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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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33526892 No.33526892 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org/

Previous threads:
>>33521109 (#2724)
>>33508431 (#2723)
>>33500362 (#2722)

>> No.33526906

i keep posting the thread without a title baka

>> No.33526927

only post about once every 3 days now, won't be long until i disappear from 4chan forever again

>> No.33526929
File: 69 KB, 787x900, 1614840216732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know your place, not even as a foolish servant to say such things.

If your タマ were crushed, you wouldn't do more than drop dead like a miserable lowlife however.

>> No.33526984
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>> No.33526999

subaru spills his heart out to rem and she wants to torture him anyway that cold hearted bitch

>> No.33527024
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>> No.33527055

>forever again

>> No.33527086
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>> No.33527098
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>> No.33527118
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>> No.33527120

sick of this smug cunt (imouto)

>> No.33527156

how do you disappear forever again

>> No.33527202

when you throw up subtitles on your anime

>> No.33527225

wanikani failing me

>> No.33527236


ankidrone anthem

>> No.33527245
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>> No.33527301
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>> No.33527306

lady having anal orgasms from an electric fan

>> No.33527312

any good gagaku bangers?

>> No.33527335

I'm getting close to being all done with wanikani, can't take it anymore, there has to be a better way.

>> No.33527342

push through!! you are close. it's best to stick with something even if it's not the most efficient possible.

>> No.33527361

i'm halfway done and it's gotten a lot easier. i level up every week consistently. the trick is to pay attention to get the 4hr and 8hr reviews on the first day you learn something. also cheat on the first two reviews of a kanji if you forget it. you'll remember it by guru and after, or at least i do.

>> No.33527388

is wanikani just a meme or it's actually good?

>> No.33527391

stick to something and you'll gmi eventually
have fun doing 10 years of wanikani though

>> No.33527412

pretty much

>> No.33527417

definitely has problems but it's worked for me. can read vast majority of kanji i see and usually correctly guess reading and meaning of words i don't know. i recommend it to normies irl because there's no way they'd figure out how to setup anki and stick with it.

>> No.33527460

Memory takes tremendous energy. The energy used in an effort to maintain the sense of who we are right now prevents us from discovering what we might become. Thus the normal tight hold (neurosis) we have over who we are, our place in the world, and our past...keeps kundalini at bay. Once lit however kundalini dissolves our neurosis, our pain-body, accumulated stress and trauma, and does so by essentially flooding the limbic brain with bliss making us somatically forgetting our past. All parts of the body can experience the flow of bliss.

>> No.33527494


hype af

>> No.33527545
File: 677 KB, 1156x946, スクリーンショット 0003-03-04 午前1.57.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gettin there

>> No.33527587


>> No.33527598

anyone else practice kanji names by combining it with their gravure and jav hobbies?

I'm getting so I can recognize all the common Japanese surnames

>> No.33527612

yeah thats pretty based ngl

>> No.33527654


wow turns out the most common names are easy af to read

>> No.33527688

yeah i finished the name deck in one day that shits easy af

>> No.33527715

word on the front, but on the off chance you dont immediately know the answer, you can toggle it to a sentence card with a keyboard shortcut

its designed to make you spend as little time in anki as possible
if you fail a regular word card, you will read through the glossary and context sentence on the back of the card anyway
this gives you a chance to still pass it in the same time, lessening your total review load
in the next interval you might not even need the sentence anymore

>> No.33527743


^i remember when i could barely tell 土 and 士 apart but now it's obvious

>> No.33527751


>> No.33527772

So cheating?

>> No.33527786

trying to learn japanese here not pass a test

>> No.33527788

you can still fail the sentence card

>> No.33527844

You're cheating yourself.

>if you fail a regular word card
>still pass it

>> No.33527855


>> No.33527890

>if you fail a regular word card
>still pass it
you didnt understand how it works, i made a time comparison to regular word cards
i dont hit good on cards i fail

>> No.33527908

dno about this fallback card thing but looks useless

>> No.33527931

>this gives you a chance to still pass it in the same time, lessening your total review load
>in the next interval you might not even need the sentence anymore
How should this be read?
Fail word card -> Turn it into easy mode sentence card -> Recognise the word because it's now a sentence card -> Hit pass.?

>> No.33527952

pretty sure a light novel is just a novel. they're not even shorter

>> No.33527974

damn the learning curve is steep from anime/manga to LNs
i cant read 4 pages without my head hurting bros...

>> No.33528064

dont immediately recognize word card -> turn it into sentence -> maybe recognize the word now who really knows
its to prevent you from spending too much time on a card trying to recall something

sure, you might have still passed the word card on its own after 5-10 seconds of thinking
i know there are addons that will automatically fail cards for you if you spend too long on them, but its not my cup of tea

>> No.33528069


damn i did better than this guy. gmi

>> No.33528075

you'll get used to it
narration uses a lot of vocab you don't typically see in manga

>> No.33528090
File: 102 KB, 1024x576, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33528101

I'd read vinnies if it wasnt all porn
No matter how serious the VN its still porn

>> No.33528133

funny vid, everything he pointed out was valid

>> No.33528138


>> No.33528144

better to cheat and keep progress going rather than getting buried with reviews that never get cleared up and be stuck on the same level for 6 months like I am

>> No.33528147

When mining, vocab cards or sentence cards?

>> No.33528154

>I'd read vinnies if it wasnt all porn
try playing fujo games

>> No.33528155

do you watch hiroyukis youtube channel?

>> No.33528160

>thinks they are interested in Japanese culture
>avoids porn

>> No.33528163

senteces if you want to make it
vocab if you gotta catch them all

>> No.33528176

fallback cards, so both

>> No.33528186

I did 500 from 2.3k, sadly i lost my deck so i decided to say fuck it and start consooming and mining.
I will probably mine a fuckton, which one those the 2 types of cards do you think i would profit more from bro?

>> No.33528205

if youre a beginner sentences are probably better for you

>> No.33528214

>dont immediately recognize word card -> turn it into sentence -> maybe recognize the word now who really knows
And then you hit fail, right? Because you didn't know the word.

>> No.33528217
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>> No.33528216

dont mine at all, 90% of words mined you will learn by reading more

peoples decks are full of garbage they don't need lmao

>> No.33528239

>literal who opinion
I mean i myself think sentence cards are better than vocab but my point is, since i am so new, i will probably mine a fuckton, and making sentence cards is slow as fuck, so is reviewing them.
Yeah i've also been thinking that, i mean for fucks sake i have to look up almost every word that i am reading.
I just worry about ending up forgetting shit.

>> No.33528242

if you immediately know it while reading the sentence you hit good
if you still dont or would have to think longer to get it you hit again

>> No.33528268
File: 1.75 MB, 200x293, Really sp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you immediately know it while reading the sentence you hit good

>> No.33528271

i actually like matt solution of you only turn leeches into sentence cards

>> No.33528277

feels good to not be doing anki anymore

>> No.33528285

great advice like that is why people donate to him.

>> No.33528289

not him but in tell me in what context will u need to know what a word means without having a sentence around it to give context lol

>> No.33528294

>feels good not learning japanese anymore

>> No.33528295

oh no, you're comprehending the word!

>> No.33528299

if you dont know japanese then dont go around giving advice you fucking retard, shut the fuck up.

>> No.33528307

i think the good advice is to do sentence cards in the first place and just pass any leeches so you see them

>> No.33528318

>why people donate to him.

umm, no, it is because they are fools

>> No.33528319

yeah i only turn cards i fail at least once into fallback cards as well because im too lazy to transcribe the context sentence from a picture or audio

>> No.33528322

they should rename them to bad novels

>> No.33528330

anime scene with a girl sobbing speaking in broken fragments of a sentence

>> No.33528338

>Shilling sentence cards
Based beginner sabotagers

>> No.33528354

sentences are objectively better they just take longer

>> No.33528355

stevijs3 used sentence cards and passed the n1 in 1 and a half years

>> No.33528363

they're just anime scripts not real novels

>> No.33528379

I am not giving advice i merely said what i think.
Sorry if i think for myself instead of dicking sucking whatever E-celeb it was that you posted bro.

>> No.33528380

how come that the thread suddenly has so many wanikani shills?

>> No.33528393

I'm consuming this right now:


>> No.33528395
File: 623 KB, 696x644, Screenshot_20210304-122617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finishing a bunko today so i can give my full attention to sharin

>> No.33528401

>Sorry if i think for myself
whatever a filthy eop thinks is wrong, you dont know jack.

>> No.33528405

why would i not be able to learn japanese without flashcards

>> No.33528419

its impossible

>> No.33528426

think one of my salivary glands was clogged for years and it magically unclogged yesterday evening or something
woke up with this salty taste coming from the left side of my cheek, checked to see if it was blood but no it was just spit
now i have these bursts of saliva production that taste kinda salty too


>> No.33528448

for me its this


>> No.33528453

I see.

>> No.33528498

Is the sentence randomly generated or is it the same one each time?
Chances are you will already know what the word is before you even reach it due to recalling it after reading the first few words of the sentence.

>> No.33528526

randomly generated sentence cards when

>> No.33528547

Weeks of wanikani being the guide in the OP along with great posts like >>33422853.

>> No.33528592

ofc thats what i was talking about like a couple billion years in the future
oceans arent gonna boil away if were still here lol i hope u werent trying to accuse me of saying something like that

>> No.33528613

daily wankiani thread

>> No.33528616

it was like 2 days

>> No.33528629

Not completely random, but there are Japanese packs that typically have 3-5+ example sentences.
Can be set so a random one of those appears as your sentence, but not all of them are accurate/not all words have an entry, so you'd need a fallback.

>> No.33528643


>> No.33528649

About a week. >>33404529

>> No.33528656

just knowing "ah, its this word" alone isnt enough to pass the card and it happens with pure word cards too
im sure you have one or more cards where you think, this is the card i always get this part wrong, etc

you still need to know the reading and meaning and if you can do that you should pass it
it shouldnt be a problem for you if you see it outside of anki at that point

>> No.33528668

wheres thread number autist when u need him

>> No.33528672
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>> No.33528723

card choice doesn't matter if you're using animecards and actually reading the sentences when you fail

>> No.33528732

carving my cards into stone tablets so i only mine things that are actually important

>> No.33528735

this but where it ends after matter

>> No.33528737


>> No.33528751

forgot to shift+delete 100 000 files and now its gonna take fucking hours to empty my recycle bin

>> No.33528757

yeah thats a fallback card except you can also read the sentence on the front and have a chance of passing it in the same time frame

>> No.33528758

want a perma jc gf bros

>> No.33528759

i doubt anyone actually does this

>> No.33528792

i do, half the time the picture and first second of audio is enough to jog my memory but it's cool

>> No.33528794

Why are jp subs so rare? Are there no deaf people in japan? Or people with noisy surroundings?

>> No.33528798

honestly i might try it out. my retention rate is like 80% but its probably because i havent started reading yet

>> No.33528802
File: 144 KB, 540x263, pute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33528807

That's the first OP it appeared in, unless you want to count >>33373498's picture.

>>33404529 #2713

>>33444962 #2717
>>33460517 #2718
>>33465656 #2719
>>33481312 #2720
>>33488802 #2721

>>33521109 #2724
Along with >>33526816.

If you just mean the block of 5 in a row, yeah, that was about two days. But it's been going on longer than that.

>> No.33528833

glad were inventing all these new card types so people dont permanently cripple themselves by doing premature input

>> No.33528846


>> No.33528879

it is if you do it without a solid foundation of 15,000 words

>> No.33528897

mass output approach
no input until atleast 30k words

>> No.33528900
File: 867 KB, 900x506, mycuterabbitwife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post ur waifes

>> No.33528904

here's what i use for them

you dont need to edit your collection at all just the card type
if the sentence field is empty it shows up as a regular word card

i also use this extension
so my shift keyboard shortcut works without hassle

>> No.33528905

Sentence cards are only good if they're [cloze] and you need to type in the word.

>> No.33528917

bruh i dont even have 1k and i am consooming LNs xD

>> No.33528923

based and bunpro pilled

>> No.33528924

i really wish i could fuck jamal's voice bros

>> No.33528926
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>> No.33528949

whats up with this sudden influx of newfags, who the fuck posted a link to this place in reddit

>> No.33528953
File: 309 KB, 2206x1838, Anki code.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using an extension when you can just use a hidden hint field

>> No.33528957



>> No.33528978

>hasn't started using j dicts in his first 6 months
permacrippled ngmi

>> No.33528979

i lost

>> No.33528982

dno but the moe guide got on r*ddit so thats probably why

>> No.33528985

i can mouse hover too but its more time consuming
i prefer not to touch the mouse at all for my reps

>> No.33528991

people that say this never know japanese lol

>> No.33528995





>> No.33528997

when he said
>i fucking ur ass
i felt that

>> No.33529011

this is unironically true, english is crippling

its so easy to tell a ngmier who thinks in an english dict

>> No.33529021

*thinks in english dict*

>> No.33529028

>using j-j- in anki
ngmi unless you dont even read defs looool

>> No.33529040

there are subs for nearly 2000 shows on kitsunekko so its not that rare

>> No.33529048

only read the defs when i fail

>> No.33529063

>lns are all anime scripts
>vns are all porn
any more dumb gaijin cliches from people who've never read anything?

>> No.33529076

how do you know if you fail without looking at the defs

>> No.33529078

real books are harder than lns

>> No.33529100

been reading quite a lot aloud today and its been going very smooth and fast
next stream will be noticeably better than the last

>> No.33529101

lns and vns aren't real japanese.

>> No.33529111
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>> No.33529122

i complete the phrase
for example card front is 仰せ
then i think 仰せの通り and hit good

>> No.33529138

i'm surprised that anki doesn't have a built-in hotkey for hint reveal. a hint hotkey seems like the easier addon to use though.

>> No.33529149

>he cares about what "real japanese" is and is not

>> No.33529154

can you read this fast?

>> No.33529172

>real japanese
gonna emerse in some fake japanese now

>> No.33529183

dunno i simply used the first thing i found after a google search

>> No.33529185

japanese is possible to learn

>> No.33529191

ur reading classic japanese literature?

>> No.33529195

wanna speak real japanese from ur very 1st lesson?

>> No.33529198
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>> No.33529204


>> No.33529207

if im in the flow yeah sometimes
but definitely not all the time and it really depends on what it is (same to a certain degree for any native speaker of any language

>> No.33529224

If you're not reading out loud you're not maximising your gains.

>> No.33529240



>> No.33529244

i meant they always have porn
its hard to find a vn that doesnt have at least one porn scene

>> No.33529254

do animecards only mine +1 sentences too or how are you meant to understand the sentence when you fail it in the week if there are 2-3 unknown words in it?

>> No.33529258

but i think you should get a good grip on pitch before doing it too often

>> No.33529263

wanna read about onmyoudou but dunno where to look

>> No.33529275


>> No.33529311

the infinity series
"complete" masada shit
just off the top of my head

>> No.33529327

hanahiraッ lol

>> No.33529337

cant remember the last time i had more than one unknown word in a sentence

>> No.33529339

I didnt say they dont exist, just that they are rare.

>> No.33529374

I will end up like nuke I'm too dumb for this. I've been at this grind for years now and still don't understand shit.

>> No.33529409

damn, my breath stinks

>> No.33529410


>> No.33529424

All the best VNs are porn free.

>> No.33529425

you said they always have porn which is simply not true and they're not rare either since most of the big releases have censored versions that remove the eroscenes

>> No.33529434

reminder that if you fail at this you're a lesser being than a kenyan nigger ouji

>> No.33529445

its too early for the n word

>> No.33529446

Yeah but those are harder to find.
Though i will admit i made a hyperbole.

>> No.33529486

i can remember context from novels i mined 9 months ago, why do people say audio and pictures are required?

>> No.33529492

read more
play more games
watch more anime

dont grind
if you grind you will indeed end up like nuke

>> No.33529507

they are not, put on the card whatever you think youll need
sometimes i prefer i picture

>> No.33529509

you don't feel the fushigi na pawa- behind the words

>> No.33529521

did nuke actually die?

>> No.33529523

tfw never gonna make out with og while she has morning breath

>> No.33529527

never should've listened to that jew steve
rich extroverted boomer living all over the world telling dumb people to skip flashcards

>> No.33529534

pissed that wanikani didnt teach me 拐かす
it used the kanji only in one vocab: 誘拐

>> No.33529547

the only reason to do flashcards is when you dont read japanese

see quiz who grinding 10k flashcards before he starting learning japanese

>> No.33529552

how much have you read and watched?

>> No.33529558
File: 46 KB, 600x359, 准教授.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rather read lns

>> No.33529560

never seen that might mine it if it ever pops up

>> No.33529579

i cant understand anime im just staring at something i cant comprehend rather than learning anything

>> No.33529590

saw it in bravely default 2

>> No.33529591

are you really less than khatz, anon

>> No.33529613

okay then watch dorama if anime is too high for you
you have more real world context there

>> No.33529652
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>> No.33529669

based luna-sama

>> No.33529677
File: 214 KB, 1750x1040, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33529680

>want to enjoy samurai shit raw because no alternative
>brain turns off because of the listing of names and places, can't follow the plot after
bros...what do....

>> No.33529690

yeah im sure it's the names and places that you're struggling with and not the fact you suck at japanese

>> No.33529698

not denying that

>> No.33529714
File: 992 KB, 960x974, un.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play ghost of tsushima then you should be set

>> No.33529732

Is that 今日から俺は?

>> No.33529736

anyone know a good way to get notifications for when new volumes of certain manga are released? fucking pisses me off that anilist doesnt have this function

>> No.33529741
File: 795 KB, 1920x1040, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, watched it last year or so
found out it got a movie recently

>> No.33529756

Steins;Gate, Clannad, Summer Pockets, those two Aniplex games from last summer, Planetarian... Lots of visual novels dont have porn scenes.

>> No.33529758

>post 70s nip live action

>> No.33529777

it's a classic "person with no experience with the medium talks about the medium"

>> No.33529806

nvm i found it, https://www.mangaupdates.com/

>> No.33529821
File: 150 KB, 1194x1040, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah that show is based

>> No.33529823

nice. i haven't watched it myself, just bits and pieces, but what i've seen of it is hilarious. i'll have to check it out. i was very surprised to learn that his hair was real, not a wig.

nobody posted anything live action from the 70s. maybe if you actually tried to immerse into japanese then you would know whats popular and know what he posted. it was a very popular show.

>> No.33529835

post in this case means after, my esl friend

>> No.33529838

>i lack reading comprehension: the post

>> No.33529851

god i would whoop shinchan's ass if i were his parent

>> No.33529853


>> No.33529876

why do you always do that? i know its past tense, thats why i wrote it in past tense you fucking retard. all you are doing is showing everyone that not only are you esl, but you are extremely sensitive and feel the need to show everyone how good at english you think you are (you're awful, take this case for example). and for the last time, I'M A NATIVE SPEAKER YOU NIGGER.

>> No.33529924

>post 70s nip live action
>nobody posted anything live action from the 70s.
og it might be time for english classes...

>> No.33529935

wow that girl is actually not attractive

>> No.33529936


>> No.33529959

let me paraphrase this post >>33529758 for you
"if you are watching live action made after the 70s you are not going to make it"

your reply
>nobody posted anything live action from the 70s. maybe if you actually tried to immerse into japanese then you would know whats popular and know what he posted. it was a very popular show.
made absolutely no sense

>> No.33529960


>> No.33529972

I've actually always wondered why people here call others ESLs when they can't even write with proper punctuation and capitalization.

>> No.33529993

it's just to fit in, i actually look down on "people" who don't capitalize and punctuate properly outside this thread

>> No.33530006

>"if you are watching live action made after the 70s you are not going to make it"
"post-70s live action" is not the same as "post 70 live action "you fucking esl nigger.

>> No.33530007

bc writing like a term paper isnt what fluent english speakers typically do its 2k21 br0 lmao

>> No.33530015


>> No.33530030
File: 873 KB, 957x646, fairilune.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ユニGameplay's core is perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^

Explore the power of imagination and fantasy, different play patterns and create your own stories with cute pastels。^^っ
*̣◌⑅ *̣◌⑅◍。

*̣◌⑅ *̣◌⑅◍
Fairy play for cute&dreamy thoughts and emotions。An educational game for sweet magic of fairy world,fairy languages and mathematics & elven pastel castles(art studying) , so players should think like a fairy in order to understand it more and became an elemental archmage/unicorns of pastels and rainbows。
^like this game it is ultra dreamy and fairy worlded game but it is ultra legit project for everyfairi for studying cute magic in academy and create cute fantasies and worlds and even more sparkly inspirations and cute pastels... so the game is yay truly and ultra dreamy and cute 。

1.”... yay! I love playing with the colorful fairies with cute sprinkle magic yay!“
2.”so cute and pastel and yay! love fairy game ^^“
3.”build the castles for everynyan yay ^ ^”
"4. discover the joy of fairy imagination and elven architecture。yay!"
...^Please do not worry if there may be a lot of misunderstanding like fairies may think that something is evil in the game or fairi arts I made :c even though I`ve always had an open personality and like I allways think of that everytime like how to make everything kind and not hurting anyone`s feelings but even though it is probably ultra hard to understand what I mean which is ultra sad... ... like even though I always think about how to make games, videos, notes kind and with a lot of effort there is still a lot of misunderstanding that game may be like it is something evil(which is ultra sad for me :c) even though I tried to do a lot of thing I could think of to make it clear to everyfairi that game is ultra legit and pure。^ but everything else is yay truly and I like always dreamt about being an archmage and I started to draw fantasy worlds and fairi notes and cute magic elementals you can see in the game even now since I was 5yo and then I became a fairi iti s even more yay because of dream and cute magic ^
yay... so it is fairi academy & magical sandbox for everyfairi... so it is hard to describe without fairi language because the game is ultra dreamy itself。Bridge to Terabithia was one of the main inspirations and I hope that it will be not just a game for a computer but something ultra yay and magical for a real world too^


>> No.33530039

a non esl would get the point instantly as demonstrated by the non retards around you

>> No.33530041

That's Hashimoto Kanna. In Japan they say that a girl as beautiful as her only appears once every one thousand years.

Update on my Yomichan problems from earlier:
Someone from Shoui's server found that it seems to be a problem in the Brave browser but is not happening on Chrome. I switched to Chrome and can guarantee this is the case. If you are currently unable to make Anki cards through Yomichan, consider switching to Chrome.

>> No.33530048


>> No.33530057
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>> No.33530071

or use firefox

>> No.33530074

Pretty silly thing if you ask me, I would rather write like a normal human being than be made to conform to some retards' lazy way of writing.

>> No.33530079

nobody asked you retard

>> No.33530086

shut da FUCK up

>> No.33530091

What's wrong with her face?

>> No.33530095


>> No.33530100

shes white

>> No.33530101


>> No.33530108

looking at some more pictures of her she seems cute but her nose is not that good

>> No.33530118

ive used that anki addon to postpone my reviews every day for the past 2 and a half months cause in the back of my head i have the thought that i'll eventually get back to doing them lol

have also continued mining and have a 300 new card backlog

>> No.33530126

reminds not to get involved in any way with foreign women in japan they are all mental cases.

>> No.33530131

don't care, i'll look down on you anyway

>> No.33530139

Still, compare to the amount of vns.
These are a small portion of the medium.
And i am mostly counting begginer VNs since i am on the begginer phase, most of those VNs would probably be too hard for me.

>> No.33530142

>reminds not to get involved in any way with women

>> No.33530143

That's your choice at the end of the day friend.

>> No.33530144

how sensitive are japanese people in regards to proper punctuation

>> No.33530146

fair point.

this makes me feel better about my 150 card backlog. I might increase my card count by 10 to knock it out.

>> No.33530153

its the truth i mean think about it theres no a single white woman that goes to japan for mentally healthy reasons
applemilk1988 kanadajin3 magibon that white chick getting monetized with her bug baby by her pimp husband og etc

>> No.33530169

how many vns have you read
if it's less than 75 than sdfu, your opinion on the medium is worthless, especially when you've probably just gone through the top stuff on vndb

>> No.33530173

sharla seems okay

>> No.33530188 [DELETED] 
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yoooooooosh time to immerse

>> No.33530197

角沸かす (the 熱狂する meaning)

pure japanese words are often so simple

>> No.33530201

got baited into expecting more good rape with proper screaming

>> No.33530208

link ?

>> No.33530210

best rape is mental rape

>> No.33530211

you should get some next ep or the ep after

>> No.33530219

finna read some 忠臣蔵46+1 to brush up on my nip history skills

>> No.33530221


>> No.33530226


>> No.33530231

haha yea thats me mr irony 69 420 xd poggers rocket emoji

>> No.33530233

My experience interacting with foreign women in Japan is pretty limited, like less than 10 overall, but everyone that I have met is a legitimate nutcase. And this is coming from someone who isn't an incel. The ones on YouTube all have problems too.

Commas and periods? As long as it's understandable, not very. But they can be pretty quick to correct you on pronunciation sometimes.

She's kind of weird. In a way I feel bad for her because it's very clear that she doesn't like Japan so much and she tried to move away to other countries multiple times now but each time her views take a dip and then she comes back to Japan to recover her channel. She doesn't have any skills to get a real job so unfortunately for her she needs to stay in Japan to earn an income through YouTube.

>> No.33530237

how is it even possible that a native speaker like og has such bad english? shits pretty crazy bros

>> No.33530238

hope so, the harem shit is boring and i'm just skipping through for the h

>> No.33530246

casual racism funny

>> No.33530250

t. nigger

>> No.33530257

The American education system is very poor.

>> No.33530258

plenty of native english speakers say shit like liberry and nucular, being native doesn't always count for much

>> No.33530262

omae dare?

>> No.33530265

are the kojiki and the nihon shoki on itazuraneko

>> No.33530285

why is there no subs for redo no healer on kitsunekko bros

>> No.33530298

The guy who's becoming Japanese.

>> No.33530302

it's pretty easy to watch raw and its smut garbage anyways. gotta start somewhere raw.

>> No.33530306

yea i just looked thru her channel and the entire thing is just taking selfies and going im japan this is epic !

idk i really dont like ppl who treat the place theyve actually gone to live in like they r at the zoo like that really embodies the gaijin stereotype they are still a tourist even in the place they are residing lmao

>> No.33530307

too new to watch raw

>> No.33530312
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1080, 0f1926293d12cc91571a99e5ff95e3a5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sup /djt/ nerds, how do I get a Japanese IM/Discord/email/steam/whatever buddy or penpal? just a young guy who i can talk about games/anime/manga/otaku shit with and ideally one who wants to learn English from me. i think that sounds like a lot of fun. I know there are millions of Japanese otaku, and it seems like every other Japanese is trying to learn English, so it shouldn't be that hard, right?

umineko butts unrelated

>> No.33530317

Subtitles are nice for mining but it's good to watch without subtitles sometimes so that you can train your ears. Give it a try.

>> No.33530325

it's piss easy raw, that's actually the only thing it's worth besides h

>> No.33530328

>idk i really dont like ppl who treat the place theyve actually gone to live in like they r at the zoo like that really embodies the gaijin stereotype they are still a tourist even in the place they are residing lmao
yeah dude they should just stay in their tiny box apartment and be miserable like everyone else

>> No.33530331

who da fuck are you

>> No.33530337

I get what it means but why is kara in the end?
there is no follow up

>> No.33530339

its fun to learn japanese but you weebs take it too far

>> No.33530343

idk my pathway to japanese net friends was mmos

after i stopped playing these games i stopped making new japanese chat friends and only occasionally catch up with a couple ppl from the good old days

>> No.33530351

u need to feel it out unfortunately

>> No.33530352


>> No.33530353

how come i'm gone for like a day and another namefag starts sprouting

>> No.33530355

this ain't the beginner thread

>> No.33530361

i mean no but like thats how those content creators are and its cringe
she has a video reviewing japanese burger king ffs where they pick apart a fuckin fast food burger and surprise it looks like shitty fast food lol

>> No.33530362 [SPOILER] 
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sneak peek

>> No.33530366

japan isnt perfect

>> No.33530374

you cannot become japanese oh my god please i hope when you move to japan you're beaten into the ground

>> No.33530378

I fully agree. Of course Japan is interesting but these people make their channels with the basis of living in Japan being their sole personality trait and they often share just downright false information. I used to watch a lot of jvlogs before I moved to Japan because I thought that it would give me an idea of what life here is like, but after I actually came to Japan it just became very apparent to me that they didn't know what they're talking about and that Japan is just like anime (kinda).

>> No.33530383

no one claimed otherwise

>> No.33530387

The guy who's becoming Japanese, I already answered this.

>> No.33530388

i already was japanese in my previous life, checkmate

>> No.33530391

then why are you here

>> No.33530392


>> No.33530396

>that Japan is just like anime (kinda).

but what exactly did you mean by this?

>> No.33530397


>> No.33530405

who talked about that

>> No.33530409

I'm not new here, I just don't pop in very often.

Nowhere is perfect, but some places are more perfect than others. Japan is nice.

1) I live in Japan.
2) Yes you can, it's quite easy actually.

>> No.33530410

>The guy who's becoming Japanese
i like this tripfag

>> No.33530415

dont give a fuck about japan

>> No.33530418

japan is gay

>> No.33530426

everyone is a high schooler with huge diversity in hair color -- blue, green, pink, you name it

>> No.33530436

yeah just like urmom

>> No.33530438
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>> No.33530460

remember when every anime character had slanted eyes and dark hair

>> No.33530469

>I'm not new here, I just don't pop in very often.
aite fill me in on the lore then

>> No.33530474

tfw no nip albino gf

>> No.33530486

>but what exactly did you mean by this?
Well, anime is made by Japanese people and thus it's influenced by Japanese culture. Surely you have noticed the little cultural tidbits in anime, no? Of course Japan isn't like Naruto or whatever but even shows like that have little bits of culture thrown in (Well, Naruto in particular has a lot of cultural influence but it's more fantasy than reality which isn't the bits I'm referring to).

If you want to check out an anime that shows Japan pretty well, check out Bakuman. There's this scene in the beginning that I really like where Mashiro is running through his neighborhood and it's one of those neighborhoods where the streets are thin alleys just barely wide enough for a single kei car and all of the houses have stone walls around him. One of the houses he runs past has plastic water bottles sitting in front of the gate to keep cats away. It's little atmospheric stuff like this and also character behaviors.

This is bloggy but it's surprisingly a big topic and I'm trying not to write too much.

>> No.33530500
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>> No.33530503

in my case i came to understand on a deep level how fucking depressing japanese ppl r and how depressing the way they live is and i really came to understand how ppl go out in the woods and fuckin kill themselves

im sure if i was luckier or just stayed within the velvet ropes for tourists i could have let other experiences shape my thoughts but i mean japanese ppl in normal reigi basically apologize for literally existing to each other

i feel like everything in that country is built on sadness and loneliness and its too much for me lmao i just saw too much emptiness

a lot of ppl will work hard at what they do and put on a smile and u can have a nice conversation with somebody but theres just a overwhelming sense to me that something is just wrong w. how a lot of ppl live

this is ironically enough how i also came to understand even in learning japanese theres still an unbreakable barrier that u cant ever hope to cross these ppl in their hearts r truly isolated

the beautiful thing is when u get japanese who come overseas and get woke and a bit westernized its like the light returns to their eyes and they gain their humanity and i can connect with them but the inverse is true i cant go to japan and lose my humanity to be more like them


>> No.33530517

why did they even bother with this rotoscoping or whatever its called? just make it live action then

>> No.33530522

how about you learn to write english while you're at it

>> No.33530531

In a way it kind of is. Samurai often had sexual relations with young boys. I'm not even kidding. Is there a problem with that?

I'll give you the short version.
-Moved to Japan at 19
-Wasted time at language school and using textbooks, failed to learn Japanese
-Using anime cards and mining vinnies and am making a ton of progress
-Am becoming Japanese (Legally, I'm not delusional)

>> No.33530532

my english is perfect i just didnt proofreed my post so theres prolly some typos suck my dick faget lol

>> No.33530537

nipland ain't perfect but it's a better place than the west provided you're outside standard society
j*mal is a subversion artist

>> No.33530552

you won't be japanese though, just a citizen of japan

>> No.33530560

>-Moved to Japan at 19
and how long ago was that?

>> No.33530561

well bc of their totem pole system and how families operate japan is just not a poor country so that does directly equate to higher standard of living in general

but so what our struggles r what define us and make us who and what we r

>> No.33530570

theres more to the west than just america

>> No.33530580

>-Am becoming Japanese (Legally, I'm not delusional)
so marriage?

>> No.33530584

>in my case i came to understand on a deep level how fucking depressing japanese ppl r and how depressing the way they live is and i really came to understand how ppl go out in the woods and fuckin kill themselves
Depression is a problem that isn't unique to Japan. Aren't you American? The suicide rate here is only a fraction of a point higher than it is in America and the "deaths of despair" count is much lower here than in the US so if anything I would argue that Americans are much more depressed.

>i feel like everything in that country is built on sadness and loneliness and its too much for me lmao i just saw too much emptiness
Have you considered seeking help from a mental health professional?

>the beautiful thing is when u get japanese who come overseas and get woke and a bit westernized
What you're basically saying is that after living in America they become somewhat American. I've heard them referred to as "iJapanese" (international Japanese) and personally I don't like this type of person, they act just like Americans.

>> No.33530589

be citizen of japan yes
be japanese no

>> No.33530601


>> No.33530605

this is what japanese thing of u

>> No.33530614
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nobody's english is perfect
especially not yours

>> No.33530624
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What do you think Japanese is?


My standard of living in Japan is higher than it was in the US.

No. Marriage gets you a spousal visa, nothing more.

>> No.33530625


why would you ever use japanese dictionaries l

>> No.33530630


get in here for your daily listening practice

>> No.33530638

pretty funny how jamal saw one fake news documentary about japan and how people are depressed and took it to heart and came up with a fantasy version of japan in his mind to fit this narrative

>> No.33530644

an actual nip i.e people who aren't naturalized
are you the kind of malodorous wh*Toid who thinks non japs can become shintoists too

>> No.33530650

no get in here

>> No.33530653

>What do you think Japanese is?
actual cringe take gj

>> No.33530658

im playing that game so myself so i wont

>> No.33530660

ull become a naturalized citizen but i know ur just being ironic by saying ur becoming japanese

if ur not then ur just as crazy as all them white girls

also yea standard of living is generally higher w. some caveats like physical space but living in japan isnt expensive in the first place especially compared to a lot of places in america

>> No.33530662

they're better overall and the only time i wouldn't use them on cards is if the definition is a history lesson, and i'd still read it at least

>> No.33530676

if you write that you will teach them english too you will probably get loads of messages

>> No.33530677

yeah he needs to watch knight scoop

>> No.33530700

The only people who say "you can't become Japanese" are foreigners and the weirdo Japanese people who only ever hang around foreigners. The LDP (ruling party of Japan) and other conservative nationals tend to define Japanese by citizenship, not blood ties, and this is true for the official laws as well.

lmao based. This video is still funny every time I watch it. Thankfully I'm nothing like that.

Foreign media that writes about Japan is such a joke.

Idk anything about shinto, I just know how the Japanese government defines what is and is not Japanese people, and since I'm kind of autistic I have also asked the question anonymously in live streams by Japanese people and they've always said the same thing - someone who holds Japanese citizenship is Japanese.

>> No.33530719

its not really true my opinion has been constantly building for the last 20 years

u can find pockets of happiness but i sense a deeper sickness in japan than i do with my own ppl

and theres some japanese that will agree w. me and theres other japanese so stockholm syndromed they will defend japan to the end while still knowing im a little bit right

in the end life is what u make it but im not all sparkles and rainbows i am 暗い

>> No.33530733

sorry to break it to you hon but you will never be japanese
i'm a nigeria-jin and regardless of how much i hate that shit country, i'll never be anything but a citizen of others
anything else is cope

>> No.33530739

americans truly are the lowerst form of human life

>> No.33530740

dont care about the sadness in japan because me and my bba gf are gonna be happy and say a lot of katakana words all the time

>> No.33530750
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its such a shame keyaru gets hid of those thick thighs

>> No.33530752

big ups

as for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRaLzRAPhrM

>> No.33530757

so some gayjin radfem naturalizing while barely being able to maintain a conversation makes her japanese?
why are namefags so retarded?

>> No.33530762

after finishing yotsuba and karakai jouzu no takagi-san, I need another easy similar read.

>> No.33530770

>i know ur just being ironic
I'm not being ironic. After I hold citizenship then the Japanese government recognizes me as a Japanese person, and most normal Japanese people tend to agree with this mindset as well (Unless they're hard left but come on nobody likes them).

>sorry to break it to you hon but you will never be japanese
That's not what the Japanese government told me...

>> No.33530772

it's like they blew half their budget on this rape scene cause all the recent h scenes are whack in comparison

>> No.33530782


>> No.33530789

they bet on the polemic
and it paid off it seems

>> No.33530794
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pic related

>> No.33530811

well look i can understand calling urself japanese if uve lived there for a while and are a permanent citizen just like how americans call themselves americans w.o regard to race

i think thats a fair thing to say ultimately once uve been there for a big chunk of ur life

>> No.33530816
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btw its on shit like this that i realize anime since teenage kinda fucked me up
even on the breaking finger scenes i could not help but laugh, while most people probably were disgusted by it

>> No.33530823

why can't we go a few threads without some annoying know it all uppercaser making an appearance

>> No.33530844

no, you won't
you'll always be a cog out of place, not saying that's inherently bad, but you are japanese in name only

>> No.33530848

the second richest person in japan is korean(Masayoshi Son)

>> No.33530864

dunno got caught in me filters simple as

>> No.33530892


>> No.33530903

recommend me some trashy isekai for me to watch
aside from slime
shit is garbage

>> No.33530906

There are several requirements to become Japanese, and one of those is being able to understand some level of Japanese. The minimum required level is defined as "equivalent to the lower grades of elementary school" and this is usually interpreted as being at the level of a second or third grader, but while this is the requirement on paper the reality is slightly different. You must go through multiple meetings with your case worker conducted fully in Japanese, as well as fill out and translate lots of paperwork, write a motivational essay in Japanese and finally you must take a Japanese test and then be interviewed by the officer who is overseeing your case. The TEST is at the low level written in the requirements, but if you cannot get through the multiple meetings, the interview, or if there are many errors in your paperwork or essay then you will be rejected and told to try again after improving your Japanese.

So to answer your question, you must be able to maintain in-depth conversations to become Japanese as one of the unnoficial requirements.

Nagatoro is fun.


Permanent residents aren't Japanese.

>i think thats a fair thing to say ultimately once uve been there for a big chunk of ur life
I came here when I was 19, I wasn't even an adult yet by Japanese standards. Typically university age has a big impact on you as a person which is why many Americans become more liberalized in their early 20s and I believe being here at that time in my life had a big impact on my development/world view as an adult. I have spent the entirety of my adult life in Japan and I was practically raised on Japanese media. It's weird to describe but in a way I feel like I'm haafu (not physically, of course, I mean mentally). It's somewhat interesting actually, sometimes when I have long discussions with people I don't know very well they sometimes ask me if I am haafu.

Would you prefer if I type in the lower case? I was using the trip to update from the yomichan post earlier and just didn't remove it yet but if it bothers you I can leave it there.

>> No.33530912


>> No.33530917

>trashy isekai

>> No.33530923
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based, thanks anon
I guess I could just hop onto a jp datacenter for xiv and try to make friends, then?

>> No.33530930

tldr ruka is mentally challenged

>> No.33530938

regex / ^[A-Z].* /

>> No.33530937

mushoku tensei is not trash
neither is rezero
neither is overlord
>another classic example of retard who does consume the medium, talking about the medium

>> No.33530951

>you'll always be a cog out of place
That's funny, I always hear this from foreigners but whenever I speak to naturalized Japanese they always say the exact oppositge - even after 10+ years of being Japanese.

Pro tip for living in Japan, no matter what your citizenship is: If you can speak at least conversational level Japanese and you integrate then people will treat you extremely normally.

aren't we all?

>> No.33530960

all that doesn't matter tho
being swedish doesn't mean being a naturalized citizen of sweden, being french doesn't mean being a naturalized citizen of france, and being japanese doesn't mean being a naturalized citizen of japan
back to d*scord

>> No.33530961
File: 654 KB, 1920x1080, ありふれた職業で世界最強 S01E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33530967

all shit and your esl is too obvious

>> No.33530982

meant for >>33530864

>> No.33530985

ive seen all 3 of those shows and they're all varying degrees of trash

>> No.33530986

lmao, another dumb fuck who thinks he knows what a country is like based on some videos that endlessly regurgitate stereotypes from mouth to mouth

>> No.33530991

I don't know anything about those countries, but I am aware that some countries do in fact make a clear distinction between citizens and naturalized citizens. America is a good example of this. But in Japan, there is no difference between Japanese citizens and naturalized citizens.

>> No.33530992

xiv is hard bc ppl have low patience now if u queue up for a thing and u suck ull just get booted and make no friends

but i still think its fine maybe look for a jp rp server unironically lmfao

shits just hard now dude ppl have too little patience and r less willing to take a little time

>> No.33530996

to this day i still don't fully understand the psychological grounding for this extremely consistent behavior of exaggerating japanese xenophobia

maybe it comes back to cringy weebs in the '00s and deibiddo kun

>> No.33530998

almost like they're trying to convince themselves they are what they aren't
i'm not even full 1488 right wing but your beliefs on what belonging to a nation means is retarded

>> No.33531009

ive spent time there br0 i made my own conclusions dwi id rather be a disenchanted downer than a delusional weeb lol

>> No.33531020

applies to every country on the planet, try to get it

>> No.33531021
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>> No.33531040

this line is where i saw 幼気 for the first time

>> No.33531051


>> No.33531056

animation too garbage

>> No.33531077

good luck finding a trashy isekai with good animation

>> No.33531082

I reaaaallly don't wanna re-install Skype though...

>> No.33531089

are you trans?

>> No.33531094

Yeah, but sincerely some parts of arifureta is literal berserk tier

>> No.33531098

this should really be a prereq question before anyone is allowed to have an opinion on anything

>> No.33531104

write a discord id in the post text then

>> No.33531117

It's not a matter of what I believe, it's a matter of what the Japanese government believes. And if the Japanese government says that I'm Japanese then I must be Japanese, because the Japanese government is the only authority that can decide who is and who is not Japanese.


Here's two questions for the both of you.
1) Have you ever met someone who is a naturalized Japanese citizen and have you asked them about how accepted they feel in Japanese society based on their experience after naturalization?
2) Have you ever met a Japanese person who has encountered a naturalized Japanese citizen and have you asked them what their thoughts about that person were?

Of course the answer to both is no. You are making claims based on your own closed mindsets and you're just wrong in all sense of being wrong. If you think I'm bothered by your words then I'm not, I already told you several times now that the only people who say that are foreigners and the type of Japanese who only ever hang out with foreigners. And guess what you are: foreigners.

>> No.33531119

the cg is pretty awful aside from that it looks fine

>> No.33531123

i grew up with two nationalities so i never really identified with either
so im not expecting to identify with japan either

>> No.33531144

never cared about animation

>> No.33531148
File: 157 KB, 400x203, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those fucken tits look like those american retarded women surgery dolls lmao
bimbo confirmed

>> No.33531156

i grew up with 3 fuckin nationalities, national belonging is a completely foreign concept to me

>> No.33531160

same unless its really really grating

>> No.33531163

so, are you just transgender or also transracial?

>> No.33531170

i would imagine anyone who is in the right place in their life to really consider becoming a naturalized citizen would feel pretty good about japanese society and their life in it

>> No.33531188

I don't like motion comics. As long as the stuff on screen is actually animated and isn't completely still then I'm fine. A few anime come to mind which have scenes where nothing moves.

>> No.33531191

>and have you asked them about how accepted they feel in Japanese society based on their experience after naturalization?
有道出人, at least, seems to be pretty unhappy with his lot in life.

>> No.33531204

Why would you think I'm transgender? If you're trying to call me a liberal I'm not.

Yeah of course. I have never had any problems in Japan.

>> No.33531234

Debito is an お節介 and was treated exactly how he deserved to be treated. You can't just be an asshole and show up somewhere expecting to change everything to fit your special needs and then expect everyone to like you. He wouldn't have even been accepted in America if he had stayed there.

>> No.33531241

why is ufotable animation so much better than anyone in the industry

>> No.33531248


>> No.33531251

my dopamine

>> No.33531259

if there are 3-10 definitions for a vocab card what do you remember? the first? all of them? any of them? the one related to the sentence?

>> No.33531268


>> No.33531270

not trying to call you a libreal. I was just wondering if you are trans.

>> No.33531274

the one related to the sentence
tho only use anki for the reading anyways

>> No.33531276

>the one related to the sentence?
this one

>> No.33531286

interesting how some people literally sound fat

>> No.33531291

I am not transgender. I'm just a normal guy.

>> No.33531308
File: 11 KB, 394x190, Japanese_only_sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things are just wrong and won't change on their own if no one speaks out.

>> No.33531325

think it sounds nice but only for japanese girls

>> No.33531330

>tho only use anki for the reading anyways

>> No.33531343

Are you even familiar with the bath house and why it banned foreigners? Drunk Russian guys would pull into port and fuck the place up, it's only reasonable that they would ban foreigners after that.

>> No.33531368

Wouldn't the correct choice here be to ban visibly intoxicated people, rather than everyone who looks like a foreigner?

>> No.33531371

heard in restaurants they sometimes ban foreigners because they dont have an english menu and cant speak english
would always ask if its because of that and if theres something i could help them out with

>> No.33531380

do you think they would let you in since you are becoming japanese?

>> No.33531381
File: 189 KB, 480x140, 1600020488195.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33531401

Why ban intoxicated people? There are no laws against public intoxication in Japan and why ban intoxicated people if their are local customers who like to drink? This is Japan, people like to drink.

If you know that the people trashing your business are the same group of people every time then it only makes sense to ban that group of people.

>> No.33531416

would you shut up now
youve had your run

>> No.33531432

Debito tried to go and they told him no so he sued them and won because the court said he is Japanese.

They're not banned. Inoue Eido has done some interviews on YouTube where he discussed his experiences dealing with these types of establishments and he didn't have any trouble at all because he isn't an お節介 like debito.

>> No.33531442


Now I definitely won't shut up.

>> No.33531447


>> No.33531451

so you are saying ordinary japanese people won't recognize use as japenese unless you sue them?

>> No.33531454

the dogen video about how being foreign in japan has its benefits and deficits and everybody only focuses on the bad things is the only time i truly agree with him

>> No.33531455

ye but you'd eat a stinky log of shit if it came out of one ur pigs asses solely cause she's japanese

>> No.33531461

>they dont have an english menu and cant speak english
then why not just put a piece of paper saying that on the door?

>> No.33531476


There's no laws for 外人存在犯 either so I'm not sure what you're arguing about with that. I don't think it's rare for a bar to throw out people who get too drunk and get rowdy

>> No.33531504

moogy never used anki so why should i?

>> No.33531510

will never fully grasp keigo and theyll forgive me because im a stupid white piggu
feels good

>> No.33531512

Selectively enforcing a ban on drunkenness would still be a much higher IQ solution than simply blanket banning foreigners.

>> No.33531519

if you want to be japanese so bad stop posting here and go annoy 5channers instead

>> No.33531546

you shouldn't, anki is just like steves spreadsheets

doesn't actually do anything but it can keep autistic people motivated

>> No.33531550

lol fuck no
if she was really into it i would drink her pee but i dont want to

>> No.33531589

the fact that u took what i said literally says it all buddy

>> No.33531600

That's not what I said at all. Typical American mindset, twisting unrelated situations to fit your argument.


They do. They typically put up a sign that says "Japanese only". It's just that in English, the words for Japanese people an the Japanese language are the same word so western SJW types like debito get triggered to hell and back. If you walk in and sit down they will talk to you in Japanese and treat you no differently than anyone else.

Yeah but not every person who drank some alcohol is roudy.

There's actually a bunch of really good resources online if you search in Japanese. The rules are simple like other aspects of Japanese grammar.

Not if you're in an area where there are next to no foreigners and the only people who cause problems there are foreigners. This was Hokkaido, not Tokyo.

I'm not asking for your approval.

>> No.33531647

sexual stuff doesnt mean much to me bro
its just something we all have to do
and some people do it with unchi

>> No.33531657

cant stop listening to random access memories

>> No.33531700

this is why being a minority in japan is stupid

westerners w. their sense of affirmative action and cancel culture r gonna show up and cause problems as time goes on until japan stops being japan

granted they brought it on themselves but alas

>> No.33531704


From what I can see here I think most of these people are arguing that citizenship in the eyes of the law is different from public perception, so you probably won't get anywhere if you don't address that. You're arguing about different topics basically. Like in the US, I can't speak for the Mexico border because I've never been there, but in the northeast it is just assumed you're a citizen even if the law doesn't say so. I don't think that topic even crosses people's minds when they see someone because it's normalized to see all kinds of people.

>> No.33531727

driving manual in the city is such a fucking pain in the ass. definitely getting an automatic next fuck this shit.

>> No.33531744

tfw cant drive and driving seems really scary

>> No.33531754

honestly man, the more you try to be japanese the more it's going to hurt when everyone around you thinks you're not
that's my honest advice to you as a mixed race kid who was born in a close to 99% white country

>> No.33531773

>westerners w. their sense of affirmative action and cancel culture r gonna show up and cause problems as time goes on until japan stops being japan
The bright side is that westerners, even in Japan, can't speak Japanese. The language barrier works like a pretty good filter for keeping a lot of the trash out and the cultural differences chop up the rest.

>citizenship in the eyes of the law is different from public perception
The people I am arguing with have never discussed this topic with Japanese people. The people I'm arguing with have never discussed any topic with Japanese people and believe outdated stereotypes like suicide and overwork.

>> No.33531784

never drove automatic but it would feel like a loss of control to me
sometimes my left leg can be sore though after a long day of city driving

>> No.33531792


huh, surprised to not be the only non-driver in the thread
anyway, does manual actually have advantages or is it just a pride thing

>> No.33531804

I'm not TRYING to be anything. I'm just responding to comments. I know how I'm treated and I'm treated and my Japanese coworkers treat me the same as anyone else and it's very different than what the guys in these comments would like to believe.

>> No.33531823

I have a problem in one of my eyes, estrabism so i literally can only drive with a closed eye and i am not insane enough to do it.
Here is hoping someday i am wealthy enough to buy a tesla.

>> No.33531844

Just give up, it's a cope mechanism, most people cant live in japan(without working on a shit job or being a english teacher) so they cope about how living in japan is terrible.

>> No.33531857
File: 612 KB, 2048x2048, 20210129_143319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33531869

There's nothing to give up, I'm just replying. I know theyre retards.

>> No.33531876

aside from the part about no depth perception, is that issue not solvable by driving with an eyepatch

>> No.33531896

I remember some sort of "scanner" program/app that I could use in order to translate kanji to Hiragana.

Do we still have a link to that program?

>> No.33531900

>test drive an automatic
>constantly tried to gear shift
shit fucking sucks

>> No.33531901

sounds like you don't have any friends in japan

>> No.33531917

>is that issue not solvable by driving with an eyepatch
I actually really considered that, i can drive with a closed eye, i dont because the focus you have to divert to keeping it closed(so that you dont lose control of both) can be dangerous.
But it feels as if it would be chuuni as fuck.

>> No.33531974

>not willing to be chuuni with a perfectly acceptable excuse

>> No.33531978

acquaintances yes

friends no

>> No.33531987

If i did that i would want to use it outside the car too and it would be cringe.

>> No.33532022


>> No.33532041

Nice cope. I have friends, I'm not an incel. Nice logic though: "Your experience in Japan is nothing like my foreign stereotype of what Japan/Japanese people are like so the only logical explanation is that you don't have any friends".

I have both.

>> No.33532045

i honestly dont trust 99% of people to drive
based on the way they live their lives

>> No.33532049

at least in my cunt, the repair price is 3x higher for automatics, and oh boy if there's a problem with the engine youre fucked

>> No.33532060

nice cope

>> No.33532081
File: 261 KB, 1400x700, Spider-Man-Pointing-Meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33532090
File: 272 KB, 720x1520, Screenshot_20210304-162736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imma make this real easy here
vocaroo this pic and then well see

>> No.33532117

ur talking to someone thats gonna be naturalized

the usual djt fun and games dont really apply here he would just read it flawlessly and say dont ever send me this garbage again

>> No.33532126

whos this ruka? sound like a tranny if so then kys

>> No.33532132

he would only have to do it once :)

>> No.33532146

well i wouldnt be surprised if he does

>> No.33532182

1) What book is this?
2) Why is their furigana for 喧嘩?

I just have a normal penis not an unfolded or fake one.

>> No.33532189

felt out 哀愁 correctly

also glasses are a literal disability

>> No.33532195

if gayjins are forbidden from using public baths then how did shaun from fnf3 get into 1 to get that guy's money back?

>> No.33532198

I can read moeges with ease now, can you recommend me a good plot focused VN?

>> No.33532205

女生徒 by dazai mah dude
are you gonna do it?

>> No.33532215

cuz its a book for literal children its prolly better u just do it instead of say things like that they r just gonna shit on u harder when its much easier to just read the easy thing and firmly establish urself

>> No.33532223


>> No.33532229

>Why is their furigana for 喧嘩?
to 増す the 読みやすさ

>> No.33532238

>女生徒 by dazai mah dude
Is it any good?

>are you gonna do it?
I'm on my desktop and it doesn't have a mic. This isn't a cope, my desktop doesn't have a mic.

What am I trying to prove?

>> No.33532246

>this isnt a cope
thats a cope

>> No.33532252

>This isn't a cope, my desktop doesn't have a mic.
yes it is im sure you have a phone and a usb cable for it

>> No.33532259

and you dont have a phone?

>> No.33532270

i mean ultimately all ppl want is to know they can trust what the guy on the other end is saying and so thats a good way to know if someones at least a little bit for real

if u feel defensive about that then its kind of a red flag just objectively but im not 1 to talk hehe・・

>> No.33532274


I do, but what am I trying to prove?

>> No.33532289

be a good sport and give the dude a sample by reading >>33532090

>> No.33532294

i just wanna see it mang
wouldnt be surprised if you are very good but in this thread it is best to at least show it a little bit
its not like you arent already posting with a trip and quite loudly at that

>> No.33532304

nah not right now u know how this works


>> No.33532333
File: 3 KB, 178x39, iya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never saw 厭 before
did it go out fashion?

>> No.33532345

it's too easy if even my n5 ass can read it

>> No.33532350

alright give me a minute to record it on my phone and transfer it. My pitch accent isn't good though.

>> No.33532353

its only real modern use is in 厭世的 the which has come up in conversations a few times for me

>> No.33532358

just wanna say im glad analgayon died

>> No.33532362

i died at 笑って i fuckign cringed so hard i drew blood like a samurai sliced me open

>> No.33532373

i havent emersed for this week so i wont sound as good as usual but sure

>> No.33532375

nah people say iya all the time dude where have you been?

>> No.33532388

>Spend a few weeks """learning""" Japanese via Duolingo
>Look up how long it takes to be able to understand a basic Japanese conversation
>2200 hours
What the fuck.

What's motivating you guys to do with this? I need to make the decision to take this seriously or give up before I invest too much time

>> No.33532391


>> No.33532397

ok i think youre probably bunko so ill trust you

>> No.33532411

>i'm japanese
>my pitch accent isn't good though
the duality of cringe

>> No.33532412
File: 353 KB, 960x540, 辻堂さんの純愛ロード.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cartoons and porn games

>> No.33532416

its not a good look that hes precoping so much i think u guys really got him on the ropes

>> No.33532431

yeah that's me
at least once that's been used as one of the words they use to see if you can understand hard stuff
like they'll say it and then apologise for using a hard word and you gotta be all like ye i can read
see it was worth it

>> No.33532454


>> No.33532461

at this point you should wait for him to say he has the recording setup ready and then post a new page because he could have looked up all the words by now

>> No.33532483


>> No.33532495

you can still tell if someone is bad even if they can read the words

>> No.33532510

whats the point a bunch of them have furigana anyway it doesnt really matter

i guess low level scrubs r more worried about how much kanji they can read as opposed to how they sound reading lol

>> No.33532515

that would be more pathetic and obvious than if he right out said he couldn't do it, though he's posting with a tripcode so he's already hit rock bottom

>> No.33532522

it's 1 or 2 guys spamming. it's never gonna catch on though

>> No.33532526

honestly i believe in this rooka guy

>> No.33532547

just like you believed in og

>> No.33532556

lns and doujinshi

>> No.33532577

honestly i dont think he'll make another post

>> No.33532592

this guy lmfao

>> No.33532596
File: 602 KB, 741x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea well when she broke out the 高貴 line i felt like pic related

it was my mistake i got too caught up in the fun and games

oh well somewhere on some level i still know we connect

>> No.33532620


>> No.33532635

yep i'm sure the japanese will recognize you as a fellow japanese

gj on delivering though

>> No.33532647

Pronunciation and reading speed of vertical text have nothing to do with it.

>> No.33532654

listened to 10 seconds and that's all i needed
im gonna go for a walk now but if you want i can say when i get back (probably less than an hour) and then ill do something you post

>> No.33532657


>> No.33532664

yeah vertical text is trash japs are retarded

>> No.33532667

where're are you from? something about the way you speak reminds of syrian arabs

>> No.33532691

Its 1 am and I have a fever, I'm probably not going to stick around long enough to listen to you read anything but thanks for the offer.

>> No.33532705

>Its 1 am and I have a fever
copemasters title is in jeopardy

>> No.33532719

>2200 hours to understand basic conversation
What is your concept of "basic conversation"?
With basic grammar and yomichan you are already able to understand basic sentences

>> No.33532731

Damn I didn't know who you were before but I do now. Thanks man, I didn't think that was you.

I actually agree except for manga.

America. My ancestors arent from anywhere near syria.

>> No.33532734

honestly i didnt jozu him ironically its pretty obvious hes acquired japanese in the natural way im more or less satisfied

>> No.33532757

I'm coping because I'm not going to stick around to listen to him read? Do you want a picture of my thermometer next to a clock?

>> No.33532766

yeah my ancestors are from syria i'm pure aryan

>> No.33532769


>> No.33532772

>America. My ancestors arent from anywhere near syria.
that's funny
you sound exactly like the syrian dude in my class when he's trying to speak finnish

>> No.33532777

stevi got a fraction of the input that moogy did but passed n1 in 1.5 months

wow i guess anki really is that powerful

>> No.33532778

acquired 水出し

>> No.33532784

he didn't die. matt sent him to the shadow realm

>> No.33532796

what he had a coddling japanese mommy talk to him for a few years like she would to a retard? i'm quite jealous

>> No.33532805

now the haters are coping u hate to see it lmao

>> No.33532831

I wish

>> No.33532833


>> No.33532842
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x2574, B1D6FB40-B887-4D3F-A27E-7037778782B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33532843

i think you're confused

>> No.33532847

u HATE to see it

>> No.33532858

>1.5 months
1.5 years

>> No.33532859


>> No.33532863

that's not even over 100f so it's not a fever

>> No.33532864

hate to see what

>> No.33532868

that's not fever temperature

>> No.33532875

turn off ur monitor

>> No.33532898
File: 765 KB, 1920x1080, 0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god japanese people are so bad at 実況s
they get the bad end and then the series stops

>> No.33532904
File: 16 KB, 711x193, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was underarm so yes it is.

>> No.33532907

i'm japanese because the government says so umu

>> No.33532918

why do whiteoids love mayo so much

>> No.33532920


>> No.33532932

How else would you be Japanese?

>> No.33532961

its just the first result on google

>you sound syrian
You guys need to make up your minds

>> No.33532962

better luck in your next life bud

>> No.33532994

does the sub retimer only work with external sub files or can i embbed them onto the video and put the video on the folder?

>> No.33532997
File: 312 KB, 850x1200, 161486354010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33533001


you people don't understand what Japanese is lol.

>> No.33533015

why do people get so scared to reveal their country of birth the world is a huge place there's no way anyone could dox you. quiz is german and tons of people here hate him but he didn't get doxxed

>> No.33533021

if the subs were embedded in the video why would they be mis-timed? the main purpose the sub retimer is to fix external subs you get from kitsunekko so yeah that's all it can do

>> No.33533023

yoooo wtf

>> No.33533030


>> No.33533031

japanese love to put mayo on everything too because they're 名誉

>> No.33533041

quiz isn't german

>> No.33533047

glow harder faggot

>> No.33533054

yh i know haha

>> No.33533062

i was the same way, i didnt get my license till i was 24 and then i drove with my dad for a full 6 months before i went out on my own. the idea that some people just start driving on their own right after getting their license is fucking nuts to me. we have 40x45 minute mandatory driving classes here and when i got my license i was complete dogshit still since the number of situations you encounter in classes is so limited.

>> No.33533065

i really like this new namefag a lot more than jamutt, hope he sticks around

>> No.33533085

I'll be in from time to time. I don't always have time though.

>> No.33533095

of course we do, since we've listened to the words of wise men


>> No.33533110

you actually made me laugh, good job.

>> No.33533113

whats ur definition of intermediate?

>> No.33533125

its saying it cant find them

>> No.33533134

genes (the only way)

>> No.33533141

thinks he understands everything but doesnt

>> No.33533163

knows about all the particles like ですが, ほうがいい etc

>> No.33533170

gonna assume you're a whiteoid from the west cuz you're fucking pathetic and your country is gonna fall in your lifetime

>> No.33533187

im a slav so its debatable if im white according to 4chan and i dont live in the west obviously
>your country is gonna fall in your lifetime
cope seethe clench, we have no arabs or blacks here

>> No.33533198

you're a fucking disgrace to our culture kys

>> No.33533204

>cope seethe clench, we have no arabs or blacks here
i hope 100-300 years from now you guys will reconquer western europe away from the arabs who are destined to outnumber indigenous western europeans

>> No.33533212

can read any vn with 95% comprehension

>> No.33533214

cause i practiced driving a bit more so i didnt get into an accident? you ok bro? lol
the likelier outcome is that we all kill each other instead by then

>> No.33533220

I'll finish with this since I need to get to bed.

Ultimately how you are treated in Japan is dependent on how you think and how you act, and if you think the same as everyone else then you can be accepted. Of course it's hard to be accepted if you cannot be understood, so that is important too. There are people in Japan who view being Japanese as something tied to nationality (conservatives, which are also the majority), and there are those who view it as tied to blood (the left, who is pretty much disliked by the general public). You might encounter both, you might encounter one, or you might not know at all because Japanese people don't talk about politics all the time like ameritards (although I'm finding that recently people are asking me more about domestic politics now that they know I can vote soon). I know how I'm treated and maybe it's different then how you are/were/will be treated in Japan. Nothing you say can change the reality I live in when I close 4chan.

If you want to see an interview with someone who naturalized in 2010, this is a pretty good starting point to learn about what it's like to be a naturalized citizen in Japan. But ultimately cases vary on an individual basis.


>> No.33533229

got mine at 18 but i could start practice driving a year earlier
had to have 3000km and a driving checkup every 1000km
of course two a written and a physical exam as well on top of classes

was a hassle but this was the earliest way to get the license where i live

>> No.33533248

by the way you wrote that post i can tell you're never gonna be able to truly drive an automobile or anything with wheels for that matter

>> No.33533249

holy shit nobody cares

>> No.33533262

dont care didnt read

>> No.33533265

i literally just drove for an hour hence why i responded to the people that (you)d my original post about an automatic a bit later lmfao

people like u are truly bizarre, picking the most random ass things to clench ur asshole about

>> No.33533266

>as something tied to nationality (conservatives, which are also the majority), and there are those who view it as tied to blood (the left, who is pretty much disliked by the general public)
you sure you didn't write those two in the wrong order?

>> No.33533269

then why did you guys keep replying? Clearly you care enough to reply if it bothers you that much.

>> No.33533280

positive. Japanese politics is nothing like American politics.

>> No.33533287

Probably conservatives are against halfies, and lefties are not.
Not really that hard to understand.

>> No.33533295

it's truly idiots like you who cause the accidents, you can drive with your daddy in the passenger seat all you want but you'll be always trash at driving, you might as well transition

>> No.33533299

schizo thread

>> No.33533316

i stopped driving with him a long time ago bro and im definitely a lot better than i would have been had i not done that. but keep clenchin that ass baby its real tight, gonna make me bust soon haha

>> No.33533317

all me

>> No.33533319

i was thinking of that guy when u started goin off abt being naturalized

idk life is what u make it i just dont see japan as a place i want to die well maybe out in the countryside ppl r a little different out there tho thats also in good and bad ways

>> No.33533332

>but keep clenchin that ass baby its real tight, gonna make me bust soon haha
Do you really want to be jamal that badly

>> No.33533343

really want to kill this new tripfag

>> No.33533344

>this guy is the clench poster

>> No.33533357

>there's only 1 clench poster
not the highest iq on this one

>> No.33533360


>> No.33533362

be the change you want to see in the world: kys

>> No.33533369

i just find it hard to believe somebody wants to steal that god awful gimmick of yours

>> No.33533375

seethe cope and clench

>> No.33533376

yea thats gonna be me basically except i build the kame house and train yung warriors who come to see me

>> No.33533380

In Japanese politics, conservative intellectuals and media — such as the 読売新聞Yomiuri Shimbun — tend to prescribe to the dogma of "civic nationalism", in that "What is a Japanese?" is defined by law, whereas the Japanese left (Marxists, 朝日新聞Asahi Shimbun) tend to prefer "ethnic nationalism", in that "What is Japanese?" can't be described simply by laws and rules.

>> No.33533388

You ever been to Yamanashi? Nice place. I want to buy a second house out that way some day.

>> No.33533427

anyone know how many characters the nekopara games are?

>> No.33533437

ok im in again now if you want post a page

>> No.33533455

who the fuck cares? there's no vn you're going to read in one sitting anyway

>> No.33533461

You don't need to prove anything dude. If you tell me that you can read vertical text at an appropriate speed with decent pronunciation then I'll believe you. Do you have a source for the book you linked? Is it on itazuraneko?

>> No.33533463

stfu faggot nobody cares about you

>> No.33533464

do japanese people do anal? theres so little anal porn compared to the west but idk if that means regular people dont do it too

>> No.33533479

ok mang just checking its not like i want to flex its just some people would want the person who asked to do it too

>> No.33533490

Now say that in polite japanese

>> No.33533515

ive driven by but never stopped

i spent some time down in kochi and i liked it there kinda reminded me of home

its also a fucking dump which really makes it feel kinda like home

>> No.33533532

kochi has the highest divorce rate and lowest happiness im pretty sure

>> No.33533537


>> No.33533538

japanese people barely even do the penor to vagoo sex either if you look at the birth numbers

>> No.33533543

i dont doubt it its a shit hole but i come from shit so it feels more like home lmao

>> No.33533545

Are you sure it's not Kitakyushu?

>> No.33533569

Birth rate has nothing to do with how often people have sex. It's 2021, there's all kinds of protection available.

>> No.33533585

nothing's gonna protect you from having my foot up your ass

>> No.33533589

just played a game of apex, probably the worst game i've ever played

i dont get why nips are obsessed about it

>> No.33533595

frickin based right here

>> No.33533596

where do you come from that's so shitty

>> No.33533611

tell that to quizmaster LOOOOOL

>> No.33533616

not the city

>> No.33533635

>whereas the Japanese left (Marxists, 朝日新聞Asahi Shimbun) tend to prefer "ethnic nationalism", in that "What is Japanese?" can't be described simply by laws and rules.
is japan's left more similar to third positionists in the west than western communists???

>> No.33533649

cities are where all the truly nasty shitty shit happens though. rural places just have poverity but they got lots of sense of community and sticking together and crimes aren't super terrible. it just seems bad cuz in a small town everyone knows everyone and everything that happens so every crime is known to everyone all the time

>> No.33533653

Sorry idk what those words mean. You're probably better off just reading about it yourself, you'll find more than I could tell you since I follow right wing stuff. Search in Japanese of course.

One thing worth noting is that the far left loves China.

>> No.33533657
File: 39 KB, 1000x667, nigger island.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the island that shouldn't exist

>> No.33533660

lol you are full of shit. japanese right wingers don't consider koreans who have been living in japan for generations to be japanese

>> No.33533672

I don't think quizmaster knows anything about the sex lives of Japanese people. He's only just now beginning to have sex himself.

>> No.33533688

well why do u think im still fond of the rural landscape and yea the thing abt community is what makes it more preferable to me if im gonna be in japan
if u pop in a local bar in the sticks ur gonna get looked at like ur some invader but if u help a dude carry some shit or stop for a dude on the side of the road its gonna lead to good things

>> No.33533696

Are you talking about zainichi? That's because they're not Japanese, they don't have Japanese citizenship. You're more than welcome to research any of my claims in Japanese.

>> No.33533708

自民党 is mix of neoliberalism and conservatism

>> No.33533710

so why don't you live somewhere rural

>> No.33533729

i mean its not like its completely off the table sometime in the future but im also fond of where i live so everythings all good for now

>> No.33533740

“reading”while using hover dicts,and pretending u can comprehend the vn dialogue

>> No.33533744

im not even reading this ruka fags posts but hes still pissing me off

>> No.33533746

your claims are just typical netuyo bullshit like saying firmly centre-left asahi shimbun is "marxist" lol

>> No.33533751

Yeah kinda. Honestly you're better off forgetting about any preconceptions you have to words like "conservative" and "liberal" when it comes to Japanese politics because its quite different from what you move used to.

>> No.33533758

Have any of you ever participated in the JET program or similar? Or would you be interested in participating in it?

>> No.33533768


>> No.33533778


>> No.33533793

why. the. fuck. do. you. need. a. tripcode. you. piece. of. shit.

>> No.33533796

are you recruiting?

>> No.33533797


>> No.33533804

jet is absolute bottom of the barrel if ur insane like that white girl from ireland who let a little yelow man fuck her and then she decided to have his bugspawn after teaching english there for 7 years go right ahead i mean u can use it as a gateway to get somewhere like if ur the kind of person that wants specifically a japanese girlfriend which i always kind of think is weird but whatever

just know all jet is is a ticket to live in japan and get paid next to nothing to be a singing and dancing piece of shit and basically any other asian country is better for teaching english in

>> No.33533813

I'm doing you a service so that you know who to filter.

>> No.33533817
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>> No.33533821

>One thing worth noting is that the far left loves China.
not unexpected lmao

>> No.33533831

that is so malodorous i cant even stand it

>> No.33533834

gonna do jet no barrels held

>> No.33533840

JET is literally the best ALT gig in Japan. It's awful, but it's not the bottom of the barrel. There is actually worse.

>> No.33533843

stfu i'm going to be the next chris broad by vlogging my whole experience and meeting epic natives like natsuki

>> No.33533847

jet is one of the ways im thinking of getting my start in japan after uni if i dont find a rich bba who will buy me during the exchange trip

>> No.33533848

>basically any other asian country is better for teaching english in
lol why would anyone prefer to go live in thailand or china or w/e where they actually expect you to do work and you get to live in a shithole

>> No.33533854

ok fair enough theres more shady organizations that are technically worse than jet but i wasnt even considering that shit jet is the bottom of the barrel of things that i find acceptable

>> No.33533858

why not just learn Japanese and apply for a job at a Japanese company?

>> No.33533873

imagine being this suicidal

>> No.33533877



>> No.33533881

id rather be a ふりーたー for a few years before doing that just fucking around and probably drinking a lot

>> No.33533890

this is always a tongue twister for me :(

>> No.33533894

hope you die of liver failure

>> No.33533896


the fuck

>> No.33533905

gonna bust a big nut this weekend i'll prolly get to 10ml per shot because of how long i've been saving up (aiming for higher tho because 11ml is my record)

>> No.33533908

the fuck

>> No.33533909

actually helps that its heiban i m o

>> No.33533924

saving up is shit got my biggest shot on a three day streak

>> No.33533929

i'd rather just be a NEET in tokyo and fuck degenerate otaku girls instead

imagine learning a language to just to work holy shit

>> No.33533932

what does that mean?

>> No.33533942

Why do you follow stereotypes? Japanese workers work less hours annually than American workers do. Of course experience varies depending on the company, so don't apply to a shitty company.

>> No.33533954

is skimming reading?

>> No.33533963

>quotes statistics and studies
you're out

>> No.33533969


>> No.33533970


>> No.33533990


>> No.33533997
File: 463 KB, 1280x720, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill lock you up if you skim

>> No.33534004

did you measure it? i don't think you can save up enough ザーメン in just 3 days to get to 10ml it was prolly 80% stuff from 精嚢 and only 20% ザーメン
what i'm talking about is 11ml of just noukou ザーメン!!! that's a lot!!!

>> No.33534006

the thought of him eventually making it fills me with hope

>> No.33534007

i wouldn't want to work in america either what's your point

>> No.33534011

how many more times if godfather going to rediscover particles and conjugations ????

>> No.33534012

i hope no one here is jacking off into fucking beakers

>> No.33534021

how is it possible that someone is this stupid

>> No.33534025

nukige guy drinks his after every session, kinda weird imo but he's autistic so it can't be helped

>> No.33534030

how would you measure it

>> No.33534031

i didnt measure but it shot out the farthest and the stuff was everywhere

>> No.33534048

when an otaku nip lists "お薬" as an occupation, it just means pill popping right

>> No.33534062

have new friends here not seen garbage day?


>> No.33534069 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33534079

whats ur problem

>> No.33534085

talked to a girl who said something similar and she meant pain killers

>> No.33534086

the fuck are you watching and give me the link please
is this nhk?

>> No.33534091


>> No.33534108

can you get hooked on painkillers? never done drugs of any sort so i dunno

>> No.33534120

yeah especially benzos

>> No.33534123

>can you get hooked on painkillers?

>> No.33534127

yoooo wtf

>> No.33534130

literally a skelly
japanese women have no ass

>> No.33534146 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.33534154

god i wish i was a girl

>> No.33534156

sounds pretty degenerate, probably a red flag right

>> No.33534162


>> No.33534163

damn ruka is a special breed of retarded

>> No.33534169

being addicted to any kind of substance is a red flag to some extent, but a serious opioid addiction can be life ruining / fatal

i guess some people manage to limit their intake but it often ends in tragedy

>> No.33534179

yeah unless you like fucked up people

>> No.33534181

i'm addicted to rezu

>> No.33534204

he's japanese

>> No.33534213

women get prescribed pain killers for their period pains
then the body adjusts and lowers the pain threshold
now the stuff that used to work doesnt anymore and they feel even more pain

the funny thing is period pains in nature arent even a thing as women are supposed to be pregnant all year round

>> No.33534221

lmao fucking baased

>> No.33534258

so basically the body punishes the women for not being pregnant

sounds like alot of female problems can infact be solved by a proper dicking

>> No.33534293

Imagine being a woman and having to have such a huge thing as a baby go through ur cunt
i already almost die when i shit imagine that

>> No.33534306

never had to imagine being a woman cuz i don't have transsexual tendencies

>> No.33534314

you never taken a baby size shit before?

>> No.33534323
File: 113 KB, 1394x1111, 1600947266503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm actually just doing the core 6k just for fun, i'm not actually learning japanese, i simply enjoy watching the number go up

maybe if i keep this for long enough i'll become the "man learns 10k japanese words, does not know japanese"

>> No.33534324
File: 365 KB, 900x506, cute.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neither do i
i do wish i was cute enough to cosplay as one of those animetraps and have a futamommy ram my ass tho

>> No.33534335

i actually don't care

>> No.33534339

please tell me there is a futadick beneath this blanket

>> No.33534362


>> No.33534374

>you arrive home after a tiring day working for your japanese overlords
>well at least i finally can see my son and wife haha, cant wait to surprise them with this cake
>but when you arrive you cant find them anywhere
>but you hear strange sounds coming from your bedroom
>you open the door and this is the sight that greets you
What do you do?

>> No.33534384

i'm a netorase fan so i congratulate my son and i sit down to watch

>> No.33534394

wonder why my wife's a few years older than my son

>> No.33534399

not much to imagine, giving birth is equal to taking a rough shit, women are just so desensitized to pain that they think its the worst thing in existence

>> No.33534427

praise my son for having the heart of a man and engage a friendly competition with him over which one of us knocks my wife up first

>> No.33534433

>t. never had intense muscle contractions forced upon you
here's a neat way to try this at home, tear your skin off and poor salt directly onto them

>> No.33534441

this whole post lmao

>> No.33534457

you will always be a woman

>> No.33534513

actually considering buying 餅田コシヒカリs grav dvd because i dont think i can find it anywhere

>> No.33534515

just take your painkillers sweaty

>> No.33534519
File: 610 KB, 715x981, permisison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33534547


>> No.33534562

thats my girl

>> No.33534564

are jp chicks size queens?

>> No.33534587

my knowledge of human biodiversity would suggest to me that their standards would be lower relative to those of westerners

>> No.33534590

finna read

>> No.33534593

I unironically already did that since pouring salt+vinegar is the best way to treat wounds at home
it hurts but it heals faster and keeps ur wound clean

>> No.33534624

japanese girls will brag to their friends about how big the foreign dick was and sort of use it to renegotiate themself on the totem pole of their social circle i assure u

>> No.33534647
File: 38 KB, 472x695, 76534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hip hop men are popular there

>> No.33534660

It's a meme, use anki instead

>> No.33534696

i just 繋がりたい hands with a girl

>> No.33534703
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>> No.33534710

you don't know japanese and keep making the same post lol

>> No.33534745
File: 9 KB, 813x70, uk5k7d1lrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i see why エキドナ is my waifu

>> No.33534774

he's a paid shill

>> No.33534786
File: 236 KB, 719x293, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33534805

im a boy

>> No.33534809

with that were me

>> No.33534819

just took a shot

>> No.33534820

why dont you just go to uni in japan? your japanese is probably good enough and if it isnt there are english programs surely

>> No.33534834

u might as well do online college and just go on vacation in japan with ur grant money

>> No.33534850

might as well skip uni and go fuck around in japan

>> No.33534859

i would recommend wanikani to people who want to pay money in order to feel like they're learning japanese instead of actually doing it
everyone else should just do core2.3k and call it a day

>> No.33534860

that requires a sufficient amount of testosterones of which you probably dont have alot

>> No.33534866

might as well go fuck in japan

>> No.33534894

cant do anything aslong as the nips keeps their border closed

let me in damnit, i need to breed with your women

>> No.33534895

btw im serious boys theres plenty of japanese women in their 30s whos parents will put u and her up for the rest of ur lives if u just go to japan and fuck her no barrels held and produce a child and take sekinin

>> No.33534909

would never recommend a newspaper word deck to anyone ever

>> No.33534910


>> No.33534918

but i want a woman in their early twenties

>> No.33534941

women in their early 20s r dumb as shit

late 20s is a little better and around 32 is the prime mating age

>> No.33534958


i love how strongmind the japanese are

>> No.33534961
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>> No.33534967 [SPOILER] 
File: 480 KB, 1115x1600, 1614882845765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christianity is fucked up

>> No.33534968

stop gaslighing me jamal

>> No.33534969

>women in their early 20s r dumb as shit
thats not a bad trait imo

nothing is more intolerable than women that think they are smart

>> No.33534992

how did a japanese guy grow tall enough to play in the nba

he must be 1 of those radioactive babies from nagasaki

>> No.33534993
File: 391 KB, 960x540, 辻堂さんの純愛ロード.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate it when all the girls are so good cause picking one means dumping the others, feels bad

>> No.33534998


>> No.33535005 [DELETED] 


>> No.33535013

its crazy how i can full power shitpost and still be the best poster here

>> No.33535020

tell me about it

but its not about actually being smart i mean dumb as shit in terms of life exp to the point that its unattractive

>> No.33535037


>> No.33535068

at least nowadays you usually don't have the girls you don't choose get dicked by other guys like in those pc98 sims

>> No.33535070

upset ur shitty voc didnt get more yous? lol!

>> No.33535127

you sound like a big nerd

>> No.33535145


>> No.33535151

this is why i only play harem vinnies

>> No.33535153


>> No.33535170

she looks cute what vn bro?
Is there much sex?

>> No.33535200

bro... give me a rec

>> No.33535203

so once and for all which e-celeb's method is the best way to learn japanese? and should i buy lingq or wanikani?

>> No.33535208

everyone from djt sounds like a little faggot ready to get shoved in the locker at recess

>> No.33535210


>> No.33535217

>what vn
>is there much sex
haven't gotten to the sex yet i assume there's very little of it late in the game as is usual in this type of vn

>> No.33535244

qm passed a japanese literacy test that most natives can't even pass. this is his method for learning japanese

>> No.33535254

he hasn't passed it yet shut the fuck up shill

>> No.33535266

do you honestly believe he's not going to after passing all the practice tests on his first try?

>> No.33535277

milk factory games

>> No.33535289

he doesn't even practice writing kanji anymore, he suspended his whole deck after finishing it because he didn't have the willpower to do the reviews

>> No.33535295


>> No.33535305

yeah cuz he overdid it by doing 100 cards a day or some retarded shit just to shut up all the haters and doubters. all he has to do is un-suspend it a month before the actual test and there's no way he could fail it

>> No.33535310
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japanese is impossible

>> No.33535336

make pii go piipii

>> No.33535413
File: 358 KB, 640x1079, 3FF70100-C04A-4317-A28C-336E22B15983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just got an iPhone. Why is Anki so expensive? Oh well, at least l can keep using AnkiDroid on my Android phone.

>> No.33535415

hbd? based and true

>> No.33535439

my imoto is taking a break from rtk
its over bros
oh well

>> No.33535443
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>> No.33535474

because iphone users are well known suckers
i'm sure it used to cost like five bucks, but then they saw the phone prices go waaaay up and followed suit

>> No.33535485

>and produce a child
don't wanna child that doesn't look like me

>> No.33535488

how far did she get

>> No.33535491

everyone i know who did rtk quit so that doesnt surprise me

>> No.33535498

>Why is Anki so expensive
cause they use the iphone version to pay for the servers

>> No.33535503


>> No.33535504

30 percent not writing them btw

>> No.33535508

i wanna man

>> No.33535517


>> No.33535559

but i want a jk

>> No.33535573

do you guys think that 𝐻Ǝ𝒩𝒯𝒜𝐼 is good for reading practice?

>> No.33535579


>> No.33535581 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1080x1188, EvqAsLyXEAI0FYa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get ur dopamine

>> No.33535586


>> No.33535589


>> No.33535591

i am going to take your eyes out with pliers and crush them between my molars

>> No.33535599

the fuck is wrong with spaniards https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukDIKBRYxJo

>> No.33535612

i watched this, stupid cuck shit

>> No.33535620

where did u find this?

>> No.33535633


>> No.33535643

i'm worried i'm gonna get stuck on jamal's island with psychopath anon and end up being his necklace or some shit

>> No.33535654

i'm sure he's a decent guy

>> No.33535659

it was all the mc imagining shit and is only a small part of the hentai tho

>> No.33535662

peak comedy here my white friend u wont get it

>> No.33535806

you must be one of the biggest losers in the whole world, min rapist

>> No.33535835

>taxing iphone users to pay for web hosting
dangerously based

>> No.33535838
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>> No.33535911

lol i thought you were already fluent

>> No.33535918

sometimes i see a mature card and think "what a dumb card, why did i even make this" and just delete it
anyone else?

>> No.33535939

fuck off

>> No.33535948
File: 82 KB, 533x800, 5170guild00174jp-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro dont make me spend 2k yen on this shit

>> No.33535955

what does nip butthole smell like

>> No.33535975

ever had natto on rice?

yeah... that

>> No.33535976

in this definition it would make MORE sense to read it はいる change my mind

>> No.33536021
File: 7 KB, 248x116, 56465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fucking job trying to argue with set phrases

>> No.33536042

>there's alot of lonely girls in japan
so lonely they make up stories about dating you

>> No.33536050

my game stonk doin a lil sum

>> No.33536062

yeah but its retarded cuz you can't いる yourself into someone elses thing, youre はいるing

>> No.33536065

You learn kanji but not words
not worth it
basically a more painful RTK
do anki instead

>> No.33536070

there are over 10000 manga on dlraw, that's actually fucking nuts. doubt i'll be able to download more than half of them due to no HDD space. might buy a cheap extra 2tb one for it.

>> No.33536071


>> No.33536114

you're acting in the way that to be someone's 気のいる, your understanding of it is flawed

>> No.33536116

i wish some hot girl did that to me, but no

>> No.33536130

life's too short

>> No.33536137
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>> No.33536165

yeah i did get that it was 相手の(気に入る)ようにふるまう rather than 相手(の気)(に入る)ようにふるまう but it's gay and stupid because it really could be either word was 諂う btw

>> No.33536205
File: 2.10 MB, 1920x1080, ara.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had one when i was 10 always followiing me around in the train back from school and i fully ignored her to play my gameboy

>> No.33536213

not really because if we consider 気にはいる literally it wouldn't necessarily mean that one doing something to make you like me in the same way. i can enter your ki quite easily by punching you in the face

>> No.33536225

i didnt find out till later how many girls in high school actually liked me but they also thought i was out of their league so they never pursued

its a nice ego booster but ultimately its kinda sad bc i couldve had a harem if things went a little differently

>> No.33536227

i think iru in this context means to 'allow'

>> No.33536235

>but they also thought i was out of their league
yeah same here

>> No.33536236


>> No.33536414

>doubt it
it's all bbas there bro, easy win

>> No.33536439

4th from the bottom looks perfect for you tho

>> No.33536446

u didnt put urself in position where u could be humped

like just be alone with a girl on the weekend and ur prolly gonna have sex thats how it happened for me

>> No.33536461

rofl i remember that

>> No.33536472

all married i bet but im reading them cause its funny so we'll see
only for copenhagen

>> No.33536473
File: 3.40 MB, 1920x1080, ffxiv969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet here whats げーぼくー supposed to be?

>> No.33536484


>> No.33536507
File: 58 KB, 535x711, EHvCG8MVAaAERzMC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33536510

ok thanks this is what I found as well but her singing about her manservant seemed out of character so I was confused

>> No.33536519
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>> No.33536521

how did he fuck that up though. is there a similar kanji he confused it with

>> No.33536536

tataru doesnt treat carby w. respect

>> No.33536539


>> No.33536541

just read 体中 as たいちゅう

>> No.33536546

wat deck dis

>> No.33536557

i reinstall ff14 and start a djt guild

>> No.33536618

20k sentence cards all down the drain just from smoking the herbal jew

>> No.33536633

fo real? might be the first djt thing i join cuz i aint touchin no discord

>> No.33536651
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>> No.33536650

i meant to say i should reinstall ff14 and start a guild

>> No.33536677

*rubs hands*
oi bei

>> No.33536679

grammatically? nothing.

>> No.33536682


>> No.33536692

heard its free until the first dlc or something

>> No.33536755

did he pass N1 JLPT tho

>> No.33536779

he probably understands anime as well as og does not at all

>> No.33536794

meanwhile im screaming dps上げろnoobs

>> No.33536818

If you spend more time reading this account than getting active contact with your target language then unfollow me.

What you need is to start, not wait for all the answers.
Don't wait for things to be perfect. Everything you need to know is already out there.

Do not silently nod at my tweets.
Do not be satisfied with just agreeing (if you do).
Do not form a parasocial relationship with me.

I don't want to use this account to make friends with people if it means their journey ends being satisfied with that.
Agreeing is not effort.

>> No.33536843

illiterates can't pass any level

>> No.33536846
File: 2.54 MB, 1700x1800, bingo-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, djt?

did you get a bingo?

>> No.33536854
File: 117 KB, 987x651, hekieki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33536875

i filled literally every field

>> No.33536923
File: 1.08 MB, 1920x1080, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mined 雌化
also wonder if certain parasites cause gender dysphoria in humans like the フクロムシ here does

>> No.33536935

everything except schrödinger, autism and gets good after 40 hours

>> No.33536937

gameplay, title drop, and food

>> No.33536960

you can never know

>> No.33536966

yes you can

>> No.33536967


>> No.33536975

ok qm

>> No.33536984

wow he always seems like such a retard in this thread but i pretty much completely agree with his guide

>> No.33537038

sometimes you can

>> No.33537048

mined 毒を食らわば皿まで

>> No.33537077

that's actually pretty bad-ass, where'd you mine it from

>> No.33537078
File: 30 KB, 222x227, 1614891993705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33537093


>> No.33537175


>> No.33537179

man you all are so schizo i dont post for like 2 days and its og og og at every post like fuck just shut up already

>> No.33537193

it wasnt me

>> No.33537198

still don't know who this guy is

>> No.33537200

this was made by a radio artist

>> No.33537202

tobira girl lmao

>> No.33537211

real rich for u to tell anyone to stfu after u invade our thread and squirt ur period blood all over us for months

>> No.33537212

this might be the only song jamal and i can see eye to eye on. one of the few rap songs i like

>> No.33537215

tobira guy and genki girl

>> No.33537244

wanna run a comb through ur napps swiftly

>> No.33537245

im pretty genki irl. takes conscious effort to keep from acting spazzy

>> No.33537306


>> No.33537316


>> No.33537328

>not お元気
thats quite a familiar tone you're taking with me

>> No.33537336


>> No.33537355

I don't know japanese, only how they general pronounce the roman versions of their names but I just realized today that Takashi Miike is not pronounced Mike like Michael but instead "meekay".

Very disappointed in this revelation, if i'm being honest. Takashi MIKE sounds so much cooler

>> No.33537364

mined 群雄割拠

>> No.33537367


>> No.33537387

those are some scary 字

>> No.33537388


>> No.33537402

really crazy that the guy that drew jagaaaaaan only had a 1 volume spin-off published before cause the art in this is some of the best ive seen. too bad the story is kinda stale at 11 volumes in but its gonna end soon i imagine

>> No.33537420

miss when weezer was a good band rather than one of the worst

>> No.33537426


>> No.33537438

pisses me off that og also likes weezer

>> No.33537441


>> No.33537466

i haven't liked weezer since before 'beverly hills' if it makes you feel better

>> No.33537467

i was never a weezer boy i was more of a wheatus boy


>> No.33537477
File: 956 KB, 1920x1080, 1614887032025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would you react if you saw people laughing at your jinko wife because she doesn't know how to read and write? she is in a corner crying.

>> No.33537541


>> No.33537544

muimi tengay lol

>> No.33537547


>> No.33537588

diva cup is where its at

>> No.33537607

>read for 30mins and comprehend none of it
love Immersion tb,h

>> No.33537610

>> No.33537657

i know iam late but i love you anacreon&quizmaster for the retimesubs thing.
what time and age we live in that things became this easy.

>> No.33537679

i'd share her pussy with them to demonstrate that she's actually good at something

>> No.33537680

i dont hate weezer but yea i gotta have my 90s alternative


>> No.33537705
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls rec LN's in the itazura library i am sick of kino no tabi and iris on rainy days

>> No.33537720

fact: asmr youtubers are the best listening practice for beginners as speaking is normally in small chunks, very comprehensible and it is extremely compelling input

>> No.33537749

yeah sorry i never got into the whole sadboi vibe. kind makes me mad it killed 80s rock and cobain was a total fag

>> No.33537772

post qm dick

>> No.33537780

whats ur issue

>> No.33537800


>> No.33537804

only unintentional asmr works on me and only with dudes

>> No.33537810

as for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Judt8d_CwoE

>> No.33537813

no dox please

>> No.33537820

quizmaster didn't do shit and analgayon is dead now (RIP) so stfu

>> No.33537823

idk it just makes me think of the summers in the 90s

>> No.33537826

are you supposed to mix the beef and rice up before you eat gyudon

>> No.33537840
File: 1.81 MB, 410x230, 1425955114743.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33537850

anime is so bad it drove miyazaki to smoke so he can die faster and escape it

>> No.33537861

wtf i didnt know that dude from the eigo lessons was イケメン
im immeeeersing
i wasnt conscious enough in the 90s to have the nostalgia. i just retroactively enjoy music and i reach pretty far back

>> No.33537862

imagine how bad it must feel to have your son follow you into making anime and for him to be total shit at it

>> No.33537876

i'm fucking fuming right now

>> No.33537880

wtf yall are going to play an mmorpg together

>> No.33537883

if u seriously consume this garbage u need to kill urself

>> No.33537884

what a surprise ur attracted to little yellow men

congrats in advance on ur little bug baby

>> No.33537886


>> No.33537888


>> No.33537889


>> No.33537897

this is me and i still lol at myself lmao

>> No.33537905

dont be racist. you were a bug baby once

>> No.33537909

this is amazing to listen to when reading, keeps me in the zone

>> No.33537913

you clearly don't understand how abstract my feelings are here its just something to consume. its not even lewd its i feel entirely different irl i just can put myself in the mood to enjoy イケメン if you know japanese you can wakaru

>> No.33537934

>if you know japanese you can wakaru
og quoting agf, very appropriate

>> No.33537941

look all im saying is when u start ur youtube channel making vids about ur little bug baby can i at least get a shoutout in the first 1

>> No.33537943

yeah enjoying looking at attractive people is a very japanese thing not seen anywhere else on earth
you must be the smartest in the whole trailer park

>> No.33537955
File: 103 KB, 693x673, maid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, i mean look at this design on the bottom left
lmfao what even is that

>> No.33537956
File: 11 KB, 332x96, Screenshot 2021-03-04 at 16.11.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like im just another person in there crowd here watching like

its not personally about me

>> No.33537960

anime is truly damned

>> No.33537961

looks great looking forward to it :)

>> No.33537970

i smell a tranny

>> No.33537979

legit what do you want as a reaction to that

>> No.33537981

nice milkers

>> No.33538008

reading gantz atm and im disappointed as "awkwardly natural" doesn't really describe it at all, it's just normal japanese. pretty easy as well.

>> No.33538010
File: 732 KB, 1920x1080, 小林さんちのメイドラゴン 第03話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33538012

the best anime decades had ridiculous tit sizes so honestly its an improvement on the flat chested stuff. its kinda charming really i means its animation not reality

>> No.33538014

trannies prob love that fucking anime slop

>> No.33538024

its probably just natural and hes the awkward one

>> No.33538041

pipe down tranny

>> No.33538043

you didn't understand that clip at all

>> No.33538069

lol stfu newfag

>> No.33538076

enlighten me then
lurk more whore

>> No.33538109

gary has more proven ability than quiz

>> No.33538120


>> No.33538122

quiz has gotten his dick wetter tho

>> No.33538123

he's read way more vns and lns

>> No.33538124

wow what an achievement

>> No.33538128

fucked up but true
source is the quiz enryo vocaroo

>> No.33538130

neither you or he belong here

>> No.33538135
File: 12 KB, 850x64, djt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33538140

imagine reading a book about web development in japanese where everything is just english words in katakana or code in romaji

>> No.33538141

its kinda cringe that this dude is over the age of 25 and still doing this shit LOL

>> No.33538146

yea i am too good for this shitty thread

>> No.33538148

gonna coom so much !

>> No.33538152

the "djt" server i presume?

>> No.33538155


>> No.33538162
File: 9 KB, 310x173, itudemoiiyo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33538163

is garyben a web developer yet or does he still work at a corner shop?

>> No.33538170

The older i get the more important romance becomes in vinnies

>> No.33538171
File: 298 KB, 320x443, 1600742538283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just realized the reason jamal sounds like such an insufferable little faggot, his jaw is like pic related 100%

>> No.33538181

>*oh but this doesn't apply to output guys don't cripple yourself

>> No.33538185

no matter how old i get i'll never read a vn

>> No.33538186

im sure hes done jack shit and just jacks off in his purple room that looks like hes living in the belly of grimace

no i have a pretty forward pointing chin and i even have nice dimples

>> No.33538187

that your brother og?

>> No.33538206

nah my brother isn't mixed and he has a jaw and blond hair

>> No.33538210

i always picture him as yanderedev

>> No.33538222

i have dimples on my lower back is it the same deal?

>> No.33538237

vns aren't real japanese bro

>> No.33538243

dimples are cute but i can't imagine them fitting jamals mediterranean face

>> No.33538245

girls have a hole where their balls should be they're absolute freaks

>> No.33538247


>> No.33538267

dude rent in portland is expensive and his lease isn't up

>> No.33538270

read 110k today

>> No.33538273

so its not an anomaly like in the face?

>> No.33538279

hope he gets a BLM brick through his window when the floyd arresters are declared innocent

>> No.33538285

this is gonna end in me posting a real selfie i just know it

>> No.33538286

is this the refold server?

>> No.33538292

it's clearly not the same because you don't have the "eyesight" to tell if you were correct in what you're saying or not if you don't know japanese

>> No.33538296

no its the moeway server

>> No.33538297

why do you have to ask again after i linked the answer?

>> No.33538298


>> No.33538306

nobody fucking cares what you look like attention leech

>> No.33538307

been scarily close more than a few times myself with people thinking im ugly, you will regret it though just dont

>> No.33538310

stfu attention whore

>> No.33538316

if you do that i will never respect you at all bro
only good thing is og will post one too cause she's like that

>> No.33538324

50k more than me

>> No.33538325

clearly the only thing to do is just me and og exchange selfies and we both remark how the other isnt half bad

>> No.33538328


>> No.33538331

80k more than me

>> No.33538336

can't see having any regrets over it unless you truly are ugly

>> No.33538341

it's so sad how badly jamal wishes he could add og on discord

>> No.33538342
File: 276 KB, 1326x1080, dbz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33538349

not gojnna lie itd give me a reason to run discord more often than i do

>> No.33538355 [DELETED] 

>hur just dox yourself on the most cancerous general on 4chan full of a bunch of thirdies who wanna to kill/maim/rape you
anyway im whitoid so half of djt would say im ugly out of principle

>> No.33538359


>> No.33538362

besides we could just trade yt links back and forth and tell e.o how much the other sucks at music but then also agree on a lot of things

>> No.33538371
File: 1.93 MB, 3024x3932, og.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

og looks like that??!?

>> No.33538375

jamal is the guy in your world of warcraft guild who was always trying to have an e-relationship with the healer women

>> No.33538378

you are posting cringe rn unironically
go do a few push ups and dip your head in a sink filled with cold water

>> No.33538379

how many hours did it take you and what were you reading?

>> No.33538380

wait who the fuck is og? is this thread really namefagged by a literal femoid now?

>> No.33538382

why would i do that i got a ton of ppl who hate me here and i have something exclusive that they cant have

u have no idea how much id milk that

>> No.33538387

why do you care newfag

>> No.33538388

obese girl yea

>> No.33538391

i dont think its fair to call me an namefag when i never use the namefield. i didnt even come up with the og title

>> No.33538395

will coom to dis

>> No.33538403
File: 486 KB, 706x488, karen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think og looks like this

>> No.33538404

until recently i had never played healer in any mmo so i decided to try it, it's so fucking easy no wonder it's the only role women can do

>> No.33538405
File: 616 KB, 740x740, 1350322720728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33538406

i could even send her a smiley face bc girls love smiley faces : )

u sprayed ur feminine odor all over the thread and now the boys cant forget u

>> No.33538407

oh shit is it kuro

>> No.33538416

whats the souce google didnt turn up anything

>> No.33538418

you better use the smile nervous sweat drop emoji

>> No.33538422

not really but she's cool looking. jamal got spookily close with the girl in the teenage dirtbag video but i have better teeth and only a 5head not a 6head

>> No.33538424

ff14 healers were hard the last time i played it bc they had to heal and do damage they were responsible for like 2 or 3% of the boss total hp and it was important bc without it ud wipe

>> No.33538427

just don't see the group of people who hate you and the group of people who want to see og's ugly mug overlapping

>> No.33538431

you used a trip

>> No.33538434

in the original image the light comes from the left

>> No.33538435

moe route in akatuki no goei
also it was 107989 characters i just rounded up

>> No.33538439

once, because people wanted to filter me. i dont even remember it.

>> No.33538449

i don't remember it so it didn't happen lol

>> No.33538461


>> No.33538460

id never sweat drop emoji at her bc id never be sweatin

well i dont betray ppls trust and besides ud also have mine which i consider of higher value bc theres ppl here who have hated me for years that would prolly try to find me and kill me for real

>> No.33538466

man i should have know you'd be petty over using a trip for one single post 3+ months in to being a "namefag"

>> No.33538471

lol gantz really does have like 1/5th the text of the average manga if that

>> No.33538475

>theres ppl here who have hated me for years that would prolly try to find me and kill me for real
there cant be that many of us dont be a chicken shit

>> No.33538480

its cuz ur a girl dont kid urself

im not actually scared especially bc doxx probability from a selfie is pretty low for me

>> No.33538482

>theres ppl here who have hated me for years that would prolly try to find me and kill me for real
thats funny to me

>> No.33538483

do u rly believe people think about you after they close this tab? ur ego is bigger than ciaran's kanji grid

>> No.33538489

>3 days without fap
>start remembering every kanji i see

>> No.33538492
File: 395 KB, 1280x720, 0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this vn is starting to get interesting

>> No.33538496


>> No.33538498

i think theres the whole gamut from ppl who dont care to ppl who really care

>> No.33538501
File: 553 KB, 1276x716, 暁の護衛.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you read best girl's route yet

>> No.33538503

just realized it's called a 事務所 because it's really a 務所

>> No.33538514

you called ciaran a tripfag even though he's never even posted with a name and now you're crying when it happens to you even tho you have tripfagged

>> No.33538517

gonna litter her panties and dirty socks

>> No.33538520
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 暁の護衛トリニティCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was saving her for last

>> No.33538521
File: 42 KB, 620x446, le gay prison guy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33538530
File: 1.05 MB, 995x1100, 1608430975673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro it still didnt work help

>> No.33538533

fuckin baased

>> No.33538534

uhhhh NO bro don't you know it's cuz cuz LOL. .....

JIM SHOW dude hahahahaha have you never been on reddit ROFL??

ok let me explain, The Office is a show about an office (DUH!) but there's a guy named Jim in it and OMG he is soooo cute! ne way...

>> No.33538541

it's pumpkincakezz

>> No.33538545

oh fuckign gross looks like she fucks niggers nvm

>> No.33538547

describe what you see in japanese and then google it, you'll either get other good shit or find it

>> No.33538550

good choice

>> No.33538552

i tried keeping you away from the truth

>> No.33538556


>> No.33538557


>> No.33538564

are u M

>> No.33538571

wish someone said this to me

>> No.33538575
File: 479 KB, 1280x720, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33538578

ムショ is short for 刑務所 in slang usage it doesn't mean prison originally so your post doesn't make much sense here

>> No.33538592

can't understand people who get kicks from lines like that, if she said it to me i'd knock her teeth out

>> No.33538596



>> No.33538605 [SPOILER] 
File: 608 KB, 1440x810, 1614899048584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm s but also love s heroines

>> No.33538634

youre all freaks

>> No.33538636

really enjoy the way that stocking is drawn around the feet

>> No.33538648

she's right tho clean up your shit

>> No.33538672


>> No.33538675
File: 373 KB, 1920x1080, GettingOverIt_ep8i7Ehldq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it bros??

>> No.33538676

would like to play this with ciaran

>> No.33538691

Best girl

>> No.33538707


>> No.33538739

>it can't be helped

>> No.33538741
File: 263 KB, 1920x1080, GettingOverIt_Vxjk2E98gK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33538743

the fuck are you quoting

>> No.33538767

one day bro we will be living our dreams

>> No.33538770

the meaning

>> No.33538787

husband that is retired and considered a nuisance

fuck japanese doesnt mess around

>> No.33538794


>> No.33538845

i can read the sign behind her but can't understand a single word she sayz

>> No.33538866

do you listen to japanese?

>> No.33538873

tatoeba, musume mitai na jyoshi no hito .... idk

>> No.33538876


>> No.33538888

you guys need to watch more drama

>> No.33538890
File: 685 KB, 800x766, image_from_ios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33538891

americans censor dirty words
japanese censor dirty places

>> No.33538901


>> No.33538903

how many vns have you read

>> No.33538950
File: 13 KB, 639x461, vndb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.33538957

yeah i thought so haha

>> No.33538960

0. i'm not a pedophile

>> No.33538968

??? what does this mean

>> No.33538988
File: 39 KB, 548x170, whatarevinnies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33538990

modern anime has quite a lot clearer pronunciation than most dramas i feel

>> No.33538994

look like girl year? people of look like girl year? people who look like girl... of year?

>> No.33538997

big loss for the vnfags

>> No.33539024

already heard that from an idol show

>> No.33539025

>read 68 vns
>zero listening skill

>> No.33539158


what do you mean

>> No.33539165

just mined おちょくる and ぐらつく

>> No.33539167

at least post one thats hard

>> No.33539171

best drama is 1リットルの涙

>> No.33539177

i heard them say kokujin

>> No.33539180

it has already already transcribed just pointing that out so she doesn't get away with this lol

>> No.33539184

>black men


>> No.33539185

glad you liked it bro. pretty sure it was my rec

>> No.33539186

nice you reposted something that's been posted 5 mins ago

>> No.33539196

watch it like a year ago tho

>> No.33539203

i literally did not copy it i did transscribe it myself

>> No.33539208

i mean it's not the hardest shit ever but you shouldn't underestimate it

>> No.33539209

oh well good taste anyway

>> No.33539213

sure bro do another one then.

>> No.33539216

僕たちがやりました is pretty good too

>> No.33539217

i cried almost every single ep of 1l no namida

>> No.33539224

dunno bro you seem to be on the losing end here so i'll go back to anime

>> No.33539229

lmao nice getaway

>> No.33539230

same probably the hardest ive cried at any japanese media

>> No.33539235

lol like i said you copied and coped

>> No.33539242
File: 473 KB, 378x504, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

djt posters

>> No.33539249

nice selfown

>> No.33539256

might actually be the only for me

>> No.33539267
File: 619 KB, 1280x720, 0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow you were gone for a while huh

>> No.33539268

nah i dont cry irl but fiction will get me bawling. i cried hard at the end of the chimerant arc in hxh

>> No.33539275

i went afgay for a bit if thats what u mean

>> No.33539285

never watching this shit dont feel like being sad for a week after. ive had stuff that made me so sad that literally the first thought i had when i woke up the next day was about it

>> No.33539337

wish more irl guys were like this both visually and otherwise

>> No.33539347

wow havent seen a torrent with avi files in a while
this better be good anon

>> No.33539352

yeah its pretty bad. even worse cause its based on a true story. i was 18 i think when i first watched it and it really messed me up for a good while. my friend couldn't even make it to the end

>> No.33539355

o shit nearly forgot about 家政婦のミタ
that was nice too

>> No.33539395

>when i first watched
you watched it more than once???

>> No.33539564

ive tasted a lot of despair thats why it was time to be a bit more happy

>> No.33539568

can you vocaroo how you pronounce "feel-let"

>> No.33539569

wow i managed to read 百年くらい前に through her handwritting and my lack of kanji
erai ne watashi

>> No.33539574

something something もうヤングアダルト名乗れるほど若くないよ

>> No.33539575

omg her bone structure is flawless

>> No.33539576

lets goooooooooo

>> No.33539589

god i want to hold madokas hand and when she looks up into my eyes give it a firm squeeze to let her know i will always be there for her

>> No.33539597

homura pls go

>> No.33539615
File: 30 KB, 563x435, 1605140197744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based まどマギ fan
I listened to the audio of the show probably 20+ times as passive immersion

>> No.33539619
File: 1.32 MB, 971x753, 1584186581813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33539633

fuckin uppercaser freaks

>> No.33539645


>> No.33539648

yo is that guy 藤吉郎 in nioh 2 or what im pretty sure its him, 竹中 直人

>> No.33539665

just lost a lot of respect for jamal

>> No.33539685

never passive immersed

>> No.33539693

never had respect for him

>> No.33539696

madoka is for feel-chads
monkeys who can't understand 愛よ should stick to kyoani trash

>> No.33539702

dunno anything about that game but 藤吉郎 is also one of toyotomi hideyoshis (the characters) original name and that is the same actor

>> No.33539712

dont even know what that is if i hear something i have to put in more effort to not pay attention than the other way round

>> No.33539714

ciaran deleted his anilist wtf bros

>> No.33539724

its over

>> No.33539728

old news

>> No.33539731

why does anyone give a fuck what any other retard is watching? christ can you zooms not even decide subjective shit for yourselves???

>> No.33539733


>> No.33539744

nietzsche seems very cringe when his thoughts come out of the mouth of a little bitch.

>> No.33539745

its just multitasking while listening
basically doing something else where you cant pay 100% attention to what you're listening to

>> No.33539753

rip teshi

>> No.33539766

madoka is a great anime why does jamal hate it

>> No.33539767
File: 11 KB, 167x79, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its happening

>> No.33539779

unpopular opinion, i kind of like a lot of the magia record stuff especially the uwasa replacing witches

>> No.33539789

dont care

>> No.33539808

wish i could track all the hololive streams im watching on anilist so people seethe when they see it

>> No.33539816


learned this まどマギ song on guitar, fun to play and sounds sick

>> No.33539826

damn thats cool i didnt know the actor choice lore went that deep thx for the clip

>> No.33539831

its probably too new for jamal which i get, but really madoka is probably the last of the great anime even if it came later than most

>> No.33539836

write it in the bio

>> No.33539838


>> No.33539852

sounds like skyrim music

>> No.33539878

i have my ticket stub from watching rebellion at the alamo. really crazy experience seeing a brand new anime movie almost simultaneously released like that. there was a cute asian homura cosplayer too, might have been a boy though

>> No.33539907


>> No.33539931

just realized this studio has only made one web series with shorts before mushoku tensei

hope they get some more projects

>> No.33540003

except i watched good anime before it, and madoka is still solid. some philosophical concepts in there that are expressed in the character dynamics in a way i haven't seen 1:1 anywhere else plus its sound and visuals give it an even more unique vibe

>> No.33540006

In either case, both ~うちに and ~間に involve a Time C realizing within the frame of Time A. However, for ~間に, Time C starts and ends anytime during Time A. ~うちに means that by the time Time A ends, Time C is realized. If not, there would be bad consequences. In either case, Time C doesn't start until Time A starts. For ~ないうちに, then, Time C is realized before Time B ever happens because Time B is unfavorable.

>> No.33540027

sorry its just wack edgy hidamari sketch

>> No.33540033

shoulda paid more attention when ciaran posted his jidaigeki clips

>> No.33540041

rip shaft studio

>> No.33540048

falling for maymays again huh. also yeah most good original anime builds off a studio prototype

>> No.33540060

>some philosophical concepts
it anime not the dialogues of plato
ur consuming the wrong media if you want to find out about the truth of the world

>> No.33540069

sorry its shit just accept it theres a lot of good anime in the world and madorka isnt 1 of them

>> No.33540077
File: 478 KB, 486x563, 1606107344857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.33540099

you can reiterate and give a new perspective on concepts by applying them to a narrative rather than trying to relate to a 3000 year old man musing about zeus cheating on his wife and how that relates to the true nature of humans

its not one or the other and its better than watching shit were you turn your brain off

>> No.33540100

there's a lot of good anime debuting right now even

>> No.33540105


>> No.33540109

anime doesn't have to be philosophical but that doesn't mean you can't appreciate when some of them attempt it
some of the conversations in fate zero are very similar to plato dialogues for instance which is pretty cool

>> No.33540119

dont listen theres diarrhea drinkers in the world and for some reason they think all anime needs to be nonserious and trashy or something and theres no point engaging with this anime can be kino

>> No.33540139

in ur dreams perhaps

>> No.33540145

problem is there are only like 10 anime max with any actual depth

>> No.33540146

imagine agreeing with og

>> No.33540154


>> No.33540156

you learned japanese for nothing if you really think this

>> No.33540171

it's always hiatusfag pseuds who can't stfu about "philosophy" in their entertainment

>> No.33540172

takes me an hour to read 1k of nekopara

>> No.33540178

>learned japanese

>> No.33540180

me :)

>> No.33540188

>ts better than watching shit were you turn your brain off
i agree but rather than thinking about the works said anime is referencing i rather use my brain watching anime that tries reach perfection through animation, voice acting, music, direction, etc

>> No.33540196

great post by someone named moe

>> No.33540201

which ones

>> No.33540207

yeah but i just know you say that and the crap you are watching with 2010+ moe garbage with idol seiyuu and digital animating

>> No.33540212

>watching anime that tries reach perfection through animation, voice acting, music, direction, etc
aka turning your brain off. story matters way more than this stupid shit.

>> No.33540226

lotgh, fate zero, berserk

cant think of any others so its probably just those

>> No.33540234

yeah but the truly great ones like texhnolyze and madoka have it all

>> No.33540240

wasnt for nothing ive watched 2000 animes

>> No.33540241

just check the highest rated stuff on mal all the deep pseud garbage will be at the top

>> No.33540247

watching anime for "kino", "philosophy", "deep" is like buying a newspaper to read the comic section

>> No.33540267

you wish
the hell are you watching anime for
what you care about is done way better in other media

>> No.33540330

good anime focuses on characters not the story

>> No.33540346

jmw turner shits on this and it's not even close bro

>> No.33540353

>what you care about is done way better in other media
there aren't many stories in any media that talk about what ping pong talks about, even most stories about competitive activities don't really touch on it in a way that a competitive player can relate to. that's just one example though

>> No.33540358

they aren't separate you doofus. character-driven story

>> No.33540363

its like video game critics who complain about video game stories despite being 40 years old and thinking the games are for him as opposed to a kid lmao

>> No.33540373

ping pong is actually good unlike garbage like fate, madoka and hxh

>> No.33540376

good anime focuses on my dick and my heart simultaneously

>> No.33540688

yeah that's some good anime

>> No.33540703

for me it has always only ever been the opposite
cant think of anything where i prefer the anime

>> No.33540720

>very prototypical
insane lol

>> No.33540722

>female aesthetics
wrong only a straight man can truly appreciate a beautiful women in her entirety

>> No.33540726

well i mean if the anime is like really really good how are u gonna like the manga better it doesnt make sense u were happy with what u had

generally manga > anime obv especailly now but they dont adapt manga anymore just shitty lns

>> No.33540740

the guy who said the n word on omegle got arrested by the fbi

>> No.33540758

oh fuck off pedant we all know people have preferences in philosophers

>> No.33540770


>> No.33540772

it means shes a pseud whod get laughed out of any college classroom if she tried to tout her philosophy prowess had she decided to show up to one as opposed to drop out

>> No.33540779

>world was a lot better when women dressed to appease other women.
When exactly did that happen?

>> No.33540786

if i watch the anime first i dont mind the pacing usually
but once i've read the manga which allows me to move through everything at my own pace, i cant stand how slow the anime feels in comparison when i go back to watching it

dunno why but this always happens so i try to not read the manga when i want to enjoy the anime

>> No.33540790

females have terrible taste

>> No.33540791

>a philosophical statement is either right or wrong
lmao, philosophers have never been able to settle matters once and for all, the same philosophical discussions since plato and aristotle continue on to this day.

>> No.33540795

>laughed out of any college classroom
the fact you think the opposite is says enough about you
1965 or so

>> No.33540800

nasty shit thats popular now like lip and ass fillers in yoga pants
noone who truly like women to look good likes yoga pants let along whatever the hell the other things you mentioned are
not all men are horn dogs who only care about stanks, sorry for ur loss if all the ones youve meet where like that

>> No.33540805

*is a good thing

>> No.33540809

you might be onto something cuz people like me with good taste arent into that

>> No.33540816

thats like saying empirical observation is wrong bc we are still finding out new things about the world we live in

>> No.33540822

true its cuz theyre low iq. same reason they cant be funny which is a function of iq

>> No.33540825

youre deluded and far from the average guy. most men love skin tight yogapants and fat disgusting asses and see nothing wrong with blowup doll lips

>> No.33540839

"truth" hasn't been settled, you can merely choose your philosophical position but no such thing as an objective truth has been found, also you can stick your strawman up your ass you dumbfuck.

>> No.33540840

>most men love skin tight yogapants and fat disgusting asses and see nothing wrong with blowup doll lips
never going to dixie land thanks for the warning

>> No.33540842

women aren't funny because its not a evolutionary trait they needed to win popularity unlike guys. retard. humor is a status flex for men thats why the top of the cliches are usually bullies

>> No.33540854

og is top of the cliches

>> No.33540856

big brother is watching bros dont post the n word on the internet or ur in trouble

wtf is that shit tho lol why dont they just shut down his hateful social media accts it had to have been cuz of past offenses that he was on a list or smth

yea the fun of anime adaptations is getting to see scenes animated mostly thats it

a lot of anime is just a commercial to see more manga

lol tell me more armchair pseud how many papers have u published

dont get me wrong i loathe academia types but if ur gonna tout philosophy unironically u better have some actual clout or its a bad look dont bring it up

>> No.33540858

cliques, fuck

>> No.33540865

yes empirical obversation is wrong
we can only have approximations, we will never reach the actual truth

we cant even know if all the tools we have to observe are sufficient

>> No.33540872

right and wrong is a spook.

>> No.33540875

>many papers have u published
sorry the taste of 68 year old academic semen isn't for me. too bad ill never be taken seriously on 4chan now

>> No.33540878

its actually really fucking insane how stupid some people here are

>> No.33540889

he was just trying to have a gotcha moment cause he has a hateboner for me. in his defense he didnt that argument through expecting other people to call out his bs

>> No.33540901

never said that truth has been settled just that a statement on the nature of things can be right or wrong
why dont you explain why you think comparing a statement of observation thats either true or false and a statement of logic thats either true or false a 'strawman' instead of hiding behind insults

>> No.33540908

why dont u explain why ur fucking gay

>> No.33540916

>a philosophical statement is either right or wrong
what the fuck

>> No.33540922

according to jamal you can't have any opinion about philosophy unless you write papers on it lmao

>> No.33540936

read the whole thing and still got no idea what's he being arrested for like is being a white supremacist against the law in america?

>> No.33540938

there's no such thing as right or wrong, and your statement about empirical observation has nothing to do with what i said.

>> No.33540939

all im saying is u shouldnt have said 余計なこと cuz now u have to pay the price

>> No.33540954

like i said he had to have been on their list for past offenses and other shit they arent talking about otherwise it makes no sense but yea welcome to big brother dude

>> No.33540956

he's already a felon for selling drugs or something like that back in 07/08 and it's illegal for felons to own guns. the adl alleges that 3 years ago he possessed a gun, even though he might not have one right now.

>> No.33540967

you chose the side of the literal retard that claimed philosophical concepts are a objectively true/false. you are the moron with egg on your face because you keep overestimating yourself

literally all i said was that i had a preference for which philosophers i like and you became a dog with a bone

>> No.33540971

do u think theyll play that clip in the courtroom where he calls a black guy the n word on omegle and then doubles down w. the toy gun lmao

>> No.33540986

yeah imagine the prosecution trying to hide their laughter and this guy sitting there with a ドヤ顔

>> No.33540988

how did i take the side of a post that hadnt been made at the time am i some kind of time traveler ? what sayeth thou o great philosopher lmao

>> No.33540990

ogs entire world view/philosophy preference/aesthetics are entirely based on the simple fact that she wants a man to beat the shit out of her

>> No.33541006

just realized i installed this like 7 months ago. never played a vn, is this any good?

>> No.33541007

cope. you backed the wrong horse dude just bow out
and thats a good thing

>> No.33541010

she wants chad thundercock to turn her into a breeding cow.

>> No.33541014

ive sort of suspected that wed get in arguments and then have really passionate sex after

>> No.33541016

og's every thought and opinion is stolen str8 from pol lmao

>> No.33541019


>> No.33541024

all the main heroines are flat chested so its a shitty vn.

>> No.33541027

those ratings are a red flag let's just say i wouldn't play it

>> No.33541034

i dont back anyone but myself why are u even projecting that unto me

and besides at the end of the day i back u cuz ur my baby

>> No.33541035

not true at all. i argue against /pol/ takes here just as often as i argue for it just depends on the issue and how retarded or disingenuous the take is.

>> No.33541041

>literal retard that claimed philosophical concepts are a objectively true/false
what else can something be if not correct or incorrect
why did you spend the time (you)ing me if i cant even be corrected from my wrong claims according to ur world view

>> No.33541052

doubling down on the autism huh? you hate to see it

>> No.33541058

>what else can something be if not correct or incorrect
uncertain? do you have actual brain damage

>> No.33541063

just take a relaxing stroll thru the 森 dude and notice the 木と青さ

is it correct or incorrect or is it just is

>> No.33541065

>what else can something be if not correct or incorrect
subjective lol
