated fans too, I guess. His route seem to be quite predictable outside of blonde Towa moment. The rest of the spoilers sound about as boring as I expected. Thankfully, I think Fujieda has a chance to be more popular in the longrun.

>> No.33574501

Wrong, everyone is Towafag. Look at pixiv.

>> No.33574555

Hey, there's one picture of Rei in the tag too.
>type トワ in the search engine
>first suggestion is トワレット

>> No.33574630

he knows how to fuck and has a nice ass that's why. and does what towa loves the most, beat him and fuck him.
doc looks like a dead fish fucking towa, feeling guilty for liking towa since towa was in the crib, reis a cherry boi, fujieda used to be a public toilet himself so kinda guilty fucking too

>> No.33574809

So everybody else fucks Towa with at least some kind of emotional reaction, but not him?Sex for sake of sex might be interesting, but something tells me it's just Shikifag pandering all over again

>> No.33575123


>> No.33575158

It's so hard to get bad ends

>> No.33575212

most of the sd boys are so ugly kek

>> No.33575283

I really want to fuck Risa

>> No.33576122

Your kana reps sis...

>> No.33576592

If you want to listen Slow damage's ost do it soon since the fags found the uploader on the discord server and proceeded to report the videos and ban the person

>> No.33576598
File: 202 KB, 960x1200, Fujieda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never forget what they took from you

>> No.33576663

Why are discord bitches the literal personification of cancer? Who shit in their cereal this morning?

>> No.33576681

I won't.

>> No.33576689

You know who

>> No.33576729

alright fine, it was me, but don't tell them pretty please

>> No.33577064
File: 537 KB, 600x375, DCE9C81C-C31E-48A4-9240-C2361979ED03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happy birthday slut

>> No.33577081

I'm sad...

>> No.33577137

Towa is so fucking sexy.

>> No.33577380

They should have given him a gangbang for his birthday instead.

>> No.33577392
File: 992 KB, 1440x900, 1840063cf79ec26796a07d87baba6c8bf35ec8bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks my ant friends will love this image.
Here's one for humans.

>> No.33577704

the face of disappointment of not getting one

>> No.33577787

Other N+C games can be unzipped with NIPA Master, but I think that requires an update with a key for Slow Damage's encryption.

>> No.33578395
File: 1.21 MB, 640x478, rika hand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NIPA Master

>> No.33578554

why are people like this
ok fine I gotta download all of them rn

>> No.33579038

This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.33579057

Honestly he looks better without the glasses and with the different hair. Too bad I'm attracted to men that disgust me so the better looking version is no longer attractive.

>> No.33579867

I like the Pearl Tower song. Which music plays during sexy times?

>> No.33579871

Snow White's route is pretty gay.

>> No.33579894

>he wants to bang the brother
Not like this Yurikasisters..

>> No.33579904

The funniest part is that the ones doing this are poorfags americans who can't afford it anyway

>> No.33579999

What even is their logic anyway? "Piracy bad"?

>> No.33580184

oh nooo they made him attractive how could they do that

>> No.33580281

Yes, it's muh supporting the creators meme.
>piracy - bad!
>enjoying something for free - bad!
They don't even know how to watch anime without using crunchyroll

>> No.33580313

Gee, who's gonna tell them JAST has the whole deal with N+C specifically because of the fan translations, osts on youtube and many fans who did all the (illegal)work before 2018?
Also ironic, since crunchyroll itself used to be a very popular piracy resourse.

>> No.33580652

Now I know people feel when they saw bald Rei.

>> No.33580842

>aarin's legacy is forgotten
Neo fujos are abomination

>> No.33584565

I still remember the days of glory. The based fujos who translated all the bl at visual novel reader or the Livejournal.
Even blog was based and more friendly back then, richfags shared their games, drama ost cds even cool b magazines to the third worlder fags.

>> No.33585606

Ah the times lost. I feel you fellow oldfag sister.

>> No.33587829

Omega Vampire

>> No.33589240

sis it's fully translated on vnr

>> No.33589654


>> No.33589750

VNR translations are either surprisingly competent or "oh shit nigger wtf are you doing"-tier, there is no middle ground..

>> No.33589803

Wtf sis, I'm going to play it now. Is this the one where mc gets fucked by dogs or was that pigeon blood?

>> No.33589807

If aarinfags worked on it it's good, if not it's prob shit. Still, better than nowadays memeish localizations

>> No.33589999

That's pigeon blood haha (i think only common route is translated on that one)
Omega vampire is that one with the vampire fags, blog seems to like it.
I liked it too it was funny and enjoyable and we rarely get seke mcs

>> No.33590926

Don't tell me you were in lockdown for a year and still didn't do your reps

>> No.33591293

I actually cleaned up most of my backlog, i'm so relaxed now

>> No.33591851

I hate that I have to rely on discordniggress to get even a single scrap of a leak or playthrough of SD, I miss aarin

>> No.33592175

discordfags are the worse because they use MTL and think it's accurate enough. And afterwards they rant about hating the game because MTL failed to convey multiple plot points correctly. "Worst N+C game" my ass

>> No.33592899

>worst n+c game
For me, it's dmmd. Even TNC had more charm and less retardation. I can't even remember if I 100% it, probably have given up. Clear and Koujaku were alright though.

>> No.33593530

you know you could just make your own discord with blackjack and hookers instead of whining about how terrible the existing ones are. it's not exactly hard

>> No.33593739

>caring about discord aside from stealing any resources people upload

>> No.33593749
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>> No.33593941

I agree. The best thing about TnC were unique routes(I thought N+C had a weird hateboner for a non-copypasta routes, thank god SD has them again) and pretty good pacing. I also liked most of the characters in TnC compared to Dmmd. Akira was retarded, but had his moments and he grew on me by the end. Aoba was an annoying slut with the dumb superpower.

>> No.33594064

??? I don't have the game yet, so I have to deal with discordfags who stream it but refuse to actually read the text. Is this situation too hard for you to imagine, anon?

>> No.33594076

For how much of a slut Towa is somehow I feel like it's not as exploited as much as I thought, I would've loved to see him get creampied and bukkake'd.

The only good thing dmmd did right in a way was that every LI was equally shilled. Everyone got their own CDs and even nendos/plushes and content in the FD while the other games only focused on the most popular guys at the time and forgot about everyone else. Poor Nano is barely remembered despite being TnC's true route.
Like the other anon said, I fucking hated dmmd's weird copypaste routes.

>> No.33594248

Just be patient instead of subjecting yourself to torture, retard poorfag.

>> No.33594322

Nah, I'm kinda used to this routine already. Usually those people aren't as annoying, Lkyt streams went just fine. I wouldn't complain if the discordfags stopped spamming about how this game game triggered them to the core...only to continue streaming it next day. The cycle never ends

>> No.33594435

Then fuck off.

>> No.33594855

How does Towa get money for all his medical bills? Wouldn't he be fucking broke?

>> No.33595221

For me at least, I end up skimming conversations for spoilers or to see if there are any resources that I missed, and thats usually where I see the worst of this faggotry. Speaking of, even though I myself am an eop, I think at this point I would honestly prefer that no game ever gets translated to english again cause if we have to deal with the type of discord trannies from the SD sekrit club on a much larger scale i'm actually gonna fucking kill myself.

>> No.33595693

Games should stop giving you male siblings if you can't fuck them

>> No.33595881

This but unironically.

>> No.33596060

Why would you even read spoilers/watch streams from cancerous people? It's just going to ruin the game for you.

>> No.33596392 [DELETED] 

Taisho Alice is pretty good. I hope the fan disk comes soon so I can fuck real people

>> No.33596718

Why even rush it? They wouldn't release it any time soon even if the translation was at 100% as Japan doesn't want a simultaneous release.

>> No.33597045

Someone from those he fucks pays for him probably.

>> No.33597057

His art pays for it.

>> No.33597650

Why are all fan disks OPs so much better than the originals

>> No.33597727

i just immediately thought

>> No.33598265

Shut up and go back to translating

>> No.33598451

I'm not the translator.

>> No.33598796

Translator chan...

>> No.33598853

The wizard canonically fucked Yurika? before every other personality? what a chad.

>> No.33600704

You'll be disappointed.

>> No.33600851
File: 27 KB, 312x344, sister of the year.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same but for female siblings too.

>> No.33601057

I'll only agree with you on this because it's with Kaguya.

>> No.33601338

I wonder if there's a taiali popularity poll. I think Kaguya must be the most popular, right?

>> No.33601724
File: 63 KB, 276x470, ferz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found an oldass otome game I downloaded almost a decade ago, apparently it's from 2004?
私の楽園~Welcome to The Darkness~
these designs are killing me, so nostalgic

>> No.33601753

Why did they make Yurika older? Is her being a high school student so scandalous for otome when they have suicides and even a cage?

>> No.33601849

Think of the children, anon!

>> No.33602107

I think it's actually Akazukin

>> No.33602204

Brother fucking is the ultimate family friendly fetish for all ages. Especially for americans I reckon

>> No.33602242

But how? Isn't porn banned there

>> No.33603034

Maybe it's for Taiwan and those mainland chinks that are resourceful enough to use global Steam.

>> No.33603197

I unironically think this guy looks ugly. Feels bad.

>> No.33603308
File: 103 KB, 569x317, 1359147614427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So wait, there is no mob rape after all? Really?
I hope doujins will fix it if SD gets any.

>> No.33603336
File: 59 KB, 850x400, 580315963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starlight Orchestra should have been a console game.

>> No.33603351

Just finished Taku's good ending. He originally appealed to me the most of all the characters.
I enjoyed it up until the ending. I hate time skip endings so much. They obviously couldn't do much about it but it still left a shitty feeling. I also hate long hair Towa so maybe that was the main reason.

>> No.33603505

>I also hate long hair Towa so maybe that was the main reason.
Seriously, who at N+C keeps pushing their fetish for mullets.

>> No.33603795

It mostly irks me because it made me think that Towa let it grow out to look more like his mom who Taku used to admire. I'm just going to cope by pretending it ended in the scene before.

>> No.33604213
File: 98 KB, 675x1200, CdQwN9zUUAAgpb8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The closest was a "which character you'd support as an idol" type poll on twitter which I'm sure everyone treated as a favorite character poll anyway. It was Akazukin > Gretel > Alice > Kaguya > Shirayuki > Ookami > Yurika > Mahoutsukai > Cinderella

>> No.33605176

Only off screen.

>> No.33605609

>cinderella last
Poor guy can't catch a break.

>> No.33605712

that’s a big yikes for me

>> No.33607357
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>> No.33609813
File: 173 KB, 850x574, Clear Kaworu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more characters like that in BL games...

>> No.33610297

The ones that decide to stop chasing after the mc and fuck a female character?

>> No.33610370

Not him but rebuilds aren't canon fuck you

>> No.33610658

We should replace that heterosexual slut Kaworu with actual loyal homos like Clear, Yamato from desu2 etc

>> No.33611198

Why can't anything I like stay good

>> No.33611250

Amazing that the clones surpassed the original in homoness

>> No.33612266

What the fuck is this shit taste

>> No.33612663
File: 801 KB, 1448x2048, 4593D6C3-85BF-4DB4-958D-C0C905910BCB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They must like Jyushi a lot too.

>> No.33612918

Can't be safe from Eva spoilers anywhere on this godforsaken site, I see.

>> No.33613016

Just turn off the internet until you watch it sis.

>> No.33615760

Can't believe Toono got slippery sloped

>> No.33616047

Coward devs

>> No.33617547

They must be into saint seiya or some shit because all the men have long hair there.

I'm alright with it for the most part because also into shipping shamu in ss.

I'm so glad SD is bringing back the artist from before instead of using the dmmd one? I was just thinking about how I'd throw a fit if we had a character design like noiz or aoba - sonic gijinka with mullet again.

>> No.33619030

I'm actually curious about how the translator will handle Rei's change from "atashi" to "ore", especially since he used both of those in the same sentence during the final act of his route

>> No.33619242
File: 360 KB, 1843x1451, __lio_fotia_promare_drawn_by_rew241__fff1b25989127e84cc5c31d213ef2376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is BL gay, jaypee? I believe it isn't but trolls have me doubting my better judgement

>> No.33619290

I honestly can't even tell if that's bait or not

>> No.33619358

Lel I'm in a N+C Discord server which the person allegedly responsible for leaking the SD OST was. The faggots there banned and shamed him in a public post for it, as well as saying they "contacted N+C so they can take it down"

>> No.33619451

Yeah, sure they contracted them. Hope those retards don't know Nitro+ soundtracks are all over youtube for more than a decade already and nobody gives a shit

>> No.33619487

Also, I just checked the channel and the uploader also has some Dmmd tracks there. So THAT is a-ok, but not SD? Make it make sense~

>> No.33619609

I wish I was baiting

>> No.33620048

Nothing gay about two dicks touching desu. But I'd say fucking your brother and cum drinks are a bit gay, therefore DMMD and hadaka shitsuji are gay

>> No.33621305

I missed the last thread, what are the news on glasses?

>> No.33621509

The most terrible fate
he loses his glasses and gets generic zoomer hair

>> No.33622579

What's the point of giving a megane if you're gonna make them boring

>> No.33622806

Character development. They gave us a long haired guy just to have him shave it all off in the ending. I bet that dirty scat loving rat Madarame starts taking showers in his ending too

>> No.33622872

muh gap moe

>> No.33623325

I don think that's what gap moe is

Give me a dude that gets glasses further in the story. The only character I know that does that is Kanji from Persona 4.

>> No.33623390

Dudes losing their glasses and becoming his my feitsh

>> No.33623445

If there's a megane character and there's not a single scene of his glasses getting covered in jizz or going askew and almost falling off his face due to intense fucking, then why have a megane character in the first place.

>> No.33623497

Most blessed post in this thread.

>> No.33626855

Who is the dumbest BL mc?

>> No.33626954

N+C protags are up there too, but Hisora from Nie no Machi stands out in my mind as being an hopeless idiot in particular.

>> No.33626982

Kaito Jade MC is both dumb AND ugly.
Gakuen Scramble's Yuki is dumb but he grows on you.

>> No.33627012

Kaito Jade's MC is definitely up there as my #1 dumbest BL protagonist. I can't even be bothered to remember his name.

>> No.33629111

Do those from early 2000s games that are more of a walking onahole than a protagonist count?

>> No.33629437


>> No.33629917

Nitro+ also uploaded their own concert on youtube and most of the soundtracks are on burger Spotify.

>> No.33630180

They're available globally

t. Thirdworld shitter

>> No.33630990

So can these hypocritical bitches explain why it isn't ok for someone to upload the vocal tracks on youtube because it was put in the discord, but it is ok for the discord leader/owner whatever the fuck to upload a google doc containing files to the rest of N+C's games like TnC and DMMD for just anyone to pirate, with an entry for slow damage when they get around to it? How the fuck are free pirated copies more morally justified than just 10 songs? What the fuck kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do for this kind of shit?

>> No.33631065

It's ok to spread games to people that are my trusted tomodachis and not dirty little piracy pirates that don't support companies and just expect everything for free.
It's dumb and nu-fujos these days really like to believe that any "leak" whatsoever will hurt companies or some retarded shit. Happens even in leaks of gacha kusoges

>> No.33631126

Sekrit clubs never make any consistent moral sense, they exist to provide the people controlling the availability of content an ego boost and that's it.

>> No.33631161

It's just retards licking boots of a big company for no reason(when not even the company wants to have its boots licked) and delusion of retards who think this is woke somehow

>> No.33633794

>Sekrit clubs never make any consistent moral sense
quality, anon. that's the main and largest reason.
animebytes would not be as great as it is now if anyone and everyone could get in

>> No.33634496
File: 462 KB, 958x540, mfw badend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taku did nothing wrong...

>> No.33635050

/blog/ has a d*scord? yikes

>> No.33635324

we dont retard

>> No.33635387

Please tell me there were some people who are arguing against this bullshit. If these brats listen to literally any video game music or full rips of anime themes on youtube, then they shouldn't be talking

>> No.33635467

Lmao nah

>> No.33635738

You'll lose the woke points and earn yourself an "exposing post" on social media. Even scanlators who continue translating licensed stuff get this treatment.
It's likely also the reason why slow damage translator posted about her fears of fan translators finishing the game faster than her, basically to send her followers after everyone who tries that

>> No.33635884

God, I can't believe the translator thing actually happened. What kind of drugs do you have to be on if you think that a fan translated demo will push people away from eng release instead of exposing more people to the game? Can't speak for everybody, but I wasn't interested in trying SD until I saw that youtube translation

>> No.33636139

>a big company
They are not.

>> No.33636191

Poorfag general.

>> No.33636801

>they actually got taken down
I don't get how some people can get triggered over something so petty. FLAC rips:

>> No.33636891

Bless you, based anon. Finally I can listen to some of those in non-chink quality

>> No.33637711

Discord general

>> No.33640022

Well I just bought SD. I want to leak it but I dont know how to crack games. Japanese is already too much for my brain to handle. I can upload it somewhere but someone else will have to crack it

>> No.33640480

Ask aarin.

>> No.33640710

Or a-s. the game there is top priority request. it won't take them more than 3 days to crack.
Lkyt took them less than a day.

>> No.33641172

A-S seems like the best choice since aarin wants to avoid amerifat licensed games

>> No.33641424 [DELETED] 
File: 687 KB, 1379x1962, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Volume 1 is kino
>Volume 2 shits the bed

>> No.33641491
File: 113 KB, 984x512, Chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sis...the wrong tab

>> No.33641790

what’s a-s? never heard of that site before

>> No.33642185

First word is something that's a mistake, nothing but trash. Second word rhymes with caring.

>> No.33642354

aarin used to have tokyo 24 ku game but they were asked by a-s to remove it. If you check on aarin tokyo 24ku you will see the a-s full name.

>> No.33642472

Sisters do you have a working link for tgs1 for ps2? I only found a chink one working but it needs 3 days to download.

>> No.33642871

Ass appreciation site

>> No.33643175

Bless you anon. I think aarin should be of help.
Wish you good luck.

>> No.33644072

Alright well I'll use a-s because I dont want to get cucked by aarin. I guess hopefully it will be cracked shortly so keep a look out

>> No.33648130

wait 3 days anon. that's nothing in the scope of your lifetime

>> No.33649241

>she doesn't know

>> No.33650343

ominous post, please explain

>> No.33650482

you'll never get those three days back, there's a day when you'll want them more than anything

>> No.33650492

get out of here with this ln crap

>> No.33650504

what did she mean by this?

>> No.33650509

ln = light novel

>> No.33650517

thanks friend, I had no idea

>> No.33650523

no problem friend, i love helping people learn things :)

>> No.33650536

haha, thank you.

>> No.33650544

enjoy the rest of your day.

>> No.33650619

thanks anon you too! :^3
